module RdrHsSyn (
mkHsIntegral, mkHsFractional, mkHsIsString,
mkHsDo, mkSpliceDecl,
mkTyData, mkDataFamInst,
mkTySynonym, mkTyFamInstEqn,
mkFamDecl, mkLHsSigType,
splitCon, mkInlinePragma,
mkTyClD, mkInstD,
mkRdrRecordCon, mkRdrRecordUpd,
splitTilde, splitTildeApps,
) where
import HsSyn
import Class ( FunDep )
import TyCon ( TyCon, isTupleTyCon, tyConSingleDataCon_maybe )
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConTyCon )
import ConLike ( ConLike(..) )
import CoAxiom ( Role, fsFromRole )
import RdrName
import Name
import BasicTypes
import TcEvidence ( idHsWrapper )
import Lexer
import Type ( TyThing(..) )
import TysWiredIn ( cTupleTyConName, tupleTyCon, tupleDataCon,
nilDataConName, nilDataConKey,
listTyConName, listTyConKey,
starKindTyConName, unicodeStarKindTyConName )
import ForeignCall
import PrelNames ( forall_tv_RDR, eqTyCon_RDR, allNameStrings )
import DynFlags
import SrcLoc
import Unique ( hasKey )
import OrdList ( OrdList, fromOL )
import Bag ( emptyBag, consBag )
import Outputable
import FastString
import Maybes
import Util
import ApiAnnotation
import Data.List
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import MonadUtils
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as ReadP
import Data.Char
import Data.Data ( dataTypeOf, fromConstr, dataTypeConstrs )
#include "HsVersions.h"
mkTyClD :: LTyClDecl n -> LHsDecl n
mkTyClD (L loc d) = L loc (TyClD d)
mkInstD :: LInstDecl n -> LHsDecl n
mkInstD (L loc d) = L loc (InstD d)
mkClassDecl :: SrcSpan
-> Located (Maybe (LHsContext RdrName), LHsType RdrName)
-> Located (a,[Located (FunDep (Located RdrName))])
-> OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkClassDecl loc (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls
= do { (binds, sigs, ats, at_insts, _, docs) <- cvBindsAndSigs where_cls
; let cxt = fromMaybe (noLoc []) mcxt
; (cls, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr True tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (text "class") whereDots cls tparams
; at_defs <- mapM (eitherToP . mkATDefault) at_insts
; return (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLName = cls, tcdTyVars = tyvars
, tcdFDs = snd (unLoc fds)
, tcdSigs = mkClassOpSigs sigs
, tcdMeths = binds
, tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs, tcdDocs = docs
, tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })) }
mkATDefault :: LTyFamInstDecl RdrName
-> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (LTyFamDefltEqn RdrName)
mkATDefault (L loc (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = L _ e }))
| TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc, tfe_pats = pats, tfe_rhs = rhs } <- e
= do { tvs <- checkTyVars (text "default") equalsDots tc (hsib_body pats)
; return (L loc (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc
, tfe_pats = tvs
, tfe_rhs = rhs })) }
mkTyData :: SrcSpan
-> NewOrData
-> Maybe (Located CType)
-> Located (Maybe (LHsContext RdrName), LHsType RdrName)
-> Maybe (LHsKind RdrName)
-> [LConDecl RdrName]
-> HsDeriving RdrName
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkTyData loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
= do { (tc, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (ppr new_or_data) equalsDots tc tparams
; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
; return (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
tcdDataDefn = defn,
tcdDataCusk = PlaceHolder,
tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })) }
mkDataDefn :: NewOrData
-> Maybe (Located CType)
-> Maybe (LHsContext RdrName)
-> Maybe (LHsKind RdrName)
-> [LConDecl RdrName]
-> HsDeriving RdrName
-> P (HsDataDefn RdrName)
mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
= do { checkDatatypeContext mcxt
; let cxt = fromMaybe (noLoc []) mcxt
; return (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_cType = cType
, dd_ctxt = cxt
, dd_cons = data_cons
, dd_kindSig = ksig
, dd_derivs = maybe_deriv }) }
mkTySynonym :: SrcSpan
-> LHsType RdrName
-> LHsType RdrName
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkTySynonym loc lhs rhs
= do { (tc, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (text "type") equalsDots tc tparams
; return (L loc (SynDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars
, tcdRhs = rhs, tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })) }
mkTyFamInstEqn :: LHsType RdrName
-> LHsType RdrName
-> P (TyFamInstEqn RdrName,[AddAnn])
mkTyFamInstEqn lhs rhs
= do { (tc, tparams, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; return (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc
, tfe_pats = mkHsImplicitBndrs tparams
, tfe_rhs = rhs },
ann) }
mkDataFamInst :: SrcSpan
-> NewOrData
-> Maybe (Located CType)
-> Located (Maybe (LHsContext RdrName), LHsType RdrName)
-> Maybe (LHsKind RdrName)
-> [LConDecl RdrName]
-> HsDeriving RdrName
-> P (LInstDecl RdrName)
mkDataFamInst loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
= do { (tc, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann
; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
; return (L loc (DataFamInstD (
DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tc
, dfid_pats = mkHsImplicitBndrs tparams
, dfid_defn = defn, dfid_fvs = placeHolderNames }))) }
mkTyFamInst :: SrcSpan
-> LTyFamInstEqn RdrName
-> P (LInstDecl RdrName)
