module IfaceType (
IfExtName, IfLclName,
IfaceType(..), IfacePredType, IfaceKind, IfaceCoercion(..),
IfaceTyCon(..), IfaceTyConInfo(..),
IfaceTyLit(..), IfaceTcArgs(..),
IfaceContext, IfaceBndr(..), IfaceOneShot(..), IfaceLamBndr,
IfaceTvBndr, IfaceIdBndr, IfaceTyConBinder(..),
IfaceForAllBndr(..), VisibilityFlag(..),
ifConstraintKind, ifTyConBinderTyVar, ifTyConBinderName,
IfRnEnv2, emptyIfRnEnv2, eqIfaceType, eqIfaceTypes,
eqIfaceTcArgs, eqIfaceTvBndrs, isIfaceLiftedTypeKind,
toIfaceType, toIfaceTypes, toIfaceKind, toIfaceTyVar,
toIfaceContext, toIfaceBndr, toIfaceIdBndr,
toIfaceTyCon, toIfaceTyCon_name,
toIfaceTcArgs, toIfaceTvBndrs,
zipIfaceBinders, toDegenerateBinders,
pprIfaceType, pprParendIfaceType,
pprIfaceContext, pprIfaceContextArr,
pprIfaceIdBndr, pprIfaceLamBndr, pprIfaceTvBndr, pprIfaceTyConBinders,
pprIfaceBndrs, pprIfaceTcArgs, pprParendIfaceTcArgs,
pprIfaceForAllPart, pprIfaceForAll, pprIfaceSigmaType,
pprIfaceCoercion, pprParendIfaceCoercion,
splitIfaceSigmaTy, pprIfaceTypeApp, pprUserIfaceForAll,
substIfaceType, substIfaceTyVar, substIfaceTcArgs, mkIfaceTySubst,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Coercion
import DataCon ( isTupleDataCon )
import TcType
import DynFlags
import TyCoRep
import TyCon hiding ( pprPromotionQuote )
import CoAxiom
import Id
import Var
import TysWiredIn
import TysPrim
import PrelNames
import Name
import BasicTypes
import Binary
import Outputable
import FastString
import UniqSet
import VarEnv
import UniqFM
import Util
type IfLclName = FastString
type IfExtName = Name
data IfaceBndr
= IfaceIdBndr !IfaceIdBndr
| IfaceTvBndr !IfaceTvBndr
type IfaceIdBndr = (IfLclName, IfaceType)
type IfaceTvBndr = (IfLclName, IfaceKind)
data IfaceOneShot
= IfaceNoOneShot
| IfaceOneShot
type IfaceLamBndr
= (IfaceBndr, IfaceOneShot)
type IfaceKind = IfaceType
data IfaceType
= IfaceTyVar IfLclName
| IfaceLitTy IfaceTyLit
| IfaceAppTy IfaceType IfaceType
| IfaceFunTy IfaceType IfaceType
| IfaceDFunTy IfaceType IfaceType
| IfaceForAllTy IfaceForAllBndr IfaceType
| IfaceTyConApp IfaceTyCon IfaceTcArgs
| IfaceCastTy IfaceType IfaceCoercion
| IfaceCoercionTy IfaceCoercion
| IfaceTupleTy
TupleSort IfaceTyConInfo
type IfacePredType = IfaceType
type IfaceContext = [IfacePredType]
data IfaceTyLit
= IfaceNumTyLit Integer
| IfaceStrTyLit FastString
deriving (Eq)
data IfaceForAllBndr
= IfaceTv IfaceTvBndr VisibilityFlag
data IfaceTyConBinder
= IfaceAnon IfLclName IfaceType
| IfaceNamed IfaceForAllBndr
data IfaceTcArgs
= ITC_Nil
| ITC_Vis IfaceType IfaceTcArgs
| ITC_Invis IfaceKind IfaceTcArgs
data IfaceTyCon = IfaceTyCon { ifaceTyConName :: IfExtName
, ifaceTyConInfo :: IfaceTyConInfo }
deriving (Eq)
data IfaceTyConInfo
= NoIfaceTyConInfo
| IfacePromotedDataCon
deriving (Eq)
data IfaceCoercion
= IfaceReflCo Role IfaceType
| IfaceFunCo Role IfaceCoercion IfaceCoercion
| IfaceTyConAppCo Role IfaceTyCon [IfaceCoercion]
| IfaceAppCo IfaceCoercion IfaceCoercion
| IfaceForAllCo IfaceTvBndr IfaceCoercion IfaceCoercion
| IfaceCoVarCo IfLclName
| IfaceAxiomInstCo IfExtName BranchIndex [IfaceCoercion]
| IfaceUnivCo IfaceUnivCoProv Role IfaceType IfaceType
| IfaceSymCo IfaceCoercion
| IfaceTransCo IfaceCoercion IfaceCoercion
| IfaceNthCo Int IfaceCoercion
| IfaceLRCo LeftOrRight IfaceCoercion
| IfaceInstCo IfaceCoercion IfaceCoercion
| IfaceCoherenceCo IfaceCoercion IfaceCoercion
| IfaceKindCo IfaceCoercion
| IfaceSubCo IfaceCoercion
| IfaceAxiomRuleCo IfLclName [IfaceCoercion]
data IfaceUnivCoProv
= IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv
| IfacePhantomProv IfaceCoercion
| IfaceProofIrrelProv IfaceCoercion
| IfacePluginProv String
ifConstraintKind :: IfaceKind
ifConstraintKind = IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTyCon { ifaceTyConName = getName constraintKindTyCon
, ifaceTyConInfo = NoIfaceTyConInfo })
eqIfaceTvBndr :: IfaceTvBndr -> IfaceTvBndr -> Bool
eqIfaceTvBndr (occ1, _) (occ2, _) = occ1 == occ2
isIfaceLiftedTypeKind :: IfaceKind -> Bool
isIfaceLiftedTypeKind (IfaceTyConApp tc ITC_Nil)
= isLiftedTypeKindTyConName (ifaceTyConName tc)
isIfaceLiftedTypeKind (IfaceTyConApp tc
(ITC_Vis (IfaceTyConApp ptr_rep_lifted ITC_Nil) ITC_Nil))
= ifaceTyConName tc == tYPETyConName
&& ifaceTyConName ptr_rep_lifted `hasKey` ptrRepLiftedDataConKey
isIfaceLiftedTypeKind _ = False
splitIfaceSigmaTy :: IfaceType -> ([IfaceForAllBndr], [IfacePredType], IfaceType)
splitIfaceSigmaTy ty
= (bndrs, theta, tau)
(bndrs, rho) = split_foralls ty
(theta, tau) = split_rho rho
split_foralls (IfaceForAllTy bndr ty)
= case split_foralls ty of { (bndrs, rho) -> (bndr:bndrs, rho) }
split_foralls rho = ([], rho)
split_rho (IfaceDFunTy ty1 ty2)
= case split_rho ty2 of { (ps, tau) -> (ty1:ps, tau) }
split_rho tau = ([], tau)
suppressIfaceInvisibles :: DynFlags -> [IfaceTyConBinder] -> [a] -> [a]
suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags tys xs
| gopt Opt_PrintExplicitKinds dflags = xs
| otherwise = suppress tys xs
suppress _ [] = []
suppress [] a = a
suppress (k:ks) a@(_:xs)
