#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_binary
#define MIN_VERSION_binary_0_8_0 MIN_VERSION_binary(0,8,0)
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_binary_0_8_0
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
#define MIN_VERSION_binary_0_8_0 1
#define MIN_VERSION_binary_0_8_0 0
#if !MIN_VERSION_binary_0_8_0
module Distribution.Version (
anyVersion, noVersion,
thisVersion, notThisVersion,
laterVersion, earlierVersion,
orLaterVersion, orEarlierVersion,
unionVersionRanges, intersectVersionRanges,
) where
import Distribution.Compat.Binary ( Binary(..) )
import Data.Data ( Data )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Data.Version ( Version(..) )
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Distribution.Text
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP hiding (get)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
import Text.PrettyPrint ((<>), (<+>))
import qualified Data.Char as Char (isDigit)
import Control.Exception (assert)
data VersionRange
= AnyVersion
| ThisVersion Version
| LaterVersion Version
| EarlierVersion Version
| WildcardVersion Version
| UnionVersionRanges VersionRange VersionRange
| IntersectVersionRanges VersionRange VersionRange
| VersionRangeParens VersionRange
deriving (Data, Eq, Generic, Read, Show, Typeable)
instance Binary VersionRange
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
deriving instance Data Version
#if !(MIN_VERSION_binary_0_8_0)
instance Binary Version where
get = do
br <- get
tags <- get
return $ Version br tags
put (Version br tags) = put br >> put tags
anyVersion :: VersionRange
anyVersion = AnyVersion
noVersion :: VersionRange
noVersion = IntersectVersionRanges (LaterVersion v) (EarlierVersion v)
where v = Version [1] []
thisVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
thisVersion = ThisVersion
notThisVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
notThisVersion v = UnionVersionRanges (EarlierVersion v) (LaterVersion v)
laterVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
laterVersion = LaterVersion
orLaterVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
orLaterVersion v = UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion v) (LaterVersion v)
earlierVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
earlierVersion = EarlierVersion
orEarlierVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
orEarlierVersion v = UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion v) (EarlierVersion v)
unionVersionRanges :: VersionRange -> VersionRange -> VersionRange
unionVersionRanges = UnionVersionRanges
intersectVersionRanges :: VersionRange -> VersionRange -> VersionRange
intersectVersionRanges = IntersectVersionRanges
invertVersionRange :: VersionRange -> VersionRange
invertVersionRange =
fromVersionIntervals . invertVersionIntervals
. VersionIntervals . asVersionIntervals
withinVersion :: Version -> VersionRange
withinVersion = WildcardVersion
betweenVersionsInclusive :: Version -> Version -> VersionRange
betweenVersionsInclusive v1 v2 =
IntersectVersionRanges (orLaterVersion v1) (orEarlierVersion v2)
removeUpperBound :: VersionRange -> VersionRange
removeUpperBound = fromVersionIntervals . relaxLastInterval . toVersionIntervals
relaxLastInterval (VersionIntervals intervals) =
VersionIntervals (relaxLastInterval' intervals)
relaxLastInterval' [] = []
relaxLastInterval' [(l,_)] = [(l, NoUpperBound)]
relaxLastInterval' (i:is) = i : relaxLastInterval' is
foldVersionRange :: a
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> VersionRange -> a
foldVersionRange anyv this later earlier union intersect = fold
fold AnyVersion = anyv
fold (ThisVersion v) = this v
fold (LaterVersion v) = later v
fold (EarlierVersion v) = earlier v
fold (WildcardVersion v) = fold (wildcard v)
fold (UnionVersionRanges v1 v2) = union (fold v1) (fold v2)
fold (IntersectVersionRanges v1 v2) = intersect (fold v1) (fold v2)
fold (VersionRangeParens v) = fold v
wildcard v = intersectVersionRanges
(orLaterVersion v)
(earlierVersion (wildcardUpperBound v))
foldVersionRange' :: a
