module TcSimplify(
simplifyInfer, simplifyAmbiguityCheck,
simplifyDefault, simplifyDeriv,
simplifyRule, simplifyTop, simplifyInteractive
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TcRnMonad
import TcErrors
import TcMType
import TcType
import TcSMonad
import TcInteract
import Inst
import Unify ( niFixTvSubst, niSubstTvSet )
import Type ( classifyPredType, PredTree(..), isIPPred_maybe )
import Var
import Unique
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import TcEvidence
import TypeRep
import Name
import Bag
import ListSetOps
import Util
import PrelInfo
import PrelNames
import Class ( classKey )
import BasicTypes ( RuleName )
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Outputable
import FastString
import TrieMap ()
import DynFlags
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
* *
* External interface *
* *
simplifyTop :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyTop wanteds
= do { ev_binds_var <- newTcEvBinds
; zonked_wanteds <- zonkWC wanteds
; wc_first_go <- solveWantedsWithEvBinds ev_binds_var zonked_wanteds
; cts <- applyTyVarDefaulting wc_first_go
; let wc_for_loop = wc_first_go { wc_flat = wc_flat wc_first_go `unionBags` cts }
; traceTc "simpl_top_loop {" $ text "zonked_wc =" <+> ppr zonked_wanteds
; simpl_top_loop ev_binds_var wc_for_loop }
where simpl_top_loop ev_binds_var wc
| isEmptyWC wc
= do { traceTc "simpl_top_loop }" empty
; TcRnMonad.getTcEvBinds ev_binds_var }
| otherwise
= do { wc_residual <- solveWantedsWithEvBinds ev_binds_var wc
; let wc_flat_approximate = approximateWC wc_residual
; (dflt_eqs,_unused_bind) <- runTcS $
applyDefaultingRules wc_flat_approximate
; if isEmptyBag dflt_eqs then
do { traceTc "simpl_top_loop }" empty
; report_and_finish ev_binds_var wc_residual }
simpl_top_loop ev_binds_var $
wc_residual { wc_flat = wc_flat wc_residual `unionBags` dflt_eqs } }
report_and_finish ev_binds_var wc_residual
= do { eb1 <- TcRnMonad.getTcEvBinds ev_binds_var
; traceTc "reportUnsolved {" empty
; runtimeCoercionErrors <- doptM Opt_DeferTypeErrors
; eb2 <- reportUnsolved runtimeCoercionErrors wc_residual
; traceTc "reportUnsolved }" empty
; return (eb1 `unionBags` eb2) }
Note [Top-level Defaulting Plan]
We have considered two design choices for where/when to apply defaulting.
(i) Do it in SimplCheck mode only /whenever/ you try to solve some
flat constraints, maybe deep inside the context of implications.
This used to be the case in GHC 7.4.1.
(ii) Do it in a tight loop at simplifyTop, once all other constraint has
finished. This is the current story.
Option (i) had many disadvantages:
a) First it was deep inside the actual solver,
b) Second it was dependent on the context (Infer a type signature,
or Check a type signature, or Interactive) since we did not want
to always start defaulting when inferring (though there is an exception to
this see Note [Default while Inferring])
c) It plainly did not work. Consider typecheck/should_compile/DfltProb2.hs:
f :: Int -> Bool
f x = const True (\y -> let w :: a -> a
w a = const a (y+1)
in w y)
We will get an implication constraint (for beta the type of y):
[untch=beta] forall a. 0 => Num beta
which we really cannot default /while solving/ the implication, since beta is
Instead our new defaulting story is to pull defaulting out of the solver loop and
go with option (i), implemented at SimplifyTop. Namely:
- First have a go at solving the residual constraint of the whole program
- Try to approximate it with a flat constraint
- Figure out derived defaulting equations for that flat constraint
- Go round the loop again if you did manage to get some equations
Now, that has to do with class defaulting. However there exists type variable /kind/
defaulting. Again this is done at the top-level and the plan is:
- At the top-level, once you had a go at solving the constraint, do
figure out /all/ the touchable unification variables of the wanted contraints.
- Apply defaulting to their kinds
More details in Note [DefaultTyVar].
simplifyAmbiguityCheck :: Name -> WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyAmbiguityCheck name wanteds
= traceTc "simplifyAmbiguityCheck" (text "name =" <+> ppr name) >>
simplifyTop wanteds
simplifyInteractive :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyInteractive wanteds
= traceTc "simplifyInteractive" empty >>
simplifyTop wanteds
simplifyDefault :: ThetaType
-> TcM ()
simplifyDefault theta
= do { traceTc "simplifyInteractive" empty
; wanted <- newFlatWanteds DefaultOrigin theta
; _ignored_ev_binds <- simplifyCheck (mkFlatWC wanted)
; return () }
* *
* Deriving *
* *
simplifyDeriv :: CtOrigin
-> PredType
-> [TyVar]
-> ThetaType
-> TcM ThetaType
simplifyDeriv orig pred tvs theta
= do { (skol_subst, tvs_skols) <- tcInstSkolTyVars tvs
; let subst_skol = zipTopTvSubst tvs_skols $ map mkTyVarTy tvs
skol_set = mkVarSet tvs_skols
doc = ptext (sLit "deriving") <+> parens (ppr pred)
; wanted <- newFlatWanteds orig (substTheta skol_subst theta)
; traceTc "simplifyDeriv" $
vcat [ pprTvBndrs tvs $$ ppr theta $$ ppr wanted, doc ]
; (residual_wanted, _ev_binds1)
<- solveWanteds (mkFlatWC wanted)
; let (good, bad) = partitionBagWith get_good (wc_flat residual_wanted)
get_good :: Ct -> Either PredType Ct
get_good ct | validDerivPred skol_set p
, isWantedCt ct = Left p
| otherwise = Right ct
where p = ctPred ct
; _ev_binds2 <- reportUnsolved False (residual_wanted { wc_flat = bad })
; let min_theta = mkMinimalBySCs (bagToList good)
; return (substTheta subst_skol min_theta) }
Note [Overlap and deriving]
Consider some overlapping instances:
data Show a => Show [a] where ..
data Show [Char] where ...
