module Distribution.Backpack.Configure (
) where
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Distribution.Backpack
import Distribution.Backpack.FullUnitId
import Distribution.Backpack.PreExistingComponent
import Distribution.Backpack.ConfiguredComponent
import Distribution.Backpack.LinkedComponent
import Distribution.Backpack.ReadyComponent
import Distribution.Backpack.ComponentsGraph
import Distribution.Backpack.Id
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Package
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (InstalledPackageIndex)
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Distribution.Simple.Setup as Setup
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Types.AnnotatedId
import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec
import Distribution.Types.ComponentInclude
import Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName
import Distribution.Verbosity
import qualified Distribution.Compat.Graph as Graph
import Distribution.Compat.Graph (Graph, IsNode(..))
import Distribution.Utils.LogProgress
import Data.Either
( lefts )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Distribution.Pretty
import Text.PrettyPrint
:: Verbosity
-> Bool
-> ComponentRequestedSpec
-> Bool
-> Flag String
-> Flag ComponentId
-> PackageDescription
-> [PreExistingComponent]
-> FlagAssignment
-> [(ModuleName, Module)]
-> InstalledPackageIndex
-> Compiler
-> LogProgress ([ComponentLocalBuildInfo], InstalledPackageIndex)
verbosity use_external_internal_deps enabled deterministic ipid_flag cid_flag pkg_descr
prePkgDeps flagAssignment instantiate_with installedPackageSet comp = do
graph0 <- case mkComponentsGraph enabled pkg_descr of
Left ccycle -> dieProgress (componentCycleMsg ccycle)
Right g -> return (componentsGraphToList g)
infoProgress $ hang (text "Source component graph:") 4
(dispComponentsWithDeps graph0)
let conf_pkg_map = Map.fromListWith Map.union
[(pc_pkgname pkg,
Map.singleton (pc_compname pkg)
(AnnotatedId {
ann_id = pc_cid pkg,
ann_pid = packageId pkg,
ann_cname = pc_compname pkg
| pkg <- prePkgDeps]
graph1 <- toConfiguredComponents use_external_internal_deps
deterministic ipid_flag cid_flag pkg_descr
conf_pkg_map (map fst graph0)
infoProgress $ hang (text "Configured component graph:") 4
(vcat (map dispConfiguredComponent graph1))
let shape_pkg_map = Map.fromList
[ (pc_cid pkg, (pc_open_uid pkg, pc_shape pkg))
| pkg <- prePkgDeps]
uid_lookup def_uid
| Just pkg <- PackageIndex.lookupUnitId installedPackageSet uid
= FullUnitId (Installed.installedComponentId pkg)
(Map.fromList (Installed.instantiatedWith pkg))
| otherwise = error ("uid_lookup: " ++ prettyShow uid)
where uid = unDefUnitId def_uid
graph2 <- toLinkedComponents verbosity uid_lookup
(package pkg_descr) shape_pkg_map graph1
infoProgress $
hang (text "Linked component graph:") 4
(vcat (map dispLinkedComponent graph2))
let pid_map = Map.fromList $
[ (pc_uid pkg, pc_munged_id pkg)
| pkg <- prePkgDeps] ++
[ (Installed.installedUnitId pkg, mungedId pkg)
| (_, Module uid _) <- instantiate_with
, Just pkg <- [PackageIndex.lookupUnitId
installedPackageSet (unDefUnitId uid)] ]
subst = Map.fromList instantiate_with
graph3 = toReadyComponents pid_map subst graph2
graph4 = Graph.revTopSort (Graph.fromDistinctList graph3)
infoProgress $ hang (text "Ready component graph:") 4
(vcat (map dispReadyComponent graph4))
toComponentLocalBuildInfos comp installedPackageSet pkg_descr prePkgDeps graph4
:: Compiler
-> InstalledPackageIndex
-> PackageDescription
-> [PreExistingComponent]
-> [ReadyComponent]
-> LogProgress ([ComponentLocalBuildInfo],
comp installedPackageSet pkg_descr externalPkgDeps graph = do
external_graph :: Graph (Either InstalledPackageInfo ReadyComponent)
external_graph = Graph.fromDistinctList
. map Left
$ PackageIndex.allPackages installedPackageSet
internal_graph :: Graph (Either InstalledPackageInfo ReadyComponent)
internal_graph = Graph.fromDistinctList
. map Right
$ graph
combined_graph = Graph.unionRight external_graph internal_graph
local_graph = fromMaybe (error "toComponentLocalBuildInfos: closure returned Nothing")
$ Graph.closure combined_graph (map nodeKey graph)
packageDependsIndex = PackageIndex.fromList (lefts local_graph)
fullIndex = Graph.fromDistinctList local_graph
case Graph.broken fullIndex of
[] -> return ()
broken ->
dieProgress . text $
"The following packages are broken because other"
++ " packages they depend on are missing. These broken "
++ "packages must be rebuilt before they can be used.\n"
++ unlines [ "installed package "