mkTyFamInst loc eqn
= return (L loc (TyFamInstD (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn
, tfid_fvs = placeHolderNames })))
mkFamDecl :: SrcSpan
-> FamilyInfo RdrName
-> LHsType RdrName
-> Located (FamilyResultSig RdrName)
-> Maybe (LInjectivityAnn RdrName)
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkFamDecl loc info lhs ksig injAnn
= do { (tc, tparams, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (ppr info) equals_or_where tc tparams
; return (L loc (FamDecl (FamilyDecl{ fdInfo = info, fdLName = tc
, fdTyVars = tyvars
, fdResultSig = ksig
, fdInjectivityAnn = injAnn }))) }
equals_or_where = case info of
DataFamily -> empty
OpenTypeFamily -> empty
ClosedTypeFamily {} -> whereDots
mkSpliceDecl :: LHsExpr RdrName -> HsDecl RdrName
mkSpliceDecl lexpr@(L loc expr)
| HsSpliceE splice@(HsUntypedSplice {}) <- expr
= SpliceD (SpliceDecl (L loc splice) ExplicitSplice)
| HsSpliceE splice@(HsQuasiQuote {}) <- expr
= SpliceD (SpliceDecl (L loc splice) ExplicitSplice)
| otherwise
= SpliceD (SpliceDecl (L loc (mkUntypedSplice lexpr)) ImplicitSplice)
mkRoleAnnotDecl :: SrcSpan
-> Located RdrName
-> [Located (Maybe FastString)]
-> P (LRoleAnnotDecl RdrName)
mkRoleAnnotDecl loc tycon roles
= do { roles' <- mapM parse_role roles
; return $ L loc $ RoleAnnotDecl tycon roles' }
role_data_type = dataTypeOf (undefined :: Role)
all_roles = map fromConstr $ dataTypeConstrs role_data_type
possible_roles = [(fsFromRole role, role) | role <- all_roles]
parse_role (L loc_role Nothing) = return $ L loc_role Nothing
parse_role (L loc_role (Just role))
= case lookup role possible_roles of
Just found_role -> return $ L loc_role $ Just found_role
Nothing ->
let nearby = fuzzyLookup (unpackFS role) (mapFst unpackFS possible_roles) in
parseErrorSDoc loc_role
(text "Illegal role name" <+> quotes (ppr role) $$
suggestions nearby)
suggestions [] = empty
suggestions [r] = text "Perhaps you meant" <+> quotes (ppr r)
suggestions list = hang (text "Perhaps you meant one of these:")
2 (pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr) list)
cvTopDecls :: OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) -> [LHsDecl RdrName]
cvTopDecls decls = go (fromOL decls)
go :: [LHsDecl RdrName] -> [LHsDecl RdrName]
go [] = []
go (L l (ValD b) : ds) = L l' (ValD b') : go ds'
where (L l' b', ds') = getMonoBind (L l b) ds
go (d : ds) = d : go ds
cvBindGroup :: OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName) -> P (HsValBinds RdrName)
cvBindGroup binding
= do { (mbs, sigs, fam_ds, tfam_insts, dfam_insts, _) <- cvBindsAndSigs binding
; ASSERT( null fam_ds && null tfam_insts && null dfam_insts)
return $ ValBindsIn mbs sigs }
cvBindsAndSigs :: OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName)
-> P (LHsBinds RdrName, [LSig RdrName], [LFamilyDecl RdrName]
, [LTyFamInstDecl RdrName], [LDataFamInstDecl RdrName], [LDocDecl])
cvBindsAndSigs fb = go (fromOL fb)
go [] = return (emptyBag, [], [], [], [], [])
go (L l (ValD b) : ds)
= do { (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs) <- go ds'
; return (b' `consBag` bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs) }
(b', ds') = getMonoBind (L l b) ds
go (L l decl : ds)
= do { (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs) <- go ds
; case decl of
SigD s
-> return (bs, L l s : ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs)
TyClD (FamDecl t)
-> return (bs, ss, L l t : ts, tfis, dfis, docs)
InstD (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = tfi })
-> return (bs, ss, ts, L l tfi : tfis, dfis, docs)
InstD (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = dfi })
-> return (bs, ss, ts, tfis, L l dfi : dfis, docs)
DocD d
-> return (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, L l d : docs)
SpliceD d
-> parseErrorSDoc l $
hang (text "Declaration splices are allowed only" <+>
text "at the top level:")
2 (ppr d)
_ -> pprPanic "cvBindsAndSigs" (ppr decl) }
getMonoBind :: LHsBind RdrName -> [LHsDecl RdrName]
-> (LHsBind RdrName, [LHsDecl RdrName])
getMonoBind (L loc1 (FunBind { fun_id = fun_id1@(L _ f1),
= MG { mg_alts = L _ mtchs1 } })) binds
| has_args mtchs1
= go mtchs1 loc1 binds []
go mtchs loc
(L loc2 (ValD (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f2,
= MG { mg_alts = L _ mtchs2 } })) : binds) _
| f1 == f2 = go (mtchs2 ++ mtchs)
(combineSrcSpans loc loc2) binds []
go mtchs loc (doc_decl@(L loc2 (DocD _)) : binds) doc_decls
= let doc_decls' = doc_decl : doc_decls
in go mtchs (combineSrcSpans loc loc2) binds doc_decls'
go mtchs loc binds doc_decls
= ( L loc (makeFunBind fun_id1 (reverse mtchs))
, (reverse doc_decls) ++ binds)
getMonoBind bind binds = (bind, binds)
has_args :: [LMatch RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)] -> Bool
has_args [] = panic "RdrHsSyn:has_args"
has_args ((L _ (Match _ args _ _)) : _) = not (null args)
splitCon :: LHsType RdrName
-> P (Located RdrName, HsConDeclDetails RdrName)
splitCon ty
= split ty []
split (L _ (HsAppTy t u)) ts = split t (u : ts)
split (L l (HsTyVar (L _ tc))) ts = do data_con <- tyConToDataCon l tc
return (data_con, mk_rest ts)
split (L l (HsTupleTy HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts)) []
= return (L l (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed (length ts))), PrefixCon ts)
