module PmExpr (
PmExpr(..), PmLit(..), SimpleEq, ComplexEq, toComplex, eqPmLit,
truePmExpr, falsePmExpr, isTruePmExpr, isFalsePmExpr, isNotPmExprOther,
lhsExprToPmExpr, hsExprToPmExpr, substComplexEq, filterComplex,
pprPmExprWithParens, runPmPprM
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import HsSyn
import Id
import Name
import NameSet
import DataCon
import TysWiredIn
import Outputable
import Util
import SrcLoc
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, nubBy)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
data PmExpr = PmExprVar Name
| PmExprCon DataCon [PmExpr]
| PmExprLit PmLit
| PmExprEq PmExpr PmExpr
| PmExprOther (HsExpr Id)
data PmLit = PmSLit HsLit
| PmOLit Bool (HsOverLit Id)
eqPmLit :: PmLit -> PmLit -> Bool
eqPmLit (PmSLit l1) (PmSLit l2) = l1 == l2
eqPmLit (PmOLit b1 l1) (PmOLit b2 l2) = b1 == b2 && l1 == l2
eqPmLit _ _ = False
nubPmLit :: [PmLit] -> [PmLit]
nubPmLit = nubBy eqPmLit
type SimpleEq = (Id, PmExpr)
type ComplexEq = (PmExpr, PmExpr)
toComplex :: SimpleEq -> ComplexEq
toComplex (x,e) = (PmExprVar (idName x), e)
truePmExpr :: PmExpr
truePmExpr = PmExprCon trueDataCon []
falsePmExpr :: PmExpr
falsePmExpr = PmExprCon falseDataCon []
isNotPmExprOther :: PmExpr -> Bool
isNotPmExprOther (PmExprOther _) = False
isNotPmExprOther _expr = True
isNegatedPmLit :: PmLit -> Bool
isNegatedPmLit (PmOLit b _) = b
isNegatedPmLit _other_lit = False
isTruePmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
isTruePmExpr (PmExprCon c []) = c == trueDataCon
isTruePmExpr _other_expr = False
isFalsePmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
isFalsePmExpr (PmExprCon c []) = c == falseDataCon
isFalsePmExpr _other_expr = False
isNilPmExpr :: PmExpr -> Bool
isNilPmExpr (PmExprCon c _) = c == nilDataCon
isNilPmExpr _other_expr = False
isPmExprEq :: PmExpr -> Maybe (PmExpr, PmExpr)
isPmExprEq (PmExprEq e1 e2) = Just (e1,e2)
isPmExprEq _other_expr = Nothing
isConsDataCon :: DataCon -> Bool
isConsDataCon con = consDataCon == con
substPmExpr :: Name -> PmExpr -> PmExpr -> (PmExpr, Bool)
substPmExpr x e1 e =
case e of
PmExprVar z | x == z -> (e1, True)
| otherwise -> (e, False)
PmExprCon c ps -> let (ps', bs) = mapAndUnzip (substPmExpr x e1) ps
in (PmExprCon c ps', or bs)
PmExprEq ex ey -> let (ex', bx) = substPmExpr x e1 ex
(ey', by) = substPmExpr x e1 ey
in (PmExprEq ex' ey', bx || by)
_other_expr -> (e, False)
substComplexEq :: Name -> PmExpr -> ComplexEq -> Either ComplexEq ComplexEq
substComplexEq x e (ex, ey)
| bx || by = Left (ex', ey')
| otherwise = Right (ex', ey')
(ex', bx) = substPmExpr x e ex
(ey', by) = substPmExpr x e ey
lhsExprToPmExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> PmExpr
lhsExprToPmExpr (L _ e) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr :: HsExpr Id -> PmExpr
hsExprToPmExpr (HsVar x) = PmExprVar (idName (unLoc x))
hsExprToPmExpr (HsOverLit olit) = PmExprLit (PmOLit False olit)
hsExprToPmExpr (HsLit lit) = PmExprLit (PmSLit lit)
hsExprToPmExpr e@(NegApp _ neg_e)
| PmExprLit (PmOLit False ol) <- synExprToPmExpr neg_e
= PmExprLit (PmOLit True ol)
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsPar (L _ e)) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr e@(ExplicitTuple ps boxity)
| all tupArgPresent ps = PmExprCon tuple_con tuple_args
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
tuple_con = tupleDataCon boxity (length ps)
tuple_args = [ lhsExprToPmExpr e | L _ (Present e) <- ps ]
hsExprToPmExpr e@(ExplicitList _elem_ty mb_ol elems)
| Nothing <- mb_ol = foldr cons nil (map lhsExprToPmExpr elems)
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
cons x xs = PmExprCon consDataCon [x,xs]
nil = PmExprCon nilDataCon []
hsExprToPmExpr (ExplicitPArr _elem_ty elems)
= PmExprCon (parrFakeCon (length elems)) (map lhsExprToPmExpr elems)
