-- Machine-dependent assembly language
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1993-2004

#include "HsVersions.h"
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"

module PPC.Instr (


import PPC.Regs
import PPC.Cond
import Instruction
import Format
import TargetReg
import RegClass
import Reg

import CodeGen.Platform
import BlockId
import DynFlags
import Cmm
import CmmInfo
import FastString
import CLabel
import Outputable
import Platform
import UniqFM (listToUFM, lookupUFM)
import UniqSupply

import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

-- Format of a PPC memory address.
archWordFormat :: Bool -> Format
archWordFormat is32Bit
 | is32Bit   = II32
 | otherwise = II64

-- | Instruction instance for powerpc
instance Instruction Instr where
        regUsageOfInstr         = ppc_regUsageOfInstr
        patchRegsOfInstr        = ppc_patchRegsOfInstr
        isJumpishInstr          = ppc_isJumpishInstr
        jumpDestsOfInstr        = ppc_jumpDestsOfInstr
        patchJumpInstr          = ppc_patchJumpInstr
        mkSpillInstr            = ppc_mkSpillInstr
        mkLoadInstr             = ppc_mkLoadInstr
        takeDeltaInstr          = ppc_takeDeltaInstr
        isMetaInstr             = ppc_isMetaInstr
        mkRegRegMoveInstr _     = ppc_mkRegRegMoveInstr
        takeRegRegMoveInstr     = ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr
        mkJumpInstr             = ppc_mkJumpInstr
        mkStackAllocInstr       = ppc_mkStackAllocInstr
        mkStackDeallocInstr     = ppc_mkStackDeallocInstr

ppc_mkStackAllocInstr :: Platform -> Int -> Instr
ppc_mkStackAllocInstr platform amount
  = ppc_mkStackAllocInstr' platform (-amount)

ppc_mkStackDeallocInstr :: Platform -> Int -> Instr
ppc_mkStackDeallocInstr platform amount
  = ppc_mkStackAllocInstr' platform amount

ppc_mkStackAllocInstr' :: Platform -> Int -> Instr
ppc_mkStackAllocInstr' platform amount
  = case platformArch platform of
    ArchPPC      -> UPDATE_SP II32 (ImmInt amount)
    ArchPPC_64 _ -> UPDATE_SP II64 (ImmInt amount)
    _            -> panic $ "ppc_mkStackAllocInstr' "
                            ++ show (platformArch platform)

-- See note [extra spill slots] in X86/Instr.hs
  :: Platform
  -> Int
  -> NatCmmDecl statics PPC.Instr.Instr
  -> UniqSM (NatCmmDecl statics PPC.Instr.Instr)

allocMoreStack _ _ top@(CmmData _ _) = return top
allocMoreStack platform slots (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph code)) = do
        infos   = mapKeys info
        entries = case code of
                    [] -> infos
                    BasicBlock entry _ : _ -- first block is the entry point
                        | entry `elem` infos -> infos
                        | otherwise          -> entry : infos

    uniqs <- replicateM (length entries) getUniqueM

        delta = ((x + stackAlign - 1) `quot` stackAlign) * stackAlign -- round up
            where x = slots * spillSlotSize -- sp delta

        alloc   = mkStackAllocInstr   platform delta
        dealloc = mkStackDeallocInstr platform delta

        new_blockmap :: BlockEnv BlockId
        new_blockmap = mapFromList (zip entries (map mkBlockId uniqs))

        insert_stack_insns (BasicBlock id insns)
            | Just new_blockid <- mapLookup id new_blockmap
                = [ BasicBlock id [alloc, BCC ALWAYS new_blockid]
                  , BasicBlock new_blockid block'
            | otherwise
                = [ BasicBlock id block' ]
              block' = foldr insert_dealloc [] insns

        insert_dealloc insn r
            -- BCTR might or might not be a non-local jump. For
            -- "labeled-goto" we use JMP, and for "computed-goto" we
            -- use MTCTR followed by BCTR. See 'PPC.CodeGen.genJump'.
            = case insn of
                JMP _           -> dealloc : insn : r
                BCTR [] Nothing -> dealloc : insn : r
                BCTR ids label  -> BCTR (map (fmap retarget) ids) label : r
                BCCFAR cond b   -> BCCFAR cond (retarget b) : r
                BCC    cond b   -> BCC    cond (retarget b) : r
                _               -> insn : r
            -- BL and BCTRL are call-like instructions rather than
            -- jumps, and are used only for C calls.

        retarget :: BlockId -> BlockId
        retarget b
            = fromMaybe b (mapLookup b new_blockmap)

            = concatMap insert_stack_insns code

    -- in
    return (CmmProc info lbl live (ListGraph new_code))

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Machine's assembly language

-- We have a few common "instructions" (nearly all the pseudo-ops) but
-- mostly all of 'Instr' is machine-specific.