split (L l _) _ = parseErrorSDoc l (text "Cannot parse data constructor in a data/newtype declaration:" <+> ppr ty)
mk_rest [L l (HsRecTy flds)] = RecCon (L l flds)
mk_rest ts = PrefixCon ts
recordPatSynErr :: SrcSpan -> LPat RdrName -> P a
recordPatSynErr loc pat =
parseErrorSDoc loc $
text "record syntax not supported for pattern synonym declarations:" $$
ppr pat
mkPatSynMatchGroup :: Located RdrName
-> Located (OrdList (LHsDecl RdrName))
-> P (MatchGroup RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName))
mkPatSynMatchGroup (L loc patsyn_name) (L _ decls) =
do { matches <- mapM fromDecl (fromOL decls)
; when (null matches) (wrongNumberErr loc)
; return $ mkMatchGroup FromSource matches }
fromDecl (L loc decl@(ValD (PatBind pat@(L _ (ConPatIn ln@(L _ name) details)) rhs _ _ _))) =
do { unless (name == patsyn_name) $
wrongNameBindingErr loc decl
; match <- case details of
PrefixCon pats -> return $ Match (FunBindMatch ln False) pats Nothing rhs
InfixCon pat1 pat2 ->
return $ Match (FunBindMatch ln True) [pat1, pat2] Nothing rhs
RecCon{} -> recordPatSynErr loc pat
; return $ L loc match }
fromDecl (L loc decl) = extraDeclErr loc decl
extraDeclErr loc decl =
parseErrorSDoc loc $
text "pattern synonym 'where' clause must contain a single binding:" $$
ppr decl
wrongNameBindingErr loc decl =
parseErrorSDoc loc $
text "pattern synonym 'where' clause must bind the pattern synonym's name" <+>
quotes (ppr patsyn_name) $$ ppr decl
wrongNumberErr loc =
parseErrorSDoc loc $
text "pattern synonym 'where' clause cannot be empty" $$
text "In the pattern synonym declaration for: " <+> ppr (patsyn_name)
mkConDeclH98 :: Located RdrName -> Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName]
-> LHsContext RdrName -> HsConDeclDetails RdrName
-> ConDecl RdrName
mkConDeclH98 name mb_forall cxt details
= ConDeclH98 { con_name = name
, con_qvars = fmap mkHsQTvs mb_forall
, con_cxt = Just cxt
, con_details = details
, con_doc = Nothing }
mkGadtDecl :: [Located RdrName]
-> LHsSigType RdrName
-> ConDecl RdrName
mkGadtDecl names ty = ConDeclGADT { con_names = names
, con_type = ty
, con_doc = Nothing }
tyConToDataCon :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> P (Located RdrName)
tyConToDataCon loc tc
| isTcOcc (rdrNameOcc tc)
= return (L loc (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName))
| otherwise
= parseErrorSDoc loc (msg $$ extra)
msg = text "Not a data constructor:" <+> quotes (ppr tc)
extra | tc == forall_tv_RDR
= text "Perhaps you intended to use ExistentialQuantification"
| otherwise = empty
setRdrNameSpace :: RdrName -> NameSpace -> RdrName
setRdrNameSpace (Unqual occ) ns = Unqual (setOccNameSpace ns occ)
setRdrNameSpace (Qual m occ) ns = Qual m (setOccNameSpace ns occ)
setRdrNameSpace (Orig m occ) ns = Orig m (setOccNameSpace ns occ)
setRdrNameSpace (Exact n) ns
| Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe n
= setWiredInNameSpace thing ns
| isExternalName n
= Orig (nameModule n) occ
| otherwise
= Exact (mkSystemNameAt (nameUnique n) occ (nameSrcSpan n))
occ = setOccNameSpace ns (nameOccName n)
setWiredInNameSpace :: TyThing -> NameSpace -> RdrName
setWiredInNameSpace (ATyCon tc) ns
| isDataConNameSpace ns
= ty_con_data_con tc
| isTcClsNameSpace ns
= Exact (getName tc)
setWiredInNameSpace (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) ns
| isTcClsNameSpace ns
= data_con_ty_con dc
| isDataConNameSpace ns
= Exact (getName dc)
setWiredInNameSpace thing ns
= pprPanic "setWiredinNameSpace" (pprNameSpace ns <+> ppr thing)
ty_con_data_con :: TyCon -> RdrName
ty_con_data_con tc
| isTupleTyCon tc
, Just dc <- tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tc
= Exact (getName dc)
| tc `hasKey` listTyConKey
= Exact nilDataConName
| otherwise
= Unqual (setOccNameSpace srcDataName (getOccName tc))
data_con_ty_con :: DataCon -> RdrName
data_con_ty_con dc
| let tc = dataConTyCon dc
, isTupleTyCon tc
= Exact (getName tc)
| dc `hasKey` nilDataConKey
= Exact listTyConName
| otherwise
= Unqual (setOccNameSpace tcClsName (getOccName dc))
checkTyVarsP :: SDoc -> SDoc -> Located RdrName -> [LHsType RdrName] -> P (LHsQTyVars RdrName)
checkTyVarsP pp_what equals_or_where tc tparms
= eitherToP $ checkTyVars pp_what equals_or_where tc tparms
eitherToP :: Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) a -> P a
eitherToP (Left (loc, doc)) = parseErrorSDoc loc doc
eitherToP (Right thing) = return thing
checkTyVars :: SDoc -> SDoc -> Located RdrName -> [LHsType RdrName]
-> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (LHsQTyVars RdrName)
checkTyVars pp_what equals_or_where tc tparms
= do { tvs <- mapM chk tparms
; return (mkHsQTvs tvs) }
chk (L _ (HsParTy ty)) = chk ty
chk (L _ (HsAppsTy [L _ (HsAppPrefix ty)])) = chk ty
chk (L l (HsKindSig
(L _ (HsAppsTy [L _ (HsAppPrefix (L lv (HsTyVar (L _ tv))))])) k))
| isRdrTyVar tv = return (L l (KindedTyVar (L lv tv) k))
chk (L l (HsTyVar (L ltv tv)))
| isRdrTyVar tv = return (L l (UserTyVar (L ltv tv)))
chk t@(L loc _)
= Left (loc,
vcat [ text "Unexpected type" <+> quotes (ppr t)
, text "In the" <+> pp_what <+> ptext (sLit "declaration for") <+> quotes (ppr tc)
, vcat[ (text "A" <+> pp_what <+> ptext (sLit "declaration should have form"))
, nest 2 (pp_what <+> ppr tc
<+> hsep (map text (takeList tparms allNameStrings))
<+> equals_or_where) ] ])
whereDots, equalsDots :: SDoc
whereDots = text "where ..."
