$$ | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
$+$ | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
*> | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
<$> | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
<&&> | Util, GhcPlugins |
<* | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
<*> | |
1 (Function) | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
2 (Function) | MkGraph |
<+> | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
<.> | TcEvidence |
<> | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
<||> | Util, GhcPlugins |
>.> | TrieMap |
abandon | InteractiveEval, GHC |
abandonAll | InteractiveEval, GHC |
AbandonStmt | GHCi |
abandonStmt | GHCi |
ABE | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ABExport | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_mono | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_poly | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_prags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_wrap | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abiDepends | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
abiHash | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
AbsBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
absDmd | Demand |
absentErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
absentLiteralOf | Literal, GhcPlugins |
absentSumFieldErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
aBSENT_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
aBSENT_SUM_FIELD_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
absIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
absIntegerName | PrelNames |
AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
abstractConstr | Util, GhcPlugins |
abstractDataType | Util, GhcPlugins |
abstractFloats | SimplUtils |
AbstractTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
AbstractTypeFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
abs_binds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_ev_binds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_ev_vars | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_exports | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_sig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_tvs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
accSpillSL | RegAlloc.Graph.Spill |
ACoAxiom | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
AConLike | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Activation | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
ActiveAfter | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
ActiveBefore | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
activeContext | Lexer |
activeRule | SimplUtils |
activeStgRegs | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
3 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.SPARC |
4 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin |
5 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC |
6 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs |
7 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 |
8 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM |
9 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform |
activeUnfolding | SimplUtils |
AcyclicSCC | Digraph |
ADC | X86.Instr |
ADD | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
AddAnn | Lexer |
addAnnotation | Lexer |
addAnnsAt | Lexer |
addArgReps | StgCmmClosure |
addBang | DsUtils |
addBindC | StgCmmEnv |
addBindsC | StgCmmEnv |
addBlock | Hoopl.Graph |
addBootSuffix | Module, GhcPlugins |
addBootSuffixLocn | Module, GhcPlugins |
addBootSuffix_maybe | Module, GhcPlugins |
ADDC | PPC.Instr |
addCaseBndrDmd | Demand |
addCastTo | SimplUtils |
AddCFinalizerToWeakOp | PrimOp |
addCLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
addCoalesce | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addConDoc | HaddockUtils |
addConDocFirst | HaddockUtils |
addConDocs | HaddockUtils |
addConflict | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addConflicts | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addDataConStupidTheta | TcPat |
addDefault | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
addDemand | Demand |
addDependentFiles | TcRnMonad |
addDict | TcSMonad |
addDictsByClass | TcSMonad |
addDictsDs | DsMonad |
ADDE | PPC.Instr |
addEpsInStats | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
addErr | |
1 (Function) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
addErrAt | TcRnMonad |
addErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
addErrCtxtM | TcRnMonad |
addErrs | TcRnMonad |
addErrsTc | TcRnMonad |
addErrTc | TcRnMonad |
addErrTcM | TcRnMonad |
addErrTcS | TcSMonad |
addExclusion | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addExclusions | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addExprErrCtxt | TcExpr |
addFieldDoc | HaddockUtils |
addFieldDocs | HaddockUtils |
addFilesToClean | FileCleanup |
addFlagWarn | CmdLineParser |
addFloats | SimplEnv |
addFvRn | RnUtils |
addGlobalParallelTyCon | Vectorise.Monad |
addGlobalParallelVar | Vectorise.Monad |
addHomeModuleToFinder | Finder |
addIdReps | StgCmmClosure |
addIdSpecialisations | Rules, GhcPlugins |
addImplics | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
addImport | PIC |
addImportNat | NCGMonad |
addInertCan | TcSMonad |
addInertEq | TcSMonad |
addInertSafehask | TcSMonad |
addInlineArity | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
addInlinePrags | TcSigs |
addInScopeSet | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
addInsols | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ADDIS | PPC.Instr |
addJoinFloats | SimplEnv |
addJoinFlts | SimplEnv |
addLabelSize | CLabel |
addLandmarkErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
addLandmarkErrCtxtM | TcRnMonad |
addLetFloats | SimplEnv |
addLetFlts | SimplEnv |
AddLibrarySearchPath | GHCi |
addLibrarySearchPath | GHCi |
addListToHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
addListToUDFM | UniqDFM |
addListToUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addListToUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addListToUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addListToUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
addListToUniqMap | UniqMap |
addListToUniqMap_C | UniqMap |
addListToUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
addLocalFixities | RnFixity |
addLocM | TcRnMonad |
addLongErrAt | TcRnMonad |
addMessages | TcRnMonad |
addModFinalizersWithLclEnv | TcRnMonad |
addNameClashErrRn | RnUtils |
addNewInScopeIds | SimplEnv |
addNode | GraphOps, GraphColor |
ADDO | PPC.Instr |
addOneFV | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
addOneToUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
addOneToUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
addPluginModuleName | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
addPreference | GraphOps, GraphColor |
Addr2IntOp | PrimOp |
AddrAddOp | PrimOp |
AddrBaseIndex | X86.Regs |
AddrEqOp | PrimOp |
AddrGeOp | PrimOp |
AddrGtOp | PrimOp |
AddrHint | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AddrLeOp | PrimOp |
AddrLtOp | PrimOp |
AddrMode | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.AddrMode |
2 (Type/Class) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Type/Class) | X86.Regs |
addrModeRegs | X86.Regs |
AddrNeOp | PrimOp |
addRnInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
addrOffset | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.AddrMode |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
addrPrimTy | TysPrim |
addrPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
addrPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
addrPrimTyConName | TysPrim |
AddrRegImm | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.AddrMode |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
AddrRegReg | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.AddrMode |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
AddrRemOp | PrimOp |
AddrRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
addrRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
AddrSubOp | PrimOp |
AddrToAnyOp | PrimOp |
addRuleInfo | Rules, GhcPlugins |
addSigCtxt | TcHsType |
addSimplCount | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
addSimples | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
addSolvedDict | TcSMonad |
addSourceToTokens | GHC |
AddSptEntry | GHCi |
addSptEntry | GHCi |
addSRM | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
addTarget | GHC |
addTcEvBind | TcRnMonad, TcMType |
addTcgDUs | RnSource |
addTicksToBinds | Coverage |
addTmCsDs | DsMonad |
addToHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
addToMem | StgCmmUtils |
addToMemE | StgCmmUtils |
addToMemLbl | StgCmmUtils |
addToMemLblE | StgCmmUtils |
addToUDFM | UniqDFM |
addToUDFM_C | UniqDFM |
addToUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUFM_Acc | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUniqMap | UniqMap |
addToUniqMap_Acc | UniqMap |
addToUniqMap_C | UniqMap |
addTyArgTo | SimplUtils |
addTypecheckedBinds | TcBinds |
addUsedDataCons | RnEnv |
addUsedGRE | |
1 (Function) | RnEnv |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
addUsedGREs | |
1 (Function) | RnEnv |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
addValArgTo | SimplUtils |
addWarn | |
1 (Function) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
addWarnAt | TcRnMonad |
addWarning | Lexer |
addWarnTc | TcRnMonad |
addWarnTcM | TcRnMonad |
addWay' | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ADDZE | PPC.Instr |
ADD_CC | X86.Instr |
add_warn | TcRnMonad |
adjustHpBackwards | StgCmmLayout |
adjustMatchResult | DsUtils |
adjustMatchResultDs | DsUtils |
adjustUDFM | UniqDFM |
adjustUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
adjustUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
adjustUniqMap | UniqMap |
advanceSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
afilter | Ar |
AGlobal | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
aGraphToGraph | StgCmmMonad |
AixLD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ai_args | SimplUtils |
ai_discs | SimplUtils |
ai_encl | SimplUtils |
ai_fun | SimplUtils |
ai_rules | SimplUtils |
ai_strs | SimplUtils |
ai_type | SimplUtils |
AlgAlt | StgSyn |
algTcFields | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
AlgTyConFlav | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
AlgTyConRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
algTyConRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
Alias | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
aliasify | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
Alignment | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
all2 | Util, GhcPlugins |
allArgRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
allBag | Bag |
allBoundVariables | TcType |
allBoundVariabless | TcType |
AllCafsCC | CostCentre |
allDistinctTyVars | TcValidity |
allDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
allFPArgRegs | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
allHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
allIntArgRegs | X86.Regs |
allM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
allMachRegNos | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
AllModes | CmdLineParser |
allNameStrings | PrelNames |
allNonDeprecatedFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Alloca | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
allocatableRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
allocateGlobalBinder | IfaceEnv |
allocateReg | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
3 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
AllocationLimitExceeded | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
allocDynClosure | StgCmmHeap |
allocDynClosureCmm | StgCmmHeap |
allocHeapClosure | StgCmmHeap |
allocMoreStack | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | PPC.Instr |
ALLOC_AP | ByteCodeInstr |
ALLOC_AP_NOUPD | ByteCodeInstr |
ALLOC_PAP | ByteCodeInstr |
allowInterrupt | Exception |
allPhasesDataConKey | THNames |
allPhasesDataConName | THNames |
allRealRegs | SPARC.Regs |
allThePrimOps | PrimOp |
AllTheWay | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
allUDFM | UniqDFM |
allUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
allUniqMap | UniqMap |
allUses | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
allValid | ErrUtils |
allVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
aLL_DPH_PRIM_TYCONS | Vectorise.Builtins.Base |
all_RDR | PrelNames |
ALoad | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
alphaTy | TysPrim |
alphaTys | TysPrim |
alphaTyVar | TysPrim |
alphaTyVars | TysPrim, GHC |
alr_context | Lexer |
alr_expecting_ocurly | Lexer |
alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock | Lexer |
alr_last_loc | Lexer |
alr_next_token | Lexer |
alr_pending_implicit_tokens | Lexer |
Alt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AltCon | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
alterDNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
alterDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
alterFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
alterNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
alternativeClassKey | PrelNames |
alternativeClassName | PrelNames |
alterOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
alterTM | TrieMap |
alterUDFM | UniqDFM |
alterUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
alterUniqMap | UniqMap |
alterVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
altHeapCheck | StgCmmHeap |
altHeapCheckReturnsTo | StgCmmHeap |
AltMerge | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
AltPpr | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
altsAreExhaustive | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
AltType | StgSyn |
alt_bndrs | DsUtils |
alt_pat | DsUtils |
alt_RDR | PrelNames |
alt_result | DsUtils |
alt_wrapper | DsUtils |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
Always | Util, GhcPlugins |
AlwaysActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
alwaysFailMatchResult | DsUtils |
AlwaysInline | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
alwaysInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
alwaysLive | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
alwaysQualify | Outputable, GhcPlugins, GHC |
alwaysQualifyModules | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
alwaysQualifyNames | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
alwaysQualifyPackages | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
AlwaysTailCalled | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
alwaysUnsafeUfmToUdfm | UniqDFM |
Ambiguous | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
AmbiguousFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
ambiguousFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
Amode | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
AMO_Add | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_And | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Nand | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Or | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Sub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Xor | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
analyzeCmmBwd | Hoopl.Dataflow |
analyzeCmmFwd | Hoopl.Dataflow |
AND | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
And | BooleanFormula |
ANDC | PPC.Instr |
andCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
andIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
andIntegerName | PrelNames |
AndIOp | PrimOp |
andManyCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ANDN | SPARC.Instr |
AndOp | PrimOp |
andValid | ErrUtils |
andWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
and_RDR | PrelNames |
angleBrackets | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
AnId | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
AnnAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnAnyclass | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnApp | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnAs | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnAt | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBackquote | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBang | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnBlockComment | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBy | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCase | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnCast | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnClass | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnClose | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseB | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseBU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseC | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseP | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseQ | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseQU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseS | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCoercion | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnColon | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnComma | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCommaTuple | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
annCtxt | TcAnnotations |
AnnD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
AnnDarrow | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDarrowU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnData | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDcolon | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDcolonU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
AnnDefault | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDeriving | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDo | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocCommentNamed | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocCommentNext | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocCommentPrev | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocOptions | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocSection | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDot | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDotdot | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnElse | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnEnv | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnEofPos | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnEqual | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnExport | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnExpr' | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnFamily | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnForall | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnForallU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnForeign | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnFunId | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnGroup | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnHeader | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnHiding | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnIf | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnImport | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnIn | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnInfix | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnInstance | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnKeywordId | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLam | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnLarrow | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
Annlarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLarrowtailU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnlarrowtailU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLarrowU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLet | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnLineComment | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnMdo | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnMinus | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnModule | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnName | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnNewtype | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnNonRec | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnOf | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpen | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenB | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenBU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenC | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenE | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenEQ | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenEQU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenP | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenPE | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenPTE | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenS | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Annotation | |
1 (Type/Class) | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnotationComment | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
annotations | Lexer |
annotations_comments | Lexer |
AnnPackageName | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnPattern | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnPayload | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnProc | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnProvenance | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
annProvenanceName_maybe | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
AnnQualified | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRarrow | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
Annrarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRarrowtailU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnrarrowtailU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRarrowU | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRec | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnRole | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnSafe | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnSemi | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnSignature | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnSimpleQuote | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnStatic | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnStock | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnTarget | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnThen | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnThIdSplice | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnThIdTySplice | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnThTyQuote | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnTick | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnTilde | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnTildehsh | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnType | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnUnit | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnUsing | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnVal | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnValStr | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnVar | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnVbar | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnWhere | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
ann_target | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
ann_value | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnonTCB | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
AnonWildCard | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
Any | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
anyBag | Bag |
anyBagM | Bag |
anyBoxConKey | PrelNames |
anyclassDataConKey | THNames |
AnyclassStrategy | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
anyclassStrategyDataConName | THNames |
anyDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
anyDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
AnyHpcUsage | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
anyHsc | DriverPhases |
anyM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
anyNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
anyRewritableTyVar | TcType |
AnySuffix | CmdLineParser |
AnySuffixPred | CmdLineParser |
AnythingKind | TcValidity |
AnyToAddrOp | PrimOp |
anyTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
anyTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
anyTyConKey | PrelNames |
anyTypeOfKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
anyUDFM | UniqDFM |
anyUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
anyUniqMap | UniqMap |
anyVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
AP | RtClosureInspect |
apAClassOpKey | PrelNames |
apAName | PrelNames |
apartnessCheck | FamInstEnv |
ApiAnnKey | ApiAnnotation |
ApiAnns | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
App | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
appAIdKey | PrelNames |
appAName | PrelNames |
appEIdKey | THNames |
appEName | THNames |
appendFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
appendGroups | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
appendIdKey | PrelNames |
Appending | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
appendName | PrelNames |
appendStringBuffers | StringBuffer |
appendStubC | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
appendWorkList | TcSMonad |
append_RDR | PrelNames |
appE_RDR | THNames |
appIsBottom | Demand |
appKIdKey | THNames |
appKName | THNames |
AppleClang | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
AppleClang51 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Applicative | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
ApplicativeArg | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ApplicativeArgMany | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ApplicativeArgOne | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
applicativeClassKey | PrelNames |
applicativeClassName | PrelNames |
ApplicativeStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ApplyMR | TcSimplify |
applyNameMaker | RnPat |
ApplyToTy | SimplUtils |
ApplyToVal | SimplUtils |
applyTypeToArg | CoreSyn, CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
applyTypeToArgs | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
applyTysX | Type, GhcPlugins |
applyVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
appOL | OrdList |
AppOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
appPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
approximateWC | TcSimplify |
appTIdKey | THNames |
appTName | THNames |
appTypeEIdKey | THNames |
appTypeEName | THNames |
APromotionErr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
ap_RDR | PrelNames |
aP_STACK_SPLIM | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Arch | Platform |
ArchAlpha | Platform |
ArchARM | Platform |
ArchARM64 | Platform |
Archive | |
1 (Type/Class) | Ar |
2 (Data Constructor) | Ar |
ArchiveEntry | |
1 (Type/Class) | Ar |
2 (Data Constructor) | Ar |
ArchJavaScript | Platform |
ArchMipseb | Platform |
ArchMipsel | Platform |
ArchPPC | Platform |
ArchPPC_64 | Platform |
ArchSPARC | Platform |
ArchSPARC64 | Platform |
ArchUnknown | Platform |
archWordFormat | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | PPC.Instr |
ArchX86 | Platform |
ArchX86_64 | Platform |
Area | CmmExpr, Cmm |
Arg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ArgDescr | SMRep |
ArgFlag | Var, IfaceType, Type, IfaceSyn, TcType, GhcPlugins |
ArgGen | SMRep |
ArgInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | SimplUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | SimplUtils |
argInfoAppArgs | SimplUtils |
argInfoExpr | SimplUtils |
argOneShots | Demand |
argPrimRep | StgCmmClosure |
argRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
ArgRep | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
argRepSizeW | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
argRepString | StgCmmArgRep |
args | CmmNode, Cmm |
argsOneShots | Demand |
ArgSpec | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SMRep |
2 (Type/Class) | SimplUtils |
ArgSummary | CoreUnfold |
aRG_GEN | SMRep |
arg_space | Cmm |
arisesFromGivens | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ArithException | Exception |
ArithSeq | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ArithSeqInfo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ArithSeqOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Arity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
arityErr | TcValidity |
ArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
arityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ArmABI | Platform |
armABI | Platform |
ArmISA | Platform |
armISA | Platform |
ArmISAExt | Platform |
armISAExt | Platform |
ARMv5 | Platform |
ARMv6 | Platform |
ARMv7 | Platform |
arrAIdKey | PrelNames |
arrAName | PrelNames |
arrayArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
arrayArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
ArrayException | Exception |
arrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
arrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
ArrayPtrsRep | SMRep |
ArrayWordsRep | SMRep |
aRROW | PrelNames |
arrow | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
ArrowCtxt | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ArrowExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
arrowKIdKey | THNames |
arrowKName | THNames |
ArrowSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
arrowt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
arrowTIdKey | THNames |
arrowTName | THNames |
arrowtt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
arrPtrsHdrSize | SMRep |
arrPtrsHdrSizeW | SMRep |
arrPtrsRep | SMRep |
arrWordsHdrSize | SMRep |
arrWordsHdrSizeW | SMRep |
arrWordsRep | SMRep |
As | DriverPhases |
asJoinCeilLvl | SetLevels |
asJoinId | Id, GhcPlugins |
asJoinId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins |
askAr | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
askLd | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
askNoErrs | TcRnMonad |
askNoErrsDs | DsMonad |
Asm | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
AsmStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
asmStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
AsPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
asPIdKey | THNames |
asPName | THNames |
assembleBCOs | ByteCodeAsm |
assembleOneBCO | ByteCodeAsm |
assert | Exception |
assertErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
assertErrorName | PrelNames |
assertIdKey | PrelNames |
AssertionFailed | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
assertName | PrelNames |
assertNonVoidIds | StgCmmClosure |
assertNonVoidStgArgs | StgCmmClosure |
assertPanic | Panic, Outputable, GhcPlugins |
assertPprPanic | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
assignArgumentsPos | CmmCallConv |
AssignedDirectly | StgCmmMonad |
assignMem_I64Code | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen64 |
Assignment | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
assignReg_I64Code | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen64 |
assignStack | CmmCallConv |
assignTemp | StgCmmUtils |
AssignTo | StgCmmMonad |
Assoc | ListSetOps |
assoc | ListSetOps |
assocDefault | ListSetOps |
assocDefaultUsing | ListSetOps |
assocMaybe | ListSetOps |
assocUsing | ListSetOps |
AsyncException | Exception |
asyncExceptionFromException | Exception |
asyncExceptionToException | Exception |
as_arg_ty | SimplUtils |
as_hole_ty | SimplUtils |
ATcId | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
ATcTyCon | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
atEnd | StringBuffer |
ATI | Class |
atLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
atLine | StringBuffer |
AtomicallyOp | PrimOp |
AtomicMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AtomicModifyMutVarOp | PrimOp |
AtomicReadByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
atomicReadLabel | CPrim |
AtomicRMW | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
atomicRMWLabel | CPrim |
atomicUpdMutVar | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
atomicUpdMutVar' | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
AtomicWriteByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
atomicWriteLabel | CPrim |
attachContInfoTables | CmmProcPoint |
ATyCon | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ATyVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
augmentIdKey | PrelNames |
augmentName | PrelNames |
Auto | Util, GhcPlugins |
Avail | Avail |
avail | Avail |
availFlds | Avail |
availFromGRE | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
AvailInfo | Avail |
availName | Avail |
availNames | Avail |
availNamesWithSelectors | Avail |
availNonFldNames | Avail |
Avails | Avail |
availsToGlobalRdrEnv | InteractiveEval |
availsToNameEnv | Avail |
availsToNameSet | Avail |
availsToNameSetWithSelectors | Avail |
AvailTC | Avail |
avoidClashesOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
avx | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512cd | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512er | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512f | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512pf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
b128 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
b16 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
b256 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
b32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
b512 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
b64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
b8 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
back | InteractiveEval, GHC |
Backwards | Util, GhcPlugins |
badATErr | TcValidity |
badBootDeclErr | TcBinds |
badFieldCon | TcPat |
badKindSig | TcHsType |
badMethodErr | TcClassDcl |
badQualBndrErr | RnUtils |
badReexportedBootThing | TcRnDriver |
Bag | Bag |
BagDerivStuff | TcGenDeriv |
bagToList | Bag |
bangIdKey | THNames |
bangName | THNames |
BangPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
bangPatEnabled | Lexer |
bangPIdKey | THNames |
bangPName | THNames |
bangTKey | THNames |
BangType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
bangTypeName | THNames |
bangTypeQTyConKey | THNames |
bangTypeQTyConName | THNames |
bang_RDR | RdrHsSyn |
baseN | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
BaseReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
baseReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
baseUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
BasicBlock | Cmm, Instruction |
basicKnownKeyNames | PrelNames |
batchMsg | HscMain |
BCat | Hoopl.Block |
BCC | PPC.Instr |
BCCFAR | PPC.Instr |
BCInstr | ByteCodeInstr |
bciStackUse | ByteCodeInstr |
bcoFreeNames | ByteCodeAsm |
BCONPtr | ByteCodeTypes |
BCONPtrItbl | ByteCodeTypes |
BCONPtrLbl | ByteCodeTypes |
BCONPtrStr | ByteCodeTypes |
BCONPtrWord | ByteCodeTypes |
BCons | Hoopl.Block |
bcoPrimTy | TysPrim |
bcoPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
bcoPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
BCOPtr | ByteCodeTypes |
BCOPtrBCO | ByteCodeTypes |
BCOPtrBreakArray | ByteCodeTypes |
BCOPtrName | ByteCodeTypes |
BCOPtrPrimOp | ByteCodeTypes |
BCOs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
BCTR | PPC.Instr |
BCTRL | PPC.Instr |
bc_bcos | ByteCodeTypes |
bc_breaks | ByteCodeTypes |
bc_ffis | ByteCodeTypes |
bc_itbls | ByteCodeTypes |
bc_strs | ByteCodeTypes |
beforePhaseDataConKey | THNames |
beforePhaseDataConName | THNames |
bestImport | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
bestOneShot | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
BetaReduction | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
betaTy | TysPrim |
betaTyVar | TysPrim |
BF | SPARC.Instr |
bFlush | BufWrite |
bHalfWord | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
BI | SPARC.Instr |
Bin | Binary |
Binary | Binary |
Bind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
bindArgsToRegs | StgCmmEnv |
bindArgToReg | StgCmmEnv |
bindConArgs | StgCmmCon |
binderArgFlag | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
binderKind | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
binderRelevantType_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
bindersOf | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
bindersOfBinds | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
binderVar | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
binderVars | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
BindFlag | Unify |
bindFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
bindHsQTyVars | RnTypes |
BindingSite | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
bindIOIdKey | PrelNames |
bindIOName | PrelNames |
bindIO_RDR | PrelNames |
bindLHsTyVarBndr | RnTypes |
bindLocalNames | RnUtils |
bindLocalNamesFV | RnUtils |
bindLRdrNames | RnTypes |
bindMClassOpKey | PrelNames |
BindMe | Unify |
bindMName | PrelNames |
bindM_RDR | PrelNames |
bindNonRec | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
bindQIdKey | THNames |
bindQName | THNames |
bindSIdKey | THNames |
bindSigTyVarsFV | RnTypes |
bindSName | THNames |
bindsOnlyPass | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
BindStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
bindToReg | StgCmmEnv |
bind_fvs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
BinHandle | Binary |
binSpillReasons | RegAlloc.Linear.Stats, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
bitIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
bitIntegerName | PrelNames |
Bitmap | Bitmap |
bITMAP_BITS_SHIFT | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
bitMask | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
BL | PPC.Instr |
BlackHole | SMRep, Cmm |
Blackhole | RtClosureInspect |
blackHoleOnEntry | StgCmmClosure |
blackHoleRep | SMRep |
blankLine | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
BlankSrcSpan | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDumpAst |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDumpAst |
blankWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
Block | Hoopl.Block, Hoopl.Dataflow |
blockAppend | Hoopl.Block |
BlockAssignment | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
BlockCC | Hoopl.Block |
BlockCO | Hoopl.Block |
blockCons | Hoopl.Block |
BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
blockFromList | Hoopl.Block |
BlockId | BlockId |
blockId | Cmm, Instruction |
blockJoin | Hoopl.Block |
blockJoinHead | Hoopl.Block |
blockJoinTail | Hoopl.Block |
blockLabel | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
blockLbl | BlockId |
BlockMap | RegAlloc.Liveness |
BlockOC | Hoopl.Block |
blockSnoc | Hoopl.Block |
blockSplit | Hoopl.Block |
blockSplitHead | Hoopl.Block |
blockSplitTail | Hoopl.Block |
blockStmts | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
bLOCKS_PER_MBLOCK | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
blockTicks | CmmUtils |
blockToList | Hoopl.Block |
bLOCK_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
bLOCK_SIZE_W | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
BMiddle | Hoopl.Block |
bmiVersion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
bndrIsJoin_maybe | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
BndrLvl | SetLevels |
bndrRuleAndUnfoldingVarsDSet | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
BNil | Hoopl.Block |
Body | Hoopl.Graph |
bodyList | Hoopl.Graph |
BodyStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
bodyToBlockList | CmmUtils |
BooleanFormula | BooleanFormula |
boolToRecFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
boolTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
boolTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
boolTyConKey | PrelNames |
boolTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
boolTyCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
BootUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
bootUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
BoringCtxt | CoreUnfold |
boringCxtNotOk | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
boringCxtOk | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
botDmd | Demand |
botDmdType | Demand |
bothCleanDmd | Demand |
bothDmd | Demand |
BothDmdArg | Demand |
bothDmdType | Demand |
botRes | Demand |
botSig | Demand |
BottomFound | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
bound | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
boundedClassKey | PrelNames |
boundedClassName | PrelNames |
bound_to | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
boxConTbl | TcGenDeriv |
Boxed | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
BoxedTuple | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
boxingDataCon_maybe | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
Boxity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
boxityConKey | PrelNames |
boxityTupleSort | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
boxResult | DsCCall |
bPutChar | BufWrite |
bPutFS | BufWrite |
bPutFZS | BufWrite |
bPutLitString | BufWrite |
bPutStr | BufWrite |
braces | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
Brack | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
bracket | Exception |
bracketOnError | Exception |
brackets | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
BracketSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
bracket_ | Exception |
Branch | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
Branched | CoAxiom |
Branches | CoAxiom |
BranchFlag | CoAxiom |
BranchIf | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
BranchIndex | CoAxiom |
breakColon | SysTools.Process |
BreakIndex | ByteCodeTypes, GHC |
BreakInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | InteractiveEvalTypes, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | InteractiveEvalTypes |
breakInfo | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
breakInfo_module | InteractiveEvalTypes, GHC |
breakInfo_number | InteractiveEvalTypes, GHC |
breakIntColon | SysTools.Process |
breakNames | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
Breakpoint | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
breakpointAutoIdKey | PrelNames |
breakpointAutoJumpIdKey | PrelNames |
breakpointAutoJumpName | PrelNames |
breakpointAutoName | PrelNames |
breakpointCondIdKey | PrelNames |
breakpointCondJumpIdKey | PrelNames |
breakpointCondJumpName | PrelNames |
breakpointCondName | PrelNames |
breakpointFVs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
breakpointId | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
breakpointIdKey | PrelNames |
breakpointJumpIdKey | PrelNames |
breakpointJumpName | PrelNames |
breakpointName | PrelNames |
BreakpointStatus | GHCi |
breakpointStatus | GHCi |
BRK_FUN | ByteCodeInstr |
BSF | X86.Instr |
BSnoc | Hoopl.Block |
BSR | X86.Instr |
BSWAP | X86.Instr |
BSwap16Op | PrimOp |
BSwap32Op | PrimOp |
BSwap64Op | PrimOp |
bSwapLabel | CPrim |
BSwapOp | PrimOp |
BT | X86.Instr |
buf | StringBuffer |
buffer | Lexer |
BufHandle | |
1 (Type/Class) | BufWrite |
2 (Data Constructor) | BufWrite |
bufLeftRender | Pretty |
bufLeftRenderSDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
buildAlgTyCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
buildClass | BuildTyCl |
buildClosures | Vectorise.Utils.Closure, Vectorise.Utils |
buildDataCon | BuildTyCl |
buildDynCon | StgCmmCon |
builderMainLoop | SysTools.Process |
BuildError | SysTools.Process |
buildIdKey | PrelNames |
buildImplication | TcSMonad |
buildImplicationFor | TcUnify |
BuildMessage | SysTools.Process |
BuildMsg | SysTools.Process |
buildName | PrelNames |
buildPADict | Vectorise.Generic.PADict |
buildPAScAndMethods | Vectorise.Generic.PAMethods |
buildPatSyn | BuildTyCl |
buildPDatasTyCon | Vectorise.Generic.PData |
buildPDataTyCon | Vectorise.Generic.PData |
buildPReprTyCon | Vectorise.Generic.PAMethods |
buildSynTyCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
buildTag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
build_RDR | PrelNames |
builtin | Vectorise.Monad |
BuiltinRule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
builtinRules | PrelRules, MkId, PrelInfo |
Builtins | |
1 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
builtins | Vectorise.Monad |
BuiltInSynFamily | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoAxiom, TcTypeNats |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoAxiom, TcTypeNats |
BuiltInSynFamTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
BuiltInSyntax | |
1 (Type/Class) | Name, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Name, GhcPlugins |
BuiltInTypeFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
bullet | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
bumpCtLocDepth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
bumpStepCountTcS | TcSMonad |
bumpSubGoalDepth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
bumpVersion | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
bWord | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
ByteArrayContents_Char | PrimOp |
ByteArrayIsPinnedOp | PrimOp |
byteArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
byteArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
byteArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
byteCodeGen | ByteCodeGen |
byteCodeOfObject | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
byteDiff | StringBuffer |
ByteOff | SMRep |
bytesFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
bytesToWordsRoundUp | SMRep |
ByVal | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
C | Hoopl.Block, Hoopl.Dataflow |
c1TyConKey | PrelNames |
c1TyConName | PrelNames |
cab_cvs | CoAxiom |
cab_incomps | CoAxiom |
cab_lhs | CoAxiom |
cab_loc | CoAxiom |
cab_rhs | CoAxiom |
cab_roles | CoAxiom |
cab_tvs | CoAxiom |
Cached | TcSMonad |
cafAnal | CmmBuildInfoTables |
cafBlackHoleInfoTable | StgCmmClosure |
CafCC | CostCentre |
CAFEnv | CmmBuildInfoTables |
CafInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
cafInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
CAFSet | CmmBuildInfoTables |
calculateAvails | RnNames |
CALL | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
Call | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | MkGraph |
callArityAnalProgram | CallArity |
callArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
callArityRHS | CallArity |
callClobberedRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
CallCtxt | CoreUnfold |
callerSaves | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
3 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.SPARC |
4 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin |
5 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC |
6 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs |
7 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 |
8 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM |
9 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform, StgCmmUtils |
callerSaveVolatileRegs | StgCmmUtils |
CallishMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
callishMachOpHints | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
CallM | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
CallMethod | StgCmmClosure |
callProcPoints | CmmProcPoint |
CallReference | PIC |
callSiteInline | CoreUnfold |
callStackDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
callStackTyConKey | PrelNames |
callStackTyConName | PrelNames |
CanDerive | TcDerivUtils |
canDeriveAnyClass | TcDerivUtils |
candidateQTyVarsOfType | TcType |
candidateQTyVarsOfTypes | TcType |
CandidatesQTvs | TcType |
canDiverge | TmOracle |
canDoGenerics | TcGenGenerics |
canDoGenerics1 | TcGenGenerics |
CanFail | DsMonad, DsUtils |
canGenerateDynamicToo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
CanItFail | DsMonad, DsUtils |
cannotFindInterface | Finder |
cannotFindModule | Finder |
canonicalize | TcCanonical |
canonicalizeHomeModule | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
canShortcut | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
3 (Function) | PPC.RegInfo |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
canSolveByUnification | TcUnify |
CantFail | DsMonad, DsUtils |
cantFailMatchResult | DsUtils |
cantVectorise | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
canUnfold | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
canUseColor | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
cApiCallIdKey | THNames |
cApiCallName | THNames |
CApiConv | ForeignCall |
capitalise | Util, GhcPlugins |
captureConstraints | TcRnMonad |
captureTopConstraints | TcSimplify |
card | SMRep |
cardRoundUp | SMRep |
cardTableSizeB | SMRep |
cardTableSizeW | SMRep |
CARRY | X86.Cond |
CasArrayOp | PrimOp |
CasByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
Case | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CaseAlt | |
1 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Type/Class) | DsUtils |
CaseBind | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
caseBinder | Type, GhcPlugins |
CaseCtxt | CoreUnfold |
caseEIdKey | THNames |
CaseElim | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
caseEName | THNames |
CASEFAIL | ByteCodeInstr |
CaseIdentity | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CaseMerge | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CaseOfCase | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CasePatBind | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
caseRules | PrelRules, MkId |
CasMutVarOp | PrimOp |
CasSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
Cast | |
1 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
castBin | Binary |
castBottomExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
CastBy | SimplUtils |
castCoercionKind | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
castDoubleToWord8Array | PprBase |
castFloatToWord8Array | PprBase |
CastIt | SimplUtils |
cat | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
catAGraphs | MkGraph |
catBagMaybes | Bag |
catch | Exception |
catchArgDmd | Demand |
catches | Exception |
catchIO | Exception |
catchJust | Exception |
CatchOp | PrimOp |
CatchRetryOp | PrimOp |
CatchSTMOp | PrimOp |
catMaybes | Maybes |
cBooterVersion | Config |
cBuildPlatformString | Config |
Cc | DriverPhases |
CCALL | ByteCodeInstr |
CCall | ForeignCall |
CCallConv | |
1 (Type/Class) | ForeignCall |
2 (Data Constructor) | ForeignCall |
ccallConvAttribute | ForeignCall |
ccallConvToInt | ForeignCall |
cCallIdKey | THNames |
cCallName | THNames |
CCallSpec | |
1 (Type/Class) | ForeignCall |
2 (Data Constructor) | ForeignCall |
CCallTarget | ForeignCall |
CCCS | CmmExpr, Cmm |
ccFromThisModule | CostCentre |
CcName | CostCentre |
ccOptions | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
CCostCentre | ByteCodeTypes |
ccsType | StgCmmProf |
ccType | StgCmmProf |
Ccxx | DriverPhases |
CC_Ccc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
cc_class | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CC_Coldcc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
cc_eq_rel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_ev | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CC_Fastcc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
cc_fsk | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_fun | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CC_Ghc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
cc_hole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_insol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_is_caf | CostCentre |
cc_key | CostCentre |
cc_loc | CostCentre |
cc_mod | CostCentre |
cc_name | CostCentre |
CC_Ncc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
cc_pend_sc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_rhs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_tyargs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cc_tyvar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CC_X86_Stdcc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
CDictCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cd_fld_doc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
cd_fld_names | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
cd_fld_type | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
certainlyWillInline | CoreUnfold |
CExport | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
CExportSpec | ForeignCall |
CExportStatic | ForeignCall |
CFunction | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
CFunEqCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cgBind | StgCmmBind |
CgBreakInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeTypes |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeTypes |
cgb_resty | ByteCodeTypes |
cgb_vars | ByteCodeTypes |
cgd_dflags | StgCmmMonad |
cgd_mod | StgCmmMonad |
cgd_self_loop | StgCmmMonad |
cgd_sequel | StgCmmMonad |
cgd_ticky | StgCmmMonad |
cgd_tick_scope | StgCmmMonad |
cgd_updfr_off | StgCmmMonad |
cgExpr | StgCmmExpr |
cgForeignCall | StgCmmForeign |
CgFork | MkGraph |
CgGuts | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cGhcDebugged | Config |
cGhcEnableTablesNextToCode | Config |
cGhcRTSWays | Config |
cGhcRtsWithLibdw | Config |
cGhcThreaded | Config |
cGhcWithInterpreter | Config |
cGhcWithNativeCodeGen | Config |
cGhcWithSMP | Config |
cGHC_SPLIT_PGM | Config |
cGHC_UNLIT_PGM | Config |
CgIdInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | StgCmmMonad, StgCmmEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | StgCmmMonad |
CgInfoDownwards | StgCmmMonad |
CgLabel | MkGraph |
CgLast | MkGraph |
cgLit | StgCmmUtils |
CgLoc | StgCmmClosure |
cgOpApp | StgCmmPrim |
cgPrimOp | StgCmmPrim |
CgState | StgCmmMonad |
CgStmt | |
1 (Type/Class) | MkGraph |
2 (Data Constructor) | MkGraph |
cgs_binds | StgCmmMonad |
cgs_hp_usg | StgCmmMonad |
cgs_stmts | StgCmmMonad |
cgs_tops | StgCmmMonad |
cgs_uniqs | StgCmmMonad |
cgTopRhsClosure | StgCmmBind |
cgTopRhsCon | StgCmmCon |
cg_binds | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_dep_pkgs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_foreign | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_foreign_files | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_hpc_info | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_id | StgCmmMonad |
cg_lf | StgCmmMonad |
cg_loc | StgCmmMonad |
cg_modBreaks | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_module | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_spt_entries | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
cg_tycons | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
Changed | Hoopl.Dataflow |
changedIf | Hoopl.Dataflow |
changeLast | Util, GhcPlugins |
changeTempFilesLifetime | FileCleanup |
char | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
char2IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
charDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
charDataConKey | PrelNames |
CharEqOp | PrimOp |
CharGeOp | PrimOp |
CharGtOp | PrimOp |
CharLeOp | PrimOp |
charLIdKey | THNames |
charLName | THNames |
CharLtOp | PrimOp |
CharNeOp | PrimOp |
charPrimLIdKey | THNames |
charPrimLName | THNames |
charPrimL_RDR | THNames |
charPrimTy | TysPrim |
charPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
charPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
charPrimTyConName | TysPrim |
charToC | Util, GhcPlugins |
charTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
charTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
charTyConKey | PrelNames |
charTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
charTyCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
CheapAppFun | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
cheapEqExpr | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
cheapEqExpr' | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
CheapFun | CoreArity |
Check | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PrimOp |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcType, TcMType |
checkAxInstCo | OptCoercion |
checkBlock | SPARC.CodeGen.Sanity |
checkBootDecl | TcRnDriver |
checkBootDeclM | TcRnDriver |
checkClassCycles | TcTyDecls |
checkCoercionHole | TcMType |
checkCommand | RdrHsSyn |
checkConName | RnNames |
checkConstraints | TcUnify |
checkContext | RdrHsSyn |
checkCTarget | TcForeign |
checkDoAndIfThenElse | RdrHsSyn |
checkDotnetResNameIdKey | PrelNames |
checkDupAndShadowedNames | RnUtils |
checkDupNames | RnUtils |
checkDupRdrNames | RnUtils |
checkedTick | SimplMonad |
checkErr | TcRnMonad |
checkExpectedKindX | TcHsType |
checkFamInstConsistency | FamInst |
checkForeignArgs | TcForeign |
checkForeignRes | TcForeign |
checkForLevPoly | TcMType |
checkForLevPolyX | TcMType |
checkFunDeps | FunDeps |
checkHiBootIface' | TcRnDriver |
CheckHiWay | |
1 (Type/Class) | BinIface |
2 (Data Constructor) | BinIface |
checkImportSpec | RdrHsSyn |
checkingExpType | TcMType |
checkingExpType_maybe | TcMType |
checkInstCoverage | FunDeps |
checkInstTermination | TcValidity |
checkLinkInfo | SysTools.ExtraObj, DriverPipeline |
checkMatches | Check |
checkMonadComp | RdrHsSyn |
checkNoErrs | TcRnMonad |
checkOldIface | MkIface |
checkPattern | RdrHsSyn |
checkPatterns | RdrHsSyn |
checkPrecMatch | RnTypes |
checkPrecP | RdrHsSyn |
checkProcessArgsResult | HeaderInfo |
checkRecordSyntax | RdrHsSyn |
checkRecTc | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
checkReductionDepth | TcSMonad |
checkSafe | TcForeign |
checkSectionPrec | RnTypes |
checkShadowedRdrNames | RnUtils |
checkSideConditions | TcDerivUtils |
checkSingle | Check |
checkStackReg | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
checkSynCycles | TcTyDecls |
checkTc | TcRnMonad |
checkTcM | TcRnMonad |
checkTH | TcRnMonad |
checkThLocalName | RnSplice |
checkTupSize | RnUtils, RnPat |
checkTySynRhs | TcValidity |
checkUnitId | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver |
checkValDef | RdrHsSyn |
checkValidClsArgs | TcType |
checkValidCoAxBranch | TcValidity |
checkValidCoAxiom | TcValidity |
checkValidFamPats | TcValidity |
checkValidInferredKinds | TcValidity |
checkValidInstance | TcValidity |
checkValidInstHead | TcValidity |
checkValidMonoType | TcValidity |
checkValidTelescope | TcValidity |
checkValidTheta | TcValidity |
checkValidTyCon | TcTyClsDecls |
checkValidTyFamEqn | TcValidity |
checkValidType | TcValidity |
checkValSigLhs | RdrHsSyn |
checkWellStaged | TcEnv |
checkWellStagedDFun | TcSMonad |
checkWiredInTyCon | LoadIface, TcIface |
checkZonkValidTelescope | TcValidity |
ChildCode64 | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
ChildLookupResult | RnEnv |
chkAppend | Util, GhcPlugins |
choiceAIdKey | PrelNames |
choiceAName | PrelNames |
CHoleCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
chooseInferredQuantifiers | TcBinds |
chooseOrphanAnchor | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
chooseSpill | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
chooseUniqueOccTc | TcRnMonad |
choose_RDR | PrelNames |
cHostPlatformString | Config |
Chr | Pretty |
ChrOp | PrimOp |
chunkify | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
chunkList | Util, GhcPlugins |
cid_binds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cid_datafam_insts | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cid_inst | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cid_overlap_mode | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cid_poly_ty | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cid_sigs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cid_tyfam_insts | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
CImport | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
CImportSpec | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cInt | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
cIntegerLibrary | Config |
cIntegerLibraryType | Config |
cIntWidth | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
cINT_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
CIrredCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cit_lbl | Cmm |
cit_prof | Cmm |
cit_rep | Cmm |
cit_srt | Cmm |
CLabel | |
1 (Type/Class) | CLabel |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
CLabelString | ForeignCall |
Clang | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Class | Class, GHC |
classAllSelIds | Class |
classArity | Class |
ClassATItem | Class |
classATItems | Class |
classATs | Class, GHC |
classBigSig | Class |
classDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
ClassDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ClassDeclCtx | RnUtils |
classDIdKey | THNames |
classDName | THNames |
classExtraBigSig | Class |
ClassF64 | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
ClassFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
ClassG16 | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
ClassG32 | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
ClassG8 | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
classHasFds | Class |
classifiesTypeWithValues | Kind, TcType |
classifyPredType | Type, GhcPlugins |
classifyTyCons | Vectorise.Type.Classify |
ClassInstanceCtx | RnUtils |
classInstances | InstEnv |
classKey | Class |
classMethods | Class, GHC |
ClassMinimalDef | Class |
classMinimalDef | Class |
className | Class |
classOfRealReg | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
classOfReg | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 |
classOfVirtualReg | Reg |
ClassOpId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ClassOpItem | Class |
classOpItems | Class |
ClassOpSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ClassPE | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ClassPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
ClassSCCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
classSCSelId | Class |
classSCTheta | Class, GHC |
classTvsFds | Class, GHC |
ClassTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
classTyCon | Class |
classTyVars | Class |
clauseIdKey | THNames |
clauseName | THNames |
clauseQTyConKey | THNames |
clauseQTyConName | THNames |
clauseTyConKey | THNames |
clauseTyConName | THNames |
cLeadingUnderscore | Config |
cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles | FileCleanup |
CleanDemand | Demand |
cleanEvalDmd | Demand |
cleanEvalProdDmd | Demand |
cleanSpills | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillClean |
cleanTempDirs | FileCleanup |
cleanTempFiles | FileCleanup |
cleanUseDmd_maybe | Demand |
ClearCCSOp | PrimOp |
clearOneShotLambda | Id, GhcPlugins |
ClearPackageDBs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
CLeft | BasicTypes, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
cLibFFI | Config |
CloneArrayOp | PrimOp |
cloneBndr | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
cloneBndrs | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
cloneIdBndr | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
cloneIdBndrs | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
cloneLocalName | TcRnMonad |
cloneMetaTyVar | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
CloneMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
cloneRecIdBndrs | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
CloneSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
CloneSmallMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
cloneTyVarBndr | Type, GhcPlugins |
cloneTyVarBndrs | Type, GhcPlugins |
cloneVar | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
cloneWanted | TcMType |
cloneWC | TcMType |
cLONG_LONG_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
cLONG_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ClosedLet | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ClosedSynFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
ClosedTypeFamily | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
closedTypeFamilyDIdKey | THNames |
closedTypeFamilyDName | THNames |
ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
ClosedTypeId | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
closedV | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
closeOverKinds | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
closeOverKindsDSet | TcType |
closeOverKindsList | Type, GhcPlugins |
Closure | |
1 (Type/Class) | RtClosureInspect |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
closureCtrFun | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
closureCtrFuns | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
ClosureEnv | ByteCodeLink |
closureFunInfo | StgCmmClosure |
ClosureHeader | StgCmmLayout |
ClosureInfo | StgCmmClosure |
closureInfoLabel | StgCmmClosure |
closureInfoPtr | CmmInfo |
closureLFInfo | StgCmmClosure |
closureLocalEntryLabel | StgCmmClosure |
closureName | StgCmmClosure |
closureReEntrant | StgCmmClosure |
closureSingleEntry | StgCmmClosure |
closureSlowEntryLabel | StgCmmClosure |
closureTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
ClosureType | RtClosureInspect |
ClosureTypeInfo | SMRep, Cmm |
closureUpdReqd | StgCmmClosure |
closureVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
CLRLI | PPC.Instr |
CLRRI | PPC.Instr |
ClsDeclCtxt | RnEnv, RnBinds |
ClsInst | |
1 (Type/Class) | InstEnv, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | InstEnv |
ClsInstD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ClsInstDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ClsInstInfo | TcValidity |
ClsInstLookupResult | InstEnv |
clsName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
clsQual | PrelNames |
clsQual_RDR | PrelNames |
ClsSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CLTD | X86.Instr |
Clz16Op | PrimOp |
Clz32Op | PrimOp |
Clz64Op | PrimOp |
Clz8Op | PrimOp |
clzLabel | CPrim |
ClzOp | PrimOp |
CmdLineError | Panic, GHC |
cmdlineFrameworks | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
CmdLineP | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmdLineParser |
cmdlineParserStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
CmdLStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
CmdStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
CmdSyntaxTable | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
CmEnv | TrieMap |
cml_args | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_args_regs | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_cont | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_false | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_likely | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_pred | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_ret_args | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_ret_off | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_target | CmmNode, Cmm |
cml_true | CmmNode, Cmm |
Cmm | DriverPhases |
CmmActual | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmAddWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmAGraph | MkGraph |
CmmAGraphScoped | MkGraph |
cmmAndWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmAssign | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmBits | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmBlock | |
1 (Data Constructor) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
2 (Type/Class) | Cmm |
CmmBranch | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmCall | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmCfgOpts | CmmContFlowOpt |
cmmCfgOptsProc | CmmContFlowOpt |
CmmComment | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmCondBranch | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmConstrTag1 | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmCpp | DriverPhases |
CmmData | Cmm |
cmmDebugGen | Debug |
cmmDebugLabels | Debug |
cmmDebugLink | Debug |
CmmDecl | Cmm |
CmmEntry | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmEqType | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmEqWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmExpr | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmExprType | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmExprWidth | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmFloat | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmFloat | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmForeignCall | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmFormal | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmGetClosureType | CmmInfo |
CmmGlobal | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmGlobalLiveness | CmmLive |
CmmGraph | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Cmm |
2 (Type/Class) | Cmm |
CmmGroup | Cmm |
CmmHighStackMark | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmImplementSwitchPlans | CmmImplementSwitchPlans |
cmmIndex | CmmUtils |
cmmIndexExpr | CmmUtils |
CmmInfoTable | |
1 (Type/Class) | Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Cmm |
CmmInt | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmIsTagged | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmLabel | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmLabelDiffOff | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmLabelOff | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmLabelOff | CmmUtils |
cmmLabelOffB | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmLabelOffW | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmLayoutStack | CmmLayoutStack |
cmmlex | CmmLex |
cmmLint | CmmLint |
cmmLintGraph | CmmLint |
CmmLit | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmLitType | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmLoad | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmLoadIndex | CmmUtils |
cmmLoadIndexW | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmLoc | StgCmmClosure |
CmmLocal | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmLocalLive | CmmLive |
cmmLocalLiveness | CmmLive |
CmmMachOp | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmMachOpFold | CmmOpt |
cmmMachOpFoldM | CmmOpt |
cmmMakeDynamicReference | PIC |
CmmMakeDynamicReferenceM | PIC |
CmmMayReturn | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmMulWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmNativeGen | AsmCodeGen |
cmmNegate | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmNeverReturns | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmNeWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmNode | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmOffset | CmmUtils |
cmmOffsetB | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmOffsetExpr | CmmUtils |
cmmOffsetExprB | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmOffsetExprW | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmOffsetLit | CmmUtils |
cmmOffsetLitB | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmOffsetLitW | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmOffsetW | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmOrWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmParse | StgCmmExtCode |
cmmPipeline | CmmPipeline |
cmmPointerMask | CmmUtils |
CmmProc | Cmm |
CmmProgram | Cmm |
cmmQuotWord | CmmUtils |
CmmReg | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmRegOff | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmRegOff | CmmUtils |
cmmRegOffB | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmRegOffW | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmRegType | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmReturnInfo | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmSink | CmmSink |
cmmSLtWord | CmmUtils |
CmmStackInfo | Cmm |
CmmStackSlot | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CmmStatic | Cmm |
CmmStaticLit | Cmm |
CmmStatics | Cmm |
CmmStore | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmString | Cmm |
cmmSubWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmSwitch | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmTagMask | CmmUtils |
CmmTick | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmTickish | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmTickScope | CmmNode, Cmm |
CmmToken | CmmLex |
cmmToLlvmType | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
cmmTopCodeGen | |
1 (Function) | X86.CodeGen |
2 (Function) | SPARC.CodeGen |
3 (Function) | PPC.CodeGen |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
CmmTopInfo | Cmm |
cmmToRawCmm | CmmInfo |
cmmToWord | CmmUtils |
CmmType | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmTypeFormat | Format |
CmmT_bits128 | CmmLex |
CmmT_bits16 | CmmLex |
CmmT_bits256 | CmmLex |
CmmT_bits32 | CmmLex |
CmmT_bits512 | CmmLex |
CmmT_bits64 | CmmLex |
CmmT_bits8 | CmmLex |
CmmT_BoolAnd | CmmLex |
CmmT_BoolOr | CmmLex |
CmmT_call | CmmLex |
CmmT_case | CmmLex |
CmmT_CLOSURE | CmmLex |
CmmT_default | CmmLex |
CmmT_DotDot | CmmLex |
CmmT_DoubleColon | CmmLex |
CmmT_else | CmmLex |
CmmT_EOF | CmmLex |
CmmT_Eq | CmmLex |
CmmT_export | CmmLex |
CmmT_Float | CmmLex |
CmmT_float32 | CmmLex |
CmmT_float64 | CmmLex |
CmmT_foreign | CmmLex |
CmmT_gcptr | CmmLex |
CmmT_Ge | CmmLex |
CmmT_GlobalReg | CmmLex |
CmmT_goto | CmmLex |
CmmT_if | CmmLex |
CmmT_import | CmmLex |
CmmT_INFO_TABLE | CmmLex |
CmmT_Int | CmmLex |
CmmT_jump | CmmLex |
CmmT_Le | CmmLex |
CmmT_Name | CmmLex |
CmmT_Ne | CmmLex |
CmmT_never | CmmLex |
CmmT_prim | CmmLex |
CmmT_push | CmmLex |
CmmT_reserve | CmmLex |
CmmT_return | CmmLex |
CmmT_returns | CmmLex |
CmmT_section | CmmLex |
CmmT_Shl | CmmLex |
CmmT_Shr | CmmLex |
CmmT_SpecChar | CmmLex |
CmmT_String | CmmLex |
CmmT_switch | CmmLex |
CmmT_unwind | CmmLex |
cmmUGeWord | CmmUtils |
cmmUGtWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
cmmULtWord | CmmUtils |
CmmUninitialised | Cmm |
CmmUnsafeForeignCall | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmUntag | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmUnwind | CmmNode, Cmm |
cmmUShrWord | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
CmmVec | CmmExpr, Cmm |
cmmVec | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
CMOV | X86.Instr |
CMP | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
cmpAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
cmpAltCon | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
cmpCostCentre | CostCentre |
CMPL | PPC.Instr |
cmpList | Util, GhcPlugins |
cmpLocated | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
CMPXCHG | X86.Instr |
CmpXChg | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
cmpxchgLabel | CPrim |
cm_binds | GHC |
cm_module | GHC |
cm_safe | GHC |
cm_types | GHC |
CNonCanonical | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CNTLZ | PPC.Instr |
coalesceGraph | GraphOps, GraphColor |
coalesceNodes | GraphOps, GraphColor |
CoAxBranch | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoAxiom |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchCoVars | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchIncomps | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchLHS | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchRHS | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchRoles | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchSpan | CoAxiom |
coAxBranchTyVars | CoAxiom |
CoAxiom | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoAxiom |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoAxiom |
coAxiomArity | CoAxiom |
coAxiomBranches | CoAxiom |
coAxiomName | CoAxiom |
coAxiomNthBranch | CoAxiom |
coAxiomNumPats | CoAxiom |
coAxiomRole | CoAxiom |
CoAxiomRule | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoAxiom |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoAxiom |
coAxiomSingleBranch | CoAxiom |
coAxiomSingleBranch_maybe | CoAxiom |
coAxiomTyCon | CoAxiom |
coAxNthLHS | Type, GhcPlugins |
coaxrAsmpRoles | CoAxiom |
coaxrName | CoAxiom |
coaxrProves | CoAxiom |
coaxrRole | CoAxiom |
Cobjc | DriverPhases |
Cobjcxx | DriverPhases |
code | StgCmmExtCode |
codeGen | StgCmm |
codeOnly | StgCmmMonad |
codeOutput | CodeOutput |
CodeStub | CLabel |
CodeStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
codeStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
coerceId | MkId |
coerceKey | PrelNames |
coercibleClass | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
coercibleDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
coercibleDataConKey | PrelNames |
coercibleSCSelIdKey | PrelNames |
coercibleTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
coercibleTyConKey | PrelNames |
coercibleTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
Coercion | |
1 (Type/Class) | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CoercionHole | Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
coercionKind | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coercionKindRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coercionKinds | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
CoercionN | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
CoercionP | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
CoercionR | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coercionRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coercionSize | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coercionTokenId | MkId |
coercionTokenIdKey | PrelNames |
coercionType | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
colBlackFg | PprColour |
colBlueFg | PprColour |
colBold | PprColour |
colCustom | PprColour |
colCyanFg | PprColour |
colGreenFg | PprColour |
collect | Stream |
collectAnnArgs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectAnnArgsTicks | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectAnnBndrs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectAnnDictArgs | Vectorise.Utils |
collectAnnTypeArgs | Vectorise.Utils |
collectAnnTypeBinders | Vectorise.Utils |
collectAnnValBinders | Vectorise.Utils |
collectAnonWildCards | RnTypes |
collectArchives | Packages, GhcPlugins |
collectArgs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectArgsTicks | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectBinders | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectBindersPushingCo | CoreOpt |
collectCC | CostCentre |
CollectedCCs | CostCentre |
collectEvVarsPats | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
collectHsBindBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectHsBindListBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectHsBindsBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectHsIdBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectHsValBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectHsWrapBinders | TcEvidence |
collectIncludeDirs | Packages, GhcPlugins |
collectLibraryPaths | Packages, GhcPlugins |
collectLinkOpts | Packages, GhcPlugins |
collectLocalBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectLStmtBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectLStmtsBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectMakeStaticArgs | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
collectMethodBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectNAnnBndrs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectNBinders | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectPatBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectPatsBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectRuleBndrSigTys | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
collectStmtBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectStmtsBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
collectTyAndValBinders | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
collectTyBinders | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
colMagentaFg | PprColour |
colon | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
colorGraph | GraphColor |
coloured | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
colRedFg | PprColour |
colReset | PprColour |
colScheme | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
colWhiteFg | PprColour |
colYellowFg | PprColour |
combineChildLookupResult | RnEnv |
CombinedScope | CmmNode, Cmm |
combineIdenticalAlts | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
combineLocs | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
combineMatchResults | DsUtils |
combinePD | Vectorise.Utils |
combinePDVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
combinePDVars | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
combinePD_PrimVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
combinePD_PrimVarss | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
combineSrcSpans | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
combineStgBinderInfo | StgSyn |
combineTickScopes | CmmNode, Cmm |
comma | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
CommandLineOption | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
Comment | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
commentToAnnotation | Lexer |
comment_q | Lexer |
Comp | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
comp1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
CompactAdd | PrimOp |
CompactAddWithSharing | PrimOp |
CompactAllocateBlockOp | PrimOp |
CompactContainsAnyOp | PrimOp |
CompactContainsOp | PrimOp |
CompactFixupPointersOp | PrimOp |
CompactGetFirstBlockOp | PrimOp |
CompactGetNextBlockOp | PrimOp |
CompactionFailed | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
CompactNewOp | PrimOp |
compactPrimTy | TysPrim |
compactPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
compactPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
CompactResizeOp | PrimOp |
CompactSize | PrimOp |
Compare | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
CompareByteArraysOp | PrimOp |
compareFixity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
compareIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
compareIntegerName | PrelNames |
compareLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
compare_RDR | PrelNames |
compEIdKey | THNames |
compEName | THNames |
competesWith | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
compilationProgressMsg | ErrUtils |
CompiledByteCode | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeTypes |
compileExpr | InteractiveEval, GHC |
compileExprRemote | InteractiveEval, GHC |
compileFile | DriverPipeline |
compileOne | DriverPipeline |
compileOne' | DriverPipeline |
compileParsedExpr | InteractiveEval, GHC |
compileParsedExprRemote | InteractiveEval, GHC |
CompilerInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
compilerInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
CompilerPhase | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
compileToCoreModule | GHC |
compileToCoreSimplified | GHC |
complementIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
complementIntegerName | PrelNames |
completeBipartiteGraph | UnVarGraph |
completeGraph | UnVarGraph |
CompleteMatch | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
completeMatchConLikes | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
CompleteMatchMap | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
CompleteMatchSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
completeMatchTyCon | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
CompleteSig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
completeSigFromId | TcSigs |
completeSigPolyId_maybe | TcSigs |
ComplexEq | PmExpr, TmOracle |
CompManager | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ComponentId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
componentId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
componentIdString | Packages, GhcPlugins |
componentIdToInstalledUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
componentsG | Digraph |
compOrigType | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
composeAIdKey | PrelNames |
composeAName | PrelNames |
composeSteppers | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
composeTCvSubst | Type, GhcPlugins |
composeTCvSubstEnv | Type, GhcPlugins |
compose_RDR | PrelNames |
CompPipeline | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
CompRepr | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
compTyConKey | PrelNames |
compTyConName | PrelNames |
computeFingerprint | BinFingerprint |
ConArgCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
concatBag | Bag |
concatFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
concatIdKey | PrelNames |
concatMapBag | Bag |
concatMapM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
concatName | PrelNames |
concatOL | OrdList |
Cond | |
1 (Type/Class) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Type/Class) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Type/Class) | X86.Cond |
CondCode | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
ConDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ConDeclCtx | RnUtils |
ConDeclField | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
ConDeclGADT | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ConDeclH98 | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
condEIdKey | THNames |
condEName | THNames |
condFltCode | SPARC.CodeGen.CondCode |
condIntCode | SPARC.CodeGen.CondCode |
condNegate | PPC.Cond |
condToSigned | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Function) | X86.Cond |
condToUnsigned | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Function) | X86.Cond |
condUnsigned | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Function) | X86.Cond |
conEIdKey | THNames |
conEName | THNames |
conE_RDR | THNames |
conFixity_RDR | PrelNames |
conInfoTableSizeB | CmmInfo |
conIsRecord_RDR | PrelNames |
conKIdKey | THNames |
conKName | THNames |
ConLike | |
1 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | ConLike |
conLikeArity | ConLike |
conLikeDataConKey | THNames |
conLikeDataConName | THNames |
conLikeExTyVars | ConLike |
conLikeFieldLabels | ConLike |
conLikeFieldType | ConLike |
conLikeFullSig | ConLike |
conLikeImplBangs | ConLike |
conLikeInstOrigArgTys | ConLike |
conLikeIsInfix | ConLike |
conLikeName | ConLike |
conLikeResTy | ConLike, TcHsSyn |
conLikeStupidTheta | ConLike |
conLikesWithFields | ConLike |
conLikeWrapId_maybe | ConLike |
conName_RDR | PrelNames |
ConPatIn | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
ConPatOut | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
conPIdKey | THNames |
conPName | THNames |
conQTyConKey | THNames |
conQTyConName | THNames |
ConRepr | |
1 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
consBag | Bag |
consCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
consDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
consDataConKey | PrelNames |
consDataConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
consDataCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
consFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
consIORef | Util, GhcPlugins |
consOL | OrdList |
Constant | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
constantFoldExpr | CmmOpt |
constantFoldNode | CmmOpt |
Constr | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SMRep, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
constraintKIdKey | THNames |
constraintKind | TysWiredIn, TcType, GhcPlugins |
constraintKindTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
constraintKindTyConKey | PrelNames |
constraintKName | THNames |
ConstraintTuple | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
ConstrDescription | SMRep, Cmm |
constructorClassKey | PrelNames |
constructorClassName | PrelNames |
ConTag | BasicTypes, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
ConTagZ | BasicTypes, StgCmmMonad, GhcPlugins |
ContainsDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ContainsModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
containsSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
contArgs | SimplUtils |
ContEx | SimplEnv |
context | Lexer |
ContextKind | TcValidity |
contHoleType | SimplUtils |
conTIdKey | THNames |
ContinueWith | TcCanonical |
continueWith | TcCanonical |
contIsDupable | SimplUtils |
contIsRhsOrArg | SimplUtils |
contIsStop | SimplUtils |
contIsTrivial | SimplUtils |
conTName | THNames |
contResultType | SimplUtils |
cONTROL_GROUP_CONST_291 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Convention | CmmNode, Cmm |
convert | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
Convertable | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
ConvertIdX | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
convertLit | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
convertToHsDecls | Convert |
convertToHsExpr | Convert |
convertToHsType | Convert |
convertToPat | Convert |
con_cxt | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
con_details | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
con_doc | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
con_name | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
con_names | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
con_qvars | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
con_type | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
CoPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
copy | SysTools |
CopyAddrToByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyByteArrayToAddrOp | PrimOp |
copyInOflow | MkGraph |
CopyMutableArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyMutableByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopyMutableByteArrayToAddrOp | PrimOp |
copyOutOflow | MkGraph |
CopySmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
CopySmallMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
copyWithHeader | SysTools |
core2core | SimplCore |
CoreAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
coreAltsType | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
coreAltType | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
CoreAltWithFVs | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
CoreAnnTarget | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
CoreArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CoreBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
coreBindsSize | CoreStats |
coreBindsStats | CoreStats |
CoreBindWithFVs | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
CoreBndr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CoreCSE | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDesugar | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDesugarOpt | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoCallArity | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoExitify | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoFloatInwards | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoFloatOutwards | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoNothing | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoPasses | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoPluginPass | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoPrintCore | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoRuleCheck | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoSimplify | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoSpecConstr | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoSpecialising | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoStaticArgs | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoStrictness | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoVectorisation | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreDoWorkerWrapper | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
coreExprToBCOs | ByteCodeGen |
CoreExprWithFVs | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
CoreExprWithFVs' | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
CoreLiberateCase | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreM | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreMap | TrieMap |
CoreModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | GHC |
coreModule | GHC |
CoreOccurAnal | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CorePrep | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
corePrepExpr | CorePrep |
corePrepPgm | CorePrep |
CoreProgram | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CoreRule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CoreStats | CoreStats |
CoreTidy | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
CoreToDo | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
coreToStg | CoreToStg |
CoreUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
CoreVect | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
coreView | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
CostCentre | CostCentre |
costCentreFrom | StgCmmProf |
CostCentreScope | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
costCentreSrcSpan | CostCentre |
CostCentreStack | CostCentre |
CostCentreStackInfo | GHCi |
costCentreStackInfo | GHCi |
costCentreUserName | CostCentre |
costCentreUserNameFS | CostCentre |
couldBeSmallEnoughToInline | CoreUnfold |
Count | Demand |
count | Util, GhcPlugins |
countArgs | SimplUtils |
countConRepArgs | RepType |
countFunRepArgs | RepType |
countRegRegMovesNat | RegAlloc.Linear.Stats, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
countSRMs | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
countTyClDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
countUTF8Chars | Encoding |
CoVar | Var, Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coVarDetails | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
CoVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
CoVarId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
coVarKind | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coVarKindsTypesRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coVarName | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coVarRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
CoVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
coVarsOfCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
coVarsOfTcCo | TcEvidence |
coVarsOfType | Type, GhcPlugins |
coVarsOfTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
coVarTypes | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
co_ax_branches | CoAxiom |
co_ax_implicit | CoAxiom |
co_ax_name | CoAxiom |
co_ax_role | CoAxiom |
co_ax_tc | CoAxiom |
co_ax_unique | CoAxiom |
cparen | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
Cpp | DriverPhases |
cPprTerm | RtClosureInspect |
cPprTermBase | RtClosureInspect |
cProjectGitCommitId | Config |
cProjectName | Config |
cProjectPatchLevel | Config |
cProjectPatchLevel1 | Config |
cProjectPatchLevel2 | Config |
cProjectVersion | Config |
cProjectVersionInt | Config |
cprProdRes | Demand |
cprProdSig | Demand |
CPRResult | Demand |
cprSumRes | Demand |
CpsRn | RnPat |
CreateBCOs | GHCi |
createBCOs | GHCi |
createIservProcessHook | Hooks |
createSwitchPlan | CmmSwitch |
CRight | BasicTypes, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
CRNOR | PPC.Instr |
crossDataConKey | PrelNames |
crossMapPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
CS | CoreStats |
cseOneExpr | CSE |
cseProgram | CSE |
cStage | Config |
csTraceTcS | TcSMonad |
CString | Cmm |
CStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
cSupportsSplitObjs | Config |
cs_co | CoreStats |
cs_jb | CoreStats |
cs_tm | CoreStats |
cs_ty | CoreStats |
cs_vb | CoreStats |
Ct | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cTargetPlatformString | Config |
