module Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (
OriginalModule(..), ExposedModule(..),
ParseResult(..), PError(..), PWarning,
) where
import Distribution.ParseUtils
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.Package hiding (installedUnitId, installedPackageId)
import qualified Distribution.Package as Package
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.Text
import qualified Distribution.Compat.ReadP as Parse
import Distribution.Compat.Binary
import Text.PrettyPrint as Disp
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data InstalledPackageInfo
= InstalledPackageInfo {
sourcePackageId :: PackageId,
installedUnitId :: UnitId,
compatPackageKey :: String,
license :: License,
copyright :: String,
maintainer :: String,
author :: String,
stability :: String,
homepage :: String,
pkgUrl :: String,
synopsis :: String,
description :: String,
category :: String,
abiHash :: AbiHash,
exposed :: Bool,
exposedModules :: [ExposedModule],
hiddenModules :: [ModuleName],
trusted :: Bool,
importDirs :: [FilePath],
libraryDirs :: [FilePath],
libraryDynDirs :: [FilePath],
dataDir :: FilePath,
hsLibraries :: [String],
extraLibraries :: [String],
extraGHCiLibraries:: [String],
includeDirs :: [FilePath],
includes :: [String],
depends :: [UnitId],
ccOptions :: [String],
ldOptions :: [String],
frameworkDirs :: [FilePath],
frameworks :: [String],
haddockInterfaces :: [FilePath],
haddockHTMLs :: [FilePath],
pkgRoot :: Maybe FilePath
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show)
installedComponentId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> ComponentId
installedComponentId ipi = case installedUnitId ipi of
SimpleUnitId cid -> cid
installedPackageId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> UnitId
installedPackageId = installedUnitId
instance Binary InstalledPackageInfo
instance Package.Package InstalledPackageInfo where
packageId = sourcePackageId
instance Package.HasUnitId InstalledPackageInfo where
installedUnitId = installedUnitId
instance Package.PackageInstalled InstalledPackageInfo where
installedDepends = depends
emptyInstalledPackageInfo :: InstalledPackageInfo
= InstalledPackageInfo {
sourcePackageId = PackageIdentifier (PackageName "") (Version [] []),
installedUnitId = mkUnitId "",
compatPackageKey = "",
license = UnspecifiedLicense,
copyright = "",
maintainer = "",
author = "",
stability = "",
homepage = "",
pkgUrl = "",
synopsis = "",
description = "",
category = "",
abiHash = AbiHash "",
exposed = False,
exposedModules = [],
hiddenModules = [],
trusted = False,
importDirs = [],
libraryDirs = [],
libraryDynDirs = [],
dataDir = "",
hsLibraries = [],
extraLibraries = [],
extraGHCiLibraries= [],
includeDirs = [],
includes = [],
depends = [],
ccOptions = [],
ldOptions = [],
frameworkDirs = [],
frameworks = [],
haddockInterfaces = [],
haddockHTMLs = [],
pkgRoot = Nothing
data OriginalModule
= OriginalModule {
originalPackageId :: UnitId,
originalModuleName :: ModuleName
deriving (Generic, Eq, Read, Show)
data ExposedModule
= ExposedModule {
exposedName :: ModuleName,
exposedReexport :: Maybe OriginalModule
deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show)
instance Text OriginalModule where
disp (OriginalModule ipi m) =
disp ipi <> Disp.char ':' <> disp m
parse = do
ipi <- parse
_ <- Parse.char ':'
m <- parse
return (OriginalModule ipi m)
instance Text ExposedModule where
disp (ExposedModule m reexport) =
Disp.hsep [ disp m
, case reexport of
Just m' -> Disp.hsep [Disp.text "from", disp m']
Nothing -> Disp.empty
parse = do
m <- parseModuleNameQ
reexport <- Parse.option Nothing $ do
_ <- Parse.string "from"
fmap Just parse
return (ExposedModule m reexport)
instance Binary OriginalModule
instance Binary ExposedModule
showExposedModules :: [ExposedModule] -> Disp.Doc
showExposedModules xs
| all isExposedModule xs = fsep (map disp xs)
| otherwise = fsep (Disp.punctuate comma (map disp xs))
where isExposedModule (ExposedModule _ Nothing) = True
isExposedModule _ = False
parseExposedModules :: Parse.ReadP r [ExposedModule]
parseExposedModules = parseOptCommaList parse
parseInstalledPackageInfo :: String -> ParseResult InstalledPackageInfo
parseInstalledPackageInfo =
parseFieldsFlat (fieldsInstalledPackageInfo ++ deprecatedFieldDescrs)
showInstalledPackageInfo :: InstalledPackageInfo -> String
showInstalledPackageInfo = showFields fieldsInstalledPackageInfo
showInstalledPackageInfoField :: String -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> String)