equalsDots = text "= ..."
checkDatatypeContext :: Maybe (LHsContext RdrName) -> P ()
checkDatatypeContext Nothing = return ()
checkDatatypeContext (Just (L loc c))
= do allowed <- extension datatypeContextsEnabled
unless allowed $
parseErrorSDoc loc
(text "Illegal datatype context (use DatatypeContexts):" <+>
pprHsContext c)
checkRecordSyntax :: Outputable a => Located a -> P (Located a)
checkRecordSyntax lr@(L loc r)
= do allowed <- extension traditionalRecordSyntaxEnabled
if allowed
then return lr
else parseErrorSDoc loc
(text "Illegal record syntax (use TraditionalRecordSyntax):" <+>
ppr r)
checkTyClHdr :: Bool
-> LHsType RdrName
-> P (Located RdrName,
[LHsType RdrName],
checkTyClHdr is_cls ty
= goL ty [] []
goL (L l ty) acc ann = go l ty acc ann
go l (HsTyVar (L _ tc)) acc ann
| isRdrTc tc = return (L l tc, acc, ann)
go _ (HsOpTy t1 ltc@(L _ tc) t2) acc ann
| isRdrTc tc = return (ltc, t1:t2:acc, ann)
go l (HsParTy ty) acc ann = goL ty acc (ann ++ mkParensApiAnn l)
go _ (HsAppTy t1 t2) acc ann = goL t1 (t2:acc) ann
go _ (HsAppsTy ts) acc ann
| Just (head, args) <- getAppsTyHead_maybe ts = goL head (args ++ acc) ann
go _ (HsAppsTy [L _ (HsAppInfix (L loc star))]) [] ann
| occNameFS (rdrNameOcc star) == fsLit "*"
= return (L loc (nameRdrName starKindTyConName), [], ann)
| occNameFS (rdrNameOcc star) == fsLit "★"
= return (L loc (nameRdrName unicodeStarKindTyConName), [], ann)
go l (HsTupleTy HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts) [] ann
= return (L l (nameRdrName tup_name), ts, ann)
arity = length ts
tup_name | is_cls = cTupleTyConName arity
| otherwise = getName (tupleTyCon Boxed arity)
go l _ _ _
= parseErrorSDoc l (text "Malformed head of type or class declaration:"
<+> ppr ty)
checkContext :: LHsType RdrName -> P ([AddAnn],LHsContext RdrName)
checkContext (L l orig_t)
= check [] (L l orig_t)
check anns (L lp (HsTupleTy _ ts))
= return (anns ++ mkParensApiAnn lp,L l ts)
check anns (L _ (HsAppsTy [L _ (HsAppPrefix ty)]))
= check anns ty
check anns (L lp1 (HsParTy ty))
= check anns' ty
where anns' = if l == lp1 then anns
else (anns ++ mkParensApiAnn lp1)
check _anns _
= return ([],L l [L l orig_t])
checkPattern :: SDoc -> LHsExpr RdrName -> P (LPat RdrName)
checkPattern msg e = checkLPat msg e
checkPatterns :: SDoc -> [LHsExpr RdrName] -> P [LPat RdrName]
checkPatterns msg es = mapM (checkPattern msg) es
checkLPat :: SDoc -> LHsExpr RdrName -> P (LPat RdrName)
checkLPat msg e@(L l _) = checkPat msg l e []
checkPat :: SDoc -> SrcSpan -> LHsExpr RdrName -> [LPat RdrName]
-> P (LPat RdrName)
checkPat _ loc (L l (HsVar (L _ c))) args
| isRdrDataCon c = return (L loc (ConPatIn (L l c) (PrefixCon args)))
checkPat msg loc e args
| Just (e', args') <- splitBang e
= do { args'' <- checkPatterns msg args'
; checkPat msg loc e' (args'' ++ args) }
checkPat msg loc (L _ (HsApp f e)) args
= do p <- checkLPat msg e
checkPat msg loc f (p : args)
checkPat msg loc (L _ e) []
= do p <- checkAPat msg loc e
return (L loc p)
checkPat msg loc e _
= patFail msg loc (unLoc e)
checkAPat :: SDoc -> SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P (Pat RdrName)
checkAPat msg loc e0 = do
pState <- getPState
let dynflags = dflags pState
case e0 of
EWildPat -> return (WildPat placeHolderType)
HsVar x -> return (VarPat x)
HsLit l -> return (LitPat l)
HsOverLit pos_lit -> return (mkNPat (L loc pos_lit) Nothing)
NegApp (L l (HsOverLit pos_lit)) _
-> return (mkNPat (L l pos_lit) (Just noSyntaxExpr))
SectionR (L lb (HsVar (L _ bang))) e
| bang == bang_RDR
-> do { bang_on <- extension bangPatEnabled
; if bang_on then do { e' <- checkLPat msg e
; addAnnotation loc AnnBang lb
; return (BangPat e') }
else parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal bang-pattern (use BangPatterns):" $$ ppr e0) }
ELazyPat e -> checkLPat msg e >>= (return . LazyPat)
EAsPat n e -> checkLPat msg e >>= (return . AsPat n)
EViewPat expr patE -> checkLPat msg patE >>=
(return . (\p -> ViewPat expr p placeHolderType))
ExprWithTySig e t -> do e <- checkLPat msg e
return (SigPatIn e t)
OpApp (L nloc (HsVar (L _ n))) (L _ (HsVar (L _ plus))) _
(L lloc (HsOverLit lit@(OverLit {ol_val = HsIntegral {}})))
