module GHCi
evalStmt, EvalStatus_(..), EvalStatus, EvalResult(..), EvalExpr(..)
, resumeStmt
, abandonStmt
, evalIO
, evalString
, evalStringToIOString
, mallocData
, createBCOs
, addSptEntry
, mkCostCentres
, costCentreStackInfo
, newBreakArray
, enableBreakpoint
, breakpointStatus
, getBreakpointVar
, getClosure
, seqHValue
, initObjLinker
, lookupSymbol
, lookupClosure
, loadDLL
, loadArchive
, loadObj
, unloadObj
, addLibrarySearchPath
, removeLibrarySearchPath
, resolveObjs
, findSystemLibrary
, iservCmd, Message(..), withIServ, stopIServ
, iservCall, readIServ, writeIServ
, purgeLookupSymbolCache
, freeHValueRefs
, mkFinalizedHValue
, wormhole, wormholeRef
, mkEvalOpts
, fromEvalResult
) where
import GhcPrelude
import GHCi.Message
import GHCi.Run
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
import GHCi.ResolvedBCO
import GHCi.BreakArray (BreakArray)
import Fingerprint
import HscTypes
import UniqFM
import Panic
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import Outputable
import Exception
import BasicTypes
import FastString
import Util
import Hooks
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.IORef
import Foreign hiding (void)
import GHC.Exts.Heap
import GHC.Stack.CCS (CostCentre,CostCentreStack)
import System.Exit
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types (Handle)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Foreign.C
import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (fdToHandle)
import System.Posix as Posix
import System.Directory
import System.Process
import GHC.Conc (getNumProcessors, pseq, par)
needExtInt :: IO a
needExtInt = throwIO
(InstallationError "this operation requires -fexternal-interpreter")
iservCmd :: Binary a => HscEnv -> Message a -> IO a
iservCmd hsc_env@HscEnv{..} msg
| gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags =
withIServ hsc_env $ \iserv ->
uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
iservCall iserv msg
| otherwise =
run msg
:: (MonadIO m, ExceptionMonad m)
=> HscEnv -> (IServ -> m a) -> m a
withIServ HscEnv{..} action =
gmask $ \restore -> do
m <- liftIO $ takeMVar hsc_iserv
iserv <- maybe (liftIO $ startIServ hsc_dflags) return m
`gonException` (liftIO $ putMVar hsc_iserv Nothing)
let iserv' = iserv{ iservPendingFrees = [] }
a <- (do
liftIO $ when (not (null (iservPendingFrees iserv))) $
iservCall iserv (FreeHValueRefs (iservPendingFrees iserv))
restore $ action iserv)
`gonException` (liftIO $ putMVar hsc_iserv (Just iserv'))
liftIO $ putMVar hsc_iserv (Just iserv')
return a
:: HscEnv -> Bool -> EvalExpr ForeignHValue
-> IO (EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef])
evalStmt hsc_env step foreign_expr = do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
status <- withExpr foreign_expr $ \expr ->
iservCmd hsc_env (EvalStmt (mkEvalOpts dflags step) expr)
handleEvalStatus hsc_env status
withExpr :: EvalExpr ForeignHValue -> (EvalExpr HValueRef -> IO a) -> IO a
withExpr (EvalThis fhv) cont =
withForeignRef fhv $ \hvref -> cont (EvalThis hvref)
withExpr (EvalApp fl fr) cont =
withExpr fl $ \fl' ->
withExpr fr $ \fr' ->
cont (EvalApp fl' fr')
:: HscEnv -> Bool -> ForeignRef (ResumeContext [HValueRef])
-> IO (EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef])
resumeStmt hsc_env step resume_ctxt = do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
status <- withForeignRef resume_ctxt $ \rhv ->
iservCmd hsc_env (ResumeStmt (mkEvalOpts dflags step) rhv)
handleEvalStatus hsc_env status