| isIfaceInvisBndr k = suppress ks xs
| otherwise = a
stripIfaceInvisVars :: DynFlags -> [IfaceTyConBinder] -> [IfaceTyConBinder]
stripIfaceInvisVars dflags tyvars
| gopt Opt_PrintExplicitKinds dflags = tyvars
| otherwise = filterOut isIfaceInvisBndr tyvars
isIfaceInvisBndr :: IfaceTyConBinder -> Bool
isIfaceInvisBndr (IfaceNamed (IfaceTv _ Invisible)) = True
isIfaceInvisBndr (IfaceNamed (IfaceTv _ Specified)) = True
isIfaceInvisBndr _ = False
ifTyConBinderTyVar :: IfaceTyConBinder -> IfaceTvBndr
ifTyConBinderTyVar (IfaceAnon name ki) = (name, ki)
ifTyConBinderTyVar (IfaceNamed (IfaceTv tv _)) = tv
ifTyConBinderName :: IfaceTyConBinder -> IfLclName
ifTyConBinderName (IfaceAnon name _) = name
ifTyConBinderName (IfaceNamed (IfaceTv (name, _) _)) = name
ifTyVarsOfType :: IfaceType -> UniqSet IfLclName
ifTyVarsOfType ty
= case ty of
IfaceTyVar v -> unitUniqSet v
IfaceAppTy fun arg
-> ifTyVarsOfType fun `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfType arg
IfaceFunTy arg res
-> ifTyVarsOfType arg `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfType res
IfaceDFunTy arg res
-> ifTyVarsOfType arg `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfType res
IfaceForAllTy bndr ty
-> let (free, bound) = ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr bndr in
delListFromUniqSet (ifTyVarsOfType ty) bound `unionUniqSets` free
IfaceTyConApp _ args -> ifTyVarsOfArgs args
IfaceLitTy _ -> emptyUniqSet
IfaceCastTy ty co
-> ifTyVarsOfType ty `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfCoercion co
IfaceCoercionTy co -> ifTyVarsOfCoercion co
IfaceTupleTy _ _ args -> ifTyVarsOfArgs args
ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr :: IfaceForAllBndr
-> ( UniqSet IfLclName
, [IfLclName] )
ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr (IfaceTv (name, kind) _) = (ifTyVarsOfType kind, [name])
ifTyVarsOfArgs :: IfaceTcArgs -> UniqSet IfLclName
ifTyVarsOfArgs args = argv emptyUniqSet args
argv vs (ITC_Vis t ts) = argv (vs `unionUniqSets` (ifTyVarsOfType t)) ts
argv vs (ITC_Invis k ks) = argv (vs `unionUniqSets` (ifTyVarsOfType k)) ks
argv vs ITC_Nil = vs
ifTyVarsOfCoercion :: IfaceCoercion -> UniqSet IfLclName
ifTyVarsOfCoercion = go
go (IfaceReflCo _ ty) = ifTyVarsOfType ty
go (IfaceFunCo _ c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
go (IfaceTyConAppCo _ _ cos) = ifTyVarsOfCoercions cos
go (IfaceAppCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
go (IfaceForAllCo (bound, _) kind_co co)
= go co `delOneFromUniqSet` bound `unionUniqSets` go kind_co
go (IfaceCoVarCo cv) = unitUniqSet cv
go (IfaceAxiomInstCo _ _ cos) = ifTyVarsOfCoercions cos
go (IfaceUnivCo p _ ty1 ty2) = go_prov p `unionUniqSets`
ifTyVarsOfType ty1 `unionUniqSets`
ifTyVarsOfType ty2
go (IfaceSymCo co) = go co
go (IfaceTransCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
go (IfaceNthCo _ co) = go co
go (IfaceLRCo _ co) = go co
go (IfaceInstCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
go (IfaceCoherenceCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
go (IfaceKindCo co) = go co
go (IfaceSubCo co) = go co
go (IfaceAxiomRuleCo rule cos)
= unionManyUniqSets
[ unitUniqSet rule
, ifTyVarsOfCoercions cos ]
go_prov IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv = emptyUniqSet
go_prov (IfacePhantomProv co) = go co
go_prov (IfaceProofIrrelProv co) = go co
go_prov (IfacePluginProv _) = emptyUniqSet
ifTyVarsOfCoercions :: [IfaceCoercion] -> UniqSet IfLclName
ifTyVarsOfCoercions = foldr (unionUniqSets . ifTyVarsOfCoercion) emptyUniqSet
type IfaceTySubst = FastStringEnv IfaceType
mkIfaceTySubst :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> [IfaceType] -> IfaceTySubst
mkIfaceTySubst tvs tys = mkFsEnv $ zipWithEqual "mkIfaceTySubst" (\(fs,_) ty -> (fs,ty)) tvs tys
substIfaceType :: IfaceTySubst -> IfaceType -> IfaceType
substIfaceType env ty
= go ty
go (IfaceTyVar tv) = substIfaceTyVar env tv
go (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = IfaceAppTy (go t1) (go t2)
go (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = IfaceFunTy (go t1) (go t2)
go (IfaceDFunTy t1 t2) = IfaceDFunTy (go t1) (go t2)
go ty@(IfaceLitTy {}) = ty
go (IfaceTyConApp tc tys) = IfaceTyConApp tc (substIfaceTcArgs env tys)
go (IfaceTupleTy s i tys) = IfaceTupleTy s i (substIfaceTcArgs env tys)
go (IfaceForAllTy {}) = pprPanic "substIfaceType" (ppr ty)
go (IfaceCastTy ty co) = IfaceCastTy (go ty) (go_co co)
go (IfaceCoercionTy co) = IfaceCoercionTy (go_co co)
go_co (IfaceReflCo r ty) = IfaceReflCo r (go ty)
go_co (IfaceFunCo r c1 c2) = IfaceFunCo r (go_co c1) (go_co c2)
go_co (IfaceTyConAppCo r tc cos) = IfaceTyConAppCo r tc (go_cos cos)
go_co (IfaceAppCo c1 c2) = IfaceAppCo (go_co c1) (go_co c2)
go_co (IfaceForAllCo {}) = pprPanic "substIfaceCoercion" (ppr ty)
go_co (IfaceCoVarCo cv) = IfaceCoVarCo cv
go_co (IfaceAxiomInstCo a i cos) = IfaceAxiomInstCo a i (go_cos cos)
go_co (IfaceUnivCo prov r t1 t2) = IfaceUnivCo (go_prov prov) r (go t1) (go t2)
go_co (IfaceSymCo co) = IfaceSymCo (go_co co)