Now a data type with deriving:
data T a = MkT [a] deriving( Show )
We want to get the derived instance
instance Show [a] => Show (T a) where...
and NOT
instance Show a => Show (T a) where...
so that the (Show (T Char)) instance does the Right Thing
It's very like the situation when we're inferring the type
of a function
f x = show [x]
and we want to infer
f :: Show [a] => a -> String
BOTTOM LINE: use vanilla, non-overlappable skolems when inferring
the context for the derived instance.
Hence tcInstSkolTyVars not tcInstSuperSkolTyVars
Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
In a 'derived' instance declaration, we *infer* the context. It's a
bit unclear what rules we should apply for this; the Haskell report is
silent. Obviously, constraints like (Eq a) are fine, but what about
data T f a = MkT (f a) deriving( Eq )
where we'd get an Eq (f a) constraint. That's probably fine too.
One could go further: consider
data T a b c = MkT (Foo a b c) deriving( Eq )
instance (C Int a, Eq b, Eq c) => Eq (Foo a b c)
Notice that this instance (just) satisfies the Paterson termination
conditions. Then we *could* derive an instance decl like this:
instance (C Int a, Eq b, Eq c) => Eq (T a b c)
even though there is no instance for (C Int a), because there just
*might* be an instance for, say, (C Int Bool) at a site where we
need the equality instance for T's.
However, this seems pretty exotic, and it's quite tricky to allow
this, and yet give sensible error messages in the (much more common)
case where we really want that instance decl for C.
So for now we simply require that the derived instance context
should have only type-variable constraints.
Here is another example:
data Fix f = In (f (Fix f)) deriving( Eq )
Here, if we are prepared to allow -XUndecidableInstances we
could derive the instance
instance Eq (f (Fix f)) => Eq (Fix f)
but this is so delicate that I don't think it should happen inside
'deriving'. If you want this, write it yourself!
NB: if you want to lift this condition, make sure you still meet the
termination conditions! If not, the deriving mechanism generates
larger and larger constraints. Example:
data Succ a = S a
data Seq a = Cons a (Seq (Succ a)) | Nil deriving Show
Note the lack of a Show instance for Succ. First we'll generate
instance (Show (Succ a), Show a) => Show (Seq a)
and then
instance (Show (Succ (Succ a)), Show (Succ a), Show a) => Show (Seq a)
and so on. Instead we want to complain of no instance for (Show (Succ a)).
The bottom line
Allow constraints which consist only of type variables, with no repeats.
* *
* Inference
* *
Note [Which variables to quantify]
Suppose the inferred type of a function is
T kappa (alpha:kappa) -> Int
where alpha is a type unification variable and
kappa is a kind unification variable
Then we want to quantify over *both* alpha and kappa. But notice that
kappa appears "at top level" of the type, as well as inside the kind
of alpha. So it should be fine to just look for the "top level"
kind/type variables of the type, without looking transitively into the
kinds of those type variables.
simplifyInfer :: Bool
-> Bool
-> [(Name, TcTauType)]
-> (Untouchables, WantedConstraints)
-> TcM ([TcTyVar],
simplifyInfer _top_lvl apply_mr name_taus (untch,wanteds)
| isEmptyWC wanteds
= do { gbl_tvs <- tcGetGlobalTyVars
; zonked_taus <- zonkTcTypes (map snd name_taus)
; let tvs_to_quantify = varSetElems (tyVarsOfTypes zonked_taus `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs)
; qtvs <- zonkQuantifiedTyVars tvs_to_quantify
; return (qtvs, [], False, emptyTcEvBinds) }
| otherwise
= do { runtimeCoercionErrors <- doptM Opt_DeferTypeErrors
; gbl_tvs <- tcGetGlobalTyVars
; zonked_tau_tvs <- zonkTyVarsAndFV (tyVarsOfTypes (map snd name_taus))
; zonked_wanteds <- zonkWC wanteds
; traceTc "simplifyInfer {" $ vcat
[ ptext (sLit "names =") <+> ppr (map fst name_taus)
, ptext (sLit "taus =") <+> ppr (map snd name_taus)
, ptext (sLit "tau_tvs (zonked) =") <+> ppr zonked_tau_tvs
, ptext (sLit "gbl_tvs =") <+> ppr gbl_tvs
, ptext (sLit "closed =") <+> ppr _top_lvl
, ptext (sLit "apply_mr =") <+> ppr apply_mr
, ptext (sLit "untch =") <+> ppr untch
, ptext (sLit "wanted =") <+> ppr zonked_wanteds
; ev_binds_var <- newTcEvBinds
; wanted_transformed <- solveWantedsWithEvBinds ev_binds_var zonked_wanteds
; when (not runtimeCoercionErrors && insolubleWC wanted_transformed) $
do { _ev_binds <- reportUnsolved False wanted_transformed; failM }
; let quant_candidates = approximateWC wanted_transformed
; (quant_candidates_transformed, _extra_binds)
<- solveWanteds $ WC { wc_flat = quant_candidates
, wc_impl = emptyBag
, wc_insol = emptyBag }
; let final_quant_candidates :: [PredType]
final_quant_candidates = map ctPred $ bagToList $
keepWanted (wc_flat quant_candidates_transformed)
; gbl_tvs <- tcGetGlobalTyVars
; zonked_tau_tvs <- zonkTyVarsAndFV zonked_tau_tvs
; traceTc "simplifyWithApprox" $
vcat [ ptext (sLit "final_quant_candidates =") <+> ppr final_quant_candidates
, ptext (sLit "gbl_tvs=") <+> ppr gbl_tvs
, ptext (sLit "zonked_tau_tvs=") <+> ppr zonked_tau_tvs ]
; let init_tvs = zonked_tau_tvs `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs
poly_qtvs = growThetaTyVars final_quant_candidates init_tvs
`minusVarSet` gbl_tvs
pbound = filter (quantifyPred poly_qtvs) final_quant_candidates