abandonStmt :: HscEnv -> ForeignRef (ResumeContext [HValueRef]) -> IO ()
abandonStmt hsc_env resume_ctxt = do
withForeignRef resume_ctxt $ \rhv ->
iservCmd hsc_env (AbandonStmt rhv)
:: HscEnv -> EvalStatus [HValueRef]
-> IO (EvalStatus_ [ForeignHValue] [HValueRef])
handleEvalStatus hsc_env status =
case status of
EvalBreak a b c d e f -> return (EvalBreak a b c d e f)
EvalComplete alloc res ->
EvalComplete alloc <$> addFinalizer res
addFinalizer (EvalException e) = return (EvalException e)
addFinalizer (EvalSuccess rs) = do
EvalSuccess <$> mapM (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env) rs
evalIO :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO ()
evalIO hsc_env fhv = do
liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \fhv ->
iservCmd hsc_env (EvalIO fhv) >>= fromEvalResult
evalString :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO String
evalString hsc_env fhv = do
liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \fhv ->
iservCmd hsc_env (EvalString fhv) >>= fromEvalResult
evalStringToIOString :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> String -> IO String
evalStringToIOString hsc_env fhv str = do
liftIO $ withForeignRef fhv $ \fhv ->
iservCmd hsc_env (EvalStringToString fhv str) >>= fromEvalResult
mallocData :: HscEnv -> ByteString -> IO (RemotePtr ())
mallocData hsc_env bs = iservCmd hsc_env (MallocData bs)
:: HscEnv -> String -> [(String,String)] -> IO [RemotePtr CostCentre]
mkCostCentres hsc_env mod ccs =
iservCmd hsc_env (MkCostCentres mod ccs)
createBCOs :: HscEnv -> [ResolvedBCO] -> IO [HValueRef]
createBCOs hsc_env rbcos = do
n_jobs <- case parMakeCount (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
Nothing -> liftIO getNumProcessors
Just n -> return n
if (n_jobs == 1)
iservCmd hsc_env (CreateBCOs [runPut (put rbcos)])
else do
old_caps <- getNumCapabilities
if old_caps == n_jobs
then void $ evaluate puts
else bracket_ (setNumCapabilities n_jobs)
(setNumCapabilities old_caps)
(void $ evaluate puts)
iservCmd hsc_env (CreateBCOs puts)
puts = parMap doChunk (chunkList 100 rbcos)
doChunk c = pseq (LB.length bs) bs
where bs = runPut (put c)
parMap _ [] = []
parMap f (x:xs) = fx `par` (fxs `pseq` (fx : fxs))
where fx = f x; fxs = parMap f xs
addSptEntry :: HscEnv -> Fingerprint -> ForeignHValue -> IO ()
addSptEntry hsc_env fpr ref =
withForeignRef ref $ \val ->
iservCmd hsc_env (AddSptEntry fpr val)
costCentreStackInfo :: HscEnv -> RemotePtr CostCentreStack -> IO [String]
costCentreStackInfo hsc_env ccs =
iservCmd hsc_env (CostCentreStackInfo ccs)
newBreakArray :: HscEnv -> Int -> IO (ForeignRef BreakArray)
newBreakArray hsc_env size = do
breakArray <- iservCmd hsc_env (NewBreakArray size)
mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env breakArray
enableBreakpoint :: HscEnv -> ForeignRef BreakArray -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
enableBreakpoint hsc_env ref ix b = do
withForeignRef ref $ \breakarray ->
iservCmd hsc_env (EnableBreakpoint breakarray ix b)
breakpointStatus :: HscEnv -> ForeignRef BreakArray -> Int -> IO Bool
breakpointStatus hsc_env ref ix = do
withForeignRef ref $ \breakarray ->
iservCmd hsc_env (BreakpointStatus breakarray ix)
getBreakpointVar :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> Int -> IO (Maybe ForeignHValue)
getBreakpointVar hsc_env ref ix =
withForeignRef ref $ \apStack -> do
mb <- iservCmd hsc_env (GetBreakpointVar apStack ix)