| xopt LangExt.NPlusKPatterns dynflags && (plus == plus_RDR)
-> return (mkNPlusKPat (L nloc n) (L lloc lit))
OpApp l op _fix r -> do l <- checkLPat msg l
r <- checkLPat msg r
case op of
L cl (HsVar (L _ c)) | isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc c)
-> return (ConPatIn (L cl c) (InfixCon l r))
_ -> patFail msg loc e0
HsPar e -> checkLPat msg e >>= (return . ParPat)
ExplicitList _ _ es -> do ps <- mapM (checkLPat msg) es
return (ListPat ps placeHolderType Nothing)
ExplicitPArr _ es -> do ps <- mapM (checkLPat msg) es
return (PArrPat ps placeHolderType)
ExplicitTuple es b
| all tupArgPresent es -> do ps <- mapM (checkLPat msg)
[e | L _ (Present e) <- es]
return (TuplePat ps b [])
| otherwise -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal tuple section in pattern:" $$ ppr e0)
RecordCon { rcon_con_name = c, rcon_flds = HsRecFields fs dd }
-> do fs <- mapM (checkPatField msg) fs
return (ConPatIn c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs dd)))
HsSpliceE s | not (isTypedSplice s)
-> return (SplicePat s)
_ -> patFail msg loc e0
placeHolderPunRhs :: LHsExpr RdrName
placeHolderPunRhs = noLoc (HsVar (noLoc pun_RDR))
plus_RDR, bang_RDR, pun_RDR :: RdrName
plus_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "+")
bang_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "!")
pun_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "pun-right-hand-side")
checkPatField :: SDoc -> LHsRecField RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)
-> P (LHsRecField RdrName (LPat RdrName))
checkPatField msg (L l fld) = do p <- checkLPat msg (hsRecFieldArg fld)
return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = p }))
patFail :: SDoc -> SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P a
patFail msg loc e = parseErrorSDoc loc err
where err = text "Parse error in pattern:" <+> ppr e
$$ msg
checkValDef :: SDoc
-> LHsExpr RdrName
-> Maybe (LHsType RdrName)
-> Located (a,GRHSs RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName))
-> P ([AddAnn],HsBind RdrName)
checkValDef msg lhs (Just sig) grhss
= checkPatBind msg (L (combineLocs lhs sig)
(ExprWithTySig lhs (mkLHsSigWcType sig))) grhss
checkValDef msg lhs opt_sig g@(L l (_,grhss))
= do { mb_fun <- isFunLhs lhs
; case mb_fun of
Just (fun, is_infix, pats, ann) ->
checkFunBind msg ann (getLoc lhs)
fun is_infix pats opt_sig (L l grhss)
Nothing -> checkPatBind msg lhs g }
checkFunBind :: SDoc
-> [AddAnn]
-> SrcSpan
-> Located RdrName
-> Bool
-> [LHsExpr RdrName]
-> Maybe (LHsType RdrName)
-> Located (GRHSs RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName))
-> P ([AddAnn],HsBind RdrName)
checkFunBind msg ann lhs_loc fun is_infix pats opt_sig (L rhs_span grhss)
= do ps <- checkPatterns msg pats
let match_span = combineSrcSpans lhs_loc rhs_span
return (ann, makeFunBind fun
[L match_span (Match { m_fixity = FunBindMatch fun is_infix
, m_pats = ps
, m_type = opt_sig
, m_grhss = grhss })])
makeFunBind :: Located RdrName -> [LMatch RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)]
-> HsBind RdrName
makeFunBind fn ms
= FunBind { fun_id = fn,
fun_matches = mkMatchGroup FromSource ms,
fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper,
bind_fvs = placeHolderNames,
fun_tick = [] }
checkPatBind :: SDoc
-> LHsExpr RdrName
-> Located (a,GRHSs RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName))
-> P ([AddAnn],HsBind RdrName)
checkPatBind msg lhs (L _ (_,grhss))
= do { lhs <- checkPattern msg lhs
; return ([],PatBind lhs grhss placeHolderType placeHolderNames
([],[])) }
checkValSigLhs :: LHsExpr RdrName -> P (Located RdrName)
checkValSigLhs (L _ (HsVar lrdr@(L _ v)))
| isUnqual v
, not (isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc v))
= return lrdr
checkValSigLhs lhs@(L l _)
= parseErrorSDoc l ((text "Invalid type signature:" <+>
ppr lhs <+> text ":: ...")
$$ text hint)
hint | foreign_RDR `looks_like` lhs
= "Perhaps you meant to use ForeignFunctionInterface?"
| default_RDR `looks_like` lhs
= "Perhaps you meant to use DefaultSignatures?"
| pattern_RDR `looks_like` lhs
= "Perhaps you meant to use PatternSynonyms?"