-- Register or immediate
data RI
    = RIReg Reg
    | RIImm Imm

data Instr
    -- comment pseudo-op
    = COMMENT FastString

    -- some static data spat out during code
    -- generation.  Will be extracted before
    -- pretty-printing.
    | LDATA   Section CmmStatics

    -- start a new basic block.  Useful during
    -- codegen, removed later.  Preceding
    -- instruction should be a jump, as per the
    -- invariants for a BasicBlock (see Cmm).
    | NEWBLOCK BlockId

    -- specify current stack offset for
    -- benefit of subsequent passes
    | DELTA   Int

    -- Loads and stores.
    | LD      Format Reg AddrMode   -- Load format, dst, src
    | LDFAR   Format Reg AddrMode   -- Load format, dst, src 32 bit offset
    | LA      Format Reg AddrMode   -- Load arithmetic format, dst, src
    | ST      Format Reg AddrMode   -- Store format, src, dst
    | STFAR   Format Reg AddrMode   -- Store format, src, dst 32 bit offset
    | STU     Format Reg AddrMode   -- Store with Update format, src, dst
    | LIS     Reg Imm               -- Load Immediate Shifted dst, src
    | LI      Reg Imm               -- Load Immediate dst, src
    | MR      Reg Reg               -- Move Register dst, src -- also for fmr

    | CMP     Format Reg RI         -- format, src1, src2
    | CMPL    Format Reg RI         -- format, src1, src2

    | BCC     Cond BlockId
    | BCCFAR  Cond BlockId
    | JMP     CLabel                -- same as branch,
                                    -- but with CLabel instead of block ID
    | MTCTR   Reg
    | BCTR    [Maybe BlockId] (Maybe CLabel) -- with list of local destinations, and jump table location if necessary
    | BL      CLabel [Reg]          -- with list of argument regs
    | BCTRL   [Reg]

    | ADD     Reg Reg RI            -- dst, src1, src2
    | ADDC    Reg Reg Reg           -- (carrying) dst, src1, src2
    | ADDE    Reg Reg Reg           -- (extend) dst, src1, src2
    | ADDI    Reg Reg Imm           -- Add Immediate dst, src1, src2
    | ADDIS   Reg Reg Imm           -- Add Immediate Shifted dst, src1, src2
    | SUBF    Reg Reg Reg           -- dst, src1, src2 ; dst = src2 - src1
    | SUBFC   Reg Reg Reg           -- (carrying) dst, src1, src2 ; dst = src2 - src1
    | SUBFE   Reg Reg Reg           -- (extend) dst, src1, src2 ; dst = src2 - src1
    | MULLD   Reg Reg RI
    | MULLW   Reg Reg RI
    | DIVW    Reg Reg Reg
    | DIVD    Reg Reg Reg
    | DIVWU   Reg Reg Reg
    | DIVDU   Reg Reg Reg

    | MULLW_MayOflo Reg Reg Reg
                                    -- dst = 1 if src1 * src2 overflows
                                    -- pseudo-instruction; pretty-printed as:
                                    -- mullwo. dst, src1, src2
                                    -- mfxer dst
                                    -- rlwinm dst, dst, 2, 31,31
    | MULLD_MayOflo Reg Reg Reg
                                    -- dst = 1 if src1 * src2 overflows
                                    -- pseudo-instruction; pretty-printed as:
                                    -- mulldo. dst, src1, src2
                                    -- mfxer dst
                                    -- rlwinm dst, dst, 2, 31,31

    | AND     Reg Reg RI            -- dst, src1, src2
    | OR      Reg Reg RI            -- dst, src1, src2
    | ORIS    Reg Reg Imm           -- OR Immediate Shifted dst, src1, src2
    | XOR     Reg Reg RI            -- dst, src1, src2
    | XORIS   Reg Reg Imm           -- XOR Immediate Shifted dst, src1, src2

    | EXTS    Format Reg Reg

    | NEG     Reg Reg
    | NOT     Reg Reg

    | SL      Format Reg Reg RI            -- shift left
    | SR      Format Reg Reg RI            -- shift right
    | SRA     Format Reg Reg RI            -- shift right arithmetic

    | RLWINM  Reg Reg Int Int Int   -- Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask

    | FADD    Format Reg Reg Reg
    | FSUB    Format Reg Reg Reg
    | FMUL    Format Reg Reg Reg
    | FDIV    Format Reg Reg Reg
    | FNEG    Reg Reg               -- negate is the same for single and double prec.

