module RnUtils (
checkDupRdrNames, checkShadowedRdrNames,
checkDupNames, checkDupAndShadowedNames, dupNamesErr,
addFvRn, mapFvRn, mapMaybeFvRn,
warnUnusedMatches, warnUnusedTypePatterns,
warnUnusedTopBinds, warnUnusedLocalBinds,
unknownSubordinateErr, badQualBndrErr, typeAppErr,
HsDocContext(..), pprHsDocContext,
inHsDocContext, withHsDocContext,
newLocalBndrRn, newLocalBndrsRn,
bindLocalNames, bindLocalNamesFV,
addNameClashErrRn, extendTyVarEnvFVRn
import GhcPrelude
import GHC.Hs
import RdrName
import HscTypes
import TcEnv
import TcRnMonad
import Name
import NameSet
import NameEnv
import DataCon
import SrcLoc
import Outputable
import Util
import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..) )
import ListSetOps ( removeDups )
import DynFlags
import FastString
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Constants ( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
newLocalBndrRn :: Located RdrName -> RnM Name
newLocalBndrRn (dL->L loc rdr_name)
| Just name <- isExact_maybe rdr_name
= return name
| otherwise
= do { unless (isUnqual rdr_name)
(addErrAt loc (badQualBndrErr rdr_name))
; uniq <- newUnique
; return (mkInternalName uniq (rdrNameOcc rdr_name) loc) }
newLocalBndrsRn :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM [Name]
newLocalBndrsRn = mapM newLocalBndrRn
bindLocalNames :: [Name] -> RnM a -> RnM a
bindLocalNames names enclosed_scope
= do { lcl_env <- getLclEnv
; let th_level = thLevel (tcl_th_ctxt lcl_env)
th_bndrs' = extendNameEnvList (tcl_th_bndrs lcl_env)
[ (n, (NotTopLevel, th_level)) | n <- names ]
rdr_env' = extendLocalRdrEnvList (tcl_rdr lcl_env) names
; setLclEnv (lcl_env { tcl_th_bndrs = th_bndrs'
, tcl_rdr = rdr_env' })
enclosed_scope }
bindLocalNamesFV :: [Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
bindLocalNamesFV names enclosed_scope
= do { (result, fvs) <- bindLocalNames names enclosed_scope
; return (result, delFVs names fvs) }
extendTyVarEnvFVRn :: [Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
extendTyVarEnvFVRn tyvars thing_inside = bindLocalNamesFV tyvars thing_inside
checkDupRdrNames :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM ()
checkDupRdrNames rdr_names_w_loc
= mapM_ (dupNamesErr getLoc) dups
(_, dups) = removeDups (\n1 n2 -> unLoc n1 `compare` unLoc n2) rdr_names_w_loc
checkDupNames :: [Name] -> RnM ()
checkDupNames names = check_dup_names (filterOut isSystemName names)
check_dup_names :: [Name] -> RnM ()
check_dup_names names
= mapM_ (dupNamesErr nameSrcSpan) dups
(_, dups) = removeDups (\n1 n2 -> nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2) names
checkShadowedRdrNames :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM ()
checkShadowedRdrNames loc_rdr_names
= do { envs <- getRdrEnvs
; checkShadowedOccs envs get_loc_occ filtered_rdrs }
filtered_rdrs = filterOut (isExact . unLoc) loc_rdr_names
get_loc_occ (dL->L loc rdr) = (loc,rdrNameOcc rdr)
checkDupAndShadowedNames :: (GlobalRdrEnv, LocalRdrEnv) -> [Name] -> RnM ()
checkDupAndShadowedNames envs names
= do { check_dup_names filtered_names
; checkShadowedOccs envs get_loc_occ filtered_names }
filtered_names = filterOut isSystemName names
get_loc_occ name = (nameSrcSpan name, nameOccName name)
checkShadowedOccs :: (GlobalRdrEnv, LocalRdrEnv)
-> (a -> (SrcSpan, OccName))
-> [a] -> RnM ()
checkShadowedOccs (global_env,local_env) get_loc_occ ns
= whenWOptM Opt_WarnNameShadowing $
do { traceRn "checkShadowedOccs:shadow" (ppr (map get_loc_occ ns))