; traceTc "simplifyWithApprox" $
vcat [ ptext (sLit "pbound =") <+> ppr pbound
, ptext (sLit "init_qtvs =") <+> ppr init_tvs
, ptext (sLit "poly_qtvs =") <+> ppr poly_qtvs ]
; let mr_qtvs = init_tvs `minusVarSet` constrained_tvs
constrained_tvs = tyVarsOfTypes final_quant_candidates
mr_bites = apply_mr && not (null pbound)
(qtvs, bound)
| mr_bites = (mr_qtvs, [])
| otherwise = (poly_qtvs, pbound)
; if isEmptyVarSet qtvs && null bound
then do { traceTc "} simplifyInfer/no quantification" empty
; emitConstraints wanted_transformed
; return ([], [], mr_bites, TcEvBinds ev_binds_var) }
else do
{ traceTc "simplifyApprox" $
ptext (sLit "bound are =") <+> ppr bound
; let minimal_flat_preds = mkMinimalBySCs bound
skol_info = InferSkol [ (name, mkSigmaTy [] minimal_flat_preds ty)
| (name, ty) <- name_taus ]
; qtvs_to_return <- zonkQuantifiedTyVars (varSetElems qtvs)
; minimal_bound_ev_vars <- mapM TcMType.newEvVar minimal_flat_preds
; lcl_env <- getLclTypeEnv
; gloc <- getCtLoc skol_info
; let implic = Implic { ic_untch = untch
, ic_env = lcl_env
, ic_skols = qtvs_to_return
, ic_given = minimal_bound_ev_vars
, ic_wanted = wanted_transformed
, ic_insol = False
, ic_binds = ev_binds_var
, ic_loc = gloc }
; emitImplication implic
; traceTc "} simplifyInfer/produced residual implication for quantification" $
vcat [ ptext (sLit "implic =") <+> ppr implic
, ptext (sLit "qtvs =") <+> ppr qtvs_to_return
, ptext (sLit "spb =") <+> ppr final_quant_candidates
, ptext (sLit "bound =") <+> ppr bound ]
; return ( qtvs_to_return, minimal_bound_ev_vars
, mr_bites, TcEvBinds ev_binds_var) } }
Note [Default while Inferring]
Our current plan is that defaulting only happens at simplifyTop and
not simplifyInfer. This may lead to some insoluble deferred constraints
instance D g => C g Int b
constraint inferred = (forall b. 0 => C gamma alpha b) /\ Num alpha
type inferred = gamma -> gamma
Now, if we try to default (alpha := Int) we will be able to refine the implication to
(forall b. 0 => C gamma Int b)
which can then be simplified further to
(forall b. 0 => D gamma)
Finally we /can/ approximate this implication with (D gamma) and infer the quantified
type: forall g. D g => g -> g
Instead what will currently happen is that we will get a quantified type
(forall g. g -> g) and an implication:
forall g. 0 => (forall b. 0 => C g alpha b) /\ Num alpha
which, even if the simplifyTop defaults (alpha := Int) we will still be left with an
unsolvable implication:
forall g. 0 => (forall b. 0 => D g)
The concrete example would be:
h :: C g a s => g -> a -> ST s a
f (x::gamma) = (\_ -> x) (runST (h x (undefined::alpha)) + 1)
But it is quite tedious to do defaulting and resolve the implication constraints and
we have not observed code breaking because of the lack of defaulting in inference so
we don't do it for now.
Note [Minimize by Superclasses]
When we quantify over a constraint, in simplifyInfer we need to
quantify over a constraint that is minimal in some sense: For
instance, if the final wanted constraint is (Eq alpha, Ord alpha),
we'd like to quantify over Ord alpha, because we can just get Eq alpha
from superclass selection from Ord alpha. This minimization is what
mkMinimalBySCs does. Then, simplifyInfer uses the minimal constraint
to check the original wanted.
approximateWC :: WantedConstraints -> Cts
approximateWC wc = float_wc emptyVarSet wc
float_wc :: TcTyVarSet -> WantedConstraints -> Cts
float_wc skols (WC { wc_flat = flat, wc_impl = implic }) = floats1 `unionBags` floats2
where floats1 = do_bag (float_flat skols) flat
floats2 = do_bag (float_implic skols) implic
float_implic :: TcTyVarSet -> Implication -> Cts
float_implic skols imp
= float_wc (skols `extendVarSetList` ic_skols imp) (ic_wanted imp)
float_flat :: TcTyVarSet -> Ct -> Cts
float_flat skols ct
| tyVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` skols
= singleCt ct
| otherwise = emptyCts
do_bag :: (a -> Bag c) -> Bag a -> Bag c
do_bag f = foldrBag (unionBags.f) emptyBag
Note [Avoid unecessary constraint simplification]
-------- NB NB NB (Jun 12) -------------
This note not longer applies; see the notes with Trac #4361.
But I'm leaving it in here so we remember the issue.)
When inferring the type of a let-binding, with simplifyInfer,
try to avoid unnecessarily simplifying class constraints.
Doing so aids sharing, but it also helps with delicate
situations like
instance C t => C [t] where ..
f :: C [t] => ....
f x = let g y = ...(constraint C [t])...
in ...
When inferring a type for 'g', we don't want to apply the
instance decl, because then we can't satisfy (C t). So we
just notice that g isn't quantified over 't' and partition
the contraints before simplifying.
This only half-works, but then let-generalisation only half-works.
* *
* *
See note [Simplifying RULE consraints] in TcRule
Note [RULE quanfification over equalities]
Decideing which equalities to quantify over is tricky:
* We do not want to quantify over insoluble equalities (Int ~ Bool)
(a) because we prefer to report a LHS type error
(b) because if such things end up in 'givens' we get a bogus
"inaccessible code" error
* But we do want to quantify over things like (a ~ F b), where
F is a type function.
The difficulty is that it's hard to tell what is insoluble!
