module Distribution.Simple.GHC.Internal (
) where
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Simple.GHC.ImplInfo
import Distribution.Types.ComponentLocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Backpack
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as InstalledPackageInfo
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Compat.Exception
import Distribution.Lex
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Types.UnitId
import Distribution.Types.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text ( display, simpleParse )
import Distribution.Utils.NubList ( toNubListR )
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Compat.Stack
import Distribution.Version (Version)
import Language.Haskell.Extension
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import System.Directory ( getDirectoryContents, getTemporaryDirectory )
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>), takeExtension
, takeDirectory, takeFileName)
import System.IO ( hClose, hPutStrLn )
targetPlatform :: [(String, String)] -> Maybe Platform
targetPlatform ghcInfo = platformFromTriple =<< lookup "Target platform" ghcInfo
configureToolchain :: GhcImplInfo
-> ConfiguredProgram
-> Map String String
-> ProgramDb
-> ProgramDb
configureToolchain _implInfo ghcProg ghcInfo =
addKnownProgram gccProgram {
programFindLocation = findProg gccProgramName extraGccPath,
programPostConf = configureGcc
. addKnownProgram ldProgram {
programFindLocation = findProg ldProgramName extraLdPath,
programPostConf = configureLd
. addKnownProgram arProgram {
programFindLocation = findProg arProgramName extraArPath
. addKnownProgram stripProgram {
programFindLocation = findProg stripProgramName extraStripPath
compilerDir = takeDirectory (programPath ghcProg)
baseDir = takeDirectory compilerDir
mingwBinDir = baseDir </> "mingw" </> "bin"
isWindows = case buildOS of Windows -> True; _ -> False
binPrefix = ""
maybeName :: Program -> Maybe FilePath -> String
maybeName prog = maybe (programName prog) (dropExeExtension . takeFileName)
gccProgramName = maybeName gccProgram mbGccLocation
ldProgramName = maybeName ldProgram mbLdLocation
arProgramName = maybeName arProgram mbArLocation
stripProgramName = maybeName stripProgram mbStripLocation
mkExtraPath :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
mkExtraPath mbPath mingwPath | isWindows = mbDir ++ [mingwPath]
| otherwise = mbDir
mbDir = maybeToList . fmap takeDirectory $ mbPath
extraGccPath = mkExtraPath mbGccLocation windowsExtraGccDir
extraLdPath = mkExtraPath mbLdLocation windowsExtraLdDir
extraArPath = mkExtraPath mbArLocation windowsExtraArDir
extraStripPath = mkExtraPath mbStripLocation windowsExtraStripDir
(windowsExtraGccDir, windowsExtraLdDir,
windowsExtraArDir, windowsExtraStripDir) =
let b = mingwBinDir </> binPrefix
in (b, b, b, b)
findProg :: String -> [FilePath]
-> Verbosity -> ProgramSearchPath
-> IO (Maybe (FilePath, [FilePath]))
findProg progName extraPath v searchpath =
findProgramOnSearchPath v searchpath' progName
searchpath' = (map ProgramSearchPathDir extraPath) ++ searchpath
mbGccLocation = Map.lookup "C compiler command" ghcInfo
mbLdLocation = Map.lookup "ld command" ghcInfo
mbArLocation = Map.lookup "ar command" ghcInfo
mbStripLocation = Map.lookup "strip command" ghcInfo
ccFlags = getFlags "C compiler flags"
gccLinkerFlags = getFlags "Gcc Linker flags" ++ getFlags "C compiler link flags"
ldLinkerFlags = getFlags "Ld Linker flags" ++ getFlags "ld flags"
getFlags :: String -> [String]
getFlags key =
case Map.lookup key ghcInfo of
Nothing -> []
Just flags
| (flags', ""):_ <- reads flags -> flags'
| otherwise -> tokenizeQuotedWords flags
configureGcc :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> NoCallStackIO ConfiguredProgram
configureGcc _v gccProg = do
return gccProg {
programDefaultArgs = programDefaultArgs gccProg
++ ccFlags ++ gccLinkerFlags
configureLd :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
configureLd v ldProg = do
ldProg' <- configureLd' v ldProg
return ldProg' {
programDefaultArgs = programDefaultArgs ldProg' ++ ldLinkerFlags
