{-# LINE 1 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- | Module : System.Win32.Info.Version Copyright : 2013 shelarcy License : BSD-style Maintainer : shelarcy@gmail.com Stability : Provisional Portability : Non-portable (Win32 API) Version information about your computer. -} module System.Win32.Info.Version ( -- * Version Info OSVERSIONINFOEX(..), POSVERSIONINFOEX, LPOSVERSIONINFOEX , ProductType(..) , getVersionEx, c_GetVersionEx -- * Verify OS version , isVistaOrLater, is7OrLater ) where import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, plusPtr ) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca ) import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..) ) import System.Win32.String ( withTString, peekTString ) import System.Win32.Types ( BOOL, BYTE, failIfFalse_ ) import System.Win32.Word ( WORD, DWORD ) {-# LINE 31 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} #include "windows_cconv.h" ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version Info ---------------------------------------------------------------- getVersionEx :: IO OSVERSIONINFOEX getVersionEx = alloca $ \buf -> do ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) buf {-# LINE 40 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} $ sizeOf (undefined::OSVERSIONINFOEX) failIfFalse_ "GetVersionEx" $ c_GetVersionEx buf peek buf data ProductType = VerUnknow BYTE | VerNTWorkStation | VerNTDomainControler | VerNTServer deriving (Show,Eq) instance Storable ProductType where sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined::BYTE) alignment _ = alignment (undefined::BYTE) poke buf v = pokeByteOff buf 0 $ case v of VerUnknow w -> w VerNTWorkStation -> 1 {-# LINE 54 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} VerNTDomainControler -> 2 {-# LINE 55 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} VerNTServer -> 3 {-# LINE 56 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} peek buf = do v <- peekByteOff buf 0 return $ case v of (1) -> VerNTWorkStation {-# LINE 60 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} (2) -> VerNTDomainControler {-# LINE 61 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} (3) -> VerNTServer {-# LINE 62 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} w -> VerUnknow w type POSVERSIONINFOEX = Ptr OSVERSIONINFOEX type LPOSVERSIONINFOEX = Ptr OSVERSIONINFOEX data OSVERSIONINFOEX = OSVERSIONINFOEX { dwMajorVersion :: DWORD , dwMinorVersion :: DWORD , dwBuildNumber :: DWORD , dwPlatformId :: DWORD , szCSDVersion :: String , wServicePackMajor :: WORD , wServicePackMinor :: WORD , wSuiteMask :: WORD , wProductType :: ProductType } deriving Show instance Storable OSVERSIONINFOEX where sizeOf = const (284) {-# LINE 81 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} alignment _ = 4 {-# LINE 82 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} poke buf info = do ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) buf (sizeOf info) {-# LINE 84 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) buf (dwMajorVersion info) {-# LINE 85 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) buf (dwMinorVersion info) {-# LINE 86 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) buf (dwBuildNumber info) {-# LINE 87 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) buf (dwPlatformId info) {-# LINE 88 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} withTString (szCSDVersion info) $ \szCSDVersion' -> ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 20)) buf szCSDVersion' {-# LINE 90 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 276)) buf (wServicePackMajor info) {-# LINE 91 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 278)) buf (wServicePackMinor info) {-# LINE 92 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 280)) buf (wSuiteMask info) {-# LINE 93 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 282)) buf (wProductType info) {-# LINE 94 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 283)) buf (0::BYTE) {-# LINE 95 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} peek buf = do majorVersion <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) buf {-# LINE 98 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} minorVersion <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) buf {-# LINE 99 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} buildNumber <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) buf {-# LINE 100 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} platformId <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) buf {-# LINE 101 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} cSDVersion <- peekTString $ ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 20)) buf {-# LINE 102 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} servicePackMajor <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 276)) buf {-# LINE 103 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} servicePackMinor <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 278)) buf {-# LINE 104 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} suiteMask <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 280)) buf {-# LINE 105 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} productType <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 282)) buf {-# LINE 106 "libraries\\Win32\\System\\Win32\\Info\\Version.hsc" #-} return $ OSVERSIONINFOEX majorVersion minorVersion buildNumber platformId cSDVersion servicePackMajor servicePackMinor suiteMask productType foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h GetVersionExW" c_GetVersionEx :: LPOSVERSIONINFOEX -> IO BOOL ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Verify OS version ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724833(v=vs.85).aspx isVistaOrLater, is7OrLater :: IO Bool isVistaOrLater = do ver <- getVersionEx return $ 6 <= dwMajorVersion ver is7OrLater = do ver <- getVersionEx return $ 6 <= dwMajorVersion ver && 1 <= dwMinorVersion ver {- We don't use VerifyVersionInfo function to above functions. Because VerifyVersionInfo is more difficult than GetVersionEx and accessing field in Haskell. -- | See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/225013/ -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms725491(v=vs.85).aspx bIsWindowsVersionOK :: DWORD -> DWORD -> WORD -> IO BOOL bIsWindowsVersionOK dwMajor dwMinor dwSPMajor = alloca $ \buf -> do zeroMemory buf (#{size OSVERSIONINFOEXW}::DWORD) (#poke OSVERSIONINFOEXW, dwOSVersionInfoSize) buf (#{size OSVERSIONINFOEXW}::DWORD) (#poke OSVERSIONINFOEXW, dwMajorVersion) buf dwMajor (#poke OSVERSIONINFOEXW, dwMinorVersion) buf dwMinor (#poke OSVERSIONINFOEXW, wServicePackMajor) buf dwSPMajor -- Set up the condition mask. let dwlConditionMask = 0 flag = #const VER_MAJORVERSION .|. #const VER_MINORVERSION .|. #const VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR dwlConditionMask' <- vER_SET_CONDITION dwlConditionMask #{const VER_MAJORVERSION} #{const VER_GREATER_EQUAL} dwlConditionMask'' <- vER_SET_CONDITION dwlConditionMask' #{const VER_MINORVERSION} #{const VER_MINORVERSION} dwlConditionMask''' <- vER_SET_CONDITION dwlConditionMask'' #{const VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR} #{const VER_SERVICEPACKMAJOR} verifyVersionInfo buf flag dwlConditionMask''' type ULONGLONG = DWORDLONG foreign import capi unsafe "windows.h VER_SET_CONDITION" vER_SET_CONDITION :: ULONGLONG -> DWORD -> BYTE -> IO ULONGLONG foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h VerifyVersionInfoW" verifyVersionInfo :: LPOSVERSIONINFOEX -> DWORD -> DWORDLONG -> IO BOOL -}