; mapM_ check_shadow ns }
check_shadow n
| startsWithUnderscore occ = return ()
| Just n <- mb_local = complain [text "bound at" <+> ppr (nameSrcLoc n)]
| otherwise = do { gres' <- filterM is_shadowed_gre gres
; complain (map pprNameProvenance gres') }
(loc,occ) = get_loc_occ n
mb_local = lookupLocalRdrOcc local_env occ
gres = lookupGRE_RdrName (mkRdrUnqual occ) global_env
complain [] = return ()
complain pp_locs = addWarnAt (Reason Opt_WarnNameShadowing)
(shadowedNameWarn occ pp_locs)
is_shadowed_gre :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM Bool
is_shadowed_gre gre | isRecFldGRE gre
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; return $ not (xopt LangExt.RecordPuns dflags
|| xopt LangExt.RecordWildCards dflags) }
is_shadowed_gre _other = return True
addFvRn :: FreeVars -> RnM (thing, FreeVars) -> RnM (thing, FreeVars)
addFvRn fvs1 thing_inside = do { (res, fvs2) <- thing_inside
; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
mapFvRn :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> [a] -> RnM ([b], FreeVars)
mapFvRn f xs = do stuff <- mapM f xs
case unzip stuff of
(ys, fvs_s) -> return (ys, plusFVs fvs_s)
mapMaybeFvRn :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> Maybe a -> RnM (Maybe b, FreeVars)
mapMaybeFvRn _ Nothing = return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
mapMaybeFvRn f (Just x) = do { (y, fvs) <- f x; return (Just y, fvs) }
warnUnusedTopBinds :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
warnUnusedTopBinds gres
= whenWOptM Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds
$ do env <- getGblEnv
let isBoot = tcg_src env == HsBootFile
let noParent gre = case gre_par gre of
NoParent -> True
_ -> False
gres' = if isBoot then filter noParent gres
else gres
warnUnusedGREs gres'
checkUnusedRecordWildcard :: SrcSpan
-> FreeVars
-> Maybe [Name]
-> RnM ()
checkUnusedRecordWildcard _ _ Nothing = return ()
checkUnusedRecordWildcard loc _ (Just []) = do
setSrcSpan loc $ warnRedundantRecordWildcard
checkUnusedRecordWildcard loc fvs (Just dotdot_names) =
setSrcSpan loc $ warnUnusedRecordWildcard dotdot_names fvs
warnRedundantRecordWildcard :: RnM ()
warnRedundantRecordWildcard =
whenWOptM Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards
(addWarn (Reason Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards)
warnUnusedRecordWildcard :: [Name] -> FreeVars -> RnM ()
warnUnusedRecordWildcard ns used_names = do
let used = filter (`elemNameSet` used_names) ns
traceRn "warnUnused" (ppr ns $$ ppr used_names $$ ppr used)
warnIfFlag Opt_WarnUnusedRecordWildcards (null used)
warnUnusedLocalBinds, warnUnusedMatches, warnUnusedTypePatterns
:: [Name] -> FreeVars -> RnM ()
warnUnusedLocalBinds = check_unused Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds
warnUnusedMatches = check_unused Opt_WarnUnusedMatches
warnUnusedTypePatterns = check_unused Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns
check_unused :: WarningFlag -> [Name] -> FreeVars -> RnM ()
check_unused flag bound_names used_names
= whenWOptM flag (warnUnused flag (filterOut (`elemNameSet` used_names)
warnUnusedGREs :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
warnUnusedGREs gres = mapM_ warnUnusedGRE gres
warnUnused :: WarningFlag -> [Name] -> RnM ()
warnUnused flag names = do
fld_env <- mkFieldEnv <$> getGlobalRdrEnv
mapM_ (warnUnused1 flag fld_env) names
warnUnused1 :: WarningFlag -> NameEnv (FieldLabelString, Name) -> Name -> RnM ()