++ prettyShow (packageId pkg)
++ " is broken due to missing package "
++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow deps)
| (Left pkg, deps) <- broken ]
++ unlines [ "planned package "
++ prettyShow (packageId pkg)
++ " is broken due to missing package "
++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow deps)
| (Right pkg, deps) <- broken ]
let pseudoTopPkg :: InstalledPackageInfo
pseudoTopPkg = emptyInstalledPackageInfo {
Installed.installedUnitId = mkLegacyUnitId (packageId pkg_descr),
Installed.sourcePackageId = packageId pkg_descr,
Installed.depends = map pc_uid externalPkgDeps
case PackageIndex.dependencyInconsistencies
. PackageIndex.insert pseudoTopPkg
$ packageDependsIndex of
[] -> return ()
inconsistencies ->
warnProgress $
hang (text "This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same" <+>
text "package. This is very likely to cause a compile failure.") 2
(vcat [ text "package" <+> pretty (packageName user) <+>
parens (pretty (installedUnitId user)) <+> text "requires" <+>
pretty inst
| (_dep_key, insts) <- inconsistencies
, (inst, users) <- insts
, user <- users ])
let clbis = mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo comp graph
return (clbis, packageDependsIndex)
:: Compiler
-> [ReadyComponent]
-> [ComponentLocalBuildInfo]
mkLinkedComponentsLocalBuildInfo comp rcs = map go rcs
internalUnits = Set.fromList (map rc_uid rcs)
isInternal x = Set.member x internalUnits
go rc =
case rc_component rc of
CLib lib ->
let convModuleExport (modname', (Module uid modname))
| this_uid == unDefUnitId uid
, modname' == modname
= Installed.ExposedModule modname' Nothing
| otherwise
= Installed.ExposedModule modname'
(Just (OpenModule (DefiniteUnitId uid) modname))
convOpenModuleExport (modname', modu@(OpenModule uid modname))
| uid == this_open_uid
, modname' == modname
= Installed.ExposedModule modname' Nothing
| otherwise
= Installed.ExposedModule modname' (Just modu)
convOpenModuleExport (_, OpenModuleVar _)
= error "convOpenModuleExport: top-level modvar"
exports =
case rc_i rc of
Left indefc -> map convOpenModuleExport
$ Map.toList (indefc_provides indefc)
Right instc -> map convModuleExport
$ Map.toList (instc_provides instc)
insts =
case rc_i rc of
Left indefc -> [ (m, OpenModuleVar m) | m <- indefc_requires indefc ]
Right instc -> [ (m, OpenModule (DefiniteUnitId uid') m')
| (m, Module uid' m') <- instc_insts instc ]
compat_name = MungedPackageName (packageName rc) (libName lib)
compat_key = computeCompatPackageKey comp compat_name (packageVersion rc) this_uid
in LibComponentLocalBuildInfo {
componentPackageDeps = cpds,
componentUnitId = this_uid,
componentComponentId = this_cid,
componentInstantiatedWith = insts,
componentIsIndefinite_ = is_indefinite,
componentLocalName = cname,
componentInternalDeps = internal_deps,
componentExeDeps = exe_deps,
componentIncludes = includes,
componentExposedModules = exports,
componentIsPublic = rc_public rc,
componentCompatPackageKey = compat_key,
componentCompatPackageName = compat_name
CFLib _ ->
FLibComponentLocalBuildInfo {
componentUnitId = this_uid,
componentComponentId = this_cid,
componentLocalName = cname,
componentPackageDeps = cpds,
componentExeDeps = exe_deps,
componentInternalDeps = internal_deps,
componentIncludes = includes
CExe _ ->
ExeComponentLocalBuildInfo {
componentUnitId = this_uid,
componentComponentId = this_cid,
componentLocalName = cname,
componentPackageDeps = cpds,
componentExeDeps = exe_deps,
componentInternalDeps = internal_deps,
componentIncludes = includes
CTest _ ->
TestComponentLocalBuildInfo {
componentUnitId = this_uid,
componentComponentId = this_cid,
componentLocalName = cname,
componentPackageDeps = cpds,
componentExeDeps = exe_deps,
componentInternalDeps = internal_deps,
componentIncludes = includes
CBench _ ->
BenchComponentLocalBuildInfo {
componentUnitId = this_uid,
componentComponentId = this_cid,
componentLocalName = cname,
componentPackageDeps = cpds,
componentExeDeps = exe_deps,
componentInternalDeps = internal_deps,
componentIncludes = includes
this_uid = rc_uid rc
this_open_uid = rc_open_uid rc
this_cid = rc_cid rc
cname = componentName (rc_component rc)
cpds = rc_depends rc
exe_deps = map ann_id $ rc_exe_deps rc
is_indefinite =
case rc_i rc of
Left _ -> True
Right _ -> False
includes =
map (\ci -> (ci_id ci, ci_renaming ci)) $
case rc_i rc of
Left indefc ->
indefc_includes indefc
Right instc ->
map (\ci -> ci { ci_ann_id = fmap DefiniteUnitId (ci_ann_id ci) })
(instc_includes instc)
internal_deps = filter isInternal (nodeNeighbors rc)