module DsUsage (
mkUsageInfo, mkUsedNames, mkDependencies
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import DynFlags
import HscTypes
import TcRnTypes
import Name
import NameSet
import Module
import Outputable
import Util
import UniqSet
import UniqDFM
import Fingerprint
import Maybes
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
mkDependencies :: TcGblEnv -> IO Dependencies
TcGblEnv{ tcg_mod = mod,
tcg_imports = imports,
tcg_th_used = th_var
= do
th_used <- readIORef th_var
let dep_mods = eltsUDFM (delFromUDFM (imp_dep_mods imports)
(moduleName mod))
pkgs | th_used = Set.insert (toInstalledUnitId thUnitId) (imp_dep_pkgs imports)
| otherwise = imp_dep_pkgs imports
sorted_pkgs = sort (Set.toList pkgs)
trust_pkgs = imp_trust_pkgs imports
dep_pkgs' = map (\x -> (x, x `Set.member` trust_pkgs)) sorted_pkgs
return Deps { dep_mods = dep_mods,
dep_pkgs = dep_pkgs',
dep_orphs = sortBy stableModuleCmp (imp_orphs imports),
dep_finsts = sortBy stableModuleCmp (imp_finsts imports) }
mkUsedNames :: TcGblEnv -> NameSet
mkUsedNames TcGblEnv{ tcg_dus = dus } = allUses dus
mkUsageInfo :: HscEnv -> Module -> ImportedMods -> NameSet -> [FilePath] -> [(Module, Fingerprint)] -> IO [Usage]
mkUsageInfo hsc_env this_mod dir_imp_mods used_names dependent_files merged
= do
eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
hashes <- mapM getFileHash dependent_files
let mod_usages = mk_mod_usage_info (eps_PIT eps) hsc_env this_mod
dir_imp_mods used_names
usages = mod_usages ++ [ UsageFile { usg_file_path = f
, usg_file_hash = hash }
| (f, hash) <- zip dependent_files hashes ]
++ [ UsageMergedRequirement
{ usg_mod = mod,
usg_mod_hash = hash
| (mod, hash) <- merged ]
usages `seqList` return usages
mk_mod_usage_info :: PackageIfaceTable
-> HscEnv
-> Module
-> ImportedMods
-> NameSet
-> [Usage]
mk_mod_usage_info pit hsc_env this_mod direct_imports used_names
= mapMaybe mkUsage usage_mods
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
used_mods = moduleEnvKeys ent_map
dir_imp_mods = moduleEnvKeys direct_imports
all_mods = used_mods ++ filter (`notElem` used_mods) dir_imp_mods
usage_mods = sortBy stableModuleCmp all_mods
ent_map :: ModuleEnv [OccName]
ent_map = nonDetFoldUniqSet add_mv emptyModuleEnv used_names
add_mv name mv_map
| isWiredInName name = mv_map
| otherwise
= case nameModule_maybe name of
Nothing -> ASSERT2( isSystemName name, ppr name ) mv_map
Just mod ->
let mod' = if isHoleModule mod
then mkModule this_pkg (moduleName mod)
else mod
in extendModuleEnvWith (\_ xs -> occ:xs) mv_map mod' [occ]
where occ = nameOccName name
mkUsage :: Module -> Maybe Usage
mkUsage mod
| isNothing maybe_iface
|| mod == this_mod
= Nothing
| moduleUnitId mod /= this_pkg
= Just UsagePackageModule{ usg_mod = mod,
usg_mod_hash = mod_hash,
usg_safe = imp_safe }
| (null used_occs
&& isNothing export_hash
&& not is_direct_import
&& not finsts_mod)
= Nothing
| otherwise
= Just UsageHomeModule {
usg_mod_name = moduleName mod,
usg_mod_hash = mod_hash,
usg_exports = export_hash,
usg_entities = Map.toList ent_hashs,
usg_safe = imp_safe }
maybe_iface = lookupIfaceByModule dflags hpt pit mod
Just iface = maybe_iface
finsts_mod = mi_finsts iface
hash_env = mi_hash_fn iface
mod_hash = mi_mod_hash iface
export_hash | depend_on_exports = Just (mi_exp_hash iface)
| otherwise = Nothing
by_is_safe (ImportedByUser imv) = imv_is_safe imv
by_is_safe _ = False
(is_direct_import, imp_safe)
= case lookupModuleEnv direct_imports mod of
Just bys -> (True, any by_is_safe bys)
Nothing -> (False, safeImplicitImpsReq dflags)
used_occs = lookupModuleEnv ent_map mod `orElse` []
ent_hashs :: Map OccName Fingerprint
ent_hashs = Map.fromList (map lookup_occ used_occs)
lookup_occ occ =
case hash_env occ of
Nothing -> pprPanic "mkUsage" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ <+> ppr used_names)
Just r -> r
depend_on_exports = is_direct_import