module ByteCodeGen ( UnlinkedBCO, byteCodeGen, coreExprToBCOs ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import ByteCodeInstr
import ByteCodeAsm
import ByteCodeTypes
import GHCi
import GHCi.FFI
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
import BasicTypes
import DynFlags
import Outputable
import Platform
import Name
import MkId
import Id
import ForeignCall
import HscTypes
import CoreUtils
import CoreSyn
import PprCore
import Literal
import PrimOp
import CoreFVs
import Type
import Kind ( isLiftedTypeKind )
import DataCon
import TyCon
import Util
import VarSet
import TysPrim
import ErrUtils
import Unique
import FastString
import Panic
import StgCmmLayout ( ArgRep(..), toArgRep, argRepSizeW )
import SMRep
import Bitmap
import OrdList
import Maybes
import Data.List
import Foreign
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import UniqSupply
import Module
import Control.Arrow ( second )
import Control.Exception
import Data.Array
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified FiniteMap as Map
import Data.Ord
import GHC.Stack.CCS
byteCodeGen :: HscEnv
-> Module
-> CoreProgram
-> [TyCon]
-> Maybe ModBreaks
-> IO CompiledByteCode
byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod binds tycs mb_modBreaks
= withTiming (pure dflags)
(text "ByteCodeGen"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
(const ()) $ do
let flatBinds = [ (bndr, simpleFreeVars rhs)
| (bndr, rhs) <- flattenBinds binds]
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'y'
(BcM_State{..}, proto_bcos) <-
runBc hsc_env us this_mod mb_modBreaks $
mapM schemeTopBind flatBinds
when (notNull ffis)
(panic "ByteCodeGen.byteCodeGen: missing final emitBc?")
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_BCOs
"Proto-BCOs" (vcat (intersperse (char ' ') (map ppr proto_bcos)))
cbc <- assembleBCOs hsc_env proto_bcos tycs
(case modBreaks of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just mb -> Just mb{ modBreaks_breakInfo = breakInfo })
evaluate (seqCompiledByteCode cbc)
return cbc
where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
coreExprToBCOs :: HscEnv
-> Module
-> CoreExpr
-> IO UnlinkedBCO
coreExprToBCOs hsc_env this_mod expr
= withTiming (pure dflags)
(text "ByteCodeGen"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
(const ()) $ do
let invented_name = mkSystemVarName (mkPseudoUniqueE 0) (fsLit "ExprTopLevel")
invented_id = Id.mkLocalId invented_name (panic "invented_id's type")
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'y'
(BcM_State _dflags _us _this_mod _final_ctr mallocd _ _ , proto_bco)
<- runBc hsc_env us this_mod Nothing $
schemeTopBind (invented_id, simpleFreeVars expr)
when (notNull mallocd)
(panic "ByteCodeGen.coreExprToBCOs: missing final emitBc?")
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_BCOs "Proto-BCOs" (ppr proto_bco)
assembleOneBCO hsc_env proto_bco
where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
simpleFreeVars :: CoreExpr -> AnnExpr Id DVarSet
simpleFreeVars = go . freeVars
go :: AnnExpr Id FVAnn -> AnnExpr Id DVarSet
go (ann, e) = (freeVarsOfAnn ann, go' e)
go' :: AnnExpr' Id FVAnn -> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet
go' (AnnVar id) = AnnVar id
go' (AnnLit lit) = AnnLit lit
go' (AnnLam bndr body) = AnnLam bndr (go body)
go' (AnnApp fun arg) = AnnApp (go fun) (go arg)
go' (AnnCase scrut bndr ty alts) = AnnCase (go scrut) bndr ty (map go_alt alts)
go' (AnnLet bind body) = AnnLet (go_bind bind) (go body)
go' (AnnCast expr (ann, co)) = AnnCast (go expr) (freeVarsOfAnn ann, co)
go' (AnnTick tick body) = AnnTick tick (go body)
go' (AnnType ty) = AnnType ty
go' (AnnCoercion co) = AnnCoercion co
go_alt (con, args, expr) = (con, args, go expr)
go_bind (AnnNonRec bndr rhs) = AnnNonRec bndr (go rhs)
go_bind (AnnRec pairs) = AnnRec (map (second go) pairs)
type BCInstrList = OrdList BCInstr
type Sequel = Word
type BCEnv = Map Id Word
:: DynFlags
-> name
-> BCInstrList
-> Either [AnnAlt Id DVarSet] (AnnExpr Id DVarSet)
-> Int
-> Word16
-> [StgWord]
-> Bool
-> [FFIInfo]
-> ProtoBCO name
mkProtoBCO dflags nm instrs_ordlist origin arity bitmap_size bitmap is_ret ffis
= ProtoBCO {
protoBCOName = nm,
protoBCOInstrs = maybe_with_stack_check,
protoBCOBitmap = bitmap,
protoBCOBitmapSize = bitmap_size,
protoBCOArity = arity,
protoBCOExpr = origin,
protoBCOFFIs = ffis
| is_ret && stack_usage < fromIntegral (aP_STACK_SPLIM dflags) = peep_d
| stack_usage >= fromIntegral iNTERP_STACK_CHECK_THRESH
= STKCHECK stack_usage : peep_d
| otherwise
= peep_d
stack_usage = sum (map bciStackUse peep_d)
peep_d = peep (fromOL instrs_ordlist)
peep (PUSH_L off1 : PUSH_L off2 : PUSH_L off3 : rest)