warnUnused1 flag fld_env name
= when (reportable name occ) $
addUnusedWarning flag
occ (nameSrcSpan name)
(text $ "Defined but not used" ++ opt_str)
occ = case lookupNameEnv fld_env name of
Just (fl, _) -> mkVarOccFS fl
Nothing -> nameOccName name
opt_str = case flag of
Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns -> " on the right hand side"
_ -> ""
warnUnusedGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> RnM ()
warnUnusedGRE gre@(GRE { gre_name = name, gre_lcl = lcl, gre_imp = is })
| lcl = do fld_env <- mkFieldEnv <$> getGlobalRdrEnv
warnUnused1 Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds fld_env name
| otherwise = when (reportable name occ) (mapM_ warn is)
occ = greOccName gre
warn spec = addUnusedWarning Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds occ span msg
span = importSpecLoc spec
pp_mod = quotes (ppr (importSpecModule spec))
msg = text "Imported from" <+> pp_mod <+> ptext (sLit "but not used")
mkFieldEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> NameEnv (FieldLabelString, Name)
mkFieldEnv rdr_env = mkNameEnv [ (gre_name gre, (lbl, par_is (gre_par gre)))
| gres <- occEnvElts rdr_env
, gre <- gres
, Just lbl <- [greLabel gre]
reportable :: Name -> OccName -> Bool
reportable name occ
| isWiredInName name = False
| otherwise = not (startsWithUnderscore occ)
addUnusedWarning :: WarningFlag -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> SDoc -> RnM ()
addUnusedWarning flag occ span msg
= addWarnAt (Reason flag) span $
sep [msg <> colon,
nest 2 $ pprNonVarNameSpace (occNameSpace occ)
<+> quotes (ppr occ)]
unusedRecordWildcardWarning :: SDoc
unusedRecordWildcardWarning =
wildcardDoc $ text "No variables bound in the record wildcard match are used"
redundantWildcardWarning :: SDoc
redundantWildcardWarning =
wildcardDoc $ text "Record wildcard does not bind any new variables"
wildcardDoc :: SDoc -> SDoc
wildcardDoc herald =
$$ nest 2 (text "Possible fix" <> colon <+> text "omit the"
<+> quotes (text ".."))
addNameClashErrRn :: RdrName -> [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
| all isLocalGRE gres && not (all isRecFldGRE gres)
= return ()
| otherwise
= addErr (vcat [ text "Ambiguous occurrence" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name)
, text "It could refer to"
, nest 3 (vcat (msg1 : msgs)) ])
(np1:nps) = gres
msg1 = text "either" <+> ppr_gre np1
msgs = [text " or" <+> ppr_gre np | np <- nps]
ppr_gre gre = sep [ pp_gre_name gre <> comma
, pprNameProvenance gre]
pp_gre_name gre@(GRE { gre_name = name, gre_par = parent
, gre_lcl = lcl, gre_imp = iss })
| FldParent { par_lbl = Just lbl } <- parent
= text "the field" <+> quotes (ppr lbl)
| otherwise
= quotes (pp_qual <> dot <> ppr (nameOccName name))
pp_qual | lcl
= ppr (nameModule name)
| imp : _ <- iss
, ImpDeclSpec { is_as = mod } <- is_decl imp
= ppr mod
| otherwise
= pprPanic "addNameClassErrRn" (ppr gre $$ ppr iss)
shadowedNameWarn :: OccName -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
shadowedNameWarn occ shadowed_locs
= sep [text "This binding for" <+> quotes (ppr occ)
<+> text "shadows the existing binding" <> plural shadowed_locs,
nest 2 (vcat shadowed_locs)]
unknownSubordinateErr :: SDoc -> RdrName -> SDoc
unknownSubordinateErr doc op
= quotes (ppr op) <+> text "is not a (visible)" <+> doc
dupNamesErr :: Outputable n => (n -> SrcSpan) -> NE.NonEmpty n -> RnM ()
dupNamesErr get_loc names
= addErrAt big_loc $