go_co (IfaceTransCo co1 co2) = IfaceTransCo (go_co co1) (go_co co2)
go_co (IfaceNthCo n co) = IfaceNthCo n (go_co co)
go_co (IfaceLRCo lr co) = IfaceLRCo lr (go_co co)
go_co (IfaceInstCo c1 c2) = IfaceInstCo (go_co c1) (go_co c2)
go_co (IfaceCoherenceCo c1 c2) = IfaceCoherenceCo (go_co c1) (go_co c2)
go_co (IfaceKindCo co) = IfaceKindCo (go_co co)
go_co (IfaceSubCo co) = IfaceSubCo (go_co co)
go_co (IfaceAxiomRuleCo n cos) = IfaceAxiomRuleCo n (go_cos cos)
go_cos = map go_co
go_prov IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv = IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv
go_prov (IfacePhantomProv co) = IfacePhantomProv (go_co co)
go_prov (IfaceProofIrrelProv co) = IfaceProofIrrelProv (go_co co)
go_prov (IfacePluginProv str) = IfacePluginProv str
substIfaceTcArgs :: IfaceTySubst -> IfaceTcArgs -> IfaceTcArgs
substIfaceTcArgs env args
= go args
go ITC_Nil = ITC_Nil
go (ITC_Vis ty tys) = ITC_Vis (substIfaceType env ty) (go tys)
go (ITC_Invis ty tys) = ITC_Invis (substIfaceType env ty) (go tys)
substIfaceTyVar :: IfaceTySubst -> IfLclName -> IfaceType
substIfaceTyVar env tv
| Just ty <- lookupFsEnv env tv = ty
| otherwise = IfaceTyVar tv
type BoundVar = Int
data IfRnEnv2
= IRV2 { ifenvL :: UniqFM BoundVar
, ifenvR :: UniqFM BoundVar
, ifenv_next :: BoundVar
emptyIfRnEnv2 :: IfRnEnv2
emptyIfRnEnv2 = IRV2 { ifenvL = emptyUFM
, ifenvR = emptyUFM
, ifenv_next = 0 }
rnIfOccL :: IfRnEnv2 -> IfLclName -> Maybe BoundVar
rnIfOccL env = lookupUFM (ifenvL env)
rnIfOccR :: IfRnEnv2 -> IfLclName -> Maybe BoundVar
rnIfOccR env = lookupUFM (ifenvR env)
extendIfRnEnv2 :: IfRnEnv2 -> IfLclName -> IfLclName -> IfRnEnv2
extendIfRnEnv2 IRV2 { ifenvL = lenv
, ifenvR = renv
, ifenv_next = n } tv1 tv2
= IRV2 { ifenvL = addToUFM lenv tv1 n
, ifenvR = addToUFM renv tv2 n
, ifenv_next = n + 1
eqIfaceType :: IfRnEnv2 -> IfaceType -> IfaceType -> Bool
eqIfaceType env (IfaceTyVar tv1) (IfaceTyVar tv2) =
case (rnIfOccL env tv1, rnIfOccR env tv2) of
(Just v1, Just v2) -> v1 == v2
(Nothing, Nothing) -> tv1 == tv2
_ -> False
eqIfaceType _ (IfaceLitTy l1) (IfaceLitTy l2) = l1 == l2
eqIfaceType env (IfaceAppTy t11 t12) (IfaceAppTy t21 t22)
= eqIfaceType env t11 t21 && eqIfaceType env t12 t22
eqIfaceType env (IfaceFunTy t11 t12) (IfaceFunTy t21 t22)
= eqIfaceType env t11 t21 && eqIfaceType env t12 t22
eqIfaceType env (IfaceDFunTy t11 t12) (IfaceDFunTy t21 t22)
= eqIfaceType env t11 t21 && eqIfaceType env t12 t22
eqIfaceType env (IfaceForAllTy bndr1 t1) (IfaceForAllTy bndr2 t2)
= eqIfaceForAllBndr env bndr1 bndr2 (\env' -> eqIfaceType env' t1 t2)
eqIfaceType env (IfaceTyConApp tc1 tys1) (IfaceTyConApp tc2 tys2)
= tc1 == tc2 && eqIfaceTcArgs env tys1 tys2
eqIfaceType env (IfaceTupleTy s1 tc1 tys1) (IfaceTupleTy s2 tc2 tys2)
= s1 == s2 && tc1 == tc2 && eqIfaceTcArgs env tys1 tys2
eqIfaceType env (IfaceCastTy t1 _) (IfaceCastTy t2 _)
= eqIfaceType env t1 t2
eqIfaceType _ (IfaceCoercionTy {}) (IfaceCoercionTy {})
= True
eqIfaceType _ _ _ = False
eqIfaceTypes :: IfRnEnv2 -> [IfaceType] -> [IfaceType] -> Bool
eqIfaceTypes env tys1 tys2 = and (zipWith (eqIfaceType env) tys1 tys2)
eqIfaceForAllBndr :: IfRnEnv2 -> IfaceForAllBndr -> IfaceForAllBndr
-> (IfRnEnv2 -> Bool)
-> Bool
eqIfaceForAllBndr env (IfaceTv (tv1, k1) vis1) (IfaceTv (tv2, k2) vis2) k
= eqIfaceType env k1 k2 && vis1 == vis2 &&
k (extendIfRnEnv2 env tv1 tv2)
eqIfaceTcArgs :: IfRnEnv2 -> IfaceTcArgs -> IfaceTcArgs -> Bool
eqIfaceTcArgs _ ITC_Nil ITC_Nil = True
eqIfaceTcArgs env (ITC_Vis ty1 tys1) (ITC_Vis ty2 tys2)
= eqIfaceType env ty1 ty2 && eqIfaceTcArgs env tys1 tys2
eqIfaceTcArgs env (ITC_Invis ty1 tys1) (ITC_Invis ty2 tys2)
= eqIfaceType env ty1 ty2 && eqIfaceTcArgs env tys1 tys2
eqIfaceTcArgs _ _ _ = False
eqIfaceTvBndrs :: IfRnEnv2 -> [IfaceTvBndr] -> [IfaceTvBndr] -> Maybe IfRnEnv2
eqIfaceTvBndrs env [] [] = Just env
eqIfaceTvBndrs env ((tv1, k1):tvs1) ((tv2, k2):tvs2)
| eqIfaceType env k1 k2
= eqIfaceTvBndrs (extendIfRnEnv2 env tv1 tv2) tvs1 tvs2
eqIfaceTvBndrs _ _ _ = Nothing
stripInvisArgs :: DynFlags -> IfaceTcArgs -> IfaceTcArgs
stripInvisArgs dflags tys
| gopt Opt_PrintExplicitKinds dflags = tys
| otherwise = suppress_invis tys
suppress_invis c
= case c of
ITC_Invis _ ts -> suppress_invis ts
_ -> c
toIfaceTcArgs :: TyCon -> [Type] -> IfaceTcArgs
toIfaceTcArgs tc ty_args
= go (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) (tyConKind tc) ty_args
in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes ty_args)
go _ _ [] = ITC_Nil
go env ty ts
| Just ty' <- coreView ty
= go env ty' ts
go env (ForAllTy bndr res) (t:ts)
| isVisibleBinder bndr = ITC_Vis t' ts'
| otherwise = ITC_Invis t' ts'
t' = toIfaceType t
ts' = go (extendTvSubstBinder env bndr t) res ts
go env (TyVarTy tv) ts
| Just ki <- lookupTyVar env tv = go env ki ts
go env kind (t:ts) = WARN( True, ppr tc $$ ppr (tyConKind tc) $$ ppr ty_args )
ITC_Vis (toIfaceType t) (go env kind ts)
tcArgsIfaceTypes :: IfaceTcArgs -> [IfaceType]
tcArgsIfaceTypes ITC_Nil = []
tcArgsIfaceTypes (ITC_Invis t ts) = t : tcArgsIfaceTypes ts