CtDerived | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEqRel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvCoercion | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvEqRel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvEvId | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvFlavour | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvFlavourRole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvId | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CtEvidence | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvidence | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvPred | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvRole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctEvTerm | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctev_dest | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctev_evar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctev_loc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctev_nosh | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctev_pred | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CtFlavour | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctFlavour | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CtFlavourRole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctFlavourRole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CtGiven | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CtLoc | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLocDepth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLocEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLocLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLocOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLocSpan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctLocTypeOrKind_maybe | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctl_depth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctl_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctl_origin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctl_t_or_k | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctPred | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Cts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ctsElts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cTupleDataConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
cTupleDataConNames | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
cTupleTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
cTupleTyConNames | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
CtWanted | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
cTyConKey | PrelNames |
cTyConName | PrelNames |
CTyEqCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
CType | |
1 (Type/Class) | ForeignCall |
2 (Data Constructor) | ForeignCall |
ctype | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
Ctz16Op | PrimOp |
Ctz32Op | PrimOp |
Ctz64Op | PrimOp |
Ctz8Op | PrimOp |
ctzLabel | CPrim |
CtzOp | PrimOp |
cur | StringBuffer |
curCCS | StgCmmProf |
currentCCS | CostCentre |
currentChar | StringBuffer |
CurrentNursery | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CurrentTSO | CmmExpr, Cmm |
CustomTermPrinter | RtClosureInspect |
cvBindGroup | RdrHsSyn |
cvBindsAndSigs | RdrHsSyn |
cvObtainTerm | RtClosureInspect |
cvReconstructType | RtClosureInspect |
CvSubstEnv | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
cvtLitInteger | CorePrep |
cvTopDecls | RdrHsSyn |
CVTSD2SS | X86.Instr |
CVTSI2SD | X86.Instr |
CVTSI2SS | X86.Instr |
CVTSS2SD | X86.Instr |
CVTTSD2SIQ | X86.Instr |
CVTTSS2SIQ | X86.Instr |
CWrapper | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
cxtIdKey | THNames |
cxtName | THNames |
cyclicModuleErr | GhcMake, GHC |
CyclicSCC | Digraph |
c_locale_env | SysTools.Process |
C_SRT | |
1 (Type/Class) | Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Cmm |
D | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
d1TyConKey | PrelNames |
d1TyConName | PrelNames |
darrow | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
DarwinLD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Data | Cmm |
DataAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
dataClassKey | PrelNames |
dataClassName | PrelNames |
DataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
DataConBoxer | MkId |
dataConBoxer | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConCannotMatch | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConCtxt | TcTyClsDecls |
dataConEqSpec | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConExTyVars | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConFieldLabels | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dataConFieldType | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConFieldType_maybe | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConFullSig | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConIdentity | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConImplBangs | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConImplicitTyThings | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConInfoPtrToName | DebuggerUtils |
dataConInstArgTys | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConInstOrigArgTys | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConInstSig | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConIsInfix | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dataConName | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConOrigArgTys | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConOrigResTy | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConOrigTyCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
DataConRep | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConRepArgTys | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConRepArity | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConRepFSInstPat | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
dataConRepInstPat | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
dataConRepNameUnique | Unique |
dataConRepStrictness | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConRepType | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConSig | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dataConSourceArity | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConSrcBangs | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dataConStupidTheta | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConTag | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConTagZ | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConTheta | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConTyCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dataConType | GHC |
dataConUnivAndExTyVars | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConUnivTyVars | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConUserType | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dataConUserTyVarBinders | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConUserTyVars | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConUserTyVarsArePermuted | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConWorkerUnique | Unique |
DataConWorkId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
dataConWorkId | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
DataConWrapId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
dataConWrapId | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dataConWrapId_maybe | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
DataDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dataDeclChecks | TcTyClsDecls |
dataDIdKey | THNames |
dataDName | THNames |
DataFamily | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dataFamilyDIdKey | THNames |
dataFamilyDName | THNames |
DataFamilyFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
DataFamilyInst | FamInstEnv |
DataFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
DataFamInstD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DataFamInstDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dataFamInstRepTyCon | FamInstEnv |
DataFamInstTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
DataflowLattice | |
1 (Type/Class) | Hoopl.Dataflow |
2 (Data Constructor) | Hoopl.Dataflow |
DataId | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
dataInstDIdKey | THNames |
dataInstDName | THNames |
dataName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
dataQual_RDR | PrelNames |
DataReference | PIC |
DataSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dataTcOccs | RnEnv |
DataToTagOp | PrimOp |
DataTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
DataTyCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
DataType | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
datatypeClassKey | PrelNames |
datatypeClassName | PrelNames |
datatypeContextsEnabled | Lexer |
DataTypeFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
datatypeName_RDR | PrelNames |
dATA_COERCE | PrelNames |
data_con | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
data_cons | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
dATA_EITHER | PrelNames |
dATA_FOLDABLE | PrelNames |
dATA_STRING | PrelNames |
dATA_TUPLE | PrelNames |
dblBlocks | Debug |
dblCLabel | Debug |
dblHasInfoTbl | Debug |
dblIsEntry | Debug |
dblLabel | Debug |
dblParent | Debug |
dblPosition | Debug |
dblProcedure | Debug |
dblSourceTick | Debug |
dblTicks | Debug |
dblUnwind | Debug |
dc | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
DCB | MkId |
dcolon | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
dcQual | PrelNames |
DCR | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dcr_arg_tys | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dcr_bangs | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dcr_boxer | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dcr_stricts | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dcr_wrap_id | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
dd_cons | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dd_ctxt | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dd_cType | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dd_derivs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dd_kindSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dd_ND | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
Deadlock | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
deAnnAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
deAnnBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
deAnnotate | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
deAnnotate' | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
DebugBlock | |
1 (Type/Class) | Debug |
2 (Data Constructor) | Debug |
debugIsOn | Util, GhcPlugins |
debugLevel | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
debugStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
debugTc | TcRnMonad |
debugToMap | Debug |
debugTraceMsg | |
1 (Function) | ErrUtils |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
debugTraceMsgS | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
dEBUG_TRACE | PrelNames |
DecBrG | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
DecBrL | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
decideBangHood | DsUtils |
decidedLazyDataConKey | PrelNames |
decidedLazyDataConName | PrelNames |
decidedStrictDataConKey | PrelNames |
decidedStrictDataConName | PrelNames |
decidedUnpackDataConKey | PrelNames |
decidedUnpackDataConName | PrelNames |
DeclD | BkpSyn |
decName | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
decodeDoubleIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
decodeDoubleIntegerName | PrelNames |
decodePrevNChars | StringBuffer |
decomposeCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
decomposeFunCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
decomposeRuleLhs | DsBinds |
decParams | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
decQTyConKey | THNames |
decQTyConName | THNames |
decReturnType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
decsQTyConKey | THNames |
decsQTyConName | THNames |
decTyConKey | THNames |
decTyConName | THNames |
decVarargs | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
deeplyInstantiate | Inst |
deeplySkolemise | Inst |
deepSplitProductType_maybe | WwLib |
deepSubtypesContaining | TcGenFunctor |
def | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
DEFAULT | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
defaultCCallConv | ForeignCall |
defaultCleanupHandler | GHC |
DefaultDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DefaultDeclCtx | RnUtils |
DefaultDeclCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
defaultDumpStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
defaultDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultErrorHandler | GHC |
defaultErrStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
defaultFatalMessager | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultFixity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
defaultFlushErr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultFlushOut | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultFrontendPlugin | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
defaultInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
defaultLogAction | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultLogActionHPrintDoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultLogActionHPutStrDoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
defaultObjectTarget | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
DefaultOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
defaultPackageConfig | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
defaultPlugin | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
defaultRunMeta | TcSplice |
defaultScheme | PprColour |
defaultSigDIdKey | THNames |
defaultSigDName | THNames |
defaultTyVar | TcMType |
defaultUserStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
defaultWarnErrLogger | GhcMonad, GHC |
defaultWays | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
DefD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
defDataCon | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
deferAfterIO | Demand |
defFlag | CmdLineParser |
defGhcFlag | CmdLineParser |
defGhciFlag | CmdLineParser |
defGlobalVar | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
defHiddenFlag | CmdLineParser |
DefinerOfRegs | CmmExpr, Cmm |
definitePackageConfigId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
DefiniteUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
defLocalTyVar | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
defLocalTyVarWithPA | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
DefMethInfo | Class |
DefMethSpec | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
Defs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
defTyCon | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
defTyConName | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
defTyConPAs | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
DefUnitId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins |
DefUse | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
DefUses | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
DelayOp | PrimOp |
delBndr | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
delBndrL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delBndrR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delBndrs | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
delBndrsL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delBndrsR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delCoalesce | GraphOps, GraphColor |
delConflict | GraphOps, GraphColor |
delDict | TcSMonad |
delDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delDVarEnvList | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
delDVarSetList | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
delete | EnumSet |
deleteFromInstEnv | InstEnv |
deleteFromLinkEnv | Linker |
deleteFromRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
deleteList | FiniteMap, GhcPlugins |
deleteTM | TrieMap |
delFromFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
delFromHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
delFromNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
delFromNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
delFromOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
delFromUDFM | UniqDFM |
delFromUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
delFromUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
delFromUniqMap | UniqMap |
delFV | |
1 (Function) | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | FV |
delFVs | |
1 (Function) | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | FV |
delInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delInstalledModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
delListFromFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
delListFromNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
delListFromNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
delListFromOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
delListFromUDFM | UniqDFM |
delListFromUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
delListFromUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
delListFromUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
delListFromUniqMap | UniqMap |
delListFromUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
delListFromUniqSet_Directly | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
delLocalRdrEnvList | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
delModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
delModuleEnvList | Module, GhcPlugins |
delModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
delNode | |
1 (Function) | GraphOps, GraphColor |
2 (Function) | UnVarGraph |
delOneFromUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
delOneFromUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
delOneFromUniqSet_Directly | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
deltaTy | TysPrim |
deltaTyVar | TysPrim |
delUnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
delVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delVarEnvList | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delVarEnv_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
delVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
delVarSetByKey | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
delVarSetList | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
Demand | Demand |
demandInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
demoteOccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
demoteRdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
demoteUnfilledFmv | TcSMonad |
Denormal | Exception |
deNoteType | TcType |
denv_cls | TcDerivUtils |
denv_cls_tys | TcDerivUtils |
denv_mtheta | TcDerivUtils |
denv_overlap_mode | TcDerivUtils |
denv_rep_tc | TcDerivUtils |
denv_rep_tc_args | TcDerivUtils |
denv_strat | TcDerivUtils |
denv_tc | TcDerivUtils |
denv_tc_args | TcDerivUtils |
denv_tvs | TcDerivUtils |
depAnal | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
depanal | GhcMake, GHC |
Dependencies | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
depends | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
depExcludeMods | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
depIncludePkgDeps | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Deployable | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
depMakefile | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
deprecate | CmdLineParser |
DeprecatedTxt | BasicTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
Deps | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
depSuffixes | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Depth | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
dep_finsts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
dep_mods | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
dep_orphs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
dep_pkgs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
DeRefStablePtrOp | PrimOp |
DeRefWeakOp | PrimOp |
DerivableClassError | TcDerivUtils |
derivableClassKeys | PrelNames |
DerivableViaInstance | TcDerivUtils |
DerivAuxBind | TcGenDeriv |
DerivClauseCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
derivClauseIdKey | THNames |
derivClauseName | THNames |
derivClauseQTyConKey | THNames |
derivClauseQTyConName | THNames |
DerivContext | TcDerivUtils |
DerivD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DerivDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DerivDeclCtx | RnUtils |
Derived | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DerivEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcDerivUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcDerivUtils |
deriveUnique | Unique |
DerivFamInst | TcGenDeriv |
DerivHsBind | TcGenDeriv |
DerivInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcDeriv |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcDeriv |
DerivM | TcDerivUtils |
DerivOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DerivOriginCoerce | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DerivOriginDC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DerivSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DerivSpec | TcDerivUtils |
DerivSpecAnyClass | TcDerivUtils |
DerivSpecMechanism | TcDerivUtils |
DerivSpecNewtype | TcDerivUtils |
DerivSpecStock | TcDerivUtils |
DerivStatus | TcDerivUtils |
DerivStrategy | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
derivStrategyTyConKey | THNames |
derivStrategyTyConName | THNames |
DerivStuff | TcGenDeriv |
deriv_clause_strategy | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
deriv_clause_tys | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
deriv_overlap_mode | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
deriv_strategy | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
deriv_type | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
deserializeAnns | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
deserializeWithData | GhcPlugins |
deShadowBinds | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
DestBlockId | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.RegInfo |
DestImm | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
deSugar | Desugar |
DesugaredModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | GHC |
deSugarExpr | Desugar |
desugarModule | GHC |
deTagExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
DFastStringEnv | FastStringEnv |
dfid_eqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dfid_inst | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
dFsEnvElts | FastStringEnv |
dfsTopSortG | Digraph |
DFunId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Var, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
dfunInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
DFunInstType | InstEnv |
DFunUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
df_args | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
df_bndrs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
df_con | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
DictId | Var, Id, GhcPlugins |
Dictionary | Binary |
DictMap | TcSMonad |
DIdEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
dIdFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
DIdSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
diffBinds | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
diffExpr | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
DigraphNode | Digraph |
directCall | StgCmmLayout |
DirectEntry | StgCmmClosure |
Direction | Util, GhcPlugins |
dirsToClean | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
discardConstraints | TcRnMonad |
discardErrs | TcRnMonad |
discardResult | TcRnMonad |
discardWarnings | TcRnMonad |
discardWarningsDs | DsMonad |
DiscArgCtxt | CoreUnfold |
disjointDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
disjointNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
disjointUDFM | UniqDFM |
disjointUdfmUfm | UniqDFM |
disjointUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
disjointUniqMap | UniqMap |
disjointVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
disjointVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
displayException | Exception, Panic |
displayInstalledUnitId | Packages, GhcPlugins |
DistrustPackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
DIV | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
DivideByZero | Exception |
divIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
divIntegerName | PrelNames |
divIntIdKey | PrelNames |
divIntName | PrelNames |
divModIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
divModIntegerName | PrelNames |
di_clauses | TcDeriv |
di_ctxt | TcDeriv |
di_rep_tc | TcDeriv |
dmdAnalProgram | DmdAnal |
DmdEnv | Demand |
DmdResult | Demand |
dmdTransformDataConSig | Demand |
dmdTransformDictSelSig | Demand |
dmdTransformSig | Demand |
DmdType | |
1 (Type/Class) | Demand |
2 (Data Constructor) | Demand |
dmdTypeDepth | Demand |
DModuleNameEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
dm_core_module | GHC |
dm_typechecked_module | GHC |
DNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
doBackpack | DriverBkp |
Doc | Pretty |
DocCommentNamed | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DocCommentNext | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DocCommentPrev | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DocD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DocDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
docDeclDoc | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
DocGroup | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
docToSDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
dodgyMsg | RnNames |
dodgyMsgInsert | RnNames |
doEIdKey | THNames |
doEName | THNames |
doesDirNameExist | Util, GhcPlugins |
DoExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
doFloatFromRhs | SimplEnv |
doFreeSimplTick | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
doIfSet | ErrUtils |
doIfSet_dyn | ErrUtils |
dollarIdKey | PrelNames |
doMkDependHS | DriverMkDepend |
DoneEx | SimplEnv |
DoneId | SimplEnv |
dontCareCCS | CostCentre |
DontInline | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
doOrDoes | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
DoOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DoPatOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dopt | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
doptM | TcRnMonad |
dopt_set | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
dopt_unset | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
doSimplTick | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
doSRTs | CmmBuildInfoTables |
doStaticArgs | SAT |
dot | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
DotA | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
DotDLL | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
dotGraph | GraphPpr, GraphColor |
DotO | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
dot_tv_RDR | PrelNames |
double | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
double2FloatLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Double2FloatOp | PrimOp |
double2IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Double2IntOp | PrimOp |
DoubleAcosOp | PrimOp |
DoubleAddOp | PrimOp |
DoubleAsinOp | PrimOp |
DoubleAtanOp | PrimOp |
DoubleCoshOp | PrimOp |
DoubleCosOp | PrimOp |
doubleDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
doubleDataConKey | PrelNames |
DoubleDecode_2IntOp | PrimOp |
DoubleDecode_Int64Op | PrimOp |
DoubleDivOp | PrimOp |
DoubleElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
doubleElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
DoubleEqOp | PrimOp |
DoubleExpOp | PrimOp |
DoubleFabsOp | PrimOp |
doubleFromIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
doubleFromIntegerName | PrelNames |
DoubleGeOp | PrimOp |
DoubleGtOp | PrimOp |
DoubleLeOp | PrimOp |
DoubleLogOp | PrimOp |
DoubleLtOp | PrimOp |
DoubleMulOp | PrimOp |
DoubleNegOp | PrimOp |
DoubleNeOp | PrimOp |
DoublePowerOp | PrimOp |
doublePrec | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
doublePrimLIdKey | THNames |
doublePrimLName | THNames |
doublePrimL_RDR | THNames |
doublePrimTy | TysPrim |
doublePrimTyCon | TysPrim |
doublePrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
doublePrimTyConName | TysPrim |
doubleQuotes | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
DoubleReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
DoubleRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
doubleRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
DoubleSinhOp | PrimOp |
DoubleSinOp | PrimOp |
DoubleSlot | RepType |
DoubleSqrtOp | PrimOp |
DoubleSubOp | PrimOp |
DoubleTanhOp | PrimOp |
DoubleTanOp | PrimOp |
doubleToBytes | PprBase |
doubleTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
doubleTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
doubleTyConKey | PrelNames |
doubleTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
doubleX2PrimTy | TysPrim |
doubleX2PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
doubleX2PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
doubleX4PrimTy | TysPrim |
doubleX4PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
doubleX4PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
doubleX8PrimTy | TysPrim |
doubleX8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
doubleX8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
dOUBLE_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
downgradeRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
do_layout | Cmm |
dphParUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
dphSeqUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
dropDerivedSimples | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dropDerivedWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dropForAlls | Type, GhcPlugins |
dropList | Util, GhcPlugins |
dropRuntimeRepArgs | Type, GhcPlugins |
dropTail | Util, GhcPlugins |
dropWhileEndLE | Util, GhcPlugins |
dropWildCards | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
DS | TcDerivUtils |
DsBound | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
dsBracket | DsMeta |
dsCCall | DsCCall |
dsDPHBuiltin | DsMonad |
dsEvBinds | DsBinds |
dsExpr | DsExpr |
dsExtendMetaEnv | DsMonad |
dsForeigns | DsForeign |
dsForeignsHook | Hooks |
DsGblEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dsGetCompleteMatches | DsMonad |
dsGetFamInstEnvs | DsMonad |
dsGetMetaEnv | DsMonad |
dsGRHS | DsGRHSs |
dsGRHSs | DsGRHSs |
dsGuarded | DsGRHSs |
dsHsWrapper | DsBinds |
dsInitPArrBuiltin | DsMonad |
DsLclEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dsLExpr | DsExpr |
dsLExprNoLP | DsExpr |
dsLHsBinds | DsBinds |
dsListComp | DsListComp |
dsLit | MatchLit, DsExpr |
dsLocalBinds | DsExpr |
dsLookupConLike | DsMonad |
dsLookupDataCon | DsMonad |
dsLookupDPHRdrEnv | DsMonad |
dsLookupDPHRdrEnv_maybe | DsMonad |
dsLookupGlobal | DsMonad |
dsLookupGlobalId | DsMonad |
dsLookupMetaEnv | DsMonad |
dsLookupTyCon | DsMonad |
dsl_dicts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dsl_loc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dsl_meta | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dsl_pm_iter | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dsl_tm_cs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
DsM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
DsMatchContext | |
1 (Type/Class) | DsMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | DsMonad |
DsMetaEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
DsMetaVal | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
dsMkUserRule | DsBinds |
dsMonadComp | DsListComp |
dsNoLevPoly | DsMonad |
dsNoLevPolyExpr | DsMonad |
dsOverLit | MatchLit |
dsOverLit' | MatchLit |
dsPArrComp | DsListComp |
dsProcExpr | DsArrows |
dsSpec | DsBinds |
DsSplice | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
dsSyntaxExpr | DsExpr |
dsTcEvBinds | DsBinds |
dsTcEvBinds_s | DsBinds |
dsTopLHsBinds | DsBinds |
dsValBinds | DsExpr |
DsWarning | DsMonad |
dsWhenNoErrs | DsMonad |
DsWrapper | DsMonad |
ds_cls | TcDerivUtils |
ds_complete_matches | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_dph_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_fam_inst_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_if_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_loc | TcDerivUtils |
ds_mechanism | TcDerivUtils |
ds_mod | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_msgs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_name | TcDerivUtils |
ds_overlap | TcDerivUtils |
ds_parr_bi | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ds_tc | TcDerivUtils |
ds_theta | TcDerivUtils |
ds_tvs | TcDerivUtils |
ds_tys | TcDerivUtils |
ds_unqual | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
dTyConKey | PrelNames |
dTyConName | PrelNames |
DTyCoVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
DTyVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
DTyVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
duDefs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
dumpDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
DumpFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
dumpFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dumpGraph | GraphPpr, GraphColor |
dumpIfaceStats | HscMain |
dumpIfSet | |
1 (Function) | ErrUtils |
2 (Function) | CoreLint |
dumpIfSetLlvm | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
dumpIfSet_dyn | |
1 (Function) | ErrUtils |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
dumpIfSet_dyn_printer | ErrUtils |
dumpOptVt | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
dumpPassResult | CoreLint |
dumpPrefix | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dumpPrefixForce | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dumpSDoc | ErrUtils |
dumpStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
dumpVt | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
DupFlag | SimplUtils |
duplicateLocalDs | DsMonad |
dupNamesErr | RnUtils |
duUses | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
DV | TcType |
DVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
dVarEnvElts | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
DVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
dVarSetElems | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
dVarSetElemsWellScoped | Type, GhcPlugins |
dVarSetIntersectVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
dVarSetMinusVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
dVarSetToVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
dv_kvs | TcType |
dv_tvs | TcType |
dwarfAbbrevLabel | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfAbbrevSection | Dwarf.Constants |
DwarfARange | |
1 (Type/Class) | Dwarf.Types |
2 (Data Constructor) | Dwarf.Types |
dwarfARangesSection | Dwarf.Constants |
DwarfBlock | Dwarf.Types |
DwarfCompileUnit | Dwarf.Types |
DwarfFiles | NCGMonad |
DwarfFrame | |
1 (Type/Class) | Dwarf.Types |
2 (Data Constructor) | Dwarf.Types |
DwarfFrameBlock | |
1 (Type/Class) | Dwarf.Types |
2 (Data Constructor) | Dwarf.Types |
dwarfFrameLabel | Dwarf.Constants |
DwarfFrameProc | |
1 (Type/Class) | Dwarf.Types |
2 (Data Constructor) | Dwarf.Types |
dwarfFrameSection | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfGen | Dwarf |
dwarfGhcSection | Dwarf.Constants |
DwarfInfo | Dwarf.Types |
dwarfInfoLabel | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfInfoSection | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfLineLabel | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfLineSection | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfRegNo | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfReturnRegNo | Dwarf.Constants |
dwarfSection | Dwarf.Constants |
DwarfSrcNote | Dwarf.Types |
DwarfSubprogram | Dwarf.Types |
dwArngEndLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwArngStartLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwChildren | Dwarf.Types |
dwCieInit | Dwarf.Types |
dwCieLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwCieProcs | Dwarf.Types |
dwCompDir | Dwarf.Types |
dwFdeBlkHasInfo | Dwarf.Types |
dwFdeBlocks | Dwarf.Types |
dwFdeHasInfo | Dwarf.Types |
dwFdeProc | Dwarf.Types |
dwFdeUnwind | Dwarf.Types |
dwHighLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwLineLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwLowLabel | Dwarf.Types |
dwMarker | Dwarf.Types |
dwName | Dwarf.Types |
dwParent | Dwarf.Types |
dwProducer | Dwarf.Types |
dwSrcSpan | Dwarf.Types |
dW_ATE_address | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_ATE_boolean | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_ATE_float | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_ATE_signed | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_ATE_signed_char | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_ATE_unsigned | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_ATE_unsigned_char | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_comp_dir | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_external | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_frame_base | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_ghc_span_end_col | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_ghc_span_end_line | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_ghc_span_file | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_ghc_span_start_col | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_ghc_span_start_line | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_ghc_tick_parent | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_high_pc | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_language | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_low_pc | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_name | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_producer | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_stmt_list | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_AT_use_UTF8 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_def_cfa | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_def_cfa_expression | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_def_cfa_offset | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_def_cfa_sf | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_expression | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_offset | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_offset_extended_sf | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_same_value | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_set_loc | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_undefined | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_val_expression | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CFA_val_offset | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CHILDREN_no | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_CHILDREN_yes | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_addr | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_block1 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_data2 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_data4 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_flag | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_flag_present | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_ref4 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_ref_addr | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_FORM_string | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_LANG_Haskell | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_addr | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_breg0 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_call_frame_cfa | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_consts | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_deref | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_lit0 | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_minus | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_mul | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_OP_plus | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_arg_variable | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_array_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_auto_variable | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_base_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_compile_unit | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_file_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_ghc_src_note | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_lexical_block | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_pointer_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_structure_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_subprogram | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_subrange_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_subroutine_type | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_typedef | Dwarf.Constants |
dW_TAG_variable | Dwarf.Constants |
dylibInstallName | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dYNAMIC | PrelNames |
dynamicGhc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
DynamicLinkerLabelInfo | CLabel |
dynamicLinkerLabelInfo | CLabel |
DynamicTarget | ForeignCall |
dynamicTooMkDynamicDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
dYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
dynCompileExpr | InteractiveEval, GHC |
dynFlagDependencies | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
DynFlags | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dynHiSuf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
DynLibLoader | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
dynLibLoader | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dynObjectSuf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dynOutputFile | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
dynProfHdr | StgCmmProf |
DynTag | StgCmmClosure |
EABase | X86.Regs |
EABaseNone | X86.Regs |
EABaseReg | X86.Regs |
EABaseRip | X86.Regs |
EagerBlackholeInfo | CmmExpr, Cmm |
EagerDefaulting | TcSimplify |
EAIndex | |
1 (Type/Class) | X86.Regs |
2 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
EAIndexNone | X86.Regs |
EAsPat | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
eax | X86.Regs |
ebp | X86.Regs |
ebv_binds | TcEvidence |
ebv_tcvs | TcEvidence |
ebv_uniq | TcEvidence |
ebx | X86.Regs |
eb_is_given | TcEvidence |
eb_lhs | TcEvidence |
eb_rhs | TcEvidence |
ecx | X86.Regs |
edgesG | Digraph |
edi | X86.Regs |
edx | X86.Regs |
eitherTyConKey | PrelNames |
eitherTyConName | PrelNames |
ELazyPat | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
elemBag | Bag |
elemDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
elemDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
elementOfUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
elementOfUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
elemFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
elemInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
elemLocalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
elemModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
elemModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
elemNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
elemNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
elemOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
elemOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
ElemOf | Hoopl.Collections |
elemRdr | RnTypes |
elemRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
elemUDFM | UniqDFM |
elemUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
elemUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
elemUniqMap | UniqMap |
elemUniqSet_Directly | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
elemUnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
elemVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
elemVarEnvByKey | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
elemVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
elemVarSetByKey | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
ELF_V1 | Platform |
ELF_V2 | Platform |
elimCommonBlocks | CmmCommonBlockElim |
eltsHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eltsUDFM | UniqDFM |
eltsUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
emit | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
emitAssign | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
emitBlackHoleCode | StgCmmBind |
emitCall | StgCmmLayout |
emitCCall | StgCmmForeign |
emitCloseNursery | StgCmmForeign |
emitClosureAndInfoTable | StgCmmLayout |
emitClosureProcAndInfoTable | StgCmmLayout |
emitCmmLitSwitch | StgCmmUtils |
emitComment | StgCmmMonad |
emitConstraints | TcRnMonad |
emitDataLits | StgCmmUtils |
emitDecl | StgCmmMonad |
emitForeignCall | StgCmmForeign |
emitImplication | TcRnMonad |
emitImplications | TcRnMonad |
emitInsoluble | TcRnMonad |
emitLabel | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
emitLoadThreadState | StgCmmForeign |
emitMultiAssign | StgCmmUtils |
emitNewDerivedEq | TcSMonad |
emitNewDeriveds | TcSMonad |
emitNewWantedEq | TcSMonad |
emitOpenNursery | StgCmmForeign |
emitOutOfLine | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
emitPrimCall | StgCmmForeign |
emitProc | StgCmmMonad |
emitProcWithConvention | StgCmmMonad |
emitProcWithStackFrame | StgCmmMonad |
emitReturn | StgCmmLayout |
emitRODataLits | StgCmmUtils |
emitRtsCall | StgCmmUtils |
emitRtsCallGen | StgCmmUtils |
emitRtsCallWithResult | StgCmmUtils |
emitSaveThreadState | StgCmmForeign |
emitSetCCC | StgCmmProf |
emitSetDynHdr | StgCmmHeap |
emitSimple | TcRnMonad |
emitSimples | TcRnMonad |
emitStaticConstraints | TcRnMonad |
emitStore | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
emitSwitch | StgCmmUtils |
emitTick | StgCmmMonad |
emitUnwind | StgCmmMonad |
emitUpdateFrame | StgCmmBind |
emitVt | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
emitWanted | TcMType |
emitWantedEq | TcMType |
emitWantedEvVar | TcMType |
emitWantedEvVars | TcMType |
emitWildCardHoleConstraints | TcRnMonad |
emitWork | TcSMonad |
emitWorkNC | TcSMonad |
empty | |
1 (Function) | EnumSet |
2 (Function) | Pretty |
3 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
emptyAnnEnv | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
emptyBag | Bag |
emptyBlock | Hoopl.Block |
emptyBody | Hoopl.Graph |
emptyCallStackKey | PrelNames |
emptyCallStackName | PrelNames |
emptyClosureEnv | ByteCodeLink |
emptyCollectedCCs | CostCentre |
emptyCoreMap | TrieMap |
emptyCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
emptyCvSubstEnv | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
emptyDFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
emptyDictMap | TcSMonad |
emptyDmdEnv | Demand |
emptyDNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
emptyDUs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
emptyDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
emptyDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
emptyEvBindMap | TcEvidence |
emptyFamInstEnv | FamInstEnv |
emptyFamInstEnvs | FamInstEnv |
emptyFilesToClean | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
emptyFixityEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyFloats | SimplEnv |
emptyFsEnv | FastStringEnv, OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
emptyFV | FV |
emptyFVs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
emptyG | Digraph |
emptyGlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
emptyHomePackageTable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyHooks | Hooks |
emptyHpcInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyIfaceWarnCache | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyImportAvails | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
emptyInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
emptyInstalledModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
emptyInstEnv | InstEnv |
emptyInteractiveContext | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyJoinFloats | SimplEnv |
emptyLetFloats | SimplEnv |
emptyLHsBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyLHsQTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyLiftingContext | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
EmptyLocalBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyLocalBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyLocalEnv | Vectorise.Env |
emptyLocalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
emptyMessages | ErrUtils |
emptyMG | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
emptyModBreaks | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyModDetails | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyModIface | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
emptyModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
emptyNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
emptyNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
emptyNameShape | NameShape |
emptyOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
emptyOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
emptyPackageIfaceTable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyPackageState | Packages, GhcPlugins |
emptyPD | Vectorise.Utils |
emptyPDVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
emptyPD_PrimVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
emptyPD_PrimVars | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
emptyPragEnv | TcSigs |
EmptyProd | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
emptyPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
emptyRdrGroup | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyRecStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyRecStmtId | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyRecStmtName | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyRegMap | RegAlloc.Liveness |
emptyRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
emptyRnGroup | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyRoleAnnotEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
emptyRuleBase | Rules, GhcPlugins |
emptyRuleEnv | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
emptyRuleInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
emptySRT | CmmBuildInfoTables |
emptyStackMap | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
emptySubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
EmptySum | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
emptyTcEvBinds | TcEvidence |
emptyTCvSubst | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
emptyTidyEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
emptyTidyOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
emptyTM | TrieMap |
emptyTransStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyTvSubstEnv | Type, GhcPlugins |
emptyTyClGroup | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyTypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
emptyTypeMap | TrieMap |
emptyUDFM | UniqDFM |
emptyUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
emptyUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
emptyUniqMap | UniqMap |
emptyUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
emptyUnVarGraph | UnVarGraph |
emptyUnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
emptyValBindsIn | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyValBindsOut | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
emptyVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
emptyVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
emptyWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
emptyWorkList | TcSMonad |
emptyZonkEnv | TcHsSyn |
EnableBreakpoint | GHCi |
enableBreakpoint | GHCi |
enableTimeStats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
encodeDoubleIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
encodeDoubleIntegerName | PrelNames |
encodeFloatIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
encodeFloatIntegerName | PrelNames |
endPass | CoreLint |
endPassIO | CoreLint |
ensureNotLevPoly | TcMType |
ensureV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
ENTER | ByteCodeInstr |
enterCostCentreFun | StgCmmProf |
enterCostCentreThunk | StgCmmProf |
EnterIt | StgCmmClosure |
entryBlocks | Instruction |
entryCode | CmmInfo |
entryHeapCheck | StgCmmHeap |
entryHeapCheck' | StgCmmHeap |
entryLabel | Hoopl.Graph, Hoopl.Dataflow |
enumClassKey | PrelNames |
enumClassName | PrelNames |
enumClass_RDR | PrelNames |
enumFromClassOpKey | PrelNames |
enumFromName | PrelNames |
enumFromThenClassOpKey | PrelNames |
enumFromThenName | PrelNames |
enumFromThenToClassOpKey | PrelNames |
enumFromThenToName | PrelNames |
enumFromThenToPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
enumFromThenTo_RDR | PrelNames |
enumFromThen_RDR | PrelNames |
enumFromToClassOpKey | PrelNames |
enumFromToName | PrelNames |
enumFromToPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
enumFromTo_RDR | PrelNames |
enumFrom_RDR | PrelNames |
EnumSet | EnumSet |
Env | |
1 (Type/Class) | StgCmmExtCode |
2 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
3 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
env_gbl | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
env_lcl | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
env_top | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
env_us | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
EOF | SysTools.Process |
EP | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
EPS | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
EpsStats | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_ann_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_complete_matches | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_fam_inst_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_free_holes | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_inst_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_is_boot | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_mod_fam_inst_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_PIT | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_PTE | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_rule_base | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_stats | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eps_vect_info | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
eqCanDischargeFR | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
eqCanRewrite | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
eqCanRewriteFR | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
eqClassKey | PrelNames |
eqClassName | PrelNames |
eqClassOpKey | PrelNames |
eqClass_RDR | PrelNames |
eqCoercion | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
eqCoercionX | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
eqDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
eqDataConId | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
eqDataConKey | PrelNames |
eqDataConName | PrelNames |
eqEmptyLocalBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
eqExpr | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
eqHsBang | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
eqIntegerPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
eqIntegerPrimName | PrelNames |
eqListBy | Util, GhcPlugins |
eqLocated | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
eqMaybeBy | Util, GhcPlugins |
eqMayRewriteFR | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
eqName | PrelNames |
EqnInfo | DsMonad, DsUtils |
eqn_pats | DsMonad, DsUtils |
eqn_rhs | DsMonad, DsUtils |
eqPhantPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
eqPhantPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
eqPhase | DriverPhases |
eqPmLit | PmExpr, TmOracle |
EqPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
eqPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
eqPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
EQQ | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
EqRel | Type, GhcPlugins |
eqRelRole | Type, GhcPlugins |
eqReprPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
eqReprPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
EqSpec | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
eqSpecPair | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
eqSpecPreds | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
eqSpecType | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
eqSpecTyVar | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
EqStableNameOp | PrimOp |
EqStablePtrOp | PrimOp |
eqStringIdKey | PrelNames |
eqStringName | PrelNames |
eqString_RDR | PrelNames |
eqSwitchTargetWith | CmmSwitch |
eqTag_RDR | PrelNames |
eqTyConKey | PrelNames |
eqTyConName | PrelNames |
eqTyCon_RDR | PrelNames |
eqType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
eqTypes | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
eqTypeX | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
EqualCtList | TcSMonad |
equalityTIdKey | THNames |
equalityTName | THNames |
equalityTyCon | Type, GhcPlugins |
equalKeysUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
equalLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
equals | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
EquationInfo | DsMonad, DsUtils |
equivClasses | ListSetOps |
EqVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
eqVarBndrs | Type, GhcPlugins |
eq_RDR | PrelNames |
eraseDeltasLive | RegAlloc.Liveness |
Err | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmdLineParser |
ErrCtxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ErrDoc | ErrUtils |
errDoc | ErrUtils |
errDocContext | ErrUtils |
errDocImportant | ErrUtils |
errDocSupplementary | ErrUtils |
errDs | DsMonad |
errDsCoreExpr | DsMonad |
ErrMsg | ErrUtils |
errMsg | CmdLineParser |
errMsgContext | ErrUtils |
errMsgDoc | ErrUtils |
errMsgReason | ErrUtils |
errMsgSeverity | ErrUtils |
errMsgSpan | ErrUtils |
ErrorCall | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
ErrorCallWithLocation | Exception |
errorIdKey | PrelNames |
errorIds | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
ErrorMessages | ErrUtils |
errorMessageTypeErrorFamKey | PrelNames |
errorMessageTypeErrorFamName | PrelNames |
errorMsg | |
1 (Function) | ErrUtils |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
errorMsgS | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
errorsFound | ErrUtils |
errorsToGhcException | CmdLineParser |
error_Expr | TcGenDeriv |
error_RDR | PrelNames |
ErrReason | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
escapeArrowScope | TcRnMonad |
escapeJsonString | Json |
escapeSpaces | Util, GhcPlugins |
esi | X86.Regs |
esp | X86.Regs |
etaExpand | CoreArity |
etaExpandToJoinPoint | CoreArity |
etaExpandToJoinPointRule | CoreArity |
EtaExpansion | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
EtaReduction | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
eval | BooleanFormula |
EvalApp | GHCi |
EvalBreak | GHCi |
EvalComplete | GHCi |
evalDmd | Demand |
evaldUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
EvalException | GHCi |
EvalExpr | GHCi |
EvalIO | GHCi |
evalIO | GHCi |
evalP | PipelineMonad |
EvalResult | GHCi |
evalState | State |
EvalStatus | GHCi |
EvalStatus_ | GHCi |
EvalStmt | GHCi |
evalStmt | GHCi |
EvalString | GHCi |
evalString | GHCi |
evalStringToIOString | GHCi |
EvalStringToString | GHCi |
EvalSuccess | GHCi |
EvalThis | GHCi |
evaluate | Exception |
EvBind | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
EvBindMap | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
evBindMapBinds | TcEvidence |
EvBinds | TcEvidence |
EvBindsVar | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
evBindVar | TcEvidence |
EvCallStack | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
EvCast | TcEvidence |
EvCoercion | TcEvidence |
EvCsEmpty | TcEvidence |
EvCsPushCall | TcEvidence |
EvDelayedError | TcEvidence |
EvDFunApp | TcEvidence |
EvId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Var, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
EViewPat | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
EvLit | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
EvNum | TcEvidence |
EvSelector | TcEvidence |
EvStr | TcEvidence |
EvSuperClass | TcEvidence |
EvTerm | TcEvidence |
evTermCoercion | TcEvidence |
EvTypeable | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
EvTypeableTrFun | TcEvidence |
EvTypeableTyApp | TcEvidence |
EvTypeableTyCon | TcEvidence |
EvTypeableTyLit | TcEvidence |
EvVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
EvVarDest | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
evVarPred | TcType |
evVarPred_maybe | TcType |
evVarsOfTerm | TcEvidence |
ev_bind_varenv | TcEvidence |
EWildPat | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
EwM | CmdLineParser |
Exact | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
exactLog2 | Util, GhcPlugins |
exactTyCoVarsOfType | TcType |
exactTyCoVarsOfTypes | TcType |
Exception | Exception, Panic |
ExceptionMonad | Exception |
execAllocation | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
ExecBreak | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
ExecComplete | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
execLineNumber | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
ExecOptions | |
1 (Type/Class) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
execOptions | InteractiveEval, GHC |
ExecResult | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
execResult | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
execSingleStep | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
execSourceFile | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
execState | State |
execStmt | InteractiveEval, GHC |
execWrap | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
exeFileName | DriverPipeline |
existsInst | Vectorise.Monad.InstEnv, Vectorise.Monad |
exitifyProgram | Exitify |
exnRes | Demand |
exnSig | Demand |
expandedPackageConfigId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
expandSynTyCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
expandTop | SPARC.CodeGen.Expand |
expandTopDir | SysTools.BaseDir, SysTools |
expandTypeSynonyms | Type, GhcPlugins |
expandUnfolding_maybe | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ExpBr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
expectedKindInCtxt | TcValidity |
expectJust | Maybes |
expectP_RDR | PrelNames |
explBidirPatSynIdKey | THNames |
explBidirPatSynName | THNames |
ExplicitBidirectional | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
explicitForallEnabled | Lexer |
ExplicitList | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
explicitNamespacesEnabled | Lexer |
explicitPackages | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ExplicitPArr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ExplicitSplice | BasicTypes, HsDecls, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ExplicitSum | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ExplicitTuple | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
exports_from_avail | TcRnExports |
exposed | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
exposedModules | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
ExposePackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
expQTyConKey | THNames |
expQTyConName | THNames |
Expr | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
exprArity | CoreArity |
exprBotStrictness_maybe | CoreArity |
exprCtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
exprDeepLookup | TmOracle |
exprEtaExpandArity | CoreArity |
exprFreeIds | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprFreeIdsDSet | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprFreeIdsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprFreeVarsDSet | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprFreeVarsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
ExprHole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ExpRhoType | TcType, TcMType |
exprIsBig | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsBottom | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsCheap | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsCheapX | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsConApp_maybe | CoreOpt, CoreUnfold |
exprIsConLike | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsDupable | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsExpandable | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsHNF | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsLambda_maybe | CoreOpt |
exprIsLiteral_maybe | CoreOpt, CoreUnfold |
exprIsTickedString | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsTickedString_maybe | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsTopLevelBindable | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsTrivial | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprIsWorkFree | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
ExprLStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
exprOkForSideEffects | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprOkForSpeculation | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprsFreeIdsDSet | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprsFreeIdsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprsFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprsFreeVarsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
ExprSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
ExprSigOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
exprSize | CoreStats |
exprSomeFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprSomeFreeVarsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprsOrphNames | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprsSomeFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprsSomeFreeVarsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
exprStats | CoreStats |
ExprStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
exprToCoercion_maybe | CoreSyn, CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprToType | CoreSyn, CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
exprType | |
1 (Function) | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | InteractiveEval, GHC |
ExprWithTySig | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ExprWithTySigCtx | RnUtils |
ExprWithTySigOut | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
expr_fvs | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
ExpSigmaType | TcType, TcMType |
expTyConKey | THNames |
expTyConName | THNames |
ExpType | TcType, TcMType |
expTypeToType | TcMType |
extendAnnEnvList | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
extendClosureEnv | ByteCodeLink |
extendCompleteMatchMap | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
extendCoreMap | TrieMap |
extendCtsList | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
extendCvSubst | |
1 (Function) | Type, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst |
3 (Function) | SimplEnv |
extendDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendDVarEnvList | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendDVarEnv_C | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
extendDVarSetList | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
extendEvBinds | TcEvidence |
extendFamEnv | Vectorise.Env |
extendFamInstEnv | FamInstEnv |
extendFamInstEnvList | FamInstEnv |
extendFixityEnv | TcRnMonad |
extendFlatCache | TcSMonad |
extendFloats | SimplEnv |
extendFsEnv | FastStringEnv, OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendFsEnvList | FastStringEnv |
extendFsEnvList_C | FastStringEnv |
extendFsEnv_Acc | FastStringEnv |
extendFsEnv_C | FastStringEnv |
extendGlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
extendGlobalRdrEnvRn | RnNames |
extendIdSubst | |
1 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | SimplEnv |
extendIdSubstList | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendIfaceEnvs | IfaceEnv |
extendIfaceIdEnv | IfaceEnv |
extendIfaceTyVarEnv | IfaceEnv |
extendImportedVarsEnv | Vectorise.Env |
extendInScope | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendInScopeIds | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendInScopeList | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendInScopeSetList | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendInScopeSetSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendInstalledModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendInstEnv | InstEnv |
extendInstEnvList | InstEnv |
extendInteractiveContext | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
extendInteractiveContextWithIds | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
extendLiftingContext | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
extendLinkEnv | Linker |
extendLoadedPkgs | Linker |
extendLocalInstEnv | TcDerivUtils |
extendLocalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
extendLocalRdrEnvList | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
extendMG | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
extendModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendModuleEnvList | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendModuleEnvList_C | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendModuleEnvWith | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendModuleSetList | Module, GhcPlugins |
extendNameCache | NameCache, IfaceEnv |
extendNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendNameEnvList | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendNameEnvList_C | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendNameEnv_Acc | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendNameEnv_C | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
extendNameSetList | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
extendNameShape | NameShape |
extendOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendOccEnvList | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendOccEnv_Acc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendOccEnv_C | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendOccSetList | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
extendOrigNameCache | NameCache |
extendPragEnv | TcSigs |
extendRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
extendRuleBaseList | Rules, GhcPlugins |
extendRuleInfo | Rules, GhcPlugins |
extendSubst | |
1 (Function) | TmOracle |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendSubstList | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendSubstWithVar | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendTCvInScope | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
extendTCvInScopeList | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
extendTCvInScopeSet | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
extendTCvSubst | Type, TcType, CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendTvSubst | |
1 (Function) | Type, TcType |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
3 (Function) | SimplEnv |
extendTvSubstAndInScope | Type, Coercion, TcType, GhcPlugins |
extendTvSubstBinderAndInScope | Type, GhcPlugins |
extendTvSubstList | |
1 (Function) | Type |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
extendTvSubstWithClone | Type, GhcPlugins |
extendTypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
extendTypeEnvList | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
extendTypeEnvWithIds | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
extendTypeMap | TrieMap |
extendTypeMapWithScope | TrieMap |
extendTyVarEnvFVRn | RnUtils |
extendVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendVarEnvList | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendVarEnv_Acc | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendVarEnv_C | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendVarEnv_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
extendVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
extendVarSetList | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
extendWorkListCt | TcSMonad |
extendWorkListCts | TcSMonad |
extendWorkListEq | TcSMonad |
extendWorkListFunEq | TcSMonad |
extendWorkListImplic | TcSMonad |
extendWorkListNonEq | TcSMonad |
extension | Lexer |
extensionFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
extensions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
External | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
externaliseName | IfaceEnv |
ExternallyVisible | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
externallyVisibleCLabel | CLabel |
ExternalPackageState | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ExternWeak | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
extopt | Lexer |
Extract | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
extractDataDefnKindVars | RnTypes |
extractDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
extractFilteredRdrTyVars | RnTypes |
extractFilteredRdrTyVarsDups | RnTypes |
extractHsTyRdrTyVars | RnTypes |
extractHsTyRdrTyVarsDups | RnTypes |
extractHsTyRdrTyVarsKindVars | RnTypes |
extractHsTysRdrTyVars | RnTypes |
extractHsTysRdrTyVarsDups | RnTypes |
extractMatchResult | DsUtils |
extractModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
extractRdrKindSigVars | RnTypes |
extractUnwindPoints | |
1 (Function) | X86.CodeGen |
2 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
ExtractV | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
extraGccViaCFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
extraGHCiLibraries | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
extraLibraries | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
extraStackArgsHere | SPARC.Base |
EXTS | PPC.Instr |
F | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
f0 | SPARC.Regs |
f1 | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
f20 | PPC.Regs |
f21 | PPC.Regs |
f22 | SPARC.Regs |
f26 | SPARC.Regs |
f27 | SPARC.Regs |
f32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
f6 | SPARC.Regs |
f64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
f8 | SPARC.Regs |
FABS | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
Fact | Hoopl.Dataflow |
FactBase | Hoopl.Label, Hoopl.Dataflow |
fact_bot | Hoopl.Dataflow |
fact_join | Hoopl.Dataflow |
FADD | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
FailablePattern | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
failAt | TcRnMonad |
failDs | DsMonad |
Failed | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Maybes |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
failed | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
failIfErrsM | TcRnMonad |
failIfM | TcRnMonad |
failIfTc | TcRnMonad |
failIfTcM | TcRnMonad |
failIOIdKey | PrelNames |
failIOName | PrelNames |
failLocMsgP | Lexer |
failM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
failMClassOpKey | PrelNames |
failMClassOpKey_preMFP | PrelNames |
failME | Maybes |
failMName | PrelNames |
failMName_preMFP | PrelNames |
failM_RDR | PrelNames |
failM_RDR_preMFP | PrelNames |
failSpanMsgP | Lexer |
failTcS | TcSMonad |
failTH | TcRnMonad |
failWith | TcRnMonad |
failWithDs | DsMonad |
failWithM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
failWithTc | TcRnMonad |
failWithTcM | TcRnMonad |
fake0 | X86.Regs |
fake1 | X86.Regs |
fake2 | X86.Regs |
fake3 | X86.Regs |
fake4 | X86.Regs |
fake5 | X86.Regs |
falseDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
falseDataConId | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
falseDataConKey | PrelNames |
falsePmExpr | PmExpr, TmOracle |
false_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
FamDataConPE | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
FamDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
famDeclHasCusk | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FamEqn | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FamFlavor | FamInstEnv |
FamilyDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FamilyInfo | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
familyInstances | FamInstEnv |
FamilyResultSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FamInst | |
1 (Type/Class) | FamInstEnv, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | FamInstEnv |
famInstAxiom | FamInstEnv |
FamInstEnv | FamInstEnv |
famInstEnvElts | FamInstEnv |
FamInstEnvs | FamInstEnv, FamInst |
famInstEnvSize | FamInstEnv |
FamInstEqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FamInstMatch | |
1 (Type/Class) | FamInstEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | FamInstEnv |
famInstRepTyCon_maybe | FamInstEnv |
famInstRHS | FamInstEnv |
FamInstSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
famInstsRepTyCons | FamInstEnv |
famInstTyCon | FamInstEnv |
FamPatCtx | RnUtils |
famTcResVar | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
FamTyConFlav | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
famTyConFlav_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
FastMutInt | FastMutInt |
FastMutPtr | FastMutInt |
FastString | |
1 (Type/Class) | FastString, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | FastString, GhcPlugins |
FastStringEnv | FastStringEnv, OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
fastStringToByteString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
FastZString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
fastZStringToByteString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
fatalErrorMsg | |
1 (Function) | ErrUtils |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
fatalErrorMsg'' | ErrUtils |
fatalErrorMsgS | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
FatalMessager | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
fatalWarningFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
FCallId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
fcat | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
FCFID | PPC.Instr |
FCMP | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
FCode | StgCmmMonad |
FCTIDZ | PPC.Instr |
FCTIWZ | PPC.Instr |
FDEqn | FunDeps |
fdFixity | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fdInfo | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fdInjectivityAnn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FDIV | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
fdLName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fdResultSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fdTyVars | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fd_co | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fd_eqs | FunDeps |
fd_fe | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fd_fi | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fd_loc | FunDeps |
fd_name | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
fd_pred1 | FunDeps |
fd_pred2 | FunDeps |
fd_qtvs | FunDeps |
fd_sig_ty | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
Fence | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
feqn_fixity | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
feqn_pats | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
feqn_rhs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
feqn_tycon | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
FetchAddByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
FetchAndByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
FETCHGOT | X86.Instr |
FetchNandByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
FetchOrByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
FetchSubByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
FetchXorByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
FF32 | Format |
FF64 | Format |
FF80 | Format |
FFIInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeTypes |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeTypes |
fFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
FFoldType | TcGenFunctor |
fieldExpIdKey | THNames |
fieldExpName | THNames |
fieldExpQTyConKey | THNames |
fieldExpQTyConName | THNames |
fieldExpTyConKey | THNames |
fieldExpTyConName | THNames |
FieldLabel | |
1 (Data Constructor) | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
FieldLabelEnv | FieldLabel |
FieldLabelString | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
FieldLbl | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
FieldOcc | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
FieldOff | StgCmmLayout |
FieldOffOrPadding | StgCmmLayout |
fieldPatIdKey | THNames |
fieldPatName | THNames |
fieldPatQTyConKey | THNames |
fieldPatQTyConName | THNames |
fieldPatTyConKey | THNames |
fieldPatTyConName | THNames |
figureLlvmVersion | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
filedata | Ar |
filegrp | Ar |
filemode | Ar |
filename | Ar |
FileOption | DynFlags, SysTools, GhcPlugins |
fileown | Ar |
filesize | Ar |
FilesToClean | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
filesToClean | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
filetime | Ar |
fillCoercionHole | TcMType |
FillInCaseDefault | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
filterAlts | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
filterAvail | Avail |
filterAvails | Avail |
filterBag | Bag |
filterBagM | Bag |
filterByList | Util, GhcPlugins |
filterByLists | Util, GhcPlugins |
filterComplex | PmExpr, TmOracle |
filterDicts | TcSMonad |
filterDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
filterDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
filterEqSpec | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
filterEvBindMap | TcEvidence |
filterFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
filterFV | FV |
filterHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
filterIdKey | PrelNames |
filterInstalledModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
filterModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
filterName | PrelNames |
filterNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
filterNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
filterOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
filterOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
filterOut | Util, GhcPlugins |
filterOutInvisibleTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
filterPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
filterUDFM | UniqDFM |
filterUDFM_Directly | UniqDFM |
filterUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
filterUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
filterUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
filterUniqMap | UniqMap |
filterUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
filterUniqSet_Directly | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
filterVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
filterVarEnv_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
filterVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
fim_cos | FamInstEnv |
fim_instance | FamInstEnv |
fim_tys | FamInstEnv |
FinalizeWeakOp | PrimOp |
finally | Exception |
finalSafeMode | TcRnMonad |
findAlt | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
findAndReadIface | LoadIface |
findAnns | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
findAnnsByTypeRep | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
findChildren | RnNames |
findCycle | Digraph |
findDefault | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
findDict | TcSMonad |
findDictsByClass | TcSMonad |
findDupsEq | ListSetOps |
findDupSigTvs | TcType |
FinderCache | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
findExactModule | Finder |
findExposedPackageModule | Finder |
findExtraSigImports | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver, GhcMake |
findExtraSigImports' | TcBackpack |
findFunEq | TcSMonad |
findFunEqsByTyCon | TcSMonad |
findGlobalAnns | GHC |
findHomeModule | Finder |
findIdDemand | Demand |
findImportedModule | |
1 (Function) | Finder |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
findMethodBind | TcClassDcl |
findModule | GHC |
findObjectLinkable | Finder |
findObjectLinkableMaybe | Finder |
findPluginModule | Finder |
FindResult | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
findRhsArity | CoreArity |
findSplice | RnSource |
FindSystemLibrary | GHCi |
findSystemLibrary | GHCi |
findTopDir | SysTools.BaseDir |
findTyEqs | TcSMonad |
findTypeShape | WwLib |
findUses | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
Fingerprint | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Fingerprint |
2 (Type/Class) | Fingerprint |
fingerprint0 | Fingerprint |
fingerprintBinMem | BinFingerprint |
fingerprintByteString | Fingerprint |
fingerprintData | Fingerprint |
fingerprintDataConKey | PrelNames |
fingerprintDataConName | PrelNames |
fingerprintDynFlags | FlagChecker |
fingerprintFingerprints | Fingerprint |
fingerprintHpcFlags | FlagChecker |
fingerprintOptFlags | FlagChecker |
fingerprintString | Fingerprint |
finishTH | TcSplice |
first3M | Util, GhcPlugins |
firstAIdKey | PrelNames |
firstAName | PrelNames |
firstfake | X86.Regs |
firstJust | Maybes |
firstJusts | Maybes |
firstM | Util, GhcPlugins |
firstNode | Hoopl.Block |
firstPat | DsUtils |
fIRST_TAG | BasicTypes, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
fits13Bits | SPARC.Base |
fits16Bits | PPC.Regs |
fixC | StgCmmMonad |
fixDs | DsMonad |
Fixed | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
FixedArgs | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
fixedHdrSize | SMRep |
fixedHdrSizeW | SMRep |
fixedInfoTableSizeW | CmmInfo |
fixEndian | Llvm.Types |
FixItem | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
Fixity | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
FixityDirection | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
FixityEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
FixitySig | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
fixM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
fixSafeInstances | TcRnMonad |
FixSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
fixStgRegisters | CgUtils |
fixV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
fixVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
fi_axiom | FamInstEnv |
fi_cvs | FamInstEnv |
fi_fam | FamInstEnv |
fi_flavor | FamInstEnv |
fi_rhs | FamInstEnv |
fi_tcs | FamInstEnv |
fi_tvs | FamInstEnv |
fi_tys | FamInstEnv |
FL | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
Flag | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmdLineParser |
flagGhcMode | CmdLineParser |
flagName | CmdLineParser |
flagOptKind | CmdLineParser |
flagsAll | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagsDynamic | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagsForCompletion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagsPackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
FlagSpec | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagSpecAction | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagSpecFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagSpecGhcMode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flagSpecName | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
fLangFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flatMapBagM | Bag |
flatMapBagPairM | Bag |
FlatMetaTv | TcType |
FlatSkolTv | TcType |
flatten | TcFlatten |
flattenBinds | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
flattenManyNom | TcFlatten |
FlattenMode | TcFlatten |
flattenPmVarEnv | TmOracle |
flattenRuleDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
flattenSCC | Digraph |
flattenSCCs | Digraph |
flattenTys | FamInstEnv |
FldParent | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
Flexi | TcType |
flipSwap | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
flIsOverloaded | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
flLabel | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
float | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
float2DoubleLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Float2DoubleOp | PrimOp |
float2IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Float2IntOp | PrimOp |
FloatAcosOp | PrimOp |
FloatAddOp | PrimOp |
FloatAsinOp | PrimOp |
FloatAtanOp | PrimOp |
FloatBind | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
FloatCase | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
FloatCoshOp | PrimOp |
FloatCosOp | PrimOp |
floatDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
floatDataConKey | PrelNames |
FloatDecode_IntOp | PrimOp |
FloatDivOp | PrimOp |
FloatElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
floatElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
FloatEqOp | PrimOp |
FloatExpOp | PrimOp |
FloatFabsOp | PrimOp |
floatFormat | Format |
floatFromIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
floatFromIntegerName | PrelNames |
FloatGeOp | PrimOp |
FloatGtOp | PrimOp |
floatingClassKey | PrelNames |
floatingClassName | PrelNames |
floatInwards | FloatIn |
floatLamArgs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
FloatLeOp | PrimOp |
FloatLet | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
FloatLogOp | PrimOp |
FloatLtOp | PrimOp |
FloatMe | SetLevels |
FloatMulOp | PrimOp |
FloatNegOp | PrimOp |
FloatNeOp | PrimOp |
floatOutConstants | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
floatOutLambdas | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
floatOutOverSatApps | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
FloatOutSwitches | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
floatOutwards | FloatOut |
FloatPowerOp | PrimOp |
floatPrimLIdKey | THNames |
floatPrimLName | THNames |
floatPrimL_RDR | THNames |
floatPrimTy | TysPrim |
floatPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
floatPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
floatPrimTyConName | TysPrim |
FloatReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
FloatRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
floatRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
FloatSinhOp | PrimOp |
FloatSinOp | PrimOp |
FloatSlot | RepType |
FloatSpec | SetLevels |
floatSpecLevel | SetLevels |
FloatSqrtOp | PrimOp |
FloatSubOp | PrimOp |
FloatSuffix | CmdLineParser |
FloatTanhOp | PrimOp |
FloatTanOp | PrimOp |
floatToBytes | PprBase |
floatToTopLevelOnly | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
floatTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
floatTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
floatTyConKey | PrelNames |
floatTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
FloatVec | PrimOp |
floatX16PrimTy | TysPrim |
floatX16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
floatX16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
floatX4PrimTy | TysPrim |
floatX4PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
floatX4PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
floatX8PrimTy | TysPrim |
floatX8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
floatX8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
fLOAT_SIZE | Constants |
flSelector | FieldLabel, DataCon, GhcPlugins |
FlushErr | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flushErr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
flushFinderCaches | Finder |
FlushOut | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
flushOut | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
fl_neg | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
fl_text | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
fl_value | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
fmapClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fmapEitherM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
fmapMaybeM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
fmapName | PrelNames |
fmap_RDR | PrelNames |
FMOV | SPARC.Instr |
FMUL | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
fmvTcLevel | TcType |
FM_FlattenAll | TcFlatten |
FM_SubstOnly | TcFlatten |
FNEG | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
fNewtypeWrap | RtClosureInspect |
fNewtypeWrapM | RtClosureInspect |
fold | ListT |
foldableClassKey | PrelNames |
foldableClassName | PrelNames |
foldable_foldr_RDR | PrelNames |
foldAndRecoverM | TcRnMonad |
foldBag | Bag |
foldBlockNodesB | Hoopl.Block |
foldBlockNodesB3 | Hoopl.Block |
foldBlockNodesF | Hoopl.Block |
foldCoreMap | TrieMap |
foldDataConArgs | TcGenFunctor |
foldDicts | TcSMonad |
foldDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
foldDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
foldEvBindMap | TcEvidence |
foldExp | CmmNode, Cmm |
foldExpDeep | CmmNode, Cmm |
foldGraphBlocks | CmmUtils |
foldIrreds | TcSMonad |
foldl1' | Util, GhcPlugins |
foldl2 | Util, GhcPlugins |
foldlBag | Bag |
foldlBagM | Bag |
foldlM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
foldlM_ | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
foldLocalRegsDefd | CmmExpr, Cmm |
foldLocalRegsUsed | CmmExpr, Cmm |
foldlOL | OrdList |
foldMap_RDR | PrelNames |
foldNodesBwdOO | Hoopl.Dataflow |
foldOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
foldrBag | Bag |
foldrBagM | Bag |
foldRegsDefd | CmmExpr, Cmm |
foldRegsUsed | CmmExpr, Cmm |
foldRewriteNodesBwdOO | Hoopl.Dataflow |
foldrIdKey | PrelNames |
foldRight | FiniteMap, GhcPlugins |
foldRightWithKey | FiniteMap, GhcPlugins |
foldrM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
foldrName | PrelNames |
foldrOL | OrdList |
foldr_RDR | PrelNames |
foldTerm | RtClosureInspect |
foldTermM | RtClosureInspect |
foldTM | TrieMap |
foldTyEqs | TcSMonad |
foldTypeMap | TrieMap |
foldUDFM | UniqDFM |
foldUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
foldUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
forallCIdKey | THNames |
forallCName | THNames |
forAllLit | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
forallTIdKey | THNames |
forallTName | THNames |
ForallX | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
forall_tv_RDR | PrelNames |
forceLoadModuleInterfaces | DynamicLoading |
forceLoadNameModuleInterface | DynamicLoading |
forceLoadTyCon | DynamicLoading |
ForceSpecConstr | SpecConstr |
ForD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ForeignCall | ForeignCall |
ForeignConvention | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmNode, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmNode, Cmm |
ForeignDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ForeignDeclCtx | RnUtils |
ForeignExport | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ForeignHint | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
ForeignHValue | GHC |
ForeignImport | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ForeignLabelInExternalPackage | CLabel |
ForeignLabelInPackage | CLabel |
ForeignLabelInThisPackage | CLabel |
ForeignLabelSource | CLabel |
foreignLabelStdcallInfo | CLabel |
foreignObjPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
ForeignSrcLang | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
ForeignStubs | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ForeignTarget | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmNode, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmNode, Cmm |
foreignTargetHints | CmmNode, Cmm |
foreign_os | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
forImpDIdKey | THNames |
forImpDName | THNames |
forkAlts | StgCmmMonad |
forkClosureBody | StgCmmMonad |
forkLneBody | StgCmmMonad |
forkM | TcRnMonad |
forkM_maybe | TcRnMonad |
ForkOnOp | PrimOp |
ForkOp | PrimOp |
Format | Format |
formatErrDoc | ErrUtils |
formatInBytes | Format |
formatLevPolyErr | TcMType |
formatToWidth | Format |
ForSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
forward | InteractiveEval, GHC |
Forwards | Util, GhcPlugins |
Found | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
FoundFL | RnEnv |
FoundMultiple | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
FoundName | RnEnv |
fp | SPARC.Regs |
fpRel | SPARC.Stack |
fpRelEA | SPARC.Instr |
fPrim | RtClosureInspect |
fPrimM | RtClosureInspect |
FR | RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs |
fractionalClassKey | PrelNames |
fractionalClassKeys | PrelNames |
