module Distribution.Parsec.ConfVar (parseConditionConfVar) where
import Distribution.Compat.CharParsing (char, integral)
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Parsec.Class (Parsec (..), runParsecParser)
import Distribution.Parsec.Common
import Distribution.Parsec.FieldLineStream
import Distribution.Parsec.Field (SectionArg (..))
import Distribution.Parsec.ParseResult
import Distribution.Types.Condition
import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription (ConfVar (..))
import Distribution.Version
(anyVersion, earlierVersion, intersectVersionRanges, laterVersion, majorBoundVersion,
mkVersion, noVersion, orEarlierVersion, orLaterVersion, thisVersion, unionVersionRanges,
import Prelude ()
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.Error as P
parseConditionConfVar :: [SectionArg Position] -> ParseResult (Condition ConfVar)
parseConditionConfVar args =
case P.runParser (parser <* P.eof) () "<condition>" args of
Right x -> pure x
Left err -> do
let ppos = P.errorPos err
let epos = Position (P.sourceLine ppos) (P.sourceColumn ppos)
let msg = P.showErrorMessages
"or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input"
(P.errorMessages err)
parseFailure epos msg
pure $ Lit True
type Parser = P.Parsec [SectionArg Position] ()
parser :: Parser (Condition ConfVar)
parser = condOr
condOr = P.sepBy1 condAnd (oper "||") >>= return . foldl1 COr
condAnd = P.sepBy1 cond (oper "&&") >>= return . foldl1 CAnd
cond = P.choice
[ boolLiteral, parens condOr, notCond, osCond, archCond, flagCond, implCond ]
notCond = CNot <$ oper "!" <*> cond
boolLiteral = Lit <$> boolLiteral'
osCond = Var . OS <$ string "os" <*> parens fromParsec
flagCond = Var . Flag <$ string "flag" <*> parens fromParsec
archCond = Var . Arch <$ string "arch" <*> parens fromParsec
implCond = Var <$ string "impl" <*> parens implCond'
implCond' = Impl
<$> fromParsec
<*> P.option anyVersion versionRange
version = fromParsec
versionStar = mkVersion <$> fromParsec' versionStar' <* oper "*"
versionStar' = some (integral <* char '.')
versionRange = expr
expr = foldl1 unionVersionRanges <$> P.sepBy1 term (oper "||")
term = foldl1 intersectVersionRanges <$> P.sepBy1 factor (oper "&&")
factor = P.choice
$ parens expr
: parseAnyVersion
: parseNoVersion
: parseWildcardRange
: map parseRangeOp rangeOps
parseAnyVersion = anyVersion <$ string "-any"
parseNoVersion = noVersion <$ string "-none"
parseWildcardRange = P.try $ withinVersion <$ oper "==" <*> versionStar
parseRangeOp (s,f) = P.try (f <$ oper s <*> version)
rangeOps = [ ("<", earlierVersion),
("<=", orEarlierVersion),
(">", laterVersion),
(">=", orLaterVersion),
("^>=", majorBoundVersion),
("==", thisVersion) ]
identBS = tokenPrim $ \t -> case t of
SecArgName _ s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing
boolLiteral' = tokenPrim $ \t -> case t of
SecArgName _ s
| s == "True" -> Just True
| s == "true" -> Just True
| s == "False" -> Just False
| s == "false" -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
string s = tokenPrim $ \t -> case t of
SecArgName _ s' | s == s' -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
oper o = tokenPrim $ \t -> case t of
SecArgOther _ o' | o == o' -> Just ()
_ -> Nothing
parens = P.between (oper "(") (oper ")")
tokenPrim = P.tokenPrim prettySectionArg updatePosition
updatePosition x _ _ = x
prettySectionArg = show
fromParsec :: Parsec a => Parser a
fromParsec = fromParsec' parsec
fromParsec' p = do
bs <- identBS
let fls = fieldLineStreamFromBS bs
either (fail . show) pure (runParsecParser p "<fromParsec'>" fls)