configureLd' :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> IO ConfiguredProgram
configureLd' verbosity ldProg = do
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
ldx <- withTempFile tempDir ".c" $ \testcfile testchnd ->
withTempFile tempDir ".o" $ \testofile testohnd -> do
hPutStrLn testchnd "int foo() { return 0; }"
hClose testchnd; hClose testohnd
runProgram verbosity ghcProg
[ "-hide-all-packages"
, "-c", testcfile
, "-o", testofile
withTempFile tempDir ".o" $ \testofile' testohnd' ->
hClose testohnd'
_ <- getProgramOutput verbosity ldProg
["-x", "-r", testofile, "-o", testofile']
return True
`catchIO` (\_ -> return False)
`catchExit` (\_ -> return False)
if ldx
then return ldProg { programDefaultArgs = ["-x"] }
else return ldProg
getLanguages :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> ConfiguredProgram
-> NoCallStackIO [(Language, String)]
getLanguages _ implInfo _
| supportsHaskell2010 implInfo = return [(Haskell98, "-XHaskell98")
,(Haskell2010, "-XHaskell2010")]
| otherwise = return [(Haskell98, "")]
getGhcInfo :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> ConfiguredProgram
-> IO [(String, String)]
getGhcInfo verbosity _implInfo ghcProg = do
xs <- getProgramOutput verbosity (suppressOverrideArgs ghcProg)
case reads xs of
[(i, ss)]
| all isSpace ss ->
return i
_ ->
die' verbosity "Can't parse --info output of GHC"
getExtensions :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> ConfiguredProgram
-> IO [(Extension, String)]
getExtensions verbosity implInfo ghcProg = do
str <- getProgramOutput verbosity (suppressOverrideArgs ghcProg)
let extStrs = if reportsNoExt implInfo
then lines str
[ extStr''
| extStr <- lines str
, let extStr' = case extStr of
'N' : 'o' : xs -> xs
_ -> "No" ++ extStr
, extStr'' <- [extStr, extStr']
let extensions0 = [ (ext, "-X" ++ display ext)
| Just ext <- map simpleParse extStrs ]
extensions1 = if alwaysNondecIndent implInfo
(EnableExtension NondecreasingIndentation, "") :
(DisableExtension NondecreasingIndentation, "") :
else extensions0
return extensions1
componentCcGhcOptions :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> LocalBuildInfo
-> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> FilePath -> FilePath
-> GhcOptions
componentCcGhcOptions verbosity _implInfo lbi bi clbi odir filename =
mempty {
ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal),
ghcOptMode = toFlag GhcModeCompile,
ghcOptInputFiles = toNubListR [filename],
ghcOptCppIncludePath = toNubListR $ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
,autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
++ PD.includeDirs bi,
ghcOptHideAllPackages= toFlag True,
ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi,
ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages clbi,
ghcOptCcOptions = toNubListR $
(case withOptimization lbi of
NoOptimisation -> []
_ -> ["-O2"]) ++
(case withDebugInfo lbi of
NoDebugInfo -> []
MinimalDebugInfo -> ["-g1"]
NormalDebugInfo -> ["-g"]
MaximalDebugInfo -> ["-g3"]) ++
PD.ccOptions bi,
ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir
componentGhcOptions :: Verbosity -> GhcImplInfo -> LocalBuildInfo
-> BuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> FilePath
-> GhcOptions
componentGhcOptions verbosity implInfo lbi bi clbi odir =
mempty {
ghcOptVerbosity = toFlag (min verbosity normal),
ghcOptCabal = toFlag True,
ghcOptThisUnitId = case clbi of
LibComponentLocalBuildInfo { componentCompatPackageKey = pk }
-> toFlag pk
_ -> mempty,
ghcOptThisComponentId = case clbi of
LibComponentLocalBuildInfo { componentComponentId = cid
, componentInstantiatedWith = insts } ->
if null insts
then mempty
else toFlag cid
_ -> mempty,
ghcOptInstantiatedWith = case clbi of
LibComponentLocalBuildInfo { componentInstantiatedWith = insts }
-> insts
_ -> [],
ghcOptNoCode = toFlag $ componentIsIndefinite clbi,
ghcOptHideAllPackages = toFlag True,
ghcOptWarnMissingHomeModules = toFlag $ flagWarnMissingHomeModules implInfo,
ghcOptPackageDBs = withPackageDB lbi,
ghcOptPackages = toNubListR $ mkGhcOptPackages clbi,