So we see whether the simplificaiotn step yielded any type errors,
and if so refrain from quantifying over *any* equalites.
simplifyRule :: RuleName
-> WantedConstraints
-> WantedConstraints
-> TcM ([EvVar], WantedConstraints)
simplifyRule name lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
= do { zonked_all <- zonkWC (lhs_wanted `andWC` rhs_wanted)
; let doc = ptext (sLit "LHS of rule") <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)
; (resid_wanted, _) <- solveWanteds zonked_all
; zonked_lhs <- zonkWC lhs_wanted
; let (q_cts, non_q_cts) = partitionBag quantify_me (wc_flat zonked_lhs)
| insolubleWC resid_wanted = quantify_insol
| otherwise = quantify_normal
quantify_insol ct = not (isEqPred (ctPred ct))
quantify_normal ct
| EqPred t1 t2 <- classifyPredType (ctPred ct)
= not (t1 `eqType` t2)
| otherwise
= True
; traceTc "simplifyRule" $
vcat [ doc
, text "zonked_lhs" <+> ppr zonked_lhs
, text "q_cts" <+> ppr q_cts ]
; return ( map (ctEvId . ctEvidence) (bagToList q_cts)
, zonked_lhs { wc_flat = non_q_cts }) }
* *
* Main Simplifier *
* *
simplifyCheck :: WantedConstraints
-> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyCheck wanteds
= do { wanteds <- zonkWC wanteds
; traceTc "simplifyCheck {" (vcat
[ ptext (sLit "wanted =") <+> ppr wanteds ])
; (unsolved, eb1) <- solveWanteds wanteds
; traceTc "simplifyCheck }" $ ptext (sLit "unsolved =") <+> ppr unsolved
; traceTc "reportUnsolved {" empty
; runtimeCoercionErrors <- doptM Opt_DeferTypeErrors
; eb2 <- reportUnsolved runtimeCoercionErrors unsolved
; traceTc "reportUnsolved }" empty
; return (eb1 `unionBags` eb2) }
Note [Deferring coercion errors to runtime]
While developing, sometimes it is desirable to allow compilation to succeed even
if there are type errors in the code. Consider the following case:
module Main where
a :: Int
a = 'a'
main = print "b"
Even though `a` is ill-typed, it is not used in the end, so if all that we're
interested in is `main` it is handy to be able to ignore the problems in `a`.
Since we treat type equalities as evidence, this is relatively simple. Whenever
we run into a type mismatch in TcUnify, we normally just emit an error. But it
is always safe to defer the mismatch to the main constraint solver. If we do
that, `a` will get transformed into
co :: Int ~ Char
co = ...
a :: Int
a = 'a' `cast` co
The constraint solver would realize that `co` is an insoluble constraint, and
emit an error with `reportUnsolved`. But we can also replace the right-hand side
of `co` with `error "Deferred type error: Int ~ Char"`. This allows the program
to compile, and it will run fine unless we evaluate `a`. This is what
`deferErrorsToRuntime` does.
It does this by keeping track of which errors correspond to which coercion
in TcErrors (with ErrEnv). TcErrors.reportTidyWanteds does not print the errors
and does not fail if -fwarn-type-errors is on, so that we can continue
compilation. The errors are turned into warnings in `reportUnsolved`.
solveWanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (WantedConstraints, Bag EvBind)
solveWanteds wanted = runTcS $ solve_wanteds wanted
solveWantedsWithEvBinds :: EvBindsVar -> WantedConstraints -> TcM WantedConstraints
solveWantedsWithEvBinds ev_binds_var wanted
= runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var $ solve_wanteds wanted
solve_wanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
solve_wanteds wanted@(WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_impl = implics, wc_insol = insols })
= do { traceTcS "solveWanteds {" (ppr wanted)
; let all_flats = flats `unionBags` insols
; impls_from_flats <- solveInteractCts $ bagToList all_flats
; unsolved_implics <- simpl_loop 1 (implics `unionBags` impls_from_flats)
; is <- getTcSInerts
; let insoluble_flats = getInertInsols is
unsolved_flats = getInertUnsolved is
; bb <- getTcEvBindsMap
; tb <- getTcSTyBindsMap
; traceTcS "solveWanteds }" $
vcat [ text "unsolved_flats =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats
, text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics
, text "current evbinds =" <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds bb)
, text "current tybinds =" <+> vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts tb))
; let wc = WC { wc_flat = unsolved_flats
, wc_impl = unsolved_implics
, wc_insol = insoluble_flats }
; traceTcS "solveWanteds finished with" $
vcat [ text "wc (unflattened) =" <+> ppr wc ]
; unFlattenWC wc }
simpl_loop :: Int
-> Bag Implication
-> TcS (Bag Implication)
simpl_loop n implics
| n > 10
= traceTcS "solveWanteds: loop!" empty >> return implics
| otherwise
= do { (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics) <- solveNestedImplications implics
; let improve_eqs = implic_eqs
; unsolved_flats <- getTcSInerts >>= (return . getInertUnsolved)
; traceTcS "solveWanteds: simpl_loop end" $
vcat [ text "improve_eqs =" <+> ppr improve_eqs
, text "unsolved_flats =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats
, text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
; if isEmptyBag improve_eqs then return unsolved_implics
else do { impls_from_eqs <- solveInteractCts $ bagToList improve_eqs
; simpl_loop (n+1) (unsolved_implics `unionBags`
impls_from_eqs)} }
solveNestedImplications :: Bag Implication
-> TcS (Cts, Bag Implication)
solveNestedImplications implics
| isEmptyBag implics
= return (emptyBag, emptyBag)
| otherwise
= do { inerts <- getTcSInerts
; traceTcS "solveNestedImplications starting, inerts are:" $ ppr inerts
; let (pushed_givens, thinner_inerts) = splitInertsForImplications inerts
; traceTcS "solveNestedImplications starting, more info:" $
vcat [ text "original inerts = " <+> ppr inerts
, text "pushed_givens = " <+> ppr pushed_givens