mapM (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env) mb
getClosure :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO (GenClosure ForeignHValue)
getClosure hsc_env ref =
withForeignRef ref $ \hval -> do
mb <- iservCmd hsc_env (GetClosure hval)
mapM (mkFinalizedHValue hsc_env) mb
seqHValue :: HscEnv -> ForeignHValue -> IO ()
seqHValue hsc_env ref =
withForeignRef ref $ \hval ->
iservCmd hsc_env (Seq hval) >>= fromEvalResult
initObjLinker :: HscEnv -> IO ()
initObjLinker hsc_env = iservCmd hsc_env InitLinker
lookupSymbol :: HscEnv -> FastString -> IO (Maybe (Ptr ()))
lookupSymbol hsc_env@HscEnv{..} str
| gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags =
withIServ hsc_env $ \iserv@IServ{..} -> do
cache <- readIORef iservLookupSymbolCache
case lookupUFM cache str of
Just p -> return (Just p)
Nothing -> do
m <- uninterruptibleMask_ $
iservCall iserv (LookupSymbol (unpackFS str))
case m of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just r -> do
let p = fromRemotePtr r
writeIORef iservLookupSymbolCache $! addToUFM cache str p
return (Just p)
| otherwise =
fmap fromRemotePtr <$> run (LookupSymbol (unpackFS str))
lookupClosure :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe HValueRef)
lookupClosure hsc_env str =
iservCmd hsc_env (LookupClosure str)
purgeLookupSymbolCache :: HscEnv -> IO ()
purgeLookupSymbolCache hsc_env@HscEnv{..} =
when (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags) $
withIServ hsc_env $ \IServ{..} ->
writeIORef iservLookupSymbolCache emptyUFM
loadDLL :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
loadDLL hsc_env str = iservCmd hsc_env (LoadDLL str)
loadArchive :: HscEnv -> String -> IO ()
loadArchive hsc_env path = do
path' <- canonicalizePath path
iservCmd hsc_env (LoadArchive path')
loadObj :: HscEnv -> String -> IO ()
loadObj hsc_env path = do
path' <- canonicalizePath path
iservCmd hsc_env (LoadObj path')
unloadObj :: HscEnv -> String -> IO ()
unloadObj hsc_env path = do
path' <- canonicalizePath path
iservCmd hsc_env (UnloadObj path')
addLibrarySearchPath :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Ptr ())
addLibrarySearchPath hsc_env str =
fromRemotePtr <$> iservCmd hsc_env (AddLibrarySearchPath str)
removeLibrarySearchPath :: HscEnv -> Ptr () -> IO Bool
removeLibrarySearchPath hsc_env p =
iservCmd hsc_env (RemoveLibrarySearchPath (toRemotePtr p))
resolveObjs :: HscEnv -> IO SuccessFlag
resolveObjs hsc_env = successIf <$> iservCmd hsc_env ResolveObjs
findSystemLibrary :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
findSystemLibrary hsc_env str = iservCmd hsc_env (FindSystemLibrary str)
iservCall :: Binary a => IServ -> Message a -> IO a
iservCall iserv@IServ{..} msg =
remoteCall iservPipe msg
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> handleIServFailure iserv e
readIServ :: IServ -> Get a -> IO a
readIServ iserv@IServ{..} get =
readPipe iservPipe get
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> handleIServFailure iserv e
writeIServ :: IServ -> Put -> IO ()
writeIServ iserv@IServ{..} put =
writePipe iservPipe put
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> handleIServFailure iserv e
handleIServFailure :: IServ -> SomeException -> IO a
handleIServFailure IServ{..} e = do
ex <- getProcessExitCode iservProcess
case ex of
Just (ExitFailure n) ->
throw (InstallationError ("ghc-iserv terminated (" ++ show n ++ ")"))
_ -> do
terminateProcess iservProcess
_ <- waitForProcess iservProcess
throw e
startIServ :: DynFlags -> IO IServ