ghcOptSplitObjs = toFlag (splitObjs lbi),
ghcOptSourcePathClear = toFlag True,
ghcOptSourcePath = toNubListR $ [odir] ++ (hsSourceDirs bi)
++ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi]
++ [autogenPackageModulesDir lbi],
ghcOptCppIncludePath = toNubListR $ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
,autogenPackageModulesDir lbi
++ PD.includeDirs bi,
ghcOptCppOptions = toNubListR $ cppOptions bi,
ghcOptCppIncludes = toNubListR $
[autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName],
ghcOptFfiIncludes = toNubListR $ PD.includes bi,
ghcOptObjDir = toFlag odir,
ghcOptHiDir = toFlag odir,
ghcOptStubDir = toFlag odir,
ghcOptOutputDir = toFlag odir,
ghcOptOptimisation = toGhcOptimisation (withOptimization lbi),
ghcOptDebugInfo = toGhcDebugInfo (withDebugInfo lbi),
ghcOptExtra = toNubListR $ hcOptions GHC bi,
ghcOptExtraPath = toNubListR $ exe_paths,
ghcOptLanguage = toFlag (fromMaybe Haskell98 (defaultLanguage bi)),
ghcOptExtensions = toNubListR $ usedExtensions bi,
ghcOptExtensionMap = Map.fromList . compilerExtensions $ (compiler lbi)
toGhcOptimisation NoOptimisation = mempty
toGhcOptimisation NormalOptimisation = toFlag GhcNormalOptimisation
toGhcOptimisation MaximumOptimisation = toFlag GhcMaximumOptimisation
toGhcDebugInfo NoDebugInfo = mempty
toGhcDebugInfo MinimalDebugInfo = toFlag True
toGhcDebugInfo NormalDebugInfo = toFlag True
toGhcDebugInfo MaximalDebugInfo = toFlag True
exe_paths = [ componentBuildDir lbi (targetCLBI exe_tgt)
| uid <- componentExeDeps clbi
, Just exe_tgt <- [unitIdTarget' (localPkgDescr lbi) lbi uid] ]
filterGhciFlags :: [String] -> [String]
filterGhciFlags = filter supported
supported ('-':'O':_) = False
supported "-debug" = False
supported "-threaded" = False
supported "-ticky" = False
supported "-eventlog" = False
supported "-prof" = False
supported "-unreg" = False
supported _ = True
mkGHCiLibName :: UnitId -> String
mkGHCiLibName lib = getHSLibraryName lib <.> "o"
ghcLookupProperty :: String -> Compiler -> Bool
ghcLookupProperty prop comp =
case Map.lookup prop (compilerProperties comp) of
Just "YES" -> True
_ -> False
getHaskellObjects :: GhcImplInfo -> Library -> LocalBuildInfo
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> FilePath -> String -> Bool -> NoCallStackIO [FilePath]
getHaskellObjects _implInfo lib lbi clbi pref wanted_obj_ext allow_split_objs
| splitObjs lbi && allow_split_objs = do
let splitSuffix = "_" ++ wanted_obj_ext ++ "_split"
dirs = [ pref </> (ModuleName.toFilePath x ++ splitSuffix)
| x <- allLibModules lib clbi ]
objss <- traverse getDirectoryContents dirs
let objs = [ dir </> obj
| (objs',dir) <- zip objss dirs, obj <- objs',
let obj_ext = takeExtension obj,
'.':wanted_obj_ext == obj_ext ]
return objs
| otherwise =
return [ pref </> ModuleName.toFilePath x <.> wanted_obj_ext
| x <- allLibModules lib clbi ]
mkGhcOptPackages :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> [(OpenUnitId, ModuleRenaming)]
mkGhcOptPackages = componentIncludes
substTopDir :: FilePath -> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
substTopDir topDir ipo
= ipo {
= map f (InstalledPackageInfo.importDirs ipo),
= map f (InstalledPackageInfo.libraryDirs ipo),
= map f (InstalledPackageInfo.includeDirs ipo),
= map f (InstalledPackageInfo.frameworkDirs ipo),
= map f (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockInterfaces ipo),
= map f (InstalledPackageInfo.haddockHTMLs ipo)
where f ('$':'t':'o':'p':'d':'i':'r':rest) = topDir ++ rest
f x = x
checkPackageDbEnvVar :: Verbosity -> String -> String -> IO ()
checkPackageDbEnvVar verbosity compilerName packagePathEnvVar = do
mPP <- lookupEnv packagePathEnvVar
when (isJust mPP) $ do
unless (mPP == mcsPP) abort
lookupEnv :: String -> NoCallStackIO (Maybe String)
lookupEnv name = (Just `fmap` getEnv name)
`catchIO` const (return Nothing)
abort =
die' verbosity $ "Use of " ++ compilerName ++ "'s environment variable "
++ packagePathEnvVar ++ " is incompatible with Cabal. Use the "
++ "flag --package-db to specify a package database (it can be "
++ "used multiple times)."