, text "thinner_inerts = " <+> ppr thinner_inerts ]
; (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics)
<- doWithInert thinner_inerts $
do { let tcs_untouchables
= foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCt) emptyVarSet pushed_givens
; traceTcS "solveWanteds: preparing inerts for implications {" $
vcat [ppr tcs_untouchables, ppr pushed_givens]
; impls_from_givens <- solveInteractCts pushed_givens
; MASSERT (isEmptyBag impls_from_givens)
; traceTcS "solveWanteds: } now doing nested implications {" empty
; flatMapBagPairM (solveImplication tcs_untouchables) implics }
; traceTcS "solveWanteds: done nested implications }" $
vcat [ text "implic_eqs =" <+> ppr implic_eqs
, text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]
; return (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics) }
solveImplication :: TcTyVarSet
-> Implication
-> TcS (Cts,
Bag Implication)
solveImplication tcs_untouchables
imp@(Implic { ic_untch = untch
, ic_binds = ev_binds
, ic_skols = skols
, ic_given = givens
, ic_wanted = wanteds
, ic_loc = loc })
= shadowIPs givens $
nestImplicTcS ev_binds (untch, tcs_untouchables) $
recoverTcS (return (emptyBag, emptyBag)) $
do { traceTcS "solveImplication {" (ppr imp)
; impls_from_givens <- solveInteractGiven loc givens
; MASSERT (isEmptyBag impls_from_givens)
; WC { wc_flat = unsolved_flats
, wc_impl = unsolved_implics
, wc_insol = insols } <- solve_wanteds wanteds
; let (res_flat_free, res_flat_bound)
= floatEqualities skols givens unsolved_flats
; let res_wanted = WC { wc_flat = res_flat_bound
, wc_impl = unsolved_implics
, wc_insol = insols }
res_implic = unitImplication $
imp { ic_wanted = res_wanted
, ic_insol = insolubleWC res_wanted }
; evbinds <- getTcEvBindsMap
; traceTcS "solveImplication end }" $ vcat
[ text "res_flat_free =" <+> ppr res_flat_free
, text "implication evbinds = " <+> ppr (evBindMapBinds evbinds)
, text "res_implic =" <+> ppr res_implic ]
; return (res_flat_free, res_implic) }
floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> [EvVar] -> Cts -> (Cts, Cts)
floatEqualities skols can_given wantders
| hasEqualities can_given = (emptyBag, wantders)
| otherwise = partitionBag is_floatable wantders
where skol_set = mkVarSet skols
is_floatable :: Ct -> Bool
is_floatable ct
| ct_predty <- ctPred ct
, isEqPred ct_predty
= skol_set `disjointVarSet` tvs_under_fsks ct_predty
is_floatable _ct = False
tvs_under_fsks :: Type -> TyVarSet
tvs_under_fsks (TyVarTy tv)
| not (isTcTyVar tv) = unitVarSet tv
| FlatSkol ty <- tcTyVarDetails tv = tvs_under_fsks ty
| otherwise = unitVarSet tv
tvs_under_fsks (TyConApp _ tys) = unionVarSets (map tvs_under_fsks tys)
tvs_under_fsks (LitTy {}) = emptyVarSet
tvs_under_fsks (FunTy arg res) = tvs_under_fsks arg `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks res
tvs_under_fsks (AppTy fun arg) = tvs_under_fsks fun `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks arg
tvs_under_fsks (ForAllTy tv ty)
| isTyVar tv = inner_tvs `delVarSet` tv
| otherwise =
inner_tvs `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks (tyVarKind tv)
inner_tvs = tvs_under_fsks ty
shadowIPs :: [EvVar] -> TcS a -> TcS a
shadowIPs gs m
| null shadowed = m
| otherwise = do is <- getTcSInerts
doWithInert (purgeShadowed is) m
shadowed = mapMaybe isIP gs
isIP g = do p <- evVarPred_maybe g
(x,_) <- isIPPred_maybe p
return x
isShadowedCt ct = isShadowedEv (ctEvidence ct)
isShadowedEv ev = case isIPPred_maybe (ctEvPred ev) of
Just (x,_) -> x `elem` shadowed
_ -> False
purgeShadowed is = is { inert_cans = purgeCans (inert_cans is)
, inert_solved = purgeSolved (inert_solved is)
purgeDicts = snd . partitionCCanMap isShadowedCt
purgeCans ics = ics { inert_dicts = purgeDicts (inert_dicts ics) }
purgeSolved = filterSolved (not . isShadowedEv)
Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
Before solving the nested implications, we convert any unsolved flat wanteds
to givens, and add them to the inert set. Reasons:
a) In checking mode, suppresses unnecessary errors. We already have
on unsolved-wanted error; adding it to the givens prevents any
consequential errors from showing up
b) More importantly, in inference mode, we are going to quantify over this
constraint, and we *don't* want to quantify over any constraints that
are deducible from it.
c) Flattened type-family equalities must be exposed to the nested
constraints. Consider
F b ~ alpha, (forall c. F b ~ alpha)
Obviously this is soluble with [alpha := F b]. But the
unification is only done by solveCTyFunEqs, right at the end of
solveWanteds, and if we aren't careful we'll end up with an
unsolved goal inside the implication. We need to "push" the
as-yes-unsolved (F b ~ alpha) inwards, as a *given*, so that it
can be used to solve the inner (F b
~ alpha). See Trac #4935.
d) There are other cases where interactions between wanteds that can help
to solve a constraint. For example
class C a b | a -> b
(C Int alpha), (forall d. C d blah => C Int a)
If we push the (C Int alpha) inwards, as a given, it can produce
a fundep (alpha~a) and this can float out again and be used to
fix alpha. (In general we can't float class constraints out just
in case (C d blah) might help to solve (C Int a).)
The unsolved wanteds are *canonical* but they may not be *inert*,
because when made into a given they might interact with other givens.
Hence the call to solveInteract. Example:
Original inert set = (d :_g D a) /\ (co :_w a ~ [beta])
We were not able to solve (a ~w [beta]) but we can't just assume it as
given because the resulting set is not inert. Hence we have to do a
'solveInteract' step first.
Finally, note that we convert them to [Given] and NOT [Given/Solved].
The reason is that Given/Solved are weaker than Givens and may be discarded.