= PUSH_LLL off1 (off21) (off32) : peep rest
peep (PUSH_L off1 : PUSH_L off2 : rest)
= PUSH_LL off1 (off21) : peep rest
peep (i:rest)
= i : peep rest
peep []
= []
argBits :: DynFlags -> [ArgRep] -> [Bool]
argBits _ [] = []
argBits dflags (rep : args)
| isFollowableArg rep = False : argBits dflags args
| otherwise = take (argRepSizeW dflags rep) (repeat True) ++ argBits dflags args
schemeTopBind :: (Id, AnnExpr Id DVarSet) -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
schemeTopBind (id, rhs)
| Just data_con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe id,
isNullaryRepDataCon data_con = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
emitBc (mkProtoBCO dflags (getName id) (toOL [PACK data_con 0, ENTER])
(Right rhs) 0 0 [] False)
| otherwise
= schemeR [] (id, rhs)
schemeR :: [Id]
-> (Id, AnnExpr Id DVarSet)
-> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
schemeR fvs (nm, rhs)
= schemeR_wrk fvs nm rhs (collect rhs)
collect :: AnnExpr Id DVarSet -> ([Var], AnnExpr' Id DVarSet)
collect (_, e) = go [] e
go xs e | Just e' <- bcView e = go xs e'
go xs (AnnLam x (_,e))
| UbxTupleRep _ <- repType (idType x)
= unboxedTupleException
| otherwise
= go (x:xs) e
go xs not_lambda = (reverse xs, not_lambda)
schemeR_wrk :: [Id] -> Id -> AnnExpr Id DVarSet -> ([Var], AnnExpr' Var DVarSet) -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
schemeR_wrk fvs nm original_body (args, body)
= do
dflags <- getDynFlags
all_args = reverse args ++ fvs
arity = length all_args
szsw_args = map (fromIntegral . idSizeW dflags) all_args
szw_args = sum szsw_args
p_init = Map.fromList (zip all_args (mkStackOffsets 0 szsw_args))
bits = argBits dflags (reverse (map bcIdArgRep all_args))
bitmap_size = genericLength bits
bitmap = mkBitmap dflags bits
body_code <- schemeER_wrk szw_args p_init body
emitBc (mkProtoBCO dflags (getName nm) body_code (Right original_body)
arity bitmap_size bitmap False)
schemeER_wrk :: Word -> BCEnv -> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> BcM BCInstrList
schemeER_wrk d p rhs
| AnnTick (Breakpoint tick_no fvs) (_annot, newRhs) <- rhs
= do code <- schemeE (fromIntegral d) 0 p newRhs
cc_arr <- getCCArray
this_mod <- moduleName <$> getCurrentModule
let idOffSets = getVarOffSets d p fvs
let breakInfo = CgBreakInfo
{ cgb_vars = idOffSets
, cgb_resty = exprType (deAnnotate' newRhs)
newBreakInfo tick_no breakInfo
dflags <- getDynFlags
let cc | interpreterProfiled dflags = cc_arr ! tick_no
| otherwise = toRemotePtr nullPtr
let breakInstr = BRK_FUN (fromIntegral tick_no) (getUnique this_mod) cc
return $ breakInstr `consOL` code
| otherwise = schemeE (fromIntegral d) 0 p rhs
getVarOffSets :: Word -> BCEnv -> [Id] -> [(Id, Word16)]
getVarOffSets d p = catMaybes . map (getOffSet d p)
getOffSet :: Word -> BCEnv -> Id -> Maybe (Id, Word16)
getOffSet d env id
= case lookupBCEnv_maybe id env of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just offset -> Just (id, trunc16 $ d offset)
trunc16 :: Word -> Word16
trunc16 w
| w > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)
= panic "stack depth overflow"
| otherwise
= fromIntegral w
fvsToEnv :: BCEnv -> DVarSet -> [Id]
fvsToEnv p fvs = [v | v <- dVarSetElems fvs,
isId v,
v `Map.member` p]
returnUnboxedAtom :: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> ArgRep
-> BcM BCInstrList
returnUnboxedAtom d s p e e_rep
= do (push, szw) <- pushAtom d p e
return (push
`appOL` mkSLIDE szw (ds)
`snocOL` RETURN_UBX e_rep)
schemeE :: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv -> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> BcM BCInstrList
schemeE d s p e
| Just e' <- bcView e
= schemeE d s p e'
schemeE d s p e@(AnnApp _ _) = schemeT d s p e
schemeE d s p e@(AnnLit lit) = returnUnboxedAtom d s p e (typeArgRep (literalType lit))
schemeE d s p e@(AnnCoercion {}) = returnUnboxedAtom d s p e V
schemeE d s p e@(AnnVar v)
| isUnliftedType (idType v) = returnUnboxedAtom d s p e (bcIdArgRep v)
| otherwise = schemeT d s p e
schemeE d s p (AnnLet (AnnNonRec x (_,rhs)) (_,body))
| (AnnVar v, args_r_to_l) <- splitApp rhs,
Just data_con <- isDataConWorkId_maybe v,
dataConRepArity data_con == length args_r_to_l
= do
alloc_code <- mkConAppCode d s p data_con args_r_to_l
body_code <- schemeE (d+1) s (Map.insert x d p) body
return (alloc_code `appOL` body_code)
schemeE d s p (AnnLet binds (_,body)) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let (xs,rhss) = case binds of AnnNonRec x rhs -> ([x],[rhs])
AnnRec xs_n_rhss -> unzip xs_n_rhss
n_binds = genericLength xs
fvss = map (fvsToEnv p' . fst) rhss
sizes = map (\rhs_fvs -> sum (map (fromIntegral . idSizeW dflags) rhs_fvs)) fvss