tcArgsIfaceTypes (ITC_Vis t ts) = t : tcArgsIfaceTypes ts
pprIfaceInfixApp :: (TyPrec -> a -> SDoc) -> TyPrec -> SDoc -> a -> a -> SDoc
pprIfaceInfixApp pp p pp_tc ty1 ty2
= maybeParen p FunPrec $
sep [pp FunPrec ty1, pprInfixVar True pp_tc <+> pp FunPrec ty2]
pprIfacePrefixApp :: TyPrec -> SDoc -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
pprIfacePrefixApp p pp_fun pp_tys
| null pp_tys = pp_fun
| otherwise = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
hang pp_fun 2 (sep pp_tys)
instance Outputable IfaceBndr where
ppr (IfaceIdBndr bndr) = pprIfaceIdBndr bndr
ppr (IfaceTvBndr bndr) = char '@' <+> pprIfaceTvBndr bndr
pprIfaceBndrs :: [IfaceBndr] -> SDoc
pprIfaceBndrs bs = sep (map ppr bs)
pprIfaceLamBndr :: IfaceLamBndr -> SDoc
pprIfaceLamBndr (b, IfaceNoOneShot) = ppr b
pprIfaceLamBndr (b, IfaceOneShot) = ppr b <> text "[OneShot]"
pprIfaceIdBndr :: (IfLclName, IfaceType) -> SDoc
pprIfaceIdBndr (name, ty) = parens (ppr name <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty)
pprIfaceTvBndr :: IfaceTvBndr -> SDoc
pprIfaceTvBndr (tv, ki)
| isIfaceLiftedTypeKind ki = ppr tv
| otherwise = parens (ppr tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr ki)
pprIfaceTyConBinders :: [IfaceTyConBinder] -> SDoc
pprIfaceTyConBinders = sep . map go
go (IfaceAnon name ki) = pprIfaceTvBndr (name, ki)
go (IfaceNamed (IfaceTv tv _)) = pprIfaceTvBndr tv
instance Binary IfaceBndr where
put_ bh (IfaceIdBndr aa) = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh aa
put_ bh (IfaceTvBndr ab) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh ab
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> do aa <- get bh
return (IfaceIdBndr aa)
_ -> do ab <- get bh
return (IfaceTvBndr ab)
instance Binary IfaceOneShot where
put_ bh IfaceNoOneShot = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh IfaceOneShot = do
putByte bh 1
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> do return IfaceNoOneShot
_ -> do return IfaceOneShot
instance Outputable IfaceType where
ppr ty = pprIfaceType ty
pprIfaceType, pprParendIfaceType ::IfaceType -> SDoc
pprIfaceType = ppr_ty TopPrec
pprParendIfaceType = ppr_ty TyConPrec
ppr_ty :: TyPrec -> IfaceType -> SDoc
ppr_ty _ (IfaceTyVar tyvar) = ppr tyvar
ppr_ty ctxt_prec (IfaceTyConApp tc tys) = sdocWithDynFlags (pprTyTcApp ctxt_prec tc tys)
ppr_ty _ (IfaceTupleTy s i tys) = pprTuple s i tys
ppr_ty _ (IfaceLitTy n) = ppr_tylit n
ppr_ty ctxt_prec (IfaceFunTy ty1 ty2)
maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec $
sep [ppr_ty FunPrec ty1, sep (ppr_fun_tail ty2)]
ppr_fun_tail (IfaceFunTy ty1 ty2)
= (arrow <+> ppr_ty FunPrec ty1) : ppr_fun_tail ty2
ppr_fun_tail other_ty
= [arrow <+> pprIfaceType other_ty]
ppr_ty ctxt_prec (IfaceAppTy ty1 ty2)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec TyConPrec $
ppr_ty FunPrec ty1 <+> pprParendIfaceType ty2
ppr_ty ctxt_prec (IfaceCastTy ty co)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec $
sep [ppr_ty FunPrec ty, text "`cast`", ppr_co FunPrec co]
ppr_ty ctxt_prec (IfaceCoercionTy co)
= ppr_co ctxt_prec co
ppr_ty ctxt_prec ty
= maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec (ppr_iface_sigma_type True ty)
instance Outputable IfaceTcArgs where
ppr tca = pprIfaceTcArgs tca
pprIfaceTcArgs, pprParendIfaceTcArgs :: IfaceTcArgs -> SDoc
pprIfaceTcArgs = ppr_tc_args TopPrec
pprParendIfaceTcArgs = ppr_tc_args TyConPrec
ppr_tc_args :: TyPrec -> IfaceTcArgs -> SDoc
ppr_tc_args ctx_prec args
= let pprTys t ts = ppr_ty ctx_prec t <+> ppr_tc_args ctx_prec ts
in case args of
ITC_Nil -> empty
ITC_Vis t ts -> pprTys t ts
ITC_Invis t ts -> pprTys t ts
ppr_iface_sigma_type :: Bool -> IfaceType -> SDoc
ppr_iface_sigma_type show_foralls_unconditionally ty
= ppr_iface_forall_part show_foralls_unconditionally tvs theta (ppr tau)
(tvs, theta, tau) = splitIfaceSigmaTy ty
instance Outputable IfaceForAllBndr where
ppr = pprIfaceForAllBndr
pprIfaceForAllPart :: [IfaceForAllBndr] -> [IfaceType] -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllPart tvs ctxt sdoc = ppr_iface_forall_part False tvs ctxt sdoc
pprIfaceForAllCoPart :: [(IfLclName, IfaceCoercion)] -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllCoPart tvs sdoc = sep [ pprIfaceForAllCo tvs
, sdoc ]
ppr_iface_forall_part :: Outputable a
=> Bool -> [IfaceForAllBndr] -> [a] -> SDoc -> SDoc
ppr_iface_forall_part show_foralls_unconditionally tvs ctxt sdoc
= sep [ if show_foralls_unconditionally
then pprIfaceForAll tvs
else pprUserIfaceForAll tvs
, pprIfaceContextArr ctxt
, sdoc]
pprIfaceForAll :: [IfaceForAllBndr] -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAll [] = empty
pprIfaceForAll bndrs@(IfaceTv _ vis : _)
= add_separator (text "forall" <+> doc) <+> pprIfaceForAll bndrs'
(bndrs', doc) = ppr_itv_bndrs bndrs vis
add_separator stuff = case vis of
Visible -> stuff <+> arrow
_inv -> stuff <> dot
ppr_itv_bndrs :: [IfaceForAllBndr]
-> VisibilityFlag
-> ([IfaceForAllBndr], SDoc)
ppr_itv_bndrs all_bndrs@(bndr@(IfaceTv _ vis) : bndrs) vis1
