{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg
-- Copyright   :  Duncan Coutts 2009, 2013
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module provides an library interface to the @hc-pkg@ program.
-- Currently only GHC, GHCJS and LHC have hc-pkg programs.

module Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg (


    -- * Program invocations
  ) where

import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude hiding (init)

import Distribution.Package hiding (installedUnitId)
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
import Distribution.ParseUtils
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Compat.Exception

import Data.List
         ( stripPrefix )
import System.FilePath as FilePath
         ( (</>), (<.>)
         , splitPath, splitDirectories, joinPath, isPathSeparator )
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix

-- | Information about the features and capabilities of an @hc-pkg@
--   program.
data HcPkgInfo = HcPkgInfo
  { hcPkgProgram    :: ConfiguredProgram
  , noPkgDbStack    :: Bool -- ^ no package DB stack supported
  , noVerboseFlag   :: Bool -- ^ hc-pkg does not support verbosity flags
  , flagPackageConf :: Bool -- ^ use package-conf option instead of package-db
  , supportsDirDbs  :: Bool -- ^ supports directory style package databases
  , requiresDirDbs  :: Bool -- ^ requires directory style package databases
  , nativeMultiInstance  :: Bool -- ^ supports --enable-multi-instance flag
  , recacheMultiInstance :: Bool -- ^ supports multi-instance via recache

-- | Whether or not use multi-instance functionality.
data MultiInstance = MultiInstance | NoMultiInstance
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to initialise a package database at the location {path}.
-- > hc-pkg init {path}
init :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
init hpi verbosity preferCompat path
  |  not (supportsDirDbs hpi)
 || (not (requiresDirDbs hpi) && preferCompat)
  = writeFile path "[]"

  | otherwise
  = runProgramInvocation verbosity (initInvocation hpi verbosity path)

-- | Run @hc-pkg@ using a given package DB stack, directly forwarding the
-- provided command-line arguments to it.
invoke :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> [String] -> IO ()
invoke hpi verbosity dbStack extraArgs =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity invocation
    args       = packageDbStackOpts hpi dbStack ++ extraArgs
    invocation = programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to register a package.
-- > hc-pkg register {filename | -} [--user | --global | --package-db]
register :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack
         -> Either FilePath
         -> IO ()
register hpi verbosity packagedb pkgFile =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity
    (registerInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgFile)

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to re-register a package.
-- > hc-pkg register {filename | -} [--user | --global | --package-db]
reregister :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack
           -> Either FilePath
           -> IO ()
reregister hpi verbosity packagedb pkgFile =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity
    (reregisterInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgFile)

registerMultiInstance :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity
                      -> PackageDBStack
                      -> InstalledPackageInfo
                      -> IO ()
registerMultiInstance hpi verbosity packagedbs pkgInfo
  | nativeMultiInstance hpi
  = runProgramInvocation verbosity
      (registerMultiInstanceInvocation hpi verbosity packagedbs (Right pkgInfo))

    -- This is a trick. Older versions of GHC do not support the
    -- --enable-multi-instance flag for ghc-pkg register but it turns out that
    -- the same ability is available by using ghc-pkg recache. The recache
    -- command is there to support distro package managers that like to work
    -- by just installing files and running update commands, rather than
    -- special add/remove commands. So the way to register by this method is
    -- to write the package registration file directly into the package db and
    -- then call hc-pkg recache.
  | recacheMultiInstance hpi
  = do let pkgdb = last packagedbs
       writeRegistrationFileDirectly verbosity hpi pkgdb pkgInfo
       recache hpi verbosity pkgdb

  | otherwise
  = die' verbosity $ "HcPkg.registerMultiInstance: the compiler does not support "
       ++ "registering multiple instances of packages."

writeRegistrationFileDirectly :: Verbosity
                              -> HcPkgInfo
                              -> PackageDB
                              -> InstalledPackageInfo
                              -> IO ()
writeRegistrationFileDirectly verbosity hpi (SpecificPackageDB dir) pkgInfo
  | supportsDirDbs hpi
  = do let pkgfile = dir </> display (installedUnitId pkgInfo) <.> "conf"
       writeUTF8File pkgfile (showInstalledPackageInfo pkgInfo)

  | otherwise
  = die' verbosity $ "HcPkg.writeRegistrationFileDirectly: compiler does not support dir style package dbs"

writeRegistrationFileDirectly verbosity _ _ _ =
    -- We don't know here what the dir for the global or user dbs are,
    -- if that's needed it'll require a bit more plumbing to support.
    die' verbosity $ "HcPkg.writeRegistrationFileDirectly: only supports SpecificPackageDB for now"

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to unregister a package
-- > hc-pkg unregister [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
unregister :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
unregister hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity
    (unregisterInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid)