fractionalClassName | PrelNames |
FractionalLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
frAllocateReg | RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs |
frameworkDirs | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
frameworkPaths | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
frameworks | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
FreeFFI | GHCi |
FreeHValueRefs | GHCi |
freeHValueRefs | GHCi |
freeKiTyVarsAllVars | RnTypes |
freeKiTyVarsKindVars | RnTypes |
freeKiTyVarsTypeVars | RnTypes |
freeNamesIfDecl | IfaceSyn |
freeNamesIfFamInst | IfaceSyn |
freeNamesIfRule | IfaceSyn |
freeReg | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
3 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.SPARC |
4 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin |
5 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC |
6 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs |
7 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 |
8 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM |
9 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform |
freeRegBase | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
FreeRegs | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
3 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
4 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
5 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
6 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
7 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
8 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
freeTick | SimplMonad |
FreeVars | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
freeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
freeVarsBind | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
freeVarsOf | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
freeVarsOfAnn | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
freezeAllInGraph | GraphOps, GraphColor |
FreezeArrayOp | PrimOp |
freezeNode | GraphOps, GraphColor |
freezeOneInGraph | GraphOps, GraphColor |
FreezeSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
fRefWrap | RtClosureInspect |
fRefWrapM | RtClosureInspect |
fReg | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
Fresh | TcSMonad |
freshenCoVarBndrsX | TcMType |
freshenTyVarBndrs | TcMType |
freshGoals | TcSMonad |
frGetFreeRegs | RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs |
frInitFreeRegs | RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs |
From | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
from1_RDR | PrelNames |
fromBranches | CoAxiom |
fromEIdKey | THNames |
fromEName | THNames |
fromEnum_RDR | PrelNames |
fromEP | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
fromEvalResult | GHCi |
fromException | Exception, Panic |
fromExposedReexport | Packages, GhcPlugins |
fromHiddenReexport | Packages, GhcPlugins |
fromIntegerClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fromIntegerName | PrelNames |
fromInteger_RDR | PrelNames |
fromIntegralIdKey | PrelNames |
fromIntegralName | PrelNames |
fromIntegral_RDR | PrelNames |
fromJust | Maybes |
fromList | |
1 (Function) | EnumSet |
2 (Function) | Stream |
fromListClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fromListName | PrelNames |
fromListNClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fromListNName | PrelNames |
fromListN_RDR | PrelNames |
fromList_RDR | PrelNames |
fromMaybe | Maybes |
fromNonVoid | StgCmmClosure |
fromOL | OrdList |
fromOrigPackage | Packages, GhcPlugins |
fromPackageFlag | Packages, GhcPlugins |
fromPhaseDataConKey | THNames |
fromPhaseDataConName | THNames |
fromRationalClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fromRationalName | PrelNames |
fromRational_RDR | PrelNames |
fromSerialized | GhcPlugins |
FromSource | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
fromStaticPtrClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fromStaticPtrName | PrelNames |
fromStgHalfWord | SMRep |
fromStgWord | SMRep |
fromStringClassOpKey | PrelNames |
fromStringName | PrelNames |
fromString_RDR | PrelNames |
FromThen | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
fromThenEIdKey | THNames |
fromThenEName | THNames |
FromThenTo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
fromThenToEIdKey | THNames |
fromThenToEName | THNames |
FromTo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
fromToEIdKey | THNames |
fromToEName | THNames |
fromVect | Vectorise.Convert |
fromVoidVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
from_RDR | PrelNames |
frontend | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
FrontendPlugin | |
1 (Type/Class) | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
FrontendPluginAction | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
frontendPluginOpts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
frontendPluginTyConKey | PrelNames |
frontendPluginTyConName | PrelNames |
FrontendResult | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
FrontendTypecheck | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
frReleaseReg | RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs |
FRSP | PPC.Instr |
fr_mods_hidden | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
fr_paths | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
fr_pkg | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
fr_pkgs_hidden | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
fr_suggestions | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
fsep | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
fsFromRole | CoAxiom |
fsLit | FastString, GhcPlugins |
fst3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
fstIdKey | PrelNames |
fstName | PrelNames |
fstOf3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
fsToInstalledUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
fsToUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
FSUB | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
fSuspension | RtClosureInspect |
fSuspensionM | RtClosureInspect |
fs_bs | FastString, GhcPlugins |
fs_ref | FastString, GhcPlugins |
FT | TcGenFunctor |
ftcCurrentModule | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ftcGhcSession | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
fTerm | RtClosureInspect |
fTermM | RtClosureInspect |
ftext | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
ft_bad_app | TcGenFunctor |
ft_co_var | TcGenFunctor |
ft_forall | TcGenFunctor |
ft_fun | TcGenFunctor |
ft_triv | TcGenFunctor |
ft_tup | TcGenFunctor |
ft_ty_app | TcGenFunctor |
ft_var | TcGenFunctor |
fullRender | Pretty |
Fun | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SMRep, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
funAppCtxt | TcHsType |
funArgTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
FunBind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
funcAlign | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
funcArgs | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
funcAttrs | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
funcBody | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
funcCc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
funcDecl | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
funcLinkage | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
funcPrefix | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
funcSect | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
FunctionOrData | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
functorClassKey | PrelNames |
functorClassName | PrelNames |
functorLikeTraverse | TcGenFunctor |
FunDep | Class |
FunDepEqn | FunDeps |
funDepIdKey | THNames |
funDepName | THNames |
FunDepOrigin1 | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
FunDepOrigin2 | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
funDepTyConKey | THNames |
funDepTyConName | THNames |
funDIdKey | THNames |
funDName | THNames |
funEqCanDischarge | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
funEqCanDischargeF | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
funInfoArity | CmmInfo |
funInfoTable | CmmInfo |
funInsert | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
FunLike | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
funLikeDataConKey | THNames |
funLikeDataConName | THNames |
funLookup | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
FunN | StgCmmExtCode |
FunPrec | BasicTypes, Type, GhcPlugins |
funPtrTyConKey | PrelNames |
funPtrTyConName | PrelNames |
funResultTy | Type, GhcPlugins, GHC |
FunRhs | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
FunSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
funsSigCtxt | TcHsType |
funTag | StgCmmClosure |
funTyCon | TysPrim, Type, GhcPlugins |
funTyConKey | PrelNames |
funTyConName | TysPrim |
funTyFixity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
fun_co_fn | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
fun_id | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
fun_matches | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
fun_tick | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
fuzzyClsInstCmp | InstEnv |
fuzzyLookup | Util, GhcPlugins |
fuzzyMatch | Util, GhcPlugins |
FV | FV |
FVAnn | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
fvDVarSet | FV |
fvVarList | FV |
fvVarListVarSet | FV |
fvVarSet | FV |
FxTOy | SPARC.Instr |
g0 | SPARC.Regs |
g1 | SPARC.Regs |
g2 | SPARC.Regs |
GABS | X86.Instr |
GADD | X86.Instr |
gadtCIdKey | THNames |
gadtCName | THNames |
gadtDeclDetails | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
gammaTy | TysPrim |
gammaTyVar | TysPrim |
garbageLit | Llvm.Types |
gbracket | Exception, GHC |
GC | CmmNode, Cmm |
gcatch | Exception, GHC |
GCC | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
gcdIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
gcdIntegerName | PrelNames |
GCEnter1 | CmmExpr, Cmm |
GCFun | CmmExpr, Cmm |
GCMP | X86.Instr |
GCOS | X86.Instr |
gcWord | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
GDIV | X86.Instr |
GDTOF | X86.Instr |
GDTOI | X86.Instr |
GE | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
geClassOpKey | PrelNames |
geIntegerPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
geIntegerPrimName | PrelNames |
Gen0 | TcGenGenerics |
Gen1 | TcGenGenerics |
gen1ClassKey | PrelNames |
gen1ClassName | PrelNames |
geName | PrelNames |
genAuxBinds | TcGenDeriv |
GenBasicBlock | Cmm, Instruction |
genCaseTmCs1 | Check |
genCaseTmCs2 | Check |
genClassKey | PrelNames |
genClassName | PrelNames |
GenCmmDecl | Cmm |
GenCmmGraph | Cmm |
GenCmmGroup | Cmm |
genData | LlvmCodeGen.Data |
GeneralFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
generalFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
generalizeIndefModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
generalizeIndefUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
Generated | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
generatedDumps | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
generatedSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
generateExternDecls | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
generateJumpTableForInstr | |
1 (Function) | X86.CodeGen |
2 (Function) | SPARC.CodeGen |
3 (Function) | PPC.CodeGen |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
genericClassNames | PrelNames |
GenericCtx | RnUtils |
GenericDM | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
genericHscFrontend | HscMain |
GenericKind | TcGenGenerics |
gENERICS | PrelNames |
genericTyConNames | PrelNames |
genInstSkolTyVarsX | TcMType |
genLlvmData | LlvmCodeGen.Data |
genLlvmProc | LlvmCodeGen.CodeGen |
GenLocated | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
GenSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
GenStgAlt | StgSyn |
GenStgArg | StgSyn |
GenStgBinding | StgSyn |
GenStgExpr | StgSyn |
GenStgRhs | StgSyn |
GenStgTopBinding | StgSyn |
genUnitDataConKey | PrelNames |
gen_Bounded_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Data_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Enum_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Eq_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Foldable_binds | TcGenFunctor |
gen_Functor_binds | TcGenFunctor |
gen_Generic_binds | TcGenGenerics |
gen_Ix_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_kill | CmmLive |
gen_Lift_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Newtype_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Ord_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Read_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Show_binds | TcGenDeriv |
gen_Traversable_binds | TcGenFunctor |
get | |
1 (Function) | State |
2 (Function) | Binary |
getAmode | SPARC.CodeGen.Amode |
getAndRemoveAnnotation | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
getAndRemoveAnnotationComments | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
getAnnotation | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
getAnnotationComments | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
getAnnotations | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getAnnTargetName_maybe | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
getAppsTyHead_maybe | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
GetApStackValOp | PrimOp |
getArg | CmdLineParser |
getArgAmode | StgCmmEnv |
getAssigR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
getAt | Binary |
getBangStrictness | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
getBangType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
getBindings | GHC |
getBindName | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
getBinds | StgCmmMonad |
getBlockAssigR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
getBlockIdNat | NCGMonad |
GetBreakpointVar | GHCi |
getBreakpointVar | GHCi |
getByte | Binary |
getCallMethod | StgCmmClosure |
getCaretDiagnostic | ErrUtils |
getCastedTyVar_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
GetCCSOfOp | PrimOp |
getCgIdInfo | StgCmmEnv |
getClassPredTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
getClassPredTys_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
getClosureData | RtClosureInspect |
getCmd | Util, GhcPlugins |
getCmdLineState | CmdLineParser |
getCmm | StgCmmMonad |
getCode | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
getCodeR | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
getCodeScoped | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
getCompilerInfo | SysTools.Info, SysTools.ExtraObj, SysTools |
getCompilerInfo' | SysTools.Info, SysTools |
getCondCode | SPARC.CodeGen.CondCode |
getConDetails | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
getConNames | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
getConstraintVar | TcRnMonad |
getConstrTag | CmmInfo |
getContext | InteractiveEval, GHC |
getCoVar_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
getCtLocM | TcRnMonad |
getCurLoc | CmdLineParser |
GetCurrentCCSOp | PrimOp |
getCvSubstEnv | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
getDebugBlock | NCGMonad |
getDeclaredDefaultTys | TcRnMonad |
getDefaultInfo | TcSMonad |
getDeltaNat | NCGMonad |
getDeltaR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
getDFunTyKey | TcType |
getDictFastString | BinIface |
getDictionary | Binary |
getDictsDs | DsMonad |
getDynFlag | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getDynFlags | DynFlags, LlvmCodeGen.Base, StgCmmMonad, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins, TcSMonad, NCGMonad |
GetElemPtr | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
getEnv | |
1 (Function) | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
getEnvs | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
getEps | TcRnMonad |
getEpsAndHpt | TcRnMonad |
getEpsVar | TcRnMonad |
getEqPredRole | Type, GhcPlugins |
getEqPredTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
getEqPredTys_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
getErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
getErrsVar | TcRnMonad |
getEvBindsTcPluginM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcPluginM |
getEvTerm | TcSMonad |
getFact | Hoopl.Dataflow |
getFamEnvs | SimplMonad |
getFamInstEnvs | |
1 (Function) | TcSMonad |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
getFastStringTable | FastString, GhcPlugins |
getFileHash | Fingerprint |
getFileId | NCGMonad |
getFirstAnnotations | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getFixedTyVars | TcExpr |
getFixityEnv | TcRnMonad |
getFrameworkOpts | SysTools |
getFreeRegs | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
3 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
getFreeRegsR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
getGblEnv | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
getGccEnv | SysTools.Process |
getGHCiMonad | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | GHC |
getGhcMode | TcRnMonad |
getGhcModeDs | DsMonad |
getGlobalPtr | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getGlobalRdrEnv | TcRnMonad |
getGlobalRdrEnvTcS | TcSMonad |
getGlobalValue | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
getGlobalVar | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
getGRE | GHC |
getGRE_NameQualifier_maybes | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
getHeapUsage | StgCmmMonad |
getHistoryModule | InteractiveEval, GHC |
getHistorySpan | |
1 (Function) | InteractiveEval |
2 (Function) | GHC |
getHiVirtualRegFromLo | Reg |
getHiVRegFromLo | Reg |
getHooked | Hooks |
getHpRelOffset | StgCmmLayout, StgCmmHeap |
getHpt | TcRnMonad |
getHpUsage | StgCmmMonad |
getHscEnv | |
1 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | HscMain |
getHValue | Linker |
getHValueSafely | DynamicLoading |
getIdFromTrivialExpr | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
getIdFromTrivialExpr_maybe | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
getIfaceTopBndr | IfaceSyn |
getIfModule | TcRnMonad |
getImports | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | HeaderInfo |
getInertCans | TcSMonad |
getInertEqs | TcSMonad |
getInertGivens | TcSMonad |
getInertInsols | TcSMonad |
getInfo | InteractiveEval, GHC |
getInfoDown | StgCmmMonad |
getInLocalScope | TcEnv |
getInScope | SimplEnv |
getInScopeVars | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
getInstalledPackageDetails | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getInstEnvs | |
1 (Function) | TcSMonad |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
getInsts | GHC |
getInteractiveDynFlags | GHC |
getInteractivePrintName | TcRnMonad |
getInvalids | ErrUtils |
getIsGHCi | TcRnMonad |
getJumpDestBlockId | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
3 (Function) | PPC.RegInfo |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
getKey | Unique |
getLclEnv | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
getLclTypeEnv | TcRnMonad |
getLexState | Lexer |
getLHsInstDeclClass_maybe | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
getLHsInstDeclHead | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
getLink | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
getLinkerInfo | SysTools.Info, SysTools |
getLinkerInfo' | SysTools.Info, SysTools |
getLinkInfo | SysTools.ExtraObj |
getLitType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
getLlvmPlatform | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getLlvmVer | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
getLocalNonValBinders | RnNames |
getLocalRdrEnv | TcRnMonad |
getLocation | DriverPipeline |
getMaskingState | Exception |
getMessages | Lexer |
getMetaUniqueId | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getModBreaks | InteractiveEval |
getMode | SimplEnv |
getModificationUTCTime | Util, GhcPlugins |
getModLoc | NCGMonad |
getModSummary | GHC |
getModule | Module, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getModuleGraph | GHC |
getModuleInfo | GHC |
getModuleInterface | TcRnDriver |
getModuleName | StgCmmMonad |
getName | |
1 (Function) | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
getNamesInScope | InteractiveEval, GHC |
getNameToInstancesIndex | GHC |
getNewLabelNat | NCGMonad |
getNewRegNat | NCGMonad |
getNewRegPairNat | NCGMonad |
getNode | GraphOps, GraphColor |
getNoGivenEqs | TcSMonad |
getNonVoidArgAmodes | StgCmmEnv |
getNth | ListSetOps |
getOccFS | Name, GhcPlugins |
getOccName | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
getOccString | Name, GhcPlugins |
getOptions | HeaderInfo |
getOptionsFromFile | HeaderInfo |
getOpts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
getOrigNameCache | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getOutputFilename | DriverPipeline |
getOverlapFlag | Inst |
getPackageConfigMap | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageConfRefs | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageDetails | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageExtraCcOpts | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageFamInstEnv | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getPackageFrameworkPath | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageFrameworks | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageIncludePath | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageLibraryPath | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPackageLinkOpts | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPatSynBinds | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
getPendingScDicts | TcSMonad |
getPicBaseMaybeNat | NCGMonad |
getPicBaseNat | NCGMonad |
getPipeEnv | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
getPipeState | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
getPkgFrameworkOpts | SysTools |
getPprDebug | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
getPprStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
getPreloadPackagesAnd | Packages, GhcPlugins |
getPrimOpResultInfo | PrimOp |
getPrintUnqual | GHC |
getPrintUnqualified | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getProgramDynFlags | GHC |
getPState | Lexer |
getRdrEnvs | TcRnMonad |
getRdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
getRdrNamesInScope | InteractiveEval, GHC |
getRecFieldEnv | TcRnMonad |
getRegister | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen32 |
getRegisterReg | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
getResumeContext | InteractiveEval, GHC |
getRichTokenStream | GHC |
getRoleAnnots | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
getRuleBase | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getRules | Rules, GhcPlugins |
getRuntimeRep | Type, GhcPlugins |
getRuntimeRepFromKind | Type, GhcPlugins |
getRuntimeRepFromKind_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
getRuntimeRep_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
gets | State |
getSafeMode | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
getSafeOverlapFailures | TcSMonad |
getSelfLoop | StgCmmMonad |
getSequel | StgCmmMonad |
getSession | GhcMonad, GHC |
getSessionDynFlags | GhcMonad, GHC |
getSimplCount | SimplMonad |
getSimplRules | SimplMonad, SimplEnv |
GetSizeofMutableByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
getSomeReg | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen32 |
getSourceText | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
GetSparkOp | PrimOp |
getSrcLoc | |
1 (Function) | Name, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Lexer |
getSrcSpan | Name, GhcPlugins |
getSrcSpanDs | DsMonad |
getSrcSpanM | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getStackSlotFor | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
getStackUse | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
getStage | TcRnMonad |
getStageAndBindLevel | TcRnMonad |
getState | StgCmmMonad |
getStatType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
getStrDmd | Demand |
getSymtabName | BinIface |
getTag_RDR | PrelNames |
getTargets | GHC |
getTBAA | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
getTcEvBindsMap | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
getTcEvBindsVar | TcSMonad |
getTcEvTyCoVars | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
getTcLevel | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
getTcSInerts | TcSMonad |
getTCvInScope | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
getTCvSubst | |
1 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | SimplEnv |
getTCvSubstRangeFVs | Type, GhcPlugins |
getThisModule | PIC |
getThisModuleNat | NCGMonad |
getThisPackage | StgCmmMonad |
getTickScope | StgCmmMonad |
getTickyCtrLabel | StgCmmMonad |
getTmCsDs | DsMonad |
getTokenStream | GHC |
getTopEnv | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
getTopFloatBinds | SimplEnv |
getTopLevelSpliceLocs | TcRnMonad |
getTvSubstEnv | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
getTypeSigNames | TcEnv |
getTyVar | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
getTyVar_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
getUnfoldingInRuleMatch | SimplUtils |
getUniqMeta | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
getUnique | Unique, PrelNames, GhcPlugins |
getUniqueM | UniqSupply, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
getUniqueNat | NCGMonad |
getUniqueR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
getUniquesM | UniqSupply, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
getUniqueSupplyM | UniqSupply, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
getUniqueSupplyM3 | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
getUnsolvedInerts | TcSMonad |
getUpdFrameOff | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
getUseDmd | Demand |
getUsedVars | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
getUserData | Binary |
getUserTypeErrorMsg | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
getValueSafely | DynamicLoading |
getValueSafelyHook | Hooks |
getVarType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
getVerbFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
getVirtHp | StgCmmMonad, StgCmmHeap |
getVisibleOrphanMods | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
getWorkList | TcSMonad |
get_gen1_constrained_tys | TcGenGenerics |
get_GlobalReg_addr | StgCmmUtils |
GEU | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
ge_RDR | PrelNames |
gfinally | Exception, GHC |
GFREE | X86.Instr |
GFTOI | X86.Instr |
ghandle | Exception |
Ghc | |
1 (Type/Class) | GhcMonad, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | GhcMonad |
GhcApiError | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
GhcException | Panic, GHC |
ghcExit | ErrUtils |
GhcFlagMode | CmdLineParser |
ghcHeapSize | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
GHCiCtx | RnUtils |
GhciCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
ghciHistSize | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ghciIoClassKey | PrelNames |
ghciIoClassName | PrelNames |
GhciLStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ghcInternalFunctions | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
ghciScripts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ghciStepIoMClassOpKey | PrelNames |
ghciStepIoMName | PrelNames |
GhciStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
GhciStmtCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ghciSupported | Util, GhcPlugins |
ghciTablesNextToCode | Util, GhcPlugins |
ghciUsagePath | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
GhcLink | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ghcLink | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ghcLinkInfoNoteName | SysTools.ExtraObj |
ghcLinkInfoSectionName | SysTools.ExtraObj |
GhcMode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ghcMode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
GhcMonad | GhcMonad, GHC |
GhcPass | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
ghcPrimExports | PrelInfo |
ghcPrimIds | MkId, PrelInfo |
ghcPrimIfaceHook | Hooks |
GhcPs | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
GhcRn | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
GhcT | |
1 (Type/Class) | GhcMonad, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | GhcMonad |
GhcTc | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
GhcTcId | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
ghcUsagePath | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ghcVersionFile | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
gHC_ARR | PrelNames |
gHC_BASE | PrelNames |
gHC_CLASSES | PrelNames |
gHC_CONC | PrelNames |
gHC_CSTRING | PrelNames |
gHC_DESUGAR | PrelNames |
gHC_ENUM | PrelNames |
gHC_ERR | PrelNames |
gHC_EXTS | PrelNames |
gHC_FLOAT | PrelNames |
gHC_GENERICS | PrelNames |
gHC_GHCI | PrelNames |
gHC_INT | PrelNames |
gHC_INTEGER_TYPE | PrelNames |
gHC_IO | PrelNames |
gHC_IO_Exception | PrelNames |
gHC_LIST | PrelNames |
gHC_MAGIC | PrelNames |
gHC_NATURAL | PrelNames |
gHC_NUM | PrelNames |
gHC_OVER_LABELS | PrelNames |
gHC_PARR' | PrelNames |
gHC_PRIM | PrelNames |
gHC_PTR | PrelNames |
gHC_READ | PrelNames |
gHC_REAL | PrelNames |
gHC_RECORDS | PrelNames |
gHC_SHOW | PrelNames |
gHC_SRCLOC | PrelNames |
gHC_ST | PrelNames |
gHC_STABLE | PrelNames |
gHC_STACK | PrelNames |
gHC_STACK_TYPES | PrelNames |
gHC_STATICPTR | PrelNames |
gHC_TOP_HANDLER | PrelNames |
gHC_TUPLE | PrelNames |
gHC_TYPELITS | PrelNames |
gHC_TYPENATS | PrelNames |
gHC_TYPES | PrelNames |
gHC_WORD | PrelNames |
GITOD | X86.Instr |
GITOF | X86.Instr |
Given | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
GivenOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
glasgowExtsFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
GLD | X86.Instr |
GLD1 | X86.Instr |
GLDZ | X86.Instr |
Global | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Env |
global | Util, GhcPlugins |
GlobalEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Env |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Env |
globaliseAndTidyId | TidyPgm |
globaliseId | Var, Id, GhcPlugins |
globalM | Util, GhcPlugins |
globalParallelTyCons | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
globalParallelVars | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
GlobalPkgConf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
GlobalRdrElt | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
GlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
globalRdrEnvElts | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
GlobalReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
globalRegMaybe | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
3 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.SPARC |
4 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin |
5 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC |
6 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs |
7 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 |
8 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM |
9 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform |
GlobalRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
globalRegType | CmmExpr, Cmm |
GlobalScope | CmmNode, Cmm |
globalVectTyCons | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
global_bindings | Vectorise.Env |
global_datacons | Vectorise.Env |
global_fam_inst_env | Vectorise.Env |
global_inst_env | Vectorise.Env |
global_parallel_tycons | Vectorise.Env |
global_parallel_vars | Vectorise.Env |
global_pa_funs | Vectorise.Env |
global_pr_funs | Vectorise.Env |
global_tycons | Vectorise.Env |
global_vars | Vectorise.Env |
global_vect_avoid | Vectorise.Env |
global_vect_decls | Vectorise.Env |
GMany | Hoopl.Graph |
gmask | Exception |
GMOV | X86.Instr |
GMUL | X86.Instr |
GNEG | X86.Instr |
GNil | Hoopl.Graph |
GnuGold | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
GnuLD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
gonException | Exception |
gopt | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
goptM | TcRnMonad |
gopt_set | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
gopt_unset | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
GotSymbolOffset | CLabel |
GotSymbolPtr | CLabel |
Graph | |
1 (Type/Class) | GraphBase, GraphColor |
2 (Data Constructor) | GraphBase, GraphColor |
3 (Type/Class) | Hoopl.Graph |
4 (Type/Class) | Digraph |
Graph' | Hoopl.Graph |
graphFromEdgedVerticesOrd | Digraph |
graphFromEdgedVerticesUniq | Digraph |
graphMap | GraphBase, GraphColor |
graphMapModify | GraphBase, GraphColor |
GRE | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gReg | SPARC.Regs |
greLabel | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
greOccName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
greQualModName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
greRdrNames | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gresFromAvail | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gresFromAvails | RdrName, GhcPlugins, RnNames |
greSrcSpan | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gresToAvailInfo | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
greUsedRdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gre_imp | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gre_lcl | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gre_name | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
gre_par | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
GRHS | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
GRHSs | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
grhssCtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
grhssGRHSs | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
grhssLocalBinds | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
GroupForm | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
groupWithIdKey | PrelNames |
groupWithName | PrelNames |
group_instds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
group_roles | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
group_tyclds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
growThetaTyVars | TcSimplify |
GSIN | X86.Instr |
GSQRT | X86.Instr |
GST | X86.Instr |
GSUB | X86.Instr |
GTAN | X86.Instr |
gtDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
gtDataConId | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
gtDataConKey | PrelNames |
gtDataConName | PrelNames |
gtIntegerPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
gtIntegerPrimName | PrelNames |
gtry | Exception |
GTT | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
gtTag_RDR | PrelNames |
gt_RDR | PrelNames |
GU | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
guardedBIdKey | THNames |
guardedBName | THNames |
GuardLStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
guardMIdKey | PrelNames |
guardMName | PrelNames |
GuardStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
guessTarget | GHC |
GUnit | Hoopl.Graph |
g_entry | Cmm |
g_graph | Cmm |
HA | PPC.Regs |
haddockHTMLs | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
haddockInterfaces | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
haddockOptions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
halfWordMask | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
halfWordWidth | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
handle | Exception |
handleFlagWarnings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
handleGhcException | Panic |
handleIO | Exception |
handleJust | Exception |
handleProc | SysTools.Process |
Handler | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
handleSourceError | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hang | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
hangNotEmpty | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
happensBefore | DriverPhases |
HARD | Platform |
HasArg | CmdLineParser |
hasCAF | CLabel |
HasCallStack | Util, GhcPlugins |
hasCompleteSig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
HasDebugCallStack | Util, GhcPlugins |
HasDefault | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
HasDefaultX | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
hasDemandEnvSig | Demand |
hasDetailedCounts | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
HasDollar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HasDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
HasE | |
1 (Type/Class) | ApiAnnotation |
2 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation |
hasFieldClassName | PrelNames |
hasFieldClassNameKey | PrelNames |
hasHaskellName | CLabel |
hashByteString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
hashString | Util, GhcPlugins |
hashUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
hasImport | InteractiveEval, GHC |
hasIncoherentFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
HasInfo | IfaceSyn |
hasIPPred | TcType |
Haskell2010 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Haskell98 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
hasKey | Unique, PrelNames |
HasModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
hasNoBinding | Id, GhcPlugins |
hasNoDebugOutput | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
hasNoDups | ListSetOps |
hasNoGlobalRegs | CmmUtils |
hasNoOneShotInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
hasNoOptCoercion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
hasNoStateHack | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
HasOccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
hasOverlappableFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
hasOverlappingFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
HasParens | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hasPprDebug | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
hasSomeUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
HasSourceText | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
hasSpecPrags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
hasStockDeriving | TcDerivUtils |
hasTyVarHead | TcType |
hasVertexG | Digraph |
hasZEncoding | FastString, GhcPlugins |
haveRegBase | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
3 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.SPARC |
4 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin |
5 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC |
6 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs |
7 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 |
8 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM |
9 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform |
haveRtsOptsFlags | SysTools.ExtraObj |
hcat | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
HCc | DriverPhases |
hcSuf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hdrSize | SMRep |
hdrSizeW | SMRep |
Header | |
1 (Type/Class) | ForeignCall |
2 (Data Constructor) | ForeignCall |
headFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
heapClosureSizeW | SMRep |
heapHWM | StgCmmMonad |
heapN | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
HeapOverflow | Exception |
HeapRep | SMRep |
heapStackCheckGen | StgCmmHeap |
HeapUsage | |
1 (Type/Class) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | StgCmmMonad |
heqClass | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
heqDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
heqDataConKey | PrelNames |
heqSCSelIdKey | PrelNames |
heqTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
heqTyConKey | PrelNames |
hexDigit | Ctype |
hGetStringBuffer | StringBuffer |
hGetStringBufferBlock | StringBuffer |
HI | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
HiddenFlag | CmdLineParser |
hiddenModules | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
HidePackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
hiDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
History | |
1 (Type/Class) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval |
historyApStack | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval |
historyBreakInfo | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
historyEnclosingDecls | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
historySize | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hiSuf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hiVersion | Constants |
hm_details | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hm_iface | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hm_linkable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hoistBinding | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
hoistExpr | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
hoistPolyVExpr | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
hoistVExpr | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
Hole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
HoleDest | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
holeOcc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
HoleOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
HomeModInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HomePackageTable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
Hooks | Hooks |
hooks | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Hp | CmmExpr, Cmm |
HpAlloc | CmmExpr, Cmm |
hpcDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hpcEnabled | Lexer |
HpcInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hpcInfoHash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hpcInfoTickCount | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hpcInitCode | Coverage |
HpcTick | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
hpcUsed | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HpLim | CmmExpr, Cmm |
hpm_annotations | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hpm_module | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hpm_src_files | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hpReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
hptCompleteSigs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hptInstances | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hptRules | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hptVectInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hPutFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
hPutFZS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
hsAllLTyVarNames | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAnnotation | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAppInfix | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAppPrefix | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAppsTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAppTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAppType | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsAppTypeOut | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsArity | IfaceSyn |
HsArrApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsArrAppType | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsArrForm | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBangTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBindLR | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBinTick | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBootCtxt | RnEnv, RnBinds |
HsBootFile | DriverPhases, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBoxedTuple | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsBracket | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
Hsc | |
1 (Data Constructor) | DriverPhases |
2 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
3 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hscAddSptEntries | HscMain |
HsCase | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HscAsm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HscC | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hscCheckSafe | HscMain |
hscCompileCmmFile | HscMain |
hscCompileCoreExpr | HscMain |
hscCompileCoreExpr' | HscMain |
hscCompileCoreExprHook | Hooks |
hscDecls | HscMain |
hscDeclsWithLocation | HscMain |
hscDesugar | HscMain |
hscDesugar' | HscMain |
HscEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hscEPS | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hscFileFrontEnd | HscMain |
hscFrontendHook | Hooks |
hscGenHardCode | HscMain |
hscGetModuleInterface | HscMain |
hscGetSafe | HscMain |
HsChar | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCharPrim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
hscImport | HscMain |
hscIncrementalCompile | HscMain |
hscInteractive | HscMain |
HscInterpreted | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hscIsGHCiMonad | HscMain |
hscKcType | HscMain |
HscLlvm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsCmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdArrApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdArrForm | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdCase | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdDo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdIf | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdLam | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdLet | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdPar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdTop | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCmdWrap | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hscNormalIface' | HscMain |
HscNotGeneratingCode | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, HscMain |
HscNothing | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsComponentId | |
1 (Type/Class) | BkpSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | BkpSyn |
hsComponentId | BkpSyn |
hsConDeclArgTys | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsConDeclDetails | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsConDetails | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsConLikeOut | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsConPatArgs | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsConPatDetails | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsConstraintTuple | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsContext | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCoreAnn | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsCoreTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HscOut | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
hscParse | HscMain |
hscParse' | HscMain |
hscParsedStmt | HscMain |
hscParseExpr | HscMain |
hscParseIdentifier | HscMain |
hscPostBackendPhase | DriverPipeline |
HscRecomp | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, HscMain |
hscRnImportDecls | HscMain |
hscSimpleIface' | HscMain |
hscSimplify | HscMain |
hscSimplify' | HscMain |
HscSource | DriverPhases, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hscSourceString | DriverPhases, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hscSourceToIsBoot | GhcMake |
HscStatus | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, HscMain |
hscStmt | HscMain |
hscStmtWithLocation | HscMain |
HscTarget | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hscTarget | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
hscTcExpr | HscMain |
hscTcRcLookupName | HscMain |
hscTcRnGetInfo | HscMain |
hscTcRnLookupRdrName | HscMain |
hscTypecheckRename | HscMain |
HscUpdateBoot | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, HscMain |
HscUpdateSig | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, HscMain |
HscUpToDate | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, HscMain |
hsc_dflags | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_env | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
hsc_EPS | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_FC | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_HPT | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_IC | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_iserv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_mod_graph | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_NC | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_targets | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
hsc_type_env_var | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HsDataDefn | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hsDataDefnBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
hsDataFamInstBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hsDeclHasCusk | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDeclType | BkpSyn |
HsDeriving | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDerivingClause | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDocContext | RnUtils |
HsDocString | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDoc, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDoc, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDocTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsDoublePrim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
hsep | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
HsEqTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hSetTranslit | Util, GhcPlugins |
HsExplicitListTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsExplicitLTyVarNames | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsExplicitTupleTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsExprNeedsParens | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsExprToPmExpr | PmExpr, TmOracle |
HsFirstOrderApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsFloatPrim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsForAllTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsForeignDeclsBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
HsFractional | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsFunTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsGroup | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hsGroupBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
hsGroupInstDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsHigherOrderApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIB | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsib_body | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsib_closed | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsib_vars | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIf | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsigFile | DriverPhases, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HsImplBang | DataCon, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsImplicitBndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsImplicitBody | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsInline | IfaceSyn |
HsInt | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsInt64Prim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsInteger | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIntegral | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIntPrim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIParamTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIPBinds | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIPName | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsIPNameFS | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIPVar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsIsString | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsKind | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsKindSig | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLam | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLamCase | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLazy | DataCon, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsLet | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLevity | IfaceSyn |
hsLibraries | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
HsListTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLit | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLitKey | MatchLit |
hsLitType | TcHsSyn |
hsLMatchPats | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLocalBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsLocalBindsLR | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLPatType | TcHsSyn |
hsLTyClDeclBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLTyVarBndrsToTypes | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLTyVarBndrToType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLTyVarLocName | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLTyVarLocNames | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsLTyVarName | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsMatchContext | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsmodDecls | HsSyn, GHC |
hsmodDeprecMessage | HsSyn, GHC |
hsmodExports | HsSyn, GHC |
hsmodHaddockModHeader | HsSyn, GHC |
hsmodImports | HsSyn, GHC |
hsmodName | HsSyn, GHC |
HsModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsSyn, GHC |
HsModuleId | |
1 (Type/Class) | BkpSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | BkpSyn |
HsModuleSubst | BkpSyn |
HsModuleVar | BkpSyn |
HsMultiIf | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsNoCafRefs | IfaceSyn |
HsNoVect | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsNumTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsOpTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsOverLabel | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsOverLit | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsOverLitName | TcHsSyn |
hsPackageName | BkpSyn |
HsPar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsPArrTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsParsedModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HsParTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsPatNeedsParens | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsPatSynDetails | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsPatSynDir | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
hsPatSynSelectors | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
hsPatType | TcHsSyn |
HsPp | DriverPhases |
HsProc | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsQTvExplicit | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsQTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsQualTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsQuasiQuote | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsq_dependent | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsq_explicit | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsq_implicit | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRat | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecField | |
1 (Data Constructor) | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Type/Class) | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecField' | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecFieldArg | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecFieldCon | RnPat |
HsRecFieldContext | RnPat |
hsRecFieldId | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecFieldLbl | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecFieldPat | RnPat |
HsRecFields | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecFields | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecFieldsArgs | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecFieldSel | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecFieldUpd | RnPat |
HsRecFld | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecordBinds | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecPun | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRecUpdField | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecUpdFieldId | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecUpdFieldOcc | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
hsRecUpdFieldRdr | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRnBracketOut | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRule | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsRules | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSCC | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
hsScopedTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSigCtxt | RnEnv, RnBinds |
hsSigDoc | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSigFun | TcClassDcl |
hsSigType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsSigWcType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSpliced | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSplicedExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSplicedPat | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSplicedThing | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSplicedTy | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSpliceE | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSpliceTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSrcBang | |
1 (Type/Class) | DataCon, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | DataCon, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsSrcFile | DriverPhases, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
HsStatic | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsStmtContext | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsStrict | DataCon, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsStrictness | IfaceSyn |
HsString | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsStringPrim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsStrTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsSumTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTcBracketOut | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTick | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTickPragma | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTupArg | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTupleSort | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTupleTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsTvbAllKinded | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsTyClForeignBinders | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
hsTyGetAppHead_maybe | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTyLit | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTyPats | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTypeCtx | RnUtils |
HsTypedSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTyVar | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsTyVarBndr | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsTyVarName | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hst_bndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hst_body | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hst_ctxt | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsUnboundVar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsUnboxedTuple | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsUnfold | IfaceSyn |
HsUnit | |
1 (Type/Class) | BkpSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | BkpSyn |
hsunitBody | BkpSyn |
HsUnitDecl | BkpSyn |
HsUnitId | |
1 (Type/Class) | BkpSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | BkpSyn |
hsunitName | BkpSyn |
HsUnpack | DataCon, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
HsUntypedSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsValBinds | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
hsValBindsImplicits | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
HsValBindsLR | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVect | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVectClassIn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVectClassOut | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVectInstIn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVectInstOut | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVectTypeIn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsVectTypeOut | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWC | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hsWcScopedTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hswc_body | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
hswc_wcs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWildCardBndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWildCardInfo | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWildCardTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWord64Prim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWordPrim | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWrap | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
HsWrapper | TcEvidence |
hs_annds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_defds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_derivds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_docs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_fixds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_fords | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_ruleds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_splcds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_tyclds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_valds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_vects | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
hs_warnds | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
HValue | GHC |
HWSYNC | PPC.Instr |
i1 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
i128 | Llvm.Types |
i16 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
i32 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
i386_insert_ffrees | X86.Instr |
i64 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
i8 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
i8Ptr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
IAmALoopBreaker | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
IAmDead | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
iBinds | TcEnv |
ib_binds | TcEnv |
ib_derived | TcEnv |
ib_extensions | TcEnv |
ib_pragmas | TcEnv |
ib_tyvars | TcEnv |
IC | TcSMonad |
icExtendGblRdrEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
icInScopeTTs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
icInteractiveModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
icPrintUnqual | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ics_dead | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_binds | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_cwd | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_default | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_dflags | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_fix_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_given | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_imports | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_info | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IC_Insoluble | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_instances | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_int_print | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_mod_index | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_monad | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_need_inner | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_need_outer | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_no_eqs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_resume | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_rn_gbl_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ic_skols | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IC_Solved | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_status | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_tclvl | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_tythings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
IC_Unsolved | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ic_wanted | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Id | Var, Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
idArgRep | StgCmmArgRep |
idArity | Id, GhcPlugins |
IdBindingInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
idCafInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
idCallArity | Id, GhcPlugins |
idCoreRules | Id, GhcPlugins |
idDataCon | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
idDemandInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
IdDetails | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
idDetails | Var, Id, GhcPlugins |
idDsWrapper | DsMonad |
ideclAs | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclHiding | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclImplicit | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclPkgQual | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclQualified | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclSafe | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclSource | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ideclSourceSrc | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
identicalClsInstHead | InstEnv |
ident_RDR | PrelNames |
IdEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
idFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
iDFunId | TcEnv |
idFunRepArity | Id, GhcPlugins |
idFVs | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
idHasRules | Id, GhcPlugins |
idHsWrapper | TcEvidence |
IdInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
idInfo | Var, Id, GhcPlugins |
idInfoToAmode | StgCmmEnv |
idInlineActivation | Id, GhcPlugins |
idInlinePragma | Id, GhcPlugins |
idIsFrom | Id, GhcPlugins |
IDIV | X86.Instr |
idJoinArity | Id, GhcPlugins |
idModRenaming | BkpSyn |
idName | Id, GhcPlugins |
idOccInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
idOneShotInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
IdP | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
idPrimRep | StgCmmClosure |
idRuleMatchInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
idRuleRhsVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
idRuleVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
IdSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
IdSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
idSignatureInclude | BkpSyn |
idSpecialisation | Id, GhcPlugins |
idStateHackOneShotInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
idStrictness | Id, GhcPlugins |
IdSubstEnv | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
idTermFold | RtClosureInspect |
idToReg | StgCmmEnv |
idType | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
idUnfolding | Id, GhcPlugins |
IdUnfoldingFun | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
idUnfoldingVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
idUnique | Id, GhcPlugins |
idUnitId | BkpSyn |
IE | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEDoc | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEDocNamed | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEGroup | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ieLWrappedName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEModuleContents | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ieName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ieNames | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEPattern | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEThingAbs | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEThingAll | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEThingWith | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEType | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEVar | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEWildcard | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
IEWrappedName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ieWrappedName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
ie_global | InstEnv |
ie_local | InstEnv |
ie_visible | InstEnv |
IfAbstractClass | IfaceSyn |
IfAbstractTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAlt | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAnnotation | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAnnTarget | IfaceSyn |
IfaceApp | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAppCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceAppTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceAT | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAxBranch | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAxiom | IfaceSyn |
IfaceAxiomInstCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceAxiomRuleCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceBang | IfaceSyn |
IfaceBinding | IfaceSyn |
IfaceBndr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfaceCase | IfaceSyn |
IfaceCast | IfaceSyn |
IfaceCastTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceClass | IfaceSyn |
IfaceClassBody | IfaceSyn |
IfaceClassOp | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfaceClsInst | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceCo | IfaceSyn |
IfaceCoercion | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceCoercionTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceCoherenceCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceCompleteMatch | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceConAlt | IfaceSyn |
IfaceConDecl | IfaceSyn |
IfaceConDecls | IfaceSyn |
IfaceContext | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceCoVarCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceData | IfaceSyn |
IfaceDataAlt | IfaceSyn |
IfaceDataFamilyTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfaceDecl | IfaceSyn |
ifaceDeclFingerprints | IfaceSyn |
ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs | IfaceSyn |
IfaceDefault | IfaceSyn |
IfaceDFunTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceECase | IfaceSyn |
IfaceEqSpec | IfaceSyn |
IfaceEqualityTyCon | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceExport | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifaceExportNames | IfaceEnv |
IfaceExpr | IfaceSyn |
IfaceExt | IfaceSyn |
IfaceFamily | IfaceSyn |
IfaceFamInst | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceFamTyConFlav | IfaceSyn |
IfaceFCall | IfaceSyn |
IfaceForAllBndr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceForAllCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceForAllTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceFreeCoVar | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceFreeTyVar | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceFunCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceFunTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceHoleCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceHpcTick | IfaceSyn |
IfaceId | IfaceSyn |
IfaceIdBndr | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceIdDetails | IfaceSyn |
IfaceIdInfo | IfaceSyn |
IfaceInfoItem | IfaceSyn |
IfaceInstCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceJoinInfo | IfaceSyn |
IfaceJoinPoint | IfaceSyn |
IfaceKind | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceKindCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceLam | IfaceSyn |
IfaceLamBndr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceLcl | IfaceSyn |
IfaceLet | IfaceSyn |
IfaceLetBndr | IfaceSyn |
IfaceLit | IfaceSyn |
IfaceLitAlt | IfaceSyn |
IfaceLitTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceLRCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceNonRec | IfaceSyn |
IfaceNoOneShot | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceNormalTyCon | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceNotJoinPoint | IfaceSyn |
IfaceNthCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceNumTyLit | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceOneShot | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfacePatSyn | IfaceSyn |
IfacePhantomProv | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfacePluginProv | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfacePredType | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceProofIrrelProv | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceRec | IfaceSyn |
IfaceReflCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceRule | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceSCC | IfaceSyn |
IfaceSource | IfaceSyn |
IfaceSrcBang | IfaceSyn |
ifaceStats | LoadIface |
IfaceStrTyLit | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceSubCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceSumTyCon | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceSymCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceSynonym | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTcArgs | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTick | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTickish | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTopBndr | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTransCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTrustInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
IfaceTuple | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTupleTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTupleTyCon | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTvBndr | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyCon | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyConApp | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyConAppCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyConBinder | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyConInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifaceTyConInfo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifaceTyConIsPromoted | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifaceTyConName | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyConParent | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyConSort | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifaceTyConSort | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyLit | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceType | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
IfaceTyVar | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceUnfolding | IfaceSyn |
IfaceUnivCo | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceUnivCoProv | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfaceVectInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifaceVectInfoParallelTyCons | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifaceVectInfoParallelVars | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifaceVectInfoTyCon | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifaceVectInfoTyConReuse | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifaceVectInfoVar | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ifActivation | IfaceSyn |
IfAlt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ifAnnotatedTarget | IfaceSyn |
ifAnnotatedValue | IfaceSyn |
ifATs | IfaceSyn |
ifaxbCoVars | IfaceSyn |
ifaxbIncomps | IfaceSyn |
ifaxbLHS | IfaceSyn |
ifAxBranches | IfaceSyn |
ifaxbRHS | IfaceSyn |
ifaxbRoles | IfaceSyn |
ifaxbTyVars | IfaceSyn |
ifBinders | IfaceSyn |
ifBody | IfaceSyn |
ifCheckWiredInThing | LoadIface |
ifClassCtxt | IfaceSyn |
IfCompulsory | IfaceSyn |
IfCon | IfaceSyn |
ifConArgTys | IfaceSyn |
IfConcreteClass | IfaceSyn |
ifConCtxt | IfaceSyn |
ifConEqSpec | IfaceSyn |
ifConExTvs | IfaceSyn |
ifConFields | IfaceSyn |
ifConInfix | IfaceSyn |
ifConName | IfaceSyn |
ifCons | IfaceSyn |
ifConSrcStricts | IfaceSyn |
ifConStricts | IfaceSyn |
ifConUserTvBinders | IfaceSyn |
ifConWrapper | IfaceSyn |
IfCoreUnfold | IfaceSyn |
ifCtxt | IfaceSyn |
ifCType | IfaceSyn |
IfDataInstance | IfaceSyn |
IfDataTyCon | IfaceSyn |
ifDFun | IfaceSyn |
IfDFunId | IfaceSyn |
IfDFunUnfold | IfaceSyn |
IfEqual | CmmSwitch |
ifErrsM | TcRnMonad |
IfExtName | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifFamFlav | IfaceSyn |
ifFamInj | IfaceSyn |
ifFamInstAxiom | IfaceSyn |
ifFamInstFam | IfaceSyn |
ifFamInstOrph | IfaceSyn |
ifFamInstTys | IfaceSyn |
ifFDs | IfaceSyn |
ifFieldLabels | IfaceSyn |
ifForAllBndrName | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifForAllBndrTyVar | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfG | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ifGadtSyntax | IfaceSyn |
IfGblEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ifGeneratingDynamicToo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ifIdDetails | IfaceSyn |
ifIdInfo | IfaceSyn |
IfInlineRule | IfaceSyn |
ifInstCls | IfaceSyn |
ifInstOrph | IfaceSyn |
ifInstTys | IfaceSyn |
IfL | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IfLclEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IfLclName | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IfLetBndr | IfaceSyn |
IfLT | CmmSwitch |
IfM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ifMinDef | IfaceSyn |
ifName | IfaceSyn |
IfNewTyCon | IfaceSyn |
IfNoBang | IfaceSyn |
IfNoParent | IfaceSyn |
ifOFlag | IfaceSyn |
IfOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ifParent | IfaceSyn |
ifPatArgs | IfaceSyn |
ifPatBuilder | IfaceSyn |
ifPatExBndrs | IfaceSyn |
ifPatIsInfix | IfaceSyn |
ifPatMatcher | IfaceSyn |
ifPatProvCtxt | IfaceSyn |
ifPatReqCtxt | IfaceSyn |
ifPatTy | IfaceSyn |
ifPatUnivBndrs | IfaceSyn |
ifPprDebug | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
IfRecSelId | IfaceSyn |
ifResKind | IfaceSyn |
ifResVar | IfaceSyn |
ifRole | IfaceSyn |
ifRoles | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleArgs | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleAuto | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleBndrs | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleHead | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleName | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleOrph | IfaceSyn |
ifRuleRhs | IfaceSyn |
ifSigs | IfaceSyn |
IfSrcBang | IfaceSyn |
IfStrict | IfaceSyn |
ifSynRhs | IfaceSyn |
ifTyCon | IfaceSyn |
ifTyConBinderName | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifTyConBinderTyVar | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ifType | IfaceSyn |
IfUnpack | IfaceSyn |
IfUnpackCo | IfaceSyn |
IfVanillaId | IfaceSyn |
if_boot | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_doc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_id_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_implicits_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_loc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_mod | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_nsubst | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_rec_types | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
if_tv_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IgnoreHiWay | BinIface |
IgnorePackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
IgnorePackageFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ignorePackageFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ignoreParens | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
II16 | Format |
II32 | Format |
II64 | Format |
II8 | Format |
IIDecl | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
IIModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
IL | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
iLDV_CREATE_MASK | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
iLDV_STATE_CREATE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
iLDV_STATE_USE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
il_neg | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
il_text | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
il_value | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
Imm | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Type/Class) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Type/Class) | X86.Regs |
ImmAddr | X86.Regs |
ImmCLbl | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmConstantDiff | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmConstantSum | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmDouble | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmFloat | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmIndex | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmInt | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmInteger | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
ImmLit | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Regs |
immSuperClasses | TcType |
ImpAll | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
ImpDeclSpec | |
1 (Type/Class) | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
ImpExpAbs | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpAll | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpAllWith | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpList | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpQcName | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpQcSpec | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpQcType | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpQcWildcard | RdrHsSyn |
ImpExpSubSpec | RdrHsSyn |
ImpItemSpec | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
implBidirPatSynIdKey | THNames |
implBidirPatSynName | THNames |
impLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Implic | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Implication | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ImplicitBidirectional | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
implicitClassThings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
implicitRequirements | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver, GhcMake |
implicitRequirements' | TcBackpack |
ImplicitSplice | BasicTypes, HsDecls, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
implicitTyConThings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
implicitTyThings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ImplicStatus | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
implies | BooleanFormula |
impliesAtom | BooleanFormula |
ImportAvails | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ImportByPlugin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ImportBySystem | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ImportByUser | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ImportDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
importDecl | LoadIface, TcIface |
importDirs | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
ImportedBy | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ImportedBySystem | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ImportedByUser | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
importedByUser | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ImportedMods | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ImportedModsVal | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
importPaths | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ImportSpec | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
importSpecLoc | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
importSpecModule | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
improveFromAnother | FunDeps |
improveFromInstEnv | FunDeps |
improveRTTIType | RtClosureInspect |
improveUnitId | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ImpSome | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
ImpSpec | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
imp_dep_mods | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
imp_dep_pkgs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
imp_finsts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
imp_mods | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
imp_orphs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
imp_trust_own_pkg | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
imp_trust_pkgs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IMUL | X86.Instr |
IMUL2 | X86.Instr |
imv_all_exports | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
imv_is_hiding | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
imv_is_safe | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
imv_name | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
imv_qualified | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
imv_span | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
InAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
inBind | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
InBndr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InBoth | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
inCharRange | Literal, GhcPlugins |
IncludeD | BkpSyn |
IncludeDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | BkpSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | BkpSyn |
includeDirs | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
includePaths | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
includes | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
incMinorLvl | SetLevels |
InCoercion | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
Incoherent | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
incoherentDataConKey | THNames |
incoherentDataConName | THNames |
incoherentOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
IncorrectParent | RnEnv |
InCoVar | Var, CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
incrCheckPmIterDs | DsMonad |
increaseStrictSigArity | Demand |
indefinite | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
IndefiniteUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
IndefModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefModuleName | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefModuleToModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefModuleUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
IndefUnitId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefUnitIdComponentId | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefUnitIdFreeHoles | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefUnitIdFS | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefUnitIdInsts | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefUnitIdKey | Module, GhcPlugins |
indefUnitIdToUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
indegreeG | Digraph |
IndexArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray | PrimOp |
IndexArrayArrayOp_ByteArray | PrimOp |
IndexArrayOp | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Addr | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Double | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Float | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Int16 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Int32 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Int64 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Int8 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_StablePtr | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_WideChar | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Word | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Word16 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Word32 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Word64 | PrimOp |
IndexByteArrayOp_Word8 | PrimOp |
IndexedCO | Hoopl.Block |
IndexOffAddrOp_Addr | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Char | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Double | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Float | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Int | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Int16 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Int32 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Int64 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Int8 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_StablePtr | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_WideChar | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Word | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Word16 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Word32 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Word64 | PrimOp |
IndexOffAddrOp_Word8 | PrimOp |
IndexOutOfBounds | Exception |
indexPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
IndexSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
index_RDR | PrelNames |
Indirect | TcType |
Indirection | RtClosureInspect |
inDomIfaceTySubst | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
IndStatic | SMRep, Cmm |
indStaticInfoTable | StgCmmClosure |
indStaticRep | SMRep |
InertCans | TcSMonad |
InertSet | TcSMonad |
inert_cans | TcSMonad |
inert_count | TcSMonad |
inert_dicts | TcSMonad |
inert_eqs | TcSMonad |
inert_flat_cache | TcSMonad |
inert_fsks | TcSMonad |
inert_funeqs | TcSMonad |
inert_irreds | TcSMonad |
inert_safehask | TcSMonad |
inert_solved_dicts | TcSMonad |
InExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
Infer | TcType, TcMType |
inferConstraints | TcDerivInfer |
InferMode | TcSimplify |
Inferred | Var, IfaceType, Type, IfaceSyn, TcType, GhcPlugins |
InferResult | TcType |
inferResultToType | TcMType |
inferRIdKey | THNames |
inferRName | THNames |
inferRoles | TcTyDecls |
InferSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
infinity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
Infix | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
infixAppIdKey | THNames |
infixAppName | THNames |
infixApp_RDR | THNames |
infixCIdKey | THNames |
infixCName | THNames |
InfixCon | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
infixDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
infixEIdKey | THNames |
infixEName | THNames |
infixIDataConKey | PrelNames |
infixIDataConName | PrelNames |
InfixL | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
infixLDIdKey | THNames |
infixLDName | THNames |
InfixN | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
infixNDIdKey | THNames |
infixNDName | THNames |
infixPatSynIdKey | THNames |
infixPatSynName | THNames |
infixPIdKey | THNames |
infixPName | THNames |
InfixR | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
infixRDIdKey | THNames |
infixRDName | THNames |
infoPtr | RtClosureInspect |
infoSection | LlvmCodeGen.Ppr |
infoTable | |
1 (Function) | CmmInfo |
2 (Function) | RtClosureInspect |
infoTableClosureType | CmmInfo |
infoTableConstrTag | CmmInfo |
infoTableNonPtrs | CmmInfo |
infoTablePtrs | CmmInfo |
infoTableSrtBitmap | CmmInfo |
infoTblLbl | BlockId |
info_tbls | Cmm |
InfSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
inHsDocContext | RnUtils |
InId | Var, CoreSyn, Id, GhcPlugins |
inIntRange | Literal, GhcPlugins |
initBuiltins | Vectorise.Builtins.Initialise, Vectorise.Builtins |
initBuiltinVars | Vectorise.Builtins.Initialise, Vectorise.Builtins |
initC | StgCmmMonad |
initCostCentres | StgCmmProf |
initDs | DsMonad |
initDsTc | DsMonad |
initDsWithModGuts | DsMonad |
initDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
initDynLinker | Linker |
initExitJoinUnique | Unique |
initExternalPackageState | LoadIface |
initFreeRegs | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
3 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
initGhcMonad | GHC |
initGlobalEnv | Vectorise.Env |
initGraph | GraphBase, GraphColor |
initHpc | StgCmmHpc |
initHpUsage | StgCmmMonad |
initializePicBase_ppc | PIC |
initializePicBase_x86 | PIC |
InitialPhase | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
initialSubGoalDepth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
initialTmState | TmOracle |
initialUnique | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
initialVersion | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
initIfaceCheck | TcRnMonad |
initIfaceLcl | TcRnMonad |
initIfaceLclWithSubst | TcRnMonad |
initIfaceLoad | TcRnMonad |
initIfaceTcRn | TcRnMonad |
InitLinker | GHCi |
initLlvmTargets | SysTools |
initLogAction | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
initNameCache | NameCache |
initNat | NCGMonad |
initObjLinker | GHCi |
initPackages | Packages, GhcPlugins |
initRecTc | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
initSDocContext | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
initSmpl | SimplMonad |
initSysTools | SysTools |
initTc | TcRnMonad |
initTcDsForSolver | DsMonad |
initTcForLookup | TcRnMonad |
initTcInteractive | TcRnMonad |
initTcRnIf | TcRnMonad |
initTcWithGbl | TcRnMonad |
initTidyOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
initTyVarUnique | Unique |
initUniqSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
initUpdFrameOff | StgCmmMonad |
initUpdFrameProf | StgCmmProf |
initUs | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
initUs_ | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
initV | Vectorise.Monad |
injAnnTyConKey | THNames |
injAnnTyConName | THNames |
Injective | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
injectiveBranches | FamInstEnv |
Injectivity | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
InjectivityAccepted | FamInstEnv |
InjectivityAnn | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
injectivityAnnIdKey | THNames |
injectivityAnnName | THNames |
InjectivityCheckResult | FamInstEnv |
InjectivityUnified | FamInstEnv |
injTyVarsOfType | FamInst |
injTyVarsOfTypes | FamInst |
InKind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
inlDataConKey | PrelNames |
Inlinable | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inlinableDataConKey | THNames |
inlinableDataConName | THNames |
Inline | |
1 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
3 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
inlineBoringOk | CoreUnfold |
InlineCompulsory | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
inlineDataConKey | THNames |
inlineDataConName | THNames |
InlineHint | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
inlineIdKey | PrelNames |
inlineIdName | PrelNames |
inlineMe | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
inlinePerformIO | FastFunctions |
InlinePragInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
inlinePragInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
InlinePragma | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inlinePragmaActivation | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inlinePragmaRuleMatchInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inlinePragmaSat | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inlinePragmaSpec | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
InlineRhs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InlineSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
InlineSpec | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
InlineStable | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
inLocalRdrEnvScope | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
inl_act | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inl_inline | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inl_rule | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inl_sat | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
inl_src | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
InMem | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
InPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
inRange_RDR | PrelNames |
inrDataConKey | PrelNames |
InReg | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
inRnEnvL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
inRnEnvR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
inRulePrag | Lexer |
InScopeEnv | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InScopeSet | VarEnv, CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
Insert | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
insert | EnumSet |
insertBlock | CmmUtils |
insertFunEq | TcSMonad |
insertList | FiniteMap, GhcPlugins |
insertListWith | FiniteMap, GhcPlugins |
insertSafeOverlapFailureTcS | TcSMonad |
insertTM | TrieMap |
InsideLam | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
insideLam | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
insolubleEqCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
insolubleImplic | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
insolublesOnly | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
insolubleWantedCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
insolubleWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
InstallationError | Panic, GHC |
installCoreToDos | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