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> a)
-> (Version -> Version -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> VersionRange -> a
foldVersionRange' anyv this later earlier orLater orEarlier
wildcard union intersect parens = fold
fold AnyVersion = anyv
fold (ThisVersion v) = this v
fold (LaterVersion v) = later v
fold (EarlierVersion v) = earlier v
fold (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion v)
(LaterVersion v')) | v==v' = orLater v
fold (UnionVersionRanges (LaterVersion v)
(ThisVersion v')) | v==v' = orLater v
fold (UnionVersionRanges (ThisVersion v)
(EarlierVersion v')) | v==v' = orEarlier v
fold (UnionVersionRanges (EarlierVersion v)
(ThisVersion v')) | v==v' = orEarlier v
fold (WildcardVersion v) = wildcard v (wildcardUpperBound v)
fold (UnionVersionRanges v1 v2) = union (fold v1) (fold v2)
fold (IntersectVersionRanges v1 v2) = intersect (fold v1) (fold v2)
fold (VersionRangeParens v) = parens (fold v)
withinRange :: Version -> VersionRange -> Bool
withinRange v = foldVersionRange
(\v' -> versionBranch v == versionBranch v')
(\v' -> versionBranch v > versionBranch v')
(\v' -> versionBranch v < versionBranch v')
asVersionIntervals :: VersionRange -> [VersionInterval]
asVersionIntervals = versionIntervals . toVersionIntervals
isAnyVersion :: VersionRange -> Bool
isAnyVersion vr = case asVersionIntervals vr of
[(LowerBound v InclusiveBound, NoUpperBound)] | isVersion0 v -> True
_ -> False
isNoVersion :: VersionRange -> Bool
isNoVersion vr = case asVersionIntervals vr of
[] -> True
_ -> False
isSpecificVersion :: VersionRange -> Maybe Version
isSpecificVersion vr = case asVersionIntervals vr of
[(LowerBound v InclusiveBound
,UpperBound v' InclusiveBound)]
| v == v' -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
simplifyVersionRange :: VersionRange -> VersionRange
simplifyVersionRange vr
| null (versionIntervals vi) = vr
| otherwise = fromVersionIntervals vi
vi = toVersionIntervals vr
wildcardUpperBound :: Version -> Version
wildcardUpperBound (Version lowerBound ts) = Version upperBound ts
upperBound = init lowerBound ++ [last lowerBound + 1]
isWildcardRange :: Version -> Version -> Bool
isWildcardRange (Version branch1 _) (Version branch2 _) = check branch1 branch2
where check (n:[]) (m:[]) | n+1 == m = True
check (n:ns) (m:ms) | n == m = check ns ms
check _ _ = False
newtype VersionIntervals = VersionIntervals [VersionInterval]
deriving (Eq, Show)
versionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> [VersionInterval]
versionIntervals (VersionIntervals is) = is
type VersionInterval = (LowerBound, UpperBound)
data LowerBound = LowerBound Version !Bound deriving (Eq, Show)
data UpperBound = NoUpperBound | UpperBound Version !Bound deriving (Eq, Show)
data Bound = ExclusiveBound | InclusiveBound deriving (Eq, Show)
minLowerBound :: LowerBound
minLowerBound = LowerBound (Version [0] []) InclusiveBound
isVersion0 :: Version -> Bool
isVersion0 (Version [0] _) = True
isVersion0 _ = False
instance Ord LowerBound where
LowerBound ver bound <= LowerBound ver' bound' = case compare ver ver' of
LT -> True
EQ -> not (bound == ExclusiveBound && bound' == InclusiveBound)
GT -> False
instance Ord UpperBound where
_ <= NoUpperBound = True
NoUpperBound <= UpperBound _ _ = False
UpperBound ver bound <= UpperBound ver' bound' = case compare ver ver' of
LT -> True
EQ -> not (bound == InclusiveBound && bound' == ExclusiveBound)
GT -> False
invariant :: VersionIntervals -> Bool
invariant (VersionIntervals intervals) = all validInterval intervals
&& all doesNotTouch' adjacentIntervals
doesNotTouch' :: (VersionInterval, VersionInterval) -> Bool
doesNotTouch' ((_,u), (l',_)) = doesNotTouch u l'
adjacentIntervals :: [(VersionInterval, VersionInterval)]
| null intervals = []
| otherwise = zip intervals (tail intervals)
checkInvariant :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
checkInvariant is = assert (invariant is) is
mkVersionIntervals :: [VersionInterval] -> Maybe VersionIntervals
mkVersionIntervals intervals
| invariant (VersionIntervals intervals) = Just (VersionIntervals intervals)