    | FCMP    Reg Reg

    | FCTIWZ  Reg Reg           -- convert to integer word
    | FCTIDZ  Reg Reg           -- convert to integer double word
    | FCFID   Reg Reg           -- convert from integer double word
    | FRSP    Reg Reg           -- reduce to single precision
                                -- (but destination is a FP register)

    | CRNOR   Int Int Int       -- condition register nor
    | MFCR    Reg               -- move from condition register

    | MFLR    Reg               -- move from link register
    | FETCHPC Reg               -- pseudo-instruction:
                                -- bcl to next insn, mflr reg
    | FETCHTOC Reg CLabel       -- pseudo-instruction
                                -- add TOC offset to address in r12
                                -- print .localentry for label
    | LWSYNC                    -- memory barrier
    | NOP                       -- no operation, PowerPC 64 bit
                                -- needs this as place holder to
                                -- reload TOC pointer
    | UPDATE_SP Format Imm      -- expand/shrink spill area on C stack
                                -- pseudo-instruction

-- | Get the registers that are being used by this instruction.
-- regUsage doesn't need to do any trickery for jumps and such.
-- Just state precisely the regs read and written by that insn.
-- The consequences of control flow transfers, as far as register
-- allocation goes, are taken care of by the register allocator.
ppc_regUsageOfInstr :: Platform -> Instr -> RegUsage
ppc_regUsageOfInstr platform instr
 = case instr of
    LD      _ reg addr       -> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
    LDFAR   _ reg addr       -> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
    LA      _ reg addr       -> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
    ST      _ reg addr       -> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
    STFAR   _ reg addr       -> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
    STU     _ reg addr       -> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
    LIS     reg _            -> usage ([], [reg])
    LI      reg _            -> usage ([], [reg])
    MR      reg1 reg2        -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    CMP     _ reg ri         -> usage (reg : regRI ri,[])
    CMPL    _ reg ri         -> usage (reg : regRI ri,[])
    BCC     _ _              -> noUsage
    BCCFAR  _ _              -> noUsage
    MTCTR   reg              -> usage ([reg],[])
    BCTR    _ _              -> noUsage
    BL      _ params         -> usage (params, callClobberedRegs platform)
    BCTRL   params           -> usage (params, callClobberedRegs platform)

    ADD     reg1 reg2 ri     -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    ADDC    reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    ADDE    reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    ADDI    reg1 reg2 _      -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    ADDIS   reg1 reg2 _      -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    SUBF    reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    SUBFC   reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    SUBFE   reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    MULLD   reg1 reg2 ri     -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    MULLW   reg1 reg2 ri     -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    DIVW    reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    DIVD    reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    DIVWU   reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    DIVDU   reg1 reg2 reg3   -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])

    MULLW_MayOflo reg1 reg2 reg3
                            -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    MULLD_MayOflo reg1 reg2 reg3
                            -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    AND     reg1 reg2 ri    -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    OR      reg1 reg2 ri    -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    ORIS    reg1 reg2 _     -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    XOR     reg1 reg2 ri    -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    XORIS   reg1 reg2 _     -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    EXTS    _  reg1 reg2    -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    NEG     reg1 reg2       -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    NOT     reg1 reg2       -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    SL      _ reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    SR      _ reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    SRA     _ reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    RLWINM  reg1 reg2 _ _ _ -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])