As an example consider the inference case, where we may have, the following
original constraints:
[Wanted] F Int ~ Int
(F Int ~ a => F Int ~ a)
If we convert F Int ~ Int to [Given/Solved] instead of Given, then the next
given (F Int ~ a) is going to cause the Given/Solved to be ignored, casting
the (F Int ~ a) insoluble. Hence we should really convert the residual
wanteds to plain old Given.
We need only push in unsolved equalities both in checking mode and inference mode:
(1) In checking mode we should not push given dictionaries in because of
example LongWayOverlapping.hs, where we might get strange overlap
errors between far-away constraints in the program. But even in
checking mode, we must still push type family equations. Consider:
type instance F True a b = a
type instance F False a b = b
[w] F c a b ~ gamma
(c ~ True) => a ~ gamma
(c ~ False) => b ~ gamma
Since solveCTyFunEqs happens at the very end of solving, the only way to solve
the two implications is temporarily consider (F c a b ~ gamma) as Given (NB: not
merely Given/Solved because it has to interact with the top-level instance
environment) and push it inside the implications. Now, when we come out again at
the end, having solved the implications solveCTyFunEqs will solve this equality.
(2) In inference mode, we recheck the final constraint in checking mode and
hence we will be able to solve inner implications from top-level quantified
constraints nonetheless.
Note [Extra TcsTv untouchables]
Whenever we are solving a bunch of flat constraints, they may contain
the following sorts of 'touchable' unification variables:
(i) Born-touchables in that scope
(ii) Simplifier-generated unification variables, such as unification
flatten variables
(iii) Touchables that have been floated out from some nested
implications, see Note [Float Equalities out of Implications].
Now, once we are done with solving these flats and have to move inwards to
the nested implications (perhaps for a second time), we must consider all the
extra variables (categories (ii) and (iii) above) as untouchables for the
implication. Otherwise we have the danger or double unifications, as well
as the danger of not ``seing'' some unification. Example (from Trac #4494):
(F Int ~ uf) /\ [untch=beta](forall a. C a => F Int ~ beta)
In this example, beta is touchable inside the implication. The
first solveInteract step leaves 'uf' ununified. Then we move inside
the implication where a new constraint
uf ~ beta
emerges. We may spontaneously solve it to get uf := beta, so the whole
implication disappears but when we pop out again we are left with (F
Int ~ uf) which will be unified by our final solveCTyFunEqs stage and
uf will get unified *once more* to (F Int).
The solution is to record the unification variables of the flats,
and make them untouchables for the nested implication. In the
example above uf would become untouchable, so beta would be forced
to be unified as beta := uf.
Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
For ordinary pattern matches (including existentials) we float
equalities out of implications, for instance:
data T where
MkT :: Eq a => a -> T
f x y = case x of MkT _ -> (y::Int)
We get the implication constraint (x::T) (y::alpha):
forall a. [untouchable=alpha] Eq a => alpha ~ Int
We want to float out the equality into a scope where alpha is no
longer untouchable, to solve the implication!
But we cannot float equalities out of implications whose givens may
yield or contain equalities:
data T a where
T1 :: T Int
T2 :: T Bool
T3 :: T a
h :: T a -> a -> Int
f x y = case x of
T1 -> y::Int
T2 -> y::Bool
T3 -> h x y
We generate constraint, for (x::T alpha) and (y :: beta):
[untouchables = beta] (alpha ~ Int => beta ~ Int) -- From 1st branch
[untouchables = beta] (alpha ~ Bool => beta ~ Bool) -- From 2nd branch
(alpha ~ beta) -- From 3rd branch
If we float the equality (beta ~ Int) outside of the first implication and
the equality (beta ~ Bool) out of the second we get an insoluble constraint.
But if we just leave them inside the implications we unify alpha := beta and
solve everything.
We do not want to float equalities out which may need the given *evidence*
to become soluble.
Consequence: classes with functional dependencies don't matter (since there is
no evidence for a fundep equality), but equality superclasses do matter (since
they carry evidence).
Notice that, due to Note [Extra TcSTv Untouchables], the free unification variables
of an equality that is floated out of an implication become effectively untouchables
for the leftover implication. This is absolutely necessary. Consider the following
example. We start with two implications and a class with a functional dependency.
class C x y | x -> y
instance C [a] [a]
(I1) [untch=beta]forall b. 0 => F Int ~ [beta]
(I2) [untch=beta]forall b. 0 => F Int ~ [[alpha]] /\ C beta [b]
We float (F Int ~ [beta]) out of I1, and we float (F Int ~ [[alpha]]) out of I2.
They may react to yield that (beta := [alpha]) which can then be pushed inwards
the leftover of I2 to get (C [alpha] [a]) which, using the FunDep, will mean that
(alpha := a). In the end we will have the skolem 'b' escaping in the untouchable
beta! Concrete example is in indexed_types/should_fail/ExtraTcsUntch.hs:
class C x y | x -> y where
op :: x -> y -> ()
instance C [a] [a]
type family F a :: *
h :: F Int -> ()
h = undefined
data TEx where
TEx :: a -> TEx
f (x::beta) =
let g1 :: forall b. b -> ()
g1 _ = h [x]
g2 z = case z of TEx y -> (h [[undefined]], op x [y])
in (g1 '3', g2 undefined)
Note [Shadowing of Implicit Parameters]
Consider the following example:
f :: (?x :: Char) => Char
f = let ?x = 'a' in ?x
The "let ?x = ..." generates an implication constraint of the form:
?x :: Char => ?x :: Char
Furthermore, the signature for `f` also generates an implication
constraint, so we end up with the following nested implication:
?x :: Char => (?x :: Char => ?x :: Char)
Note that the wanted (?x :: Char) constraint may be solved in
two incompatible ways: either by using the parameter from the
signature, or by using the local definition. Our intention is
that the local definition should "shadow" the parameter of the
signature, and we implement this as follows: when we nest implications,
we remove any implicit parameters in the outer implication, that
have the same name as givens of the inner implication.