hsExprToPmExpr e@(RecordCon _ _ _ _) = PmExprOther e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsTick _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsBinTick _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsTickPragma _ _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsSCC _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsCoreAnn _ _ e) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (ExprWithTySig e _) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (ExprWithTySigOut e _) = lhsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr (HsWrap _ e) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr e = PmExprOther e
synExprToPmExpr :: SyntaxExpr Id -> PmExpr
synExprToPmExpr = hsExprToPmExpr . syn_expr
type PmNegLitCt = (Name, (SDoc, [PmLit]))
filterComplex :: [ComplexEq] -> [PmNegLitCt]
filterComplex = zipWith rename nameList . map mkGroup
. groupBy name . sortBy order . mapMaybe isNegLitCs
order x y = compare (fst x) (fst y)
name x y = fst x == fst y
mkGroup l = (fst (head l), nubPmLit $ map snd l)
rename new (old, lits) = (old, (new, lits))
isNegLitCs (e1,e2)
| isFalsePmExpr e1, Just (x,y) <- isPmExprEq e2 = isNegLitCs' x y
| isFalsePmExpr e2, Just (x,y) <- isPmExprEq e1 = isNegLitCs' x y
| otherwise = Nothing
isNegLitCs' (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l) = Just (x, l)
isNegLitCs' (PmExprLit l) (PmExprVar x) = Just (x, l)
isNegLitCs' _ _ = Nothing
nameList :: [SDoc]
nameList = map text ["p","q","r","s","t"] ++
[ text ('t':show u) | u <- [(0 :: Int)..] ]
runPmPprM :: PmPprM a -> [PmNegLitCt] -> (a, [(SDoc,[PmLit])])
runPmPprM m lit_env = (result, mapMaybe is_used lit_env)
(result, (_lit_env, used)) = runState m (lit_env, emptyNameSet)
is_used (x,(name, lits))
| elemNameSet x used = Just (name, lits)
| otherwise = Nothing
type PmPprM a = State ([PmNegLitCt], NameSet) a
addUsed :: Name -> PmPprM ()
addUsed x = modify (\(negated, used) -> (negated, extendNameSet used x))
checkNegation :: Name -> PmPprM (Maybe SDoc)
checkNegation x = do
negated <- gets fst
return $ case lookup x negated of
Just (new, _) -> Just new
Nothing -> Nothing
pprPmExpr :: PmExpr -> PmPprM SDoc
pprPmExpr (PmExprVar x) = do
mb_name <- checkNegation x
case mb_name of
Just name -> addUsed x >> return name
Nothing -> return underscore
pprPmExpr (PmExprCon con args) = pprPmExprCon con args
pprPmExpr (PmExprLit l) = return (ppr l)
pprPmExpr (PmExprEq _ _) = return underscore
pprPmExpr (PmExprOther _) = return underscore
needsParens :: PmExpr -> Bool
needsParens (PmExprVar {}) = False
needsParens (PmExprLit l) = isNegatedPmLit l
needsParens (PmExprEq {}) = False
needsParens (PmExprOther {}) = False
needsParens (PmExprCon c es)
| isTupleDataCon c || isPArrFakeCon c
|| isConsDataCon c || null es = False
| otherwise = True
pprPmExprWithParens :: PmExpr -> PmPprM SDoc
pprPmExprWithParens expr
| needsParens expr = parens <$> pprPmExpr expr
| otherwise = pprPmExpr expr
pprPmExprCon :: DataCon -> [PmExpr] -> PmPprM SDoc
pprPmExprCon con args
| isTupleDataCon con = mkTuple <$> mapM pprPmExpr args
| isPArrFakeCon con = mkPArr <$> mapM pprPmExpr args
| isConsDataCon con = pretty_list
| dataConIsInfix con = case args of
[x, y] -> do x' <- pprPmExprWithParens x
y' <- pprPmExprWithParens y
return (x' <+> ppr con <+> y')
list -> pprPanic "pprPmExprCon:" (ppr list)
| null args = return (ppr con)
| otherwise = do args' <- mapM pprPmExprWithParens args
return (fsep (ppr con : args'))
mkTuple, mkPArr :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
mkTuple = parens . fsep . punctuate comma
mkPArr = paBrackets . fsep . punctuate comma
pretty_list :: PmPprM SDoc
pretty_list = case isNilPmExpr (last list) of
True -> brackets . fsep . punctuate comma <$> mapM pprPmExpr (init list)
False -> parens . hcat . punctuate colon <$> mapM pprPmExpr list
list = list_elements args
list_elements [x,y]
| PmExprCon c es <- y, nilDataCon == c = ASSERT(null es) [x,y]
| PmExprCon c es <- y, consDataCon == c = x : list_elements es
| otherwise = [x,y]
list_elements list = pprPanic "list_elements:" (ppr list)
instance Outputable PmLit where
ppr (PmSLit l) = pmPprHsLit l
ppr (PmOLit neg l) = (if neg then char '-' else empty) <> ppr l
instance Outputable PmExpr where
ppr e = fst $ runPmPprM (pprPmExpr e) []