| otherwise = Nothing
validVersion :: Version -> Bool
validVersion (Version [] _) = False
validVersion (Version vs _) = all (>=0) vs
validInterval :: (LowerBound, UpperBound) -> Bool
validInterval i@(l, u) = validLower l && validUpper u && nonEmpty i
validLower (LowerBound v _) = validVersion v
validUpper NoUpperBound = True
validUpper (UpperBound v _) = validVersion v
nonEmpty :: VersionInterval -> Bool
nonEmpty (_, NoUpperBound ) = True
nonEmpty (LowerBound l lb, UpperBound u ub) =
(l < u) || (l == u && lb == InclusiveBound && ub == InclusiveBound)
doesNotTouch :: UpperBound -> LowerBound -> Bool
doesNotTouch NoUpperBound _ = False
doesNotTouch (UpperBound u ub) (LowerBound l lb) =
u < l
|| (u == l && ub == ExclusiveBound && lb == ExclusiveBound)
doesNotIntersect :: UpperBound -> LowerBound -> Bool
doesNotIntersect NoUpperBound _ = False
doesNotIntersect (UpperBound u ub) (LowerBound l lb) =
u < l
|| (u == l && not (ub == InclusiveBound && lb == InclusiveBound))
withinIntervals :: Version -> VersionIntervals -> Bool
withinIntervals v (VersionIntervals intervals) = any withinInterval intervals
withinInterval (lowerBound, upperBound) = withinLower lowerBound
&& withinUpper upperBound
withinLower (LowerBound v' ExclusiveBound) = v' < v
withinLower (LowerBound v' InclusiveBound) = v' <= v
withinUpper NoUpperBound = True
withinUpper (UpperBound v' ExclusiveBound) = v' > v
withinUpper (UpperBound v' InclusiveBound) = v' >= v
toVersionIntervals :: VersionRange -> VersionIntervals
toVersionIntervals = foldVersionRange
( chkIvl (minLowerBound, NoUpperBound))
(\v -> chkIvl (LowerBound v InclusiveBound, UpperBound v InclusiveBound))
(\v -> chkIvl (LowerBound v ExclusiveBound, NoUpperBound))
(\v -> if isVersion0 v then VersionIntervals [] else
chkIvl (minLowerBound, UpperBound v ExclusiveBound))
chkIvl interval = checkInvariant (VersionIntervals [interval])
fromVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionRange
fromVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals []) = noVersion
fromVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals intervals) =
foldr1 UnionVersionRanges [ interval l u | (l, u) <- intervals ]
interval (LowerBound v InclusiveBound)
(UpperBound v' InclusiveBound) | v == v'
= ThisVersion v
interval (LowerBound v InclusiveBound)
(UpperBound v' ExclusiveBound) | isWildcardRange v v'
= WildcardVersion v
interval l u = lowerBound l `intersectVersionRanges'` upperBound u
lowerBound (LowerBound v InclusiveBound)
| isVersion0 v = AnyVersion
| otherwise = orLaterVersion v
lowerBound (LowerBound v ExclusiveBound) = LaterVersion v
upperBound NoUpperBound = AnyVersion
upperBound (UpperBound v InclusiveBound) = orEarlierVersion v
upperBound (UpperBound v ExclusiveBound) = EarlierVersion v
intersectVersionRanges' vr AnyVersion = vr
intersectVersionRanges' AnyVersion vr = vr
intersectVersionRanges' vr vr' = IntersectVersionRanges vr vr'
unionVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
-> VersionIntervals
unionVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals is0) (VersionIntervals is'0) =
checkInvariant (VersionIntervals (union is0 is'0))
union is [] = is
union [] is' = is'
union (i:is) (i':is') = case unionInterval i i' of
Left Nothing -> i : union is (i' :is')
Left (Just i'') -> union is (i'':is')
Right Nothing -> i' : union (i :is) is'
Right (Just i'') -> union (i'':is) is'
unionInterval :: VersionInterval -> VersionInterval
-> Either (Maybe VersionInterval) (Maybe VersionInterval)
unionInterval (lower , upper ) (lower', upper')
| upper `doesNotTouch` lower' = Left Nothing
| upper' `doesNotTouch` lower = Right Nothing
| upper <= upper' = lowerBound `seq`
Left (Just (lowerBound, upper'))
| otherwise = lowerBound `seq`
Right (Just (lowerBound, upper))
lowerBound = min lower lower'
intersectVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals -> VersionIntervals
-> VersionIntervals
intersectVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals is0) (VersionIntervals is'0) =
checkInvariant (VersionIntervals (intersect is0 is'0))