InstalledFindResult | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
InstalledFound | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
InstalledModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins |
InstalledModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
installedModuleEq | Module, GhcPlugins |
installedModuleName | Module, GhcPlugins |
installedModuleUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
InstalledNoPackage | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
InstalledNotFound | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
installedPackageConfigId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
InstalledPackageInfo | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
InstalledUnitId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins |
installedUnitIdEq | Module, GhcPlugins |
installedUnitIdFS | Module, GhcPlugins |
installedUnitIdString | Module, GhcPlugins |
instanceBindFun | InstEnv |
instanceCantMatch | Unify, InstEnv |
instanceDFunId | InstEnv, GHC |
instanceDIdKey | THNames |
instanceHead | InstEnv |
instanceRoughTcs | InstEnv |
instanceSig | InstEnv |
instanceWithOverlapDIdKey | THNames |
instanceWithOverlapDName | THNames |
instantiatedWith | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
instantiateMethod | TcClassDcl |
instantiateSignature | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver |
instantiateTyUntilN | TcHsType |
InstBindings | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEnv |
instCall | Inst |
instCallConstraints | Inst |
InstD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
InstDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
InstDeclCtxt | |
1 (Data Constructor) | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
2 (Data Constructor) | RnEnv, RnBinds |
instDeclCtxt1 | TcClassDcl |
instDeclCtxt2 | TcClassDcl |
instDeclCtxt3 | TcClassDcl |
instDeclDataFamInsts | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
instDFunType | |
1 (Function) | Inst |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
InstEnv | InstEnv |
instEnvElts | InstEnv |
InstEnvs | |
1 (Type/Class) | InstEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | InstEnv |
instFlexi | TcSMonad |
instFlexiX | TcSMonad |
InStgAlt | StgSyn |
InStgArg | StgSyn |
InStgBinding | StgSyn |
InStgExpr | StgSyn |
InStgRhs | StgSyn |
InStgTopBinding | StgSyn |
InstInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEnv |
instIsVisible | InstEnv |
InstMatch | InstEnv |
instNewTyCon_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
InstProvidedOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Instr | |
1 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
2 (Type/Class) | X86.Instr |
3 (Type/Class) | SPARC.Instr |
4 (Type/Class) | PPC.Instr |
InstrBlock | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base, SPARC.CodeGen |
2 (Type/Class) | X86.CodeGen |
3 (Type/Class) | PPC.CodeGen |
instrClobberedRegs | X86.Regs |
InstrSR | RegAlloc.Liveness |
Instruction | Instruction |
InstSC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
InstSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
instSkolTyCoVars | TcMType |
instStupidTheta | Inst |
instTyVarsWith | Inst |
int | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
Int16ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
int16ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
int16TyConKey | PrelNames |
int16TyConName | PrelNames |
int16X16PrimTy | TysPrim |
int16X16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int16X16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int16X32PrimTy | TysPrim |
int16X32PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int16X32PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int16X8PrimTy | TysPrim |
int16X8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int16X8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Int2AddrOp | PrimOp |
int2CharLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
int2DoubleLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Int2DoubleOp | PrimOp |
int2FloatLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Int2FloatOp | PrimOp |
int2WordLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Int2WordOp | PrimOp |
Int32ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
int32ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
int32PrimTy | TysPrim |
int32PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int32PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int32TyConKey | PrelNames |
int32TyConName | PrelNames |
int32X16PrimTy | TysPrim |
int32X16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int32X16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int32X4PrimTy | TysPrim |
int32X4PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int32X4PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int32X8PrimTy | TysPrim |
int32X8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int32X8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Int64ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
int64ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
int64PrimTy | TysPrim |
int64PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int64PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Int64Rep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
int64RepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
int64ToIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
int64ToIntegerName | PrelNames |
int64TyConKey | PrelNames |
int64TyConName | PrelNames |
int64X2PrimTy | TysPrim |
int64X2PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int64X2PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int64X4PrimTy | TysPrim |
int64X4PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int64X4PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int64X8PrimTy | TysPrim |
int64X8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int64X8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Int8ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
int8ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
int8TyConKey | PrelNames |
int8TyConName | PrelNames |
int8X16PrimTy | TysPrim |
int8X16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int8X16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int8X32PrimTy | TysPrim |
int8X32PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int8X32PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
int8X64PrimTy | TysPrim |
int8X64PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
int8X64PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
IntAddCOp | PrimOp |
IntAddOp | PrimOp |
intDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
intDataConKey | PrelNames |
intDataCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
integer | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
integerDataConKey | PrelNames |
IntegerGMP | Config |
IntegerLibrary | Config |
integerLIdKey | THNames |
integerLName | THNames |
integerSDataConKey | PrelNames |
integerSDataConName | PrelNames |
IntegerSimple | Config |
integerToInt64IdKey | PrelNames |
integerToInt64Name | PrelNames |
integerToIntIdKey | PrelNames |
integerToIntName | PrelNames |
integerToWord64IdKey | PrelNames |
integerToWord64Name | PrelNames |
integerToWordIdKey | PrelNames |
integerToWordName | PrelNames |
integerTyConKey | PrelNames |
integerTyConName | PrelNames |
integerUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
integralClassKey | PrelNames |
integralClassName | PrelNames |
integralFractionalLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
IntegralLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
IntEqOp | PrimOp |
interactiveClassKeys | PrelNames |
interactiveClassNames | PrelNames |
InteractiveContext | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
InteractiveImport | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
interactivePrint | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
interactiveSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
interactiveSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
interactiveUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
interestingCallContext | SimplUtils |
InterestingCxt | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
InterestingVarFun | FV, CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
Internal | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
interpp'SP | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
interppSP | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
interpreterDynamic | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
interpreterProfiled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
interpretPackageEnv | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
interpWays | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
interruptible | Exception |
interruptibleIdKey | THNames |
interruptibleName | THNames |
intersectDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectFVs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
intersectNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
intersectsDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectsNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectsOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
intersectsUDFM | UniqDFM |
intersectsUniqDSets | UniqDSet |
intersectsVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
intersectsVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectUDFM | UniqDFM |
intersectUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
intersectUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
intersectUniqDSets | UniqDSet |
intersectUniqMap | UniqMap |
intersectUniqSets | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
intersectVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
intFormat | Format |
IntGeOp | PrimOp |
intGtLimit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
IntGtOp | PrimOp |
IntLeOp | PrimOp |
IntLtOp | PrimOp |
IntMulMayOfloOp | PrimOp |
IntMulOp | PrimOp |
IntNegOp | PrimOp |
IntNeOp | PrimOp |
intPrimLIdKey | THNames |
intPrimLName | THNames |
intPrimL_RDR | THNames |
intPrimTy | TysPrim |
intPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
intPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
intPrimTyConName | TysPrim |
IntQuotOp | PrimOp |
IntQuotRemOp | PrimOp |
intrbl | CmmNode, Cmm |
IntRemOp | PrimOp |
IntRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
intRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
intsToBitmap | Bitmap |
intsToReverseBitmap | Bitmap |
IntSubCOp | PrimOp |
IntSubOp | PrimOp |
IntSuffix | CmdLineParser |
intToUnique | Hoopl.Unique |
intTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
intTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
intTyConKey | PrelNames |
intTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
intTyCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
IntVec | PrimOp |
intWithCommas | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
IntWithInf | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
InType | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InTyVar | Var, CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
InVar | Var, CoreSyn, Id, GhcPlugins |
inWordRange | Literal, GhcPlugins |
ioDataConKey | PrelNames |
ioDataConName | PrelNames |
ioDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
IOEnv | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
IOEnvFailure | |
1 (Type/Class) | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
ioError | Exception |
IOException | Exception |
ioMsgMaybe | HscMain |
IORef | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
ioTyConKey | PrelNames |
ioTyConName | PrelNames |
IPBind | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
IPBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ipClassKey | PrelNames |
ipClassName | PrelNames |
IpId | Var, GhcPlugins |
IPOccOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IPSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
IR | TcType |
iReg | SPARC.Regs |
IrredPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
irrefutPatErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
ir_inst | TcType |
ir_lvl | TcType |
ir_ref | TcType |
ir_uniq | TcType |
IS | TcSMonad |
is32BitInteger | SPARC.Base |
isAbsDmd | Demand |
isAbstractClass | Class |
isAbstractTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isActiveIn | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isAlgTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isAlgType | Type, GhcPlugins |
isAlwaysActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isAlwaysTailCalled | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isAmbiguousTyVar | TcType |
isAnnTypeArg | Vectorise.Utils |
isAnonTyBinder | Type, GhcPlugins |
isAnyInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isAnyPmCheckEnabled | Check |
isArgReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
isARM | Platform |
isAssociativeMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isAtomicHsExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isAutoRule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isAvx2Enabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isAvx512cdEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isAvx512erEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isAvx512fEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isAvx512pfEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isAvxEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isBackpackishSuffix | DriverPhases |
isBanged | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isBangedHsBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
isBangedLPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
isBmi2Enabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isBmiEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isBoolTy | TcType |
IsBoot | |
1 (Type/Class) | GhcMake |
2 (Data Constructor) | GhcMake |
IsBootInterface | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isBootSummary | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isBootUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isBotRes | Demand |
isBottomingId | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isBottomingSig | Demand |
isBoxed | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isBoxedTupleTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isBrackStage | TcEnv |
isBSDSymdef | Ar |
isBuiltInOcc_maybe | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
isBuiltinRule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isBuiltInSyntax | Name, GhcPlugins |
isBytesLabel | CLabel |
IsCafCC | CostCentre |
isCafCC | CostCentre |
isCafCCS | CostCentre |
isCallStackPred | TcType |
isCallStackTy | TcType |
isCDictCan_Maybe | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isCFunctionLabel | CLabel |
isCFunEqCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isCFunEqCan_maybe | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isCharTy | TcType |
isCheapApp | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
isCheapUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isCishFilename | DriverPhases |
isCishSuffix | DriverPhases |
isCLabelString | ForeignCall |
isClassDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isClassOpId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isClassPred | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isClassTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isClosedTypeFamilyInfo | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isCNonCanonical | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isCoercionTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isCoercionType | Type, GhcPlugins |
isCoercionTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
isCommutableMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isComparisonMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isComparisonPrimOp | PrimOp |
isCompleteMatchSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isCompoundHsLit | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
isCompoundHsOverLit | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
isCompoundHsType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
isCompoundPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
isCompulsoryUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isConLike | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isConLikeId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isConLikeUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isConRep | SMRep |
isConstr | RtClosureInspect |
isConstraintKind | Kind |
isConstraintKindCon | Kind |
isContainedIn | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
isCoVar | Var, Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isCoVarDetails | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isCoVar_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isCTupleClass | Type, GhcPlugins |
isCTupleTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
isCTyEqCan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isCurrentCCS | CostCentre |
IsCurrentThreadBoundOp | PrimOp |
isDarwinHost | Util, GhcPlugins |
IsData | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isDataConId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins |
isDataConName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isDataConNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isDataConRecordSelector | Id, GhcPlugins |
isDataConWorkId | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isDataConWorkId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins |
isDataDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isDataFamilyAppType | Type, GhcPlugins |
isDataFamilyDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isDataFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isDataOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isDataProductTyCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isDataSumTyCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isDataSymOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isDataTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isDeadBinder | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isDeadOcc | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isDecl | InteractiveEval, GHC |
isDefaultAlt | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
isDefaultInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
IsDefaultMethod | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isDefaultMethod | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isDefaultMethodOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isDerived | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isDerivedCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isDerivedOccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isDerivSpecAnyClass | TcDerivUtils |
isDerivSpecNewtype | TcDerivUtils |
isDerivSpecStock | TcDerivUtils |
isDFunId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isDictId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isDictLikeTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isDictonaryId | GHC |
isDictTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isDllConApp | StgSyn |
isDllName | Packages, GhcPlugins |
isDominatedBy | FamInstEnv |
isDoubleTy | TcType |
isDroppableCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isDynamicTarget | ForeignCall |
isDynLibFilename | DriverPhases |
isDynLibSuffix | DriverPhases |
isEarlyActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
iselExpr64 | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen64 |
isEmpty | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyBag | Bag |
isEmptyBlock | Hoopl.Block |
isEmptyCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isEmptyDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyEvBindMap | TcEvidence |
isEmptyFVs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyIPBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isEmptyLHsBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isEmptyLHsQTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
isEmptyLocalBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isEmptyMatchGroup | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isEmptyMessages | ErrUtils |
isEmptyModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
IsEmptyMVarOp | PrimOp |
isEmptyNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyRuleInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isEmptySRT | CmmBuildInfoTables |
isEmptySubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyTcEvBinds | TcEvidence |
isEmptyTCvSubst | Type, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyTy | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
isEmptyUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyUnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
isEmptyValBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isEmptyVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
isEmptyWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isEmptyWorkList | TcSMonad |
isEnumerationTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isEOFBin | Binary |
isEqPred | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isEqual | Util, GhcPlugins |
IServ | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
iservCall | GHCi |
iservCmd | GHCi |
iservLookupSymbolCache | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
iservPendingFrees | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
iservPipe | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
iservProcess | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isEvaldUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isEvVar | Id, GhcPlugins |
isExact | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isExact_maybe | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isExitJoinId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isExpandableApp | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
isExpandableUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isExplicitItem | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isExportedId | Var, Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isExprHoleCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isExprLevPoly | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
isExternalName | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isFalse | BooleanFormula |
isFalsePmExpr | PmExpr |
isFamFreeTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isFamFreeTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isFamilyDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isFamInstTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isFCallId | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isFCallId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins |
isFFIArgumentTy | TcType |
isFFIDynTy | TcType |
isFFIExportResultTy | TcType |
isFFIExternalTy | TcType |
isFFIImportResultTy | TcType |
isFFILabelTy | TcType |
isFFIPrimArgumentTy | TcType |
isFFIPrimResultTy | TcType |
isFFITy | TcType |
isFilledCoercionHole | TcMType |
isFilledMetaTyVar | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe | TcSMonad |
isFixityLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isFlattenTyVar | TcType |
isFlexi | TcType |
isFloat | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
isFloat32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isFloat64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isFloatedTouchableMetaTyVar | TcType |
isFloatFormat | Format |
isFloatingTy | TcType |
isFloatTy | TcType |
isFloatType | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isFmvTyVar | TcType |
isForAllTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isForeignExport | TcForeign |
isForeignImport | TcForeign |
isForeignLabel | CLabel |
isFragileUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isFresh | TcSMonad |
isFskTyVar | TcType |
isFullyEvaluated | RtClosureInspect |
isFullyEvaluatedTerm | RtClosureInspect |
isFun | RtClosureInspect |
IsFunction | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isFunLike | |
1 (Function) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | RtClosureInspect |
isFunPtrTy | TcType |
isFunRep | SMRep |
isFunTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isFunTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isGadtSyntaxTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isGcPtrLabel | CLabel |
isGcPtrRep | TyCon, StgCmmClosure, GhcPlugins |
isGcPtrType | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isGenerated | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isGenerativeTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isGenInjAlgRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isGHCiMonad | TcRnDriver |
isGiven | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isGivenCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isGivenOrWDeriv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isGlobal | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
isGlobalId | Var, Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isGNUSymdef | Ar |
isGoodSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
IsGroupClosed | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isHaskellishFilename | DriverPhases |
isHaskellishSuffix | DriverPhases |
isHaskellishTarget | DriverPhases |
isHaskellSigFilename | DriverPhases |
isHaskellSigSuffix | DriverPhases |
isHaskellSrcFilename | DriverPhases |
isHaskellSrcSuffix | DriverPhases |
isHaskellUserSrcFilename | DriverPhases |
isHaskellUserSrcSuffix | DriverPhases |
isHoleCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isHoleModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
isHoleName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isHpcUsed | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isHsBootOrSig | DriverPhases, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isHsKindedTyVar | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
isId | Var, CoreSyn, Id, GhcPlugins |
isIdHsWrapper | TcEvidence |
isIfaceLiftedTypeKind | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
isImmutableTyVar | TcType |
isImplicitCoAxiom | CoAxiom |
isImplicitId | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isImplicitTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isImplicitTyThing | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isImport | InteractiveEval, GHC |
isImprovable | TcSMonad |
isImprovementPred | TcType |
isIn | Util, GhcPlugins |
isIncoherent | InstEnv |
isIndirect | TcType |
isIndirection | RtClosureInspect |
isInfixFunBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
isInfixMatch | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isInInertEqs | TcSMonad |
isInjectiveTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isInlinablePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isInlineLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isInScope | |
1 (Function) | Type, TcType |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
isInsolubleOccursCheck | TcType |
isInsolubleStatus | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isInt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
isIntegerTy | TcType |
isInteractiveModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
isInternalName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isInterpretable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isIntTy | TcType |
isInvisibleArgFlag | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
isInvisibleBinder | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isInvisibleTyConBinder | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isIPClass | Type, GhcPlugins |
isIPPred | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isIPPred_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
isIPTyCon | Type, GhcPlugins |
isIrrefutableHsPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
isJoinBind | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
isJoinCeilLvl | SetLevels |
isJoinId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isJoinIdDetails_maybe | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isJoinId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins |
isJumpishInstr | Instruction |
isJust | Maybes |
isKindLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isKindLevPoly | Kind, TcType |
isKindTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isKnownFun | StgCmmClosure |
isKnownKeyName | PrelInfo |
isLabelClassName | PrelNames |
isLabelClassNameKey | PrelNames |
isLegacyPromotableDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isLegacyPromotableTyCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isLexCon | Lexeme |
isLexConId | Lexeme |
isLexConSym | Lexeme |
isLexId | Lexeme |
isLexSym | Lexeme |
isLexVar | Lexeme |
isLexVarId | Lexeme |
isLexVarSym | Lexeme |
isLFReEntrant | StgCmmClosure |
isLFThunk | StgCmmClosure |
isLiftedTypeKind | Kind, TcType |
isLiftedTypeKindTyConName | TyCon, TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
isLiftedType_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
isListClassKey | PrelNames |
isListClassName | PrelNames |
isListCompExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isLitValue | Literal, GhcPlugins |
isLitValue_maybe | Literal, GhcPlugins |
ISllOp | PrimOp |
isLoaded | GHC |
isLocalGRE | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isLocalId | Var, Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isLocalRule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isLocalVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
isManyOccs | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
IsMap | Hoopl.Collections |
isMappedByLC | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isMarkedStrict | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isMathFun | CLabel |
isMetaInstr | Instruction |
isMetaTyVar | TcType |
isMetaTyVarTy | TcType |
isMinimalLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isModuleTrusted | GHC |
isMonadCompExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isMonadFailStmtContext | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isn'tIn | Util, GhcPlugins |
isNamedTyBinder | Type, GhcPlugins |
isNamedTyConBinder | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isNaughtyRecordSelector | Id, GhcPlugins |
isNeverActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isNeverLevPolyId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isNeverLevPolyIdInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isNewTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isNewtypeName_RDR | PrelNames |
isNewtypeWrap | RtClosureInspect |
isNextArgVisible | TcType |
isNextTyConArgVisible | TcType |
isNilOL | OrdList |
isNoIfaceVectInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isNoLink | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isNomEqPred | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isNonCoVarId | Var, GhcPlugins |
isNonRec | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isNonV | StgCmmArgRep |
isNoParent | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isNothing | Maybes |
isNotPmExprOther | PmExpr, TmOracle |
IsNotPromoted | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
isNotTopLevel | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isNullaryRepDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isNullarySrcDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isNullUDFM | UniqDFM |
isNullUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
isNullUniqMap | UniqMap |
isNumericClass | PrelInfo |
isNumLitTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isNvUnaryType | RepType |
isObject | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isObjectFilename | DriverPhases |
isObjectLinkable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isObjectSuffix | DriverPhases |
isObjectTarget | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isOneLineSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
isOneOcc | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isOneShot | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isOneShotBndr | Id, GhcPlugins |
isOneShotInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isOpenFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isOpenTypeFamilyInfo | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isOrAre | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
isOrig | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isOrig_maybe | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
IsOrphan | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isOrphan | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isOutOfScopeCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isOverlappable | InstEnv |
isOverlappableTyVar | TcType |
isOverlapping | InstEnv |
isOverloadedTy | TcType |
isPArrFakeCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
isPArrTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
isPartialSig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
isPatSynCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isPatSynRecordSelector | Id, GhcPlugins |
iSpec | TcEnv |
isPendingScDict | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isPiTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isPointer | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
isPragLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isPredTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isPrim | RtClosureInspect |
isPrimitiveType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isPrimOpId | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isPrimOpId_maybe | Id, GhcPlugins |
isPrimTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isProbablyOneShotLambda | Id, GhcPlugins |
isProductTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
IsPromoted | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
isPromotedDataCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isPromotedDataCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isPromotedTupleTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isQual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isQual_maybe | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isQuietHsCmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isQuietHsExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ISraOp | PrimOp |
isRdrDataCon | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isRdrTc | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isRdrTyVar | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isRealReg | Reg |
isRec | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isRecFldGRE | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isRecordSelector | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isReflCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isReflCoVar_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isReflCo_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isReflexiveCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isReflexiveCo_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
isRhoExpTy | TcType |
isRhoTy | TcType |
isRigidTy | TcType |
ISrlOp | PrimOp |
isRuntimeArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isRuntimeRepKindedTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isRuntimeRepTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isRuntimeRepVar | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isRuntimeUnkSkol | TcType |
isRuntimeVar | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isSafeForeignCall | ForeignCall |
IsSafeImport | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isSafeOverlap | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
isScalar | Vectorise.Utils |
isSccCountCC | CostCentre |
isSCCFunSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isSecConstant | Cmm |
isSeqDmd | Demand |
IsSet | Hoopl.Collections |
isSigmaTy | TcType |
isSigMaybe | TcType |
isSigTyVar | TcType |
isSimplified | SimplUtils |
isSingleton | Util, GhcPlugins |
isSingletonBag | Bag |
isSingletonMatchGroup | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isSkolemTyVar | TcType |
isSmallFamily | StgCmmClosure |
isSolvedStatus | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isSomeRODataLabel | CLabel |
isSourceFilename | DriverPhases |
isSourceSuffix | DriverPhases |
isSpecInstLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isSpecLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isSrcRdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isSrcStrict | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isSrcUnpacked | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isSSE | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
isSse2Enabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isSse4_2Enabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isSseEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
isStableSource | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isStableUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isStackRep | SMRep |
isStandardClass | PrelInfo |
isStar | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isStarKind | Kind |
isStarKindSynonymTyCon | Kind |
isStateHackType | Id, GhcPlugins |
IsStatic | SMRep |
isStaticClosure | StgCmmClosure |
isStaticClosureLabel | CLabel |
isStaticNoCafCon | SMRep |
isStaticRep | SMRep |
isStep | InteractiveEvalTypes |
isStmt | InteractiveEval, GHC |
isStopLn | DriverPhases |
isStrictDmd | Demand |
isStrictId | Id, GhcPlugins |
isStrictType | Type, GhcPlugins |
isStringClassKey | PrelNames |
isStringClassName | PrelNames |
isStringTy | TcType |
isStrLitTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
isStrongLoopBreaker | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isSubspanOf | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isSuccess | Maybes |
isSuspension | RtClosureInspect |
IsSwapped | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isSwapped | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isSymOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isSynDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isSystemName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isTauTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isTauTyCon | TyCon, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isTcClsNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isTcLevPoly | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isTcOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isTcReflCo | TcEvidence |
isTcReflexiveCo | TcEvidence |
isTcTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isTcTyVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
isTemplateHaskellOrQQNonBoot | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
isTerm | RtClosureInspect |
isThunkRep | SMRep |
isTickSubScope | CmmNode, Cmm |
isTopDmd | Demand |
isToplevClosure | StgCmmClosure |
isTopLevel | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
isTopLvl | SetLevels |
isTopRecNameMaker | RnPat |
isTopRes | Demand |
isTopSig | Demand |
isTopTcLevel | TcType |
isTouchableMetaTyVar | TcType |
isTouchableMetaTyVarTcS | TcSMonad |
isTouchableOrFmv | TcType |
isTouchableTcM | TcRnMonad |
isTouchableTcPluginM | TcPluginM |
isTrivialCmmExpr | CmmUtils |
isTrue | BooleanFormula |
isTrueLHsExpr | DsGRHSs |
isTruePmExpr | PmExpr |
isTupleDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isTupleTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isTvNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isTvOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isTyCoArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isTyConableTyVar | TcType |
isTyConAssoc | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isTyConName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isTyConWithSrcDataCons | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isTyCoVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
isTyFamFree | TcType |
isTypeableBindOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isTYPEApp | Kind |
isTypeArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isTypeClosedLetBndr | TcEnv |
isTypedBracket | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isTypedSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
isTypeFamilyDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
isTypeFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isTypeHoleCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isTypeLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isTypeLevPoly | Type, GhcPlugins |
isTypeLSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
isTypeSynonymTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isTyVar | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
isTyVarClassPred | TcType |
isTyVarHead | TcType |
isTyVarName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isTyVarTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isUnboundName | PrelNames, RnUnbound |
isUnboxedSumCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isUnboxedSumTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isUnboxedSumType | Type, GhcPlugins |
isUnboxedTupleCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
isUnboxedTupleTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isUnboxedTupleType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isUnconditionalJump | SPARC.Instr |
isUnfilledMetaTyVar | TcMType |
IsUnicodeSyntax | ApiAnnotation |
isUniStar | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isUnitTy | TcType |
isUnliftedHsBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
isUnliftedTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isUnliftedType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isUnliftedTypeKind | Kind, TcType |
isUnqual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
isUnsatisfied | BooleanFormula |
isUpdatable | StgSyn |
isUsedOnce | Demand |
isUserTypeErrorCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isValArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
IsValid | ErrUtils |
isValid | ErrUtils |
isValidJoinPointType | Type, GhcPlugins |
isValidKnownKeyUnique | Unique |
isValName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isValNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isValOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isValueUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
isVanillaAlgTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isVanillaDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
isVarName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isVarNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isVarOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
isVectAvoidanceAggressive | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
isVector | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
isVecType | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isVirtualReg | Reg |
isVisibleArgFlag | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
isVisibleBinder | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
isVisibleOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isVisibleTyConBinder | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
isVoidRep | TyCon, StgCmmClosure, GhcPlugins |
isVoidTy | RepType |
isWanted | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isWantedCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
isWarnMsgFatal | ErrUtils |
isWeakLoopBreaker | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
isWindowsHost | Util, GhcPlugins |
isWiredInName | Name, GhcPlugins |
isWord32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isWord64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
isWordTy | TcType |
isWorkerSmallEnough | WwLib |
ISYNC | PPC.Instr |
isZeroLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
isZeroSimplCount | CoreMonad, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
is_alphanum | Ctype |
is_any | Ctype |
is_as | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_bindigit | Ctype |
is_cls | InstEnv |
is_cls_nm | InstEnv |
is_decdigit | Ctype |
is_decl | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_dfun | InstEnv |
is_dfun_name | InstEnv |
is_digit | Ctype |
is_dloc | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_enum | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
is_explicit | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_flag | InstEnv |
is_hexdigit | Ctype |
is_ident | Ctype |
is_iloc | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_item | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_lower | Ctype |
is_mod | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_octdigit | Ctype |
is_orphan | InstEnv |
is_qual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
is_space | Ctype |
is_symbol | Ctype |
is_tcs | InstEnv |
is_tvs | InstEnv |
is_tys | InstEnv |
is_upper | Ctype |
ITann_prag | Lexer |
ITanyclass | Lexer |
ITas | Lexer |
ITat | Lexer |
ITbackquote | Lexer |
ITbang | Lexer |
ITbiglam | Lexer |
ItblEnv | ByteCodeTypes |
ITblockComment | Lexer |
ItblPtr | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeTypes |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeTypes |
ITby | Lexer |
ITcapiconv | Lexer |
ITcase | Lexer |
ITcbrack | Lexer |
ITccallconv | Lexer |
ITccurly | Lexer |
ITchar | Lexer |
ITclass | Lexer |
ITcloseQuote | Lexer |
ITcloseTExpQuote | Lexer |
ITclose_prag | Lexer |
ITcolon | Lexer |
ITcolumn_prag | Lexer |
ITcomma | Lexer |
ITcomplete_prag | Lexer |
ITconid | Lexer |
ITconsym | Lexer |
ITcore_prag | Lexer |
ITcpabrack | Lexer |
ITcparen | Lexer |
ITcparenbar | Lexer |
ITctype | Lexer |
ITcubxparen | Lexer |
ITC_Invis | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ITC_Nil | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ITC_Vis | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ITdarrow | Lexer |
ITdata | Lexer |
ITdcolon | Lexer |
ITdefault | Lexer |
ITdependency | Lexer |
ITdeprecated_prag | Lexer |
ITderiving | Lexer |
ITdo | Lexer |
ITdocCommentNamed | Lexer |
ITdocCommentNext | Lexer |
ITdocCommentPrev | Lexer |
ITdocOptions | Lexer |
ITdocSection | Lexer |
ITdot | Lexer |
ITdotdot | Lexer |
ITdupipvarid | Lexer |
ITdynamic | Lexer |
ITelse | Lexer |
ITeof | Lexer |
ITequal | Lexer |
ITexport | Lexer |
ITfamily | Lexer |
ITforall | Lexer |
ITforeign | Lexer |
ITgenerated_prag | Lexer |
ITgroup | Lexer |
IThiding | Lexer |
ITidEscape | Lexer |
ITidTyEscape | Lexer |
ITif | Lexer |
ITimport | Lexer |
ITin | Lexer |
ITinclude_prag | Lexer |
ITincoherent_prag | Lexer |
ITinfix | Lexer |
ITinfixl | Lexer |
ITinfixr | Lexer |
ITinline_prag | Lexer |
ITinstance | Lexer |
ITinteger | Lexer |
ITinterruptible | Lexer |
ITjavascriptcallconv | Lexer |
ITlabel | Lexer |
ITlabelvarid | Lexer |
ITlam | Lexer |
ITlanguage_prag | Lexer |
ITlarrow | Lexer |
ITLarrowtail | Lexer |
ITlarrowtail | Lexer |
ITlcase | Lexer |
ITlet | Lexer |
ITlineComment | Lexer |
ITline_prag | Lexer |
ITmdo | Lexer |
ITminimal_prag | Lexer |
ITminus | Lexer |
ITmodule | Lexer |
itName | PrelNames |
ITnewtype | Lexer |
ITnounpack_prag | Lexer |
ITnovect_prag | Lexer |
ITobrack | Lexer |
ITocurly | Lexer |
ITof | Lexer |
ITopabrack | Lexer |
IToparen | Lexer |
IToparenbar | Lexer |
ITopenDecQuote | Lexer |
ITopenExpQuote | Lexer |
ITopenPatQuote | Lexer |
ITopenTExpQuote | Lexer |
ITopenTypQuote | Lexer |
IToptions_prag | Lexer |
IToubxparen | Lexer |
IToverlappable_prag | Lexer |
IToverlapping_prag | Lexer |
IToverlaps_prag | Lexer |
ITparenEscape | Lexer |
ITparenTyEscape | Lexer |
ITpattern | Lexer |
ITprimcallconv | Lexer |
ITprimchar | Lexer |
ITprimdouble | Lexer |
ITprimfloat | Lexer |
ITprimint | Lexer |
ITprimstring | Lexer |
ITprimword | Lexer |
ITproc | Lexer |
ITqconid | Lexer |
ITqconsym | Lexer |
ITqQuasiQuote | Lexer |
ITqualified | Lexer |
ITquasiQuote | Lexer |
ITqvarid | Lexer |
ITqvarsym | Lexer |
ITrarrow | Lexer |
ITRarrowtail | Lexer |
ITrarrowtail | Lexer |
ITrational | Lexer |
ITrec | Lexer |
ITrequires | Lexer |
ITrole | Lexer |
ITrules_prag | Lexer |
ITsafe | Lexer |
ITscc_prag | Lexer |
ITsemi | Lexer |
ITsignature | Lexer |
ITsimpleQuote | Lexer |
ITsource_prag | Lexer |
ITspec_inline_prag | Lexer |
ITspec_prag | Lexer |
ITstatic | Lexer |
ITstdcallconv | Lexer |
ITstock | Lexer |
ITstring | Lexer |
ITthen | Lexer |
ITtilde | Lexer |
ITtildehsh | Lexer |
ITtype | Lexer |
ITtypeApp | Lexer |
ITtyQuote | Lexer |
ITunderscore | Lexer |
ITunit | Lexer |
ITunknown | Lexer |
ITunpack_prag | Lexer |
ITunsafe | Lexer |
ITusing | Lexer |
ITvarid | Lexer |
ITvarsym | Lexer |
ITvbar | Lexer |
ITvccurly | Lexer |
ITvect_prag | Lexer |
ITvect_scalar_prag | Lexer |
ITvocurly | Lexer |
ITwarning_prag | Lexer |
ITwhere | Lexer |
IWMMX2 | Platform |
ixClassKey | PrelNames |
ixClassName | PrelNames |
JavaScriptCallConv | ForeignCall |
javaScriptCallIdKey | THNames |
javaScriptCallName | THNames |
JMP | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeInstr |
2 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
4 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
JoinArity | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
JoinCeilLvl | SetLevels |
JoinedFact | Hoopl.Dataflow |
JoinFloat | SimplEnv |
JoinFloats | SimplEnv |
JoinId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Var, Id, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
joinMIdKey | PrelNames |
joinMName | PrelNames |
joinOutFacts | Hoopl.Dataflow |
joinPointBindings_maybe | CoreOpt |
joinPointBinding_maybe | CoreOpt |
joinRhsArity | CoreArity |
joinToTargets | RegAlloc.Linear.JoinToTargets |
JSArray | Json |
JSBool | Json |
JSInt | Json |
JSNull | Json |
JSObject | Json |
json | Json |
JsonDoc | Json |
JSString | Json |
Jump | MkGraph |
JumpDest | |
1 (Type/Class) | X86.Instr |
2 (Type/Class) | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
3 (Type/Class) | PPC.RegInfo |
jumpDestsOfInstr | Instruction |
JumpReference | PIC |
JumpRet | MkGraph |
JumpTable | CmmSwitch |
JumpToIt | StgCmmClosure |
Just | Maybes |
justDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
justDataConKey | PrelNames |
justDataConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
JustO | Hoopl.Block |
JXX | X86.Instr |
JXX_GBL | X86.Instr |
k1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
k1TyConKey | PrelNames |
k1TyConName | PrelNames |
kcDataDefn | TcTyClsDecls |
kcHsSigType | TcHsType |
kcLHsQTyVars | TcHsType |
kcLHsTyVarBndrs | TcHsType |
kcLookupTcTyCon | TcHsType |
kcTyClTyVars | TcHsType |
Keep | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
keepAlive | TcRnMonad |
Key | TrieMap |
KeyOf | Hoopl.Collections |
keyword | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
kickOutAfterUnification | TcSMonad |
KillThreadOp | PrimOp |
killUsageDemand | Demand |
killUsageSig | Demand |
Kind | Kind, Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
kindConKey | PrelNames |
kindedTVIdKey | THNames |
kindedTVName | THNames |
KindedTyVar | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
KindEqOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
kindGeneralize | TcHsType |
KindLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
kindLevelMode | TcHsType |
KindOrType | Type, GhcPlugins |
kindQTyConKey | THNames |
kindQTyConName | THNames |
kindRepAppDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepAppDataConName | PrelNames |
kindRepFunDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepFunDataConName | PrelNames |
kindRepTyConAppDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepTyConAppDataConName | PrelNames |
kindRepTyConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepTyConName | PrelNames |
kindRepTYPEDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepTYPEDataConName | PrelNames |
kindRepTypeLitDDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepTypeLitDDataConName | PrelNames |
kindRepTypeLitSDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepTypeLitSDataConName | PrelNames |
kindRepVarDataConKey | PrelNames |
kindRepVarDataConName | PrelNames |
KindSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
kindSigIdKey | THNames |
kindSigName | THNames |
kindStar | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
KindVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
KnownBranch | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
knownKeyNames | PrelInfo |
knownNatClassName | PrelNames |
knownNatClassNameKey | PrelNames |
knownSymbolClassName | PrelNames |
knownSymbolClassNameKey | PrelNames |
knownUniqueName | KnownUniques |
L | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
l1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
LA | PPC.Instr |
LABEL | ByteCodeInstr |
Label | Hoopl.Label |
labelAGraph | MkGraph |
labelDynamic | CLabel |
labelEIdKey | THNames |
labelEName | THNames |
LabelMap | Hoopl.Label |
LabelN | StgCmmExtCode |
labelsDefined | Hoopl.Graph |
LabelSet | Hoopl.Label |
LabelThreadOp | PrimOp |
Lam | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
LambdaBind | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
LambdaExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LambdaFormInfo | StgCmmClosure |
lamCaseEIdKey | THNames |
lamCaseEName | THNames |
lamEIdKey | THNames |
lamEName | THNames |
LangC | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
LangCxx | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
LangObjc | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
LangObjcxx | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
Language | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
language | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
languageExtensions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
lang_set | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
LAnnDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LAO_Add | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_And | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Max | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Min | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Nand | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Or | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Sub | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Umax | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Umin | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Xchg | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LAO_Xor | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
largeOffsetError | SPARC.Base |
larrow | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
larrowt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
larrowtt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
lastNode | Hoopl.Block, Hoopl.Dataflow |
lastOL | OrdList |
LastStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
last_len | Lexer |
last_loc | Lexer |
last_tk | Lexer |
lAttributes | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
layoutUbxSum | RepType |
lazyApply1Dmd | Demand |
lazyApply2Dmd | Demand |
lazyGet | Binary |
lazyId | MkId |
lazyIdKey | PrelNames, MkId |
lazyMapUs | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
LazyPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
lazyPut | Binary |
lazySetIdInfo | |
1 (Function) | Var, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Id |
lazyThenUs | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
LBangType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LBooleanFormula | BooleanFormula |
lbrace | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
lbrack | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
LC | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
lcInScopeSet | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
LClsInstDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lcmIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
lcmIntegerName | PrelNames |
LConDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LConDeclField | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
lCPU | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
lcSubstLeft | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
lcSubstRight | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
lcTCvSubst | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
LD | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
LDataFamInstDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lDataLayout | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
LDefaultDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LDerivDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LDFAR | PPC.Instr |
ldInputs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
LDocDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ldOptions | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
LDR | PPC.Instr |
ldvEnter | StgCmmProf |
ldvEnterClosure | StgCmmProf |
ldvRecordCreate | StgCmmProf |
lDV_SHIFT | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
LE | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
LEA | X86.Instr |
leftAssocDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
leftAssociativeDataConKey | PrelNames |
leftAssociativeDataConName | PrelNames |
leftDataConKey | PrelNames |
leftDataConName | PrelNames |
LeftMode | Pretty |
leftmost_largest | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
leftmost_smallest | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
LeftOrRight | BasicTypes, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
left_RDR | PrelNames |
leIntegerPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
leIntegerPrimName | PrelNames |
leLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
len | StringBuffer |
Length | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
lengthAtLeast | Util, GhcPlugins |
lengthAtMost | Util, GhcPlugins |
lengthBag | Bag |
lengthExceeds | Util, GhcPlugins |
lengthFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
lengthFZS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
lengthIs | Util, GhcPlugins |
lengthIsNot | Util, GhcPlugins |
lengthLessThan | Util, GhcPlugins |
lengthLS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
lengthPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
lessUnsafeCoerce | DynamicLoading |
Let | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
LetBind | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
LetBndrSpec | TcPat |
letEIdKey | THNames |
letEName | THNames |
letFloatBinds | SimplEnv |
LetFloatFromLet | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
LetFloats | SimplEnv |
LetGblBndr | TcPat |
LetLclBndr | TcPat |
letSIdKey | THNames |
letSName | THNames |
LetStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LEU | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
Level | |
1 (Type/Class) | SetLevels |
2 (Data Constructor) | SetLevels |
LevelledBind | SetLevels |
LevelledBndr | SetLevels |
LevelledExpr | SetLevels |
LevelType | SetLevels |
LevityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
levityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
lEX | PrelNames |
lexemeToFastString | StringBuffer |
lexemeToString | StringBuffer |
lexer | Lexer |
LexicalFixity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
lexprCtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
lexP_RDR | PrelNames |
lexTokenStream | Lexer |
lex_state | Lexer |
le_RDR | PrelNames |
LFamilyDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LFamilyResultSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LFamInstEqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lfDynTag | StgCmmClosure |
LFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LFixitySig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LForeignDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lfUpdatable | StgCmmClosure |
lgraphOfAGraph | MkGraph |
LGRHS | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsAppType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsBind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsBindLR | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsBindsLR | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsCmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsCmdTop | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsContext | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsDerivingClause | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsDocString | HsDoc, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
lhsExprToPmExpr | PmExpr, TmOracle |
LHsKind | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsLocalBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsLocalBindsLR | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsModuleId | BkpSyn |
LHsModuleSubst | BkpSyn |
LHsQTyVars | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsRecField | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsRecField' | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsRecUpdField | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsSigType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsSigWcType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsTupArg | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsTyVarBndr | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsUnit | BkpSyn |
LHsUnitDecl | BkpSyn |
LHsUnitId | BkpSyn |
LHsWcType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
LHsWcTypeX | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LI | PPC.Instr |
liberateCase | LiberateCase |
liberateCaseThreshold | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
libFun | THNames |
libmLinkOpts | SysTools |
libraryDirs | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
libraryDynDirs | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
libraryPaths | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
libTc | THNames |
LIE | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
LIEWrappedName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
lifeMapFromSpillCostInfo | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
liftA2_RDR | PrelNames |
liftBuiltinDs | Vectorise.Monad |
liftClassKey | THNames |
liftClassName | THNames |
LiftCoEnv | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftCoMatch | Unify |
liftCoSubst | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftCoSubstTyVar | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftCoSubstVarBndrCallback | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftCoSubstWith | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftCoSubstWithEx | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftCps | RnPat |
liftDs | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
lifted | Vectorise.Vect |
liftedApplyVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
liftedClosureVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
liftedConKey | PrelNames |
LiftedRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
liftedRepDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
liftedRepDataConKey | PrelNames |
liftedRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
liftedRepDataConTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
liftedRepTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
liftedTypeKind | Type, TysWiredIn, TcType, GhcPlugins |
liftedTypeKindTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
liftedTypeKindTyConKey | PrelNames |
liftEnvSubstLeft | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftEnvSubstRight | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftEwM | CmdLineParser |
liftFst | Util, GhcPlugins |
liftGhcT | GhcMonad |
liftIdKey | THNames |
LiftingContext | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
liftingContext | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
liftIO | |
1 (Function) | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, GhcMonad, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Stream |
liftIO1 | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
liftIO2 | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
liftIO3 | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
liftIO4 | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
liftIOWithCount | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
liftMaybeT | Maybes |
liftMIdKey | PrelNames |
liftMName | PrelNames |
liftName | THNames |
liftP | CmmMonad |
liftPatchFnToRegReg | Reg |
liftPD | Vectorise.Utils |
liftSnd | Util, GhcPlugins |
liftStream | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
liftStringIdKey | THNames |
liftStringName | THNames |
liftUs | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
lift_RDR | THNames |
LImportDecl | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
lineLength | Pretty |
linesPlatform | SysTools.Process |
LInjectivityAnn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
link | DriverPipeline |
Linkable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
linkableModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
linkableObjs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
linkableTime | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
linkableUnlinked | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
linkBCO | ByteCodeLink |
LinkBinary | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
linkBinary | DriverPipeline |
linkCmdLineLibs | Linker |
linkDecls | Linker |
LinkDynLib | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
linkDynLib | SysTools |
LinkerInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
linkExpr | Linker |
linkFail | ByteCodeLink |
linkHook | Hooks |
linkingNeeded | DriverPipeline |
LinkInMemory | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
linkModule | Linker |
LinkOnce | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
linkPackages | Linker |
LinkStaticLib | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
LInstDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lintAnnots | CoreLint |
lintCoreBindings | CoreLint |
lintExpr | CoreLint |
lintInteractiveExpr | CoreLint |
lintPassResult | CoreLint |
lintStgTopBindings | StgLint |
lintUnfolding | CoreLint |
LIPBind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LIS | PPC.Instr |
ListComp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
listEIdKey | THNames |
listEName | THNames |
ListGraph | |
1 (Type/Class) | Cmm, Instruction |
2 (Data Constructor) | Cmm, Instruction |
listKIdKey | THNames |
listKName | THNames |
listLengthCmp | Util, GhcPlugins |
ListMap | TrieMap |
ListOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
listPackageConfigMap | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ListPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
listPIdKey | THNames |
listPName | THNames |
listSplitUniqSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
ListT | |
1 (Type/Class) | ListT |
2 (Data Constructor) | ListT |
listTIdKey | THNames |
listTName | THNames |
listToBag | Bag |
listToCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
listToHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
listToMaybe | Maybes |
listToUDFM | UniqDFM |
listToUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
listToUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
listToUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
listToUniqMap | UniqMap |
listToUniqMap_C | UniqMap |
listTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
listTyConKey | PrelNames, TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
listTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
listTyCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
listVisibleModuleNames | Packages, GhcPlugins |
Lit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
LitAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
litConTbl | TcGenDeriv |
litEIdKey | THNames |
litEName | THNames |
Literal | Literal, GhcPlugins |
LiteralMap | TrieMap |
LiteralOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
literalType | Literal, GhcPlugins |
litE_RDR | THNames |
litFitsInChar | Literal, GhcPlugins |
litIdInfo | StgCmmEnv |
LitInteger | Literal, GhcPlugins |
litIsDupable | Literal, GhcPlugins |
litIsLifted | Literal, GhcPlugins |
litIsTrivial | Literal, GhcPlugins |
LitPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
litPIdKey | THNames |
litPName | THNames |
LitString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
litTIdKey | THNames |
litTName | THNames |
litToImm | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
litValue | Literal, GhcPlugins |
LiveBasicBlock | RegAlloc.Liveness |
liveBorn | RegAlloc.Liveness |
LiveCmmDecl | RegAlloc.Liveness |
liveDieRead | RegAlloc.Liveness |
liveDieWrite | RegAlloc.Liveness |
LiveGlobalRegs | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LiveInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
LiveInstr | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
liveLattice | CmmLive |
Liveness | |
1 (Type/Class) | SMRep |
2 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
3 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
lkDFreeVar | TrieMap |
lkDNamed | TrieMap |
LlvmAlias | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmAtomicOp | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmBasicBlock | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmBlock | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmBlockId | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmBlocks | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmCallConvention | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmCallType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmCastOp | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmCmmDecl | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmCmpOp | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
llvmCodeGen | LlvmCodeGen |
LlvmData | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmExpression | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
llvmFixupAsm | LlvmMangler, LlvmCodeGen |
llvmFunAlign | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
llvmFunArgs | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmFuncAttr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmFunction | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmFunctionDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmFunctionDecls | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmFunctions | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
llvmFunSection | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
llvmFunSig | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
llvmFunTy | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
llvmInfAlign | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmLinkageType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmLlc | DriverPhases |
LlvmLLD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
LlvmM | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmMachOp | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmMangle | DriverPhases |
LlvmModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmOp | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmOpt | DriverPhases |
LlvmParamAttr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmParameter | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmParameterListType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
llvmPtrBits | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmStatement | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmStatic | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
llvmStdFunAttrs | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmSyncOrdering | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
LlvmTarget | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
LlvmTargets | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
llvmTargets | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
LlvmType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmUnresData | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
LlvmVar | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LlvmVersion | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
llvmVersionStr | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
llvmWidthInBits | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
llvmWord | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
llvmWordPtr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
LMAdd | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMAlias | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMAlign | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMArray | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMatch | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LMBitc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMComment | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMConst | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMDouble | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMFloat | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMFloat128 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMFloat80 | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMFloatLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMFunction | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMGlobal | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
lmGlobalRegArg | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
lmGlobalRegVar | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
LMGlobalVar | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMInt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMIntLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMLabel | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMLitVar | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMLocalVar | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMMetadata | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMNLocalVar | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMNullLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMPointer | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMPtoI | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMSection | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStaticArray | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStaticLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStaticPointer | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStaticStr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStaticStruc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMString | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStruct | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMStructU | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMSub | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMUndefLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMUninitType | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMVector | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMVectorLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LMVoid | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Bitcast | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Eq | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Feq | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Fge | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Fgt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Fle | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Flt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Fne | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Ne | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Sge | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Sgt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Sle | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Slt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Uge | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Ugt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Ule | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_CMP_Ult | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Fpext | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Fptosi | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Fptoui | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Fptrunc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Inttoptr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_Add | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_And | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_AShr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_FAdd | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_FDiv | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_FMul | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_FRem | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_FSub | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_LShr | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_Mul | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_Or | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_SDiv | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_Shl | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_SRem | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_Sub | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_UDiv | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_URem | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_MO_Xor | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Ptrtoint | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Sext | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Sitofp | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Trunc | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Uitofp | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
LM_Zext | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
lneIdInfo | StgCmmEnv |
LneLoc | StgCmmClosure |
LO | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
Load | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
load | GhcMake, GHC |
load' | GhcMake |
LoadAllTargets | GhcMake, GHC |
loadAr | Ar |
LoadArchive | GHCi |
loadArchive | GHCi |
loadDecls | LoadIface |
LoadDependenciesOf | GhcMake, GHC |
LoadDLL | GHCi |
loadDLL | GHCi |
loadFrontendPlugin | DynamicLoading |
LoadHowMuch | GhcMake, GHC |
loadInterface | LoadIface |
loadInterfaceForModule | LoadIface |
loadInterfaceForName | LoadIface |
loadModule | GHC |
loadModuleInterface | LoadIface |
loadModuleInterfaces | LoadIface |
LoadObj | GHCi |
loadObj | |
1 (Function) | Ar |
2 (Function) | GHCi |
loadPluginInterface | LoadIface |
loadPlugins | DynamicLoading |
loadR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
loadSrcInterface | LoadIface |
loadSrcInterface_maybe | LoadIface |
loadSysInterface | LoadIface |
loadThreadState | StgCmmForeign |
loadUnqualIfaces | TcRnDriver |
LoadUpTo | GhcMake, GHC |
loadUserInterface | LoadIface |
Loc | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
loc | Lexer |
Local | Vectorise.Env |
LocalBindCtxt | RnEnv, RnBinds |
LocalEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Env |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Env |
localGREsFromAvail | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
localiseId | Id, GhcPlugins |
localiseName | Name, GhcPlugins |
LocalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
localRdrEnvElts | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
localRecNameMaker | RnPat |
LocalReg | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
LocalRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
localRegType | CmmExpr, Cmm |
localTyVars | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
localV | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
local_bind_name | Vectorise.Env |
local_tyvars | Vectorise.Env |
local_tyvar_pa | Vectorise.Env |
local_vars | Vectorise.Env |
Located | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
LOCATION | X86.Instr |
LOCK | X86.Instr |
LogAction | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
LogFinaliser | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
logInfo | ErrUtils |
logOutput | ErrUtils |
logWarnings | GhcMonad |
log_action | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
log_finaliser | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
LongReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
looksLazyPatBind | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
looksLikeModuleName | Util, GhcPlugins |
looksLikePackageName | Util, GhcPlugins |
LookupClosure | GHCi |
lookupClosure | GHCi |
lookupCME | TrieMap |
lookupConstructorFields | RnEnv |
lookupCoreMap | TrieMap |
lookupCoVar | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
lookupDataCon | |
1 (Function) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupDFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
lookupDNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupEvBind | TcEvidence |
lookupExactOcc | RnEnv |
lookupFact | Hoopl.Label |
lookupFamInst | Vectorise.Monad.InstEnv, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupFamInstEnv | FamInstEnv |
lookupFamInstEnvByTyCon | FamInstEnv |
lookupFamInstEnvConflicts | FamInstEnv |
lookupFamInstEnvInjectivityConflicts | FamInstEnv |
lookupFamInstName | RnEnv |
lookupFieldFixityRn | RnFixity |
lookupFixity | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupFixityRn | RnFixity |
lookupFixityRn_help | RnFixity |
lookupFlatCache | TcSMonad |
lookupFlattenTyVar | TcSMonad |
LookupFound | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupFsEnv | FastStringEnv, OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
lookupFsEnv_NF | FastStringEnv |
lookupGlobal | TcEnv |
lookupGlobalName | GHC |
lookupGlobalOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe | RnEnv |
lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded | RnEnv |
lookupGlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
lookupGreAvailRn | RnEnv |
lookupGRE_FieldLabel | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
lookupGRE_Name | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
lookupGRE_RdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
LookupHidden | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupHook | Hooks |
lookupHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupHptByModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupHptDirectly | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupId | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupIdSubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
lookupIE | ByteCodeLink |
lookupIfaceByModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupIfaceTop | IfaceEnv |
lookupIfaceTyVar | IfaceEnv |
lookupIfaceVar | IfaceEnv |
lookupIfThenElse | RnEnv |
lookupInertDict | TcSMonad |
lookupInertTyVar | TcSMonad |
lookupInfoOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupInScope | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupInScope_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupInst | Vectorise.Monad.InstEnv, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupInstalledModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
lookupInstalledPackage | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupInstDeclBndr | RnEnv |
lookupInstEnv | InstEnv |
lookupIntegerSDataConName | CorePrep |
lookupKindOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupKnownKeyName | PrelInfo |
lookupKnownNameInfo | PrelInfo |
lookupLabel | StgCmmExtCode |
lookupLocalOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupLocalOccRn_maybe | RnEnv |
lookupLocalOccThLvl_maybe | RnEnv |
lookupLocalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
lookupLocalRdrOcc | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
lookupLocalTcNames | RnEnv |
lookupLocatedOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupLocatedTopBndrRn | RnEnv |
lookupMkIntegerName | CorePrep |
lookupModule | GHC |
lookupModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
lookupModuleInAllPackages | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupModuleWithSuggestions | Packages, GhcPlugins |
LookupMultiple | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupName | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
2 (Function) | GHC |
lookupNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupNameEnv_NF | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupNode | GraphOps, GraphColor |
LookupNotFound | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
lookupOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupOccRn_maybe | RnEnv |
lookupOccRn_overloaded | RnEnv |
lookupOrig | |
1 (Function) | IfaceEnv |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
lookupOrigNameCache | NameCache, IfaceEnv |
lookupPackage | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupPackage' | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupPackageName | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupPluginModuleWithSuggestions | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupPragEnv | TcSigs |
lookupRdrNameInModuleForPlugins | DynamicLoading |
lookupRecBndr | SimplEnv |
lookupRecFieldOcc | RnEnv |
LookupResult | Packages, GhcPlugins |
lookupRnInScope | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupRoleAnnot | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
lookupRule | Rules, GhcPlugins |
lookupSigCtxtOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupSigOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupSolvedDict | TcSMonad |
lookupStaticPtr | ByteCodeLink |
lookupSubBndrOcc_helper | RnEnv |
LookupSymbol | GHCi |
lookupSymbol | GHCi |
lookupSyntaxName | RnEnv |
lookupSyntaxName' | RnEnv |
lookupSyntaxNames | RnEnv |
lookupTCvSubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
lookupThing | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupThName_maybe | TcSplice |
lookupTM | TrieMap |
lookupTopBndrRn | RnEnv |
lookupTyCon | |
1 (Function) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupTyConFieldLabel | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
lookupTyConPA | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupTyConPR | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupTyFixityRn | RnFixity |
lookupType | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupTypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupTypeHscEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
lookupTypeMap | TrieMap |
lookupTypeMapWithScope | TrieMap |
lookupTypeOccRn | RnEnv |
lookupTyVar | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
lookupTyVarPA | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupUDFM | UniqDFM |
lookupUDFM_Directly | UniqDFM |
lookupUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
lookupUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
lookupUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
lookupUniqMap | UniqMap |
lookupUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
lookupUniqSet_Directly | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
lookupUniqueInstEnv | InstEnv |
lookupVar | Vectorise.Monad |
lookupVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupVarEnv_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupVarEnv_NF | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
lookupVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
lookupVarSetByName | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
lookupVarSet_Directly | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
lookupVar_maybe | Vectorise.Monad |
lookupVectDecl | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
lookupWithDefaultModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
lookupWithDefaultUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
lookupWithDefaultUniqMap | UniqMap |
lookupWithDefaultVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
loopAIdKey | PrelNames |
loopAName | PrelNames |
loopDecls | StgCmmExtCode |
LooseTypeMap | TrieMap |
LossOfPrecision | Exception |
lparen | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
LPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
lPatImplicits | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
LRdrName | ApiAnnotation |
lReg | SPARC.Regs |
LRenaming | BkpSyn |
LRoleAnnotDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LRuleBndr | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LRuleDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LRuleDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
LSpliceDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
LStmtLR | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
lStmtsImplicits | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
LStr | Pretty |
ltAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
LTcSpecPrag | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ltDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
ltDataConId | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
ltDataConKey | PrelNames |
ltDataConName | PrelNames |
ltIntegerPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
ltIntegerPrimName | PrelNames |
ltLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
ltLvl | SetLevels |
ltMajLvl | SetLevels |
ltRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
LTT | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
ltTag_RDR | PrelNames |
LTyClDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LTyFamDefltEqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LTyFamInstDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LTyFamInstEqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lt_RDR | PrelNames |
LU | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
lubDmd | Demand |
lubDmdType | Demand |
LVectDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lvectDeclName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
lvectInstDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
Lvl0 | X86.Instr |
Lvl1 | X86.Instr |
Lvl2 | X86.Instr |
LWarnDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LWarnDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
LWSYNC | PPC.Instr |
m1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
m1TyConKey | PrelNames |
m1TyConName | PrelNames |
MachChar | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachDouble | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachFloat | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachInt | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachInt64 | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachLabel | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachNullAddr | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
machOpArgReps | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
machOpMemcpyishAlign | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
machOpResultType | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MachSp | CmmExpr, Cmm |
MachStr | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachWord | Literal, GhcPlugins |
MachWord64 | Literal, GhcPlugins |
magicDictId | MkId |
magicDictKey | PrelNames |
mAIN | PrelNames |
mainFunIs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mainModIs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mainUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
mAIN_NAME | PrelNames |
main_RDR_Unqual | PrelNames |
makeDynFlagsConsistent | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
makeElfNote | Elf |
makeFarBranches | PPC.Instr |
makeImmediate | PPC.Regs |
makeInjectivityErrors | FamInst |
makeIntoWarning | ErrUtils |
makeMiniFixityEnv | RnBinds |
makeRecoveryTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
makeRelativeTo | Util, GhcPlugins |
makeSimpleDetails | HscMain |
MakeStableNameOp | PrimOp |
MakeStablePtrOp | PrimOp |
makeStaticKey | PrelNames |
makeStaticName | PrelNames |
makeSuperClasses | TcCanonical |
Malloc | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
MallocData | GHCi |
mallocData | GHCi |
MallocStrings | GHCi |
mangleIndexTree | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
manifestArity | CoreArity |
manyBranches | CoAxiom |
ManyOccs | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
map | Stream |
mapAccumBagL | Bag |
mapAccumBagLM | Bag |
mapAccumBranches | CoAxiom |
mapAccumL | Stream |
mapAccumL2 | Util, GhcPlugins |
mapAccumLM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mapAccumLNat | NCGMonad |
mapAndRecoverM | TcRnMonad |
mapAndReportM | TcRnMonad |
mapAndUnzip | Util, GhcPlugins |
mapAndUnzip3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
mapAndUnzip3M | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mapAndUnzip4M | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mapAndUnzip5M | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mapAndUnzipBagM | Bag |
mapAndUnzipM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
mapBag | Bag |
mapBagM | Bag |
mapBagM_ | Bag |
mapBlock | Hoopl.Block |
mapBlock' | Hoopl.Block |
mapBlock3' | Hoopl.Block |
mapBlockTop | RegAlloc.Liveness |
mapBlockTopM | RegAlloc.Liveness |
mapCoercion | Type, GhcPlugins |
mapDelete | Hoopl.Collections |
mapDeleteList | Hoopl.Collections |
mapDifference | Hoopl.Collections |
mapDNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
mapDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mapElems | Hoopl.Collections |
mapEmpty | Hoopl.Collections, RegAlloc.Liveness |
mapException | Exception |
mapExp | CmmNode, Cmm |
mapExpDeep | CmmNode, Cmm |
mapExpDeepM | CmmNode, Cmm |
mapExpM | CmmNode, Cmm |
mapFilter | Hoopl.Collections |
mapFindWithDefault | Hoopl.Collections |
mapFold | Hoopl.Collections |
mapFoldWithKey | Hoopl.Collections |
mapFromList | Hoopl.Collections |
mapFromListWith | Hoopl.Collections |
mapFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
mapFst | Util, GhcPlugins |
mapFvRn | RnUtils |
mapGenBlockTop | RegAlloc.Liveness |
mapGenBlockTopM | RegAlloc.Liveness |
mapGraph | Hoopl.Graph |
mapGraphBlocks | Hoopl.Graph |
mapGraphNodes | CmmUtils |
mapGraphNodes1 | CmmUtils |
mapHpt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mapIdKey | PrelNames |
mapInsert | Hoopl.Collections |
mapInsertList | Hoopl.Collections |
mapInsertWith | Hoopl.Collections |
mapIntersection | Hoopl.Collections |
mapIsSubmapOf | Hoopl.Collections |
mapKeys | Hoopl.Collections |
mapLetFloats | SimplEnv |
mapLitValue | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mapLookup | Hoopl.Collections |
mapM | |
1 (Function) | DsMonad |
2 (Function) | Stream |
mapMap | Hoopl.Collections |
mapMapWithKey | Hoopl.Collections |
mapMaybe | Maybes |
mapMaybeBag | Bag |
mapMaybeFvRn | RnUtils |
mapMaybeM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mapMember | Hoopl.Collections |
mapMG | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mapModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
mapName | PrelNames |
mapNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
mapNull | Hoopl.Collections |
mapOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mapOL | OrdList |
mappendClassOpKey | PrelNames |
mappendName | PrelNames |
mappend_RDR | PrelNames |
mapPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
mapSCCM | RegAlloc.Liveness |
mapSingleton | Hoopl.Collections |
mapSize | Hoopl.Collections |
mapSnd | Util, GhcPlugins |
mapSndM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mapStepResult | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mapSuccessors | CmmNode, Cmm |
mapSwitchTargets | CmmSwitch |
mapTermType | RtClosureInspect |
mapTM | TrieMap |
mapToList | Hoopl.Collections |
mapType | Type, GhcPlugins |
mapUDFM | UniqDFM |
mapUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
mapUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
mapUnion | Hoopl.Collections |
mapUnionDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
mapUnionFV | FV |
mapUnions | Hoopl.Collections |
mapUnionVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
mapUnionWithKey | Hoopl.Collections |
mapUniqMap | UniqMap |
mapUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
mapVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mapVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
mapVect | Vectorise.Vect |
map_RDR | PrelNames |
MarkedStrict | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
markStackReg | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
markUsedVar | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
marshalObjectIdKey | PrelNames |
marshalStringIdKey | PrelNames |
mask | Exception |
MaskAsyncExceptionsOp | PrimOp |
MaskedInterruptible | Exception |