    FADD    _ r1 r2 r3      -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FSUB    _ r1 r2 r3      -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FMUL    _ r1 r2 r3      -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FDIV    _ r1 r2 r3      -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FNEG    r1 r2           -> usage ([r2], [r1])
    FCMP    r1 r2           -> usage ([r1,r2], [])
    FCTIWZ  r1 r2           -> usage ([r2], [r1])
    FCTIDZ  r1 r2           -> usage ([r2], [r1])
    FCFID   r1 r2           -> usage ([r2], [r1])
    FRSP    r1 r2           -> usage ([r2], [r1])
    MFCR    reg             -> usage ([], [reg])
    MFLR    reg             -> usage ([], [reg])
    FETCHPC reg             -> usage ([], [reg])
    FETCHTOC reg _          -> usage ([], [reg])
    UPDATE_SP _ _           -> usage ([], [sp])
    _                       -> noUsage
    usage (src, dst) = RU (filter (interesting platform) src)
                          (filter (interesting platform) dst)
    regAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = [r1, r2]
    regAddr (AddrRegImm r1 _)  = [r1]

    regRI (RIReg r) = [r]
    regRI  _        = []

interesting :: Platform -> Reg -> Bool
interesting _        (RegVirtual _)              = True
interesting platform (RegReal (RealRegSingle i)) = freeReg platform i
interesting _        (RegReal (RealRegPair{}))
    = panic "PPC.Instr.interesting: no reg pairs on this arch"

-- | Apply a given mapping to all the register references in this
-- instruction.
ppc_patchRegsOfInstr :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
ppc_patchRegsOfInstr instr env
 = case instr of
    LD      fmt reg addr    -> LD fmt (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    LDFAR   fmt reg addr    -> LDFAR fmt (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    LA      fmt reg addr    -> LA fmt (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    ST      fmt reg addr    -> ST fmt (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    STFAR   fmt reg addr    -> STFAR fmt (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    STU     fmt reg addr    -> STU fmt (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    LIS     reg imm         -> LIS (env reg) imm
    LI      reg imm         -> LI (env reg) imm
    MR      reg1 reg2       -> MR (env reg1) (env reg2)
    CMP     fmt reg ri      -> CMP fmt (env reg) (fixRI ri)
    CMPL    fmt reg ri      -> CMPL fmt (env reg) (fixRI ri)
    BCC     cond lbl        -> BCC cond lbl
    BCCFAR  cond lbl        -> BCCFAR cond lbl
    MTCTR   reg             -> MTCTR (env reg)
    BCTR    targets lbl     -> BCTR targets lbl
    BL      imm argRegs     -> BL imm argRegs    -- argument regs
    BCTRL   argRegs         -> BCTRL argRegs     -- cannot be remapped
    ADD     reg1 reg2 ri    -> ADD (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    ADDC    reg1 reg2 reg3  -> ADDC (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    ADDE    reg1 reg2 reg3  -> ADDE (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    ADDI    reg1 reg2 imm   -> ADDI (env reg1) (env reg2) imm
    ADDIS   reg1 reg2 imm   -> ADDIS (env reg1) (env reg2) imm
    SUBF    reg1 reg2 reg3  -> SUBF (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    SUBFC   reg1 reg2 reg3  -> SUBFC (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    SUBFE   reg1 reg2 reg3  -> SUBFE (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    MULLD   reg1 reg2 ri    -> MULLD (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    MULLW   reg1 reg2 ri    -> MULLW (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    DIVW    reg1 reg2 reg3  -> DIVW (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    DIVD    reg1 reg2 reg3  -> DIVD (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    DIVWU   reg1 reg2 reg3  -> DIVWU (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    DIVDU   reg1 reg2 reg3  -> DIVDU (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    MULLW_MayOflo reg1 reg2 reg3
                            -> MULLW_MayOflo (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    MULLD_MayOflo reg1 reg2 reg3
                            -> MULLD_MayOflo (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    AND     reg1 reg2 ri    -> AND (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    OR      reg1 reg2 ri    -> OR  (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    ORIS    reg1 reg2 imm   -> ORIS (env reg1) (env reg2) imm
    XOR     reg1 reg2 ri    -> XOR (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    XORIS   reg1 reg2 imm   -> XORIS (env reg1) (env reg2) imm
    EXTS    fmt reg1 reg2   -> EXTS fmt (env reg1) (env reg2)
    NEG     reg1 reg2       -> NEG (env reg1) (env reg2)
    NOT     reg1 reg2       -> NOT (env reg1) (env reg2)
    SL      fmt reg1 reg2 ri
                            -> SL fmt (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    SR      fmt reg1 reg2 ri
                            -> SR fmt (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    SRA     fmt reg1 reg2 ri
                            -> SRA fmt (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    RLWINM  reg1 reg2 sh mb me
                            -> RLWINM (env reg1) (env reg2) sh mb me
    FADD    fmt r1 r2 r3    -> FADD fmt (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FSUB    fmt r1 r2 r3    -> FSUB fmt (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FMUL    fmt r1 r2 r3    -> FMUL fmt (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FDIV    fmt r1 r2 r3    -> FDIV fmt (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FNEG    r1 r2           -> FNEG (env r1) (env r2)
    FCMP    r1 r2           -> FCMP (env r1) (env r2)
    FCTIWZ  r1 r2           -> FCTIWZ (env r1) (env r2)
    FCTIDZ  r1 r2           -> FCTIDZ (env r1) (env r2)
    FCFID   r1 r2           -> FCFID (env r1) (env r2)
    FRSP    r1 r2           -> FRSP (env r1) (env r2)
    MFCR    reg             -> MFCR (env reg)
    MFLR    reg             -> MFLR (env reg)
    FETCHPC reg             -> FETCHPC (env reg)
    FETCHTOC reg lab        -> FETCHTOC (env reg) lab
    _                       -> instr
    fixAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = AddrRegReg (env r1) (env r2)
    fixAddr (AddrRegImm r1 i)  = AddrRegImm (env r1) i