arities = map (genericLength . fst . collect) rhss
p' = Map.insertList (zipE xs (mkStackOffsets d (genericReplicate n_binds 1))) p
d' = d + fromIntegral n_binds
zipE = zipEqual "schemeE"
build_thunk _ [] size bco off arity
= return (PUSH_BCO bco `consOL` unitOL (mkap (off+size) size))
mkap | arity == 0 = MKAP
| otherwise = MKPAP
build_thunk dd (fv:fvs) size bco off arity = do
(push_code, pushed_szw) <- pushAtom dd p' (AnnVar fv)
more_push_code <- build_thunk (dd + fromIntegral pushed_szw) fvs size bco off arity
return (push_code `appOL` more_push_code)
alloc_code = toOL (zipWith mkAlloc sizes arities)
where mkAlloc sz 0
| is_tick = ALLOC_AP_NOUPD sz
| otherwise = ALLOC_AP sz
mkAlloc sz arity = ALLOC_PAP arity sz
is_tick = case binds of
AnnNonRec id _ -> occNameFS (getOccName id) == tickFS
_other -> False
compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size arity off = do
bco <- schemeR fvs (x,rhs)
build_thunk d' fvs size bco off arity
compile_binds =
[ compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size arity n
| (fvs, x, rhs, size, arity, n) <-
zip6 fvss xs rhss sizes arities [n_binds, n_binds1 .. 1]
body_code <- schemeE d' s p' body
thunk_codes <- sequence compile_binds
return (alloc_code `appOL` concatOL thunk_codes `appOL` body_code)
schemeE d s p exp@(AnnTick (Breakpoint _id _fvs) _rhs)
| isLiftedTypeKind (typeKind ty)
= do id <- newId ty
let letExp = AnnLet (AnnNonRec id (fvs, exp)) (emptyDVarSet, AnnVar id)
schemeE d s p letExp
| otherwise
= do
id <- newId (mkFunTy realWorldStatePrimTy ty)
st <- newId realWorldStatePrimTy
let letExp = AnnLet (AnnNonRec id (fvs, AnnLam st (emptyDVarSet, exp)))
(emptyDVarSet, (AnnApp (emptyDVarSet, AnnVar id)
(emptyDVarSet, AnnVar realWorldPrimId)))
schemeE d s p letExp
exp' = deAnnotate' exp
fvs = exprFreeVarsDSet exp'
ty = exprType exp'
schemeE d s p (AnnTick _ (_, rhs)) = schemeE d s p rhs
schemeE d s p (AnnCase (_,scrut) _ _ []) = schemeE d s p scrut
schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut bndr _ [(DataAlt dc, [bind1, bind2], rhs)])
| isUnboxedTupleCon dc
, UnaryRep rep_ty1 <- repType (idType bind1), UnaryRep rep_ty2 <- repType (idType bind2)
, Just res <- case () of
_ | VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty1
-> Just $ doCase d s p scrut bind2 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] (Just bndr)
| VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty2
-> Just $ doCase d s p scrut bind1 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] (Just bndr)
| otherwise
-> Nothing
= res
schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut bndr _ [(DataAlt dc, [bind1], rhs)])
| isUnboxedTupleCon dc, UnaryRep _ <- repType (idType bind1)
doCase d s p scrut bind1 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] (Just bndr)
schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut bndr _ [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)])
| Just (tc, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (idType bndr)
, isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc
, Just res <- case tys of
[ty] | UnaryRep _ <- repType ty
, let bind = bndr `setIdType` ty
-> Just $ doCase d s p scrut bind [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] (Just bndr)
[ty1, ty2] | UnaryRep rep_ty1 <- repType ty1
, UnaryRep rep_ty2 <- repType ty2
-> case () of
_ | VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty1
, let bind2 = bndr `setIdType` ty2
-> Just $ doCase d s p scrut bind2 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] (Just bndr)
| VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty2
, let bind1 = bndr `setIdType` ty1
-> Just $ doCase d s p scrut bind1 [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)] (Just bndr)
| otherwise
-> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
= res
schemeE d s p (AnnCase scrut bndr _ alts)
= doCase d s p scrut bndr alts Nothing
schemeE _ _ _ expr
= pprPanic "ByteCodeGen.schemeE: unhandled case"
(pprCoreExpr (deAnnotate' expr))
schemeT :: Word
-> Sequel
-> BCEnv
-> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet
-> BcM BCInstrList
schemeT d s p app
| Just (arg, constr_names) <- maybe_is_tagToEnum_call app
= implement_tagToId d s p arg constr_names
| Just (CCall ccall_spec) <- isFCallId_maybe fn
= if isSupportedCConv ccall_spec
then generateCCall d s p ccall_spec fn args_r_to_l
else unsupportedCConvException
| Just con <- maybe_saturated_dcon,
isUnboxedTupleCon con
= case args_r_to_l of
[arg1,arg2] | isVAtom arg1 ->
unboxedTupleReturn d s p arg2
[arg1,arg2] | isVAtom arg2 ->
unboxedTupleReturn d s p arg1
_other -> unboxedTupleException
| Just con <- maybe_saturated_dcon