| vis `sameVis` vis1 = let (bndrs', doc) = ppr_itv_bndrs bndrs vis1 in
(bndrs', pprIfaceForAllBndr bndr <+> doc)
| otherwise = (all_bndrs, empty)
ppr_itv_bndrs [] _ = ([], empty)
pprIfaceForAllCo :: [(IfLclName, IfaceCoercion)] -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllCo [] = empty
pprIfaceForAllCo tvs = text "forall" <+> pprIfaceForAllCoBndrs tvs <> dot
pprIfaceForAllCoBndrs :: [(IfLclName, IfaceCoercion)] -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllCoBndrs bndrs = hsep $ map pprIfaceForAllCoBndr bndrs
pprIfaceForAllBndr :: IfaceForAllBndr -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllBndr (IfaceTv tv Invisible) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
if gopt Opt_PrintExplicitForalls dflags
then braces $ pprIfaceTvBndr tv
else pprIfaceTvBndr tv
pprIfaceForAllBndr (IfaceTv tv _) = pprIfaceTvBndr tv
pprIfaceForAllCoBndr :: (IfLclName, IfaceCoercion) -> SDoc
pprIfaceForAllCoBndr (tv, kind_co)
= parens (ppr tv <+> dcolon <+> pprIfaceCoercion kind_co)
pprIfaceSigmaType :: IfaceType -> SDoc
pprIfaceSigmaType ty = ppr_iface_sigma_type False ty
pprUserIfaceForAll :: [IfaceForAllBndr] -> SDoc
pprUserIfaceForAll tvs
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
ppWhen (any tv_has_kind_var tvs || gopt Opt_PrintExplicitForalls dflags) $
pprIfaceForAll tvs
tv_has_kind_var bndr
= not (isEmptyUniqSet (fst (ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr bndr)))
pprIfaceTyList :: TyPrec -> IfaceType -> IfaceType -> SDoc
pprIfaceTyList ctxt_prec ty1 ty2
= case gather ty2 of
(arg_tys, Nothing)
-> char '\'' <> brackets (fsep (punctuate comma
(map (ppr_ty TopPrec) (ty1:arg_tys))))
(arg_tys, Just tl)
-> maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec $ hang (ppr_ty FunPrec ty1)
2 (fsep [ colon <+> ppr_ty FunPrec ty | ty <- arg_tys ++ [tl]])
gather :: IfaceType -> ([IfaceType], Maybe IfaceType)
gather (IfaceTyConApp tc tys)
| tcname == consDataConName
, (ITC_Invis _ (ITC_Vis ty1 (ITC_Vis ty2 ITC_Nil))) <- tys
, (args, tl) <- gather ty2
= (ty1:args, tl)
| tcname == nilDataConName
= ([], Nothing)
where tcname = ifaceTyConName tc
gather ty = ([], Just ty)
pprIfaceTypeApp :: IfaceTyCon -> IfaceTcArgs -> SDoc
pprIfaceTypeApp tc args = sdocWithDynFlags (pprTyTcApp TopPrec tc args)
pprTyTcApp :: TyPrec -> IfaceTyCon -> IfaceTcArgs -> DynFlags -> SDoc
pprTyTcApp ctxt_prec tc tys dflags
| ifaceTyConName tc `hasKey` ipClassKey
, ITC_Vis (IfaceLitTy (IfaceStrTyLit n)) (ITC_Vis ty ITC_Nil) <- tys
= char '?' <> ftext n <> text "::" <> ppr_ty TopPrec ty
| ifaceTyConName tc == consDataConName
, not (gopt Opt_PrintExplicitKinds dflags)
, ITC_Invis _ (ITC_Vis ty1 (ITC_Vis ty2 ITC_Nil)) <- tys
= pprIfaceTyList ctxt_prec ty1 ty2
| ifaceTyConName tc == tYPETyConName
, ITC_Vis (IfaceTyConApp ptr_rep ITC_Nil) ITC_Nil <- tys
, ifaceTyConName ptr_rep `hasKey` ptrRepLiftedDataConKey
= char '*'
| ifaceTyConName tc == tYPETyConName
, ITC_Vis (IfaceTyConApp ptr_rep ITC_Nil) ITC_Nil <- tys
, ifaceTyConName ptr_rep `hasKey` ptrRepUnliftedDataConKey
= char '#'
| otherwise
= ppr_iface_tc_app ppr_ty ctxt_prec tc tys_wo_kinds
tys_wo_kinds = tcArgsIfaceTypes $ stripInvisArgs dflags tys
pprIfaceCoTcApp :: TyPrec -> IfaceTyCon -> [IfaceCoercion] -> SDoc
pprIfaceCoTcApp ctxt_prec tc tys = ppr_iface_tc_app ppr_co ctxt_prec tc tys
ppr_iface_tc_app :: (TyPrec -> a -> SDoc) -> TyPrec -> IfaceTyCon -> [a] -> SDoc
ppr_iface_tc_app pp _ tc [ty]
| n == listTyConName = pprPromotionQuote tc <> brackets (pp TopPrec ty)
| n == parrTyConName = pprPromotionQuote tc <> paBrackets (pp TopPrec ty)
n = ifaceTyConName tc
ppr_iface_tc_app pp ctxt_prec tc tys
| not (isSymOcc (nameOccName tc_name))
= pprIfacePrefixApp ctxt_prec (ppr tc) (map (pp TyConPrec) tys)
| [ty1,ty2] <- tys
= pprIfaceInfixApp pp ctxt_prec (ppr tc) ty1 ty2
| tc_name == starKindTyConName || tc_name == unliftedTypeKindTyConName
|| tc_name == unicodeStarKindTyConName
= ppr tc
| otherwise
= pprIfacePrefixApp ctxt_prec (parens (ppr tc)) (map (pp TyConPrec) tys)
tc_name = ifaceTyConName tc
pprTuple :: TupleSort -> IfaceTyConInfo -> IfaceTcArgs -> SDoc
pprTuple sort info args
let tys = tcArgsIfaceTypes args
args' = case sort of
UnboxedTuple -> drop (length tys `div` 2) tys
_ -> tys
pprPromotionQuoteI info <>
tupleParens sort (pprWithCommas pprIfaceType args')
ppr_tylit :: IfaceTyLit -> SDoc
ppr_tylit (IfaceNumTyLit n) = integer n
ppr_tylit (IfaceStrTyLit n) = text (show n)
pprIfaceCoercion, pprParendIfaceCoercion :: IfaceCoercion -> SDoc
pprIfaceCoercion = ppr_co TopPrec
pprParendIfaceCoercion = ppr_co TyConPrec
ppr_co :: TyPrec -> IfaceCoercion -> SDoc
ppr_co _ (IfaceReflCo r ty) = angleBrackets (ppr ty) <> ppr_role r
ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceFunCo r co1 co2)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec $
sep (ppr_co FunPrec co1 : ppr_fun_tail co2)
ppr_fun_tail (IfaceFunCo r co1 co2)
= (arrow <> ppr_role r <+> ppr_co FunPrec co1) : ppr_fun_tail co2
ppr_fun_tail other_co
= [arrow <> ppr_role r <+> pprIfaceCoercion other_co]
