{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Functor.Identity -- Copyright : (c) Andy Gill 2001, -- (c) Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : ross@soi.city.ac.uk -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- The identity functor and monad. -- -- This trivial type constructor serves two purposes: -- -- * It can be used with functions parameterized by functor or monad classes. -- -- * It can be used as a base monad to which a series of monad -- transformers may be applied to construct a composite monad. -- Most monad transformer modules include the special case of -- applying the transformer to 'Identity'. For example, @State s@ -- is an abbreviation for @StateT s 'Identity'@. -- -- @since ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity(..), ) where import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.Zip import Data.Bits (Bits, FiniteBits) import Data.Coerce import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Foldable import Data.Ix (Ix) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup) import Data.String (IsString) import Foreign.Storable (Storable) import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1) -- | Identity functor and monad. (a non-strict monad) -- -- @since newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a } deriving ( Bits, Bounded, Data, Enum, Eq, FiniteBits, Floating, Fractional , Generic, Generic1, Integral, IsString, Ix, Monoid, Num, Ord , Real, RealFrac, RealFloat , Semigroup, Storable, Traversable) -- | This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the -- 'Identity' newtype if the 'runIdentity' field were removed instance (Read a) => Read (Identity a) where readsPrec d = readParen (d > 10) $ \ r -> [(Identity x,t) | ("Identity",s) <- lex r, (x,t) <- readsPrec 11 s] -- | This instance would be equivalent to the derived instances of the -- 'Identity' newtype if the 'runIdentity' field were removed instance (Show a) => Show (Identity a) where showsPrec d (Identity x) = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "Identity " . showsPrec 11 x -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Identity instances for Functor and Monad instance Foldable Identity where foldMap = coerce elem = (. runIdentity) #. (==) foldl = coerce foldl' = coerce foldl1 _ = runIdentity foldr f z (Identity x) = f x z foldr' = foldr foldr1 _ = runIdentity length _ = 1 maximum = runIdentity minimum = runIdentity null _ = False product = runIdentity sum = runIdentity toList (Identity x) = [x] instance Functor Identity where fmap = coerce instance Applicative Identity where pure = Identity (<*>) = coerce instance Monad Identity where m >>= k = k (runIdentity m) instance MonadFix Identity where mfix f = Identity (fix (runIdentity . f)) instance MonadZip Identity where mzipWith = coerce munzip = coerce -- | Internal (non-exported) 'Coercible' helper for 'elem' -- -- See Note [Function coercion] in "Data.Foldable" for more details. (#.) :: Coercible b c => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c (#.) _f = coerce