= do alloc_con <- mkConAppCode d s p con args_r_to_l
return (alloc_con `appOL`
mkSLIDE 1 (d s) `snocOL`
| otherwise
= doTailCall d s p fn args_r_to_l
(AnnVar fn, args_r_to_l) = splitApp app
n_args = length args_r_to_l
= case isDataConWorkId_maybe fn of
Just con | dataConRepArity con == n_args -> Just con
_ -> Nothing
mkConAppCode :: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> DataCon
-> [AnnExpr' Id DVarSet]
-> BcM BCInstrList
mkConAppCode _ _ _ con []
= ASSERT( isNullaryRepDataCon con )
return (unitOL (PUSH_G (getName (dataConWorkId con))))
mkConAppCode orig_d _ p con args_r_to_l
= ASSERT( dataConRepArity con == length args_r_to_l )
do_pushery orig_d (non_ptr_args ++ ptr_args)
(ptr_args, non_ptr_args) = partition isPtrAtom args_r_to_l
do_pushery d (arg:args)
= do (push, arg_words) <- pushAtom d p arg
more_push_code <- do_pushery (d + fromIntegral arg_words) args
return (push `appOL` more_push_code)
do_pushery d []
= return (unitOL (PACK con n_arg_words))
n_arg_words = trunc16 $ d orig_d
:: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> BcM BCInstrList
unboxedTupleReturn d s p arg = returnUnboxedAtom d s p arg (atomRep arg)
:: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> Id -> [AnnExpr' Id DVarSet]
-> BcM BCInstrList
doTailCall init_d s p fn args
= do_pushes init_d args (map atomRep args)
do_pushes d [] reps = do
ASSERT( null reps ) return ()
(push_fn, sz) <- pushAtom d p (AnnVar fn)
ASSERT( sz == 1 ) return ()
return (push_fn `appOL` (
mkSLIDE (trunc16 $ d init_d + 1) (init_d s) `appOL`
unitOL ENTER))
do_pushes d args reps = do
let (push_apply, n, rest_of_reps) = findPushSeq reps
(these_args, rest_of_args) = splitAt n args
(next_d, push_code) <- push_seq d these_args
instrs <- do_pushes (next_d + 1) rest_of_args rest_of_reps
return (push_code `appOL` (push_apply `consOL` instrs))
push_seq d [] = return (d, nilOL)
push_seq d (arg:args) = do
(push_code, sz) <- pushAtom d p arg
(final_d, more_push_code) <- push_seq (d + fromIntegral sz) args
return (final_d, push_code `appOL` more_push_code)
findPushSeq :: [ArgRep] -> (BCInstr, Int, [ArgRep])
findPushSeq (P: P: P: P: P: P: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP, 6, rest)
findPushSeq (P: P: P: P: P: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP, 5, rest)
findPushSeq (P: P: P: P: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_PPPP, 4, rest)
findPushSeq (P: P: P: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_PPP, 3, rest)
findPushSeq (P: P: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_PP, 2, rest)
findPushSeq (P: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_P, 1, rest)
findPushSeq (V: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_V, 1, rest)
findPushSeq (N: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_N, 1, rest)
findPushSeq (F: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_F, 1, rest)
findPushSeq (D: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_D, 1, rest)
findPushSeq (L: rest)
= (PUSH_APPLY_L, 1, rest)
findPushSeq _
= panic "ByteCodeGen.findPushSeq"
doCase :: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> AnnExpr Id DVarSet -> Id -> [AnnAlt Id DVarSet]
-> Maybe Id
-> BcM BCInstrList
doCase d s p (_,scrut) bndr alts is_unboxed_tuple
| UbxTupleRep _ <- repType (idType bndr)
= unboxedTupleException
| otherwise
= do
dflags <- getDynFlags
| gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags = gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
| otherwise = rtsIsProfiled
ret_frame_sizeW :: Word
ret_frame_sizeW = 2
save_ccs_sizeW | profiling = 2
| otherwise = 0
unlifted_itbl_sizeW :: Word
unlifted_itbl_sizeW | isAlgCase = 0
| otherwise = 1
d_bndr = d + ret_frame_sizeW + fromIntegral (idSizeW dflags bndr)
d_alts = d_bndr + unlifted_itbl_sizeW
d_bndr' = fromIntegral d_bndr 1
p_alts0 = Map.insert bndr d_bndr' p
p_alts = case is_unboxed_tuple of
Just ubx_bndr -> Map.insert ubx_bndr d_bndr' p_alts0
Nothing -> p_alts0
bndr_ty = idType bndr
isAlgCase = not (isUnliftedType bndr_ty) && isNothing is_unboxed_tuple
codeAlt (DEFAULT, _, (_,rhs))
= do rhs_code <- schemeE d_alts s p_alts rhs
return (NoDiscr, rhs_code)
codeAlt alt@(_, bndrs, (_,rhs))
| null real_bndrs = do
rhs_code <- schemeE d_alts s p_alts rhs
return (my_discr alt, rhs_code)
| any (\bndr -> case repType (idType bndr) of UbxTupleRep _ -> True; _ -> False) bndrs
= unboxedTupleException
| otherwise =
(ptrs,nptrs) = partition (isFollowableArg.bcIdArgRep) real_bndrs
ptr_sizes = map (fromIntegral . idSizeW dflags) ptrs
nptrs_sizes = map (fromIntegral . idSizeW dflags) nptrs
bind_sizes = ptr_sizes ++ nptrs_sizes
size = sum ptr_sizes + sum nptrs_sizes
p' = Map.insertList
(zip (reverse (ptrs ++ nptrs))