MaskedUninterruptible | Exception |
MaskingState | Exception |
MaskStatus | PrimOp |
MaskUninterruptibleOp | PrimOp |
mask_ | Exception |
Match | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
match | Match |
matchableGivens | TcSMonad |
matchActualFunTys | TcUnify |
matchActualFunTysPart | TcUnify |
matchCanFail | DsUtils |
matchConFamily | MatchCon |
matchContextErrString | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
matchEquations | Match |
matchesCtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
matchExpectedAppTy | TcUnify |
matchExpectedFunKind | TcUnify |
matchExpectedFunTys | TcUnify |
matchExpectedListTy | TcUnify |
matchExpectedPArrTy | TcUnify |
matchExpectedTyConApp | TcUnify |
matchFam | |
1 (Function) | TcSMonad |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
matchFamTcM | TcSMonad |
MatchGroup | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
matchGroupArity | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
matchIdKey | THNames |
matchLiterals | MatchLit |
matchName | THNames |
matchNPats | MatchLit |
matchNPlusKPats | MatchLit |
matchPatSyn | MatchCon |
matchQTyConKey | THNames |
matchQTyConName | THNames |
MatchResult | |
1 (Type/Class) | DsMonad, DsUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | DsMonad, DsUtils |
matchSeparator | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
matchSimply | Match |
matchSinglePat | Match |
matchTyConKey | THNames |
matchTyConName | THNames |
matchWrapper | Match |
maxBound_RDR | PrelNames |
maxErrors | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxInlineAllocSize | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxInlineMemcpyInsns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxInlineMemsetInsns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxPmCheckIterations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxPrecedence | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxPrimOpTag | PrimOp |
maxRelevantBinds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxRetInfoTableSizeW | CmmInfo |
maxSimplIterations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxSpillSlots | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Stack, SPARC.Instr |
2 (Function) | X86.Instr |
3 (Function) | PPC.Instr |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.FreeRegs |
5 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
maxStdInfoTableSizeW | CmmInfo |
maxSubGoalDepth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
maxTcLevel | TcType |
maxUncoveredPatterns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxValidSubstitutions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
maxWorkerArgs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mAX_CHARLIKE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE | Constants |
mAX_Double_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_DPH_COMBINE | Vectorise.Builtins.Base |
mAX_DPH_PROD | Vectorise.Builtins.Base |
mAX_DPH_SCALAR_ARGS | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
mAX_DPH_SUM | Vectorise.Builtins.Base |
mAX_Float_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_INTLIKE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_Long_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_PTR_TAG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_Real_Double_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_Real_Float_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_Real_Long_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_Real_Vanilla_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_Real_XMM_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_SUM_SIZE | Constants |
mAX_TUPLE_SIZE | Constants |
mAX_Vanilla_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mAX_XMM_REG | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Maybe | Maybes |
maybe | Maybes |
MaybeApart | Unify |
maybeCantVectorise | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
maybeCantVectoriseM | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
maybeCharLikeCon | PrelInfo |
maybeCreateManifest | DriverPipeline |
MaybeErr | Maybes |
maybeFlipCond | X86.Cond |
maybeIntComparison | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
maybeIntLikeCon | PrelInfo |
maybeInvertCmmExpr | CmmExpr, Cmm |
maybeInvertComparison | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
maybeIsLFCon | StgCmmClosure |
maybeLetNoEscape | StgCmmEnv |
maybeLocalBlockLabel | CLabel |
MaybeMap | TrieMap |
maybeMapM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
maybeModifyIdInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
MaybeNew | TcSMonad |
MaybeO | Hoopl.Block |
maybeParen | BasicTypes, Type, GhcPlugins |
maybeParens | Pretty |
maybeRead | Util, GhcPlugins |
maybeReadFuzzy | Util, GhcPlugins |
maybeSingletonCCS | CostCentre |
maybeSubCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
maybeSubstNameShape | NameShape |
maybeSym | TcCanonical |
MaybeT | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Maybes |
2 (Type/Class) | Maybes |
maybeTcSubCo | TcEvidence |
maybeToList | Maybes |
maybeTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
maybeTyConKey | PrelNames |
maybeTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
maybeUnfoldingTemplate | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
maybeV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
maybe_loc | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
MayHaveCafRefs | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
mayHaveCafRefs | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
MC | TcMatches |
MCompOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
MCompPatOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mconcatClassOpKey | PrelNames |
mconcatName | PrelNames |
mc_body | TcMatches |
mc_fixity | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mc_fun | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mc_strictness | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mc_what | TcMatches |
MDoExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
md_anns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_complete_sigs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_exports | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_fam_insts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_insts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_rules | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_types | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
md_vect_info | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
megaSeqIdInfo | CoreSeq |
member | EnumSet |
memberInstEnv | InstEnv |
memptyClassOpKey | PrelNames |
memptyName | PrelNames |
mempty_RDR | PrelNames |
mergeAlts | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
MergeForeign | DriverPhases |
mergeSignatures | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver |
Message | GHCi |
Messager | HscMain |
Messages | ErrUtils |
messages | Lexer |
MetaAnnot | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaAW | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaConsDataConKey | PrelNames |
metaConsDataConName | PrelNames |
MetaD | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaDataDataConKey | PrelNames |
metaDataDataConName | PrelNames |
MetaDecl | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaDetails | TcType |
MetaE | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
MetaExpr | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaHook | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
MetaId | |
1 (Type/Class) | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaInfo | TcType |
MetaNamed | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaNode | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaP | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
MetaRequest | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaRequestAW | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaRequestD | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaRequestE | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaRequestP | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaRequestT | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
MetaResult | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
metaSelDataConKey | PrelNames |
metaSelDataConName | PrelNames |
MetaStmt | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
MetaStr | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaStruct | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaT | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
MetaTv | TcType |
metaTyVarInfo | TcType |
metaTyVarRef | TcType |
metaTyVarTcLevel | TcType |
metaTyVarTcLevel_maybe | TcType |
metaTyVarUpdateOK | TcUnify |
MetaUnnamed | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MetaVar | Llvm.MetaData, Llvm |
MExpr | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
MFCR | PPC.Instr |
MFENCE | X86.Instr |
mfix | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
mfixIdKey | PrelNames |
mfixName | PrelNames |
MFLR | PPC.Instr |
MFOV | PPC.Instr |
MG | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mgBootModules | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mgElemModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mgLookupModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mgModSummaries | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mg_alts | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mg_anns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_arg_tys | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mg_binds | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_complete_sigs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_deps | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_exports | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_fam_insts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_fam_inst_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_fix_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_foreign | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_foreign_files | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_hpc_info | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_hsc_src | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_insts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_inst_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_loc | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_modBreaks | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_module | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_origin | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mg_patsyns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_rdr_env | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_res_ty | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mg_rules | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_safe_haskell | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_tcs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_trust_pkg | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_usages | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_used_th | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_vect_decls | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_vect_info | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mg_warns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mightBeUnsaturatedTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
minBound_RDR | PrelNames |
MiniFixityEnv | RnFixity, RnBinds |
minimalProcPointSet | CmmProcPoint |
MinimalSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
minPrecedence | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
minusClassOpKey | PrelNames |
minusDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
minusDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
minusIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
minusIntegerName | PrelNames |
minusList | ListSetOps |
minusModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
minusName | PrelNames |
minusNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
minusOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
minusRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
minusUDFM | UniqDFM |
minusUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
minusUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
minusUniqMap | UniqMap |
minusUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
minusVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
minusVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
minus_RDR | PrelNames |
minWith | Util, GhcPlugins |
mIN_CHARLIKE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mIN_INTLIKE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Missing | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
missingBootThing | TcRnDriver |
missingTupArg | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mi_anns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_boot | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mi_complete_sigs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_decls | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_deps | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_exports | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_exp_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_fam_insts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_finsts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_fix | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mi_fixities | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_fix_fn | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_flag_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_free_holes | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mi_globals | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_hash_fn | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_hpc | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_hpc_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_hsc_src | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_iface_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_insts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_module | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_mod_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_opt_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_orphan | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_orphan_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_rules | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_semantic_module | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mi_sig_of | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_trust | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_trust_pkg | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_usages | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_used_th | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_vect_info | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_warns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mi_warn_fn | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkAbsentErrorApp | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkAbstractClass | Class |
mkAlgTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkAllCafsCC | CostCentre |
mkAlphaTyVarUnique | Unique |
mkAltExpr | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
mkAmbiguousFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkAnd | BooleanFormula |
mkAnnEnv | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
mkAnonBinder | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkAnonTyConBinder | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkAnonTyConBinders | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkAnonWildCardTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
MKAP | ByteCodeInstr |
mkApEntryLabel | CLabel |
mkApiErr | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkApInfoTableLabel | CLabel |
mkApLFInfo | StgCmmClosure |
mkAppCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkAppCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkApps | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkAppTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkAppTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
MkApUpd0_Op | PrimOp |
mkArgDescr | StgCmmLayout |
mkArgInfo | SimplUtils |
mkArrayArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkArrWords_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkAsmTempDerivedLabel | CLabel |
mkAsmTempDieLabel | CLabel |
mkAsmTempEndLabel | CLabel |
mkAsmTempLabel | CLabel |
mkAssign | MkGraph |
mkATDefault | RdrHsSyn |
mkAutoCC | CostCentre |
mkAxInstCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkAxInstLHS | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkAxInstRHS | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkAxiomInstCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkAxiomRuleCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkBadAlignmentLabel | CLabel |
mkBaseModule | PrelNames |
mkBaseModule_ | PrelNames |
mkBHUpdInfoLabel | CLabel |
mkBigCoreTup | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkBigCoreTupTy | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkBigCoreVarTup | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkBigCoreVarTup1 | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkBigCoreVarTupTy | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkBigLHsPatTup | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkBigLHsPatTupId | DsUtils |
mkBigLHsTup | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkBigLHsTupId | DsUtils |
mkBigLHsVarPatTup | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkBigLHsVarPatTupId | DsUtils |
mkBigLHsVarTup | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkBigLHsVarTupId | DsUtils |
mkBinaryTickBox | DsUtils |
mkBindStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkBitmap | Bitmap |
mkBitmapLabel | CLabel |
mkBlockId | BlockId |
mkBlockInfoTableLabel | CLabel |
mkBodyStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkBootModDetailsTc | TidyPgm |
mkBoringStop | SimplUtils |
mkBothDmdArg | Demand |
mkBoxedTupleTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkBranch | MkGraph |
mkBranchedCoAxiom | FamInstEnv |
mkBuilderOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkBuildExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkBuildTag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mkBuiltinCo | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkBuiltinUnique | Unique |
mkBytesLabel | CLabel |
mkByteStringCLit | CmmUtils |
mkCAFBlackHoleInfoTableLabel | CLabel |
mkCall | StgCmmMonad |
mkCallDmd | Demand |
mkCallEntry | MkGraph |
mkCallReturnsTo | MkGraph |
mkCase | SimplUtils |
MkCaseAlt | DsUtils |
mkCast | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
mkCastDs | DsUtils |
mkCastTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkCbranch | MkGraph |
mkCCLabel | CLabel |
mkCCostCentre | StgCmmProf |
mkCCostCentreStack | StgCmmProf |
mkCCSLabel | CLabel |
MkCgInfoDown | StgCmmMonad |
MkCgState | StgCmmMonad |
mkCharExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCharLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkCharLitPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
mkCheckExpType | TcType, TcMType |
mkChildEnv | RnNames |
mkChunkified | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkClass | Class |
mkClassDataConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkClassDecl | RdrHsSyn |
mkClassOpAuxOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkClassOpSigs | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkClassPred | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkClassTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkClonedInternalName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkClosedStrictSig | Demand |
mkClosure | Vectorise.Utils.Closure, Vectorise.Utils |
mkClosureApp | Vectorise.Utils.Closure, Vectorise.Utils |
mkClosureInfo | StgCmmClosure |
mkClosureLabel | CLabel |
mkClosureTableLabel | CLabel |
mkClosureTypes | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkClsOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkClsOccFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkCmmCall | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmClosureLabel | CLabel |
mkCmmCodeLabel | CLabel |
mkCmmDataLabel | CLabel |
mkCmmEntryLabel | CLabel |
mkCmmIfGoto | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmIfGoto' | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmIfThen | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmIfThen' | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmIfThenElse | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmIfThenElse' | StgCmmMonad |
mkCmmInfo | StgCmmClosure |
mkCmmInfoLabel | CLabel |
mkCmmRetInfoLabel | CLabel |
mkCmmRetLabel | CLabel |
mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkCoApps | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkCoAxBranch | FamInstEnv |
mkCoBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkCoCast | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCodeStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
mkCoerceClassMethEqn | TcGenDeriv |
mkCoercionTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkCoercionType | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoherenceCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoherenceLeftCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoherenceRightCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoLetMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkComment | MkGraph |
mkCompleteMatchMap | HscTypes, TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, GhcPlugins |
mkCompulsoryUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkCon2TagOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkConApp | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkConApp2 | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkConDeclH98 | RdrHsSyn |
MkConInfoTable | GHCi |
mkConInfoTableLabel | CLabel |
mkConLFInfo | StgCmmClosure |
mkConOpPatRn | RnTypes |
mkConsExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkContEx | SimplEnv |
mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkCoreApp | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreAppDs | DsUtils |
mkCoreApps | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreAppsDs | DsUtils |
mkCoreConApps | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreLams | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreLet | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreLets | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreTup | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreTupBoxity | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreUbxTup | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkCoreVarTup | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkCoreVarTupTy | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
MkCostCentres | GHCi |
mkCostCentres | GHCi |
mkCostCentreUnique | Unique |
mkCoSynCaseMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkCoVar | Var, Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoVarCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoVarCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkCoVarUnique | Unique |
mkCTupleDataConUnique | KnownUniques |
mkCTupleTyConUnique | KnownUniques |
mkDataCOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
mkDataConInfoTable | StgCmmClosure |
mkDataConRep | MkId |
mkDataConTag | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkDataConWorkerOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDataConWorkId | MkId |
mkDataConWrapperOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDataFamInst | RdrHsSyn |
mkDataLits | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
mkDataOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDataOccFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDataOccUnique | Unique |
mkDataTOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDataTyConRhs | BuildTyCl |
mkDeadStripPreventer | CLabel |
mkDeBruijnContext | TrieMap |
mkDefaultMethodOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDefaultMethodType | TcTyDecls |
MkDepend | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkDependencies | DsUsage |
mkDerivedInternalName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDerivedName | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
mkDerivInfos | TcDeriv |
mkDFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
mkDFunOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDFunUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkDictFunId | MkId |
mkDictFunTy | MkId |
mkDictOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkDictSelId | MkId |
mkDictSelRhs | MkId |
mkDirty_MUT_VAR_Label | CLabel |
mkDmdType | Demand |
mkDoubleExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkDoubleLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkDoubleLitDouble | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkDumpDoc | ErrUtils |
mkDumpStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
mkDUs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
mkDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mkDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
mkDynamicLinkerLabel | CLabel |
mkEmptyContInfoTable | CmmInfo |
mkEmptyImplicitBndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkEmptySubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
mkEmptyTCvSubst | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkEmptyWildCardBndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkEmptyZonkEnv | TcHsSyn |
mkEntryLabel | CLabel |
mkEqPredCoOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkEqSpec | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
mkErrDoc | ErrUtils |
mkErrDocAt | TcRnMonad |
mkErrInfo | TcRnMonad |
mkErrMsg | ErrUtils |
mkErrorAppDs | DsUtils |
mkErrStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
mkErrTc | TcRnMonad |
mkErrTcM | TcRnMonad |
mkEvalMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkEvalOpts | GHCi |
mkEvCast | TcEvidence |
mkEvScSelectors | TcEvidence |
mkExport | RdrHsSyn |
mkExportedLocalId | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkExportedLocalVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
mkExportedVanillaId | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkExternalName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkExtName | RdrHsSyn |
mkExtraObj | SysTools.ExtraObj |
mkExtraObjToLinkIntoBinary | SysTools.ExtraObj |
mkFactBase | Hoopl.Dataflow |
mkFalse | BooleanFormula |
mkFamDecl | RdrHsSyn |
mkFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkFamilyTyConApp | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkFastString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkFastString# | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkFastStringByteList | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkFastStringBytes | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkFastStringByteString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkFastStringForeignPtr | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkFCall | DsCCall |
mkFCallId | MkId |
mkFCallName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkFieldEnv | RnUtils |
mkFieldLabelOccs | FieldLabel |
mkFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkFinalCall | MkGraph |
mkFinalizedHValue | GHCi |
mkFloatBind | SimplEnv |
mkFloatExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkFloatLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkFloatLitFloat | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkFoldrExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkForAllCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkForAllCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkForAllKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkForAllTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkForAllTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkForeignExportOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkForeignLabel | CLabel |
mkFractionalLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkFsEnv | FastStringEnv, OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkFunBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkFunCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkFunCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkFunKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkFunTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkFunTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkFunTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkFVs | |
1 (Function) | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | FV |
mkGadtDecl | RdrHsSyn |
mkGen1R | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkGeneralLocated | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkGeneralSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
mkGeneralSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
mkGenR | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkGivenEvBind | TcEvidence |
mkGivenLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkGivens | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkGlobalId | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkGlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkGlobalVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
mkGroupByUsingStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkGroupUsingStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkGuardedMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkHeadStrict | Demand |
mkHeapRep | SMRep |
mkHeteroCoercionType | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkHeteroPrimEqPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkHeteroReprPrimEqPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkHiOnlyModLocation | Finder |
mkHiPath | Finder |
mkHoleCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkHoleModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
mkHomeModLocation | Finder |
mkHomeModLocation2 | Finder |
mkHomoForAllCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkHomoForAllCos_NoRefl | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkHomoPhantomCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkHpcTicksLabel | CLabel |
mkHsApp | HsUtils, HsSyn, TcHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsAppTy | HsTypes, HsUtils, HsSyn, TcHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsAppType | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsAppTypeOut | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsAppTypes | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsAppTys | HsTypes, HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsCaseAlt | HsUtils, HsSyn, TcHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsCmdWrap | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsComp | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsDictLet | HsUtils, HsSyn, TcHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsDo | HsUtils, HsSyn, RdrHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsFractional | HsUtils, HsSyn, RdrHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsIf | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsImplicitBndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsIntegral | HsUtils, HsSyn, RdrHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsIsString | HsUtils, HsSyn, RdrHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsLam | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsLams | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsOpApp | HsUtils, HsSyn, RdrHsSyn, GHC |
mkHsOpTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsPar | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsQTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsQuasiQuote | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsSigEnv | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsSigFun | TcClassDcl |
mkHsSOName | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkHsSpliceE | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsSpliceTE | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsSpliceTy | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsString | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsStringPrimLit | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsVarBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsWildCardBndrs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsWrap | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsWrapCo | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsWrapCoR | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsWrapPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkHsWrapPatCo | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkIface | MkIface |
mkIfaceExports | MkIface |
mkIfaceFixCache | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkIfaceHashCache | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkIfaceTc | MkIface |
mkIfaceTySubst | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
mkIfaceWarnCache | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkIfLclEnv | TcRnMonad |
mkIfThenElse | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkImpExpSubSpec | RdrHsSyn |
mkImplicitUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkImplicWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkImport | RdrHsSyn |
mkImportedFamInst | FamInstEnv |
mkImportedInstance | InstEnv |
mkImpossibleExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkIndStaticInfoLabel | CLabel |
mkInfoTable | CmmInfo |
mkInfoTableLabel | CLabel |
mkInfSigmaTy | TcType |
mkInlinableUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkInlinePragma | RdrHsSyn |
mkInlineUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkInlineUnfoldingWithArity | CoreUnfold |
mkInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mkInsolubleCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkInstCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkInstD | RdrHsSyn |
mkInstTyCoOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkInstTyTcOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkInt64LitInt64 | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkIntCLit | CmmUtils |
mkIntegerExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
mkIntegerModule | PrelNames |
mkIntegerName | PrelNames |
mkIntegralLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkInteractiveModule | PrelNames |
mkInternalName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkIntExpr | |
1 (Function) | CmmUtils |
2 (Function) | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkIntExprInt | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkIntLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkIntLitInt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkIntWithInf | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkInvForAllTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkInvForAllTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkIPOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkIrredCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkITbls | ByteCodeItbls |
mkJump | MkGraph |
mkJumpExtra | MkGraph |
mkJumpInstr | Instruction |
mkJumpReturnsTo | MkGraph |
mkJustExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkKindCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkKindLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkKindTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
MkLabel | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
mkLabel | MkGraph |
mkLam | SimplUtils |
mkLams | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkLamType | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkLamTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkLargeSRTLabel | CLabel |
mkLast | MkGraph |
mkLastStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLazyArgStop | SimplUtils |
mkLblExpr | CmmUtils |
mkLet | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkLetNonRec | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkLetRec | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkLets | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkLFArgument | StgCmmClosure |
mkLFImported | StgCmmClosure |
mkLFLetNoEscape | StgCmmClosure |
mkLFReEntrant | StgCmmClosure |
mkLFStringLit | StgCmmClosure |
mkLFThunk | StgCmmClosure |
mkLHsCmdWrap | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsPar | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsPatTup | DsUtils |
mkLHsSigType | HsUtils, HsSyn, RdrHsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsSigWcType | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsTupleExpr | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsVarPatTup | DsUtils |
mkLHsVarTuple | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsWrap | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLHsWrapCo | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkLiftedPrimTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkListExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkListTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkLitInteger | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkLitString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkLitString# | FastString, GhcPlugins |
mkLiveness | CmmUtils |
mkLoadInstr | Instruction |
mkLocalBlockLabel | CLabel |
mkLocalClosureLabel | CLabel |
mkLocalClosureTableLabel | CLabel |
mkLocalCoVar | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalId | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalIdOrCoVar | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalIdOrCoVarWithInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalIdWithInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalInfoTableLabel | CLabel |
mkLocalInstance | InstEnv |
mkLocalisedName | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
mkLocalisedOccName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkLocalVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
mkLocMessage | ErrUtils |
mkLocMessageAnn | ErrUtils |
mkLongErrAt | TcRnMonad |
mkLongErrMsg | ErrUtils |
mkLongWarnMsg | ErrUtils |
mkLRCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkMachChar | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachDouble | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachFloat | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachInt | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachInt64 | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachInt64Wrap | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachIntWrap | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachString | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachWord | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachWord64 | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachWord64Wrap | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMachWordWrap | Literal, GhcPlugins |
mkMainCapabilityLabel | CLabel |
mkMainModule | PrelNames |
mkMainModule_ | PrelNames |
mkManyUsedDmd | Demand |
mkMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkMAP_FROZEN0_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkMAP_FROZEN_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkMatch | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkMatcherOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkMatchGroup | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkMaxTagOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkMethodOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkMiddle | MkGraph |
mkMinimalBySCs | TcType |
mkModDeps | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkModule | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
mkModuleGraph | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkModuleImpExp | RdrHsSyn |
mkModuleName | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkModuleNameFS | Module, GhcPlugins |
mkModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkMutableArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkMutVarPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkMVarPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkNakedAppTy | TcType |
mkNakedAppTys | TcType |
mkNakedCastTy | TcType |
mkNakedTyConApp | TcType |
mkNameCacheUpdater | IfaceEnv |
mkNamedTyConBinder | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkNamedTyConBinders | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
mkNameG_dIdKey | THNames |
mkNameG_dName | THNames |
mkNameG_dRDR | THNames |
mkNameG_tcIdKey | THNames |
mkNameG_tcName | THNames |
mkNameG_vIdKey | THNames |
mkNameG_vName | THNames |
mkNameG_vRDR | THNames |
mkNameIdKey | THNames |
mkNameLIdKey | THNames |
mkNameLName | THNames |
mkNameName | THNames |
mkNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
mkNameShape | NameShape |
mkNameSIdKey | THNames |
mkNameSName | THNames |
mkNatM_State | NCGMonad |
mkNaturalExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkNegAppRn | RnTypes |
mkNewTyConRhs | BuildTyCl |
mkNewTyCoOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkNewTypeCoAxiom | FamInstEnv |
mkNilExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkNilPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
mkNoCount | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkNomReflCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkNonCanonical | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkNonCanonicalCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkNop | MkGraph |
mkNoRepType | Util, GhcPlugins |
mkNoScope | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkNoteObjsToLinkIntoBinary | SysTools.ExtraObj |
mkNothingExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkNPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkNPlusKPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkNthCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkNthCoRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkNumLitTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkObjPath | Finder |
mkOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkOccEnv_C | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkOccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkOccNameFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkOnceUsedDmd | Demand |
mkOneRecordSelector | TcTyDecls |
mkOpAppRn | RnTypes |
mkOpenSubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
mkOpFormRn | RnTypes |
mkOptTickBox | DsUtils |
mkOr | BooleanFormula |
mkOrig | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkOtherCon | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkOverLit | Inst |
mkPADFunOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
MKPAP | ByteCodeInstr |
mkParensApiAnn | Lexer |
mkParPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkPArrDataConUnique | Unique |
mkPArrTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkParserFlags | Lexer |
mkPatSyn | PatSyn |
mkPatSynBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkPatSynMatchGroup | RdrHsSyn |
mkPDataDataConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkPDatasDataConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkPDatasTyConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkPDatasType | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkPDataTyConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkPDataType | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkPhantomCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkPhiTy | TcType |
mkPicBaseLabel | CLabel |
mkPiCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkPiCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkPiTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkPiTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkPlainErrMsg | ErrUtils |
mkPlainWarnMsg | ErrUtils |
mkPragEnv | TcSigs |
mkPredOrigin | TcDerivUtils |
mkPrefixConPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
mkPrefixFunRhs | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkPrelImports | HeaderInfo |
mkPrelTyConRepName | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkPreludeClassUnique | Unique |
mkPreludeDataConUnique | Unique |
mkPreludeMiscIdUnique | Unique |
mkPreludeTyConUnique | Unique |
mkPReprTyConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkPReprType | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkPrimCallLabel | CLabel |
mkPrimEqPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkPrimEqPredRole | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkPrimModule | PrelNames |
mkPrimOpId | MkId |
mkPrimOpIdUnique | Unique |
mkPrimTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkPrimTyConName | TysPrim |
mkPrintUnqualified | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkPrintUnqualifiedDs | DsMonad |
mkPrintUnqualifiedForModule | GHC |
mkProdDmd | Demand |
mkPromotedDataCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkPromotedListTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkProofIrrelCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkProxyPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkPseudoUniqueD | Unique |
mkPseudoUniqueE | Unique |
mkPseudoUniqueH | Unique |
mkPState | Lexer |
mkPStatePure | Lexer |
mkQual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkQualModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkQualPackage | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkRawJump | MkGraph |
mkRdrFunBind | TcGenDeriv |
mkRdrFunBindEC | TcGenDeriv |
mkRdrFunBindSE | TcGenDeriv |
mkRdrQual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkRdrRecordCon | RdrHsSyn |
mkRdrRecordUpd | RdrHsSyn |
mkRdrUnqual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkRealSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
mkRealSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
mkRecConstrOrUpdate | RdrHsSyn |
mkRecFldSelOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkRecFloats | SimplEnv |
mkRecSelBinds | TcTyDecls |
mkRecStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkRednCountsLabel | CLabel |
mkReflCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkRegClassUnique | Unique |
mkRegPairUnique | Unique |
mkRegRegMoveInstr | Instruction |
mkRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
mkRegSingleUnique | Unique |
mkRegSubUnique | Unique |
mkRepEqOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkRepReflCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkReprPrimEqPred | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkReturn | MkGraph |
mkRhsInit | StgCmmEnv |
mkRhsStop | SimplUtils |
mkRnEnv2 | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mkRnSyntaxExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
mkRODataLits | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
mkRoleAnnotDecl | RdrHsSyn |
mkRoleAnnotEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkRtsApFastLabel | CLabel |
mkRtsPrimOpLabel | CLabel |
mkRTSRep | SMRep |
mkRtsSlowFastTickyCtrLabel | CLabel |
mkRule | Rules, GhcPlugins |
mkRuleBase | Rules, GhcPlugins |
mkRuleEnv | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkRuleInfo | Rules, GhcPlugins |
mkRuntimeErrorApp | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkSelectorBinds | DsUtils |
mkSelectorEntryLabel | CLabel |
mkSelectorInfoLabel | CLabel |
mkSelectorLFInfo | StgCmmClosure |
mkSigmaTy | TcType |
mkSimpleLit | StgCmmUtils |
mkSimpleMatch | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkSimplEnv | SimplEnv |
mkSimpleUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkSimpleWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkSingleCoAxiom | FamInstEnv |
mkSingletonCCS | CostCentre |
mkSmallArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkSmallMutableArrayPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkSmallTupleCase | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkSmallTupleSelector | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkSMAP_DIRTY_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkSMAP_FROZEN0_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkSMAP_FROZEN_infoLabel | CLabel |
mkSOName | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkSpecForAllTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkSpecOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkSpecSigmaTy | TcType |
mkSpillInstr | Instruction |
mkSpliceDecl | RdrHsSyn |
mkSplitMarkerLabel | CLabel |
mkSplitUniqSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
mkSrcErr | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
mkStableIdFromName | TcEnv |
mkStableIdFromString | TcEnv |
mkStableNamePrimTy | TysPrim |
mkStablePtrPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkStackAllocInstr | Instruction |
mkStackDeallocInstr | Instruction |
mkStackRep | SMRep |
mkStatePrimTy | TysPrim |
mkStaticClosure | StgCmmHeap |
mkStaticClosureFields | StgCmmHeap |
mkStgWordCLit | CmmUtils |
mkStore | MkGraph |
mkStrictSig | Demand |
mkStringExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkStringExprFS | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkStringExprFSWith | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkStringLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkStringLitLabel | CLabel |
mkStrLitTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkStubPaths | Finder |
mkSubCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkSubst | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
mkSubstLiftingContext | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkSumDataConUnique | KnownUniques |
mkSumOrTuple | RdrHsSyn |
mkSumTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkSumTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkSumTyConUnique | KnownUniques |
mkSuperDictAuxOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkSuperDictSelOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkSwitch | MkGraph |
mkSwitchTargets | CmmSwitch |
mkSymCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkSynFunTys | TcType |
mkSynonymTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkSysLocal | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkSysLocalM | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkSysLocalOrCoVar | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkSysLocalOrCoVarM | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkSystemName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkSystemNameAt | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkSystemVarName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkSysTvName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTablesNextToCode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
mkTag2ConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTaggedObjectLoad | StgCmmUtils |
mkTcAppCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcAxInstCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcAxiomRuleCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcBindStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkTcCoherenceLeftCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcCoherenceRightCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcCoVarCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcEqPredLikeEv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
mkTcForAllCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcForAllCos | TcEvidence |
mkTcFunCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcKindCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcLRCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcNomReflCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcNthCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTcOccFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTcOccUnique | Unique |
mkTcPhantomCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcReflCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcRepReflCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcSubCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcSymCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcTransCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkTcTyConAppCo | TcEvidence |
mkTcTyVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
mkTcUnbranchedAxInstCo | TcEvidence |
mkTCvSubst | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkTemplateAnonTyConBinders | TysPrim |
mkTemplateKindTyConBinders | TysPrim |
mkTemplateKindVars | TysPrim |
mkTemplateKiTyVars | TysPrim |
mkTemplateLocal | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkTemplateLocals | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkTemplateLocalsNum | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkTemplateTyConBinders | TysPrim |
mkTemplateTyVars | TysPrim |
mkTemplateTyVarsFrom | TysPrim |
mkThetaOrigin | TcDerivUtils |
mkThetaOriginFromPreds | TcDerivUtils |
mkThisGhcModule | PrelNames |
mkThisGhcModule_ | PrelNames |
mkTHModule | THNames |
mkTick | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
mkTickBox | StgCmmHpc |
mkTickNoHNF | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
mkTicks | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
mkTopFunBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkTopSRTLabel | CLabel |
mkTopTickyCtrLabel | CLabel |
mkTopUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkTransAppCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkTransCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkTransformByStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkTransformStmt | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkTrAppKey | PrelNames |
mkTrAppName | PrelNames |
mkTrConKey | PrelNames |
mkTrConName | PrelNames |
mkTrFunKey | PrelNames |
mkTrFunName | PrelNames |
mkTrTypeKey | PrelNames |
mkTrTypeName | PrelNames |
mkTrue | BooleanFormula |
mkTupleCase | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkTupleDataConUnique | KnownUniques |
mkTupleSelector | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkTupleSelector1 | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkTupleTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkTupleTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkTupleTyConUnique | KnownUniques |
mkTVarPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkTvOccUnique | Unique |
mkTvSubst | TcType |
mkTvSubstPrs | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkTyApps | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkTyArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkTyBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkTyClD | RdrHsSyn |
mkTyClGroup | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
mkTyConApp | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkTyConAppCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkTyConBindersPreferAnon | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkTyConKey | PrelNames |
mkTyConKind | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
mkTyConRepOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTyConTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkTyData | RdrHsSyn |
mkTyFamInst | RdrHsSyn |
mkTyFamInstEqn | RdrHsSyn |
mkTypeableBinds | TcTypeable |
mkTypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkTypeEnvWithImplicits | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
mkTypeImpExp | RdrHsSyn |
mkTySynonym | RdrHsSyn |
mkTyVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
mkTyVarBinder | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
mkTyVarBinders | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
mkTyVarNamePairs | TcType |
mkTyVarOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTyVarOccFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkTyVarTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkTyVarTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
mkUnboundName | PrelNames, RnUnbound |
mkUnboundNameRdr | RnUnbound |
mkUnbranchedAxInstCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkUnbranchedAxInstLHS | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkUnbranchedAxInstRHS | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkUnbranchedCoAxiom | FamInstEnv |
mkUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
mkUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
mkUnique | Unique |
mkUniqueGrimily | Unique |
mkUnivCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkUnqual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkUnsafeCall | MkGraph |
mkUnsafeCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
mkUntypedSplice | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkUnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
mkUnwind | MkGraph |
mkUpdInfoLabel | CLabel |
mkUsageInfo | DsUsage |
mkUsedNames | DsUsage |
mkUserCC | CostCentre |
mkUserLocal | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkUserLocalOrCoVar | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkUserStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
mkVanillaGlobal | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkVanillaTuplePat | DsUtils |
mkVar | BooleanFormula |
mkVarApps | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkVarBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mkVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mkVarEnv_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
mkVarOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkVarOccFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkVarOccUnique | Unique |
mkVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
mkVarUnqual | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
mkVectDataConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkVectId | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
mkVectIsoOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkVectOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkVectTyConOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkViewMatchResult | DsUtils |
mkVirtConstrOffsets | StgCmmLayout |
mkVirtConstrSizes | StgCmmLayout |
mkVirtHeapOffsets | StgCmmLayout |
mkVirtHeapOffsetsWithPadding | StgCmmLayout |
mkVirtualReg | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.RegInfo |
mkVisForAllTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
mkWantedEvBind | TcEvidence |
mkWarnMsg | ErrUtils |
MkWeakNoFinalizerOp | PrimOp |
MkWeakOp | PrimOp |
mkWeakPrimTy | TysPrim |
mkWildCase | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkWildEvBinder | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkWildValBinder | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkWiredInIdName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkWiredInName | Name, GhcPlugins |
mkWiredInTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
mkWord64LitWord64 | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkWordCLit | CmmUtils, StgCmmUtils |
mkWordExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkWordExprWord | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
mkWordLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkWordLitWord | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
mkWorkerArgs | WwLib |
mkWorkerDemand | Demand |
mkWorkerId | Id, GhcPlugins |
mkWorkerOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
mkWorkerUnfolding | CoreUnfold |
mkWpCastN | TcEvidence |
mkWpCastR | TcEvidence |
mkWpEvApps | TcEvidence |
mkWpEvVarApps | TcEvidence |
mkWpFun | TcEvidence |
mkWpFuns | TcEvidence |
mkWpLams | TcEvidence |
mkWpLet | TcEvidence |
mkWpTyApps | TcEvidence |
mkWpTyLams | TcEvidence |
mkWrapperName | TcEnv |
mkWrapType | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
mkWwBodies | WwLib |
mkWwInlineRule | CoreUnfold |
mkWWstr | WwLib |
mk_easy_FunBind | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
mk_known_key_name | PrelNames |
ml_hi_file | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ml_hs_file | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ml_obj_file | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modAliases | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
ModBreaks | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modBreaks_breakInfo | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modBreaks_ccs | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modBreaks_decls | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modBreaks_flags | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modBreaks_locs | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modBreaks_vars | ByteCodeTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modComments | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
modDepsElts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ModDetails | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
Mode | Pretty |
mode | Pretty |
modFuncs | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
modFwdDecls | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
modGlobals | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
ModGuts | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ModHidden | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ModIface | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modificationTimeIfExists | Util, GhcPlugins |
modify | State |
modifyDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
modifyGraph | CmmUtils |
modifyIdInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
modifyInlinePragma | Id, GhcPlugins |
modifyInScope | SimplEnv |
modifyJoinResTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
modifySession | GhcMonad |
modifyVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
modifyVarEnv_Directly | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
modInfoExports | GHC |
modInfoExportsWithSelectors | GHC |
modInfoIface | GHC |
modInfoInstances | GHC |
modInfoIsExportedName | GHC |
modInfoLookupName | GHC |
modInfoModBreaks | GHC |
modInfoSafe | GHC |
modInfoTopLevelScope | GHC |
modInfoTyThings | GHC |
modIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
modIntegerName | PrelNames |
modIntIdKey | PrelNames |
modIntName | PrelNames |
ModLocation | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modMeta | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
modNode | GraphOps, GraphColor |
ModOrigin | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ModRenaming | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
modRenamings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
modRenamingWithImplicit | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ModSummary | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Module | |
1 (Type/Class) | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleAnnotationIdKey | THNames |
moduleAnnotationName | THNames |
ModuleAnnProvenance | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ModuleD | BkpSyn |
ModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleEnvElts | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleEnvKeys | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleEnvToList | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleFreeHoles | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleFreeHolesPrecise | LoadIface |
ModuleGraph | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
moduleGraphNodes | GhcMake |
ModuleInfo | GHC |
moduleInfo | GHC |
moduleIsBootOrNotObjectLinkable | InteractiveEval, GHC |
moduleIsDefinite | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleIsInterpreted | InteractiveEval, GHC |
ModuleName | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
moduleName | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
moduleNameColons | Module, GhcPlugins |
ModuleNameEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleNameFS | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleNameSlashes | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleNameString | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
moduleName_RDR | PrelNames |
ModuleOrigin | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleSetElts | Module, GhcPlugins |
moduleStableString | Module, GhcPlugins |
ModuleSuggestion | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ModuleTarget | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
moduleTrustReqs | GHC |
moduleUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
modVectInfo | Vectorise.Env |
mONAD | PrelNames |
monadClassKey | PrelNames |
monadClassName | PrelNames |
monadClass_RDR | PrelNames |
MonadComp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
monadFailClassKey | PrelNames |
monadFailClassName | PrelNames |
MonadFix | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
monadFixClassKey | PrelNames |
monadFixClassName | PrelNames |
MonadIO | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
monadPlusClassKey | PrelNames |
monadPlusClassName | PrelNames |
MonadThings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
MonadUnique | UniqSupply, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
mONAD_FAIL | PrelNames |
mONAD_FIX | PrelNames |
mONAD_ZIP | PrelNames |
monoidClassKey | PrelNames |
monoidClassName | PrelNames |
MOV | X86.Instr |
moveAnnotations | Lexer |
moveSp | SPARC.Instr |
MOVSxL | X86.Instr |
MOVZxL | X86.Instr |
mo_32To16 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_32To8 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Add | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Add2 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_AddIntC | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_AlignmentCheck | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_And | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_AtomicRead | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_AtomicRMW | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_AtomicWrite | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_BSwap | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Clz | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Cmpxchg | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Ctz | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Eq | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Acos | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Asin | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Atan | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Cos | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Cosh | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Exp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Fabs | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Log | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Pwr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Sin | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Sinh | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Sqrt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Tan | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F32_Tanh | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Acos | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Asin | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Atan | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Cos | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Cosh | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Exp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Fabs | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Log | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Pwr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Sin | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Sinh | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Sqrt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Tan | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F64_Tanh | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_FF_Conv | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_FS_Conv | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Add | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Eq | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Ge | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Gt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Le | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Lt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Mul | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Ne | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Neg | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Quot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_F_Sub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Memcmp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Memcpy | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Memmove | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Memset | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Mul | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Ne | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Not | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Or | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Pdep | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Pext | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_PopCnt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Prefetch_Data | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_SF_Conv | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Shl | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_SS_Conv | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Sub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_SubIntC | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_SubWordC | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_s_16To32 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_s_16ToWord | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_s_32ToWord | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_s_8To32 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_s_8ToWord | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Ge | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Gt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Le | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Lt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_MulMayOflo | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Neg | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Quot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_QuotRem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Rem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_S_Shr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Touch | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_UF_Conv | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_UU_Conv | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_u_16To32 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_u_16ToWord | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_u_32ToWord | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_u_8To32 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_u_8ToWord | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Ge | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Gt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Le | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Lt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Mul2 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_MulMayOflo | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Quot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_QuotRem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_QuotRem2 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Rem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_U_Shr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Add | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Extract | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Insert | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Mul | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Neg | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Quot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VF_Sub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VS_Neg | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VS_Quot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VS_Rem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VU_Quot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_VU_Rem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_V_Add | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_V_Extract | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_V_Insert | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_V_Mul | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_V_Sub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordAdd | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordAnd | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordEq | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordMul | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordNe | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordNot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordOr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSGe | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSGt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordShl | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSLe | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSLt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSNeg | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSQuot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSRem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSShr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordSub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_WordTo16 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_WordTo32 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_WordTo64 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_WordTo8 | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordUGe | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordUGt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordULe | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordULt | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordUQuot | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordURem | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordUShr | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
mo_wordXor | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_WriteBarrier | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MO_Xor | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
MR | PPC.Instr |
MsgDoc | ErrUtils |
msHiFilePath | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
msHsFilePath | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
msObjFilePath | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ms_home_imps | GhcMake |
ms_home_srcimps | GhcMake |
ms_hsc_src | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_hspp_buf | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_hspp_file | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_hspp_opts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_hs_date | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_iface_date | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_imps | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ms_installed_mod | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
ms_location | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_mod | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_mod_name | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_obj_date | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_parsed_mod | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_srcimps | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ms_textual_imps | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
MTCTR | PPC.Instr |
mtv_info | TcType |
mtv_ref | TcType |
mtv_tclvl | TcType |
MUL | X86.Instr |
MUL2 | X86.Instr |
MULHU | PPC.Instr |
MULL | PPC.Instr |
MULLO | PPC.Instr |
multiIfEIdKey | THNames |
multiIfEName | THNames |
MultiValAlt | StgSyn |
mustBeIO | TcForeign |
MustCompile | MkIface |
mustHaveLocalBinding | Var, GhcPlugins |
mutableArrayArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
mutableArrayArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
mutableArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
mutableArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
MutableByteArrayIsPinnedOp | PrimOp |
mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
MutVar | RtClosureInspect |
mutVarPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
mutVarPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
MVar | RtClosureInspect |
mVarPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
mVarPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
MyThreadIdOp | PrimOp |
mzipIdKey | PrelNames |
mzipName | PrelNames |
m_ctxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
m_grhss | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
m_pats | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
N | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
Naked | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
Name | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NameCache | |
1 (Type/Class) | NameCache |
2 (Data Constructor) | NameCache |
NameCacheUpdater | IfaceEnv |
Named | StgCmmExtCode |
NamedTarget | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
NamedTCB | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
NamedThing | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
nameEnvElts | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
nameIsFromExternalPackage | Name, GhcPlugins |
nameIsHomePackage | Name, GhcPlugins |
nameIsHomePackageImport | Name, GhcPlugins |
nameIsLocalOrFrom | Name, GhcPlugins |
NameMaker | RnPat |
nameModule | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
nameModule_maybe | Name, GhcPlugins |
NameNotFound | RnEnv |
NameNotInScope1 | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
NameNotInScope2 | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
nameOccName | Name, GhcPlugins |
nameOfObject | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
NameOrRdrName | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
NameQual | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
nameRdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
NameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
nameSetAll | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
nameSetAny | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
nameSetElemsStable | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
NameShape | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, NameShape |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, NameShape |
nameShapeExports | NameShape |
NameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
nameSpacesRelated | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
nameSrcLoc | Name, GhcPlugins |
nameSrcSpan | Name, GhcPlugins, GHC |
nameStableString | Name, GhcPlugins |
nameToCLabel | ByteCodeLink |
nameTyConKey | THNames |
nameTyConName | THNames |
nameUnique | Name, GhcPlugins |
NameUnqual | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
NAND | PPC.Instr |
narrow16IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Narrow16IntOp | PrimOp |
narrow16WordLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Narrow16WordOp | PrimOp |
narrow32IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Narrow32IntOp | PrimOp |
narrow32WordLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Narrow32WordOp | PrimOp |
narrow8IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Narrow8IntOp | PrimOp |
narrow8WordLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Narrow8WordOp | PrimOp |
narrowFp | Llvm.Types |
narrowS | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
narrowU | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
NatBasicBlock | Instruction |
NatCmm | Instruction |
NatCmmDecl | Instruction |
natCmmTopToLive | RegAlloc.Liveness |
nativeCodeGen | AsmCodeGen |
NativeDirectCall | CmmNode, Cmm |
NativeNodeCall | CmmNode, Cmm |
NativeReturn | CmmNode, Cmm |
NatM | NCGMonad |
natm_debug_map | NCGMonad |
natm_delta | NCGMonad |
natm_dflags | NCGMonad |
natm_fileid | NCGMonad |
natm_imports | NCGMonad |
natm_modloc | NCGMonad |
natm_pic | NCGMonad |
NatM_State | |
1 (Type/Class) | NCGMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | NCGMonad |
natm_this_module | NCGMonad |
natm_us | NCGMonad |
naturalFromIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
naturalFromIntegerName | PrelNames |
naturalTyConKey | PrelNames |
naturalTyConName | PrelNames |
ncgAllocMoreStack | AsmCodeGen |
ncgDebugIsOn | Util, GhcPlugins |
ncgExpandTop | AsmCodeGen |
NcgImpl | |
1 (Type/Class) | AsmCodeGen |
2 (Data Constructor) | AsmCodeGen |
ncgMakeFarBranches | AsmCodeGen |
ncg_x86fp_kludge | AsmCodeGen |
NcId | Var, GhcPlugins |
NCU | IfaceEnv |
NE | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
neededLinkArgs | SysTools.Info, SysTools |
needImportedSymbols | PIC |
needSaturated | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
needsCaseBinding | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
needsCDecl | CLabel |
needsSRT | Cmm |
needsTemplateHaskellOrQQ | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NEG | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
NegApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
negateClassOpKey | PrelNames |
negateFixity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
negateFractionalLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
negateIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
negateIntegerName | PrelNames |
negateIntegralLit | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
negateName | PrelNames |
NegateOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
negateOverLitVal | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
NEGI | X86.Instr |
neighbors | UnVarGraph |
neLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
NEON | Platform |
neqIntegerPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
neqIntegerPrimName | PrelNames |
Nest | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
nest | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
NestedAtomically | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
nestImplicTcS | TcSMonad |
nestTcS | TcSMonad |
Never | Util, GhcPlugins |
NeverActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
neverInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
neverQualify | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
neverQualifyModules | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
neverQualifyNames | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
neverQualifyPackages | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
neverUnfoldGuidance | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
NewAlignedPinnedByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
NewArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
NewArrayOp | PrimOp |
newArrowScope | TcRnMonad |
NewBCOOp | PrimOp |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
newBlockId | BlockId, StgCmmExtCode |
newBoundEvVarId | TcSMonad |
NewBreakArray | GHCi |
newBreakArray | GHCi |
newBufHandle | BufWrite |
NewByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
newByteStringCLit | StgCmmUtils |
newClsInst | Inst |
newCoercionHole | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
newCoVar | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
newDerivClsInst | TcDerivUtils |
newDerived | TcPluginM |
newDerivedNC | TcSMonad |
newDerivOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
newDFunName | TcEnv |
newDFunName' | TcEnv |
newDict | TcMType |
newDummyVar | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
newEvVar | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
newEvVars | TcMType |
newExportedVar | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
NewFact | |
1 (Type/Class) | Hoopl.Dataflow |
2 (Data Constructor) | Hoopl.Dataflow |
newFailLocalDs | DsMonad |
newFamInst | FamInst |
newFamInstAxiomName | TcEnv |
newFamInstTyConName | TcEnv |
newFastMutInt | FastMutInt |
newFastMutPtr | FastMutInt |
newFlattenSkolem | TcSMonad |
newFlexiTcSTy | TcSMonad |
newFlexiTyVar | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
newFlexiTyVarTy | TcMType |
newFlexiTyVarTys | TcMType |
newFmvTyVar | TcMType |
newFskTyVar | TcMType |
newFunctionName | StgCmmExtCode |
newGiven | TcPluginM |
newGivenEvVar | TcSMonad |
newGivenEvVars | TcSMonad |
newGlobalBinder | IfaceEnv |
newHscEnv | HscMain |
newId | SimplMonad |
newIfaceName | IfaceEnv |
newIfaceNames | IfaceEnv |
newImplication | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
newImplicitBinder | BuildTyCl |
newImport | StgCmmExtCode |
newIndefUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
newInferExpType | TcMType |
newInferExpTypeInst | TcMType |
newInferExpTypeNoInst | TcMType |
newInteractiveBinder | IfaceEnv |
newJoinId | SimplMonad |
newLabel | StgCmmExtCode |
newLetBndr | TcPat |
newLocal | StgCmmExtCode |
newLocalBndrRn | RnUtils |
newLocalBndrsRn | RnUtils |
newLocalVar | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad, Vectorise.Utils |
newLocalVars | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
newLocalVVar | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
newMetaDetails | TcMType |
newMetaKindVar | TcMType |
newMetaKindVars | TcMType |
newMetaSigTyVars | TcMType |
newMetaSigTyVarX | TcMType |
newMetaTyVars | TcMType |
newMetaTyVarsX | TcMType |
newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel | TcMType |
newMetaTyVarX | TcMType |
newMethodFromName | Inst |
newMutVar | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
NewMutVarOp | PrimOp |
NewMVarOp | PrimOp |
newName | TcRnMonad |
newNameAt | TcRnMonad |
newNameIdKey | THNames |
newNameName | THNames |
newNode | GraphBase, GraphColor |
newOpenFlexiTyVarTy | TcMType |
newOpenTypeKind | TcMType |
NewOrData | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
newOverloadedLit | Inst |
NewPinnedByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
newPredVarDs | DsMonad |
newReadState | Binary |
newRecordSelector | RnNames |
newSigTyVar | TcMType |
newSimpleUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
NewSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
newStablePtrIdKey | PrelNames |
newStablePtrName | PrelNames |
newStablePtr_RDR | PrelNames |
newStringCLit | StgCmmUtils |
newSysLocalDs | DsMonad |
newSysLocalDsNoLP | DsMonad |
newSysLocalId | TcRnMonad |
newSysLocalIds | TcRnMonad |
newSysLocalsDs | DsMonad |
newSysLocalsDsNoLP | DsMonad |
newSysName | TcRnMonad |
newTagUnique | Unique |
newTcEvBinds | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad, TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
newTcRef | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
newTemp | StgCmmUtils |
newTempLibName | FileCleanup |
newTempName | FileCleanup |
newTopSrcBinder | RnEnv |
NewTVarOp | PrimOp |
NewTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newTyConCo | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newTyConCo_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newTyConDataCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newTyConEtadArity | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newTyConEtadRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newTyConInstRhs | Type, GhcPlugins |
newTyConRepName | BuildTyCl |
newTyConRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
NewType | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
newtypeDataConKey | THNames |
newtypeDIdKey | THNames |
newtypeDName | THNames |
NewtypeFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
newtypeInstDIdKey | THNames |
newtypeInstDName | THNames |
NewtypeStrategy | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
newtypeStrategyDataConName | THNames |
NewtypeWrap | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
newTyVar | Vectorise.Monad.Naming, Vectorise.Monad |
newTyVarNameRn | RnTypes |
newUnboxedTupleRegs | StgCmmUtils |
newUnique | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
newUniqueId | DsMonad |
newUniqueSupply | TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
newUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
newWanted | |
1 (Function) | TcMType, Inst |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
newWantedEq | TcSMonad |
newWantedEvVar | TcSMonad |
newWantedEvVarNC | TcSMonad |
newWantedNC | TcSMonad |
newWanteds | TcMType, Inst |
newWildCardX | TcMType |
newWriteState | Binary |
nextChar | StringBuffer |
nextIsEOF | Lexer |
nextRole | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
nextTempSuffix | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
nextWrapperNum | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
nilDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
nilDataConKey | PrelNames, TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
nilDataConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
nilFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
nilOL | OrdList |
nlConPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlConPatName | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlConVarPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlConVarPatName | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsApp | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsApps | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsAppTy | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsCase | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsDataCon | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsDo | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsFunTy | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsIf | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsIntLit | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsLam | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsLit | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsOpApp | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsPar | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsParTy | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsSyntaxApps | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsTyApp | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsTyApps | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsTyConApp | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsTyVar | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsVar | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlHsVarApps | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlInfixConPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlList | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlLitPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlNullaryConPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlParPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlTuplePat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlVarPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlWildConPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlWildPat | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlWildPatId | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
nlWildPatName | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
No | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
NoAlias | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
NoArg | CmdLineParser |
NoArrowCtxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
noBinderInfo | StgSyn |
noBindSIdKey | THNames |
noBindSName | THNames |
NoBlankSrcSpan | HsDumpAst |
noCafIdInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
NoCafRefs | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
NoCapture | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
noCheckSafe | TcForeign |
NoC_SRT | Cmm |
NoDataConRep | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
NoDataKindsDC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
NoDataKindsTC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Node | |
1 (Type/Class) | GraphBase, GraphColor |
2 (Data Constructor) | GraphBase, GraphColor |
3 (Type/Class) | Digraph |
node | CmmExpr, Cmm |
nodeClass | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeCoalesce | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeColor | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeConflicts | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeExclusions | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeId | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeMustPointToIt | StgCmmClosure |
noDependencies | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
nodePreference | GraphBase, GraphColor |
nodeReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
node_dependencies | Digraph |
node_key | Digraph |
node_payload | Digraph |
NoDup | SimplUtils |
NoDuplicateOp | PrimOp |
NoE | ApiAnnotation |
noEscapeHeapCheck | StgCmmHeap |
noExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
noExtraStack | MkGraph |
noForeignExportCoercionYet | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
noForeignImportCoercionYet | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
noFreeRegs | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
3 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
noFreeVarsOfType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
nOfThem | Util, GhcPlugins |
NoGlobalPackageDB | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
NoHeader | StgCmmLayout |
NoHint | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
NoHpcInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
NoIEWildcard | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
noIfaceTrustInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
noIfaceVectInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
NoImplicitFloat | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
NoInfo | IfaceSyn |
NoInline | |
1 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
noInlineDataConKey | THNames |
noInlineDataConName | THNames |
noinlineId | MkId |
noinlineIdKey | PrelNames |
noinlineIdName | MkId |
NoLink | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
noLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NomEq | Type, GhcPlugins |
noMethodBindingErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
NoMethodError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
Nominal | CoAxiom, TyCon, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
nominalRIdKey | THNames |
nominalRName | THNames |
noModError | GhcMake |
nonBidirectionalErr | TcPatSyn |
NonClosedLet | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
NonDerivableClass | TcDerivUtils |
nonDetCmpTc | Type, GhcPlugins |
nonDetCmpType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
nonDetCmpTypes | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
nonDetCmpTypesX | Type, GhcPlugins |
nonDetCmpTypeX | Type, GhcPlugins |
nonDetCmpUnique | Unique |
nonDetCmpVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
nonDetEltsUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
nonDetEltsUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
nonDetFoldUDFM | UniqDFM |
nonDetFoldUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
nonDetFoldUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
nonDetFoldUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
nonDetFoldUniqSet_Directly | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
nonDetKeysUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
nonDetKeysUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
nonDetUFMToList | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
nonHdrSize | SMRep |
nonHdrSizeW | SMRep |
nonIOok | TcForeign |
NonLocal | Hoopl.Graph |
nonPtrs | RtClosureInspect |
NonRec | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
NonRecursive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
NonTermination | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
NonTrivArg | CoreUnfold |
NonVoid | |
1 (Type/Class) | StgCmmClosure |
2 (Data Constructor) | StgCmmClosure |
nonVoidIds | StgCmmClosure |
nonVoidStgArgs | StgCmmClosure |
non_coercible_class | TcDerivUtils |
noOccInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
NoOneShotInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
noOneShotInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
