% (c) The University of Glasgow 2000-2006
ByteCodeItbls: Generate infotables for interpreter-made bytecodes
module ByteCodeItbls ( ItblEnv, ItblPtr(..), itblCode, mkITbls
, StgInfoTable(..)
, State(..), runState, evalState, execState, MonadT(..)
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Name ( Name, getName )
import NameEnv
import ClosureInfo
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConRepArgTys, dataConIdentity )
import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConFamilySize, isDataTyCon, tyConDataCons )
import Type ( flattenRepType, repType )
import Constants ( mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE, wORD_SIZE )
import CgHeapery ( mkVirtHeapOffsets )
import Util
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Control.Monad ( liftM )
import GHC.Exts ( Int(I#), addr2Int# )
import GHC.Ptr ( Ptr(..) )
%* *
\subsection{Manufacturing of info tables for DataCons}
%* *
newtype ItblPtr = ItblPtr (Ptr ()) deriving Show
itblCode :: ItblPtr -> Ptr ()
itblCode (ItblPtr ptr)
| ghciTablesNextToCode = castPtr ptr `plusPtr` conInfoTableSizeB
| otherwise = castPtr ptr
conInfoTableSizeB :: Int
conInfoTableSizeB = 3 * wORD_SIZE
type ItblEnv = NameEnv (Name, ItblPtr)
mkItblEnv :: [(Name,ItblPtr)] -> ItblEnv
mkItblEnv pairs = mkNameEnv [(n, (n,p)) | (n,p) <- pairs]
mkITbls :: [TyCon] -> IO ItblEnv
mkITbls [] = return emptyNameEnv
mkITbls (tc:tcs) = do itbls <- mkITbl tc
itbls2 <- mkITbls tcs
return (itbls `plusNameEnv` itbls2)
mkITbl :: TyCon -> IO ItblEnv
mkITbl tc
| not (isDataTyCon tc)
= return emptyNameEnv
| dcs `lengthIs` n
= make_constr_itbls dcs
dcs = tyConDataCons tc
n = tyConFamilySize tc
mkITbl _ = error "Unmatched patter in mkITbl: assertion failed!"
#include "../includes/rts/storage/ClosureTypes.h"
cONSTR :: Int
make_constr_itbls :: [DataCon] -> IO ItblEnv
make_constr_itbls cons
= do is <- mapM mk_dirret_itbl (zip cons [0..])
return (mkItblEnv is)
mk_dirret_itbl (dcon, conNo)
= mk_itbl dcon conNo stg_interp_constr_entry
mk_itbl :: DataCon -> Int -> Ptr () -> IO (Name,ItblPtr)
mk_itbl dcon conNo entry_addr = do
let rep_args = [ (typeCgRep rep_arg,rep_arg) | arg <- dataConRepArgTys dcon, rep_arg <- flattenRepType (repType arg) ]
(tot_wds, ptr_wds, _) = mkVirtHeapOffsets False rep_args
ptrs' = ptr_wds
nptrs' = tot_wds ptr_wds
| ptrs' + nptrs' >= mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE = nptrs'
| otherwise = mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE ptrs'
code' = mkJumpToAddr entry_addr
itbl = StgInfoTable {
entry = entry_addr,
ptrs = fromIntegral ptrs',
nptrs = fromIntegral nptrs_really,
tipe = fromIntegral cONSTR,
srtlen = fromIntegral conNo
, code = code'
qNameCString <- newArray0 0 $ dataConIdentity dcon
let conInfoTbl = StgConInfoTable {
conDesc = qNameCString,
infoTable = itbl
addrCon <- newExec pokeConItbl conInfoTbl
return (getName dcon, ItblPtr (castFunPtrToPtr addrCon))
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
itblCodeLength :: Int
itblCodeLength = length (mkJumpToAddr undefined)
mkJumpToAddr :: Ptr () -> [ItblCode]
ptrToInt :: Ptr a -> Int
ptrToInt (Ptr a#) = I# (addr2Int# a#)
#if sparc_TARGET_ARCH
type ItblCode = Word32
mkJumpToAddr a
= let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a)
hi22, lo10 :: Word32 -> Word32
lo10 x = x .&. 0x3FF
hi22 x = (x `shiftR` 10) .&. 0x3FFFF
in [ 0x07000000 .|. (hi22 w32),
0x8610E000 .|. (lo10 w32),
0x01000000 ]
#elif powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
type ItblCode = Word32
mkJumpToAddr a =
let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a)
hi16 x = (x `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFFFF
lo16 x = x .&. 0xFFFF
in [
0x3D800000 .|. hi16 w32,
0x618C0000 .|. lo16 w32,
0x7D8903A6, 0x4E800420
#elif i386_TARGET_ARCH
type ItblCode = Word8
mkJumpToAddr a
= let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word32
insnBytes :: [Word8]
= [0xB8, byte0 w32, byte1 w32,
byte2 w32, byte3 w32,
0xFF, 0xE0]
#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
type ItblCode = Word8
mkJumpToAddr a
= let w64 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word64
insnBytes :: [Word8]
= [0xff, 0x25, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
byte0 w64, byte1 w64, byte2 w64, byte3 w64,
byte4 w64, byte5 w64, byte6 w64, byte7 w64]
#elif alpha_TARGET_ARCH
type ItblCode = Word32
mkJumpToAddr a
= [ 0xc3800000
, 0xa79c000c
, 0x6bfc0000