| otherwise
= "Should be of form <variable> :: <type>"
looks_like s (L _ (HsVar (L _ v))) = v == s
looks_like s (L _ (HsApp lhs _)) = looks_like s lhs
looks_like _ _ = False
foreign_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "foreign")
default_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "default")
pattern_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "pattern")
checkDoAndIfThenElse :: LHsExpr RdrName
-> Bool
-> LHsExpr RdrName
-> Bool
-> LHsExpr RdrName
-> P ()
checkDoAndIfThenElse guardExpr semiThen thenExpr semiElse elseExpr
| semiThen || semiElse
= do pState <- getPState
unless (xopt LangExt.DoAndIfThenElse (dflags pState)) $ do
parseErrorSDoc (combineLocs guardExpr elseExpr)
(text "Unexpected semi-colons in conditional:"
$$ nest 4 expr
$$ text "Perhaps you meant to use DoAndIfThenElse?")
| otherwise = return ()
where pprOptSemi True = semi
pprOptSemi False = empty
expr = text "if" <+> ppr guardExpr <> pprOptSemi semiThen <+>
text "then" <+> ppr thenExpr <> pprOptSemi semiElse <+>
text "else" <+> ppr elseExpr
splitBang :: LHsExpr RdrName -> Maybe (LHsExpr RdrName, [LHsExpr RdrName])
splitBang (L _ (OpApp l_arg bang@(L _ (HsVar (L _ op))) _ r_arg))
| op == bang_RDR = Just (l_arg, L l' (SectionR bang arg1) : argns)
l' = combineLocs bang arg1
(arg1,argns) = split_bang r_arg []
split_bang (L _ (HsApp f e)) es = split_bang f (e:es)
split_bang e es = (e,es)
splitBang _ = Nothing
isFunLhs :: LHsExpr RdrName
-> P (Maybe (Located RdrName, Bool, [LHsExpr RdrName],[AddAnn]))
isFunLhs e = go e [] []
go (L loc (HsVar (L _ f))) es ann
| not (isRdrDataCon f) = return (Just (L loc f, False, es, ann))
go (L _ (HsApp f e)) es ann = go f (e:es) ann
go (L l (HsPar e)) es@(_:_) ann = go e es (ann ++ mkParensApiAnn l)
go e@(L loc (OpApp l (L loc' (HsVar (L _ op))) fix r)) es ann
| Just (e',es') <- splitBang e
= do { bang_on <- extension bangPatEnabled
; if bang_on then go e' (es' ++ es) ann
else return (Just (L loc' op, True, (l:r:es), ann)) }
| not (isRdrDataCon op)
= return (Just (L loc' op, True, (l:r:es), ann))
| otherwise
= do { mb_l <- go l es ann
; case mb_l of
Just (op', True, j : k : es', ann')
-> return (Just (op', True, j : op_app : es', ann'))
op_app = L loc (OpApp k (L loc' (HsVar (L loc' op))) fix r)
_ -> return Nothing }
go _ _ _ = return Nothing
splitTilde :: LHsType RdrName -> P (LHsType RdrName)
splitTilde t = go t
where go (L loc (HsAppTy t1 t2))
| L lo (HsBangTy (HsSrcBang Nothing NoSrcUnpack SrcLazy) t2') <- t2
= do
moveAnnotations lo loc
t1' <- go t1
return (L loc (HsEqTy t1' t2'))
| otherwise
= do
t1' <- go t1
case t1' of
(L lo (HsEqTy tl tr)) -> do
let lr = combineLocs tr t2
moveAnnotations lo loc
return (L loc (HsEqTy tl (L lr (HsAppTy tr t2))))
t -> do
return (L loc (HsAppTy t t2))
go t = return t
splitTildeApps :: [LHsAppType RdrName] -> P [LHsAppType RdrName]
splitTildeApps [] = return []
splitTildeApps (t : rest) = do
rest' <- concatMapM go rest
return (t : rest')
where go (L l (HsAppPrefix
(L loc (HsBangTy
(HsSrcBang Nothing NoSrcUnpack SrcLazy)
= addAnnotation l AnnTilde tilde_loc >>
[L tilde_loc (HsAppInfix (L tilde_loc eqTyCon_RDR)),
L l (HsAppPrefix ty)]
tilde_loc = srcSpanFirstCharacter loc
go t = return [t]
checkMonadComp :: P (HsStmtContext Name)
checkMonadComp = do
pState <- getPState
return $ if xopt LangExt.MonadComprehensions (dflags pState)
then MonadComp
else ListComp
checkCommand :: LHsExpr RdrName -> P (LHsCmd RdrName)
checkCommand lc = locMap checkCmd lc
locMap :: (SrcSpan -> a -> P b) -> Located a -> P (Located b)
locMap f (L l a) = f l a >>= (\b -> return $ L l b)
checkCmd :: SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P (HsCmd RdrName)
checkCmd _ (HsArrApp e1 e2 ptt haat b) =
return $ HsCmdArrApp e1 e2 ptt haat b
checkCmd _ (HsArrForm e mf args) =
return $ HsCmdArrForm e mf args
checkCmd _ (HsApp e1 e2) =
checkCommand e1 >>= (\c -> return $ HsCmdApp c e2)
checkCmd _ (HsLam mg) =
checkCmdMatchGroup mg >>= (\mg' -> return $ HsCmdLam mg')
checkCmd _ (HsPar e) =
checkCommand e >>= (\c -> return $ HsCmdPar c)
checkCmd _ (HsCase e mg) =
checkCmdMatchGroup mg >>= (\mg' -> return $ HsCmdCase e mg')
checkCmd _ (HsIf cf ep et ee) = do
pt <- checkCommand et
pe <- checkCommand ee
return $ HsCmdIf cf ep pt pe
checkCmd _ (HsLet lb e) =
checkCommand e >>= (\c -> return $ HsCmdLet lb c)
checkCmd _ (HsDo DoExpr (L l stmts) ty) =
mapM checkCmdLStmt stmts >>= (\ss -> return $ HsCmdDo (L l ss) ty)
checkCmd _ (OpApp eLeft op _fixity eRight) = do
c1 <- checkCommand eLeft
c2 <- checkCommand eRight
