{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
  ( UnqualComponentName, unUnqualComponentName, mkUnqualComponentName
  , packageNameToUnqualComponentName, unqualComponentNameToPackageName
  ) where

import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Utils.ShortText

import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.ParseUtils (parsePackageName)
import Distribution.Package

import Text.PrettyPrint (text)

-- | An unqualified component name, for any kind of component.
-- This is distinguished from a 'ComponentName' and 'ComponentId'. The former
-- also states which of a library, executable, etc the name refers too. The
-- later uniquely identifiers a component and its closure.
-- @since 2.0
newtype UnqualComponentName = UnqualComponentName ShortText
  deriving (Generic, Read, Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data,
            Semigroup, Monoid) -- TODO: bad enabler of bad monoids

-- | Convert 'UnqualComponentName' to 'String'
-- @since 2.0
unUnqualComponentName :: UnqualComponentName -> String
unUnqualComponentName (UnqualComponentName s) = fromShortText s

-- | Construct a 'UnqualComponentName' from a 'String'
-- 'mkUnqualComponentName' is the inverse to 'unUnqualComponentName'
-- Note: No validations are performed to ensure that the resulting
-- 'UnqualComponentName' is valid
-- @since 2.0
mkUnqualComponentName :: String -> UnqualComponentName
mkUnqualComponentName = UnqualComponentName . toShortText

-- | 'mkUnqualComponentName'
-- @since 2.0
instance IsString UnqualComponentName where
  fromString = mkUnqualComponentName

instance Binary UnqualComponentName

instance Text UnqualComponentName where
  disp = text . unUnqualComponentName
  parse = mkUnqualComponentName <$> parsePackageName

instance NFData UnqualComponentName where
  rnf (UnqualComponentName pkg) = rnf pkg

-- TODO avoid String round trip with these PackageName <->
-- UnqualComponentName converters.

-- | Converts a package name to an unqualified component name
-- Useful in legacy situations where a package name may refer to an internal
-- component, if one is defined with that name.
-- @since 2.0
packageNameToUnqualComponentName :: PackageName -> UnqualComponentName
packageNameToUnqualComponentName = mkUnqualComponentName . unPackageName

-- | Converts an unqualified component name to a package name
-- `packageNameToUnqualComponentName` is the inverse of
-- `unqualComponentNameToPackageName`.
-- Useful in legacy situations where a package name may refer to an internal
-- component, if one is defined with that name.
-- @since 2.0
unqualComponentNameToPackageName :: UnqualComponentName -> PackageName
unqualComponentNameToPackageName = mkPackageName . unUnqualComponentName