vcat [text "Conflicting definitions for" <+> quotes (ppr (NE.head names)),
locs = map get_loc (NE.toList names)
big_loc = foldr1 combineSrcSpans locs
locations = text "Bound at:" <+> vcat (map ppr (sort locs))
badQualBndrErr :: RdrName -> SDoc
badQualBndrErr rdr_name
= text "Qualified name in binding position:" <+> ppr rdr_name
typeAppErr :: String -> LHsType GhcPs -> SDoc
typeAppErr what (L _ k)
= hang (text "Illegal visible" <+> text what <+> text "application"
<+> quotes (char '@' <> ppr k))
2 (text "Perhaps you intended to use TypeApplications")
checkTupSize :: Int -> RnM ()
checkTupSize tup_size
| tup_size <= mAX_TUPLE_SIZE
= return ()
| otherwise
= addErr (sep [text "A" <+> int tup_size <> ptext (sLit "-tuple is too large for GHC"),
nest 2 (parens (text "max size is" <+> int mAX_TUPLE_SIZE)),
nest 2 (text "Workaround: use nested tuples or define a data type")])
data HsDocContext
= TypeSigCtx SDoc
| StandaloneKindSigCtx SDoc
| PatCtx
| SpecInstSigCtx
| DefaultDeclCtx
| ForeignDeclCtx (Located RdrName)
| DerivDeclCtx
| RuleCtx FastString
| TyDataCtx (Located RdrName)
| TySynCtx (Located RdrName)
| TyFamilyCtx (Located RdrName)
| FamPatCtx (Located RdrName)
| ConDeclCtx [Located Name]
| ClassDeclCtx (Located RdrName)
| ExprWithTySigCtx
| TypBrCtx
| HsTypeCtx
| GHCiCtx
| SpliceTypeCtx (LHsType GhcPs)
| ClassInstanceCtx
| GenericCtx SDoc
withHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc -> SDoc
withHsDocContext ctxt doc = doc $$ inHsDocContext ctxt
inHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
inHsDocContext ctxt = text "In" <+> pprHsDocContext ctxt
pprHsDocContext :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
pprHsDocContext (GenericCtx doc) = doc
pprHsDocContext (TypeSigCtx doc) = text "the type signature for" <+> doc
pprHsDocContext (StandaloneKindSigCtx doc) = text "the standalone kind signature for" <+> doc
pprHsDocContext PatCtx = text "a pattern type-signature"
pprHsDocContext SpecInstSigCtx = text "a SPECIALISE instance pragma"
pprHsDocContext DefaultDeclCtx = text "a `default' declaration"
pprHsDocContext DerivDeclCtx = text "a deriving declaration"
pprHsDocContext (RuleCtx name) = text "the transformation rule" <+> ftext name
pprHsDocContext (TyDataCtx tycon) = text "the data type declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
pprHsDocContext (FamPatCtx tycon) = text "a type pattern of family instance for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
pprHsDocContext (TySynCtx name) = text "the declaration for type synonym" <+> quotes (ppr name)
pprHsDocContext (TyFamilyCtx name) = text "the declaration for type family" <+> quotes (ppr name)
pprHsDocContext (ClassDeclCtx name) = text "the declaration for class" <+> quotes (ppr name)
pprHsDocContext ExprWithTySigCtx = text "an expression type signature"
pprHsDocContext TypBrCtx = text "a Template-Haskell quoted type"
pprHsDocContext HsTypeCtx = text "a type argument"
pprHsDocContext GHCiCtx = text "GHCi input"
pprHsDocContext (SpliceTypeCtx hs_ty) = text "the spliced type" <+> quotes (ppr hs_ty)
pprHsDocContext ClassInstanceCtx = text "TcSplice.reifyInstances"
pprHsDocContext (ForeignDeclCtx name)
= text "the foreign declaration for" <+> quotes (ppr name)
pprHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx [name])
= text "the definition of data constructor" <+> quotes (ppr name)
pprHsDocContext (ConDeclCtx names)
= text "the definition of data constructors" <+> interpp'SP names