_ = callStack
profDetailLevelFlag :: Bool -> ProfDetailLevel -> Flag GhcProfAuto
profDetailLevelFlag forLib mpl =
case mpl of
ProfDetailNone -> mempty
ProfDetailDefault | forLib -> toFlag GhcProfAutoExported
| otherwise -> toFlag GhcProfAutoToplevel
ProfDetailExportedFunctions -> toFlag GhcProfAutoExported
ProfDetailToplevelFunctions -> toFlag GhcProfAutoToplevel
ProfDetailAllFunctions -> toFlag GhcProfAutoAll
ProfDetailOther _ -> mempty
ghcArchString :: Arch -> String
ghcArchString PPC = "powerpc"
ghcArchString PPC64 = "powerpc64"
ghcArchString other = display other
ghcOsString :: OS -> String
ghcOsString Windows = "mingw32"
ghcOsString OSX = "darwin"
ghcOsString Solaris = "solaris2"
ghcOsString other = display other
ghcPlatformAndVersionString :: Platform -> Version -> String
ghcPlatformAndVersionString (Platform arch os) version =
intercalate "-" [ ghcArchString arch, ghcOsString os, display version ]
data GhcEnvironmentFileEntry =
GhcEnvFileComment String
| GhcEnvFilePackageId UnitId
| GhcEnvFilePackageDb PackageDB
| GhcEnvFileClearPackageDbStack
simpleGhcEnvironmentFile :: PackageDBStack
-> [UnitId]
-> [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry]
simpleGhcEnvironmentFile packageDBs pkgids =
: map GhcEnvFilePackageDb packageDBs
++ map GhcEnvFilePackageId pkgids
writeGhcEnvironmentFile :: FilePath
-> Platform
-> Version
-> [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry]
-> NoCallStackIO ()
writeGhcEnvironmentFile directory platform ghcversion =
writeFileAtomic envfile . BS.pack . renderGhcEnvironmentFile
envfile = directory </> ghcEnvironmentFileName platform ghcversion
ghcEnvironmentFileName :: Platform -> Version -> FilePath
ghcEnvironmentFileName platform ghcversion =
".ghc.environment." ++ ghcPlatformAndVersionString platform ghcversion
renderGhcEnvironmentFile :: [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry] -> String
renderGhcEnvironmentFile =
unlines . map renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry
renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry :: GhcEnvironmentFileEntry -> String
renderGhcEnvironmentFileEntry entry = case entry of
GhcEnvFileComment comment -> format comment
where format = intercalate "\n" . map ("-- " ++) . lines
GhcEnvFilePackageId pkgid -> "package-id " ++ display pkgid
GhcEnvFilePackageDb pkgdb ->
case pkgdb of
GlobalPackageDB -> "global-package-db"
UserPackageDB -> "user-package-db"
SpecificPackageDB dbfile -> "package-db " ++ dbfile
GhcEnvFileClearPackageDbStack -> "clear-package-db"