module Vectorise.Generic.PADict
  ( buildPADict
  ) where

import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Generic.Description
import Vectorise.Generic.PAMethods ( buildPAScAndMethods )
import Vectorise.Utils

import BasicTypes
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils
import CoreUnfold
import DsMonad
import TyCon
import Type
import Id
import Var
import Name

-- |Build the PA dictionary function for some type and hoist it to top level.
--  The PA dictionary holds fns that convert values to and from their vectorised representations.
-- @Recall the definition:
--    class class PR (PRepr a) => PA a where
--      toPRepr      :: a -> PRepr a
--      fromPRepr    :: PRepr a -> a
--      toArrPRepr   :: PData a -> PData (PRepr a)
--      fromArrPRepr :: PData (PRepr a) -> PData a
-- Example:
--    df :: forall a. PA a -> PA (T a)
--    df = /\a. \(d:PA a). MkPA ($PR_df a d) ($toPRepr a d) ... 
--    $dPR_df :: forall a. PA a -> PR (PRepr (T a))
--    $dPR_df = ....   
--    $toRepr :: forall a. PA a -> T a -> PRepr (T a)
--    $toPRepr = ...
-- The "..." stuff is filled in by buildPAScAndMethods
-- @
        :: TyCon        -- ^ tycon of the type being vectorised.
        -> TyCon        -- ^ tycon of the type used for the vectorised representation.
        -> TyCon        -- ^ PData  instance tycon
        -> TyCon        -- ^ PDatas instance tycon
        -> SumRepr      -- ^ representation used for the type being vectorised.
        -> VM Var       -- ^ name of the top-level dictionary function.

buildPADict vect_tc prepr_tc pdata_tc pdatas_tc repr
 = polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->    -- The args are the dictionaries we lambda
                                  -- abstract over; and they are put in the
                                  -- envt, so when we need a (PA a) we can 
                                  -- find it in the envt
   do { mod <- liftDs getModuleDs
      ; let dfun_name = mkLocalisedOccName mod mkPADFunOcc vect_tc_name
          -- Get ids for each of the methods in the dictionary, including superclass
      ; paMethodBuilders <- buildPAScAndMethods
      ; method_ids       <- mapM (method args dfun_name) paMethodBuilders

          -- Expression to build the dictionary.
      ; pa_dc  <- builtin paDataCon
      ; let dict = mkLams (tvs ++ args)
                 $ mkConApp pa_dc
                 $ Type inst_ty
                   : map (method_call args) method_ids

          -- Build the type of the dictionary function.
      ; pa_cls <- builtin paClass
      ; let dfun_ty = mkForAllTys tvs
                    $ mkFunTys (map varType args)
                               (mkClassPred pa_cls [inst_ty])

          -- Set the unfolding for the inliner.
      ; raw_dfun <- newExportedVar dfun_name dfun_ty
      ; let dfun_unf = mkDFunUnfolding dfun_ty $
                       map Var method_ids
            dfun = raw_dfun `setIdUnfolding`  dfun_unf
                            `setInlinePragma` dfunInlinePragma

          -- Add the new binding to the top-level environment.
      ; hoistBinding dfun dict
      ; return dfun
    tvs          = tyConTyVars vect_tc
    arg_tys      = mkTyVarTys tvs
    inst_ty      = mkTyConApp vect_tc arg_tys
    vect_tc_name = getName vect_tc

    method args dfun_name (name, build)
     = localV
     $ do  expr     <- build vect_tc prepr_tc pdata_tc pdatas_tc repr
           let body = mkLams (tvs ++ args) expr
           raw_var  <- newExportedVar (method_name dfun_name name) (exprType body)
           let var  = raw_var
                      `setIdUnfolding` mkInlineUnfolding (Just (length args)) body
                      `setInlinePragma` alwaysInlinePragma
           hoistBinding var body
           return var

    method_call args id        = mkApps (Var id) (map Type arg_tys ++ map Var args)
    method_name dfun_name name = mkVarOcc $ occNameString dfun_name ++ ('$' : name)