(mkStackOffsets d_alts (reverse bind_sizes)))
in do
rhs_code <- schemeE (d_alts + size) s p' rhs
return (my_discr alt, unitOL (UNPACK (trunc16 size)) `appOL` rhs_code)
real_bndrs = filterOut isTyVar bndrs
my_discr (DEFAULT, _, _) = NoDiscr
my_discr (DataAlt dc, _, _)
| isUnboxedTupleCon dc
= unboxedTupleException
| otherwise
= DiscrP (fromIntegral (dataConTag dc fIRST_TAG))
my_discr (LitAlt l, _, _)
= case l of MachInt i -> DiscrI (fromInteger i)
MachWord w -> DiscrW (fromInteger w)
MachFloat r -> DiscrF (fromRational r)
MachDouble r -> DiscrD (fromRational r)
MachChar i -> DiscrI (ord i)
_ -> pprPanic "schemeE(AnnCase).my_discr" (ppr l)
| not isAlgCase = Nothing
| otherwise
= case [dc | (DataAlt dc, _, _) <- alts] of
[] -> Nothing
(dc:_) -> Just (tyConFamilySize (dataConTyCon dc))
bitmap_size = trunc16 $ ds
bitmap_size' :: Int
bitmap_size' = fromIntegral bitmap_size
bitmap = intsToReverseBitmap dflags bitmap_size'
(sort (filter (< bitmap_size') rel_slots))
binds = Map.toList p
rel_slots = nub $ map fromIntegral $ concat (map spread binds)
spread (id, offset) | isFollowableArg (bcIdArgRep id) = [ rel_offset ]
| otherwise = []
where rel_offset = trunc16 $ d fromIntegral offset 1
alt_stuff <- mapM codeAlt alts
alt_final <- mkMultiBranch maybe_ncons alt_stuff
alt_bco_name = getName bndr
alt_bco = mkProtoBCO dflags alt_bco_name alt_final (Left alts)
0 bitmap_size bitmap True
scrut_code <- schemeE (d + ret_frame_sizeW + save_ccs_sizeW)
(d + ret_frame_sizeW + save_ccs_sizeW)
p scrut
alt_bco' <- emitBc alt_bco
let push_alts
| isAlgCase = PUSH_ALTS alt_bco'
| otherwise = PUSH_ALTS_UNLIFTED alt_bco' (typeArgRep bndr_ty)
return (push_alts `consOL` scrut_code)
generateCCall :: Word -> Sequel
-> BCEnv
-> CCallSpec
-> Id
-> [AnnExpr' Id DVarSet]
-> BcM BCInstrList
generateCCall d0 s p (CCallSpec target cconv safety) fn args_r_to_l
= do
dflags <- getDynFlags
addr_sizeW :: Word16
addr_sizeW = fromIntegral (argRepSizeW dflags N)
pargs _ [] = return []
pargs d (a:az)
= let UnaryRep arg_ty = repType (exprType (deAnnotate' a))
in case tyConAppTyCon_maybe arg_ty of
Just t
| t == arrayPrimTyCon || t == mutableArrayPrimTyCon
-> do rest <- pargs (d + fromIntegral addr_sizeW) az
code <- parg_ArrayishRep (fromIntegral (arrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) d p a
return ((code,AddrRep):rest)
| t == smallArrayPrimTyCon || t == smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon
-> do rest <- pargs (d + fromIntegral addr_sizeW) az
code <- parg_ArrayishRep (fromIntegral (smallArrPtrsHdrSize dflags)) d p a
return ((code,AddrRep):rest)
| t == byteArrayPrimTyCon || t == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
-> do rest <- pargs (d + fromIntegral addr_sizeW) az
code <- parg_ArrayishRep (fromIntegral (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) d p a
return ((code,AddrRep):rest)
-> do (code_a, sz_a) <- pushAtom d p a
rest <- pargs (d + fromIntegral sz_a) az
return ((code_a, atomPrimRep a) : rest)
parg_ArrayishRep :: Word16 -> Word -> BCEnv -> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet
-> BcM BCInstrList
parg_ArrayishRep hdrSize d p a
= do (push_fo, _) <- pushAtom d p a
return (push_fo `snocOL` SWIZZLE 0 hdrSize)
code_n_reps <- pargs d0 args_r_to_l
(pushs_arg, a_reps_pushed_r_to_l) = unzip code_n_reps
a_reps_sizeW = fromIntegral (sum (map (primRepSizeW dflags) a_reps_pushed_r_to_l))
push_args = concatOL pushs_arg
d_after_args = d0 + a_reps_sizeW
| null a_reps_pushed_r_to_l || head a_reps_pushed_r_to_l /= VoidRep
= panic "ByteCodeGen.generateCCall: missing or invalid World token?"
| otherwise
= reverse (tail a_reps_pushed_r_to_l)
(returns_void, r_rep)
= case maybe_getCCallReturnRep (idType fn) of
Nothing -> (True, VoidRep)
Just rr -> (False, rr)
maybe_static_target =
case target of
DynamicTarget -> Nothing
StaticTarget _ _ _ False ->
panic "generateCCall: unexpected FFI value import"
StaticTarget _ target _ True ->
Just (MachLabel target mb_size IsFunction)
| OSMinGW32 <- platformOS (targetPlatform dflags)
, StdCallConv <- cconv
= Just (fromIntegral a_reps_sizeW * wORD_SIZE dflags)
| otherwise
= Nothing
is_static = isJust maybe_static_target
| is_static = a_reps_pushed_RAW
| otherwise = if null a_reps_pushed_RAW
then panic "ByteCodeGen.generateCCall: dyn with no args"
else tail a_reps_pushed_RAW
(push_Addr, d_after_Addr)
| Just machlabel <- maybe_static_target
= (toOL [PUSH_UBX machlabel addr_sizeW],
d_after_args + fromIntegral addr_sizeW)
| otherwise
= (nilOL, d_after_args)
r_sizeW = fromIntegral (primRepSizeW dflags r_rep)
d_after_r = d_after_Addr + fromIntegral r_sizeW
r_lit = mkDummyLiteral r_rep
push_r = (if returns_void
then nilOL