, 0x47ff041f
, fromIntegral (w64 .&. 0x0000FFFF)
, fromIntegral ((w64 `shiftR` 32) .&. 0x0000FFFF) ]
where w64 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word64
type ItblCode = Word32
mkJumpToAddr a
= undefined
#if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH)
byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3 :: (Integral w, Bits w) => w -> Word8
byte0 w = fromIntegral w
byte1 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8)
byte2 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 16)
byte3 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24)
#if defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH)
byte4, byte5, byte6, byte7 :: (Integral w, Bits w) => w -> Word8
byte4 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 32)
byte5 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 40)
byte6 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 48)
byte7 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 56)
#ifndef __HADDOCK__
foreign import ccall "&stg_interp_constr_entry" stg_interp_constr_entry :: Ptr ()
#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
type HalfWord = Word32
type HalfWord = Word16
data StgConInfoTable = StgConInfoTable {
conDesc :: Ptr Word8,
infoTable :: StgInfoTable
instance Storable StgConInfoTable where
sizeOf conInfoTable
= sum [ sizeOf (conDesc conInfoTable)
, sizeOf (infoTable conInfoTable) ]
alignment _ = SIZEOF_VOID_P
peek ptr
= evalState (castPtr ptr) $ do
desc <- load
itbl <- load
desc <- load
conDesc = castPtr $ ptr `plusPtr` conInfoTableSizeB `plusPtr` desc
conDesc = desc
, infoTable = itbl
poke = error "poke(StgConInfoTable): use pokeConItbl instead"
pokeConItbl :: Ptr StgConInfoTable -> Ptr StgConInfoTable -> StgConInfoTable
-> IO ()
pokeConItbl wr_ptr ex_ptr itbl
= evalState (castPtr wr_ptr) $ do
store (conDesc itbl `minusPtr` (ex_ptr `plusPtr` conInfoTableSizeB))
store (infoTable itbl)
store (conDesc itbl)
data StgInfoTable = StgInfoTable {
entry :: Ptr (),
ptrs :: HalfWord,
nptrs :: HalfWord,
tipe :: HalfWord,
srtlen :: HalfWord
, code :: [ItblCode]
instance Storable StgInfoTable where
sizeOf itbl
= sum
fieldSz entry itbl,
fieldSz ptrs itbl,
fieldSz nptrs itbl,
fieldSz tipe itbl,
fieldSz srtlen itbl
,fieldSz (head.code) itbl * itblCodeLength
alignment _
poke a0 itbl
= evalState (castPtr a0)
$ do
store (entry itbl)
store (ptrs itbl)
store (nptrs itbl)
store (tipe itbl)
store (srtlen itbl)
sequence_ (map store (code itbl))
peek a0
= evalState (castPtr a0)
$ do
entry' <- load
ptrs' <- load
nptrs' <- load
tipe' <- load
srtlen' <- load
code' <- sequence (replicate itblCodeLength load)
StgInfoTable {
entry = entry',
ptrs = ptrs',
nptrs = nptrs',
tipe = tipe',
srtlen = srtlen'
,code = code'
fieldSz :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b) -> a -> Int
fieldSz sel x = sizeOf (sel x)
newtype State s m a = State (s -> m (s, a))
instance Monad m => Monad (State s m) where
return a = State (\s -> return (s, a))
State m >>= k = State (\s -> m s >>= \(s', a) -> case k a of State n -> n s')
fail str = State (\_ -> fail str)
class (Monad m, Monad (t m)) => MonadT t m where
lift :: m a -> t m a
instance Monad m => MonadT (State s) m where
lift m = State (\s -> m >>= \a -> return (s, a))
runState :: Monad m => s -> State s m a -> m (s, a)
runState s (State m) = m s
evalState :: Monad m => s -> State s m a -> m a
evalState s m = liftM snd (runState s m)
execState :: Monad m => s -> State s m a -> m s
execState s m = liftM fst (runState s m)
type PtrIO = State (Ptr Word8) IO
advance :: Storable a => PtrIO (Ptr a)
advance = State adv where
adv addr = case castPtr addr of { addrCast -> return
(addr `plusPtr` sizeOfPointee addrCast, addrCast) }
sizeOfPointee :: (Storable a) => Ptr a -> Int
sizeOfPointee addr = sizeOf (typeHack addr)
where typeHack = undefined :: Ptr a -> a
store :: Storable a => a -> PtrIO ()
store x = do addr <- advance
lift (poke addr x)
load :: Storable a => PtrIO a
load = do addr <- advance
lift (peek addr)
newExec :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> Ptr a -> a -> IO ()) -> a -> IO (FunPtr ())
newExec poke_fn obj
= alloca $ \pcode -> do
wr_ptr <- _allocateExec (fromIntegral (sizeOf obj)) pcode
ex_ptr <- peek pcode
poke_fn wr_ptr ex_ptr obj
return (castPtrToFunPtr ex_ptr)
foreign import ccall unsafe "allocateExec"
_allocateExec :: CUInt -> Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a)