NoOverlap | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
NOP | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
Nop | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
NoPackage | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
NoParens | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
NoParent | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
nopDmdType | Demand |
noPostTcExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
noPostTcTable | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
NoProfAuto | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
NoProfilingInfo | Cmm |
nopSig | Demand |
NoReason | |
1 (Data Constructor) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
noRebindableInfo | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
NoRedZone | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
NoRestrictions | TcSimplify |
NoReturn | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
normalBIdKey | THNames |
normalBName | THNames |
NormalCC | CostCentre |
normalCIdKey | THNames |
normalCName | THNames |
normalGEIdKey | THNames |
normalGEName | THNames |
normaliseFfiType | TcForeign |
NormaliseStepper | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
NormaliseStepResult | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
normaliseTcApp | FamInstEnv |
normaliseTcArgs | FamInstEnv |
normaliseType | FamInstEnv |
NormalSyntax | ApiAnnotation |
NoRRI | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
NoScope | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
NoSelfBoot | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
noSelTyConKey | PrelNames |
noSelTyConName | PrelNames |
NoSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
noSigIdKey | THNames |
noSigName | THNames |
noSourceStrictnessDataConKey | PrelNames |
noSourceStrictnessDataConName | PrelNames |
noSourceStrictnessKey | THNames |
noSourceStrictnessName | THNames |
NoSourceText | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
noSourceText | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
noSourceUnpackednessDataConKey | PrelNames |
noSourceUnpackednessDataConName | PrelNames |
noSourceUnpackednessKey | THNames |
noSourceUnpackednessName | THNames |
NoSpecConstr | SpecConstr |
noSpecPrags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
noSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
noSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NoSrcStrict | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NoSrcUnpack | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
NoStubs | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
noSyntaxExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
NOT | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
NoTailCallInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
notAssocDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
notAssociativeDataConKey | PrelNames |
notAssociativeDataConName | PrelNames |
NotBoot | GhcMake |
NotCafCC | CostCentre |
NotChanged | Hoopl.Dataflow |
notElemTCvSubst | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
NotFound | HscTypes, Finder, GhcPlugins, TcPluginM |
Nothing | Maybes |
nothingDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
nothingDataConKey | PrelNames |
nothingDataConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
NothingO | Hoopl.Block |
NotInjective | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
notInsideLam | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
NotIOp | PrimOp |
NotLetBound | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
NotMarkedStrict | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
notNull | Util, GhcPlugins |
notOneBranch | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
NotOp | PrimOp |
NotOrphan | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
notOrphan | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
NOTPARITY | X86.Cond |
NotPromoted | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
NotSwapped | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
NotTopLevel | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
NotValid | ErrUtils |
NoTypeInTypeDC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
NoTypeInTypeTC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
not_RDR | PrelNames |
NoUnfolding | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
noUnfolding | CoreSyn, CoreUnfold, GhcPlugins |
NoUnwind | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
noUsage | Instruction |
NoUserInline | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
noUserInlineSpec | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
NoUserPackageDB | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
noV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
NoVect | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
noVectInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
NoWarnings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
NPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
NPlusKPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
nsNames | NameCache |
nsUniqs | NameCache |
NS_Abort | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
NS_Done | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
ns_exports | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, NameShape |
ns_map | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, NameShape |
ns_mod_name | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, NameShape |
NS_Step | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
NTA | X86.Instr |
nthRole | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
nTimes | Util, GhcPlugins |
ntTyConKey | PrelNames |
nt_co | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
nt_etad_rhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
nt_rhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
nubAvails | Avail |
nubSort | Util, GhcPlugins |
nukeRnEnvL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
nukeRnEnvR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
nullAddrId | MkId |
nullAddrIdKey | PrelNames |
nullAddrLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
nullFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
nullRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
null_RDR | PrelNames |
numBranches | CoAxiom |
numClassKey | PrelNames |
numClassName | PrelNames |
numClass_RDR | PrelNames |
numericClassKeys | PrelNames |
NumSparks | PrimOp |
numToTrustInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
numTyLitIdKey | THNames |
numTyLitName | THNames |
NvUnaryType | RepType |
n_chars | FastString, GhcPlugins |
n_decls_in | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
n_decls_out | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
n_ifaces_in | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
n_insts_in | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
n_insts_out | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
n_rules_in | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
n_rules_out | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
O | Hoopl.Block, Hoopl.Dataflow |
o0 | SPARC.Regs |
o1 | SPARC.Regs |
objectDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
objectSuf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
objectTyConKey | PrelNames |
obtainTermFromId | |
1 (Function) | InteractiveEval |
2 (Function) | GHC |
obtainTermFromVal | |
1 (Function) | InteractiveEval |
2 (Function) | GHC |
occCheckExpand | TcUnify |
occCheckForErrors | TcUnify |
OccCheckResult | TcUnify |
OccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
occEnvElts | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
OccInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
occInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
OccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
occName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
occNameFS | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
occNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
occNameString | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
OccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
occurAnalyseExpr | OccurAnal |
occurAnalyseExpr_NoBinderSwap | OccurAnal |
occurAnalysePgm | OccurAnal |
OccurrenceOf | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
OccurrenceOfRecSel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
occ_int_cxt | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
occ_in_lam | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
occ_one_br | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
occ_rules_only | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
occ_tail | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
octDecDigit | Ctype |
OC_Bad | TcUnify |
OC_Occurs | TcUnify |
OC_OK | TcUnify |
ofBlockList | CmmUtils |
ofBlockMap | CmmUtils |
offsetBytes | StringBuffer |
oFFSET_bdescr_blocks | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_bdescr_flags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_bdescr_free | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_bdescr_start | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_Capability_r | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_CostCentreStack_scc_count | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgArrBytes_bytes | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_stgEagerBlackholeInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocd | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgEntCounter_entry_count | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgEntCounter_link | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgEntCounter_registeredp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgFunInfoExtraFwd_arity | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgFunInfoExtraRev_arity | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_stgGCEnter1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_stgGCFun | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgHeader_ccs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgHeader_ldvw | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_size | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rCCCS | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rCurrentNursery | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rD1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rD2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rD3 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rD4 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rD5 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rD6 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rF1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rF2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rF3 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rF4 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rF5 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rF6 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rHp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rHpAlloc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rHpLim | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rL1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR10 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR3 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR4 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR5 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR6 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR7 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR8 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rR9 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rSp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rSpLim | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM3 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM4 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM5 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM6 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM3 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM4 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM5 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM6 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM1 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM3 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM4 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM5 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM6 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_ptrs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgStack_sp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgStack_stack | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgTSO_alloc_limit | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgTSO_cccs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
oFFSET_StgUpdateFrame_updatee | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
OFLO | X86.Cond |
okConIdOcc | Lexeme |
okConOcc | Lexeme |
okConSymOcc | Lexeme |
okTcOcc | Lexeme |
OkToDup | SimplUtils |
okVarIdOcc | Lexeme |
okVarOcc | Lexeme |
okVarSymOcc | Lexeme |
Old | CmmExpr, Cmm |
OldFact | |
1 (Type/Class) | Hoopl.Dataflow |
2 (Data Constructor) | Hoopl.Dataflow |
ol_rebindable | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
ol_type | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
ol_val | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
ol_witness | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
OneBranch | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
oneBranch | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
oneifyDmd | Demand |
OneLineMode | Pretty |
OneOcc | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
OneShot | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
oneShot | DriverPipeline |
OneShotInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
oneShotInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
oneShotKey | PrelNames |
OneShotLam | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
oneShotMsg | HscMain |
onException | Exception |
only | Util, GhcPlugins |
OnlyGhc | CmdLineParser |
OnlyGhci | CmdLineParser |
onlyIfV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
OpAddr | X86.Instr |
OpApp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
opaqueTyConKey | PrelNames |
opaqueTyConName | PrelNames |
openAlphaTy | TysPrim |
openAlphaTyVar | TysPrim |
openBetaTy | TysPrim |
openBetaTyVar | TysPrim |
openBinMem | Binary |
OpenKind | TcValidity |
OpenSynFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
OpenTypeFamily | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
openTypeFamilyDIdKey | THNames |
openTypeFamilyDName | THNames |
OpenTypeFamilyFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
Operand | X86.Instr |
OpImm | X86.Instr |
OpReg | X86.Instr |
optCoercion | OptCoercion |
optimisationFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
OptIntSuffix | CmdLineParser |
Option | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, SysTools, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, SysTools, GhcPlugins |
options | Lexer |
optionsErrorMsgs | HeaderInfo |
OptKind | CmdLineParser |
optLevel | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
OptPrefix | CmdLineParser |
OptSize | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
opt_a | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_AlignmentSanitisation | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_AutoLinkPackages | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_BreakOnError | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_BreakOnException | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_BuildDynamicToo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_BuildingCabalPackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_c | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_CallArity | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CaseFolding | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CaseMerge | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CatchBottoms | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CmmSink | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CprAnal | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_CSE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DeferTypedHoles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DeferTypeErrors | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DictsCheap | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DictsStrict | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DistrustAllPackages | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DmdTxDictSel | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoAnnotationLinting | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoAsmLinting | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoCmmLinting | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoCoreLinting | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoEtaReduction | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DoStgLinting | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_DumpToFile | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_D_dump_asm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_native | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_asm_stats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_BCOs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_call_arity | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_caf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_cbe | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_cps | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_from_stg | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_info | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_proc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_procmap | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_raw | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_sink | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_sp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_split | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_switch | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_core_stats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cse | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_cs_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_debug | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_deriv | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_ds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_ec_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_exitify | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_foreign | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_hi | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_if_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_inlinings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_json | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_llvm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_mod_map | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_occur_anal | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_parsed | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_prep | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rn_ast | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rn_stats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rn_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rtti | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rules | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rule_firings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_shape | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_simpl | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_spec | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_splices | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_stg | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_stranal | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_str_signatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_tc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_tc_ast | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_tc_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_ticked | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_timings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_types | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_vect | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_vt_trace | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_faststring_stats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_D_no_debug_output | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_ppr_debug | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_source_stats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_th_dec_file | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_verbose_core2core | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_EagerBlackHoling | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_EmbedManifest | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_EnableRewriteRules | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ErrorSpans | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ExcessPrecision | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Exitification | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ExternalInterpreter | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_F | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_FastLlvm | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_FlatCache | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_FloatIn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ForceRecomp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_FullLaziness | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_FunToThunk | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_GenManifest | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_GhciHistory | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_GhciSandbox | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_G_NoOptCoercion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_G_NoStateHack | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Haddock | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_HaddockOptions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_HelpfulErrors | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_HideAllPackages | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_HideAllPluginPackages | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_HideSourcePaths | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Hpc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_i | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_IgnoreAsserts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_IgnoreDotGhci | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ImplicitImportQualified | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_IrrefutableTuples | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepHcFiles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepHiDiffs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepHiFiles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepLlvmFiles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepOFiles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepRawTokenStream | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepSFiles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KeepTmpFiles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KillAbsence | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_KillOneShot | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_L | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
opt_l | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_LateDmdAnal | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_lc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
opt_lcc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_LiberateCase | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_LlvmPassVectorsInRegisters | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_LlvmTBAA | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_lo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_LocalGhciHistory | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Loopification | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_NoHsMain | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_NoLlvmMangler | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_OmitYields | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_OptimalApplicativeDo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_P | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_PackageTrust | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PedanticBottoms | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PIC | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PICExecutable | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PIE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Pp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PprCaseAsLet | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PprShowTicks | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintBindContents | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintBindResult | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintEqualityRelations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintEvldWithShow | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintExpandedSynonyms | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintExplicitForalls | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintExplicitKinds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintExplicitRuntimeReps | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintPotentialInstances | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_PrintUnicodeSyntax | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ProfCountEntries | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_RegsGraph | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_RegsIterative | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_RPath | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SccProfilingOn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SharedImplib | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ShowHoleConstraints | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ShowLoadedModules | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_ShowWarnGroups | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SimplPreInlining | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SolveConstantDicts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SpecConstr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SpecConstrKeen | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Specialise | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SpecialiseAggressively | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SplitObjs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SplitSections | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_StgCSE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_StgStats | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Strictness | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressCoercions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressIdInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressModulePrefixes | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressStgFreeVars | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressTicks | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressTypeApplications | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressTypeSignatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressUnfoldings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressUniques | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_SuppressVarKinds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Ticky | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Ticky_Allocd | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Ticky_LNE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_UnboxStrictFields | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_VectorisationAvoidance | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_Vectorise | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_VersionMacros | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnAMP | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnAutoOrphans | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnCPPUndef | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDerivingTypeable | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDodgyExports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDodgyImports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDuplicateConstraints | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnDuplicateExports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnEmptyEnumerations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnHiShadows | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnIdentities | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnIncompleteUniPatterns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnInlineRuleShadowing | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnIsError | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_WarnMissedSpecs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingExportedSignatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingExportList | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingFields | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingImportList | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingMethods | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingMonadFailInstances | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingPatternSynonymSignatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMissingSignatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnMonomorphism | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnNameShadowing | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadFailInstances | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnOrphans | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnOverflowedLiterals | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnPartialFields | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnRedundantConstraints | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnSafe | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnSemigroup | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnTabs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnTypeDefaults | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnTypedHoles | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnbangedStrictPatterns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnsafe | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUntickedPromotedConstructors | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedForalls | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedImports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedMatches | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WarnWrongDoBind | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
opt_windres | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Opt_WorkerWrapper | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Opt_WriteInterface | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
OR | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
Or | BooleanFormula |
ordClassKey | PrelNames |
ordClassName | PrelNames |
ordClass_RDR | PrelNames |
orderingTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
orderingTyConKey | PrelNames |
orderingTyConName | PrelNames |
OrdList | OrdList |
OrdOp | PrimOp |
ordOpTbl | TcGenDeriv |
oReg | SPARC.Regs |
orElse | Maybes |
orElseErrV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
orElseV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
orFail | DsMonad |
Orig | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
Origin | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
OrigNameCache | NameCache |
orIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
orIntegerName | PrelNames |
OrIOp | PrimOp |
ORIS | PPC.Instr |
orM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
ORN | SPARC.Instr |
OrOp | PrimOp |
orphNamesOfAxiom | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
orphNamesOfClsInst | InstEnv |
orphNamesOfCo | CoreFVs, TcType, GhcPlugins |
orphNamesOfCoCon | CoreFVs, TcType, GhcPlugins |
orphNamesOfFamInst | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
orphNamesOfType | CoreFVs, TcType, GhcPlugins |
orphNamesOfTypes | CoreFVs, TcType, GhcPlugins |
orValid | ErrUtils |
OS | Platform |
OSAIX | Platform |
OSDarwin | Platform |
OSDragonFly | Platform |
osElfTarget | Platform |
OSFreeBSD | Platform |
OSHaiku | Platform |
OSKFreeBSD | Platform |
OSLinux | Platform |
osMachOTarget | Platform |
OSMinGW32 | Platform |
OSNetBSD | Platform |
OSOpenBSD | Platform |
OSQNXNTO | Platform |
OSSolaris2 | Platform |
osSubsectionsViaSymbols | Platform |
OSUnknown | Platform |
Other | RtClosureInspect |
OtherCon | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
otherCons | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OtherSection | Cmm |
otherwiseIdKey | PrelNames |
otherwiseIdName | PrelNames |
OutAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutBndr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutCoercion | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutCoVar | Var, CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
outdegreeG | Digraph |
outerLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
OutExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutId | Var, CoreSyn, Id, GhcPlugins |
OutKind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
outOfLine | MkGraph |
OutOfScope | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
OutPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
Outputable | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
OutputableBndr | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
OutputableBndrId | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
outputFile | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
outputForeignStubs | CodeOutput |
outputHi | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
output_spec | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
OutStgAlt | StgSyn |
OutStgArg | StgSyn |
OutStgBinding | StgSyn |
OutStgExpr | StgSyn |
OutStgRhs | StgSyn |
OutStgTopBinding | StgSyn |
OutType | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutTyVar | Var, CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
OutVar | Var, CoreSyn, Id, GhcPlugins |
Overflow | Exception |
OverLabelOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
OverlapFlag | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
overlapInstLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
OverlapMode | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
overlapMode | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
Overlappable | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
overlappableDataConKey | THNames |
overlappableDataConName | THNames |
Overlapping | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
overlappingDataConKey | THNames |
overlappingDataConName | THNames |
Overlaps | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
overlapsDataConKey | THNames |
overlapsDataConName | THNames |
overlapTyConKey | THNames |
overlapTyConName | THNames |
OverLit | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
overLitType | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
OverLitVal | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
overrideWith | Util, GhcPlugins |
OverridingBool | Util, GhcPlugins |
P | |
1 (Type/Class) | Lexer |
2 (Data Constructor) | Lexer |
3 (Data Constructor) | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
4 (Data Constructor) | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
paBrackets | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
PACK | ByteCodeInstr |
PackageArg | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PackageCompleteMatchMap | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
PackageConfig | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
packageConfigId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
PackageConfigMap | Packages, GhcPlugins |
PackageDB | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PackageDBFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
packageDBFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
packageEnv | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
PackageFamInstEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
PackageFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
packageFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
packageFlagsChanged | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
packageHsLibs | Packages, GhcPlugins |
PackageIfaceTable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
PackageInstEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
PackageName | |
1 (Type/Class) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
packageName | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
packageNameString | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
packageName_RDR | PrelNames |
PackageRuleBase | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
PackageState | Packages, GhcPlugins |
packageTrustOn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PackageTypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
packageVersion | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
packByTagPD | Vectorise.Utils |
packByTagPDVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
packByTagPD_PrimVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
packByTagPD_PrimVars | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
packHalfWordsCLit | CmmUtils |
paClass | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
paDataCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
Padding | StgCmmLayout |
paDictArgType | Vectorise.Utils.PADict, Vectorise.Utils |
paDictOfType | Vectorise.Utils.PADict, Vectorise.Utils |
padLiveArgs | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
PageMode | Pretty |
Pair | |
1 (Type/Class) | Pair |
2 (Data Constructor) | Pair |
pairTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
paMethod | Vectorise.Utils.PADict, Vectorise.Utils |
Panic | Panic, GHC |
panic | Panic, Outputable, GhcPlugins |
panicDoc | Panic |
panicTcS | TcSMonad |
PAP | RtClosureInspect |
paPRSel | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
par1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
par1TyConKey | PrelNames |
par1TyConName | PrelNames |
ParamLocation | CmmCallConv |
Parens | BooleanFormula |
parens | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
parenSymOcc | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
parens_RDR | PrelNames |
Parent | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
parenthesizeCompoundHsType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
parenthesizeCompoundPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
ParentIs | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
PARITY | X86.Cond |
parMakeCount | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ParOp | PrimOp |
ParPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
parrayTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
PArrBuiltin | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
PArrComp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
parrDataConKey | PrelNames |
parrFakeCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
PArrPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
PArrSeq | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
PArrSeqOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
parrTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
parrTyConKey | PrelNames |
parrTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
parrTyCon_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
parseAr | Ar |
parseBackpack | Parser |
parseCImport | RdrHsSyn |
parseCmmFile | CmmParse |
parseComponentId | Module, GhcPlugins |
Parsed | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
parseDeclaration | Parser |
ParsedMod | GHC |
ParsedModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | GHC |
ParsedSource | GHC |
parsedSource | GHC |
parseDynamicFilePragma | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
parseDynamicFlags | GHC |
parseDynamicFlagsCmdLine | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
parseDynamicFlagsFull | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
parseError | SysTools.Process |
parseErrorSDoc | RdrHsSyn |
parseExpr | InteractiveEval, GHC |
parseExpression | Parser |
parseHeader | Parser |
parseIdentifier | Parser |
parseImport | Parser |
parseImportDecl | InteractiveEval, GHC |
parseModSubst | Module, GhcPlugins |
parseModule | |
1 (Function) | Parser |
2 (Function) | GHC |
parseModuleId | Module, GhcPlugins |
parseModuleName | Module, GhcPlugins |
parseName | InteractiveEval, GHC |
parsePattern | Parser |
parser | GHC |
ParseResult | Lexer |
ParserFlags | |
1 (Type/Class) | Lexer |
2 (Data Constructor) | Lexer |
parseScheme | PprColour |
parseSignature | Parser |
parseStatement | Parser |
parseStmt | Parser |
parseType | Parser |
parseTypeSignature | Parser |
parseUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
parseUnsignedInteger | StringBuffer |
parSIdKey | THNames |
parSName | THNames |
ParStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ParStmtBlock | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ParStmtCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
PartialSig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
partitionBag | Bag |
partitionBagWith | Bag |
partitionByList | Util, GhcPlugins |
partitionDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
partitionDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
partitionInvisibles | Type, GhcPlugins |
partitionUDFM | UniqDFM |
partitionUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
partitionUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
partitionUniqMap | UniqMap |
partitionUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
partitionVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
partitionVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
partitionWith | Util, GhcPlugins |
PartWay | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
par_is | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
par_lbl | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
Pass | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
PassFlag | CmdLineParser |
Pat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
PatBind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
PatBindRhs | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
PatBr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
patchEraseLive | RegAlloc.Liveness |
patchJumpInstr | Instruction |
patchRegsLiveInstr | RegAlloc.Liveness |
patchRegsOfInstr | Instruction |
PatCtx | RnUtils |
patErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
patGEIdKey | THNames |
patGEName | THNames |
PatGuard | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
PatOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
patQTyConKey | THNames |
patQTyConName | THNames |
PatSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
patSigErr | RnPat |
PatSigOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
patsig_body_ty | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
patsig_ex_bndrs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
patsig_implicit_bndrs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
patsig_name | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
patsig_prov | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
patsig_req | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
patsig_univ_bndrs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
PatSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
PatSyn | |
1 (Type/Class) | PatSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
patSynArgs | PatSyn |
patSynArity | PatSyn |
PatSynBind | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
patSynBuilder | PatSyn |
PatSynCon | ConLike |
PatSynCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
patSynDIdKey | THNames |
patSynDName | THNames |
patSynExTyVarBinders | PatSyn |
patSynExTyVars | PatSyn |
patSynFieldLabels | PatSyn |
patSynFieldType | PatSyn |
patSynInstArgTys | PatSyn |
patSynInstResTy | PatSyn |
patSynIsInfix | PatSyn |
patSynMatcher | PatSyn |
patSynName | PatSyn |
PatSynPE | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
PatSynSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
patSynSig | PatSyn |
patSynSigDIdKey | THNames |
patSynSigDName | THNames |
patSynToIfaceDecl | ToIface |
patSynUnivTyVarBinders | PatSyn |
PatternMatchFail | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
patternSynonymsEnabled | Lexer |
patTyConKey | THNames |
patTyConName | THNames |
paTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
pat_args | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_arg_tys | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_binds | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_con | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_dicts | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pAT_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
pat_lhs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_rhs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_rhs_ty | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_ticks | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_tvs | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pat_wrap | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pc_AP_STACK_SPLIM | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_BITMAP_BITS_SHIFT | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_BLOCKS_PER_MBLOCK | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_BLOCK_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_CINT_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_CLONG_LONG_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_CLONG_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_CONTROL_GROUP_CONST_291 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_DOUBLE_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_DYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_ILDV_CREATE_MASK | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_ILDV_STATE_CREATE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_ILDV_STATE_USE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_LDV_SHIFT | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_CHARLIKE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Double_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Float_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_INTLIKE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Long_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Real_Double_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Real_Float_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Real_Long_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Real_Vanilla_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Real_XMM_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_Vanilla_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MAX_XMM_REG | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MIN_CHARLIKE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MIN_INTLIKE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_MUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_bdescr_blocks | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_bdescr_flags | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_bdescr_free | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_bdescr_start | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_Capability_r | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_CostCentreStack_scc_count | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgArrBytes_bytes | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_stgEagerBlackholeInfo | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocd | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocs | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgEntCounter_entry_count | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgEntCounter_link | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgEntCounter_registeredp | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgFunInfoExtraFwd_arity | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgFunInfoExtraRev_arity | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_stgGCEnter1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_stgGCFun | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgHeader_ccs | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgHeader_ldvw | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_ptrs | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgMutArrPtrs_size | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rCCCS | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rCurrentNursery | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rCurrentTSO | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rD1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rD2 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rD3 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rD4 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rD5 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rD6 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rF1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rF2 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rF3 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rF4 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rF5 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rF6 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rHp | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rHpAlloc | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rHpLim | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rL1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR10 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR2 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR3 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR4 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR5 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR6 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR7 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR8 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rR9 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rSp | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rSpLim | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM2 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM3 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM4 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM5 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rXMM6 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM2 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM3 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM4 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM5 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rYMM6 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM1 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM2 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM3 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM4 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM5 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgRegTable_rZMM6 | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_ptrs | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgStack_sp | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgStack_stack | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgTSO_alloc_limit | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgTSO_cccs | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_OFFSET_StgUpdateFrame_updatee | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_platformConstants | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_PROF_HDR_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_REP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_REP_CostCentreStack_scc_count | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_REP_StgEntCounter_allocd | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_REP_StgEntCounter_allocs | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_REP_StgFunInfoExtraFwd_arity | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_REP_StgFunInfoExtraRev_arity | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_RESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_RESERVED_STACK_WORDS | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_CostCentreStack | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_StgArrBytes_NoHdr | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_StgFunInfoExtraRev | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_NoHdr | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_StgSMPThunkHeader | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_SIZEOF_StgUpdateFrame_NoHdr | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_STD_HDR_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_TAG_BITS | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_TICKY_BIN_COUNT | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_WORDS_BIGENDIAN | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pc_WORD_SIZE | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PD | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmMonad |
pdataReprTyCon | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
pdataReprTyConExact | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
pdatasReprTyConExact | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
pdatasTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
pdataTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
pdataUnwrapScrut | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
PDEP | X86.Instr |
Pdep16Op | PrimOp |
Pdep32Op | PrimOp |
Pdep64Op | PrimOp |
Pdep8Op | PrimOp |
pdepLabel | CPrim |
PdepOp | PrimOp |
peelCallDmd | Demand |
peelFV | Demand |
peelUseCall | Demand |
PendingRnSplice | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
PendingStuff | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
PendingTcSplice | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
perhapsForallMsg | RnUnbound |
Persistent | PipelineMonad |
PEXT | X86.Instr |
Pext16Op | PrimOp |
Pext32Op | PrimOp |
Pext64Op | PrimOp |
Pext8Op | PrimOp |
pExtensionFlags | Lexer |
pextLabel | CPrim |
PextOp | PrimOp |
pExtsBitmap | Lexer |
PFailed | Lexer |
pfail_RDR | PrelNames |
pFst | Pair |
pgmError | Panic, Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pgmErrorDoc | Panic |
pgm_a | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_ar | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_c | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_dll | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_F | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_i | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_L | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_l | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_lc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_lcc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_libtool | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_lo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_P | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_ranlib | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_s | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_T | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pgm_windres | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Phantom | CoAxiom, TyCon, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
phantomRIdKey | THNames |
phantomRName | THNames |
Phase | |
1 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | DriverPhases, GHC |
phaseInputExt | DriverPhases |
PhaseNum | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
phaseOutputFilename | DriverPipeline |
PhasePlus | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
Phi | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
PicBaseReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
picCCOpts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pickCapturedPreds | TcType |
pickGREs | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
pickGREsModExp | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
pickLR | BasicTypes, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
pickQuantifiablePreds | TcType |
pickyEqType | TcType |
picPOpts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PipeEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
2 (Data Constructor) | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
PipelineOutput | PipelineMonad |
PipeState | |
1 (Type/Class) | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
2 (Data Constructor) | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
piResultTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
piResultTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
PkgConfFile | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PkgConfRef | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
pkgDatabase | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pkgQual | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
pkgState | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pkgTrustOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
PlaceCostCentre | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
PlaceHolder | |
1 (Type/Class) | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderFixity | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderHsWrapper | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderIncomps | CoAxiom |
placeHolderKind | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderNames | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderNamesTc | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderPunRhs | RdrHsSyn |
placeHolderType | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
placeHolderTypeTc | PlaceHolder, HsSyn, GHC |
PlaceNonLam | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
PlaceRuntime | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
plainTVIdKey | THNames |
plainTVName | THNames |
Platform | |
1 (Type/Class) | Platform |
2 (Data Constructor) | Platform |
platformArch | Platform |
PlatformConstants | |
1 (Type/Class) | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | PlatformConstants, DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
platformHasGnuNonexecStack | Platform |
platformHasIdentDirective | Platform |
platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols | Platform |
platformIsCrossCompiling | Platform |
platformOS | Platform |
platformSupportsSavingLinkOpts | SysTools.ExtraObj |
platformUnregisterised | Platform |
platformUsesFrameworks | Platform |
platformWordSize | Platform |
PlayInterruptible | ForeignCall |
playInterruptible | ForeignCall |
PlayRisky | ForeignCall |
PlaySafe | ForeignCall |
playSafe | ForeignCall |
pLift | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
pLiftFst | Pair |
pLiftSnd | Pair |
pLower | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
Plugin | |
1 (Type/Class) | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
pluginModNameOpts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pluginModNames | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pluginPackageFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
PluginPass | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
pLUGINS | PrelNames |
pluginTyConKey | PrelNames |
pluginTyConName | PrelNames |
plural | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pluralUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
pluralVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
plusAnnEnv | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
plusAvail | Avail |
plusDU | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
plusDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusDVarEnv_C | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
plusFsEnv_C | FastStringEnv |
plusFV | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
plusFVs | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
plusGlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
plusHsValBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
plusImportAvails | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
plusIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
plusIntegerName | PrelNames |
plusInteger_RDR | PrelNames |
plusMaybeUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
plusMaybeUniqMap_C | UniqMap |
plusMaybeVarEnv_C | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
plusModuleEnv_C | Module, GhcPlugins |
plusNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusNameEnv_C | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
plusOccEnv_C | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
plusRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
plusSimplCount | CoreMonad, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
plusSpillCostInfo | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
plusSpillCostRecord | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
plusTypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
plusUDFM | UniqDFM |
plusUDFM_C | UniqDFM |
plusUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
plusUFMList | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
plusUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
plusUFM_CD | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
plusUniqMap | UniqMap |
plusUniqMapList | UniqMap |
plusUniqMap_C | UniqMap |
plusVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusVarEnvList | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusVarEnv_C | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusVarEnv_CD | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
plusVectInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
plusWarns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
plus_RDR | PrelNames |
PmExpr | PmExpr, TmOracle |
PmExprCon | PmExpr, TmOracle |
PmExprEq | PmExpr, TmOracle |
PmExprLit | PmExpr, TmOracle |
PmExprOther | PmExpr, TmOracle |
PmExprVar | PmExpr, TmOracle |
pmIsClosedType | Check |
PmLit | PmExpr, TmOracle |
pmLitType | TmOracle |
PmOLit | PmExpr, TmOracle |
pmPprHsLit | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
PmSLit | PmExpr, TmOracle |
pmTopNormaliseType_maybe | Check |
PmVarEnv | TmOracle |
pm_annotations | GHC |
pm_extra_src_files | GHC |
pm_mod_summary | GHC |
pm_parsed_source | GHC |
POk | Lexer |
polyAbstract | Vectorise.Utils.Poly, Vectorise.Utils |
PolyAlt | StgSyn |
polyApply | Vectorise.Utils.Poly, Vectorise.Utils |
polyArity | Vectorise.Utils.Poly, Vectorise.Utils |
polyPatSig | TcPat |
polyVApply | Vectorise.Utils.Poly, Vectorise.Utils |
POP | X86.Instr |
POPCNT | X86.Instr |
PopCnt16Op | PrimOp |
PopCnt32Op | PrimOp |
PopCnt64Op | PrimOp |
PopCnt8Op | PrimOp |
popCntLabel | CPrim |
PopCntOp | PrimOp |
popContext | Lexer |
popErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
popLexState | Lexer |
POS | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
positionIndependent | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
PostInlineUnconditionally | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
postInlineUnconditionally | SimplUtils |
postorderDfs | CmmUtils |
postorder_dfs_from | Hoopl.Graph |
postProcessDmdType | Demand |
postProcessUnsat | Demand |
PostRn | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
PostTc | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
PostTcExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
PostTcTable | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ppCafInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ppCommaJoin | Llvm.Types |
PPC_64ABI | Platform |
ppc_64ABI | Platform |
ppDouble | Llvm.Types |
ppFloat | Llvm.Types |
ppLit | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
ppLlvmAlias | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmAliases | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmComment | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmComments | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmFunction | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmFunctionDecl | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmFunctionDecls | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmFunctions | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmGlobal | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmGlobals | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmMeta | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmMetas | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppLlvmModule | Llvm.PpLlvm, Llvm |
ppName | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
ppParams | Llvm.Types |
ppPlainName | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
ppr | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprAbbrevDecls | Dwarf.Types |
pprAlternative | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprAStmtContext | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprBasicBlock | SPARC.Ppr |
pprBBlock | Cmm |
pprBinders | TcEnv |
pprBinds | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprBndr | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprBooleanFormula | BooleanFormula |
pprBooleanFormulaNice | BooleanFormula |
pprBy | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprByte | Dwarf.Types |
pprCallishMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
pprCLabel | CLabel |
pprCLabelString | ForeignCall |
pprClassPred | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprCmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprCmdArg | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprCmmGroup | PprCmmDecl, PprCmm |
pprCmms | PprCmmDecl, PprCmm |
pprCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
pprCoAxBranch | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
pprCoAxBranchHdr | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
pprCoAxiom | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
pprCode | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
PprColour | |
1 (Type/Class) | PprColour |
2 (Data Constructor) | PprColour |
pprCols | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprComp | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprConArgs | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pprConDeclFields | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprCoreAlt | PprCore |
pprCoreBinding | PprCore |
pprCoreBindings | PprCore |
pprCoreBindingsWithSize | PprCore |
pprCoreBindingWithSize | PprCore |
pprCoreExpr | PprCore |
pprCostCentreCore | CostCentre |
pprCtLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprCtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprData | |
1 (Function) | X86.Ppr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Ppr |
pprData4' | Dwarf.Types |
pprDataFamInstFlavour | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
pprDataItem | |
1 (Function) | X86.Ppr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Ppr |
pprDebugAndThen | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprDebugCLabel | CLabel |
pprDebugParendExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprDeclList | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprDeeper | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprDeeperList | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprDefinedAt | Name, GhcPlugins |
pprDefMethInfo | Class |
pprDerivSpec | TcDerivUtils |
pprDo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprDwarfARanges | Dwarf.Types |
pprDwarfFrame | Dwarf.Types |
pprDwarfInfo | Dwarf.Types |
pprDwWord | Dwarf.Types |
pprEq | TcSMonad |
pprEquation | FunDeps |
pprErrMsgBagWithLoc | ErrUtils |
pprEvVars | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprEvVarTheta | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprEvVarWithType | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprExpr | |
1 (Function) | PprCmmExpr, PprCmm |
2 (Function) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprExternalSrcLoc | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprFamInst | |
1 (Function) | FamInstEnv |
2 (Function) | PprTyThing, GHC |
pprFamInstLHS | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
pprFamInsts | FamInstEnv |
pprFastFilePath | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprFlag | Packages, GhcPlugins |
pprForAll | Type, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprFormat | |
1 (Function) | X86.Ppr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Ppr |
pprFullRuleName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
pprFunBind | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprFunDep | Class |
pprFundeps | Class, FunDeps, GHC |
pprGlobalRdrEnv | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
pprGotDeclaration | PIC |
pprGRHS | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprGRHSs | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHalf | Dwarf.Types |
pprHPT | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprHsBracket | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsBytes | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprHsChar | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprHsContext | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsContextMaybe | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsContextNoArrow | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsDocContext | RnUtils |
pprHsForAll | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsForAllExtra | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsForAllTvs | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsString | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprHsType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
pprHsWrapper | TcEvidence |
pprIdDetails | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
pprIfaceBndrs | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceCoercion | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceContext | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceContextArr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceCoTcApp | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceDecl | IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceExpr | IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceForAll | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceForAllPart | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceForAllPartMust | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceIdBndr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceLamBndr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfacePrefixApp | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceSigmaType | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceStrictSig | Demand |
pprIfaceTcArgs | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceTvBndr | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceTyConBinders | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceTyLit | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceType | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprIfaceTypeApp | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprImm | |
1 (Function) | X86.Ppr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Ppr |
pprImpExp | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
pprImportedSymbol | PIC |
pprInfixName | Name, GhcPlugins |
pprInfixOcc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprInfixVar | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprInline | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprInlineDebug | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprInstance | InstEnv, GHC |
pprInstanceHdr | InstEnv, GHC |
pprInstances | InstEnv |
pprInstInfoDetails | TcEnv |
pprInstr | |
1 (Function) | X86.Ppr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Ppr |
pprintClosureCommand | Debugger |
pprKind | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprLCmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprLEBInt | Dwarf.Types |
pprLEBWord | Dwarf.Types |
pprLExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprLHsBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprLHsBindsForUser | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprLit | PprCmmExpr, PprCmm |
pprLiteral | Literal, GhcPlugins |
pprLlvmCmmDecl | LlvmCodeGen.Ppr |
pprLlvmData | LlvmCodeGen.Ppr |
pprLocErrMsg | ErrUtils |
pprMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
pprMatch | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprMatchContext | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprMatchContextNoun | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprMatches | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprMatchInCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprMessageBag | ErrUtils |
pprMinimalSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprModIface | LoadIface |
pprModIfaceSimple | LoadIface |
pprModule | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprModuleMap | Packages, GhcPlugins |
pprModuleName | Module, GhcPlugins |
pprModulePrefix | Name, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprNameDefnLoc | Name, GhcPlugins |
pprNameProvenance | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
pprNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
pprNameSpaceBrief | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
pprNatCmmDecl | |
1 (Function) | X86.Ppr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.Ppr |
3 (Function) | PPC.Ppr |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
pprNonVarNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
pprOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
pprOccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
pprOptCo | PprCore |
pprPackageConfig | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
pprPackages | Packages, GhcPlugins |
pprPackagesSimple | Packages, GhcPlugins |
PprPanic | Panic, GHC |
pprPanic | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprParendCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
pprParendExpr | |
1 (Function) | PprCore |
2 (Function) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprParendIfaceCoercion | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprParendIfaceTcArgs | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprParendIfaceType | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprParendKind | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprParendLExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprParendLPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
pprParendTheta | TcType |
pprParendType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprParenSymName | GHC |
pprPassDetails | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
pprPatBind | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprPatSynType | PatSyn |
pprPECategory | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprPendingSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprPgmError | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPmExprWithParens | PmExpr, TmOracle |
pprPrec | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrecIfaceType | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprPrecType | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprPrefixName | Name, GhcPlugins |
pprPrefixOcc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrefixVar | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrimChar | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrimInt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrimInt64 | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrimWord | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprPrimWord64 | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
PprProgramError | Panic, GHC |
pprPromotionQuote | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
pprQuals | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprQuotedList | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprRuleBase | Rules, GhcPlugins |
pprRuleName | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprRules | PprCore |
pprRulesForUser | Rules, GhcPlugins |
pprRuntimeTrace | DsMonad |
pprSection | PprCmmDecl, PprCmm |
pprSectionHeader | PprBase |
pprSetDepth | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprShortTyThing | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprSigCtxt | TcHsType |
pprSigmaType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprSigSkolInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprSimplCount | CoreMonad, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
pprSimplEnv | SimplEnv |
pprSkolInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
PprSorry | Panic, GHC |
pprSorry | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprSourceTyCon | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprSpec | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprSpecialStatic | Llvm.Types |
pprSpillCostRecord | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
pprSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprSpliceDecl | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprStatic | PprCmmDecl, PprCmm |
pprStaticArith | Llvm.Types |
pprStats | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.Stats, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
pprStatsConflict | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
pprStatsLifeConflict | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
pprStatsLifetimes | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
pprStatsSpills | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
pprStgBinding | StgSyn |
pprStgTopBindings | StgSyn |
pprStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprStmtContext | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprStmtInCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprSTrace | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprStrictness | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
pprStringInCStyle | PprC |
PprStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprTarget | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprTargetId | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprTcSpecPrags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprTcTyThingCategory | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pprTcTyVarDetails | TcType |
pprTerm | RtClosureInspect |
pprTheta | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprThetaArrowTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprTicks | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprTrace | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprTraceDebug | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprTraceException | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprTraceIt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprTransformStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprTransStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pprTvBndr | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprTvBndrs | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprTyClDeclFlavour | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
pprType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprTypeAndContents | Debugger |
pprTypeApp | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprTypeForUser | PprTyThing |
pprTyTcApp | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprTyThing | PprTyThing |
pprTyThingCategory | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
pprTyThingHdr | PprTyThing |
pprTyThingInContext | PprTyThing |
pprTyThingInContextLoc | PprTyThing |
pprTyThingLoc | PprTyThing |
pprTyVar | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprTyVars | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprUDFM | UniqDFM |
pprUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
pprUFMWithKeys | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
pprUniqFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
pprUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
pprUniqueAlways | Unique |
pprUserForAll | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprUserIfaceForAll | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
pprUserLength | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
pprUserRealSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
pprUserTypeCtxt | TcType |
pprUserTypeErrorTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
pprVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
pprVarSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pprWarningTxtForMsg | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprWithBars | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprWithCommas | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pprWithSourceText | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
pprWord | Dwarf.Types |
pprWord8String | SMRep |
ppr_apps | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_cmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_do_stmts | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_expr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_lcmd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_lexpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_mbDoc | HsDoc, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_monobind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_quasi | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_sig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_splice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppr_splice_decl | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ppSourceStats | HscStats |
ppSpaceJoin | Llvm.Types |
ppSuggestExplicitKinds | Type, GhcPlugins |
ppUnless | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
ppWhen | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pp_dotdot | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pp_rhs | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pp_st_suffix | HsLit, HsSyn, GHC |
pragAnnDIdKey | THNames |
pragAnnDName | THNames |
pragBrackets | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pragCompleteDIdKey | THNames |
pragCompleteDName | THNames |
pragInlDIdKey | THNames |
pragInlDName | THNames |
pragRuleDIdKey | THNames |
pragRuleDName | THNames |
pragSpecDIdKey | THNames |
pragSpecDName | THNames |
pragSpecInlDIdKey | THNames |
pragSpecInlDName | THNames |
pragSpecInstDIdKey | THNames |
pragSpecInstDName | THNames |
pragSrcBrackets | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
pragState | Lexer |
prClass | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
prDictOfPReprInstTyCon | Vectorise.Utils.PADict, Vectorise.Utils |
prDictOfReprType | Vectorise.Utils.PADict, Vectorise.Utils |
prec_RDR | PrelNames |
PredOrigin | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcDerivUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcDerivUtils |
predQTyConKey | THNames |
predQTyConName | THNames |
PredTree | Type, GhcPlugins |
predTyConKey | THNames |
predTyConName | THNames |
PredType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
predTypeEqRel | Type, GhcPlugins |
pred_RDR | PrelNames |
PREFETCH | X86.Instr |
PrefetchAddrOp0 | PrimOp |
PrefetchAddrOp1 | PrimOp |
PrefetchAddrOp2 | PrimOp |
PrefetchAddrOp3 | PrimOp |
PrefetchByteArrayOp0 | PrimOp |
PrefetchByteArrayOp1 | PrimOp |
PrefetchByteArrayOp2 | PrimOp |
PrefetchByteArrayOp3 | PrimOp |
PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp0 | PrimOp |
PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp1 | PrimOp |
PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp2 | PrimOp |
PrefetchMutableByteArrayOp3 | PrimOp |
PrefetchValueOp0 | PrimOp |
PrefetchValueOp1 | PrimOp |
PrefetchValueOp2 | PrimOp |
PrefetchValueOp3 | PrimOp |
PrefetchVariant | X86.Instr |
Prefix | |
1 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmdLineParser |
PrefixCon | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
prefixDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
prefixIDataConKey | PrelNames |
prefixIDataConName | PrelNames |
prefixPatSynIdKey | THNames |
prefixPatSynName | THNames |
PrefixPred | CmdLineParser |
PreInlineUnconditionally | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
preInlineUnconditionally | SimplUtils |
preloadPackages | Packages, GhcPlugins |
pRELUDE | PrelNames |
pRELUDE_NAME | PrelNames |
prepareAlts | SimplUtils |
prepareAnnotations | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
PrepFFI | GHCi |
preprFamInst | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
preprocess | DriverPipeline |
preprTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
Present | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
pretendNameIsInScope | PrelNames |
prettyPrintGhcErrors | ErrUtils, GHC |
prevChar | StringBuffer |
Prim | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
PrimAlt | StgSyn |
PrimCall | |
1 (Type/Class) | PrimOp |
2 (Data Constructor) | PrimOp |
PrimCallConv | ForeignCall |
primCallIdKey | THNames |
primCallName | THNames |
primCharSuffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
primDoubleSuffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
PrimElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
primElemRepSizeB | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
primFloatSuffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
primInt64Suffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
primIntSuffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
PrimOp | PrimOp |
primOpCodeSize | PrimOp |
primOpFixity | PrimOp |
PrimOpId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
primOpId | PrelInfo |
primOpIsCheap | PrimOp |
primOpOcc | PrimOp |
primOpOkForSideEffects | PrimOp |
primOpOkForSpeculation | PrimOp |
primOpOutOfLine | PrimOp |
PrimOpResultInfo | PrimOp |
primOpRules | PrelRules, MkId, PrelInfo |
primOpSig | PrimOp |
primOpTag | PrimOp |
primOpType | PrimOp |
PrimOpVecCat | PrimOp |
PrimRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
primRepCmmType | CmmUtils |
primRepForeignHint | CmmUtils |
primRepIsFloat | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
primRepSizeB | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
primRepSlot | RepType |
primRepToRuntimeRep | TysPrim |
primRepToType | RepType |
PrimTarget | CmmNode, Cmm |
primTyCons | TysPrim |
primUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
primWord64Suffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
primWordSuffix | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
printBagOfErrors | ErrUtils |
printDoc | Pretty |
printDoc_ | Pretty |
printException | GhcMonad, GHC |
printForC | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
printForUser | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
printForUserPartWay | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
printForUserTcRn | TcRnMonad |
printIdKey | PrelNames |
printInfoForUser | ErrUtils |
printName | PrelNames |
printOrThrowWarnings | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
printOutputForUser | ErrUtils |
printSDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
printSDocLn | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
PrintUnqualified | Outputable, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Private | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
processArgs | CmdLineParser |
ProcExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ProcOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ProcPoint | CmmProcPoint |
procPointAnalysis | CmmProcPoint |
ProcPointSet | CmmProcPoint |
Prod | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
prodDataCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
prodDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
ProdRepr | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
prodTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
prodTyConKey | PrelNames |
prodTyConName | PrelNames |
profAlloc | StgCmmProf |
ProfAuto | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
profAuto | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ProfAutoAll | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ProfAutoCalls | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ProfAutoExports | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ProfAutoTop | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
profDynAlloc | StgCmmProf |
profHdrSize | SMRep |
ProfilingInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Cmm |
profilingInitCode | ProfInit |
profInfoTableSizeW | CmmInfo |
ProfNote | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
profNoteCC | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
profNoteCount | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
profNoteScope | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
pROF_HDR_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
progName | Panic |
ProgramError | Panic, GHC |
programName | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
prohibitedSuperClassSolve | TcSMonad |
projectVersion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
promoteCoercion | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
Promoted | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
promoteDataCon | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
promotedConsDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedConsTIdKey | THNames |
promotedConsTName | THNames |
PromotedDataConFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
promotedEQDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedFalseDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedGTDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedJustDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedLTDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedNilDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedNilTIdKey | THNames |
promotedNilTName | THNames |
promotedNothingDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedTIdKey | THNames |
promotedTName | THNames |
promotedTrueDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedTupleDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
promotedTupleTIdKey | THNames |
promotedTupleTName | THNames |
promoteTcType | TcUnify |
PromotionErr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ProtoBCO | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeInstr |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOArity | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOBitmap | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOBitmapSize | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOExpr | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOFFIs | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOInstrs | ByteCodeInstr |
protoBCOName | ByteCodeInstr |
ProvCtxtOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
proxyHashId | MkId |
proxyHashKey | PrelNames |
proxyPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
proxyPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
prTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
PSB | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
psb_args | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
psb_def | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
psb_dir | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
psb_fvs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
psb_id | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
psig_hs_ty | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
psig_name | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
pSnd | Pair |
PState | |
1 (Type/Class) | Lexer |
2 (Data Constructor) | Lexer |
PStr | Pretty |
ptext | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
pThisPackage | Lexer |
ptrs | RtClosureInspect |
PtrSlot | RepType |
ptrTyConKey | PrelNames |
ptrTyConName | PrelNames |
punctuate | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
punc_RDR | PrelNames |
pure | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
pureAClassOpKey | PrelNames |
pureAName | PrelNames |
pure_RDR | PrelNames |
purgeLookupSymbolCache | GHCi |
PUSH | X86.Instr |
PUSH16 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH16_W | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH32 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH32_W | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH8 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH8_W | ByteCodeInstr |
pushCallStackKey | PrelNames |
pushCallStackName | PrelNames |
pushCoArg | CoreOpt |
pushCoTyArg | CoreOpt |
pushCoValArg | CoreOpt |
pushErrCtxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pushErrCtxtSameOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints | TcRnMonad |
pushLexState | Lexer |
pushModuleContext | Lexer |
pushSimplifiedArgs | SimplUtils |
pushTcLevel | TcType |
pushTcLevelM | TcRnMonad |
pushTcLevelM_ | TcRnMonad |
pushUpdateFrame | StgCmmBind |
PUSH_ALTS | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_D | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_F | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_L | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_N | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_P | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_PP | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_PPP | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_PPPP | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_APPLY_V | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_BCO | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_G | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_L | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_LL | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_LLL | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_PAD16 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_PAD32 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_PAD8 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_PRIMOP | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_UBX | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_UBX16 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_UBX32 | ByteCodeInstr |
PUSH_UBX8 | ByteCodeInstr |
put | |
1 (Function) | State |
2 (Function) | Binary |
putAt | Binary |
putByte | Binary |
putCmdLineState | CmdLineParser |
putDictionary | Binary |
putFS | Binary |
putIfaceTopBndr | IfaceSyn |
putLogMsg | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
putMsg | |
1 (Function) | ErrUtils |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
putMsgS | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
PutMVarOp | PrimOp |
putNameLiterally | BinFingerprint |
putSrcSpanDs | DsMonad |
put_ | Binary |
pVarLift | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
pVarLower | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
pvoidsVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
pvoidVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
pWarningFlags | Lexer |
qqFun | THNames |
qqLib | THNames |
qTyConKey | THNames |
qTyConName | THNames |
Qual | RdrName, GhcPlugins, GHC |
QualifyName | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
qualModule | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
qualName | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
qualPackage | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
qualSpecOK | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
quantifyTyVars | TcMType |
queryQual | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
QueryQualify | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
QueryQualifyModule | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
queryQualifyModule | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