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to recache the registered packages.
-- > hc-pkg recache [--user | --global | --package-db]
recache :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> IO ()
recache hpi verbosity packagedb =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity
    (recacheInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb)

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to expose a package.
-- > hc-pkg expose [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
expose :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
expose hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity
    (exposeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid)

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to retrieve a specific package
-- > hc-pkg describe [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
describe :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> PackageId -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
describe hpi verbosity packagedb pid = do

  output <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
              (describeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pid)
    `catchIO` \_ -> return ""

  case parsePackages output of
    Left ok -> return ok
    _       -> die' verbosity $ "failed to parse output of '"
                  ++ programId (hcPkgProgram hpi) ++ " describe " ++ display pid ++ "'"

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to hide a package.
-- > hc-pkg hide [pkgid] [--user | --global | --package-db]
hide :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId -> IO ()
hide hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
  runProgramInvocation verbosity
    (hideInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid)

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to get all the details of all the packages in the given
-- package database.
dump :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
dump hpi verbosity packagedb = do

  output <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
              (dumpInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb)
    `catchIO` \e -> die' verbosity $ programId (hcPkgProgram hpi) ++ " dump failed: "
                       ++ displayException e

  case parsePackages output of
    Left ok -> return ok
    _       -> die' verbosity $ "failed to parse output of '"
                  ++ programId (hcPkgProgram hpi) ++ " dump'"

parsePackages :: String -> Either [InstalledPackageInfo] [PError]
parsePackages str =
  let parsed = map parseInstalledPackageInfo' (splitPkgs str)
   in case [ msg | ParseFailed msg <- parsed ] of
        []   -> Left [   setUnitId
                       . maybe id mungePackagePaths (pkgRoot pkg)
                       $ pkg
                     | ParseOk _ pkg <- parsed ]
        msgs -> Right msgs
    parseInstalledPackageInfo' =
      parseFieldsFlat fieldsInstalledPackageInfo emptyInstalledPackageInfo

--TODO: this could be a lot faster. We're doing normaliseLineEndings twice
-- and converting back and forth with lines/unlines.
splitPkgs :: String -> [String]
splitPkgs = checkEmpty . map unlines . splitWith ("---" ==) . lines
    -- Handle the case of there being no packages at all.
    checkEmpty [s] | all isSpace s = []
    checkEmpty ss                  = ss

    splitWith :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
    splitWith p xs = ys : case zs of
                       []   -> []
                       _:ws -> splitWith p ws
      where (ys,zs) = break p xs

mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
-- Perform path/URL variable substitution as per the Cabal ${pkgroot} spec
-- (http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2009-May/011772.html)
-- Paths/URLs can be relative to ${pkgroot} or ${pkgrooturl}.
-- The "pkgroot" is the directory containing the package database.
mungePackagePaths pkgroot pkginfo =
    pkginfo {
      importDirs        = mungePaths (importDirs  pkginfo),
      includeDirs       = mungePaths (includeDirs pkginfo),
      libraryDirs       = mungePaths (libraryDirs pkginfo),
      frameworkDirs     = mungePaths (frameworkDirs pkginfo),
      haddockInterfaces = mungePaths (haddockInterfaces pkginfo),
      haddockHTMLs      = mungeUrls  (haddockHTMLs pkginfo)
    mungePaths = map mungePath
    mungeUrls  = map mungeUrl

    mungePath p = case stripVarPrefix "${pkgroot}" p of
      Just p' -> pkgroot </> p'
      Nothing -> p

    mungeUrl p = case stripVarPrefix "${pkgrooturl}" p of
      Just p' -> toUrlPath pkgroot p'
      Nothing -> p

    toUrlPath r p = "file:///"
                 -- URLs always use posix style '/' separators:
                 ++ FilePath.Posix.joinPath (r : FilePath.splitDirectories p)

    stripVarPrefix var p =
      case splitPath p of
        (root:path') -> case stripPrefix var root of
          Just [sep] | isPathSeparator sep -> Just (joinPath path')
          _                                -> Nothing
        _                                  -> Nothing

-- Older installed package info files did not have the installedUnitId
-- field, so if it is missing then we fill it as the source package ID.
setUnitId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
setUnitId pkginfo@InstalledPackageInfo {
                        installedUnitId = uid,
                        sourcePackageId = pkgid
                      } | unUnitId uid == ""
                    = pkginfo {
                        installedUnitId = mkLegacyUnitId pkgid,
                        installedComponentId_ = mkComponentId (display pkgid)
setUnitId pkginfo = pkginfo

