-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
-- Copyright   :  Isaac Jones 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2009
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- The module defines all the known built-in 'Program's.
-- Where possible we try to find their version numbers.
module Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin (

    -- * The collection of unconfigured and configured programs

    -- * Programs that Cabal knows about
  ) where

import Distribution.Simple.Program.Find
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Internal
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Compat.Exception
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Version

import Data.Char
         ( isDigit )
import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Known programs
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The default list of programs.
-- These programs are typically used internally to Cabal.
builtinPrograms :: [Program]
builtinPrograms =
    -- compilers and related progs
    , ghcPkgProgram
    , ghcjsProgram
    , ghcjsPkgProgram
    , haskellSuiteProgram
    , haskellSuitePkgProgram
    , hmakeProgram
    , jhcProgram
    , lhcProgram
    , lhcPkgProgram
    , uhcProgram
    , hpcProgram
    -- preprocessors
    , hscolourProgram
    , haddockProgram
    , happyProgram
    , alexProgram
    , hsc2hsProgram
    , c2hsProgram
    , cpphsProgram
    , greencardProgram
    -- platform toolchain
    , gccProgram
    , arProgram
    , stripProgram
    , ldProgram
    , tarProgram
    -- configuration tools
    , pkgConfigProgram

ghcProgram :: Program
ghcProgram = (simpleProgram "ghc") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--numeric-version" id,

    -- Workaround for https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8825
    -- (spurious warning on non-english locales)
    programPostConf    = \_verbosity ghcProg ->
    do let ghcProg' = ghcProg {
             programOverrideEnv = ("LANGUAGE", Just "en")
                                  : programOverrideEnv ghcProg
           -- Only the 7.8 branch seems to be affected. Fixed in 7.8.4.
           affectedVersionRange = intersectVersionRanges
                                  (laterVersion   $ Version [7,8,0] [])
                                  (earlierVersion $ Version [7,8,4] [])
       return $ maybe ghcProg
         (\v -> if withinRange v affectedVersionRange
                then ghcProg' else ghcProg)
         (programVersion ghcProg)

ghcPkgProgram :: Program
ghcPkgProgram = (simpleProgram "ghc-pkg") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "ghc-pkg --version" gives a string like
      -- "GHC package manager version 6.4.1"
      case words str of
        (_:_:_:_:ver:_) -> ver
        _               -> ""

ghcjsProgram :: Program
ghcjsProgram = (simpleProgram "ghcjs") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--numeric-ghcjs-version" id

-- note: version is the version number of the GHC version that ghcjs-pkg was built with
ghcjsPkgProgram :: Program
ghcjsPkgProgram = (simpleProgram "ghcjs-pkg") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "ghcjs-pkg --version" gives a string like
      -- "GHCJS package manager version 6.4.1"
      case words str of
        (_:_:_:_:ver:_) -> ver
        _               -> ""

lhcProgram :: Program
lhcProgram = (simpleProgram "lhc") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--numeric-version" id

lhcPkgProgram :: Program
lhcPkgProgram = (simpleProgram "lhc-pkg") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "lhc-pkg --version" gives a string like
      -- "LHC package manager version 0.7"
      case words str of
        (_:_:_:_:ver:_) -> ver
        _               -> ""

hmakeProgram :: Program
hmakeProgram = (simpleProgram "hmake") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
    -- Invoking "hmake --version" gives a string line
    -- "/usr/local/bin/hmake: 3.13 (2006-11-01)"
      case words str of
        (_:ver:_) -> ver
        _         -> ""

jhcProgram :: Program
jhcProgram = (simpleProgram "jhc") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
    -- invoking "jhc --version" gives a string like
    -- "jhc 0.3.20080208 (wubgipkamcep-2)
    -- compiled by ghc-6.8 on a x86_64 running linux"
      case words str of
        (_:ver:_) -> ver
        _         -> ""

uhcProgram :: Program
uhcProgram = (simpleProgram "uhc") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version-dotted" id

hpcProgram :: Program
hpcProgram = (simpleProgram "hpc")
        programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "version" $ \str ->
            case words str of
                (_ : _ : _ : ver : _) -> ver
                _ -> ""