startIServ dflags = do
let flavour
| WayProf `elem` ways dflags = "-prof"
| WayDyn `elem` ways dflags = "-dyn"
| otherwise = ""
prog = pgm_i dflags ++ flavour
opts = getOpts dflags opt_i
debugTraceMsg dflags 3 $ text "Starting " <> text prog
let createProc = lookupHook createIservProcessHook
(\cp -> do { (_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess cp
; return ph })
(ph, rh, wh) <- runWithPipes createProc prog opts
lo_ref <- newIORef Nothing
cache_ref <- newIORef emptyUFM
return $ IServ
{ iservPipe = Pipe { pipeRead = rh
, pipeWrite = wh
, pipeLeftovers = lo_ref }
, iservProcess = ph
, iservLookupSymbolCache = cache_ref
, iservPendingFrees = []
stopIServ :: HscEnv -> IO ()
stopIServ HscEnv{..} =
gmask $ \_restore -> do
m <- takeMVar hsc_iserv
maybe (return ()) stop m
putMVar hsc_iserv Nothing
stop iserv = do
ex <- getProcessExitCode (iservProcess iserv)
if isJust ex
then return ()
else iservCall iserv Shutdown
runWithPipes :: (CreateProcess -> IO ProcessHandle)
-> FilePath -> [String] -> IO (ProcessHandle, Handle, Handle)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import ccall "io.h _close"
c__close :: CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "io.h _get_osfhandle"
_get_osfhandle :: CInt -> IO CInt
runWithPipes createProc prog opts = do
(rfd1, wfd1) <- createPipeFd
(rfd2, wfd2) <- createPipeFd
wh_client <- _get_osfhandle wfd1
rh_client <- _get_osfhandle rfd2
let args = show wh_client : show rh_client : opts
ph <- createProc (proc prog args)
rh <- mkHandle rfd1
wh <- mkHandle wfd2
return (ph, rh, wh)
where mkHandle :: CInt -> IO Handle
mkHandle fd = (fdToHandle fd) `onException` (c__close fd)
runWithPipes createProc prog opts = do
(rfd1, wfd1) <- Posix.createPipe
(rfd2, wfd2) <- Posix.createPipe
setFdOption rfd1 CloseOnExec True
setFdOption wfd2 CloseOnExec True
let args = show wfd1 : show rfd2 : opts
ph <- createProc (proc prog args)
closeFd wfd1
closeFd rfd2
rh <- fdToHandle rfd1
wh <- fdToHandle wfd2
return (ph, rh, wh)
mkFinalizedHValue :: HscEnv -> RemoteRef a -> IO (ForeignRef a)
mkFinalizedHValue HscEnv{..} rref = mkForeignRef rref free
!external = gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter hsc_dflags
hvref = toHValueRef rref
free :: IO ()
| not external = freeRemoteRef hvref
| otherwise =
modifyMVar_ hsc_iserv $ \mb_iserv ->
case mb_iserv of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just iserv@IServ{..} ->
return (Just iserv{iservPendingFrees = hvref : iservPendingFrees})
freeHValueRefs :: HscEnv -> [HValueRef] -> IO ()
freeHValueRefs _ [] = return ()
freeHValueRefs hsc_env refs = iservCmd hsc_env (FreeHValueRefs refs)
wormhole :: DynFlags -> ForeignRef a -> IO a
wormhole dflags r = wormholeRef dflags (unsafeForeignRefToRemoteRef r)
wormholeRef :: DynFlags -> RemoteRef a -> IO a
wormholeRef dflags _r
| gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags
= throwIO (InstallationError
"this operation requires -fno-external-interpreter")
| otherwise
= localRef _r
| otherwise
= throwIO (InstallationError
"can't wormhole a value in a stage1 compiler")
mkEvalOpts :: DynFlags -> Bool -> EvalOpts
mkEvalOpts dflags step =
{ useSandboxThread = gopt Opt_GhciSandbox dflags
, singleStep = step
, breakOnException = gopt Opt_BreakOnException dflags
, breakOnError = gopt Opt_BreakOnError dflags }
fromEvalResult :: EvalResult a -> IO a
fromEvalResult (EvalException e) = throwIO (fromSerializableException e)
fromEvalResult (EvalSuccess a) = return a