else unitOL (PUSH_UBX r_lit r_sizeW))
stk_offset = trunc16 $ d_after_r s
conv = case cconv of
CCallConv -> FFICCall
StdCallConv -> FFIStdCall
_ -> panic "ByteCodeGen: unexpected calling convention"
let ffires = primRepToFFIType dflags r_rep
ffiargs = map (primRepToFFIType dflags) a_reps
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
token <- ioToBc $ iservCmd hsc_env (PrepFFI conv ffiargs ffires)
recordFFIBc token
do_call = unitOL (CCALL stk_offset token
(fromIntegral (fromEnum (playInterruptible safety))))
wrapup = mkSLIDE r_sizeW (d_after_r fromIntegral r_sizeW s)
`snocOL` RETURN_UBX (toArgRep r_rep)
return (
push_args `appOL`
push_Addr `appOL` push_r `appOL` do_call `appOL` wrapup
primRepToFFIType :: DynFlags -> PrimRep -> FFIType
primRepToFFIType dflags r
= case r of
VoidRep -> FFIVoid
IntRep -> signed_word
WordRep -> unsigned_word
Int64Rep -> FFISInt64
Word64Rep -> FFIUInt64
AddrRep -> FFIPointer
FloatRep -> FFIFloat
DoubleRep -> FFIDouble
_ -> panic "primRepToFFIType"
(signed_word, unsigned_word)
| wORD_SIZE dflags == 4 = (FFISInt32, FFIUInt32)
| wORD_SIZE dflags == 8 = (FFISInt64, FFIUInt64)
| otherwise = panic "primTyDescChar"
mkDummyLiteral :: PrimRep -> Literal
mkDummyLiteral pr
= case pr of
IntRep -> MachInt 0
WordRep -> MachWord 0
AddrRep -> MachNullAddr
DoubleRep -> MachDouble 0
FloatRep -> MachFloat 0
Int64Rep -> MachInt64 0
Word64Rep -> MachWord64 0
_ -> panic "mkDummyLiteral"
maybe_getCCallReturnRep :: Type -> Maybe PrimRep
maybe_getCCallReturnRep fn_ty
= let (_a_tys, r_ty) = splitFunTys (dropForAlls fn_ty)
= if isSingleton r_reps then Nothing else Just (r_reps !! 1)
r_reps = case repType r_ty of
UbxTupleRep reps -> map typePrimRep reps
UnaryRep _ -> blargh
ok = ( ( r_reps `lengthIs` 2 && VoidRep == head r_reps)
|| r_reps == [VoidRep] )
&& case maybe_r_rep_to_go of
Nothing -> True
Just r_rep -> r_rep /= PtrRep
blargh :: a
blargh = pprPanic "maybe_getCCallReturn: can't handle:"
(pprType fn_ty)
if ok then maybe_r_rep_to_go else blargh
maybe_is_tagToEnum_call :: AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> Maybe (AnnExpr' Id DVarSet, [Name])
maybe_is_tagToEnum_call app
| AnnApp (_, AnnApp (_, AnnVar v) (_, AnnType t)) arg <- app
, Just TagToEnumOp <- isPrimOpId_maybe v
= Just (snd arg, extract_constr_Names t)
| otherwise
= Nothing
extract_constr_Names ty
| UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType ty
, Just tyc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe rep_ty,
isDataTyCon tyc
= map (getName . dataConWorkId) (tyConDataCons tyc)
| otherwise
= pprPanic "maybe_is_tagToEnum_call.extract_constr_Ids" (ppr ty)
implement_tagToId :: Word -> Sequel -> BCEnv
-> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> [Name] -> BcM BCInstrList
implement_tagToId d s p arg names
= ASSERT( notNull names )
do (push_arg, arg_words) <- pushAtom d p arg
labels <- getLabelsBc (genericLength names)
label_fail <- getLabelBc
label_exit <- getLabelBc
let infos = zip4 labels (tail labels ++ [label_fail])
[0 ..] names
steps = map (mkStep label_exit) infos
return (push_arg
`appOL` unitOL (PUSH_UBX MachNullAddr 1)
`appOL` concatOL steps
`appOL` toOL [ LABEL label_fail, CASEFAIL,
LABEL label_exit ]
`appOL` mkSLIDE 1 (d s + fromIntegral arg_words + 1)
`appOL` unitOL ENTER)
mkStep l_exit (my_label, next_label, n, name_for_n)
= toOL [LABEL my_label,
TESTEQ_I n next_label,
PUSH_G name_for_n,
JMP l_exit]
pushAtom :: Word -> BCEnv -> AnnExpr' Id DVarSet -> BcM (BCInstrList, Word16)
pushAtom d p e
| Just e' <- bcView e
= pushAtom d p e'
pushAtom _ _ (AnnCoercion {})
= return (nilOL, 0)
pushAtom d p (AnnCase (_, a) _ _ [])
= pushAtom d p a
pushAtom d p (AnnVar v)
| UnaryRep rep_ty <- repType (idType v)
, V <- typeArgRep rep_ty
= return (nilOL, 0)
| isFCallId v
= pprPanic "pushAtom: shouldn't get an FCallId here" (ppr v)
| Just primop <- isPrimOpId_maybe v
= return (unitOL (PUSH_PRIMOP primop), 1)
| Just d_v <- lookupBCEnv_maybe v p
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
let sz :: Word16
sz = fromIntegral (idSizeW dflags v)
l = trunc16 $ d d_v + fromIntegral sz 2
return (toOL (genericReplicate sz (PUSH_L l)), sz)
| otherwise
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
let sz :: Word16
sz = fromIntegral (idSizeW dflags v)
MASSERT(sz == 1)
return (unitOL (PUSH_G (getName v)), sz)
pushAtom _ _ (AnnLit lit) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let code rep
= let size_host_words = fromIntegral (argRepSizeW dflags rep)
in return (unitOL (PUSH_UBX lit size_host_words),
case lit of
MachLabel _ _ _ -> code N
MachWord _ -> code N
MachInt _ -> code N
MachWord64 _ -> code L
MachInt64 _ -> code L
MachFloat _ -> code F