let arg1 = L (getLoc c1) $ HsCmdTop c1 placeHolderType placeHolderType []
arg2 = L (getLoc c2) $ HsCmdTop c2 placeHolderType placeHolderType []
return $ HsCmdArrForm op Nothing [arg1, arg2]
checkCmd l e = cmdFail l e
checkCmdLStmt :: ExprLStmt RdrName -> P (CmdLStmt RdrName)
checkCmdLStmt = locMap checkCmdStmt
checkCmdStmt :: SrcSpan -> ExprStmt RdrName -> P (CmdStmt RdrName)
checkCmdStmt _ (LastStmt e s r) =
checkCommand e >>= (\c -> return $ LastStmt c s r)
checkCmdStmt _ (BindStmt pat e b f t) =
checkCommand e >>= (\c -> return $ BindStmt pat c b f t)
checkCmdStmt _ (BodyStmt e t g ty) =
checkCommand e >>= (\c -> return $ BodyStmt c t g ty)
checkCmdStmt _ (LetStmt bnds) = return $ LetStmt bnds
checkCmdStmt _ stmt@(RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }) = do
ss <- mapM checkCmdLStmt stmts
return $ stmt { recS_stmts = ss }
checkCmdStmt l stmt = cmdStmtFail l stmt
checkCmdMatchGroup :: MatchGroup RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName) -> P (MatchGroup RdrName (LHsCmd RdrName))
checkCmdMatchGroup mg@(MG { mg_alts = L l ms }) = do
ms' <- mapM (locMap $ const convert) ms
return $ mg { mg_alts = L l ms' }
where convert (Match mf pat mty grhss) = do
grhss' <- checkCmdGRHSs grhss
return $ Match mf pat mty grhss'
checkCmdGRHSs :: GRHSs RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName) -> P (GRHSs RdrName (LHsCmd RdrName))
checkCmdGRHSs (GRHSs grhss binds) = do
grhss' <- mapM checkCmdGRHS grhss
return $ GRHSs grhss' binds
checkCmdGRHS :: LGRHS RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName) -> P (LGRHS RdrName (LHsCmd RdrName))
checkCmdGRHS = locMap $ const convert
convert (GRHS stmts e) = do
c <- checkCommand e
return $ GRHS stmts c
cmdFail :: SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P a
cmdFail loc e = parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Parse error in command:" <+> ppr e)
cmdStmtFail :: SrcSpan -> Stmt RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName) -> P a
cmdStmtFail loc e = parseErrorSDoc loc
(text "Parse error in command statement:" <+> ppr e)
checkPrecP :: Located (SourceText,Int) -> P (Located (SourceText,Int))
checkPrecP (L l (src,i))
| 0 <= i && i <= maxPrecedence = return (L l (src,i))
| otherwise
= parseErrorSDoc l (text ("Precedence out of range: " ++ show i))
:: LHsExpr RdrName
-> SrcSpan
-> ([LHsRecField RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)], Bool)
-> P (HsExpr RdrName)
mkRecConstrOrUpdate (L l (HsVar (L _ c))) _ (fs,dd)
| isRdrDataCon c
= return (mkRdrRecordCon (L l c) (mk_rec_fields fs dd))
mkRecConstrOrUpdate exp@(L l _) _ (fs,dd)
| dd = parseErrorSDoc l (text "You cannot use `..' in a record update")
| otherwise = return (mkRdrRecordUpd exp (map (fmap mk_rec_upd_field) fs))
mkRdrRecordUpd :: LHsExpr RdrName -> [LHsRecUpdField RdrName] -> HsExpr RdrName
mkRdrRecordUpd exp flds
= RecordUpd { rupd_expr = exp
, rupd_flds = flds
, rupd_cons = PlaceHolder, rupd_in_tys = PlaceHolder
, rupd_out_tys = PlaceHolder, rupd_wrap = PlaceHolder }
mkRdrRecordCon :: Located RdrName -> HsRecordBinds RdrName -> HsExpr RdrName
mkRdrRecordCon con flds
= RecordCon { rcon_con_name = con, rcon_flds = flds
, rcon_con_expr = noPostTcExpr, rcon_con_like = PlaceHolder }
mk_rec_fields :: [LHsRecField id arg] -> Bool -> HsRecFields id arg
mk_rec_fields fs False = HsRecFields { rec_flds = fs, rec_dotdot = Nothing }
mk_rec_fields fs True = HsRecFields { rec_flds = fs, rec_dotdot = Just (length fs) }
mk_rec_upd_field :: HsRecField RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName) -> HsRecUpdField RdrName
mk_rec_upd_field (HsRecField (L loc (FieldOcc rdr _)) arg pun)
= HsRecField (L loc (Unambiguous rdr PlaceHolder)) arg pun
mkInlinePragma :: String -> (InlineSpec, RuleMatchInfo) -> Maybe Activation
-> InlinePragma
mkInlinePragma src (inl, match_info) mb_act
= InlinePragma { inl_src = src
, inl_inline = inl
, inl_sat = Nothing
, inl_act = act
, inl_rule = match_info }
act = case mb_act of
Just act -> act
Nothing ->
case inl of
NoInline -> NeverActive
_other -> AlwaysActive
mkImport :: Located CCallConv
-> Located Safety
-> (Located StringLiteral, Located RdrName, LHsSigType RdrName)
-> P (HsDecl RdrName)
mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty) =
case cconv of
L _ CCallConv -> mkCImport
L _ CApiConv -> mkCImport
L _ StdCallConv -> mkCImport
L _ PrimCallConv -> mkOtherImport
L _ JavaScriptCallConv -> mkOtherImport
mkCImport = do
let e = unpackFS entity
case parseCImport cconv safety (mkExtName (unLoc v)) e (L loc esrc) of