showInstalledPackageInfoField = showSingleNamedField fieldsInstalledPackageInfo
showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField :: String -> Maybe (InstalledPackageInfo -> String)
showSimpleInstalledPackageInfoField = showSimpleSingleNamedField fieldsInstalledPackageInfo
fieldsInstalledPackageInfo :: [FieldDescr InstalledPackageInfo]
fieldsInstalledPackageInfo = basicFieldDescrs ++ installedFieldDescrs
basicFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr InstalledPackageInfo]
basicFieldDescrs =
[ simpleField "name"
disp parsePackageNameQ
packageName (\name pkg -> pkg{sourcePackageId=(sourcePackageId pkg){pkgName=name}})
, simpleField "version"
disp parseOptVersion
packageVersion (\ver pkg -> pkg{sourcePackageId=(sourcePackageId pkg){pkgVersion=ver}})
, simpleField "id"
disp parse
installedUnitId (\pk pkg -> pkg{installedUnitId=pk})
, simpleField "key"
(disp . ComponentId) (fmap (\(ComponentId s) -> s) parse)
compatPackageKey (\pk pkg -> pkg{compatPackageKey=pk})
, simpleField "license"
disp parseLicenseQ
license (\l pkg -> pkg{license=l})
, simpleField "copyright"
showFreeText parseFreeText
copyright (\val pkg -> pkg{copyright=val})
, simpleField "maintainer"
showFreeText parseFreeText
maintainer (\val pkg -> pkg{maintainer=val})
, simpleField "stability"
showFreeText parseFreeText
stability (\val pkg -> pkg{stability=val})
, simpleField "homepage"
showFreeText parseFreeText
homepage (\val pkg -> pkg{homepage=val})
, simpleField "package-url"
showFreeText parseFreeText
pkgUrl (\val pkg -> pkg{pkgUrl=val})
, simpleField "synopsis"
showFreeText parseFreeText
synopsis (\val pkg -> pkg{synopsis=val})
, simpleField "description"
showFreeText parseFreeText
description (\val pkg -> pkg{description=val})
, simpleField "category"
showFreeText parseFreeText
category (\val pkg -> pkg{category=val})
, simpleField "author"
showFreeText parseFreeText
author (\val pkg -> pkg{author=val})
installedFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr InstalledPackageInfo]
installedFieldDescrs = [
boolField "exposed"
exposed (\val pkg -> pkg{exposed=val})
, simpleField "exposed-modules"
showExposedModules parseExposedModules
exposedModules (\xs pkg -> pkg{exposedModules=xs})
, listField "hidden-modules"
disp parseModuleNameQ
hiddenModules (\xs pkg -> pkg{hiddenModules=xs})
, simpleField "abi"
disp parse
abiHash (\abi pkg -> pkg{abiHash=abi})
, boolField "trusted"
trusted (\val pkg -> pkg{trusted=val})
, listField "import-dirs"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
importDirs (\xs pkg -> pkg{importDirs=xs})
, listField "library-dirs"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
libraryDirs (\xs pkg -> pkg{libraryDirs=xs})
, listField "dynamic-library-dirs"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
libraryDynDirs (\xs pkg -> pkg{libraryDynDirs=xs})
, simpleField "data-dir"
showFilePath (parseFilePathQ Parse.<++ return "")
dataDir (\val pkg -> pkg{dataDir=val})
, listField "hs-libraries"
showFilePath parseTokenQ
hsLibraries (\xs pkg -> pkg{hsLibraries=xs})
, listField "extra-libraries"
showToken parseTokenQ
extraLibraries (\xs pkg -> pkg{extraLibraries=xs})
, listField "extra-ghci-libraries"
showToken parseTokenQ
extraGHCiLibraries (\xs pkg -> pkg{extraGHCiLibraries=xs})
, listField "include-dirs"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
includeDirs (\xs pkg -> pkg{includeDirs=xs})
, listField "includes"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
includes (\xs pkg -> pkg{includes=xs})
, listField "depends"
disp parse
depends (\xs pkg -> pkg{depends=xs})
, listField "cc-options"
showToken parseTokenQ
ccOptions (\path pkg -> pkg{ccOptions=path})
, listField "ld-options"
showToken parseTokenQ
ldOptions (\path pkg -> pkg{ldOptions=path})
, listField "framework-dirs"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
frameworkDirs (\xs pkg -> pkg{frameworkDirs=xs})
, listField "frameworks"
showToken parseTokenQ
frameworks (\xs pkg -> pkg{frameworks=xs})
, listField "haddock-interfaces"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
haddockInterfaces (\xs pkg -> pkg{haddockInterfaces=xs})
, listField "haddock-html"
showFilePath parseFilePathQ
haddockHTMLs (\xs pkg -> pkg{haddockHTMLs=xs})
, simpleField "pkgroot"
(const Disp.empty) parseFilePathQ
(fromMaybe "" . pkgRoot) (\xs pkg -> pkg{pkgRoot=Just xs})
deprecatedFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr InstalledPackageInfo]
deprecatedFieldDescrs = [
listField "hugs-options"
showToken parseTokenQ
(const []) (const id)