{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}

module CmmLive
    ( CmmLive
    , cmmLiveness
    , liveLattice
    , noLiveOnEntry, xferLive, gen, kill, gen_kill
    , removeDeadAssignments

import UniqSupply
import BlockId
import Cmm
import CmmUtils
import PprCmmExpr ()

import Hoopl
import Maybes
import Outputable

-- Calculating what variables are live on entry to a basic block

-- | The variables live on entry to a block
type CmmLive = RegSet

-- | The dataflow lattice
liveLattice :: DataflowLattice CmmLive
liveLattice = DataflowLattice "live LocalReg's" emptyRegSet add
    where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) =
               (changeIf $ sizeRegSet join > sizeRegSet old, join)
              where !join = plusRegSet old new

-- | A mapping from block labels to the variables live on entry
type BlockEntryLiveness = BlockEnv CmmLive

-- | Calculated liveness info for a CmmGraph

cmmLiveness :: CmmGraph -> BlockEntryLiveness
cmmLiveness graph =
  check $ dataflowAnalBwd graph [] $ analBwd liveLattice xferLive
  where entry = g_entry graph
        check facts = noLiveOnEntry entry
                        (expectJust "check" $ mapLookup entry facts) facts

-- | On entry to the procedure, there had better not be any LocalReg's live-in.
noLiveOnEntry :: BlockId -> CmmLive -> a -> a
noLiveOnEntry bid in_fact x =
  if nullRegSet in_fact then x
  else pprPanic "LocalReg's live-in to graph" (ppr bid <+> ppr in_fact)

-- | The transfer equations use the traditional 'gen' and 'kill'
-- notations, which should be familiar from the Dragon Book.
gen  :: UserOfLocalRegs a    => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
gen  a live = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet      live a
kill :: DefinerOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
kill a live = foldRegsDefd deleteFromRegSet live a

gen_kill :: (DefinerOfLocalRegs a, UserOfLocalRegs a)
          => a -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
gen_kill a = gen a . kill a

-- | The transfer function
xferLive :: BwdTransfer CmmNode CmmLive
xferLive = mkBTransfer3 fst mid lst
  where fst _ f = f
        mid :: CmmNode O O -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
        mid n f = gen_kill n f
        lst :: CmmNode O C -> FactBase CmmLive -> CmmLive
        lst n f = gen_kill n $ joinOutFacts liveLattice n f

-- Removing assignments to dead variables

removeDeadAssignments :: CmmGraph -> UniqSM (CmmGraph, BlockEnv CmmLive)
removeDeadAssignments g =
   dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analRewBwd liveLattice xferLive rewrites
   where rewrites = mkBRewrite3 nothing middle nothing
         -- SDM: no need for deepBwdRw here, we only rewrite to empty
         -- Beware: deepBwdRw with one polymorphic function seems more
         -- reasonable here, but GHC panics while compiling, see bug
         -- #4045.
         middle :: CmmNode O O -> Fact O CmmLive -> CmmReplGraph O O
         middle (CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg') _) live
                 | not (reg' `elemRegSet` live)
                 = return $ Just emptyGraph
         -- XXX maybe this should be somewhere else...
         middle (CmmAssign lhs (CmmReg rhs))   _ | lhs == rhs
                 = return $ Just emptyGraph
         middle (CmmStore lhs (CmmLoad rhs _)) _ | lhs == rhs
                 = return $ Just emptyGraph
         middle _ _ = return Nothing

         nothing :: CmmNode e x -> Fact x CmmLive -> CmmReplGraph e x
         nothing _ _ = return Nothing