    fixRI (RIReg r) = RIReg (env r)
    fixRI other     = other

-- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction.
-- One that can change the flow of control in a way that the
-- register allocator needs to worry about.
ppc_isJumpishInstr :: Instr -> Bool
ppc_isJumpishInstr instr
 = case instr of
    BCC{}       -> True
    BCCFAR{}    -> True
    BCTR{}      -> True
    BCTRL{}     -> True
    BL{}        -> True
    JMP{}       -> True
    _           -> False

-- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction.
-- One that can change the flow of control in a way that the
-- register allocator needs to worry about.
ppc_jumpDestsOfInstr :: Instr -> [BlockId]
ppc_jumpDestsOfInstr insn
  = case insn of
        BCC _ id        -> [id]
        BCCFAR _ id     -> [id]
        BCTR targets _  -> [id | Just id <- targets]
        _               -> []

-- | Change the destination of this jump instruction.
-- Used in the linear allocator when adding fixup blocks for join
-- points.
ppc_patchJumpInstr :: Instr -> (BlockId -> BlockId) -> Instr
ppc_patchJumpInstr insn patchF
  = case insn of
        BCC cc id       -> BCC cc (patchF id)
        BCCFAR cc id    -> BCCFAR cc (patchF id)
        BCTR ids lbl    -> BCTR (map (fmap patchF) ids) lbl
        _               -> insn

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | An instruction to spill a register into a spill slot.
   :: DynFlags
   -> Reg       -- register to spill
   -> Int       -- current stack delta
   -> Int       -- spill slot to use
   -> Instr

ppc_mkSpillInstr dflags reg delta slot
  = let platform = targetPlatform dflags
        off      = spillSlotToOffset dflags slot
        arch     = platformArch platform
    let fmt = case targetClassOfReg platform reg of
                RcInteger -> case arch of
                                ArchPPC -> II32
                                _       -> II64
                RcDouble  -> FF64
                _         -> panic "PPC.Instr.mkSpillInstr: no match"
        instr = case makeImmediate W32 True (off-delta) of
                Just _  -> ST
                Nothing -> STFAR -- pseudo instruction: 32 bit offsets

    in instr fmt reg (AddrRegImm sp (ImmInt (off-delta)))

   :: DynFlags
   -> Reg       -- register to load
   -> Int       -- current stack delta
   -> Int       -- spill slot to use
   -> Instr

ppc_mkLoadInstr dflags reg delta slot
  = let platform = targetPlatform dflags
        off      = spillSlotToOffset dflags slot
        arch     = platformArch platform
    let fmt = case targetClassOfReg platform reg of
                RcInteger ->  case arch of
                                 ArchPPC -> II32
                                 _       -> II64
                RcDouble  -> FF64
                _         -> panic "PPC.Instr.mkLoadInstr: no match"
        instr = case makeImmediate W32 True (off-delta) of
                Just _  -> LD
                Nothing -> LDFAR -- pseudo instruction: 32 bit offsets

    in instr fmt reg (AddrRegImm sp (ImmInt (off-delta)))

