module System.Console.Haskeline.Term where

import System.Console.Haskeline.Monads
import System.Console.Haskeline.LineState
import System.Console.Haskeline.Key
import System.Console.Haskeline.Prefs(Prefs)
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion(Completion)

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Word
import Control.Exception (fromException, AsyncException(..))
import Data.Typeable
import System.IO
import Control.Monad(liftM,when,guard)
import System.IO.Error (isEOFError)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC

class (MonadReader Layout m, MonadException m) => Term m where
    reposition :: Layout -> LineChars -> m ()
    moveToNextLine :: LineChars -> m ()
    printLines :: [String] -> m ()
    drawLineDiff :: LineChars -> LineChars -> m ()
    clearLayout :: m ()
    ringBell :: Bool -> m ()

drawLine, clearLine :: Term m => LineChars -> m ()
drawLine = drawLineDiff ([],[])

clearLine = flip drawLineDiff ([],[])

data RunTerm = RunTerm {
            -- | Write unicode characters to stdout.
            putStrOut :: String -> IO (),
            termOps :: Either TermOps FileOps,
            wrapInterrupt :: forall a . IO a -> IO a,
            closeTerm :: IO ()

-- | Operations needed for terminal-style interaction.
data TermOps = TermOps
    { getLayout :: IO Layout
    , withGetEvent :: forall m a . CommandMonad m => (m Event -> m a) -> m a
    , evalTerm :: forall m . CommandMonad m => EvalTerm m
    , saveUnusedKeys :: [Key] -> IO ()
    , externalPrint :: String -> IO ()

-- This hack is needed to grab latest writes from some other thread.
-- Without it, if you are using another thread to process the logging
-- and write on screen via exposed externalPrint, latest writes from
-- this thread are not able to cross the thread boundary in time.
flushEventQueue :: (String -> IO ()) -> TChan Event -> IO ()
flushEventQueue print' eventChan = yield >> loopUntilFlushed
    where loopUntilFlushed = do
              flushed <- atomically $ isEmptyTChan eventChan
              if flushed then return () else do
                  event <- atomically $ readTChan eventChan
                  case event of
                      ExternalPrint str -> do
                          print' (str ++ "\n") >> loopUntilFlushed
                      -- We don't want to raise exceptions when doing cleanup.
                      _ -> loopUntilFlushed

-- | Operations needed for file-style interaction.
-- Backends can assume that getLocaleLine, getLocaleChar and maybeReadNewline
-- are "wrapped" by wrapFileInput.
data FileOps = FileOps {
            withoutInputEcho :: forall m a . MonadException m => m a -> m a,
            -- ^ Perform an action without echoing input.
            wrapFileInput :: forall a . IO a -> IO a,
            getLocaleLine :: MaybeT IO String,
            getLocaleChar :: MaybeT IO Char,
            maybeReadNewline :: IO ()

-- | Are we using terminal-style interaction?
isTerminalStyle :: RunTerm -> Bool
isTerminalStyle r = case termOps r of
                    Left TermOps{} -> True
                    _ -> False

-- Specific, hidden terminal action type
-- Generic terminal actions which are independent of the Term being used.
data EvalTerm m
    = forall n . (Term n, CommandMonad n)
            => EvalTerm (forall a . n a -> m a) (forall a . m a -> n a)

mapEvalTerm :: (forall a . n a -> m a) -> (forall a . m a -> n a)
        -> EvalTerm n -> EvalTerm m
mapEvalTerm eval liftE (EvalTerm eval' liftE')
    = EvalTerm (eval . eval') (liftE' . liftE)

data Interrupt = Interrupt
                deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq)

instance Exception Interrupt where

class (MonadReader Prefs m , MonadReader Layout m, MonadException m)
        => CommandMonad m where
    runCompletion :: (String,String) -> m (String,[Completion])

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (MonadTrans t, CommandMonad m, MonadReader Prefs (t m),
        MonadException (t m),
        MonadReader Layout (t m))
            => CommandMonad (t m) where
    runCompletion = lift . runCompletion

