-- Operations on the global state of the vectorisation monad.

module Vectorise.Monad.Global (
  -- * Vars
  -- * Vectorisation declarations
  lookupVectDecl, noVectDecl, 
  -- * Scalars
  globalScalarVars, isGlobalScalarVar, globalScalarTyCons,
  -- * TyCons
  defTyConName, defTyCon, globalVectTyCons,
  -- * Datacons
  -- * PA Dictionaries
  -- * PR Dictionaries
) where

import Vectorise.Monad.Base
import Vectorise.Env

import CoreSyn
import Type
import TyCon
import DataCon
import NameEnv
import NameSet
import Name
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Var as Var
import FastString
import Outputable

-- Global Environment ---------------------------------------------------------

-- |Project something from the global environment.
readGEnv :: (GlobalEnv -> a) -> VM a
readGEnv f  = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv (f genv))

-- |Set the value of the global environment.
setGEnv :: GlobalEnv -> VM ()
setGEnv genv  = VM $ \_ _ lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv ())

-- |Update the global environment using the provided function.
updGEnv :: (GlobalEnv -> GlobalEnv) -> VM ()
updGEnv f = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes (f genv) lenv ())

-- Vars -----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Add a mapping between a global var and its vectorised version to the state.
defGlobalVar :: Var -> Var -> VM ()
defGlobalVar v v'
  = do { traceVt "add global var mapping:" (ppr v <+> text "-->" <+> ppr v') 

           -- check for duplicate vectorisation
       ; currentDef <- readGEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (global_vars env) v
       ; case currentDef of
           Just old_v' -> cantVectorise "Variable is already vectorised:" $
                            ppr v <+> moduleOf v old_v'
           Nothing     -> return ()

       ; updGEnv  $ \env -> env { global_vars = extendVarEnv (global_vars env) v v' }
    moduleOf var var' | var == var'
                      = ptext (sLit "vectorises to itself")
                      | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe (Var.varName var') 
                      = ptext (sLit "in module") <+> ppr mod
                      | otherwise
                      = ptext (sLit "in the current module")

-- Vectorisation declarations -------------------------------------------------

-- |Check whether a variable has a (non-scalar) vectorisation declaration.
lookupVectDecl :: Var -> VM (Maybe (Type, CoreExpr))
lookupVectDecl var = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (global_vect_decls env) var

-- |Check whether a variable has a 'NOVECTORISE' declaration.
noVectDecl :: Var -> VM Bool
noVectDecl var = readGEnv $ \env -> elemVarSet var (global_novect_vars env)

-- Scalars --------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the set of global scalar variables.
globalScalarVars :: VM VarSet
globalScalarVars = readGEnv global_scalar_vars

-- |Check whether a given variable is in the set of global scalar variables.
isGlobalScalarVar :: Var -> VM Bool
isGlobalScalarVar var = readGEnv $ \env -> var `elemVarSet` global_scalar_vars env

-- |Get the set of global scalar type constructors including both those scalar type constructors
-- declared in an imported module and those declared in the current module.
globalScalarTyCons :: VM NameSet
globalScalarTyCons = readGEnv global_scalar_tycons

-- TyCons ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Lookup the vectorised version of a `TyCon` from the global environment.
lookupTyCon :: TyCon -> VM (Maybe TyCon)
lookupTyCon tc
  | isUnLiftedTyCon tc || isTupleTyCon tc
  = return (Just tc)
  | otherwise 
  = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_tycons env) (tyConName tc)

-- |Add a mapping between plain and vectorised `TyCon`s to the global environment.
-- The second argument is only to enable tracing for (mutually) recursively defined type
-- constructors, where we /must not/ pull at the vectorised type constructors (because that would
-- pull too early at the recursive knot).
defTyConName :: TyCon -> Name -> TyCon -> VM ()
defTyConName tc nameOfTc' tc'
  = do { traceVt "add global tycon mapping:" (ppr tc <+> text "-->" <+> ppr nameOfTc') 

           -- check for duplicate vectorisation
       ; currentDef <- readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_tycons env) (tyConName tc)
       ; case currentDef of
           Just old_tc' -> cantVectorise "Type constructor or class is already vectorised:" $
                            ppr tc <+> moduleOf tc old_tc'
           Nothing     -> return ()

       ; updGEnv $ \env -> 
           env { global_tycons = extendNameEnv (global_tycons env) (tyConName tc) tc' }
    moduleOf tc tc' | tc == tc'
                    = ptext (sLit "vectorises to itself")
                    | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe (tyConName tc') 
                    = ptext (sLit "in module") <+> ppr mod
                    | otherwise
                    = ptext (sLit "in the current module")

-- |Add a mapping between plain and vectorised `TyCon`s to the global environment.
defTyCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> VM ()
defTyCon tc tc' = defTyConName tc (tyConName tc') tc'

-- |Get the set of all vectorised type constructors.
globalVectTyCons :: VM (NameEnv TyCon)
globalVectTyCons = readGEnv global_tycons

-- DataCons -------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Lookup the vectorised version of a `DataCon` from the global environment.
lookupDataCon :: DataCon -> VM (Maybe DataCon)
lookupDataCon dc
  | isTupleTyCon (dataConTyCon dc) 
  = return (Just dc)
  | otherwise 
  = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_datacons env) (dataConName dc)

-- |Add the mapping between plain and vectorised `DataCon`s to the global environment.
defDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon -> VM ()
defDataCon dc dc' = updGEnv $ \env ->
  env { global_datacons = extendNameEnv (global_datacons env) (dataConName dc) dc' }

-- 'PA' dictionaries ------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Lookup the 'PA' dfun of a vectorised type constructor in the global environment.
lookupTyConPA :: TyCon -> VM (Maybe Var)
lookupTyConPA tc
  = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_pa_funs env) (tyConName tc)

-- |Associate vectorised type constructors with the dfun of their 'PA' instances in the global
-- environment.
defTyConPAs :: [(TyCon, Var)] -> VM ()
defTyConPAs ps = updGEnv $ \env ->
  env { global_pa_funs = extendNameEnvList (global_pa_funs env)
                                           [(tyConName tc, pa) | (tc, pa) <- ps] }

-- PR Dictionaries ------------------------------------------------------------

lookupTyConPR :: TyCon -> VM (Maybe Var)
lookupTyConPR tc = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_pr_funs env) (tyConName tc)