QueryQualifyName | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
queryQualifyName | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
QueryQualifyPackage | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
queryQualifyPackage | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
QuietBinIFaceReading | BinIface |
quote | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
quoteDecKey | THNames |
quoteDecName | THNames |
quotedListWithNor | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
quotedListWithOr | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
quoteExpKey | THNames |
quoteExpName | THNames |
quotePatKey | THNames |
quotePatName | THNames |
quotes | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
quoteTypeKey | THNames |
quoteTypeName | THNames |
quotIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
quotIntegerName | PrelNames |
quotRemIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
quotRemIntegerName | PrelNames |
r0 | PPC.Regs |
r10 | X86.Regs |
r11 | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
r12 | |
1 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
r13 | X86.Regs |
r14 | X86.Regs |
r15 | X86.Regs |
r1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
r27 | PPC.Regs |
r28 | PPC.Regs |
r3 | PPC.Regs |
r30 | PPC.Regs |
r4 | PPC.Regs |
r8 | X86.Regs |
r9 | X86.Regs |
raCoalesced | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raCode | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raCodeCoalesced | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raFinal | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raGraph | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raGraphColored | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
RaiseIOOp | PrimOp |
RaiseOp | PrimOp |
raLiveCmm | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
rANDOM | PrelNames |
randomClassKey | PrelNames |
randomClassName | PrelNames |
randomGenClassKey | PrelNames |
randomGenClassName | PrelNames |
range_RDR | PrelNames |
Rank | TcValidity |
raPatched | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raSpillClean | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raSpillCosts | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raSpilled | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raSpillStats | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
raSRMs | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
ratioDataConKey | PrelNames |
ratioDataConName | PrelNames |
ratioDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
rational | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
rationalLIdKey | THNames |
rationalLName | THNames |
rationalToDoubleIdKey | PrelNames |
rationalToDoubleName | PrelNames |
rationalToFloatIdKey | PrelNames |
rationalToFloatName | PrelNames |
rationalTyConKey | PrelNames |
rationalTyConName | PrelNames |
ratioTyConKey | PrelNames |
ratioTyConName | PrelNames |
RatioZeroDenominator | Exception |
RawCmmDecl | Cmm |
RawCmmGroup | Cmm |
rawSettings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
rax | X86.Regs |
ra_assig | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_blockassig | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_delta | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_DynFlags | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_freeregs | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_spillInstrs | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_spills | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_stack | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
RA_State | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
ra_us | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.State, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
rbp | X86.Regs |
rbrace | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
rbrack | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
rbx | X86.Regs |
RcDouble | RegClass |
RcDoubleSSE | RegClass |
RcFloat | RegClass |
RcInteger | RegClass |
rcon_con_expr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rcon_con_like | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rcon_con_name | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rcon_flds | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rcx | X86.Regs |
rdi | X86.Regs |
RdrName | RdrName, GhcPlugins, GHC |
rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
rdrNameFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
rdrNameOcc | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
rdrNameSpace | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
rds_rules | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
rds_src | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
rdx | X86.Regs |
RDY | SPARC.Instr |
reachableG | Digraph |
reachablesG | Digraph |
ReachedBy | CmmProcPoint |
ReadArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray | PrimOp |
ReadArrayArrayOp_ByteArray | PrimOp |
ReadArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray | PrimOp |
ReadArrayArrayOp_MutableByteArray | PrimOp |
ReadArrayOp | PrimOp |
readBinIface | BinIface |
readBinMem | Binary |
ReadByteArrayOp_Addr | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Double | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Float | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Int16 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Int32 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Int64 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Int8 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_StablePtr | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_WideChar | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Word | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Word16 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Word32 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Word64 | PrimOp |
ReadByteArrayOp_Word8 | PrimOp |
readClassKey | PrelNames |
readClassName | PrelNames |
readCreateProcessWithExitCode' | SysTools.Process |
readElfNoteAsString | Elf |
readElfSectionByName | Elf |
readerProc | SysTools.Process |
readExpType | TcMType |
readExpType_maybe | TcMType |
readFastMutInt | FastMutInt |
readFastMutPtr | FastMutInt |
readFieldHash_RDR | PrelNames |
readField_RDR | PrelNames |
readGEnv | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
readHexFingerprint | Fingerprint |
readHexRational | Util, GhcPlugins |
readIface | LoadIface |
readIServ | GHCi |
readLEnv | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
readListDefault_RDR | PrelNames |
readListPrecDefault_RDR | PrelNames |
readListPrec_RDR | PrelNames |
readList_RDR | PrelNames |
readMetaTyVar | TcMType |
readMutVar | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
ReadMutVarOp | PrimOp |
ReadMVarOp | PrimOp |
ReadNone | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
ReadOffAddrOp_Addr | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Char | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Double | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Float | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Int | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Int16 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Int32 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Int64 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Int8 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_StablePtr | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_WideChar | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Word | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Word16 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Word32 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Word64 | PrimOp |
ReadOffAddrOp_Word8 | PrimOp |
ReadOnly | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
ReadOnlyData | Cmm |
ReadOnlyData16 | Cmm |
readPackageConfig | Packages, GhcPlugins |
readPackageConfigs | Packages, GhcPlugins |
readPrec_RDR | PrelNames |
readProcessEnvWithExitCode | SysTools.Process |
readRational | Util, GhcPlugins |
ReadSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
readSymField_RDR | PrelNames |
readTcRef | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
ReadTVarIOOp | PrimOp |
ReadTVarOp | PrimOp |
rEAD_PREC | PrelNames |
realArgRegsCover | CmmCallConv |
realClassKey | PrelNames |
realClassName | PrelNames |
RealDataCon | ConLike |
realFloatClassKey | PrelNames |
realFloatClassName | PrelNames |
realFracClassKey | PrelNames |
realFracClassName | PrelNames |
realHp | StgCmmMonad |
realIdUnfolding | Id, GhcPlugins |
RealLocated | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
reallyAlwaysQualify | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
reallyAlwaysQualifyNames | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp | PrimOp |
RealPhase | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
RealReg | Reg |
RealRegPair | Reg |
realRegsAlias | Reg |
RealRegSingle | Reg |
realRegSqueeze | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
RealSrcLoc | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Type/Class) | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
realSrcLocSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
RealSrcSpan | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Type/Class) | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
realSrcSpanEnd | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
realSrcSpanStart | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
realToFracIdKey | PrelNames |
realToFracName | PrelNames |
realWorldPrimId | MkId |
realWorldPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
realWorldStatePrimTy | TysPrim |
realWorldTy | TysPrim |
realWorldTyCon | TysPrim |
realWorldTyConKey | PrelNames |
Reason | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ReasonDeprecatedFlag | CmdLineParser |
ReasonUnrecognisedFlag | CmdLineParser |
rebindToReg | StgCmmEnv |
Rec | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
rec0TyConKey | PrelNames |
rec0TyConName | PrelNames |
rec1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
rec1TyConKey | PrelNames |
rec1TyConName | PrelNames |
recCIdKey | THNames |
recCName | THNames |
RecCon | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
recConEIdKey | THNames |
recConEName | THNames |
RecConError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
recConErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
RecDataConPE | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
RecFieldEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
RecFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
recGadtCIdKey | THNames |
recGadtCName | THNames |
RecompBecause | MkIface |
RecompileRequired | MkIface |
recompileRequired | MkIface |
reconstructType | InteractiveEval, GHC |
RecordCon | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
RecordPatSynField | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
recordPatSynIdKey | THNames |
recordPatSynName | THNames |
recordPatSynPatVar | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
recordPatSynSelectorId | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
recordSelectorTyCon | Id, GhcPlugins, GHC |
recordSpill | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
recordThSpliceUse | TcRnMonad |
recordThUse | TcRnMonad |
recordTopLevelSpliceLoc | TcRnMonad |
recordUnsafeInfer | TcRnMonad |
RecordUpd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
RecordUpdOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
recoverM | TcRnMonad |
recPIdKey | THNames |
recPName | THNames |
RecSelData | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
RecSelError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
recSelErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
RecSelId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
RecSelParent | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
RecSelPatSyn | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
RecStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_bind_fn | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_bind_ty | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_later_ids | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_later_rets | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_mfix_fn | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_rec_ids | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_rec_rets | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_ret_fn | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_ret_ty | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recS_stmts | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
RecTcChecker | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
RecUpd | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
recUpdEIdKey | THNames |
recUpdEName | THNames |
RecUpdError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
Recursive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
rEC_CON_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
rec_dotdot | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
rec_flds | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
reduceTyFamApp_maybe | FamInstEnv |
reductionDepth | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ReEntrant | StgSyn |
ReferenceKind | PIC |
refineDefaultAlt | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
refineFromInScope | SimplEnv |
reflectGhc | GhcMonad |
RefWrap | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
Reg | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
3 (Type/Class) | Reg |
regAlias | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 |
regAlloc | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Graph.Main |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
RegAllocStats | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
3 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
RegAllocStatsColored | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
RegAllocStatsSpill | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
RegAllocStatsStart | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
RegClass | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegClass |
2 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
regCoalesce | RegAlloc.Graph.Coalesce |
regDotColor | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.RegInfo |
Register | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
RegisterParam | CmmCallConv |
regLiveness | RegAlloc.Liveness |
RegM | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
RegMap | RegAlloc.Liveness |
regName | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 |
RegNo | Reg |
regNosOfRealReg | Reg |
regPair | Reg |
RegReal | Reg |
RegSet | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
2 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Liveness |
regSetToList | CmmExpr, Cmm |
regSingle | Reg |
regsOfClass | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 |
regsOfLoc | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
regsOverlap | CmmUtils |
regSpill | RegAlloc.Graph.Spill |
RegSub | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
RegUsage | Instruction |
regUsageOfInstr | Instruction |
regUsedIn | CmmUtils |
RegVirtual | Reg |
reifyGhc | GhcMonad |
reinitializeGlobals | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
releaseReg | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
3 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
RELOAD | RegAlloc.Liveness |
RelocatableReadOnlyData | Cmm |
remIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
remIntegerName | PrelNames |
removeDmdTyArgs | Demand |
removeDups | ListSetOps |
removeInertCts | TcSMonad |
RemoveLibrarySearchPath | GHCi |
removeLibrarySearchPath | GHCi |
removeSpaces | Util, GhcPlugins |
removeTarget | GHC |
removeUnreachableBlocksProc | CmmContFlowOpt |
Renamed | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
RenamedSource | GHC |
renamedSource | GHC |
renameFreeHoles | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
renameFrom | BkpSyn |
renameHoleModule | Module, GhcPlugins |
renameHoleModule' | Module, GhcPlugins |
renameHoleUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
renameHoleUnitId' | Module, GhcPlugins |
renameSigs | RnBinds |
renameTo | BkpSyn |
renameVirtualReg | Reg |
Renaming | |
1 (Type/Class) | BkpSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | BkpSyn |
renderColour | PprColour |
renderColourAfresh | PprColour |
renderJSON | Json |
renderLlvm | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
renderStyle | Pretty |
renderWithStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
rep1TyConKey | PrelNames |
rep1TyConName | PrelNames |
RepArity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
repGetTyVar_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
replaceFirstNode | Hoopl.Block |
replaceLabels | CmmContFlowOpt |
replaceLastNode | Hoopl.Block |
replaceLWrappedName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
replaceVar | SysTools.Process |
replaceWrappedName | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
replace_RDR | PrelNames |
replicatePD | Vectorise.Utils |
replicatePDVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
replicatePD_PrimVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
replicatePD_PrimVars | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
replicatePVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
reportAllUnsolved | TcErrors |
reportError | TcRnMonad |
reportErrors | TcRnMonad |
reportFloatingKvs | TcHsType |
reportUnboundName | RnUnbound |
reportUnifications | TcSMonad |
reportUnsolved | TcErrors |
reportUnusedNames | RnNames |
reportWarning | TcRnMonad |
ReprEq | Type, GhcPlugins |
Representational | CoAxiom, TyCon, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
representationalRIdKey | THNames |
representationalRName | THNames |
repr_comps | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_comp_tys | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_cons | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_con_tys | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_dc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_prod | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_psums_tc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_psum_tc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_ptups_tc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_ptup_tc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_selsLength_v | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_sels_ty | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_sel_ty | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_sum_tc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repr_tup_tc | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
repSplitAppTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
repSplitAppTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
repSplitTyConApp_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
repTyConKey | PrelNames |
repTyConName | PrelNames |
rEP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
rEP_CostCentreStack_scc_count | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
Required | Var, IfaceType, Type, IfaceSyn, TcType, GhcPlugins |
requirementContext | Packages, GhcPlugins |
res | CmmNode, Cmm |
rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
rESERVED_STACK_WORDS | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
resetPmIterDs | DsMonad |
reset_RDR | PrelNames |
ResizeMutableByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
reslash | Util, GhcPlugins |
ResolveObjs | GHCi |
resolveObjs | GHCi |
resolvePackageConfig | Packages, GhcPlugins |
ResSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
restoreCurrentCostCentre | StgCmmProf |
restrictUniqSetToUFM | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
restrictVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
resultIsLevPoly | Type, GhcPlugins |
resultVariableName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
resultWrapper | DsCCall |
Resume | |
1 (Type/Class) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeApStack | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeBindings | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeBreakInfo | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeCCS | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeContext | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeDecl | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeExec | InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeFinalIds | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeHistory | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeHistoryIx | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
resumeSpan | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
ResumeStmt | GHCi |
resumeStmt | |
1 (Function) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
2 (Function) | GHCi |
Ret | MkGraph |
RetryOp | PrimOp |
RETURN | ByteCodeInstr |
Return | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
2 (Data Constructor) | StgCmmMonad |
ReturnedTo | StgCmmMonad |
returnIOIdKey | PrelNames |
returnIOName | PrelNames |
returnIO_RDR | PrelNames |
ReturnIt | StgCmmClosure |
ReturnKind | StgCmmMonad |
returnMClassOpKey | PrelNames |
returnMName | PrelNames |
returnM_RDR | PrelNames |
returnQIdKey | THNames |
returnQName | THNames |
ReturnsAlg | PrimOp |
returnsConstraintKind | Kind |
returnsCPR_maybe | Demand |
ReturnsPrim | PrimOp |
returnsTyCon | Kind |
RETURN_UBX | ByteCodeInstr |
ret_args | CmmNode, Cmm |
rET_BIG | SMRep |
ret_off | CmmNode, Cmm |
reuseEnv | Demand |
reverseBlocksInTops | RegAlloc.Liveness |
reverseErrors | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
rewriteCmmBwd | Hoopl.Dataflow |
RewriteFun | Hoopl.Dataflow |
re_base | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
re_visible_orphs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RhsCtxt | CoreUnfold |
rhsIdInfo | StgCmmEnv |
rhsIsStatic | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
RhsNames | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
rhssOfAlts | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
rhssOfBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RI | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Type/Class) | PPC.Instr |
ribbonsPerLine | Pretty |
rightAssocDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
rightAssociativeDataConKey | PrelNames |
rightAssociativeDataConName | PrelNames |
rightDataConKey | PrelNames |
rightDataConName | PrelNames |
rightmost | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
right_RDR | PrelNames |
RIImm | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
ripRel | X86.Regs |
RIReg | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
riZero | SPARC.Instr |
RLWINM | PPC.Instr |
rmDupsInRdrTyVars | RnTypes |
rnBindPat | RnPat |
rnBndr2 | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnBndr2_var | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnBndrL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnBndrR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnBndrs2 | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnBracket | RnSplice |
rnConDeclFields | RnTypes |
rnContext | RnTypes |
RnEnv2 | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnEnvL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnEnvR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnEtaL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnEtaR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnExpr | RnExpr |
rnGRHS | RnBinds |
rnGRHSs | RnBinds |
rnHsDoc | RnHsDoc |
rnHsKind | RnTypes |
rnHsRecFields | RnPat |
rnHsRecUpdFields | RnPat |
rnHsSigType | RnTypes |
rnHsSigWcType | RnTypes |
rnHsSigWcTypeScoped | RnTypes |
rnHsType | RnTypes |
rnHsWcType | RnTypes |
rnImports | RnNames |
rnInScope | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnLExpr | RnExpr |
rnLHsDoc | RnHsDoc |
rnLHsInstType | RnTypes |
rnLHsKind | RnTypes |
rnLHsType | RnTypes |
rnLHsTypes | RnTypes |
rnLit | RnPat |
rnLocalBindsAndThen | RnBinds |
rnLocalValBindsLHS | RnBinds |
rnLocalValBindsRHS | RnBinds |
rnLTyVar | RnTypes |
RnM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
rnMatchGroup | RnBinds |
rnMbLHsDoc | RnHsDoc |
rnMethodBinds | RnBinds |
rnModExports | RnModIface |
rnModIface | RnModIface |
rnOccL | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnOccL_maybe | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnOccR | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnOccR_maybe | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnOverLit | RnPat |
rnPat | RnPat |
rnPatAndThen | RnPat |
rnPats | RnPat |
RnPendingTyped | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
RnPendingUntyped | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
rnSpliceDecl | RnSplice |
rnSpliceExpr | RnSplice |
rnSplicePat | RnSplice |
rnSpliceType | RnSplice |
rnSrcDecls | RnSource |
rnSrcFixityDecl | RnBinds |
rnStmts | RnExpr |
rnSwap | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
rnTopBindsBoot | RnBinds |
rnTopBindsLHS | RnBinds |
rnTopSpliceDecls | RnSplice |
rnTopSrcDecls | TcRnDriver |
rnValBindsRHS | RnBinds |
Role | CoAxiom, TyCon, Coercion, TcEvidence, GhcPlugins |
RoleAnnotCtxt | RnEnv, RnBinds |
RoleAnnotD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
RoleAnnotDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
roleAnnotDeclName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
roleAnnotDIdKey | THNames |
roleAnnotDName | THNames |
RoleAnnotEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
RolesInfo | TcTyDecls |
roleTyConKey | THNames |
roleTyConName | THNames |
rootMainKey | PrelNames |
rOOT_MAIN | PrelNames |
roughMatchTcs | Unify, InstEnv |
roughTopNames | Rules, GhcPlugins |
roundUpTo | SMRep |
roundUpToWords | SMRep |
rparen | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
rsi | X86.Regs |
rsp | X86.Regs |
rtccInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
rtldInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
rtsClosureType | SMRep |
rtsIsProfiled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
rtsOpts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
RtsOptsAll | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
RtsOptsEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
rtsOptsEnabled | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
RtsOptsIgnore | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
RtsOptsIgnoreAll | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
RtsOptsNone | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
RtsOptsSafeOnly | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
rtsOptsSuggestions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
RTSRep | SMRep |
rtsUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
rTyConKey | PrelNames |
rTyConName | PrelNames |
RU | Instruction |
Rule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ruleActivation | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RuleArgCtxt | CoreUnfold |
ruleArity | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RuleBase | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RuleBndr | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ruleBndrQTyConKey | THNames |
ruleBndrQTyConName | THNames |
RuleBndrSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ruleCheck | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ruleCheckProgram | Rules, GhcPlugins |
RuleCtx | RnUtils |
RuleD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
RuleDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
RuleDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
RuleEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RuleFired | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
ruleFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
RuleFun | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ruleIdName | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RuleInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ruleInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ruleInfoFreeVars | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ruleInfoRules | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ruleLhsFreeIds | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
ruleLhsFreeIdsList | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
RuleMatchInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
ruleMatchTyKiX | Unify |
ruleModule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
RuleName | BasicTypes, CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ruleName | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ruleRhsFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
rulesFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
rulesFreeVarsDSet | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
RuleSigCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
RuleSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
rulesOfBinds | Rules, GhcPlugins |
ruleVarIdKey | THNames |
ruleVarName | THNames |
RunAndLogSteps | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
runAnnotation | TcSplice |
runAr | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runAs | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runC | StgCmmMonad |
runCc | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runClang | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runCmdLine | CmdLineParser |
runCoreM | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
runCpp | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runDecls | InteractiveEval, GHC |
runDeclsWithLocation | InteractiveEval, GHC |
runEwM | CmdLineParser |
runGhc | GHC |
runGhcT | GHC |
runHsc | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
runInteractiveHsc | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
runIOEnv | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
runLibtool | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runLink | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runListT | ListT |
runLlvm | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
runLlvmLlc | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runLlvmOpt | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runMainIOName | PrelNames |
runMainKey | PrelNames |
runMaybe | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
runMaybeT | Maybes |
runMeta' | TcSplice |
runMetaD | TcSplice |
runMetaE | TcSplice |
runMetaHook | Hooks |
runMetaP | TcSplice |
runMetaT | TcSplice |
runMkDLL | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
RunModFinalizers | GHCi |
runPhase | DriverPipeline |
runPhaseHook | Hooks |
runPmPprM | PmExpr, TmOracle |
runPp | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runQuasi | TcSplice |
runR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
runRanlib | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runRemoteModFinalizers | TcSplice |
runRnSpliceHook | Hooks |
runRWId | MkId |
runRWKey | PrelNames |
runSDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
runSomething | SysTools.Process |
runSomethingFiltered | SysTools.Process |
runSomethingResponseFile | SysTools.Process |
runSomethingWith | SysTools.Process |
RunSplice | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
runSplit | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runState | State |
runState' | State |
runStream | Stream |
runTcInteractive | TcRnDriver, GHC |
runTcPluginM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
runTcPluginTcS | TcSMonad |
runTcS | TcSMonad |
runTcSDeriveds | TcSMonad, TcSimplify |
runTcSEqualities | TcSMonad |
runTcSWithEvBinds | TcSMonad |
RunTH | GHCi |
runtimeErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
RuntimeRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
runtimeRep1Ty | TysPrim |
runtimeRep1TyVar | TysPrim |
runtimeRep2Ty | TysPrim |
runtimeRep2TyVar | TysPrim |
RuntimeRepInfo | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
runtimeRepPrimRep | RepType |
runtimeRepSimpleDataConKeys | PrelNames |
runtimeRepTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
runtimeRepTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
runtimeRepTyConKey | PrelNames |
RuntimeUnk | TcType |
rUNTIME_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
RunToCompletion | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
runUnlit | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
runVM | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
runWhen | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
runWindres | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
rupd_cons | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rupd_expr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rupd_flds | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rupd_in_tys | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rupd_out_tys | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
rupd_wrap | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ru_act | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_args | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_auto | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_bndrs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_fn | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_local | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_name | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_nargs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_origin | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_orphan | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_rhs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_rough | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ru_try | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
rxN | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
s1TyConKey | PrelNames |
s1TyConName | PrelNames |
safeDirectImpsReq | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
safeHaskell | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SafeHaskellMode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
safeHaskellOn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
safeIdKey | THNames |
safeImplicitImpsReq | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
safeImportsOn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
safeInfer | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
safeInferOn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
safeInferred | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
safeLanguageOn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
safeName | THNames |
safeShowException | Panic |
Safety | ForeignCall |
sameDepthAs | TcType |
SameMutableArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
SameMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
SameMutableByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
SameMutVarOp | PrimOp |
SameMVarOp | PrimOp |
SameSmallMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
SameTVarOp | PrimOp |
sameVis | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
sameWildCard | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
sappendClassOpKey | PrelNames |
sappendName | PrelNames |
SAR | X86.Instr |
satCallsOnly | StgSyn |
saturatedByOneShots | Demand |
saveCurrentCostCentre | StgCmmProf |
saveThreadState | StgCmmForeign |
SBB | X86.Instr |
sb_mds | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sb_tcs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
scalarClass | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
scalarClosure | Vectorise.Utils |
scalarZip | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
scalarZips | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
scanGraph | GraphOps, GraphColor |
SCC | Digraph |
sccAbleCC | CostCentre |
sccEvBinds | TcEvidence |
SCCFunSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
sccProfilingOn | Lexer |
Scheme | |
1 (Type/Class) | PprColour |
2 (Data Constructor) | PprColour |
Scope | Vectorise.Env |
ScOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sc_alts | SimplUtils |
sc_arg | SimplUtils |
sc_arg_ty | SimplUtils |
sc_bndr | SimplUtils |
sc_bndrs | SimplUtils |
sc_body | SimplUtils |
sc_cci | SimplUtils |
sc_cont | SimplUtils |
sc_dup | SimplUtils |
sc_env | SimplUtils |
sc_fun | SimplUtils |
sc_hole_ty | SimplUtils |
SDIV | SPARC.Instr |
SDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
sdocWithDynFlags | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
sdocWithPlatform | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
searchPackageId | Packages, GhcPlugins |
Section | |
1 (Type/Class) | Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | Cmm |
SectionL | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
sectionLIdKey | THNames |
sectionLName | THNames |
sectionOffset | Dwarf.Types |
SectionOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SectionR | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
sectionRIdKey | THNames |
sectionRName | THNames |
SectionType | Cmm |
sectionType | AsmUtils |
seCvSubst | SimplEnv |
seDynFlags | SimplEnv |
seekBin | Binary |
seekBy | Binary |
seIdSubst | SimplEnv |
seInScope | SimplEnv |
Select | SimplUtils |
select | ListT |
selectMatchVar | DsUtils |
selectMatchVars | DsUtils |
selectNextWorkItem | TcSMonad |
selectorAmbiguousFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
selectorClassKey | PrelNames |
selectorClassName | PrelNames |
selectorFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
selectSimpleMatchVarL | DsUtils |
selElements | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selElementss | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
SelfBoot | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SelfBootInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SelfLoopInfo | StgCmmClosure |
selName_RDR | PrelNames |
selReplicate | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selReplicates | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selsLength | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selsLengths | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selsTy | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selsTys | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selTags | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selTagss | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selTy | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
selTys | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
sel_naughty | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
sel_tycon | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
semi | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
semigroupClassKey | PrelNames |
semigroupClassName | PrelNames |
seMode | SimplEnv |
sep | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
SepArg | CmdLineParser |
seqBinds | CoreSeq |
seqBitmap | Bitmap |
seqCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
seqCompiledByteCode | ByteCodeTypes |
seqDemand | Demand |
seqDemandList | Demand |
seqDmd | Demand |
seqDmdType | Demand |
seqDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
seqEltsUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
seqExpr | CoreSeq |
seqExprs | CoreSeq |
seqId | MkId |
seqIdKey | PrelNames |
seqList | Util, GhcPlugins |
seqOccInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
SeqOp | PrimOp |
seqRuleInfo | CoreSeq |
seqRules | CoreSeq |
seqStrictSig | Demand |
seqType | Type, GhcPlugins |
seqTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
Sequel | StgCmmMonad |
sequenceQIdKey | THNames |
sequenceQName | THNames |
seqUnfolding | CoreSeq |
seqVar | DsUtils |
seqVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
Serialized | |
1 (Data Constructor) | GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | GhcPlugins |
serializeWithData | GhcPlugins |
sError | PprColour |
Session | |
1 (Type/Class) | GhcMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | GhcMonad |
setArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setAssigR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
setBinds | StgCmmMonad |
setBlockAssigR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
SetByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
setCafInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setCallArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setCaseBndrEvald | Id, GhcPlugins |
SETCC | X86.Instr |
setColor | GraphOps, GraphColor |
setConstraintVar | TcRnMonad |
setContext | InteractiveEval, GHC |
setCoVarName | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
setCoVarUnique | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
setCtLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
setCtLocEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
setCtLocM | TcRnMonad |
setCtLocOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
setCtLocSpan | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
setDelete | Hoopl.Collections |
setDeleteList | Hoopl.Collections |
setDeltaNat | NCGMonad |
setDeltaR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
setDemandInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setDifference | Hoopl.Collections |
setDynFlags | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
setElems | Hoopl.Collections |
setEmpty | Hoopl.Collections |
setEnv | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
setEnvs | TcRnMonad |
setEqIfWanted | TcSMonad |
setErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
setErrsVar | TcRnMonad |
setEvBind | |
1 (Function) | TcSMonad |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
setEvBindIfWanted | TcSMonad |
setEvBindsTcS | TcSMonad |
setFold | Hoopl.Collections |
setForeignOs | PipelineMonad |
setFormatOfRegister | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
setFreeRegsR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
setFromList | Hoopl.Collections |
setGblEnv | TcRnMonad |
setGeneralFlag' | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
setGEnv | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
setGHCiMonad | GHC |
setGlobalTypeEnv | TcEnv |
setHpUsage | StgCmmMonad |
setIdArity | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdCafInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdCallArity | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdDemandInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdDetails | Var, GhcPlugins |
setIdExported | |
1 (Function) | Var, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Id |
setIdInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdName | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdNotExported | |
1 (Function) | Var, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Id |
setIdOccInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdOneShotInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdSpecialisation | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdStrictness | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdType | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdUnfolding | Id, GhcPlugins |
setIdUnique | Id, GhcPlugins |
setImplicitEnvM | TcRnMonad |
setInertCans | TcSMonad |
setInfoTableStackMap | CmmLayoutStack |
setInlineActivation | Id, GhcPlugins |
setInlinePragInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setInlinePragma | Id, GhcPlugins |
setInlinePragmaActivation | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
setInlinePragmaRuleMatchInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
setInScope | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
setInScopeFromE | SimplEnv |
setInScopeFromF | SimplEnv |
setInScopeSet | SimplEnv |
setInsert | Hoopl.Collections |
setInsertList | Hoopl.Collections |
setInteractiveDynFlags | GHC |
setInteractivePackage | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
setInteractivePrintName | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
setIntersection | Hoopl.Collections |
setIsSubsetOf | Hoopl.Collections |
setJoinResTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
setLastToken | Lexer |
setLclEnv | TcRnMonad |
setLclTypeEnv | TcRnMonad |
setLEnv | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
setLevels | SetLevels |
setLevityInfoWithType | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setLocalRdrEnv | TcRnMonad |
setLogAction | GHC |
setMember | Hoopl.Collections |
setMetaTyVarTcLevel | TcType |
setMode | SimplEnv |
setModLocation | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
setNameLoc | Name, GhcPlugins |
setNameModule | IfaceEnv |
setNameUnique | Name, GhcPlugins |
setNeverLevPoly | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setNominalRole_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
setNull | Hoopl.Collections |
setOccInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setOccNameSpace | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
setOneShotInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setOneShotLambda | Id, GhcPlugins |
setOverlapModeMaybe | BasicTypes, InstEnv, GhcPlugins |
setPAFunsEnv | Vectorise.Env |
setPRFunsEnv | Vectorise.Env |
setProgramDynFlags | GHC |
setRdrNameSpace | RdrHsSyn |
setRealHp | StgCmmMonad, StgCmmHeap |
setRuleIdName | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
setRuleInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setRuleInfoHead | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setSafeMode | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
setSession | GhcMonad, GHC |
setSessionDynFlags | GHC |
setSingleton | Hoopl.Collections |
setSize | Hoopl.Collections |
setSourceText | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
setSrcLoc | Lexer |
setSrcSpan | TcRnMonad |
setStage | TcRnMonad |
setState | StgCmmMonad |
setStrictnessInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setStyleColoured | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
setSubstEnv | SimplEnv |
setTargets | GHC |
setTcEvBindsMap | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
setTcLevel | TcRnMonad |
setTcSInerts | TcSMonad |
setTcTyVarDetails | Var, GhcPlugins |
setTickyCtrLabel | StgCmmMonad |
Settings | |
1 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
settings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
setTmpDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
setTvSubstEnv | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
setTyVarKind | Var, GhcPlugins |
setTyVarName | Var, GhcPlugins |
setTyVarUnique | Var, GhcPlugins |
setUnfoldingInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
setUnion | Hoopl.Collections |
setUnions | Hoopl.Collections |
setUniqMeta | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
setUnitId | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
setUserData | Binary |
setVarName | Var, GhcPlugins |
setVarType | Var, GhcPlugins |
setVarUnique | Var, GhcPlugins |
setVirtHp | StgCmmMonad, StgCmmHeap |
seTvSubst | SimplEnv |
setWantedEq | TcSMonad |
setWantedEvBind | TcSMonad |
setWantedEvTerm | TcSMonad |
setXOptM | TcRnMonad |
SevDump | ErrUtils, GHC |
Severity | ErrUtils, GHC |
SevError | ErrUtils, GHC |
SevFatal | ErrUtils, GHC |
SevInfo | ErrUtils, GHC |
SevInteractive | ErrUtils, GHC |
SevOutput | ErrUtils, GHC |
SevWarning | ErrUtils, GHC |
sExtraGccViaCFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sFatal | PprColour |
sfInScope | SimplEnv |
sfInteractInert | CoAxiom, TcTypeNats |
sfInteractTop | CoAxiom, TcTypeNats |
sfJoinFloats | SimplEnv |
sfLetFloats | SimplEnv |
sfMatchFam | CoAxiom, TcTypeNats |
Sf_None | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Sf_Safe | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Sf_Trustworthy | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Sf_Unsafe | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
sGccSupportsNoPie | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sGhciUsagePath | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sGhcUsagePath | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ShadowInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
shadowNames | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
sharedGlobal | Util, GhcPlugins |
sharedGlobalM | Util, GhcPlugins |
sHeader | PprColour |
ShHoleSubst | Module, GhcPlugins |
shiftEqns | DsUtils |
shiftLIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
shiftLIntegerName | PrelNames |
shiftRIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
shiftRIntegerName | PrelNames |
SHL | X86.Instr |
shortBlockId | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
shortcutJump | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
3 (Function) | PPC.RegInfo |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
shortCutLit | TcHsSyn |
shortcutStatics | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | SPARC.ShortcutJump |
3 (Function) | PPC.RegInfo |
4 (Function) | AsmCodeGen |
shouldInlinePrimOp | StgCmmPrim |
Shouldn'tHappenOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
shouldUseColor | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
showAstData | HsDumpAst |
showClassKey | PrelNames |
showClassName | PrelNames |
showCommaSpace_RDR | PrelNames |
showException | Panic |
ShowForAllFlag | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ShowForAllMust | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
ShowForAllWhen | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
showFreeRegs | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
showGhcException | Panic, GHC |
ShowHeader | IfaceSyn |
ShowHowMuch | IfaceSyn |
ShowIface | IfaceSyn |
showIface | LoadIface |
showLinkerState | Linker |
showModMsg | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
showModule | InteractiveEval, GHC |
showModuleIndex | HscMain |
showOpt | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
showParen_RDR | PrelNames |
showPass | ErrUtils |
showPpr | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showReg | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
showRichTokenStream | GHC |
showSDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocDebug | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocDump | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocDumpOneLine | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocForUser | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocOneLine | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocUnqual | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
showSDocUnsafe | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
ShowSome | IfaceSyn |
showSpace_RDR | PrelNames |
showsPrec_RDR | PrelNames |
showStgStats | StgStats |
showString_RDR | PrelNames |
ShowSub | |
1 (Type/Class) | IfaceSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | IfaceSyn |
shows_RDR | PrelNames |
showTerm | Debugger |
showToHeader | IfaceSyn |
showToIface | IfaceSyn |
SHR | X86.Instr |
ShrinkMutableByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
Shutdown | GHCi |
Sig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
SigD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
sigDIdKey | THNames |
sigDName | THNames |
sigEIdKey | THNames |
sigEName | THNames |
SigmaCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
Signal | Panic, GHC |
SignatureD | BkpSyn |
SignedHint | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
SignExt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
signumIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
signumIntegerName | PrelNames |
SigPatIn | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
SigPatOut | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
sigPIdKey | THNames |
sigPName | THNames |
SigSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sigTIdKey | THNames |
sigTName | THNames |
SigTv | TcType |
sig_bndr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
sig_ctxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
sig_inst_sig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sig_inst_skols | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sig_inst_tau | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sig_inst_theta | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sig_inst_wcs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sig_inst_wcx | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
sig_loc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
simplBinder | SimplEnv |
simplBinders | SimplEnv |
SimplCont | SimplUtils |
SimplCount | CoreMonad, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
simplCountN | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
SimpleEq | PmExpr, TmOracle |
simpleImportDecl | HsImpExp, HsSyn, GHC |
simpleInstInfoClsTy | TcEnv |
simpleInstInfoTy | TcEnv |
simpleInstInfoTyCon | TcEnv |
SimplEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | SimplEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | SimplEnv |
simplEnvForGHCi | SimplUtils |
simpleOptExpr | CoreOpt |
simpleOptExprWith | CoreOpt |
simpleOptPgm | CoreOpt |
simplExpr | Simplify |
SimplFloats | |
1 (Type/Class) | SimplEnv |
2 (Data Constructor) | SimplEnv |
Simplified | SimplUtils |
SimplifierDone | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
simplify | BooleanFormula |
simplifyAmbiguityCheck | TcSimplify |
simplifyDefault | TcSimplify |
simplifyExpr | SimplCore |
simplifyInfer | TcSimplify |
simplifyInstanceContexts | TcDerivInfer |
simplifyInteractive | TcSimplify |
simplifyTop | TcSimplify |
simplifyTopImplic | TcSimplify |
simplifyWantedsTcM | TcSimplify |
SimplM | SimplMonad |
SimplMode | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
simplNonRecBndr | SimplEnv |
simplNonRecJoinBndr | SimplEnv |
simplPhases | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
simplRecBndrs | SimplEnv |
simplRecJoinBndrs | SimplEnv |
simplRules | Simplify |
SimplSR | SimplEnv |
simplTickFactor | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
simplTopBinds | Simplify |
singleCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SingleEntry | StgSyn |
SingleStep | |
1 (Type/Class) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | InteractiveEvalTypes, InteractiveEval, GHC |
SingleThreaded | Llvm.AbsSyn |
singleton | Util, GhcPlugins |
singletonPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
size | GraphOps, GraphColor |
SizedSeq | ByteCodeAsm |
sizedText | Pretty |
sizeDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
SizeofArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofMutableArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofMutableByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
SizeofSmallMutableArrayOp | PrimOp |
sIZEOF_CostCentreStack | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sIZEOF_StgArrBytes_NoHdr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sIZEOF_StgFunInfoExtraRev | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sIZEOF_StgMutArrPtrs_NoHdr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sIZEOF_StgSmallMutArrPtrs_NoHdr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sIZEOF_StgSMPThunkHeader | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sIZEOF_StgUpdateFrame_NoHdr | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sizeRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
sizeSS | ByteCodeAsm |
sizeType | TcType |
sizeTypes | TcType |
sizeUDFM | UniqDFM |
sizeUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
sizeUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
sizeUniqMap | UniqMap |
sizeUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
sizeVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
Skolem | Unify |
SkolemInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
skolemiseRuntimeUnk | TcMType |
SkolemTv | TcType |
SL | PPC.Instr |
sLdIsGnuLd | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sLdSupportsBuildId | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sLdSupportsCompactUnwind | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sLdSupportsFilelist | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
SLIDE | ByteCodeInstr |
sLit | FastString, GhcPlugins |
SLL | SPARC.Instr |
SllOp | PrimOp |
slotCmmType | CmmUtils |
slotForeignHint | CmmUtils |
slotPrimRep | RepType |
SlotTy | RepType |
Slow | CmmNode, Cmm |
SlowCall | StgCmmClosure |
slowCall | StgCmmLayout |
slowCallPattern | StgCmmArgRep |
slurpConflicts | RegAlloc.Liveness |
slurpJoinMovs | RegAlloc.Graph.Coalesce |
slurpNodeConflictCount | GraphOps, GraphColor |
slurpReloadCoalesce | RegAlloc.Liveness |
slurpSpillCostInfo | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
sl_fs | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
sl_st | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
smallArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
smallArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
SmallArrayPtrsRep | SMRep |
smallArrPtrsHdrSize | SMRep |
smallArrPtrsHdrSizeW | SMRep |
smallArrPtrsRep | SMRep |
smallEnoughToInline | CoreUnfold |
smallIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
smallIntegerName | PrelNames |
smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
smallMutableArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
sMargin | PprColour |
sMessage | PprColour |
SMRep | SMRep |
SMUL | SPARC.Instr |
sm_case_case | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
sm_dflags | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
sm_eta_expand | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
sm_inline | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
sm_names | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
sm_phase | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
sm_rules | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
snd3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
sndIdKey | PrelNames |
sndName | PrelNames |
sndOf3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
snocBag | Bag |
snocCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
snocOL | OrdList |
snocView | Util, GhcPlugins |
soExt | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
SOFT | Platform |
SOFTFP | Platform |
SoftScope | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
SolarisLD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
solveCallStack | TcCanonical |
solveEqualities | TcSimplify, TcHsType |
solveOneEq | TmOracle |
solverDepthErrorTcS | TcErrors |
solverIterations | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
solveSimpleGivens | TcInteract |
solveSimpleWanteds | TcInteract |
solveWanteds | TcSimplify |
solveWantedsAndDrop | TcSimplify |
SomeAsyncException | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
SomeException | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
someTypeRepDataConKey | PrelNames |
someTypeRepDataConName | PrelNames |
someTypeRepTyConKey | PrelNames |
someTypeRepTyConName | PrelNames |
sOpt_a | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_c | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_F | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_i | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_L | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_l | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_lc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_lcc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_lo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_P | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sOpt_windres | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Sorry | Panic, GHC |
sorry | Panic, Outputable, GhcPlugins |
sorryDoc | Panic |
sortLocated | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
sortQuantVars | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
sortWith | Util, GhcPlugins |
SourceError | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
sourceLazyDataConKey | PrelNames |
sourceLazyDataConName | PrelNames |
sourceLazyKey | THNames |
sourceLazyName | THNames |
sourceLibName | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
SourceModified | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
sourceName | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
SourceNote | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
sourceNoUnpackDataConKey | PrelNames |
sourceNoUnpackDataConName | PrelNames |
sourceNoUnpackKey | THNames |
sourceNoUnpackName | THNames |
SourcePackageId | |
1 (Type/Class) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
sourcePackageId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
sourcePackageIdString | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
sourceSpan | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
sourceStrictDataConKey | PrelNames |
sourceStrictDataConName | PrelNames |
sourceStrictKey | THNames |
sourceStrictName | THNames |
SourceText | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
sourceText | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
SourceTextX | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
SourceUnmodified | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
SourceUnmodifiedAndStable | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
sourceUnpackDataConKey | PrelNames |
sourceUnpackDataConName | PrelNames |
sourceUnpackKey | THNames |
sourceUnpackName | THNames |
Sp | CmmExpr, Cmm |
sp | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
space | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
spanEnd | Util, GhcPlugins |
spans | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SparkOp | PrimOp |
speakN | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
speakNOf | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
speakNth | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
SpecConstrAnnotation | SpecConstr |
specConstrCount | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
specConstrProgram | SpecConstr |
specConstrRecursive | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
specConstrThreshold | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
specialPromotedDc | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
SpecificFile | PipelineMonad |
Specified | Var, IfaceType, Type, IfaceSyn, TcType, GhcPlugins |
SpecInstCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
SpecInstSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
SpecInstSigCtx | RnUtils |
SpecPrag | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
SpecPragOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SpecPrags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
specProgram | Specialise |
SpecSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
specTyConKey | PrelNames |
specTyConName | PrelNames |
specUnfolding | CoreUnfold, Specialise |
sPgm_a | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_ar | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_c | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_dll | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_F | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_i | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_L | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_l | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_lc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_lcc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_libtool | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_lo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_P | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_ranlib | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_s | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_T | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sPgm_windres | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
SPILL | RegAlloc.Liveness |
SpillAlloc | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
spillAreaLength | SPARC.Base |
SpillClobber | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
SpillCostInfo | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
SpillCostRecord | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
SpillJoinRM | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
SpillJoinRR | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
SpillLoad | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
spillR | RegAlloc.Linear.State |
SpillReason | RegAlloc.Linear.Base, RegAlloc.Linear.Main |
spillSlotSize | SPARC.Base |
spillSlotToOffset | SPARC.Stack |
SpillStats | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Graph.Spill |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Graph.Spill |
spillStoreLoad | RegAlloc.Graph.Spill |
sPlatformConstants | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Splice | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SpliceD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
SpliceDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
SpliceDecoration | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
spliceDescription | RnSplice |
SpliceExplicitFlag | BasicTypes, HsDecls, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
spliceGenerated | RnSplice |
SpliceInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | RnSplice |
2 (Data Constructor) | RnSplice |
spliceIsDecl | RnSplice |
SplicePat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
SplicePointName | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
spliceSource | RnSplice |
SpliceType | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SpliceTypeCtx | RnUtils |
SpLim | CmmExpr, Cmm |
spLimReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
split | Util, GhcPlugins |
splitAppCo_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
splitAppTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitAppTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitAppTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
SplitAs | DriverPhases |
splitAtList | Util, GhcPlugins |
splitAtProcPoints | CmmProcPoint |
splitCastTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitCoercionType_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitCon | RdrHsSyn |
splitDataProductType_maybe | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
splitDmdTy | Demand |
splitEithers | Util, GhcPlugins |
splitForAllCo_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
splitForAllTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitForAllTys | Type, GhcPlugins, GHC |
splitForAllTyVarBndrs | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitForAllTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitFunCo_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
splitFunTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitFunTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitFunTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitFVs | Demand |
splitHsAppsTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitHsAppTys | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitHsFunType | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitIfaceSigmaTy | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
splitInfo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
splitLHsForAllTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitLHsInstDeclTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitLHsPatSynTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitLHsQualTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitLHsSigmaTy | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
splitListTyConApp_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitLongestPrefix | Util, GhcPlugins |
splitModuleInsts | Module, GhcPlugins |
splitPiTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitPiTys | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitPiTysInvisible | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitPiTy_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitPrimTyCon | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
splitProdDmd_maybe | Demand |
splitStrictSig | Demand |
Splitter | DriverPhases |
splitTilde | RdrHsSyn |
splitTildeApps | RdrHsSyn |
splitTyConApp | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitTyConAppCo_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
splitTyConApp_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitUniqSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
splitUniqSupply3 | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
splitUniqSupply4 | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
splitUnitIdInsts | Module, GhcPlugins |
splitVisVarsOfType | Type, GhcPlugins |
splitVisVarsOfTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
spReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
spRel | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Stack |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
sProgramName | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sProjectVersion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sptCreateStaticBinds | StaticPtrTable |
SptEntry | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
sptModuleInitCode | StaticPtrTable |
SQRT | X86.Instr |
squeese | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 |
SR | PPC.Instr |
SRA | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
sRawSettings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
srcDataName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
srcErrorMessages | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
srcfiles | Lexer |
SrcLazy | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcLocCol | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcLocDataConKey | PrelNames |
srcLocDataConName | PrelNames |
srcLocFile | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcLocLine | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcLocSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SrcNoUnpack | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcParseFail | Lexer |
SrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanEnd | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanEndCol | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanEndLine | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanFile | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanFileName_maybe | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
srcSpanFirstCharacter | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
srcSpanStart | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanStartCol | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
srcSpanStartLine | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SrcStrict | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SrcStrictness | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SrcUnpack | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SrcUnpackedness | DataCon, IfaceSyn, HsTypes, HsSyn, GhcPlugins, GHC |
src_basename | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
src_filename | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
src_suffix | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
SRet | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
SRL | SPARC.Instr |
SrlOp | PrimOp |
srtEscape | CmmInfo |
srtToData | CmmBuildInfoTables |
ssElts | ByteCodeAsm |
sseVersion | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Ssp | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
SspReq | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
sSystemPackageConfig | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ss_forall | IfaceSyn |
ss_how_much | IfaceSyn |
ST | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
stableAvailCmp | Avail |
stableModuleCmp | Module, GhcPlugins |
stableModuleNameCmp | Module, GhcPlugins |
stableNameCmp | Name, GhcPlugins |
stableNameDataConKey | PrelNames |
stableNamePrimTyCon | TysPrim |
stableNamePrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
StableNameToIntOp | PrimOp |
stableNameTyConKey | PrelNames |
stablePtrPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
stablePtrPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
stablePtrTyConKey | PrelNames |
stablePtrTyConName | PrelNames |
stableUnfoldingVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
stableUnitIdCmp | Module, GhcPlugins |
stackFrameHeaderSize | PPC.Instr |
StackInfo | Cmm |
StackMap | |
1 (Type/Class) | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
2 (Data Constructor) | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
stackMapAssignment | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
stackMapNextFreeSlot | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
stackN | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
StackOverflow | Exception |
StackParam | CmmCallConv |
StackRep | SMRep |
StackSlot | RegAlloc.Linear.StackMap |
stackStubExpr | MkGraph |
stack_info | Cmm |
StandAloneDerivOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
standaloneDerivWithStrategyDIdKey | THNames |
standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName | THNames |
standardClassKeys | PrelNames |
StandardFormInfo | StgCmmClosure |
starArrStarArrStarKindRepKey | PrelNames |
starArrStarArrStarKindRepName | PrelNames |
starArrStarKindRepKey | PrelNames |
starArrStarKindRepName | PrelNames |
sTargetPlatform | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
starKIdKey | THNames |
starKindRepKey | PrelNames |
starKindRepName | PrelNames |
starKindTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
starKindTyConKey | PrelNames |
starKindTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
starKName | THNames |
startPhase | DriverPhases |
startsConId | Lexeme |
startsConSym | Lexeme |
startsVarId | Lexeme |
startsVarSym | Lexeme |
startsWithUnderscore | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
StartTH | GHCi |
State | |
1 (Type/Class) | State |
2 (Data Constructor) | State |
stateHackOneShot | Id, GhcPlugins |
statePrimTyCon | TysPrim |
statePrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
staticClosureLabel | StgCmmClosure |
staticClosureNeedsLink | StgCmmClosure |
staticEIdKey | THNames |
staticEName | THNames |
StaticEnv | SimplUtils |
StaticOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
staticProfHdr | StgCmmProf |
staticPtrDataConKey | PrelNames |
staticPtrDataConName | PrelNames |
staticPtrInfoDataConKey | PrelNames |
staticPtrInfoDataConName | PrelNames |
staticPtrInfoTyConKey | PrelNames |
staticPtrInfoTyConName | PrelNames |
staticPtrTyConKey | PrelNames |
staticPtrTyConName | PrelNames |
Statics | Cmm |
StaticTarget | ForeignCall |
Status | CmmProcPoint |
StayPut | SetLevels |
STC | PPC.Instr |
StdCall | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
StdCallConv | ForeignCall |
stdCallIdKey | THNames |
stdCallName | THNames |
stdClosureTypeOffset | CmmInfo |
stderrSupportsAnsiColors | SysTools.Terminal |
StdHeader | StgCmmLayout |
stdInfoTableSizeB | CmmInfo |
stdInfoTableSizeW | CmmInfo |
stdNonPtrsOffset | CmmInfo |
stdPtrsOffset | CmmInfo |
stdSrtBitmapOffset | CmmInfo |
std_class_via_coercible | TcDerivUtils |
sTD_HDR_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
stepOn | StringBuffer |
step_RDR | PrelNames |
STFAR | PPC.Instr |
stg2stg | SimplStg |
StgAlt | StgSyn |
StgApp | StgSyn |
StgArg | StgSyn |
stgArgHasCafRefs | StgSyn |
stgArgType | StgSyn |
StgBinderInfo | StgSyn |
StgBinding | StgSyn |
StgCase | StgSyn |
StgConApp | StgSyn |
stgCse | StgCse |
StgExpr | StgSyn |
StgFCallOp | StgSyn |
StgHalfWord | SMRep |
StgLam | StgSyn |
StgLet | StgSyn |
StgLetNoEscape | StgSyn |
StgLit | StgSyn |
StgLitArg | StgSyn |
StgNonRec | StgSyn |
StgOp | StgSyn |
StgOpApp | StgSyn |
StgPrimCallOp | StgSyn |
StgPrimOp | StgSyn |
StgRec | StgSyn |
StgRhs | StgSyn |
stgRhsArity | StgSyn |
StgRhsClosure | StgSyn |
StgRhsCon | StgSyn |
stgSatOcc | StgSyn |
stgTBAA | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
StgTick | StgSyn |
StgTopBinding | StgSyn |
StgTopLifted | StgSyn |
StgTopStringLit | StgSyn |
stgUnsatOcc | StgSyn |
StgVarArg | StgSyn |
StgWord | SMRep |
STKCHECK | ByteCodeInstr |
sTmpDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Stmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
StmtCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
StmtLR | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
stmtQTyConKey | THNames |
stmtQTyConName | THNames |
stockDataConKey | THNames |
StockStrategy | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
stockStrategyDataConName | THNames |
Stop | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SimplUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcCanonical |
sTopDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
stopIServ | GHCi |
StopLn | DriverPhases |
StopOrContinue | TcCanonical |
stopWith | TcCanonical |
stop_phase | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
Store | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
storeCurCCS | StgCmmProf |
Str | Pretty |
strCLabel_llvm | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
strDisplayName_llvm | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
StrDmd | Demand |
Stream | |
1 (Type/Class) | Stream |
2 (Data Constructor) | Stream |
stretchZipWith | Util, GhcPlugins |
strictApply1Dmd | Demand |
StrictArg | SimplUtils |
StrictBind | SimplUtils |
strictenDmd | Demand |
strictifyDictDmd | Demand |
strictlyDeeperThan | TcType |
strictnessBefore | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
strictnessInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
StrictnessMark | DataCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
StrictSig | |
1 (Type/Class) | Demand |
2 (Data Constructor) | Demand |
strictSigDmdEnv | Demand |
strImmLit | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Imm |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
StringBuffer | |
1 (Type/Class) | StringBuffer |
2 (Data Constructor) | StringBuffer |
stringLIdKey | THNames |
StringLiteral | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
stringLName | THNames |
stringL_RDR | THNames |
stringPrimLIdKey | THNames |
stringPrimLName | THNames |
stringPrimL_RDR | THNames |
stringToInstalledUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
stringToStringBuffer | StringBuffer |
stringToUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
stringToWord8s | SMRep |
stringTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
stringTy_RDR | PrelNames |
stripCoercionTy | Type, GhcPlugins |
stripIfaceInvisVars | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
stripInvisArgs | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
stripLive | RegAlloc.Liveness |
stripLiveBlock | RegAlloc.Liveness |
stripStgTicksTop | StgSyn |
stripTicksE | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
stripTicksT | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
stripTicksTop | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
stripTicksTopE | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
stripTicksTopT | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
strongLoopBreaker | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrd | Digraph |
stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesOrdR | Digraph |
stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq | Digraph |
stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniqR | Digraph |
stronglyConnCompG | Digraph |
strProcedureName_llvm | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
strTyLitIdKey | THNames |
strTyLitName | THNames |
STU | PPC.Instr |
stubDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
sTyConKey | PrelNames |
sTyConName | PrelNames |
Style | |
1 (Type/Class) | Pretty |
2 (Data Constructor) | Pretty |
style | Pretty |
SUB | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
subDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
SUBF | PPC.Instr |
SUBFC | PPC.Instr |
SUBFE | PPC.Instr |
SUBFO | PPC.Instr |
SubGoalDepth | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
subGoalDepthExceeded | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
SubL16 | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
SubL8 | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
SubL8H | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
SubScope | CmmNode, Cmm |
Subst | |
1 (Type/Class) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substBind | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substBindSC | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substBndr | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substBndrs | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substCo | |
1 (Function) | Coercion |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
3 (Function) | SimplEnv |
substComplexEq | PmExpr |
substCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
substCoUnchecked | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substCoVar | |
1 (Function) | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | SimplEnv |
substCoVarBndr | |
1 (Function) | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst |
substCoVars | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
substCoWith | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
substCoWithUnchecked | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substDVarSet | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substEqSpec | DataCon, GhcPlugins |
substExpr | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substExprSC | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substForAllCoBndrCallbackLC | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
substId | SimplEnv |
substIdInfo | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substIdOcc | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substIfaceTcArgs | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
substIfaceTyVar | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
substInScope | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substInteractiveContext | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
substLeftCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
substNameShape | NameShape |
substPredOrigin | TcDerivUtils |
substRecBndrs | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substRightCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
substRulesForImportedIds | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substSpec | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substTheta | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substThetaUnchecked | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substTickish | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substTy | |
1 (Function) | Type, TcType |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
3 (Function) | SimplEnv |
substTyAddInScope | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substTysUnchecked | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substTysWith | Type, GhcPlugins |
substTyUnchecked | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substTyVar | |
1 (Function) | Type, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | SimplEnv |
substTyVarBndr | |
1 (Function) | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | CoreSubst |
substTyVars | Type, GhcPlugins |
substTyWith | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substTyWithCoVars | TcType |
substTyWithUnchecked | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
substUnfolding | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
substUnfoldingSC | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
subTerms | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
subVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
SUB_CC | X86.Instr |
succ | CmmNode, Cmm |
Succeeded | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Maybes |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
succeeded | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SuccessFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
successIf | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
successors | Hoopl.Graph |
succ_RDR | PrelNames |
Suffix | Util, GhcPlugins |
SuggestHidden | Packages, GhcPlugins |
SuggestVisible | Packages, GhcPlugins |
Sum | |
1 (Data Constructor) | RdrHsSyn |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
sumDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
SumFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
summariseModule | GhcMake |
SummaryNode | GhcMake |
SumOrTuple | RdrHsSyn |
sumParens | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
SumPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
sumRepDataConKey | PrelNames |
sumRepDataConTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
SumRepr | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
sumReprType | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
SumTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
sumTyCon | |
1 (Function) | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
sumTyConKey | PrelNames |
sumTyConName | PrelNames |
sumTyCons | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
superClassesMightHelp | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
superSkolemTv | TcType |
supportedLanguagesAndExtensions | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
supportedLlvmVersion | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
suppressIfaceInvisibles | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
SurelyApart | Unify |
Suspension | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
swap | Pair |
SwapFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
swapLiftCoEnv | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
swapOverTyVars | TcUnify |
sWarning | PprColour |
Switch | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SwitchPlan | CmmSwitch |
SwitchTargets | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsCases | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsDefault | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsFallThrough | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsRange | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsSigned | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsToList | CmmSwitch |
switchTargetsToTable | CmmSwitch |
SWIZZLE | ByteCodeInstr |
SymbolPtr | CLabel |
SymbolTable | Binary |
symbol_RDR | PrelNames |
SynAny | TcType, TcExpr |
SyncAcqRel | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SyncAcquire | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SyncMonotonic | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SyncRelease | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SyncSeqCst | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SyncUnord | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
SynDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
SynFamilyInst | FamInstEnv |
SynFun | TcType, TcExpr |
synKnownType | TcType, TcExpr |
SynList | TcType, TcExpr |
SynRho | TcType, TcExpr |
SyntaxExpr | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
SyntaxOpType | TcType, TcExpr |
synTyConDefn_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
synTyConResKind | Type, GhcPlugins |
synTyConRhs_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
SynType | TcType, TcExpr |
syn_arg_wraps | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
syn_expr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
syn_res_wrap | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
SystemDependent | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
systemPackageConfig | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
sYSTEM_IO | PrelNames |
tablesNextToCode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
tab_count | Lexer |
tab_first | Lexer |
tagForArity | StgCmmClosure |
tagForCon | StgCmmClosure |
TaggedAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TaggedArg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TaggedBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TaggedBndr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TaggedExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tagToClosure | StgCmmUtils |
tagToEnumKey | PrimOp |
TagToEnumOp | PrimOp |
tAG_BITS | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
tAG_MASK | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
TailCall | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
TailCallInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
tailCallInfo | BasicTypes, IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
tailFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
takeDeltaInstr | Instruction |
takeHoisted | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
takeList | Util, GhcPlugins |
TakeMVarOp | PrimOp |
takeRealReg | Reg |
takeRegRegMoveInstr | Instruction |
takeUniqFromSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
takeVirtualReg | Reg |
Target | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
target32Bit | Platform |
targetAllowObjCode | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
targetClassOfRealReg | TargetReg |
targetClassOfReg | TargetReg |
targetContents | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
TargetFile | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
TargetId | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
targetId | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
targetMkVirtualReg | TargetReg |
TargetModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins, GHC |
targetPlatform | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
targetRealRegSqueeze | TargetReg |
targetRegDotColor | TargetReg |
targetRetainsAllBindings | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
targetSupportsSwitch | CmmSwitch |
targetVirtualRegSqueeze | TargetReg |
tARGET_MAX_CHAR | Constants |
tARGET_MAX_INT | DynFlags, Literal, GhcPlugins |
tARGET_MAX_WORD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
tARGET_MIN_INT | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
tauifyExpType | TcMType |
TauTv | TcType |
TB | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tbaa | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
tcAddDataFamConPlaceholders | TcEnv |
tcAddDataFamInstCtxt | TcTyClsDecls |
tcAddDeclCtxt | TcClassDcl |
tcAddImplicits | TcTyDecls, TcTyClsDecls |
tcAddPatSynPlaceholders | TcEnv |
tcAddTyFamInstCtxt | TcTyClsDecls |
tcAnnotations | TcAnnotations |
tcArgsIfaceTypes | IfaceType, IfaceSyn |
tcATDefault | TcClassDcl |
TcBinder | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcBinderStack | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcBody | TcMatches |
tcCheckFEType | TcForeign |
tcCheckFIType | TcForeign |
tcCheckHoleFit | TcSimplify |
tcCheckId | TcExpr |
tcCheckLHsType | TcHsType |
tcCheckPatSynDecl | TcPatSyn |
tcCheckSatisfiability | TcSimplify |
tcClassDecl2 | TcClassDcl |
tcClassMinimalDef | TcClassDcl |
tcClassSigs | TcClassDcl |
tcClassSigType | TcHsType |
tcClsName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
TcCmdStmtChecker | TcMatches |
TcCoercion | TcEvidence |
tcCoercionKind | TcEvidence |
TcCoercionN | TcEvidence |
TcCoercionP | TcEvidence |
TcCoercionR | TcEvidence |
tcCoercionRole | TcEvidence |
tcConDecls | TcTyClsDecls |
TcCoVar | TcType |
tcDataKindSig | TcHsType |
tcdATDefs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdATs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdCtxt | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdDataCusk | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdDataDefn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdDocs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcDeepSplitSigmaTy_maybe | TcType |
tcDefaults | TcDefaults |
tcDeriving | TcDeriv |
tcdFam | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdFDs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdFixity | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdFVs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdLName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdMeths | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcDoStmt | TcMatches |
tcDoStmts | TcMatches |
tcDowngradeRole | TcEvidence |
tcdRhs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tcdSigs | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TcDTyCoVarSet | TcType |
tcdTyVars | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TcDTyVarSet | TcType |
tcEqKind | TcType |
tcEqType | TcType |
tcEqTypeNoKindCheck | TcType |
tcEqTypeVis | TcType |
TcEvBinds | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcEvidence |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcEvidence |
TcEvDest | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcExplicitTKBndrs | TcHsType |
TcExprStmtChecker | TcMatches |
tcExtendBinderStack | TcEnv |
tcExtendGlobalEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendGlobalEnvImplicit | TcEnv |
tcExtendGlobalValEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendIdEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendIdEnv1 | TcEnv |
tcExtendIdEnv2 | TcEnv |
tcExtendKindEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendKindEnvList | TcEnv |
tcExtendLetEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendLocalFamInstEnv | FamInst |
tcExtendLocalInstEnv | Inst |
tcExtendLocalTypeEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendRecEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendRecIds | TcEnv |
tcExtendRules | TcEnv |
tcExtendSigIds | TcEnv |
tcExtendTyConEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendTyVarEnv | TcEnv |
tcExtendTyVarEnv2 | TcEnv |
tcFamTyPats | TcTyClsDecls |
tcFExport | TcForeign |
tcFImport | TcForeign |
tcFlavourCanBeUnsaturated | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tcFlavourIsOpen | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tcForeignExports | TcForeign |
tcForeignExports' | TcForeign |
tcForeignExportsHook | Hooks |
tcForeignImports | TcForeign |
tcForeignImports' | TcForeign |
tcForeignImportsHook | Hooks |
tcFunArgTy | TcType |
tcFunResultTy | TcType |
tcFunResultTyN | TcType |
TcGblEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcGetCastedTyVar_maybe | TcType |
tcGetDefaultTys | TcEnv |
tcGetFamInstEnvs | FamInst |
tcGetGlobalTyCoVars | TcMType, TcEnv |
tcGetInstEnvs | TcEnv, Inst |
tcGetInsts | Inst |
tcGetTyVar | TcType |
tcGetTyVar_maybe | TcType |
tcGRHS | TcMatches |
tcGRHSsPat | TcMatches |
tcGuardStmt | TcMatches |
tcg_anns | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_ann_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_binds | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_complete_matches | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_default | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_dependent_files | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_dfun_n | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_doc_hdr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_dus | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_ev_binds | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_exports | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_fam_insts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_fam_inst_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_field_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_fix_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_fords | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_hpc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_imports | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_imp_specs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_insts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_inst_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_keep | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_main | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_merged | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_mod | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_patsyns | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_rdr_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_rn_decls | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_rn_exports | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_rn_imports | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_rules | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_safeInfer | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_self_boot | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_semantic_mod | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_sigs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_src | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_static_wc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_tcs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_tc_plugins | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_coreplugins | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_foreign_files | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_modfinalizers | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_remote_state | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_splice_used | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_state | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_topdecls | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_topnames | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_top_level_locs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_th_used | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_top_loc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_tr_module | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_type_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_type_env_var | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_used_gres | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_vects | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcg_warns | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcHiBootIface | TcIface |