MachDouble _ -> code D
MachChar _ -> code N
MachNullAddr -> code N
MachStr _ -> code N
LitInteger {} -> panic "pushAtom: LitInteger"
pushAtom _ _ expr
= pprPanic "ByteCodeGen.pushAtom"
(pprCoreExpr (deAnnotate (undefined, expr)))
mkMultiBranch :: Maybe Int
-> [(Discr, BCInstrList)]
-> BcM BCInstrList
mkMultiBranch maybe_ncons raw_ways = do
lbl_default <- getLabelBc
mkTree :: [(Discr, BCInstrList)] -> Discr -> Discr -> BcM BCInstrList
mkTree [] _range_lo _range_hi = return (unitOL (JMP lbl_default))
mkTree [val] range_lo range_hi
| range_lo == range_hi
= return (snd val)
| null defaults
= do lbl <- getLabelBc
return (testEQ (fst val) lbl
`consOL` (snd val
`appOL` (LABEL lbl `consOL` unitOL CASEFAIL)))
| otherwise
= return (testEQ (fst val) lbl_default `consOL` snd val)
mkTree vals range_lo range_hi
= let n = length vals `div` 2
vals_lo = take n vals
vals_hi = drop n vals
v_mid = fst (head vals_hi)
in do
label_geq <- getLabelBc
code_lo <- mkTree vals_lo range_lo (dec v_mid)
code_hi <- mkTree vals_hi v_mid range_hi
return (testLT v_mid label_geq
`consOL` (code_lo
`appOL` unitOL (LABEL label_geq)
`appOL` code_hi))
= case defaults of
[] -> nilOL
[(_, def)] -> LABEL lbl_default `consOL` def
_ -> panic "mkMultiBranch/the_default"
instrs <- mkTree notd_ways init_lo init_hi
return (instrs `appOL` the_default)
(defaults, not_defaults) = partition (isNoDiscr.fst) raw_ways
notd_ways = sortBy (comparing fst) not_defaults
testLT (DiscrI i) fail_label = TESTLT_I i fail_label
testLT (DiscrW i) fail_label = TESTLT_W i fail_label
testLT (DiscrF i) fail_label = TESTLT_F i fail_label
testLT (DiscrD i) fail_label = TESTLT_D i fail_label
testLT (DiscrP i) fail_label = TESTLT_P i fail_label
testLT NoDiscr _ = panic "mkMultiBranch NoDiscr"
testEQ (DiscrI i) fail_label = TESTEQ_I i fail_label
testEQ (DiscrW i) fail_label = TESTEQ_W i fail_label
testEQ (DiscrF i) fail_label = TESTEQ_F i fail_label
testEQ (DiscrD i) fail_label = TESTEQ_D i fail_label
testEQ (DiscrP i) fail_label = TESTEQ_P i fail_label
testEQ NoDiscr _ = panic "mkMultiBranch NoDiscr"
(init_lo, init_hi)
| null notd_ways
= panic "mkMultiBranch: awesome foursome"
| otherwise
= case fst (head notd_ways) of
DiscrI _ -> ( DiscrI minBound, DiscrI maxBound )
DiscrW _ -> ( DiscrW minBound, DiscrW maxBound )
DiscrF _ -> ( DiscrF minF, DiscrF maxF )
DiscrD _ -> ( DiscrD minD, DiscrD maxD )
DiscrP _ -> ( DiscrP algMinBound, DiscrP algMaxBound )
NoDiscr -> panic "mkMultiBranch NoDiscr"
(algMinBound, algMaxBound)
= case maybe_ncons of
Just n -> (0, fromIntegral n 1)
Nothing -> (minBound, maxBound)
isNoDiscr NoDiscr = True
isNoDiscr _ = False
dec (DiscrI i) = DiscrI (i1)
dec (DiscrW w) = DiscrW (w1)
dec (DiscrP i) = DiscrP (i1)
dec other = other
minF, maxF :: Float
minD, maxD :: Double
minF = 1.0e37
maxF = 1.0e37
minD = 1.0e308
maxD = 1.0e308
data Discr
= DiscrI Int
| DiscrW Word
| DiscrF Float
| DiscrD Double
| DiscrP Word16
| NoDiscr
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Outputable Discr where
ppr (DiscrI i) = int i
ppr (DiscrW w) = text (show w)
ppr (DiscrF f) = text (show f)
ppr (DiscrD d) = text (show d)
ppr (DiscrP i) = ppr i
ppr NoDiscr = text "DEF"
lookupBCEnv_maybe :: Id -> BCEnv -> Maybe Word
lookupBCEnv_maybe = Map.lookup
idSizeW :: DynFlags -> Id -> Int
idSizeW dflags = argRepSizeW dflags . bcIdArgRep
bcIdArgRep :: Id -> ArgRep
bcIdArgRep = toArgRep . bcIdPrimRep
bcIdPrimRep :: Id -> PrimRep
bcIdPrimRep = typePrimRep . bcIdUnaryType
isFollowableArg :: ArgRep -> Bool
isFollowableArg P = True
isFollowableArg _ = False
isVoidArg :: ArgRep -> Bool
isVoidArg V = True
isVoidArg _ = False
bcIdUnaryType :: Id -> UnaryType
bcIdUnaryType x = case repType (idType x) of
UnaryRep rep_ty -> rep_ty
UbxTupleRep [rep_ty] -> rep_ty
UbxTupleRep [rep_ty1, rep_ty2]
| VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty1 -> rep_ty2
| VoidRep <- typePrimRep rep_ty2 -> rep_ty1
_ -> pprPanic "bcIdUnaryType" (ppr x $$ ppr (idType x))
unboxedTupleException :: a
unboxedTupleException = throwGhcException (ProgramError
("Error: bytecode compiler can't handle unboxed tuples.\n"++
" Possibly due to foreign import/export decls in source.\n"++
" Workaround: use -fobject-code, or compile this module to .o separately."))
isSupportedCConv :: CCallSpec -> Bool
isSupportedCConv (CCallSpec _ cconv _) = case cconv of
CCallConv -> True
StdCallConv -> True
PrimCallConv -> False
JavaScriptCallConv -> False
CApiConv -> False
unsupportedCConvException :: a
unsupportedCConvException = throwGhcException (ProgramError
("Error: bytecode compiler can't handle some foreign calling conventions\n"++
" Workaround: use -fobject-code, or compile this module to .o separately."))