-- This represents a haskell-suite compiler. Of course, the compiler
-- itself probably is not called "haskell-suite", so this is not a real
-- program. (But we don't know statically the name of the actual compiler,
-- so this is the best we can do.)
-- Having this Program value serves two purposes:
-- 1. We can accept options for the compiler in the form of
--   --haskell-suite-option(s)=...
-- 2. We can find a program later using this static id (with
-- requireProgram).
-- The path to the real compiler is found and recorded in the ProgramDb
-- during the configure phase.
haskellSuiteProgram :: Program
haskellSuiteProgram = (simpleProgram "haskell-suite") {
    -- pretend that the program exists, otherwise it won't be in the
    -- "configured" state
    programFindLocation = \_verbosity _searchPath ->
      return $ Just ("haskell-suite-dummy-location", [])

-- This represent a haskell-suite package manager. See the comments for
-- haskellSuiteProgram.
haskellSuitePkgProgram :: Program
haskellSuitePkgProgram = (simpleProgram "haskell-suite-pkg") {
    programFindLocation = \_verbosity _searchPath ->
      return $ Just ("haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location", [])

happyProgram :: Program
happyProgram = (simpleProgram "happy") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "happy --version" gives a string like
      -- "Happy Version 1.16 Copyright (c) ...."
      case words str of
        (_:_:ver:_) -> ver
        _           -> ""

alexProgram :: Program
alexProgram = (simpleProgram "alex") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "alex --version" gives a string like
      -- "Alex version 2.1.0, (c) 2003 Chris Dornan and Simon Marlow"
      case words str of
        (_:_:ver:_) -> takeWhile (\x -> isDigit x || x == '.') ver
        _           -> ""

gccProgram :: Program
gccProgram = (simpleProgram "gcc") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "-dumpversion" id

arProgram :: Program
arProgram = simpleProgram "ar"

stripProgram :: Program
stripProgram = (simpleProgram "strip") {
    programFindVersion = \verbosity ->
      findProgramVersion "--version" stripExtractVersion (lessVerbose verbosity)

hsc2hsProgram :: Program
hsc2hsProgram = (simpleProgram "hsc2hs") {
    programFindVersion =
      findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
        -- Invoking "hsc2hs --version" gives a string like "hsc2hs version 0.66"
        case words str of
          (_:_:ver:_) -> ver
          _           -> ""

c2hsProgram :: Program
c2hsProgram = (simpleProgram "c2hs") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--numeric-version" id

cpphsProgram :: Program
cpphsProgram = (simpleProgram "cpphs") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "cpphs --version" gives a string like "cpphs 1.3"
      case words str of
        (_:ver:_) -> ver
        _         -> ""

hscolourProgram :: Program
hscolourProgram = (simpleProgram "hscolour") {
    programFindLocation = \v p -> findProgramOnSearchPath v p "HsColour",
    programFindVersion  = findProgramVersion "-version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "HsColour -version" gives a string like "HsColour 1.7"
      case words str of
        (_:ver:_) -> ver
        _         -> ""

haddockProgram :: Program
haddockProgram = (simpleProgram "haddock") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" $ \str ->
      -- Invoking "haddock --version" gives a string like
      -- "Haddock version 0.8, (c) Simon Marlow 2006"
      case words str of
        (_:_:ver:_) -> takeWhile (`elem` ('.':['0'..'9'])) ver
        _           -> ""

greencardProgram :: Program
greencardProgram = simpleProgram "greencard"

ldProgram :: Program
ldProgram = simpleProgram "ld"

tarProgram :: Program
tarProgram = (simpleProgram "tar") {
  -- See #1901. Some versions of 'tar' (OpenBSD, NetBSD, ...) don't support the
  -- '--format' option.
  programPostConf = \verbosity tarProg -> do
     tarHelpOutput <- getProgramInvocationOutput
                      verbosity (programInvocation tarProg ["--help"])
                      -- Some versions of tar don't support '--help'.
                      `catchIO` (\_ -> return "")
     let k = "Supports --format"
         v = if ("--format" `isInfixOf` tarHelpOutput) then "YES" else "NO"
         m = Map.insert k v (programProperties tarProg)
     return $ tarProg { programProperties = m }

cppProgram :: Program
cppProgram = simpleProgram "cpp"

pkgConfigProgram :: Program
pkgConfigProgram = (simpleProgram "pkg-config") {
    programFindVersion = findProgramVersion "--version" id