ppr_co _ (IfaceTyConAppCo r tc cos)
= parens (pprIfaceCoTcApp TopPrec tc cos) <> ppr_role r
ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceAppCo co1 co2)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec TyConPrec $
ppr_co FunPrec co1 <+> pprParendIfaceCoercion co2
ppr_co ctxt_prec co@(IfaceForAllCo {})
= maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec (pprIfaceForAllCoPart tvs (pprIfaceCoercion inner_co))
(tvs, inner_co) = split_co co
split_co (IfaceForAllCo (name, _) kind_co co')
= let (tvs, co'') = split_co co' in ((name,kind_co):tvs,co'')
split_co co' = ([], co')
ppr_co _ (IfaceCoVarCo covar) = ppr covar
ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceUnivCo IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv r ty1 ty2)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec TyConPrec $
text "UnsafeCo" <+> ppr r <+>
pprParendIfaceType ty1 <+> pprParendIfaceType ty2
ppr_co _ (IfaceUnivCo _ _ ty1 ty2)
= angleBrackets ( ppr ty1 <> comma <+> ppr ty2 )
ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceInstCo co ty)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec TyConPrec $
text "Inst" <+> pprParendIfaceCoercion co
<+> pprParendIfaceCoercion ty
ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceAxiomRuleCo tc cos)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec TyConPrec $ ppr tc <+> parens (interpp'SP cos)
ppr_co ctxt_prec co
= ppr_special_co ctxt_prec doc cos
where (doc, cos) = case co of
{ IfaceAxiomInstCo n i cos -> (ppr n <> brackets (ppr i), cos)
; IfaceSymCo co -> (text "Sym", [co])
; IfaceTransCo co1 co2 -> (text "Trans", [co1,co2])
; IfaceNthCo d co -> (text "Nth:" <> int d,
; IfaceLRCo lr co -> (ppr lr, [co])
; IfaceSubCo co -> (text "Sub", [co])
; _ -> panic "pprIfaceCo" }
ppr_special_co :: TyPrec -> SDoc -> [IfaceCoercion] -> SDoc
ppr_special_co ctxt_prec doc cos
= maybeParen ctxt_prec TyConPrec
(sep [doc, nest 4 (sep (map pprParendIfaceCoercion cos))])
ppr_role :: Role -> SDoc
ppr_role r = underscore <> pp_role
where pp_role = case r of
Nominal -> char 'N'
Representational -> char 'R'
Phantom -> char 'P'
instance Outputable IfaceTyCon where
ppr tc = pprPromotionQuote tc <> ppr (ifaceTyConName tc)
pprPromotionQuote :: IfaceTyCon -> SDoc
pprPromotionQuote tc = pprPromotionQuoteI (ifaceTyConInfo tc)
pprPromotionQuoteI :: IfaceTyConInfo -> SDoc
pprPromotionQuoteI NoIfaceTyConInfo = empty
pprPromotionQuoteI IfacePromotedDataCon = char '\''
instance Outputable IfaceCoercion where
ppr = pprIfaceCoercion
instance Binary IfaceTyCon where
put_ bh (IfaceTyCon n i) = put_ bh n >> put_ bh i
get bh = do n <- get bh
i <- get bh
return (IfaceTyCon n i)
instance Binary IfaceTyConInfo where
put_ bh NoIfaceTyConInfo = putByte bh 0
put_ bh IfacePromotedDataCon = putByte bh 1
get bh =
do i <- getByte bh
case i of
0 -> return NoIfaceTyConInfo
_ -> return IfacePromotedDataCon
instance Outputable IfaceTyLit where
ppr = ppr_tylit
instance Binary IfaceTyLit where
put_ bh (IfaceNumTyLit n) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh n
put_ bh (IfaceStrTyLit n) = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh n
get bh =
do tag <- getByte bh
case tag of
1 -> do { n <- get bh
; return (IfaceNumTyLit n) }
2 -> do { n <- get bh
; return (IfaceStrTyLit n) }
_ -> panic ("get IfaceTyLit " ++ show tag)
instance Binary IfaceForAllBndr where
put_ bh (IfaceTv tv vis) = do
put_ bh tv
put_ bh vis
get bh = do
tv <- get bh
vis <- get bh
return (IfaceTv tv vis)
instance Binary IfaceTyConBinder where
put_ bh (IfaceAnon n ty) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh n >> put_ bh ty
put_ bh (IfaceNamed b) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh b
get bh =
do c <- getByte bh
case c of
0 -> do
n <- get bh
ty <- get bh
return $! IfaceAnon n ty
_ -> do
b <- get bh
return $! IfaceNamed b
instance Binary IfaceTcArgs where
put_ bh tk =
case tk of
ITC_Vis t ts -> putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh t >> put_ bh ts
ITC_Invis t ts -> putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh t >> put_ bh ts
ITC_Nil -> putByte bh 2
get bh =
do c <- getByte bh
case c of
0 -> do
t <- get bh
ts <- get bh
return $! ITC_Vis t ts
1 -> do
t <- get bh
ts <- get bh
return $! ITC_Invis t ts
2 -> return ITC_Nil
_ -> panic ("get IfaceTcArgs " ++ show c)
pprIfaceContextArr :: Outputable a => [a] -> SDoc
pprIfaceContextArr [] = empty
pprIfaceContextArr preds = pprIfaceContext preds <+> darrow
pprIfaceContext :: Outputable a => [a] -> SDoc
pprIfaceContext [] = parens empty
pprIfaceContext [pred] = ppr pred
pprIfaceContext preds = parens (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr preds)))
instance Binary IfaceType where
put_ bh (IfaceForAllTy aa ab) = do
putByte bh 0
put_ bh aa
put_ bh ab
put_ bh (IfaceTyVar ad) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh ad
put_ bh (IfaceAppTy ae af) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh ae
put_ bh af
put_ bh (IfaceFunTy ag ah) = do
putByte bh 3
put_ bh ag
put_ bh ah
