module Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg (
) where
import Distribution.Package
( PackageId, InstalledPackageId(..) )
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
( InstalledPackageInfo, InstalledPackageInfo_(..)
, showInstalledPackageInfo
, emptyInstalledPackageInfo, fieldsInstalledPackageInfo )
import Distribution.ParseUtils
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
( PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack )
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
( ConfiguredProgram(programId, programVersion) )
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
( ProgramInvocation(..), IOEncoding(..), programInvocation
, runProgramInvocation, getProgramInvocationOutput )
import Distribution.Version
( Version(..) )
import Distribution.Text
( display )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( die )
import Distribution.Verbosity
( Verbosity, deafening, silent )
import Distribution.Compat.Exception
( catchExit )
import Data.Char
( isSpace )
import Data.Maybe
( fromMaybe )
import Data.List
( stripPrefix )
import System.FilePath as FilePath
( (</>), splitPath, splitDirectories, joinPath, isPathSeparator )
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
register :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDBStack
-> Either FilePath
-> IO ()
register verbosity hcPkg packagedb pkgFile =
runProgramInvocation verbosity
(registerInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgFile)
reregister :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDBStack
-> Either FilePath
-> IO ()
reregister verbosity hcPkg packagedb pkgFile =
runProgramInvocation verbosity
(reregisterInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgFile)
unregister :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
unregister verbosity hcPkg packagedb pkgid =
runProgramInvocation verbosity
(unregisterInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgid)
expose :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
expose verbosity hcPkg packagedb pkgid =
runProgramInvocation verbosity
(exposeInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgid)
hide :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
hide verbosity hcPkg packagedb pkgid =
runProgramInvocation verbosity
(hideInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgid)
dump :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDB -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
dump verbosity hcPkg packagedb = do
output <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
(dumpInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb)
`catchExit` \_ -> die $ programId hcPkg ++ " dump failed"
case parsePackages output of
Left ok -> return ok
_ -> die $ "failed to parse output of '"
++ programId hcPkg ++ " dump'"
parsePackages str =
let parsed = map parseInstalledPackageInfo' (splitPkgs str)
in case [ msg | ParseFailed msg <- parsed ] of
[] -> Left [ setInstalledPackageId
. maybe id mungePackagePaths pkgroot
$ pkg
| ParseOk _ (pkgroot, pkg) <- parsed ]
msgs -> Right msgs
parseInstalledPackageInfo' =
parseFieldsFlat fields (Nothing, emptyInstalledPackageInfo)
fields = liftFieldFst pkgrootField
: map liftFieldSnd fieldsInstalledPackageInfo
pkgrootField =
simpleField "pkgroot"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
(fromMaybe "") (\x _ -> Just x)
liftFieldFst = liftField fst (\x (_x,y) -> (x,y))
liftFieldSnd = liftField snd (\y (x,_y) -> (x,y))
splitPkgs :: String -> [String]
splitPkgs = checkEmpty . map unlines . splitWith ("---" ==) . lines
checkEmpty [s] | all isSpace s = []
checkEmpty ss = ss
splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitWith p xs = ys : case zs of
[] -> []
_:ws -> splitWith p ws
where (ys,zs) = break p xs
mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
mungePackagePaths pkgroot pkginfo =
pkginfo {
importDirs = mungePaths (importDirs pkginfo),
includeDirs = mungePaths (includeDirs pkginfo),
libraryDirs = mungePaths (libraryDirs pkginfo),
frameworkDirs = mungePaths (frameworkDirs pkginfo),
haddockInterfaces = mungePaths (haddockInterfaces pkginfo),
haddockHTMLs = mungeUrls (haddockHTMLs pkginfo)
mungePaths = map mungePath
mungeUrls = map mungeUrl
mungePath p = case stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p of
Just p' -> pkgroot </> p'
Nothing -> p
mungeUrl p = case stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p of