tcHsBootSigs | TcBinds |
tcHsClsInstType | TcHsType |
tcHsContext | TcHsType |
tcHsDeriv | TcHsType |
tcHsLiftedType | TcHsType |
tcHsLiftedTypeNC | TcHsType |
tcHsOpenType | TcHsType |
tcHsOpenTypeNC | TcHsType |
tcHsPartialSigType | TcHsType |
tcHsPatSigType | TcHsType |
tcHsSigType | TcHsType |
tcHsSigWcType | TcHsType |
tcHsTypeApp | TcHsType |
tcHsVectInst | TcHsType |
TcId | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcHsSyn, TcEnv |
TcIdBndr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcIdBndr_ExpType | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcIdSet | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcHsSyn |
TcIdSig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
TcIdSigInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
TcIdSigInst | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
tcIdSigName | TcSigs |
tcIfaceAnnotations | TcIface |
tcIfaceCompleteSigs | TcIface |
tcIfaceDecl | TcIface |
tcIfaceExpr | TcIface |
tcIfaceFamInst | TcIface |
tcIfaceGlobal | TcIface |
tcIfaceInst | TcIface |
tcIfaceLclId | IfaceEnv |
tcIfaceRules | TcIface |
tcIfaceTyVar | IfaceEnv |
tcIfaceVectInfo | TcIface |
tcImplicitTKBndrs | TcHsType |
tcImplicitTKBndrsType | TcHsType |
tcImpPrags | TcSigs |
tcInferApps | TcHsType |
tcInferInst | TcUnify |
tcInferNoInst | TcUnify |
tcInferPatSynDecl | TcPatSyn |
tcInferRho | TcExpr |
tcInferRhoNC | TcExpr |
tcInferSigma | TcExpr |
tcInferSigmaNC | TcExpr |
tcInitOpenTidyEnv | TcEnv |
tcInitTidyEnv | TcEnv |
tcInstBinder | Inst |
tcInstBinders | Inst |
tcInstDecls1 | TcInstDcls |
tcInstDecls2 | TcInstDcls |
tcInstDeclsDeriv | TcInstDcls |
tcInstNewTyCon_maybe | FamInst |
tcInstSig | TcSigs |
tcInstSkolTyVars | TcMType |
tcInstSkolTyVarsX | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
tcInstSuperSkolTyVarsX | TcMType |
tcInstType | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
tcIsForAllTy | TcType |
tcIsHsBootOrSig | TcRnMonad |
tcIsStarKind | Kind |
tcIsTyVarTy | TcType |
TcKind | TcType, TcMType |
TcLclEnv | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcLetPat | TcPat |
TcLevel | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcType, TcSMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcType |
tcLHsKindSig | TcHsType |
tcLHsPredType | TcHsType |
tcLHsType | TcHsType |
tcLHsTypeUnsaturated | TcHsType |
tcLocalBinds | TcBinds |
tcLookup | |
1 (Function) | TcEnv |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
tcLookupAxiom | TcEnv |
tcLookupClass | |
1 (Function) | TcEnv |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
tcLookupConLike | TcEnv |
tcLookupDataCon | |
1 (Function) | TcEnv |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
tcLookupDataFamInst | FamInst |
tcLookupDataFamInst_maybe | FamInst |
tcLookupGlobal | |
1 (Function) | TcEnv |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
tcLookupId | |
1 (Function) | TcEnv |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
tcLookupIdMaybe | TcEnv |
tcLookupImported_maybe | LoadIface, TcIface |
tcLookupInstance | TcEnv |
tcLookupLcl_maybe | TcEnv |
tcLookupLocalIds | TcEnv |
tcLookupLocated | TcEnv |
tcLookupLocatedClass | TcEnv |
tcLookupLocatedGlobal | TcEnv |
tcLookupLocatedGlobalId | TcEnv |
tcLookupLocatedTyCon | TcEnv |
tcLookupPatSyn | TcEnv |
tcLookupTyCon | |
1 (Function) | TcEnv |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
tcLookupTyVar | TcEnv |
tcl_arrow_ctxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_bndrs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_ctxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_env | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_errs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_lie | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_loc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_rdr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_tclvl | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_th_bndrs | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_th_ctxt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcl_tyvars | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcMatchCtxt | TcMatches |
tcMatchesCase | TcMatches |
tcMatchesFun | TcMatches |
tcMatchLambda | TcMatches |
tcMatchTy | Unify |
tcMatchTyKi | Unify |
tcMatchTyKis | Unify |
tcMatchTyKisX | Unify |
tcMatchTys | Unify |
tcMatchTysX | Unify |
tcMatchTyX | Unify |
tcMetaTy | TcEnv |
TcMethInfo | BuildTyCl |
tcMkDataFamInstCtxt | TcTyClsDecls |
tcMkDeclCtxt | TcClassDcl |
tcMonoExpr | TcExpr |
tcMonoExprNC | TcExpr |
tcm_covar | Type, GhcPlugins |
tcm_hole | Type, GhcPlugins |
tcm_smart | Type, GhcPlugins |
tcm_tybinder | Type, GhcPlugins |
tcm_tyvar | Type, GhcPlugins |
tcName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
tcPat | TcPat |
tcPats | TcPat |
tcPatSig | TcHsType |
tcPatSynBuilderBind | TcPatSyn |
tcPatSynBuilderOcc | TcPatSyn |
TcPatSynInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
TcPatSynSig | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
tcPat_O | TcPat |
TcPending | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcPlugin | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcPlugin | Plugins, GhcPlugins |
TcPluginContradiction | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcPluginInit | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcPluginIO | TcPluginM |
TcPluginM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcPluginM |
TcPluginOk | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcPluginResult | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcPluginSolve | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TcPluginSolver | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcPluginStop | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcPluginTrace | TcPluginM |
tcPolyCheck | TcBinds |
tcPolyExpr | TcExpr |
TcPragEnv | TcSigs |
TcPredType | TcType |
tcProc | TcArrows |
tcQual | PrelNames |
tcQual_RDR | PrelNames |
tcRecSelBinds | TcBinds |
TcRef | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcRepGetNumAppTys | TcType |
tcRepSplitAppTy_maybe | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tcRepSplitTyConApp_maybe | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tcRepSplitTyConApp_maybe' | TcType |
TcRhoType | TcType |
TcRn | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcRnCheckUnitId | TcBackpack |
tcRnDeclsi | TcRnDriver |
tcRnExports | TcRnExports |
tcRnExpr | TcRnDriver |
TcRnExprMode | TcRnDriver, HscMain, GHC |
tcRnGetInfo | TcRnDriver |
TcRnIf | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcRnImportDecls | TcRnDriver |
tcRnInstantiateSignature | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver |
tcRnLookupName | TcRnDriver |
tcRnLookupRdrName | TcRnDriver |
tcRnMergeSignatures | TcBackpack, TcRnDriver |
tcRnModExports | RnModIface |
tcRnModIface | RnModIface |
tcRnModule | TcRnDriver |
tcRnModule' | HscMain |
tcRnModuleTcRnM | TcRnDriver |
tcRnStmt | TcRnDriver |
tcRnType | TcRnDriver |
tcRules | TcRules |
TcS | TcSMonad |
tcSelfBootInfo | TcRnMonad |
TcSigFun | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
TcSigInfo | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
tcSigInfoName | TcSigs |
TcSigmaType | TcType |
tcSkolDFunType | TcMType |
tcSkolemise | TcUnify |
tcSkolemiseET | TcUnify |
TcSpecPrag | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
TcSpecPrags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
tcSpecPrags | TcSigs |
tcSpecWrapper | TcSigs |
tcSpliceExpr | TcSplice |
tcSplitAppTy | TcType |
tcSplitAppTys | TcType |
tcSplitAppTy_maybe | TcType |
tcSplitDFunHead | TcType |
tcSplitDFunTy | TcType |
tcSplitForAllTys | TcType |
tcSplitForAllTyVarBndrs | TcType |
tcSplitForAllTy_maybe | TcType |
tcSplitFunTys | TcType |
tcSplitFunTysN | TcType |
tcSplitFunTy_maybe | TcType |
tcSplitIOType_maybe | TcType |
tcSplitMethodTy | TcType |
tcSplitNestedSigmaTys | TcType |
tcSplitPhiTy | TcType |
tcSplitPiTys | TcType |
tcSplitPiTy_maybe | TcType |
tcSplitPredFunTy_maybe | TcType |
tcSplitSigmaTy | TcType |
tcSplitTyConApp | TcType |
tcSplitTyConApp_maybe | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
TcStmtChecker | TcMatches |
tcStmts | TcMatches |
tcStmtsAndThen | TcMatches |
tcSubsumes | TcSimplify |
tcSubTypeDS | TcUnify |
tcSubTypeDS_NC_O | TcUnify |
tcSubTypeET | TcUnify |
tcSubTypeHR | TcUnify |
tcSubTypeO | TcUnify |
tcSubType_NC | TcUnify |
tcSuperSkolTyVars | TcMType |
tcSyntaxName | Inst |
tcSyntaxOp | TcExpr |
tcSyntaxOpGen | TcExpr |
TcTauType | TcType, TcMType |
TcThetaType | TcType, TcMType |
tcTopBinds | TcBinds |
tcTopNormaliseNewTypeTF_maybe | FamInst |
tcTopSpliceExpr | TcSplice |
tcTopSrcDecls | TcRnDriver |
TcTvBndr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcTyAndClassDecls | TcTyClsDecls |
tcTyClTyVars | TcHsType |
TcTyCon | TcType |
tcTyConAppArgs | TcType |
tcTyConAppTyCon | TcType |
tcTyConAppTyCon_maybe | TcType |
tcTyConScopedTyVars | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tcTyConVisibilities | TcType |
TcTyCoVar | TcType |
TcTyCoVarSet | TcType |
tcTyFamInstEqn | TcTyClsDecls |
tcTyFamInsts | TcType |
TcType | TcType, TcMType |
tcTypedBracket | TcSplice |
TcTypeEnv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tcTypeLevel | TcType |
tcTySigs | TcSigs |
TcTyThing | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
TcTyVar | TcType, TcMType |
TcTyVarBinder | TcType |
TcTyVarDetails | TcType |
tcTyVarDetails | Var, GhcPlugins |
tcTyVarLevel | TcType |
TcTyVarSet | TcType, TcMType |
tct_id | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
tct_info | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
tcUnifyTy | Unify |
tcUnifyTyKi | Unify |
tcUnifyTyKis | Unify |
tcUnifyTys | Unify |
tcUnifyTysFG | Unify |
tcUnifyTyWithTFs | Unify |
tcUntypedBracket | TcSplice |
tcUserTypeSig | TcSigs |
tcVectDecls | TcBinds |
tcView | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tcVisibleOrphanMods | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TCvSubst | |
1 (Type/Class) | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tcWildCardBinders | TcHsType |
tcWrapResult | TcUnify |
tcWrapResultO | TcUnify |
tellBin | Binary |
TempFileLifetime | FileCleanup |
templateHaskellNames | THNames |
Temporary | PipelineMonad |
Term | |
1 (Type/Class) | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
termEvidenceAllowed | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TermFold | |
1 (Type/Class) | RtClosureInspect |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
TermFoldM | |
1 (Type/Class) | RtClosureInspect |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
termTyCoVars | RtClosureInspect |
termType | RtClosureInspect |
TEST | X86.Instr |
TESTEQ_D | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTEQ_F | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTEQ_I | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTEQ_P | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTEQ_W | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTLT_D | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTLT_F | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTLT_I | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTLT_P | ByteCodeInstr |
TESTLT_W | ByteCodeInstr |
TExpBr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
tExpDataConKey | THNames |
tExpDataConName | THNames |
tExpTyConKey | THNames |
tExpTyConName | THNames |
Text | Cmm |
text | |
1 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | Pretty |
TextDetails | Pretty |
tfid_eqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tfid_inst | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TFL_CurrentModule | FileCleanup |
TFL_GhcSession | FileCleanup |
tgt | CmmNode, Cmm |
ThawArrayOp | PrimOp |
ThawSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
ThBrackCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
thBrackets | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
thCls | THNames |
thCon | THNames |
thdOf3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
TheKind | TcValidity |
thenAClassOpKey | PrelNames |
thenAName | PrelNames |
thenCmp | Util, GhcPlugins |
ThenForm | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
thenIOIdKey | PrelNames |
thenIOName | PrelNames |
thenMClassOpKey | PrelNames |
thenMName | PrelNames |
ThetaOrigin | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcDerivUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcDerivUtils |
ThetaType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
thFun | THNames |
third3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
thisComponentId | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
thisComponentId_ | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
thisGhcUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
thisInstalledUnitId | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
thisPackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
thisUnitIdInsts | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
thisUnitIdInsts_ | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ThLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
thLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
thLib | THNames |
ThModFinalizers | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
thNameToGhcName | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
thOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ThPatQuote | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ThPatSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
thRdrNameGuesses | Convert |
threadIdPrimTy | TysPrim |
threadIdPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
threadIdPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
ThreadKilled | Exception |
ThreadStatusOp | PrimOp |
throw | Exception |
throwGhcException | Panic |
throwGhcExceptionIO | Panic |
throwIO | Exception |
throwOneError | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
throwTo | Exception, Panic |
ThStage | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
thSyn | THNames |
thTc | THNames |
thTyBrackets | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
thUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
Thunk | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SMRep, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
thunkHdrSize | SMRep |
ThunkHeader | StgCmmLayout |
ThunkSelector | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SMRep, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | RtClosureInspect |
Tick | |
1 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
tick | SimplMonad |
TickBox | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
TickBoxId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
TickBoxOp | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
TickBoxOpId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
tickHNFArgs | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
tickId | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
Tickish | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishCanSplit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishContains | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishCounts | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishFloatable | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishIsCode | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishPlace | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TickishPlacement | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishScoped | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickishScopesLike | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TickishScoping | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
TickIt | SimplUtils |
tickModule | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tickScope | StgCmmMonad |
tickyAllocHeap | StgCmmTicky |
tickyAllocPAP | StgCmmTicky |
tickyAllocPrim | StgCmmTicky |
tickyAllocThunk | StgCmmTicky |
tickyBlackHole | StgCmmTicky |
tickyDirectCall | StgCmmTicky |
tickyDynAlloc | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterDynCon | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterFun | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterLNE | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterStaticCon | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterStdThunk | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterThunk | StgCmmTicky |
tickyEnterViaNode | StgCmmTicky |
tickyHeapCheck | StgCmmTicky |
tickyKnownCallExact | StgCmmTicky |
tickyKnownCallExtraArgs | StgCmmTicky |
tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs | StgCmmTicky |
tickyPushUpdateFrame | StgCmmTicky |
tickyReturnNewCon | StgCmmTicky |
tickyReturnOldCon | StgCmmTicky |
tickySlowCall | StgCmmTicky |
tickySlowCallPat | StgCmmTicky |
tickyStackCheck | StgCmmTicky |
tickyUnboxedTupleReturn | StgCmmTicky |
tickyUnknownCall | StgCmmTicky |
tickyUpdateBhCaf | StgCmmTicky |
tickyUpdateFrameOmitted | StgCmmTicky |
tICKY_BIN_COUNT | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
tidyClsInstDFun | InstEnv |
tidyCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tidyCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tidyCt | TcMType |
TidyEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
tidyEvVar | TcMType |
tidyExpr | CoreTidy |
tidyFreeTyCoVars | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyKind | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyLitPat | MatchLit |
tidyNameOcc | Name, GhcPlugins |
tidyNPat | MatchLit |
TidyOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
tidyOccName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
tidyOpenKind | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyOpenTyCoVar | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyOpenTyCoVars | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyOpenType | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyOpenTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyPatSynIds | PatSyn |
tidyProgram | TidyPgm |
tidyRule | CoreTidy |
tidyRules | CoreTidy |
tidySkolemInfo | TcMType |
tidyToIfaceContext | ToIface |
tidyToIfaceTcArgs | ToIface |
tidyToIfaceType | ToIface |
tidyTopType | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyTyCoVarBndr | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyTyCoVarBndrs | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyType | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyTypes | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyTyVarBinder | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyTyVarBinders | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyTyVarOcc | Type, GhcPlugins |
tidyUnfolding | CoreTidy |
tidyVarOcc | CoreTidy |
tildePIdKey | THNames |
tildePName | THNames |
timesIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
timesIntegerName | PrelNames |
timesInteger_RDR | PrelNames |
timesRegSet | CmmExpr, Cmm |
times_RDR | PrelNames |
tipe | RtClosureInspect |
TISI | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TKVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
tmOracle | TmOracle |
tmpDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
tmpReg | PPC.Regs |
TmState | TmOracle |
tm_checked_module_info | GHC |
TM_Default | TcRnDriver, HscMain, GHC |
TM_Inst | TcRnDriver, HscMain, GHC |
tm_internals_ | GHC |
TM_NoInst | TcRnDriver, HscMain, GHC |
tm_parsed_module | GHC |
tm_renamed_source | GHC |
tm_typechecked_source | GHC |
to1_RDR | PrelNames |
toAnnotationWrapperIdKey | PrelNames |
toAnnotationWrapperName | PrelNames |
toArgRep | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
toArgs | Util, GhcPlugins |
toBase62 | Encoding |
toBase62Padded | Encoding |
toBlockList | CmmUtils |
toBlockListEntryFirst | CmmUtils |
toBlockListEntryFirstFalseFallthrough | CmmUtils |
toBlockMap | CmmUtils |
toBothDmdArg | Demand |
toBranchedAxiom | CoAxiom |
toc | PPC.Regs |
toCall | MkGraph |
toCleanDmd | Demand |
toClosureLbl | CLabel |
toCmdArgs | Util, GhcPlugins |
toComplex | PmExpr, TmOracle |
toDynIdKey | PrelNames |
toDynName | PrelNames |
toEntryLbl | CLabel |
toEnum_RDR | PrelNames |
toEP | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
toException | Exception, Panic |
toIfaceAlt | ToIface |
toIfaceApp | ToIface |
toIfaceBang | ToIface |
toIfaceBind | ToIface |
toIfaceBndr | ToIface |
toIfaceCoercion | ToIface |
toIfaceCoercionX | ToIface |
toIfaceCon | ToIface |
toIfaceExpr | ToIface |
toIfaceForAllBndr | ToIface |
toIfaceIdBndr | ToIface |
toIfaceIdDetails | ToIface |
toIfaceIdInfo | ToIface |
toIfaceKind | ToIface |
toIfaceLetBndr | ToIface |
toIfaceOneShot | ToIface |
toIfaceSrcBang | ToIface |
toIfaceTcArgs | ToIface |
toIfaceTickish | ToIface |
toIfaceTvBndr | ToIface |
toIfaceTvBndrs | ToIface |
toIfaceTyCon | ToIface |
toIfaceTyCon_name | ToIface |
toIfaceTyLit | ToIface |
toIfaceType | ToIface |
toIfaceTypeX | ToIface |
toIfaceTyVar | ToIface |
toIfaceTyVarBinders | ToIface |
toIfaceVar | ToIface |
toIfUnfolding | ToIface |
toInfoLbl | CLabel |
toInstalledUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
toIntegerClassOpKey | PrelNames |
toIntegerName | PrelNames |
toInteger_RDR | PrelNames |
toInvisibleOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ToJson | Json |
Token | Lexer, GHC |
toKindLoc | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
toList | EnumSet |
toListClassOpKey | PrelNames |
toListName | PrelNames |
toList_RDR | PrelNames |
toOL | OrdList |
toPair | Pair |
topAnnStage | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
topDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
topDmd | Demand |
toPhantomCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
topIdLvl | TcEnv |
TopInfo | Cmm |
topInfoTable | |
1 (Function) | Cmm |
2 (Function) | Instruction |
topInstantiate | Inst |
topInstantiateInferred | Inst |
TopLevel | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
TopLevelFlag | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
topN | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
topNormaliseNewType_maybe | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
topNormaliseType | FamInstEnv |
topNormaliseTypeX | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
topNormaliseType_maybe | FamInstEnv |
topologicalSortG | Digraph |
toposortTyVars | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
TopPrec | BasicTypes, Type, GhcPlugins |
topRecNameMaker | RnPat |
topRes | Demand |
TopSigCtxt | RnEnv, RnBinds |
topSortModuleGraph | GhcMake, GHC |
topSpliceStage | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TopSRT | CmmBuildInfoTables |
topStage | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
topStgBindHasCafRefs | StgSyn |
topTcLevel | TcType |
tOP_LEVEL | SetLevels |
toRationalClassOpKey | PrelNames |
toRationalName | PrelNames |
toRational_RDR | PrelNames |
toSerialized | GhcPlugins |
toSlowEntryLbl | CLabel |
toStgHalfWord | SMRep |
toStgWord | SMRep |
toTcType | TcType |
toTcTypeBag | TcType |
touch | SysTools.Tasks, SysTools |
TouchOp | PrimOp |
toUnbranchedAxiom | CoAxiom |
toUnwindExpr | Debug |
to_anyclass_givens | TcDerivUtils |
to_anyclass_metas | TcDerivUtils |
to_anyclass_skols | TcDerivUtils |
to_RDR | PrelNames |
to_wanted_origins | TcDerivUtils |
TPSI | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcSigs |
tr'PtrRepLiftedKey | PrelNames |
trace | Panic, Outputable, GhcPlugins |
TraceBinIFaceReading | |
1 (Type/Class) | BinIface |
2 (Data Constructor) | BinIface |
traceCmd | ErrUtils |
traceEnsureV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
TraceEventOp | PrimOp |
traceFireTcS | TcSMonad |
traceHiDiffs | TcRnMonad |
traceIf | TcRnMonad |
traceKey | PrelNames |
TraceMarkerOp | PrimOp |
traceMaybeV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
traceName | PrelNames |
traceNoV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
traceOptIf | TcRnMonad |
traceOptTcRn | TcRnMonad |
traceRn | TcRnMonad |
traceSmpl | SimplMonad |
traceSplice | RnSplice |
traceTc | TcRnMonad |
traceTcConstraints | TcRnMonad |
traceTcRn | TcRnMonad |
traceTcS | TcSMonad |
traceVt | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
traditionalRecordSyntaxEnabled | Lexer |
transCloDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
transCloVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
Transfer | MkGraph |
TransferFun | Hoopl.Dataflow |
transferPolyIdInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
TransForm | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
transformGREs | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
transitiveClosure | Util, GhcPlugins |
transposeG | Digraph |
TransStmt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
TransStmtCtxt | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
transSuperClasses | TcType |
traversableClassKey | PrelNames |
traversableClassName | PrelNames |
traverse_RDR | PrelNames |
treatZeroAsInf | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
trGhcPrimModuleKey | PrelNames |
trGhcPrimModuleName | PrelNames |
TrieMap | TrieMap |
trimAvail | Avail |
trimConArgs | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
trimCPRInfo | Demand |
trimToType | Demand |
Triv | GraphBase, GraphColor |
TrivArg | CoreUnfold |
trivColorable | RegAlloc.Graph.TrivColorable |
trivialBuiltInFamily | CoAxiom |
trModuleDataConKey | PrelNames |
trModuleDataConName | PrelNames |
trModuleTyConKey | PrelNames |
trModuleTyConName | PrelNames |
trNameDDataConKey | PrelNames |
trNameDDataConName | PrelNames |
trNameSDataConKey | PrelNames |
trNameSDataConName | PrelNames |
trNameTyConKey | PrelNames |
trNameTyConName | PrelNames |
trRuntimeRepKey | PrelNames |
trS_bind | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_bind_arg_ty | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_bndrs | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_by | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_fmap | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_form | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_ret | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_stmts | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trS_using | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
trTyConDataConKey | PrelNames |
trTyConDataConName | PrelNames |
trTyConTyConKey | PrelNames |
trTyConTyConName | PrelNames |
trTYPE'PtrRepLiftedKey | PrelNames |
trTYPEKey | PrelNames |
trueDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
trueDataConId | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
trueDataConKey | PrelNames |
TrueExprHole | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
truePmExpr | PmExpr |
true_RDR | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
trusted | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
TrustFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
trustFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
trustInfoToNum | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
TrustPackage | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
trustworthyOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
try | Exception, Panic |
tryAllM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
tryCaptureConstraints | TcRnMonad |
tryErrV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
tryEtaExpandRhs | SimplUtils |
tryEtaReduce | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
tryIO | Exception |
tryJust | Exception |
tryM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
tryMaybeT | Maybes |
tryMost | Panic |
tryMostM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
TryPutMVarOp | PrimOp |
TryReadMVarOp | PrimOp |
TryTakeMVarOp | PrimOp |
tryTc | TcRnMonad |
tryTcDiscardingErrs | TcRnMonad |
tryV | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
TsFun | Demand |
TsProd | Demand |
TsUnk | Demand |
tupArgPresent | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
tupEIdKey | THNames |
tupEName | THNames |
Tuple | RdrHsSyn |
tupleDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
TupleFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tupleKIdKey | THNames |
tupleKName | THNames |
TupleOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tupleParens | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
TuplePat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
tupleRepDataConKey | PrelNames |
tupleRepDataConTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
TupleSort | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
tupleSortBoxity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
tupleTIdKey | THNames |
tupleTName | THNames |
TupleTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tupleTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
tupleTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
tupPIdKey | THNames |
tupPName | THNames |
tup_sort | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tVarPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
tVarPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
TvBndr | Var, GhcPlugins |
tvName | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
TvSubstEnv | Type, TcType, CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
ty | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
TyArg | SimplUtils |
TyBinder | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tyBinderType | Type, GhcPlugins |
TyClD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TyClDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyClDeclLName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyClDeclTyVars | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TyClGroup | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyClGroupInstDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyClGroupRoleDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyClGroupTyClDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyCoFVsBndr | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyCoFVsOfCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyCoFVsOfCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyCoFVsOfType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tyCoFVsOfTypes | TcType |
TyCoMapper | |
1 (Type/Class) | Type, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Type, GhcPlugins |
TyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyConAppArgN | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConAppArgs | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConAppArgs_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConAppTyCon | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConAppTyCon_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConArity | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyConAssoc_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConATs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
TyConBinder | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConBinderArgFlag | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConBinders | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConBindersTyBinders | Type, GhcPlugins |
TyConBndrVis | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConClass_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyConCType | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConCType_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConDataCons | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyConDataCons_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFamilyResVar_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFamilySize | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFamilySizeAtMost | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFamInstSig_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFamInst_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFieldLabels | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
TyConFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConInjectivityInfo | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConKind | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyConName | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
TyConPE | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TyConPrec | BasicTypes, Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConPrimRep | RepType |
tyConPrimRep1 | RepType |
tyConRepModOcc | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
TyConRepName | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConRepNameUnique | Unique |
tyConRepName_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConRepr | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
tyConResKind | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConRoles | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConRolesRepresentational | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyConRolesX | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyConRuntimeRepInfo | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConSingleDataCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConSkolem | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConsOfType | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyConStupidTheta | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConTuple_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConTyVarBinders | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConTyVars | TyCon, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyConUnique | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
tyConVisibleTyVars | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
TyCoVar | Var, Type, Coercion, GhcPlugins |
TyCoVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
TyCoVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfCoDSet | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfCos | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfCt | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, Inst |
tyCoVarsOfCtList | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tyCoVarsOfCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, Inst |
tyCoVarsOfCtsList | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
tyCoVarsOfType | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfTypeList | TcType |
tyCoVarsOfTypes | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfTypesDSet | TcType |
tyCoVarsOfTypesList | TcType |
tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfTypeWellScoped | Type, GhcPlugins |
tyCoVarsOfWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, Inst |
tyCoVarsOfWCList | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TyDataCtx | RnUtils |
TyFamDefltEqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TyFamilyCtx | RnUtils |
TyFamInstD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TyFamInstDecl | |
1 (Type/Class) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyFamInstDeclLName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyFamInstDeclName | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TyFamInstEqn | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TyOpPrec | BasicTypes, Type, GhcPlugins |
TypBr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
TypBrCtx | RnUtils |
Type | |
1 (Type/Class) | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
tYPE | TysPrim |
tYPEABLE | PrelNames |
typeable1ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeable2ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeable3ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeable4ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeable5ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeable6ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeable7ClassKey | PrelNames |
typeableClassKey | PrelNames |
typeableClassName | PrelNames |
typeAnnotationIdKey | THNames |
typeAnnotationName | THNames |
TypeAnnProvenance | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
TypeAppCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
typeArity | CoreArity |
Typechecked | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
TypecheckedMod | GHC |
TypecheckedModule | |
1 (Type/Class) | GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | GHC |
TypecheckedSource | GHC |
typecheckedSource | GHC |
typecheckIface | TcIface |
typecheckIfaceForInstantiate | TcIface |
typecheckIfacesForMerging | TcIface |
typecheckModule | GHC |
typeCmmType | CmmUtils |
typeConKey | PrelNames |
Typed | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
typedRuleVarIdKey | THNames |
typedRuleVarName | THNames |
TypeEnv | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvClasses | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvCoAxioms | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvDataCons | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvElts | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvFromEntities | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvIds | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvPatSyns | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
typeEnvTyCons | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
TypeEqn | CoAxiom |
TypeEqOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
TypeError | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
typeErrorAppendDataConKey | PrelNames |
typeErrorAppendDataConName | PrelNames |
typeErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
typeErrorShowTypeDataConKey | PrelNames |
typeErrorShowTypeDataConName | PrelNames |
typeErrorTextDataConKey | PrelNames |
typeErrorTextDataConName | PrelNames |
typeErrorVAppendDataConKey | PrelNames |
typeErrorVAppendDataConName | PrelNames |
typeForeignHint | CmmUtils |
TypeHole | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
typeKind | |
1 (Function) | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | InteractiveEval, GHC |
TypeLevel | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
typeLevelMode | TcHsType |
typeLitNatDataConKey | PrelNames |
typeLitNatDataConName | PrelNames |
typeLitSortTyConKey | PrelNames |
typeLitSortTyConName | PrelNames |
typeLitSymbolDataConKey | PrelNames |
typeLitSymbolDataConName | PrelNames |
TypeMap | TrieMap |
typeNatAddTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatAddTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatCmpTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatCmpTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatCoAxiomRules | TcTypeNats |
typeNatDivTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatDivTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatExpTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatExpTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
typeNatKindCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
typeNatKindConNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatLeqTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatLeqTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatLogTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatLogTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatModTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatModTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatMulTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatMulTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatSubTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeNatSubTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeNatTyCons | TcTypeNats |
typeNatTypeRepKey | PrelNames |
typeNatTypeRepName | PrelNames |
typeOneShot | Id, GhcPlugins |
TypeOrKind | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
typePrimRep | RepType |
typePrimRep1 | RepType |
typePrimRepArgs | RepType |
typeQTyConKey | THNames |
typeQTyConName | THNames |
typeRepIdKey | PrelNames |
typeRepIdName | PrelNames |
typeRepTyConKey | PrelNames |
typeRepTyConName | PrelNames |
typesCantMatch | Unify |
TypeShape | Demand |
TypeSig | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
TypeSigCtx | RnUtils |
TypeSize | TcType |
typeSize | Type, GhcPlugins |
typeSlotTy | RepType |
typeSymbolAppendFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeSymbolAppendTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeSymbolCmpTyCon | TcTypeNats |
typeSymbolCmpTyFamNameKey | PrelNames |
typeSymbolKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
typeSymbolKindCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
typeSymbolKindConNameKey | PrelNames |
typeSymbolTypeRepKey | PrelNames |
typeSymbolTypeRepName | PrelNames |
TypeSynonymFlavour | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
typeToLHsType | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
tYPETyCon | TysPrim |
tYPETyConKey | PrelNames |
typeTyConKey | THNames |
tYPETyConName | TysPrim |
typeTyConName | THNames |
TypeVar | Var, GhcPlugins |
typeWidth | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
tYPE_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
TyPrec | BasicTypes, Type, GhcPlugins |
tysToParams | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
TySynCtx | RnUtils |
TySynCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
tySynDIdKey | THNames |
tySynDName | THNames |
tySynEqnIdKey | THNames |
tySynEqnName | THNames |
tySynEqnQTyConKey | THNames |
tySynEqnQTyConName | THNames |
tySynInstDIdKey | THNames |
tySynInstDName | THNames |
TyThing | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
tyThingAvailInfo | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingCategory | TcType |
tyThingCoAxiom | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingConLike | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingDataCon | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingId | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingParent_maybe | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingsTyCoVars | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
tyThingToIfaceDecl | MkIface |
tyThingTyCon | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
TyVar | Var, Type, GhcPlugins, GHC |
TyVarBinder | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
TyVarBndr | Var, GhcPlugins |
tyVarBndrQTyConKey | THNames |
tyVarBndrQTyConName | THNames |
TyVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
tyVarKind | Var, Type, GhcPlugins |
tyVarName | Var, GhcPlugins |
TyVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
TyVarSig | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
tyVarSigIdKey | THNames |
tyVarSigName | THNames |
u1DataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
u1TyConKey | PrelNames |
u1TyConName | PrelNames |
uAddrDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
uAddrHash_RDR | PrelNames |
uAddrTyConKey | PrelNames |
uAddrTyConName | PrelNames |
ubxSumRepType | RepType |
UCall | Demand |
uCharDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
uCharHash_RDR | PrelNames |
uCharTyConKey | PrelNames |
uCharTyConName | PrelNames |
udfmIntersectUFM | UniqDFM |
udfmMinusUFM | UniqDFM |
udfmToList | UniqDFM |
udfmToUfm | UniqDFM |
UDIV | SPARC.Instr |
uDoubleDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
uDoubleHash_RDR | PrelNames |
uDoubleTyConKey | PrelNames |
uDoubleTyConName | PrelNames |
ud_get_fs | Binary |
ud_get_name | Binary |
ud_put_binding_name | Binary |
ud_put_fs | Binary |
ud_put_nonbinding_name | Binary |
ufCreationThreshold | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ufDearOp | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ufDictDiscount | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ufFunAppDiscount | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ufKeenessFactor | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
uFloatDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
uFloatHash_RDR | PrelNames |
uFloatTyConKey | PrelNames |
uFloatTyConName | PrelNames |
ufmToIntMap | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
ufmToSet_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
ufUseThreshold | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ufVeryAggressive | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
uf_expandable | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_guidance | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_is_conlike | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_is_top | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_is_value | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_is_work_free | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_src | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
uf_tmpl | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ug_args | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ug_arity | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ug_boring_ok | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ug_res | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ug_size | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ug_unsat_ok | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
UHead | Demand |
uIntDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
uIntHash_RDR | PrelNames |
uIntTyConKey | PrelNames |
uIntTyConName | PrelNames |
UMUL | SPARC.Instr |
Unambiguous | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
unambiguousFieldOcc | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
unarise | UnariseStg |
UnaryProd | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
UnarySum | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
UnaryType | RepType |
unboundKey | PrelNames |
unboundName | RnUnbound |
unboundNameX | RnUnbound |
UnboundOccurrenceOf | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
UnboundVar | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
unboundVarEIdKey | THNames |
unboundVarEName | THNames |
unboundVarOcc | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
unboxArg | DsCCall |
Unboxed | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
UnboxedAlgTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
unboxedSumEIdKey | THNames |
unboxedSumEName | THNames |
unboxedSumKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unboxedSumPIdKey | THNames |
unboxedSumPName | THNames |
unboxedSumTIdKey | THNames |
unboxedSumTName | THNames |
unboxedTupEIdKey | THNames |
unboxedTupEName | THNames |
UnboxedTuple | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
unboxedTupleKind | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unboxedTupleTIdKey | THNames |
unboxedTupleTName | THNames |
unboxedTupPIdKey | THNames |
unboxedTupPName | THNames |
unboxedUnitDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unboxedUnitTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
Unbranched | CoAxiom |
unbranched | CoAxiom |
uncacheModule | Finder |
unComp1_RDR | PrelNames |
Unconditionally | CmmSwitch |
uncurry3 | Util, GhcPlugins |
undefGlobalVar | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
UndefinedElement | Exception |
undefinedKey | PrelNames |
undefined_RDR | PrelNames |
unDefUnitId | Module, GhcPlugins |
Underflow | Exception |
underscore | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
unEC | StgCmmExtCode |
UnfIfGoodArgs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
unflattenFmv | TcSMonad |
unflattenWanteds | TcFlatten |
UnfNever | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
Unfolding | CoreSyn, CoreUnfold, GhcPlugins |
UnfoldingDone | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
UnfoldingGuidance | CoreSyn, CoreUnfold, GhcPlugins |
unfoldingInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
UnfoldingSource | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
unfoldingTemplate | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
UnfWhen | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
unGhc | GhcMonad |
unGhcT | GhcMonad |
unguardedGRHSs | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
unguardedRHS | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
UnhelpfulLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
UnhelpfulSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
unicodeAnn | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
unicodeStarKindTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unicodeStarKindTyConKey | PrelNames |
unicodeStarKindTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
UnicodeSyntax | ApiAnnotation |
unicodeSyntax | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
Unidirectional | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
unidirPatSynIdKey | THNames |
unidirPatSynName | THNames |
Unifiable | Unify |
unifyDerived | TcCanonical |
UnifyForAllSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
unifyKind | TcUnify |
UnifyResult | Unify |
UnifyResultM | Unify |
unifyTheta | TcUnify |
unifyType | TcUnify |
unifyTyVar | TcSMonad |
UninitialisedData | Cmm |
uninterruptibleMask | Exception |
uninterruptibleMaskM_ | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
uninterruptibleMask_ | Exception |
union | GraphOps, GraphColor |
unionBags | Bag |
unionDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
unionDVarSets | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
unionFV | FV |
unionInScope | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
unionLists | ListSetOps |
unionManyBags | Bag |
unionManyOccSets | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
unionManyUniqDSets | UniqDSet |
unionManyUniqSets | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
unionMessages | ErrUtils |
unionModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
unionNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
unionNameSets | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
unionOccSets | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
unionRuleBase | Rules, GhcPlugins |
unionsFV | FV |
unionsWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
unionTCvSubst | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
unionUniqDSets | UniqDSet |
unionUniqSets | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
unionUnVarGraph | UnVarGraph |
unionUnVarGraphs | UnVarGraph |
unionUnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
unionUnVarSets | UnVarGraph |
unionVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
unionVarSets | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
uniq | FastString, GhcPlugins |
uniqAway | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
UniqDFM | UniqDFM |
UniqDSet | UniqDSet |
uniqDSetIntersectUniqSet | UniqDSet |
uniqDSetMinusUniqSet | UniqDSet |
uniqDSetToList | UniqDSet |
UniqFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
uniqFromSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
UniqMap | UniqMap |
UniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
uniqSetAll | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
uniqSetAny | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
uniqSetMinusUFM | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
uniqsFromSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
UniqSM | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins |
UniqSupply | UniqSupply, GhcPlugins, DsMonad |
Uniquable | Unique, PrelNames, GhcPlugins |
Unique | |
1 (Type/Class) | Hoopl.Unique |
2 (Type/Class) | Unique, PrelNames, GhcPlugins |
uniqueIncrement | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
UniqueMap | Hoopl.Unique |
uniqueOfFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
UniqueSet | Hoopl.Unique |
uniqueToLbl | Hoopl.Label |
uNIQUE_BITS | Unique |
unitBag | Bag |
unitDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unitDataConId | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unitDirectlyUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
unitDVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
unitDVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
unitExpr | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
unitFsEnv | FastStringEnv |
unitFV | |
1 (Function) | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | FV |
UnitId | Module, GhcPlugins, GHC |
unitId | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
UnitIdArg | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
unitIdFreeHoles | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitIdFS | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitIdIsDefinite | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitIdKey | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitIdString | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitJoinFloat | SimplEnv |
unitLetFloat | SimplEnv |
unitModuleEnv | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitModuleSet | Module, GhcPlugins |
unitNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
unitNameSet | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
unitOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
unitOccSet | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
unitOL | OrdList |
unitTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unitTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unitTyConKey | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
unitUDFM | UniqDFM |
unitUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
unitUniqDSet | UniqDSet |
unitUniqMap | UniqMap |
unitUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
unitVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
unitVarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
UnivCoProvenance | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
unK1_RDR | PrelNames |
unknown1TyConKey | PrelNames |
unknown2TyConKey | PrelNames |
unknown3TyConKey | PrelNames |
unknownArity | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
UnknownCC | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
UnknownLD | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
unknownNameSuggestions | RnUnbound |
unknownSubordinateErr | RnUtils |
unknownTyConKey | PrelNames |
UnkSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
unlessM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
unlessXOptM | TcRnMonad |
unliftedConKey | PrelNames |
UnliftedRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
unliftedRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
Unlinked | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
UnlinkedBCO | |
1 (Type/Class) | ByteCodeTypes, ByteCodeGen |
2 (Data Constructor) | ByteCodeTypes |
unlinkedBCOArity | ByteCodeTypes |
unlinkedBCOBitmap | ByteCodeTypes |
unlinkedBCOInstrs | ByteCodeTypes |
unlinkedBCOLits | ByteCodeTypes |
unlinkedBCOName | ByteCodeTypes |
unlinkedBCOPtrs | ByteCodeTypes |
unListT | ListT |
Unlit | DriverPhases |
unload | Linker |
UnloadObj | GHCi |
unloadObj | GHCi |
unLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
unmarshalObjectIdKey | PrelNames |
unmarshalStringIdKey | PrelNames |
UnmaskAsyncExceptionsOp | PrimOp |
Unmasked | Exception |
unP | |
1 (Function) | Lexer |
2 (Function) | PipelineMonad, DriverPipeline |
UNPACK | ByteCodeInstr |
UnpackClosureOp | PrimOp |
unpackCoercionHole | TcMType |
unpackCoercionHole_maybe | TcMType |
unpackCStringAppendIdKey | PrelNames |
unpackCStringFoldrIdKey | PrelNames |
unpackCStringFoldrName | PrelNames |
unpackCStringFoldr_RDR | PrelNames |
unpackCStringIdKey | PrelNames |
unpackCStringName | PrelNames |
unpackCStringUtf8IdKey | PrelNames |
unpackCStringUtf8Name | PrelNames |
unpackCStringUtf8_RDR | PrelNames |
unpackCString_RDR | PrelNames |
unpackFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
unpackLitString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
unPair | Pair |
unPar1_RDR | PrelNames |
unPD | CmmMonad |
unpkUnique | Unique |
Unqual | RdrName, GhcPlugins, GHC |
unQualOK | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
unqualQuasiQuote | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
unQualSpecOK | RdrName, GhcPlugins |
Unreachable | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
unRec1_RDR | PrelNames |
UnresLabel | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
UnresStatic | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
unsafeCoerceId | MkId |
unsafeCoerceIdKey | PrelNames |
unsafeCoerceName | MkId |
unsafeFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
unsafeFlagsForInfer | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
UnsafeFreezeArrayArrayOp | PrimOp |
UnsafeFreezeArrayOp | PrimOp |
UnsafeFreezeByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
UnsafeFreezeSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
unsafeGlobalDynFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
unsafeIdKey | THNames |
unsafeIndex_RDR | PrelNames |
unsafeInterleaveM | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
unsafeMkByteString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
unsafeName | THNames |
unsafeRangeSize_RDR | PrelNames |
unsafeTcPluginTcM | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcPluginM |
unsafeTExpCoerceIdKey | THNames |
unsafeTExpCoerceName | THNames |
UnsafeThawArrayOp | PrimOp |
UnsafeThawSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
unsafeUFMToUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
unSaturatedOk | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
unSetGeneralFlag' | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
unsetGOptM | TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
unsetWOptM | TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
unsetXOptM | TcRnMonad |
unSwap | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
Untyped | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
UntypedDeclSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
UntypedExpSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
UntypedPatSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
UntypedSpliceFlavour | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
UntypedTypeSplice | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
unTypeIdKey | THNames |
unTypeName | THNames |
unTypeQIdKey | THNames |
unTypeQName | THNames |
UnVarGraph | UnVarGraph |
UnVarSet | UnVarGraph |
UNWIND | X86.Instr |
UnwindExpr | Debug |
UnwindPoint | |
1 (Type/Class) | Debug |
2 (Data Constructor) | Debug |
UnwindReturnReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
UnwindTable | Debug |
unwireUnitId | Packages, GhcPlugins |
unwrapFamInstScrut | MkId |
unwrapIP | TcEvidence |
unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
unwrapNewTypeBody | MkId |
unwrapNewTypeBodyOfPDatasWrap | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
unwrapNewTypeBodyOfPDataWrap | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
unwrapNewTypeBodyOfWrap | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
unwrapNewTypeStepper | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
unwrapType | RepType |
unwrapTypeUnbranchedFamInstScrut | MkId |
unzipWith | Util, GhcPlugins |
uo_actual | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
uo_expected | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
uo_thing | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
uo_visible | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Updatable | StgSyn |
updateCtLocOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
updateEps | TcRnMonad |
updateEps_ | TcRnMonad |
UpdateFlag | StgSyn |
updateGadtResult | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
updateNameCache | IfaceEnv |
updateTyVarKind | Var, GhcPlugins |
updateTyVarKindM | Var, GhcPlugins |
updateVarType | Var, GhcPlugins |
updateVarTypeM | Var, GhcPlugins |
updateWays | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
updCtxt | TcRnMonad |
updEnv | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
UpdFrameOffset | CmmNode, Cmm |
updfr_space | Cmm |
updGblEnv | TcRnMonad |
updGEnv | Vectorise.Monad.Global, Vectorise.Monad |
updInertCans | TcSMonad |
updInertDicts | TcSMonad |
updInertFunEqs | TcSMonad |
updInertIrreds | TcSMonad |
updInertSafehask | TcSMonad |
updInertTcS | TcSMonad |
updLclEnv | TcRnMonad |
updLEnv | Vectorise.Monad.Local, Vectorise.Monad |
updMode | SimplEnv |
updModeForRules | SimplUtils |
updModeForStableUnfoldings | SimplUtils |
updMutVar | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
updNameCache | IfaceEnv |
updNameCacheIO | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
updOneShotInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
updOptLevel | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
updTcRef | |
1 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
updTopEnv | TcRnMonad |
updWorkListTcS | TcSMonad |
UProd | Demand |
UpToDate | MkIface |
uRecTyConKey | PrelNames |
uRecTyConName | PrelNames |
Usage | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
UsageError | Panic, GHC |
UsageFile | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
UsageHomeModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
UsageMergedRequirement | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
UsagePackageModule | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
useColor | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
useCount | Demand |
Used | Demand |
UseDmd | Demand |
UserData | |
1 (Type/Class) | Binary |
2 (Data Constructor) | Binary |
userHsLTyVarBndrs | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
userHsTyVarBndrs | HsUtils, HsSyn, GHC |
UserInterrupt | Exception |
UserOfRegs | CmmExpr, Cmm |
UserPkgConf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
userStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
UserSyntax | Name, GhcPlugins |
UserTypeCtxt | TcType, TcValidity, TcHsType |
userTypeError_maybe | Type, GhcPlugins |
UserTyVar | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
Uses | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
usesOnly | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
useUnicode | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
useUnicodeSyntax | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
use_pos_prags | Lexer |
usg_entities | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_exports | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_file_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_file_path | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_mod | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_mod_hash | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_mod_name | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
usg_safe | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
utf8CharStart | Encoding |
utf8DecodeByteString | Encoding |
utf8DecodeChar | Encoding |
utf8DecodeChar# | Encoding |
utf8DecodeStringLazy | Encoding |
utf8EncodeChar | Encoding |
utf8EncodedLength | Encoding |
utf8EncodeString | Encoding |
utf8PrevChar | Encoding |
uType | TcUnify |
UwConst | Debug |
UwDeref | Debug |
UwLabel | Debug |
UwMinus | Debug |
uWordDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
uWordHash_RDR | PrelNames |
uWordTyConKey | PrelNames |
uWordTyConName | PrelNames |
UwPlus | Debug |
UwReg | Debug |
UwTimes | Debug |
V | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
V16 | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
v1TyConKey | PrelNames |
v1TyConName | PrelNames |
V32 | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
V64 | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
val | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
ValAppCtxt | CoreUnfold |
ValArg | SimplUtils |
valArgCount | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ValBindsIn | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ValBindsOut | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
valBndrCount | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ValD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
valDIdKey | THNames |
valDName | THNames |
validateGraph | GraphOps, GraphColor |
validDerivPred | TcValidity |
Validity | ErrUtils |
value | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
valueAnnotationIdKey | THNames |
valueAnnotationName | THNames |
ValueAnnProvenance | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
ValueArg | CoreUnfold |
VanillaAlgTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
vanillaCprProdRes | Demand |
VanillaDM | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
VanillaId | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
vanillaIdInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
VanillaReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
vanillaSkolemTv | TcType |
Var | |
1 (Data Constructor) | BooleanFormula |
2 (Type/Class) | Var, Type, Coercion, Id, GhcPlugins |
3 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
VarArgs | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
varBangTKey | THNames |
varBangTypeName | THNames |
varBangTypeQTyConKey | THNames |
varBangTypeQTyConName | THNames |
VarBind | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
VarBr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
varEIdKey | THNames |
varEName | THNames |
VarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
varEnvDom | UnVarGraph |
varInsert | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
varKIdKey | THNames |
varKName | THNames |
varLookup | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
VarN | StgCmmExtCode |
varName | |
1 (Function) | OccName, Name |
2 (Function) | Var, GhcPlugins |
VarPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
varPIdKey | THNames |
varPName | THNames |
varQual | PrelNames |
varQual_RDR | PrelNames |
VarSet | VarSet, GhcPlugins |
varSetInScope | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
varsToCoreExprs | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
varTIdKey | THNames |
varTName | THNames |
varToCoreExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
varType | Var, GhcPlugins |
varTypeTyCoFVs | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
varTypeTyCoVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
varUnique | Var, GhcPlugins |
var_id | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
var_inline | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
var_rhs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
vbar | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
VBind | Vectorise.Vect |
VC | SPARC.Cond |
vCaseDEFAULT | Vectorise.Vect |
vcat | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
vec | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec16 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec16b8 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec16DataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vec2 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec2b64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec2DataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vec2f64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec32DataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vec4 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec4b32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec4DataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vec4f32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec64DataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vec8 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec8b16 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
vec8DataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
VecAddOp | PrimOp |
VecBroadcastOp | PrimOp |
VecCount | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
vecCountDataConKeys | PrelNames |
vecCountTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vecCountTyConKey | PrelNames |
VecDivOp | PrimOp |
VecElem | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
vecElemDataConKeys | PrelNames |
vecElemTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
vecElemTyConKey | PrelNames |
vecElemType | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
VecIndexByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
VecIndexOffAddrOp | PrimOp |
VecIndexScalarByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
VecIndexScalarOffAddrOp | PrimOp |
VecInsertOp | PrimOp |
vecLength | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
VecMulOp | PrimOp |
VecNegOp | PrimOp |
VecPackOp | PrimOp |
VecQuotOp | PrimOp |
VecReadByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
VecReadOffAddrOp | PrimOp |
VecReadScalarByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
VecReadScalarOffAddrOp | PrimOp |
VecRemOp | PrimOp |
VecRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
vecRepDataConKey | PrelNames |
vecRepDataConTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
VecSubOp | PrimOp |
Vect | |
1 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Vect |
vectAndLiftType | Vectorise.Type.Type |
vectBndr | Vectorise.Var |
vectBndrIn | Vectorise.Var |
vectBndrNew | Vectorise.Var |
vectBndrNewIn | Vectorise.Var |
vectBndrsIn | Vectorise.Var |
VectClass | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
vectConst | Vectorise.Var |
VectD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
VectDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
VectDeclCtx | RnUtils |
VectInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
vectInfoDataCon | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
vectInfoParallelTyCons | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
vectInfoParallelVars | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
vectInfoTyCon | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
vectInfoVar | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
VectInst | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
vectorise | Vectorise |
vectorised | Vectorise.Vect |
vectScalarDFun | Vectorise.Exp |
vectScalarFun | Vectorise.Exp |
vectsFreeVars | CoreFVs, GhcPlugins |
vectTopExpr | Vectorise.Exp |
vectTopExprs | Vectorise.Exp |
vectTyCon | Vectorise.Type.Type |
vectTyConDecls | Vectorise.Type.TyConDecl |
VectType | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
vectType | Vectorise.Type.Type |
vectTypeEnv | Vectorise.Type.Env |
vectVar | Vectorise.Var |
VecUnpackOp | PrimOp |
VecWriteByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
VecWriteOffAddrOp | PrimOp |
VecWriteScalarByteArrayOp | PrimOp |
VecWriteScalarOffAddrOp | PrimOp |
verbosity | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
Version | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
2 (Type/Class) | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
3 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes |
versionBranch | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
versionedAppDir | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
versionTags | PackageConfig, Packages, GhcPlugins |
vertexGroupsG | Digraph |
verticesG | Digraph |
VExpr | Vectorise.Vect |
VFPv2 | Platform |
VFPv3 | Platform |
VFPv3D16 | Platform |
VGcPtr | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmmExpr, Cmm |
ViewPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
ViewPatOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
viewPIdKey | THNames |
viewPName | THNames |
virtHp | StgCmmMonad |
VirtualHpOffset | StgCmmMonad |
VirtualReg | Reg |
VirtualRegD | Reg |
VirtualRegF | Reg |
VirtualRegHi | Reg |
VirtualRegI | Reg |
virtualRegSqueeze | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | X86.Regs |
VirtualRegSSE | Reg |
visibleDataCons | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
visibleIfConDecls | IfaceSyn |
VisibleOrphanModules | InstEnv |
vLams | Vectorise.Vect |
vLet | Vectorise.Vect |
VM | |
1 (Type/Class) | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
2 (Data Constructor) | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
VNonGcPtr | CmmExpr, Cmm |
vNonRec | Vectorise.Vect |
voidArgId | MkId |
voidArgIdKey | PrelNames |
voidPrimId | MkId |
voidPrimIdKey | PrelNames |
voidPrimTy | TysPrim |
voidPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
voidPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
VoidRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
voidTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
voidType | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
voidVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
vRec | Vectorise.Vect |
VResult | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
VS | SPARC.Cond |
vTick | Vectorise.Vect |
vType | Vectorise.Vect |
VVar | Vectorise.Vect |
vVar | Vectorise.Vect |
vVarApps | Vectorise.Vect |
vVarType | Vectorise.Vect |
W128 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W16 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W256 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W32 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W512 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W64 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W8 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
W80 | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
WaitReadOp | PrimOp |
WaitWriteOp | PrimOp |
Wanted | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
WantedConstraints | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Warn | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Data Constructor) | CmdLineParser |
warnAboutEmptyEnumerations | MatchLit |
warnAboutIdentities | MatchLit |
warnAboutOverflowedLiterals | MatchLit |
WarnAll | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
warnAllUnsolved | TcErrors |
WarnDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
WarnDecls | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
warnDefaulting | TcErrors |
warnDs | DsMonad |
WarnErrLogger | GhcMonad, GHC |
warnIf | TcRnMonad |
warnIfFlag | TcRnMonad |
warnIfSetDs | DsMonad |
Warning | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
WarningD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
WarningFlag | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
warningFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
warningGroups | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
warningHierarchies | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WarningMessages | ErrUtils |
warningMsg | ErrUtils |
Warnings | |
1 (Data Constructor) | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
2 (Type/Class) | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
WarningTxt | |
1 (Type/Class) | BasicTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | BasicTypes, HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
WarnMsg | ErrUtils |
warnMsg | |
1 (Function) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Function) | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
warnPprTrace | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
WarnReason | |
1 (Type/Class) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Type/Class) | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
warnReason | CmdLineParser |
warnSafeOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
WarnSome | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
warnTc | TcRnMonad |
warnTcM | TcRnMonad |
warnTcS | TcSMonad |
warnUnsafeOnLoc | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
warnUnusedLocalBinds | RnUtils |
warnUnusedMatches | RnUtils |
warnUnusedTopBinds | RnUtils |
warnUnusedTypePatterns | RnUtils |
Way | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WayCustom | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WayDebug | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WayDyn | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WayEventLog | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wayGeneralFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WayProf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wayRTSOnly | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ways | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
WayThreaded | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wayUnsetGeneralFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
WC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
wc_impl | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
wc_simple | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
WDeriv | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
wd_src | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
wd_warnings | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
Weak | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
weakLoopBreaker | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
weakPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
weakPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
whenCannotGenerateDynamicToo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
whenDOptM | TcRnMonad |
whenGeneratingDynamicToo | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
whenGOptM | TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
whenIsJust | Maybes |
whenM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
whenNoErrs | TcRnMonad |
whenPprDebug | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
whenWOptM | TcRnMonad |
whenXOptM | TcRnMonad |
WhereFrom | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
WhereLooking | RnUnbound |
WhetherHasOrphans | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
widenFp | Llvm.Types |
Width | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
widthFromBytes | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
widthInBits | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
widthInBytes | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
widthInLog | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
widthToLlvmFloat | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
widthToLlvmInt | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
wildCardKey | PrelNames |
wildCardName | |
1 (Function) | PrelNames |
2 (Function) | HsTypes, HsSyn, GHC |
wildCardTIdKey | THNames |
wildCardTName | THNames |
WildPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
wildPIdKey | THNames |
wildPName | THNames |
wiredInIds | MkId, PrelInfo |
wiredInNameTyThing_maybe | Name, GhcPlugins |
wiredInSrcSpan | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
wiredInTyCons | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
wiredInUnitIds | Module, GhcPlugins |
withBinBuffer | Binary |
withCleanupSession | GHC |
withClearVars | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
withDoDynamicToo | TcRnMonad |
withException | TcRnMonad |
withExtendedLinkEnv | Linker |
withHsDocContext | RnUtils |
withIServ | GHCi |
withName | StgCmmExtCode |
withNewTickyCounterCon | StgCmmTicky |
withNewTickyCounterFun | StgCmmTicky |
withNewTickyCounterLNE | StgCmmTicky |
withNewTickyCounterStdThunk | StgCmmTicky |
withNewTickyCounterThunk | StgCmmTicky |
withPprStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
withPprStyleDoc | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
withSelfLoop | StgCmmMonad |
withSequel | StgCmmMonad |
withSession | GhcMonad |
withSignalHandlers | Panic, GHC |
withSystemTempDirectory | FileCleanup |
withTempDirectory | FileCleanup |
withTempSession | GhcMonad |
withThisPackage | Lexer |
withTiming | ErrUtils |
withUpdFrameOff | |
1 (Function) | StgCmmMonad |
2 (Function) | StgCmmExtCode |
WL | TcSMonad |
WL_Any | RnUnbound |
wl_eqs | TcSMonad |
wl_funeqs | TcSMonad |
WL_Global | RnUnbound |
wl_implics | TcSMonad |
WL_LocalOnly | RnUnbound |
WL_LocalTop | RnUnbound |
wl_rest | TcSMonad |
WOnly | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
wopt | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
woptM | TcRnMonad |
wopt_fatal | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wopt_set | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wopt_unset | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Word16ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
word16ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word16TyConKey | PrelNames |
word16TyConName | PrelNames |
word16X16PrimTy | TysPrim |
word16X16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word16X16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word16X32PrimTy | TysPrim |
word16X32PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word16X32PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word16X8PrimTy | TysPrim |
word16X8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word16X8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Word2DoubleOp | PrimOp |
word2FloatLabel | CPrim |
Word2FloatOp | PrimOp |
word2IntLit | Literal, GhcPlugins |
Word2IntOp | PrimOp |
Word32ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
word32ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word32PrimTy | TysPrim |
word32PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word32PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word32TyConKey | PrelNames |
word32TyConName | PrelNames |
word32X16PrimTy | TysPrim |
word32X16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word32X16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word32X4PrimTy | TysPrim |
word32X4PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word32X4PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word32X8PrimTy | TysPrim |
word32X8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word32X8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Word64ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
word64ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word64PrimTy | TysPrim |
word64PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word64PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
Word64Rep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
word64RepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
Word64Slot | RepType |
word64ToIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
word64ToIntegerName | PrelNames |
word64TyConKey | PrelNames |
word64TyConName | PrelNames |
word64X2PrimTy | TysPrim |
word64X2PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word64X2PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word64X4PrimTy | TysPrim |
word64X4PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word64X4PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word64X8PrimTy | TysPrim |
word64X8PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word64X8PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
wORD64_SIZE | Constants |
word8DataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word8DataConKey | PrelNames |
Word8ElemRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
word8ElemRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word8Ty | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word8TyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word8TyConKey | PrelNames |
word8TyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
word8X16PrimTy | TysPrim |
word8X16PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word8X16PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word8X32PrimTy | TysPrim |
word8X32PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word8X32PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
word8X64PrimTy | TysPrim |
word8X64PrimTyCon | TysPrim |
word8X64PrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
WordAdd2Op | PrimOp |
WordAddOp | PrimOp |
wordAlign | Dwarf.Types |
wordDataCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
wordDataConKey | PrelNames |
WordEqOp | PrimOp |
WordGeOp | PrimOp |
WordGtOp | PrimOp |
wordLength | SPARC.Base |
wordLengthInBits | SPARC.Base |
WordLeOp | PrimOp |
WordLtOp | PrimOp |
WordMul2Op | PrimOp |
WordMulOp | PrimOp |
WordNeOp | PrimOp |
WordOff | SMRep |
wordPrimLIdKey | THNames |
wordPrimLName | THNames |
wordPrimL_RDR | THNames |
wordPrimTy | TysPrim |
wordPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
wordPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
wordPrimTyConName | TysPrim |
WordQuotOp | PrimOp |
WordQuotRem2Op | PrimOp |
WordQuotRemOp | PrimOp |
WordRemOp | PrimOp |
WordRep | TyCon, RepType, GhcPlugins |
wordRepDataConTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
WordSlot | RepType |
wordsToBytes | SMRep |
WordSubCOp | PrimOp |
WordSubOp | PrimOp |
wORDS_BIGENDIAN | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wordToIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
wordToIntegerName | PrelNames |
wordTy | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
wordTyCon | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
wordTyConKey | PrelNames |
wordTyConName | TysWiredIn, GhcPlugins |
WordVec | PrimOp |
wordWidth | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
wORD_SIZE | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
workingDirectoryChanged | GHC |
WorkList | TcSMonad |
workListSize | TcSMonad |
workListWantedCount | TcSMonad |
wormhole | GHCi |
wormholeRef | GHCi |
worst | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Graph.ArchX86 |
worstOneShot | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
WpCast | TcEvidence |
WpCompose | TcEvidence |
WpEvApp | TcEvidence |
WpEvLam | TcEvidence |
WpFun | TcEvidence |
WpHole | TcEvidence |
WpLet | TcEvidence |
WpTyApp | TcEvidence |
WpTyLam | TcEvidence |
Wrap | Vectorise.Generic.Description |
wrapBind | DsUtils |
wrapBinds | DsUtils |
wrapErrTcS | TcSMonad |
wrapFamInstBody | MkId |
wrapFloat | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
wrapFloats | SimplEnv |
wrapIP | TcEvidence |
wrapJoinFloats | SimplEnv |
wrapJoinFloatsX | SimplEnv |
wrapLocFstM | TcRnMonad |
wrapLocM | TcRnMonad |
wrapLocSndM | TcRnMonad |
wrapNewTypeBody | MkId |
wrapNewTypeBodyOfPDatasWrap | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
wrapNewTypeBodyOfPDataWrap | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
wrapNewTypeBodyOfWrap | Vectorise.Utils.Base, Vectorise.Utils |
wrapped_term | RtClosureInspect, InteractiveEval |
wrapRecExp | CmmNode, Cmm |
wrapRecExpf | CmmNode, Cmm |
wrapRecExpM | CmmNode, Cmm |
wrapTyCon | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
wrapType | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
wrapTypeUnbranchedFamInstBody | MkId |
wrapTypeWithImplication | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
wrapWarnTcS | TcSMonad |
WriteArrayArrayOp_ArrayArray | PrimOp |
WriteArrayArrayOp_ByteArray | PrimOp |
WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableArrayArray | PrimOp |
WriteArrayArrayOp_MutableByteArray | PrimOp |
WriteArrayOp | PrimOp |
writeBinIface | BinIface |
writeBinMem | Binary |
writeBSDAr | Ar |
WriteByteArrayOp_Addr | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Char | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Double | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Float | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Int16 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Int32 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Int64 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Int8 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_StablePtr | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_WideChar | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Word | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Word16 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Word32 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Word64 | PrimOp |
WriteByteArrayOp_Word8 | PrimOp |
writeCmms | PprCmmDecl, PprCmm |
writeCs | PprC |
writeFastMutInt | FastMutInt |
writeFastMutPtr | FastMutInt |
writeGNUAr | Ar |
writeIfaceFile | MkIface |
writeInterfaceOnlyMode | DriverPipeline |
writeIServ | GHCi |
writeMetaTyVar | TcMType |
writeMutVar | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
WriteMutVarOp | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Addr | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Char | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Double | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Float | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Int | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Int16 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Int32 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Int64 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Int8 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_StablePtr | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_WideChar | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Word | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Word16 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Word32 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Word64 | PrimOp |
WriteOffAddrOp_Word8 | PrimOp |
WriteSmallArrayOp | PrimOp |
writeTcRef | TcRnMonad |
WriteTVarOp | PrimOp |
wrongKindOfFamily | TcTyClsDecls |
wrongThingErr | TcEnv |
WRY | SPARC.Instr |
wWarningFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
wwTopBinds | WorkWrap |
x86NcgImpl | AsmCodeGen |
XADD | X86.Instr |
xFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
XHsChar | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsCharPrim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsDoublePrim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsFloatPrim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsInt | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsInt64Prim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsInteger | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsIntPrim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsRat | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsString | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsStringPrim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsWord64Prim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
XHsWordPrim | HsExtension, HsSyn, GHC |
Xi | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
xmm | X86.Regs |
xmm0 | X86.Regs |
xmm1 | X86.Regs |
xmm10 | X86.Regs |
xmm11 | X86.Regs |
xmm12 | X86.Regs |
xmm13 | X86.Regs |
xmm14 | X86.Regs |
xmm15 | X86.Regs |
xmm2 | X86.Regs |
xmm3 | X86.Regs |
xmm4 | X86.Regs |
xmm5 | X86.Regs |
xmm6 | X86.Regs |
xmm7 | X86.Regs |
xmm8 | X86.Regs |
xmm9 | X86.Regs |
XmmReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
XNOR | SPARC.Instr |
xopt | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
xoptM | TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
xopt_set | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
xopt_unset | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
XOR | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
xorIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
xorIntegerName | PrelNames |
XorIOp | PrimOp |
XORIS | PPC.Instr |
XorOp | PrimOp |
xtDFreeVar | TrieMap |
xtDNamed | TrieMap |
Yes | Vectorise.Monad.Base, Vectorise.Monad |
yield | Stream |
YieldOp | PrimOp |
YmmReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
Young | CmmExpr, Cmm |
zapCallArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapDemandInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapFragileIdInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapFragileInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapFragileOcc | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
zapIdDemandInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapIdOccInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapIdStrictness | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapIdTailCallInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapIdUsageEnvInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapIdUsageInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapIdUsedOnceInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapJoinId | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapLamIdInfo | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapLamInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapLiftingContext | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
zapOccTailCallInfo | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
zapStableUnfolding | Id, GhcPlugins |
zapSubstEnv | |
1 (Function) | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
2 (Function) | SimplEnv |
zapTailCallInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapTCvSubst | Type, GhcPlugins |
zapUsageDemand | Demand |
zapUsageEnvInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapUsageEnvSig | Demand |
zapUsageInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapUsedOnceDemand | Demand |
zapUsedOnceInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
zapUsedOnceSig | Demand |
zDecodeString | Encoding |
zEncodeFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
zEncodeString | Encoding |
zeroCLit | CmmUtils |
zeroExpr | CmmUtils |
ZeroExt | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
zeroSimplCount | CoreMonad, SimplMonad, GhcPlugins |
zeroSpillCostInfo | RegAlloc.Graph.SpillCost |
zeroWidthText | Pretty |
ZigZagMode | Pretty |
zipCoEnv | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
zipEqual | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipIdKey | PrelNames |
zipLazy | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipName | PrelNames |
zipPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
zipScalars | Vectorise.Utils |
zipTvSubst | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
zipTyEnv | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
zipVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
zipWith3Equal | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipWith3Lazy | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipWith3M | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
zipWith3M_ | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
zipWith4Equal | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipWith4M | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
zipWithAndUnzip | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipWithAndUnzipM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
zipWithEqual | Util, GhcPlugins |
zipWithLazy | Util, GhcPlugins |
ZmmReg | CmmExpr, Cmm |
zonkCo | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
zonkCoToCo | TcHsSyn |
zonkCoVar | TcMType |
zonkCt | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcPluginM |
zonkEvBinds | TcHsSyn |
zonkEvVar | TcMType |
zonkId | TcMType |
zonkQuantifiedTyVar | TcMType |
zonkSigType | TcHsSyn |
zonkSigTyVarPairs | TcMType |
zonkSimples | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
zonkSkolemInfo | TcMType |
zonkTcEvBinds | TcHsSyn |
zonkTcTyCoVarBndr | TcMType |
zonkTcType | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
3 (Function) | TcPluginM |
zonkTcTypeAndFV | TcMType |
zonkTcTypeAndSplitDepVars | TcMType |
zonkTcTypeMapper | TcMType |
zonkTcTypes | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
zonkTcTypesAndSplitDepVars | TcMType |
zonkTcTypeToType | TcHsSyn |
zonkTcTypeToTypes | TcHsSyn |
zonkTcTyVar | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
zonkTcTyVarBinder | TcMType |
zonkTcTyVars | TcMType |
zonkTcTyVarToTyVar | TcMType |
zonkTidyOrigin | TcMType |
zonkTidyTcType | TcMType |
zonkTopBndrs | TcHsSyn |
zonkTopDecls | TcHsSyn |
zonkTopExpr | TcHsSyn |
zonkTopLExpr | TcHsSyn |
zonkTyBndrsX | TcHsSyn |
zonkTyCoVarKind | TcMType |
zonkTyCoVarsAndFV | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
zonkTyCoVarsAndFVList | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
zonkTyVarBindersX | TcHsSyn |
zonkTyVarBinderX | TcHsSyn |
zonkTyVarOcc | TcHsSyn |
zonkWC | |
1 (Function) | TcMType |
2 (Function) | TcSMonad |
ZStr | Pretty |
zString | FastString, GhcPlugins |
ztext | |
1 (Function) | Pretty |
2 (Function) | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
|> | TrieMap |
|>> | TrieMap |