Here is another variation of the example:
f :: (?x :: Int) => Char
f = let ?x = 'x' in ?x
This program should also be accepted: the two constraints `?x :: Int`
and `?x :: Char` never exist in the same context, so they don't get to
interact to cause failure.
unFlattenWC :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
unFlattenWC wc
= do { (subst, remaining_unsolved_flats) <- solveCTyFunEqs (wc_flat wc)
; return $
WC { wc_flat = mapBag (substCt subst) remaining_unsolved_flats
, wc_impl = mapBag (substImplication subst) (wc_impl wc)
, wc_insol = mapBag (substCt subst) (wc_insol wc) }
solveCTyFunEqs :: Cts -> TcS (TvSubst, Cts)
solveCTyFunEqs cts
= do { untch <- getUntouchables
; let (unsolved_can_cts, (ni_subst, cv_binds))
= getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
; traceTcS "defaultCTyFunEqs" (vcat [text "Trying to default family equations:"
, ppr ni_subst, ppr cv_binds
; mapM_ solve_one cv_binds
; return (niFixTvSubst ni_subst, unsolved_can_cts) }
solve_one (Wanted { ctev_evar = cv }, tv, ty)
= setWantedTyBind tv ty >> setEvBind cv (EvCoercion (mkTcReflCo ty))
solve_one (Derived {}, tv, ty)
= setWantedTyBind tv ty
solve_one arg
= pprPanic "solveCTyFunEqs: can't solve a /given/ family equation!" $ ppr arg
type FunEqBinds = (TvSubstEnv, [(CtEvidence, TcTyVar, TcType)])
emptyFunEqBinds :: FunEqBinds
emptyFunEqBinds = (emptyVarEnv, [])
extendFunEqBinds :: FunEqBinds -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> FunEqBinds
extendFunEqBinds (tv_subst, cv_binds) fl tv ty
= (extendVarEnv tv_subst tv ty, (fl, tv, ty):cv_binds)
getSolvableCTyFunEqs :: TcsUntouchables
-> Cts
-> (Cts, FunEqBinds)
getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
= Bag.foldlBag dflt_funeq (emptyCts, emptyFunEqBinds) cts
dflt_funeq :: (Cts, FunEqBinds) -> Ct
-> (Cts, FunEqBinds)
dflt_funeq (cts_in, feb@(tv_subst, _))
(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl
, cc_fun = tc
, cc_tyargs = xis
, cc_rhs = xi })
| Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi
, isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv
, typeKind xi `tcIsSubKind` tyVarKind tv
, not (tv `elemVarEnv` tv_subst)
, not (tv `elemVarSet` niSubstTvSet tv_subst (tyVarsOfTypes xis))
= ASSERT ( not (isGiven fl) )
(cts_in, extendFunEqBinds feb fl tv (mkTyConApp tc xis))
dflt_funeq (cts_in, fun_eq_binds) ct
= (cts_in `extendCts` ct, fun_eq_binds)
Note [Solving Family Equations]
After we are done with simplification we may be left with constraints of the form:
[Wanted] F xis ~ beta
If 'beta' is a touchable unification variable not already bound in the TyBinds
then we'd like to create a binding for it, effectively "defaulting" it to be 'F xis'.
When is it ok to do so?
1) 'beta' must not already be defaulted to something. Example:
[Wanted] F Int ~ beta <~ Will default [beta := F Int]
[Wanted] F Char ~ beta <~ Already defaulted, can't default again. We
have to report this as unsolved.
2) However, we must still do an occurs check when defaulting (F xis ~ beta), to
set [beta := F xis] only if beta is not among the free variables of xis.
3) Notice that 'beta' can't be bound in ty binds already because we rewrite RHS
of type family equations. See Inert Set invariants in TcInteract.
* *
* Defaulting and disamgiguation *
* *
applyDefaultingRules :: Cts
-> TcS Cts
applyDefaultingRules wanteds
| isEmptyBag wanteds
= return emptyBag
| otherwise
= do { traceTcS "applyDefaultingRules { " $
text "wanteds =" <+> ppr wanteds
; info@(default_tys, _) <- getDefaultInfo
; let groups = findDefaultableGroups info wanteds
; traceTcS "findDefaultableGroups" $ vcat [ text "groups=" <+> ppr groups
, text "info=" <+> ppr info ]
; deflt_cts <- mapM (disambigGroup default_tys) groups
; traceTcS "applyDefaultingRules }" $
vcat [ text "Type defaults =" <+> ppr deflt_cts]
; return (unionManyBags deflt_cts) }
Note [tryTcS in defaulting]
defaultTyVar and disambigGroup create new evidence variables for
default equations, and hence update the EvVar cache. However, after
applyDefaultingRules we will try to solve these default equations
using solveInteractCts, which will consult the cache and solve those
EvVars from themselves! That's wrong.
To avoid this problem we guard defaulting under a @tryTcS@ which leaves
the original cache unmodified.
There is a second reason for @tryTcS@ in defaulting: disambGroup does
some constraint solving to determine if a default equation is
``useful'' in solving some wanted constraints, but we want to
discharge all evidence and unifications that may have happened during
this constraint solving.
Finally, @tryTcS@ importantly does not inherit the original cache from
the higher level but makes up a new cache, the reason is that disambigGroup
will call solveInteractCts so the new derived and the wanteds must not be
in the cache!
touchablesOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> TcTyVarSet
touchablesOfWC = go (NoUntouchables, emptyVarSet)
where go :: TcsUntouchables -> WantedConstraints -> TcTyVarSet
go untch (WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_impl = impls })
= filterVarSet is_touchable flat_tvs `unionVarSet`
foldrBag (unionVarSet . (go_impl $ untch_for_impls untch)) emptyVarSet impls
where is_touchable = isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch
flat_tvs = tyVarsOfCts flats
untch_for_impls (r,uset) = (r, uset `unionVarSet` flat_tvs)
go_impl (_rng,set) implic = go (ic_untch implic,set) (ic_wanted implic)
applyTyVarDefaulting :: WantedConstraints -> TcM Cts
applyTyVarDefaulting wc = runTcS do_dflt >>= (return . fst)
where do_dflt = do { tv_cts <- mapM defaultTyVar $
varSetElems (touchablesOfWC wc)
; return (unionManyBags tv_cts) }
defaultTyVar :: TcTyVar -> TcS Cts
defaultTyVar the_tv
| not (k `eqKind` default_k)
= tryTcS $
do { let loc = CtLoc DefaultOrigin (getSrcSpan the_tv) []
; ty_k <- instFlexiTcSHelperTcS (tyVarName the_tv) default_k
; md <- newDerived loc (mkTcEqPred (mkTyVarTy the_tv) ty_k)
; let cts
| Just der_ev <- md = [mkNonCanonical der_ev]
| otherwise = []
; implics_from_defaulting <- solveInteractCts cts
; MASSERT (isEmptyBag implics_from_defaulting)
; unsolved <- getTcSInerts >>= (return . getInertUnsolved)
; if isEmptyBag (keepWanted unsolved) then return (listToBag cts)
else return emptyBag }
| otherwise = return emptyBag
k = tyVarKind the_tv
default_k = defaultKind k
Note [DefaultTyVar]
defaultTyVar is used on any un-instantiated meta type variables to
default the kind of OpenKind and ArgKind etc to *. This is important
to ensure that instance declarations match. For example consider
instance Show (a->b)
foo x = show (\_ -> True)
Then we'll get a constraint (Show (p ->q)) where p has kind ArgKind,
and that won't match the typeKind (*) in the instance decl. See tests
tc217 and tc175.
We look only at touchable type variables. No further constraints
are going to affect these type variables, so it's time to do it by
hand. However we aren't ready to default them fully to () or
whatever, because the type-class defaulting rules have yet to run.
An important point is that if the type variable tv has kind k and the
default is default_k we do not simply generate [D] (k ~ default_k) because:
(1) k may be ArgKind and default_k may be * so we will fail
(2) We need to rewrite all occurrences of the tv to be a type
variable with the right kind and we choose to do this by rewriting
the type variable /itself/ by a new variable which does have the
right kind.
:: ( [Type]
, (Bool,Bool) )
-> Cts
-> [[(Ct,TcTyVar)]]
findDefaultableGroups (default_tys, (ovl_strings, extended_defaults)) wanteds
| null default_tys = []
| otherwise = filter is_defaultable_group (equivClasses cmp_tv unaries)
unaries :: [(Ct, TcTyVar)]
non_unaries :: [Ct]
(unaries, non_unaries) = partitionWith find_unary (bagToList wanteds)
find_unary cc@(CDictCan { cc_tyargs = [ty] })
| Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty
= Left (cc, tv)
find_unary cc = Right cc
bad_tvs :: TcTyVarSet
bad_tvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCt) emptyVarSet non_unaries
cmp_tv (_,tv1) (_,tv2) = tv1 `compare` tv2
is_defaultable_group ds@((_,tv):_)
= let b1 = isTyConableTyVar tv
b2 = not (tv `elemVarSet` bad_tvs)
b4 = defaultable_classes [cc_class cc | (cc,_) <- ds]
in (b1 && b2 && b4)
is_defaultable_group [] = panic "defaultable_group"
defaultable_classes clss
| extended_defaults = any isInteractiveClass clss
| otherwise = all is_std_class clss && (any is_num_class clss)
isInteractiveClass cls
= is_num_class cls || (classKey cls `elem` [showClassKey, eqClassKey, ordClassKey])
is_num_class cls = isNumericClass cls || (ovl_strings && (cls `hasKey` isStringClassKey))
is_std_class cls = isStandardClass cls || (ovl_strings && (cls `hasKey` isStringClassKey))
disambigGroup :: [Type]
-> [(Ct, TcTyVar)]
-> TcS Cts
disambigGroup [] _grp
= return emptyBag
disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) group
= do { traceTcS "disambigGroup" (ppr group $$ ppr default_ty)
; success <- tryTcS $
do { derived_eq <- tryTcS $
do { md <- newDerived (ctev_wloc the_fl)
(mkTcEqPred (mkTyVarTy the_tv) default_ty)
; case md of
Nothing -> return []
Just ctev -> return [ mkNonCanonical ctev ] }
; traceTcS "disambigGroup (solving) {" $
text "trying to solve constraints along with default equations ..."
; implics_from_defaulting <-
solveInteractCts (derived_eq ++ wanteds)
; MASSERT (isEmptyBag implics_from_defaulting)
; unsolved <- getTcSInerts >>= (return . getInertUnsolved)
; traceTcS "disambigGroup (solving) }" $
text "disambigGroup unsolved =" <+> ppr (keepWanted unsolved)
; if isEmptyBag (keepWanted unsolved) then
return (Just $ listToBag derived_eq)
return Nothing
; case success of
Just cts ->
do { wrapWarnTcS $ warnDefaulting wanteds default_ty
; traceTcS "disambigGroup succeeded" (ppr default_ty)
; return cts }
Nothing ->
do { traceTcS "disambigGroup failed, will try other default types"
(ppr default_ty)
; disambigGroup default_tys group } }
((the_ct,the_tv):_) = group
the_fl = cc_ev the_ct
wanteds = map fst group
Note [Avoiding spurious errors]
When doing the unification for defaulting, we check for skolem
type variables, and simply don't default them. For example:
f = (*) -- Monomorphic
g :: Num a => a -> a
g x = f x x
Here, we get a complaint when checking the type signature for g,
that g isn't polymorphic enough; but then we get another one when
dealing with the (Num a) context arising from f's definition;
we try to unify a with Int (to default it), but find that it's
already been unified with the rigid variable from g's type sig
* *
* Utility functions
* *
newFlatWanteds :: CtOrigin -> ThetaType -> TcM [Ct]
newFlatWanteds orig theta
= do { loc <- getCtLoc orig
; mapM (inst_to_wanted loc) theta }
inst_to_wanted loc pty
= do { v <- TcMType.newWantedEvVar pty
; return $
CNonCanonical { cc_ev = Wanted { ctev_evar = v
, ctev_wloc = loc
, ctev_pred = pty }
, cc_depth = 0 } }