Just p' -> toUrlPath pkgroot p'
Nothing -> p
toUrlPath r p = "file:///"
++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath (r : FilePath.splitDirectories p)
stripVarPrefix var p =
case splitPath p of
(root:path') -> case stripPrefix var root of
Just [sep] | isPathSeparator sep -> Just (joinPath path')
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
setInstalledPackageId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
setInstalledPackageId pkginfo@InstalledPackageInfo {
installedPackageId = InstalledPackageId "",
sourcePackageId = pkgid
= pkginfo {
installedPackageId = InstalledPackageId (display pkgid)
setInstalledPackageId pkginfo = pkginfo
registerInvocation, reregisterInvocation
:: ConfiguredProgram -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack
-> Either FilePath InstalledPackageInfo
-> ProgramInvocation
registerInvocation = registerInvocation' "register"
reregisterInvocation = registerInvocation' "update"
registerInvocation' :: String
-> ConfiguredProgram -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack
-> Either FilePath InstalledPackageInfo
-> ProgramInvocation
registerInvocation' cmdname hcPkg verbosity packagedbs (Left pkgFile) =
programInvocation hcPkg args
args = [cmdname, pkgFile]
++ (if legacyVersion hcPkg
then [packageDbOpts hcPkg (last packagedbs)]
else packageDbStackOpts hcPkg packagedbs)
++ verbosityOpts hcPkg verbosity
registerInvocation' cmdname hcPkg verbosity packagedbs (Right pkgInfo) =
(programInvocation hcPkg args) {
progInvokeInput = Just (showInstalledPackageInfo pkgInfo),
progInvokeInputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
args = [cmdname, "-"]
++ (if legacyVersion hcPkg
then [packageDbOpts hcPkg (last packagedbs)]
else packageDbStackOpts hcPkg packagedbs)
++ verbosityOpts hcPkg verbosity
unregisterInvocation :: ConfiguredProgram
-> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId
-> ProgramInvocation
unregisterInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgid =
programInvocation hcPkg $
["unregister", packageDbOpts hcPkg packagedb, display pkgid]
++ verbosityOpts hcPkg verbosity
exposeInvocation :: ConfiguredProgram
-> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> ProgramInvocation
exposeInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgid =
programInvocation hcPkg $
["expose", packageDbOpts hcPkg packagedb, display pkgid]
++ verbosityOpts hcPkg verbosity
hideInvocation :: ConfiguredProgram
-> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> ProgramInvocation
hideInvocation hcPkg verbosity packagedb pkgid =
programInvocation hcPkg $
["hide", packageDbOpts hcPkg packagedb, display pkgid]
++ verbosityOpts hcPkg verbosity
dumpInvocation :: ConfiguredProgram
-> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> ProgramInvocation
dumpInvocation hcPkg _verbosity packagedb =
(programInvocation hcPkg args) {
progInvokeOutputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
args = ["dump", packageDbOpts hcPkg packagedb]
++ verbosityOpts hcPkg silent
packageDbStackOpts :: ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
packageDbStackOpts hcPkg dbstack = case dbstack of
(GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs) -> "--global"
: "--user"
: map specific dbs
(GlobalPackageDB:dbs) -> "--global"
: ("--no-user-" ++ packageDbFlag hcPkg)
: map specific dbs
_ -> ierror
specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--" ++ packageDbFlag hcPkg ++ "=" ++ db
specific _ = ierror
ierror :: a
ierror = error ("internal error: unexpected package db stack: " ++ show dbstack)
packageDbFlag :: ConfiguredProgram -> String
packageDbFlag hcPkg
| programVersion hcPkg < Just (Version [7,5] [])
= "package-conf"
| otherwise
= "package-db"
packageDbOpts :: ConfiguredProgram -> PackageDB -> String
packageDbOpts _ GlobalPackageDB = "--global"
packageDbOpts _ UserPackageDB = "--user"
packageDbOpts hcPkg (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--" ++ packageDbFlag hcPkg ++ "=" ++ db
verbosityOpts :: ConfiguredProgram -> Verbosity -> [String]
verbosityOpts hcPkg v
| programId hcPkg == "ghc-pkg"
&& programVersion hcPkg < Just (Version [6,11] [])
= []
| v >= deafening = ["-v2"]
| v == silent = ["-v0"]
| otherwise = []
legacyVersion :: ConfiguredProgram -> Bool
legacyVersion hcPkg = programId hcPkg == "ghc-pkg"
&& programVersion hcPkg < Just (Version [6,9] [])