put_ bh (IfaceDFunTy ag ah) = do
putByte bh 4
put_ bh ag
put_ bh ah
put_ bh (IfaceTyConApp tc tys)
= do { putByte bh 5; put_ bh tc; put_ bh tys }
put_ bh (IfaceCastTy a b)
= do { putByte bh 6; put_ bh a; put_ bh b }
put_ bh (IfaceCoercionTy a)
= do { putByte bh 7; put_ bh a }
put_ bh (IfaceTupleTy s i tys)
= do { putByte bh 8; put_ bh s; put_ bh i; put_ bh tys }
put_ bh (IfaceLitTy n)
= do { putByte bh 9; put_ bh n }
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> do aa <- get bh
ab <- get bh
return (IfaceForAllTy aa ab)
1 -> do ad <- get bh
return (IfaceTyVar ad)
2 -> do ae <- get bh
af <- get bh
return (IfaceAppTy ae af)
3 -> do ag <- get bh
ah <- get bh
return (IfaceFunTy ag ah)
4 -> do ag <- get bh
ah <- get bh
return (IfaceDFunTy ag ah)
5 -> do { tc <- get bh; tys <- get bh
; return (IfaceTyConApp tc tys) }
6 -> do { a <- get bh; b <- get bh
; return (IfaceCastTy a b) }
7 -> do { a <- get bh
; return (IfaceCoercionTy a) }
8 -> do { s <- get bh; i <- get bh; tys <- get bh
; return (IfaceTupleTy s i tys) }
_ -> do n <- get bh
return (IfaceLitTy n)
instance Binary IfaceCoercion where
put_ bh (IfaceReflCo a b) = do
putByte bh 1
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceFunCo a b c) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh c
put_ bh (IfaceTyConAppCo a b c) = do
putByte bh 3
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh c
put_ bh (IfaceAppCo a b) = do
putByte bh 4
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceForAllCo a b c) = do
putByte bh 5
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh c
put_ bh (IfaceCoVarCo a) = do
putByte bh 6
put_ bh a
put_ bh (IfaceAxiomInstCo a b c) = do
putByte bh 7
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh c
put_ bh (IfaceUnivCo a b c d) = do
putByte bh 8
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh c
put_ bh d
put_ bh (IfaceSymCo a) = do
putByte bh 9
put_ bh a
put_ bh (IfaceTransCo a b) = do
putByte bh 10
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceNthCo a b) = do
putByte bh 11
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceLRCo a b) = do
putByte bh 12
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceInstCo a b) = do
putByte bh 13
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceCoherenceCo a b) = do
putByte bh 14
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
put_ bh (IfaceKindCo a) = do
putByte bh 15
put_ bh a
put_ bh (IfaceSubCo a) = do
putByte bh 16
put_ bh a
put_ bh (IfaceAxiomRuleCo a b) = do
putByte bh 17
put_ bh a
put_ bh b
get bh = do
tag <- getByte bh
case tag of
1 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceReflCo a b
2 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
c <- get bh
return $ IfaceFunCo a b c
3 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
c <- get bh
return $ IfaceTyConAppCo a b c
4 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceAppCo a b
5 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
c <- get bh
return $ IfaceForAllCo a b c
6 -> do a <- get bh
return $ IfaceCoVarCo a
7 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
c <- get bh
return $ IfaceAxiomInstCo a b c
8 -> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
c <- get bh
d <- get bh
return $ IfaceUnivCo a b c d
9 -> do a <- get bh
return $ IfaceSymCo a
10-> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceTransCo a b
11-> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceNthCo a b
12-> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceLRCo a b
13-> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceInstCo a b
14-> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceCoherenceCo a b
15-> do a <- get bh
return $ IfaceKindCo a
16-> do a <- get bh
return $ IfaceSubCo a
17-> do a <- get bh
b <- get bh
return $ IfaceAxiomRuleCo a b
_ -> panic ("get IfaceCoercion " ++ show tag)
instance Binary IfaceUnivCoProv where
put_ bh IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv = putByte bh 1
put_ bh (IfacePhantomProv a) = do
putByte bh 2
put_ bh a
put_ bh (IfaceProofIrrelProv a) = do
putByte bh 3
put_ bh a
put_ bh (IfacePluginProv a) = do
putByte bh 4
put_ bh a
get bh = do
tag <- getByte bh
case tag of
1 -> return $ IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv
2 -> do a <- get bh
return $ IfacePhantomProv a
3 -> do a <- get bh
return $ IfaceProofIrrelProv a
4 -> do a <- get bh
return $ IfacePluginProv a
_ -> panic ("get IfaceUnivCoProv " ++ show tag)
instance Binary (DefMethSpec IfaceType) where
put_ bh VanillaDM = putByte bh 0
put_ bh (GenericDM t) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh t
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
0 -> return VanillaDM
_ -> do { t <- get bh; return (GenericDM t) }
toIfaceTvBndr :: TyVar -> (IfLclName, IfaceKind)
toIfaceTvBndr tyvar = ( occNameFS (getOccName tyvar)
, toIfaceKind (tyVarKind tyvar)
toIfaceIdBndr :: Id -> (IfLclName, IfaceType)
toIfaceIdBndr id = (occNameFS (getOccName id), toIfaceType (idType id))
toIfaceTvBndrs :: [TyVar] -> [IfaceTvBndr]