Nothing -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Malformed entity string")
Just importSpec -> returnSpec importSpec
mkOtherImport = returnSpec importSpec
entity' = if nullFS entity
then mkExtName (unLoc v)
else entity
funcTarget = CFunction (StaticTarget esrc entity' Nothing True)
importSpec = CImport cconv safety Nothing funcTarget (L loc esrc)
returnSpec spec = return $ ForD $ ForeignImport
{ fd_name = v
, fd_sig_ty = ty
, fd_co = noForeignImportCoercionYet
, fd_fi = spec
parseCImport :: Located CCallConv -> Located Safety -> FastString -> String
-> Located SourceText
-> Maybe ForeignImport
parseCImport cconv safety nm str sourceText =
listToMaybe $ map fst $ filter (null.snd) $
readP_to_S parse str
parse = do
r <- choice [
string "dynamic" >> return (mk Nothing (CFunction DynamicTarget)),
string "wrapper" >> return (mk Nothing CWrapper),
do optional (token "static" >> skipSpaces)
((mk Nothing <$> cimp nm) +++
(do h <- munch1 hdr_char
mk (Just (Header h (mkFastString h))) <$> cimp nm))
return r
token str = do _ <- string str
toks <- look
case toks of
c : _
| id_char c -> pfail
_ -> return ()
mk h n = CImport cconv safety h n sourceText
hdr_char c = not (isSpace c)
id_first_char c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
id_char c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_'
cimp nm = (ReadP.char '&' >> skipSpaces >> CLabel <$> cid)
+++ (do isFun <- case cconv of
L _ CApiConv ->
option True
(do token "value"
return False)
_ -> return True
cid' <- cid
return (CFunction (StaticTarget (unpackFS cid') cid'
Nothing isFun)))
cid = return nm +++
(do c <- satisfy id_first_char
cs <- many (satisfy id_char)
return (mkFastString (c:cs)))
mkExport :: Located CCallConv
-> (Located StringLiteral, Located RdrName, LHsSigType RdrName)
-> P (HsDecl RdrName)
mkExport (L lc cconv) (L le (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty)
= return $ ForD $
ForeignExport { fd_name = v, fd_sig_ty = ty
, fd_co = noForeignExportCoercionYet
, fd_fe = CExport (L lc (CExportStatic esrc entity' cconv))
(L le (unpackFS entity)) }
entity' | nullFS entity = mkExtName (unLoc v)
| otherwise = entity
mkExtName :: RdrName -> CLabelString
mkExtName rdrNm = mkFastString (occNameString (rdrNameOcc rdrNm))
data ImpExpSubSpec = ImpExpAbs
| ImpExpAll
| ImpExpList [Located RdrName]
| ImpExpAllWith [Located (Maybe RdrName)]
mkModuleImpExp :: Located RdrName -> ImpExpSubSpec -> P (IE RdrName)
mkModuleImpExp n@(L l name) subs =
case subs of
| isVarNameSpace (rdrNameSpace name) -> return $ IEVar n
| otherwise -> IEThingAbs . L l <$> nameT
ImpExpAll -> IEThingAll . L l <$> nameT
ImpExpList xs ->
(\newName -> IEThingWith (L l newName) NoIEWildcard xs []) <$> nameT
ImpExpAllWith xs ->
do allowed <- extension patternSynonymsEnabled
if allowed
let withs = map unLoc xs
pos = maybe NoIEWildcard IEWildcard
(findIndex isNothing withs)
ies = [L l n | L l (Just n) <- xs]
in (\newName -> IEThingWith (L l newName) pos ies []) <$> nameT
else parseErrorSDoc l
(text "Illegal export form (use PatternSynonyms to enable)")
nameT =
if isVarNameSpace (rdrNameSpace name)
then parseErrorSDoc l
(text "Expecting a type constructor but found a variable,"
<+> quotes (ppr name) <> text "."
$$ if isSymOcc $ rdrNameOcc name
then text "If" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is a type constructor"
<+> text "then enable ExplicitNamespaces and use the 'type' keyword."
else empty)
else return $ name
mkTypeImpExp :: Located RdrName
-> P (Located RdrName)
mkTypeImpExp name =
do allowed <- extension explicitNamespacesEnabled
if allowed
then return (fmap (`setRdrNameSpace` tcClsName) name)
else parseErrorSDoc (getLoc name)
(text "Illegal keyword 'type' (use ExplicitNamespaces to enable)")
checkImportSpec :: Located [LIE RdrName] -> P (Located [LIE RdrName])
checkImportSpec ie@(L _ specs) =
case [l | (L l (IEThingWith _ (IEWildcard _) _ _)) <- specs] of
[] -> return ie
(l:_) -> importSpecError l
importSpecError l =
parseErrorSDoc l
(text "Illegal import form, this syntax can only be used to bundle"
$+$ text "pattern synonyms with types in module exports.")
mkImpExpSubSpec :: [Located (Maybe RdrName)] -> P ([AddAnn], ImpExpSubSpec)
mkImpExpSubSpec [] = return ([], ImpExpList [])
mkImpExpSubSpec [L l Nothing] =
return ([\s -> addAnnotation s AnnDotdot l], ImpExpAll)
mkImpExpSubSpec xs =
if (any (isNothing . unLoc) xs)
then return $ ([], ImpExpAllWith xs)
else return $ ([], ImpExpList ([L l x | L l (Just x) <- xs]))
parseErrorSDoc :: SrcSpan -> SDoc -> P a
parseErrorSDoc span s = failSpanMsgP span s