-- | Call @hc-pkg@ to get the source package Id of all the packages in the
-- given package database.
-- This is much less information than with 'dump', but also rather quicker.
-- Note in particular that it does not include the 'UnitId', just
-- the source 'PackageId' which is not necessarily unique in any package db.
list :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB
     -> IO [PackageId]
list hpi verbosity packagedb = do

  output <- getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity
              (listInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb)
    `catchIO` \_ -> die' verbosity $ programId (hcPkgProgram hpi) ++ " list failed"

  case parsePackageIds output of
    Just ok -> return ok
    _       -> die' verbosity $ "failed to parse output of '"
                  ++ programId (hcPkgProgram hpi) ++ " list'"

    parsePackageIds = traverse simpleParse . words

-- The program invocations

initInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> FilePath -> ProgramInvocation
initInvocation hpi verbosity path =
    programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args
    args = ["init", path]
        ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

registerInvocation, reregisterInvocation, registerMultiInstanceInvocation
  :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack
  -> Either FilePath InstalledPackageInfo
  -> ProgramInvocation
registerInvocation   = registerInvocation' "register" NoMultiInstance
reregisterInvocation = registerInvocation' "update"   NoMultiInstance
registerMultiInstanceInvocation = registerInvocation' "update" MultiInstance

registerInvocation' :: String -> MultiInstance
                    -> HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack
                    -> Either FilePath InstalledPackageInfo
                    -> ProgramInvocation
registerInvocation' cmdname multiInstance hpi
                    verbosity packagedbs pkgFileOrInfo =
    case pkgFileOrInfo of
      Left pkgFile ->
        programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) (args pkgFile)

      Right pkgInfo ->
        (programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) (args "-")) {
          progInvokeInput         = Just (showInstalledPackageInfo pkgInfo),
          progInvokeInputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
    args file = [cmdname, file]
             ++ (if noPkgDbStack hpi
                   then [packageDbOpts hpi (last packagedbs)]
                   else packageDbStackOpts hpi packagedbs)
             ++ [ "--enable-multi-instance" | multiInstance == MultiInstance ]
             ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

unregisterInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId
                     -> ProgramInvocation
unregisterInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
  programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
       ["unregister", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb, display pkgid]
    ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

recacheInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB
                  -> ProgramInvocation
recacheInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb =
  programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
       ["recache", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb]
    ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

exposeInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId
                 -> ProgramInvocation
exposeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
  programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
       ["expose", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb, display pkgid]
    ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

describeInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> PackageId
                   -> ProgramInvocation
describeInvocation hpi verbosity packagedbs pkgid =
  programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
       ["describe", display pkgid]
    ++ (if noPkgDbStack hpi
          then [packageDbOpts hpi (last packagedbs)]
          else packageDbStackOpts hpi packagedbs)
    ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

hideInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> PackageId
               -> ProgramInvocation
hideInvocation hpi verbosity packagedb pkgid =
  programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) $
       ["hide", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb, display pkgid]
    ++ verbosityOpts hpi verbosity

dumpInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> ProgramInvocation
dumpInvocation hpi _verbosity packagedb =
    (programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args) {
      progInvokeOutputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
    args = ["dump", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb]
        ++ verbosityOpts hpi silent
           -- We use verbosity level 'silent' because it is important that we
           -- do not contaminate the output with info/debug messages.

listInvocation :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> PackageDB -> ProgramInvocation
listInvocation hpi _verbosity packagedb =
    (programInvocation (hcPkgProgram hpi) args) {
      progInvokeOutputEncoding = IOEncodingUTF8
    args = ["list", "--simple-output", packageDbOpts hpi packagedb]
        ++ verbosityOpts hpi silent
           -- We use verbosity level 'silent' because it is important that we
           -- do not contaminate the output with info/debug messages.

packageDbStackOpts :: HcPkgInfo -> PackageDBStack -> [String]
packageDbStackOpts hpi dbstack = case dbstack of
  (GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs) -> "--global"
                                       : "--user"
                                       : map specific dbs
  (GlobalPackageDB:dbs)               -> "--global"
                                       : ("--no-user-" ++ packageDbFlag hpi)
                                       : map specific dbs
  _                                   -> ierror
    specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--" ++ packageDbFlag hpi ++ "=" ++ db
    specific _ = ierror
    ierror :: a
    ierror     = error ("internal error: unexpected package db stack: " ++ show dbstack)

packageDbFlag :: HcPkgInfo -> String
packageDbFlag hpi
  | flagPackageConf hpi
  = "package-conf"
  | otherwise
  = "package-db"

packageDbOpts :: HcPkgInfo -> PackageDB -> String
packageDbOpts _ GlobalPackageDB        = "--global"
packageDbOpts _ UserPackageDB          = "--user"
packageDbOpts hpi (SpecificPackageDB db) = "--" ++ packageDbFlag hpi ++ "=" ++ db

verbosityOpts :: HcPkgInfo -> Verbosity -> [String]
verbosityOpts hpi v
  | noVerboseFlag hpi
                   = []
  | v >= deafening = ["-v2"]
  | v == silent    = ["-v0"]
  | otherwise      = []