mkSLIDE :: Word16 -> Word -> OrdList BCInstr
mkSLIDE n d
| d > fromIntegral limit
= SLIDE n limit `consOL` mkSLIDE n (d fromIntegral limit)
| d == 0
= nilOL
| otherwise
= if d == 0 then nilOL else unitOL (SLIDE n $ fromIntegral d)
limit :: Word16
limit = maxBound
splitApp :: AnnExpr' Var ann -> (AnnExpr' Var ann, [AnnExpr' Var ann])
splitApp e | Just e' <- bcView e = splitApp e'
splitApp (AnnApp (_,f) (_,a)) = case splitApp f of
(f', as) -> (f', a:as)
splitApp e = (e, [])
bcView :: AnnExpr' Var ann -> Maybe (AnnExpr' Var ann)
bcView (AnnCast (_,e) _) = Just e
bcView (AnnLam v (_,e)) | isTyVar v = Just e
bcView (AnnApp (_,e) (_, AnnType _)) = Just e
bcView (AnnTick Breakpoint{} _) = Nothing
bcView (AnnTick _other_tick (_,e)) = Just e
bcView _ = Nothing
isVAtom :: AnnExpr' Var ann -> Bool
isVAtom e | Just e' <- bcView e = isVAtom e'
isVAtom (AnnVar v) = isVoidArg (bcIdArgRep v)
isVAtom (AnnCoercion {}) = True
isVAtom _ = False
atomPrimRep :: AnnExpr' Id ann -> PrimRep
atomPrimRep e | Just e' <- bcView e = atomPrimRep e'
atomPrimRep (AnnVar v) = bcIdPrimRep v
atomPrimRep (AnnLit l) = typePrimRep (literalType l)
atomPrimRep (AnnCase _ _ ty _) = ASSERT(typePrimRep ty == PtrRep) PtrRep
atomPrimRep (AnnCoercion {}) = VoidRep
atomPrimRep other = pprPanic "atomPrimRep" (ppr (deAnnotate (undefined,other)))
atomRep :: AnnExpr' Id ann -> ArgRep
atomRep e = toArgRep (atomPrimRep e)
isPtrAtom :: AnnExpr' Id ann -> Bool
isPtrAtom e = isFollowableArg (atomRep e)
mkStackOffsets :: Word -> [Word] -> [Word]
mkStackOffsets original_depth szsw
= map (subtract 1) (tail (scanl (+) original_depth szsw))
typeArgRep :: Type -> ArgRep
typeArgRep = toArgRep . typePrimRep
data BcM_State
= BcM_State
{ bcm_hsc_env :: HscEnv
, uniqSupply :: UniqSupply
, thisModule :: Module
, nextlabel :: Word16
, ffis :: [FFIInfo]
, modBreaks :: Maybe ModBreaks
, breakInfo :: IntMap CgBreakInfo
newtype BcM r = BcM (BcM_State -> IO (BcM_State, r))
ioToBc :: IO a -> BcM a
ioToBc io = BcM $ \st -> do
x <- io
return (st, x)
runBc :: HscEnv -> UniqSupply -> Module -> Maybe ModBreaks -> BcM r
-> IO (BcM_State, r)
runBc hsc_env us this_mod modBreaks (BcM m)
= m (BcM_State hsc_env us this_mod 0 [] modBreaks IntMap.empty)
thenBc :: BcM a -> (a -> BcM b) -> BcM b
thenBc (BcM expr) cont = BcM $ \st0 -> do
(st1, q) <- expr st0
let BcM k = cont q
(st2, r) <- k st1
return (st2, r)
thenBc_ :: BcM a -> BcM b -> BcM b
thenBc_ (BcM expr) (BcM cont) = BcM $ \st0 -> do
(st1, _) <- expr st0
(st2, r) <- cont st1
return (st2, r)
returnBc :: a -> BcM a
returnBc result = BcM $ \st -> (return (st, result))
instance Functor BcM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative BcM where
pure = returnBc
(<*>) = ap
(*>) = thenBc_
instance Monad BcM where
(>>=) = thenBc
(>>) = (*>)
return = pure
instance HasDynFlags BcM where
getDynFlags = BcM $ \st -> return (st, hsc_dflags (bcm_hsc_env st))
getHscEnv :: BcM HscEnv
getHscEnv = BcM $ \st -> return (st, bcm_hsc_env st)
emitBc :: ([FFIInfo] -> ProtoBCO Name) -> BcM (ProtoBCO Name)
emitBc bco
= BcM $ \st -> return (st{ffis=[]}, bco (ffis st))
recordFFIBc :: RemotePtr C_ffi_cif -> BcM ()
recordFFIBc a
= BcM $ \st -> return (st{ffis = FFIInfo a : ffis st}, ())
getLabelBc :: BcM Word16
= BcM $ \st -> do let nl = nextlabel st
when (nl == maxBound) $
panic "getLabelBc: Ran out of labels"
return (st{nextlabel = nl + 1}, nl)
getLabelsBc :: Word16 -> BcM [Word16]
getLabelsBc n
= BcM $ \st -> let ctr = nextlabel st
in return (st{nextlabel = ctr+n}, [ctr .. ctr+n1])
getCCArray :: BcM (Array BreakIndex (RemotePtr CostCentre))
getCCArray = BcM $ \st ->
let breaks = expectJust "ByteCodeGen.getCCArray" $ modBreaks st in
return (st, modBreaks_ccs breaks)
newBreakInfo :: BreakIndex -> CgBreakInfo -> BcM ()
newBreakInfo ix info = BcM $ \st ->
return (st{breakInfo = IntMap.insert ix info (breakInfo st)}, ())
newUnique :: BcM Unique
newUnique = BcM $
\st -> case takeUniqFromSupply (uniqSupply st) of
(uniq, us) -> let newState = st { uniqSupply = us }
in return (newState, uniq)
getCurrentModule :: BcM Module
getCurrentModule = BcM $ \st -> return (st, thisModule st)
newId :: Type -> BcM Id
newId ty = do
uniq <- newUnique
return $ mkSysLocal tickFS uniq ty
tickFS :: FastString
tickFS = fsLit "ticked"