toIfaceTvBndrs = map toIfaceTvBndr
toIfaceBndr :: Var -> IfaceBndr
toIfaceBndr var
| isId var = IfaceIdBndr (toIfaceIdBndr var)
| otherwise = IfaceTvBndr (toIfaceTvBndr var)
toIfaceKind :: Type -> IfaceType
toIfaceKind = toIfaceType
toIfaceType :: Type -> IfaceType
toIfaceType (TyVarTy tv) = IfaceTyVar (toIfaceTyVar tv)
toIfaceType (AppTy t1 t2) = IfaceAppTy (toIfaceType t1) (toIfaceType t2)
toIfaceType (LitTy n) = IfaceLitTy (toIfaceTyLit n)
toIfaceType (ForAllTy (Named tv vis) t)
= IfaceForAllTy (varToIfaceForAllBndr tv vis) (toIfaceType t)
toIfaceType (ForAllTy (Anon t1) t2)
| isPredTy t1 = IfaceDFunTy (toIfaceType t1) (toIfaceType t2)
| otherwise = IfaceFunTy (toIfaceType t1) (toIfaceType t2)
toIfaceType (CastTy ty co) = IfaceCastTy (toIfaceType ty) (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceType (CoercionTy co) = IfaceCoercionTy (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceType (TyConApp tc tys)
| Just sort <- tyConTuple_maybe tc
, n_tys == arity
= IfaceTupleTy sort NoIfaceTyConInfo (toIfaceTcArgs tc tys)
| Just dc <- isPromotedDataCon_maybe tc
, isTupleDataCon dc
, n_tys == 2*arity
= IfaceTupleTy BoxedTuple IfacePromotedDataCon (toIfaceTcArgs tc (drop arity tys))
| otherwise
= IfaceTyConApp (toIfaceTyCon tc) (toIfaceTcArgs tc tys)
arity = tyConArity tc
n_tys = length tys
toIfaceTyVar :: TyVar -> FastString
toIfaceTyVar = occNameFS . getOccName
toIfaceCoVar :: CoVar -> FastString
toIfaceCoVar = occNameFS . getOccName
varToIfaceForAllBndr :: TyVar -> VisibilityFlag -> IfaceForAllBndr
varToIfaceForAllBndr v vis
= IfaceTv (toIfaceTvBndr v) vis
binderToIfaceForAllBndr :: TyBinder -> IfaceForAllBndr
binderToIfaceForAllBndr (Named v vis) = IfaceTv (toIfaceTvBndr v) vis
binderToIfaceForAllBndr binder
= pprPanic "binderToIfaceForAllBndr" (ppr binder)
toIfaceTyCon :: TyCon -> IfaceTyCon
toIfaceTyCon tc
= IfaceTyCon tc_name info
tc_name = tyConName tc
info | isPromotedDataCon tc = IfacePromotedDataCon
| otherwise = NoIfaceTyConInfo
toIfaceTyCon_name :: Name -> IfaceTyCon
toIfaceTyCon_name n = IfaceTyCon n NoIfaceTyConInfo
toIfaceTyLit :: TyLit -> IfaceTyLit
toIfaceTyLit (NumTyLit x) = IfaceNumTyLit x
toIfaceTyLit (StrTyLit x) = IfaceStrTyLit x
toIfaceTypes :: [Type] -> [IfaceType]
toIfaceTypes ts = map toIfaceType ts
toIfaceContext :: ThetaType -> IfaceContext
toIfaceContext = toIfaceTypes
toIfaceCoercion :: Coercion -> IfaceCoercion
toIfaceCoercion (Refl r ty) = IfaceReflCo r (toIfaceType ty)
toIfaceCoercion (TyConAppCo r tc cos)
| tc `hasKey` funTyConKey
, [arg,res] <- cos = IfaceFunCo r (toIfaceCoercion arg) (toIfaceCoercion res)
| otherwise = IfaceTyConAppCo r (toIfaceTyCon tc)
(map toIfaceCoercion cos)
toIfaceCoercion (AppCo co1 co2) = IfaceAppCo (toIfaceCoercion co1)
(toIfaceCoercion co2)
toIfaceCoercion (ForAllCo tv k co) = IfaceForAllCo (toIfaceTvBndr tv)
(toIfaceCoercion k)
(toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceCoercion (CoVarCo cv) = IfaceCoVarCo (toIfaceCoVar cv)
toIfaceCoercion (AxiomInstCo con ind cos)
= IfaceAxiomInstCo (coAxiomName con) ind
(map toIfaceCoercion cos)
toIfaceCoercion (UnivCo p r t1 t2) = IfaceUnivCo (toIfaceUnivCoProv p) r
(toIfaceType t1)
(toIfaceType t2)
toIfaceCoercion (SymCo co) = IfaceSymCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceCoercion (TransCo co1 co2) = IfaceTransCo (toIfaceCoercion co1)
(toIfaceCoercion co2)
toIfaceCoercion (NthCo d co) = IfaceNthCo d (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceCoercion (LRCo lr co) = IfaceLRCo lr (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceCoercion (InstCo co arg) = IfaceInstCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
(toIfaceCoercion arg)
toIfaceCoercion (CoherenceCo c1 c2) = IfaceCoherenceCo (toIfaceCoercion c1)
(toIfaceCoercion c2)
toIfaceCoercion (KindCo c) = IfaceKindCo (toIfaceCoercion c)
toIfaceCoercion (SubCo co) = IfaceSubCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceCoercion (AxiomRuleCo co cs) = IfaceAxiomRuleCo (coaxrName co)
(map toIfaceCoercion cs)
toIfaceUnivCoProv :: UnivCoProvenance -> IfaceUnivCoProv
toIfaceUnivCoProv UnsafeCoerceProv = IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv
toIfaceUnivCoProv (PhantomProv co) = IfacePhantomProv (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceUnivCoProv (ProofIrrelProv co) = IfaceProofIrrelProv (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceUnivCoProv (PluginProv str) = IfacePluginProv str
toIfaceUnivCoProv (HoleProv h) = pprPanic "toIfaceUnivCoProv hit a hole" (ppr h)
zipIfaceBinders :: [TyVar] -> [TyBinder] -> [IfaceTyConBinder]
zipIfaceBinders = zipWith go
go tv (Anon _) = let (name, ki) = toIfaceTvBndr tv in
IfaceAnon name ki
go tv (Named _ vis) = IfaceNamed (IfaceTv (toIfaceTvBndr tv) vis)
toDegenerateBinders :: [TyBinder] -> [IfaceTyConBinder]
toDegenerateBinders = zipWith go [1..]
go :: Int -> TyBinder -> IfaceTyConBinder
go n (Anon ty) = IfaceAnon (mkFastString ("t" ++ show n)) (toIfaceType ty)
go _ (Named tv vis) = IfaceNamed (IfaceTv (toIfaceTvBndr tv) vis)