-- | The size of a minimal stackframe header including minimal
-- parameter save area.
stackFrameHeaderSize :: DynFlags -> Int
stackFrameHeaderSize dflags
  = case platformOS platform of
      OSLinux  -> case platformArch platform of
                             -- header + parameter save area
        ArchPPC           -> 64 -- TODO: check ABI spec
        ArchPPC_64 ELF_V1 -> 48 + 8 * 8
        ArchPPC_64 ELF_V2 -> 32 + 8 * 8
        _ -> panic "PPC.stackFrameHeaderSize: Unknown Linux"
      OSAIX    -> 24 + 8 * 4
      OSDarwin -> 64 -- TODO: check ABI spec
      _ -> panic "PPC.stackFrameHeaderSize: not defined for this OS"
     where platform = targetPlatform dflags

-- | The maximum number of bytes required to spill a register. PPC32
-- has 32-bit GPRs and 64-bit FPRs, while PPC64 has 64-bit GPRs and
-- 64-bit FPRs. So the maximum is 8 regardless of platforms unlike
-- x86. Note that AltiVec's vector registers are 128-bit wide so we
-- must not use this to spill them.
spillSlotSize :: Int
spillSlotSize = 8

-- | The number of spill slots available without allocating more.
maxSpillSlots :: DynFlags -> Int
maxSpillSlots dflags
    = ((rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES dflags - stackFrameHeaderSize dflags)
       `div` spillSlotSize) - 1
--     = 0 -- useful for testing allocMoreStack

-- | The number of bytes that the stack pointer should be aligned
-- to. This is 16 both on PPC32 and PPC64 at least for Darwin, and
-- Linux (see ELF processor specific supplements).
stackAlign :: Int
stackAlign = 16

-- | Convert a spill slot number to a *byte* offset, with no sign.
spillSlotToOffset :: DynFlags -> Int -> Int
spillSlotToOffset dflags slot
   = stackFrameHeaderSize dflags + spillSlotSize * slot

-- | See if this instruction is telling us the current C stack delta
    :: Instr
    -> Maybe Int

ppc_takeDeltaInstr instr
 = case instr of
     DELTA i  -> Just i
     _        -> Nothing

    :: Instr
    -> Bool

ppc_isMetaInstr instr
 = case instr of
    COMMENT{}   -> True
    LDATA{}     -> True
    NEWBLOCK{}  -> True
    DELTA{}     -> True
    _           -> False

-- | Copy the value in a register to another one.
-- Must work for all register classes.
    :: Reg
    -> Reg
    -> Instr

ppc_mkRegRegMoveInstr src dst
    = MR dst src

-- | Make an unconditional jump instruction.
-- For architectures with branch delay slots, its ok to put
-- a NOP after the jump. Don't fill the delay slot with an
-- instruction that references regs or you'll confuse the
-- linear allocator.
    :: BlockId
    -> [Instr]

ppc_mkJumpInstr id
    = [BCC ALWAYS id]

-- | Take the source and destination from this reg -> reg move instruction
-- or Nothing if it's not one
ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (Reg,Reg)
ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr (MR dst src) = Just (src,dst)
ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr _  = Nothing

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Making far branches

-- Conditional branches on PowerPC are limited to +-32KB; if our Procs get too
-- big, we have to work around this limitation.

        :: BlockEnv CmmStatics
        -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
        -> [NatBasicBlock Instr]
makeFarBranches info_env blocks
    | last blockAddresses < nearLimit = blocks
    | otherwise = zipWith handleBlock blockAddresses blocks
        blockAddresses = scanl (+) 0 $ map blockLen blocks
        blockLen (BasicBlock _ instrs) = length instrs

        handleBlock addr (BasicBlock id instrs)
                = BasicBlock id (zipWith makeFar [addr..] instrs)

        makeFar _ (BCC ALWAYS tgt) = BCC ALWAYS tgt
        makeFar addr (BCC cond tgt)
            | abs (addr - targetAddr) >= nearLimit
            = BCCFAR cond tgt
            | otherwise
            = BCC cond tgt
            where Just targetAddr = lookupUFM blockAddressMap tgt
        makeFar _ other            = other

        -- 8192 instructions are allowed; let's keep some distance, as
        -- we have a few pseudo-insns that are pretty-printed as
        -- multiple instructions, and it's just not worth the effort
        -- to calculate things exactly
        nearLimit = 7000 - mapSize info_env * maxRetInfoTableSizeW

        blockAddressMap = listToUFM $ zip (map blockId blocks) blockAddresses