-- Utility function for drawLineDiff instances.
matchInit :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
matchInit (x:xs) (y:ys)  | x == y = matchInit xs ys
matchInit xs ys = (xs,ys)

data Event
  = WindowResize
  | KeyInput [Key]
  | ErrorEvent SomeException
  | ExternalPrint String
  deriving Show

keyEventLoop :: IO [Event] -> TChan Event -> IO Event
keyEventLoop readEvents eventChan = do
    -- first, see if any events are already queued up (from a key/ctrl-c
    -- event or from a previous call to getEvent where we read in multiple
    -- keys)
    isEmpty <- atomically $ isEmptyTChan eventChan
    if not isEmpty
        then atomically $ readTChan eventChan
        else do
            tid <- forkIO $ handleErrorEvent readerLoop
            atomically (readTChan eventChan) `finally` killThread tid
    readerLoop = do
        es <- readEvents
        if null es
            then readerLoop
            else atomically $ mapM_ (writeTChan eventChan) es
    handleErrorEvent = handle $ \e -> case fromException e of
                                Just ThreadKilled -> return ()
                                _ -> atomically $ writeTChan eventChan (ErrorEvent e)

saveKeys :: TChan Event -> [Key] -> IO ()
saveKeys ch = atomically . writeTChan ch . KeyInput

data Layout = Layout {width, height :: Int}
                    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- Utility functions for the various backends.

-- | Utility function since we're not using the new IO library yet.
hWithBinaryMode :: MonadException m => Handle -> m a -> m a
hWithBinaryMode h = bracket (liftIO $ hGetEncoding h)
                        (maybe (return ()) (liftIO . hSetEncoding h))
                        . const . (liftIO (hSetBinaryMode h True) >>)

-- | Utility function for changing a property of a terminal for the duration of
-- a computation.
bracketSet :: MonadException m => IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> a -> m b -> m b
bracketSet getState set newState f = bracket (liftIO getState)
                            (liftIO . set)
                            (\_ -> liftIO (set newState) >> f)

-- | Returns one 8-bit word.  Needs to be wrapped by hWithBinaryMode.
hGetByte :: Handle -> MaybeT IO Word8
hGetByte = guardedEOF $ liftM (toEnum . fromEnum) . hGetChar

guardedEOF :: (Handle -> IO a) -> Handle -> MaybeT IO a
guardedEOF f h = do
    eof <- lift $ hIsEOF h
    guard (not eof)
    lift $ f h

-- If another character is immediately available, and it is a newline, consume it.
-- Two portability fixes:
-- 1) By itself, this (by using hReady) might crash on invalid characters.
-- The handle should be set to binary mode or a TextEncoder that
-- transliterates or ignores invalid input.
-- 1) Note that in ghc-6.8.3 and earlier, hReady returns False at an EOF,
-- whereas in ghc-6.10.1 and later it throws an exception.  (GHC trac #1063).
-- This code handles both of those cases.
hMaybeReadNewline :: Handle -> IO ()
hMaybeReadNewline h = returnOnEOF () $ do
    ready <- hReady h
    when ready $ do
        c <- hLookAhead h
        when (c == '\n') $ getChar >> return ()

returnOnEOF :: MonadException m => a -> m a -> m a
returnOnEOF x = handle $ \e -> if isEOFError e
                                then return x
                                else throwIO e

-- | Utility function to correctly get a line of input as an undecoded ByteString.
hGetLocaleLine :: Handle -> MaybeT IO ByteString
hGetLocaleLine = guardedEOF $ \h -> do
    -- It's more efficient to use B.getLine, but that function throws an
    -- error if the Handle (e.g., stdin) is set to NoBuffering.
    buff <- liftIO $ hGetBuffering h
    liftIO $ if buff == NoBuffering
        then fmap BC.pack $ System.IO.hGetLine h
        else BC.hGetLine h