intersect _ [] = []
intersect [] _ = []
intersect (i:is) (i':is') = case intersectInterval i i' of
Left Nothing -> intersect is (i':is')
Left (Just i'') -> i'' : intersect is (i':is')
Right Nothing -> intersect (i:is) is'
Right (Just i'') -> i'' : intersect (i:is) is'
intersectInterval :: VersionInterval -> VersionInterval
-> Either (Maybe VersionInterval) (Maybe VersionInterval)
intersectInterval (lower , upper ) (lower', upper')
| upper `doesNotIntersect` lower' = Left Nothing
| upper' `doesNotIntersect` lower = Right Nothing
| upper <= upper' = lowerBound `seq`
Left (Just (lowerBound, upper))
| otherwise = lowerBound `seq`
Right (Just (lowerBound, upper'))
lowerBound = max lower lower'
invertVersionIntervals :: VersionIntervals
-> VersionIntervals
invertVersionIntervals (VersionIntervals xs) =
case xs of
[] -> VersionIntervals [(noLowerBound, NoUpperBound)]
((lb, ub) : more) | lb == noLowerBound ->
VersionIntervals $ invertVersionIntervals' ub more
((lb, ub) : more) ->
VersionIntervals $ (noLowerBound, invertLowerBound lb)
: invertVersionIntervals' ub more
invertVersionIntervals' :: UpperBound
-> [(LowerBound, UpperBound)]
-> [(LowerBound, UpperBound)]
invertVersionIntervals' NoUpperBound [] = []
invertVersionIntervals' ub0 [] = [(invertUpperBound ub0, NoUpperBound)]
invertVersionIntervals' ub0 [(lb, NoUpperBound)] =
[(invertUpperBound ub0, invertLowerBound lb)]
invertVersionIntervals' ub0 ((lb, ub1) : more) =
(invertUpperBound ub0, invertLowerBound lb)
: invertVersionIntervals' ub1 more
invertLowerBound :: LowerBound -> UpperBound
invertLowerBound (LowerBound v b) = UpperBound v (invertBound b)
invertUpperBound :: UpperBound -> LowerBound
invertUpperBound (UpperBound v b) = LowerBound v (invertBound b)
invertUpperBound NoUpperBound = error "NoUpperBound: unexpected"
invertBound :: Bound -> Bound
invertBound ExclusiveBound = InclusiveBound
invertBound InclusiveBound = ExclusiveBound
noLowerBound :: LowerBound
noLowerBound = LowerBound (Version [0] []) InclusiveBound
instance Text VersionRange where
disp = fst
. foldVersionRange'
( Disp.text "-any" , 0 :: Int)
(\v -> (Disp.text "==" <> disp v , 0))
(\v -> (Disp.char '>' <> disp v , 0))
(\v -> (Disp.char '<' <> disp v , 0))
(\v -> (Disp.text ">=" <> disp v , 0))
(\v -> (Disp.text "<=" <> disp v , 0))
(\v _ -> (Disp.text "==" <> dispWild v , 0))
(\(r1, p1) (r2, p2) ->
(punct 2 p1 r1 <+> Disp.text "||" <+> punct 2 p2 r2 , 2))
(\(r1, p1) (r2, p2) ->
(punct 1 p1 r1 <+> Disp.text "&&" <+> punct 1 p2 r2 , 1))
(\(r, _) -> (Disp.parens r, 0))
where dispWild (Version b _) =
Disp.hcat (Disp.punctuate (Disp.char '.') (map Disp.int b))
<> Disp.text ".*"
punct p p' | p < p' = Disp.parens
| otherwise = id
parse = expr
expr = do Parse.skipSpaces
t <- term
(do _ <- Parse.string "||"
e <- expr
return (UnionVersionRanges t e)
return t)
term = do f <- factor
(do _ <- Parse.string "&&"
t <- term
return (IntersectVersionRanges f t)
return f)
factor = Parse.choice $ parens expr
: parseAnyVersion
: parseNoVersion
: parseWildcardRange
: map parseRangeOp rangeOps
parseAnyVersion = Parse.string "-any" >> return AnyVersion
parseNoVersion = Parse.string "-none" >> return noVersion
parseWildcardRange = do
_ <- Parse.string "=="
branch <- Parse.sepBy1 digits (Parse.char '.')
_ <- Parse.char '.'
_ <- Parse.char '*'
return (WildcardVersion (Version branch []))
parens p = Parse.between (Parse.char '(' >> Parse.skipSpaces)
(Parse.char ')' >> Parse.skipSpaces)
(do a <- p
return (VersionRangeParens a))
digits = do
first <- Parse.satisfy Char.isDigit
if first == '0'
then return 0
else do rest <- Parse.munch Char.isDigit
return (read (first : rest))
parseRangeOp (s,f) = Parse.string s >> Parse.skipSpaces >> fmap f parse
rangeOps = [ ("<", EarlierVersion),
("<=", orEarlierVersion),
(">", LaterVersion),
(">=", orLaterVersion),
("==", ThisVersion) ]
hasUpperBound :: VersionRange -> Bool
hasUpperBound = foldVersionRange
(const True)
(const False)
(const True)
(&&) (||)
hasLowerBound :: VersionRange -> Bool
hasLowerBound = foldVersionRange
(const True)
(const True)
(const False)
(&&) (||)