module GHC.IO.Encoding.Iconv (
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
iconvEncoding, mkIconvEncoding,
) where
#include "MachDeps.h"
#include "HsBaseConfig.h"
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import GHC.Base ()
import Foreign
import Foreign.C hiding (charIsRepresentable)
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Foreign (charIsRepresentable)
import GHC.IO.Buffer
import GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure
import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types
import GHC.List (span)
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Show
import GHC.Real
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Posix.Internals
c_DEBUG_DUMP :: Bool
c_DEBUG_DUMP = False
iconv_trace :: String -> IO ()
iconv_trace s
| c_DEBUG_DUMP = puts s
| otherwise = return ()
localeEncodingName :: String
localeEncodingName = unsafePerformIO $ do
cstr <- c_localeEncoding
peekCAString cstr
type IConv = CLong
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_iconv_open"
hs_iconv_open :: CString -> CString -> IO IConv
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_iconv_close"
hs_iconv_close :: IConv -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_iconv"
hs_iconv :: IConv -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize
-> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe "localeEncoding"
c_localeEncoding :: IO CString
haskellChar :: String
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
haskellChar | charSize == 2 = "UTF-16BE"
| otherwise = "UTF-32BE"
haskellChar | charSize == 2 = "UTF-16LE"
| otherwise = "UTF-32LE"
char_shift :: Int
char_shift | charSize == 2 = 1
| otherwise = 2
iconvEncoding :: String -> IO (Maybe TextEncoding)
iconvEncoding = mkIconvEncoding ErrorOnCodingFailure
mkIconvEncoding :: CodingFailureMode -> String -> IO (Maybe TextEncoding)
mkIconvEncoding cfm charset = do
let enc = TextEncoding {
textEncodingName = charset,
mkTextDecoder = newIConv raw_charset (haskellChar ++ suffix)
(recoverDecode cfm) iconvDecode,
mkTextEncoder = newIConv haskellChar charset
(recoverEncode cfm) iconvEncode}
good <- charIsRepresentable enc 'a'
return $ if good
then Just enc
else Nothing
(raw_charset, suffix) = span (/= '/') charset
newIConv :: String -> String
-> (Buffer a -> Buffer b -> IO (Buffer a, Buffer b))
-> (IConv -> Buffer a -> Buffer b -> IO (CodingProgress, Buffer a, Buffer b))
-> IO (BufferCodec a b ())
newIConv from to rec fn =
withCAString from $ \ from_str ->
withCAString to $ \ to_str -> do
iconvt <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "mkTextEncoding" $ hs_iconv_open to_str from_str
let iclose = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "Iconv.close" $ hs_iconv_close iconvt
return BufferCodec{
encode = fn iconvt,
recover = rec,
close = iclose,
getState = return (),
setState = const $ return ()
iconvDecode :: IConv -> DecodeBuffer
iconvDecode iconv_t ibuf obuf = iconvRecode iconv_t ibuf 0 obuf char_shift
iconvEncode :: IConv -> EncodeBuffer
iconvEncode iconv_t ibuf obuf = iconvRecode iconv_t ibuf char_shift obuf 0
iconvRecode :: IConv -> Buffer a -> Int -> Buffer b -> Int
-> IO (CodingProgress, Buffer a, Buffer b)
iconvRecode iconv_t
input@Buffer{ bufRaw=iraw, bufL=ir, bufR=iw, bufSize=_ } iscale
output@Buffer{ bufRaw=oraw, bufL=_, bufR=ow, bufSize=os } oscale
= do
iconv_trace ("haskellChar=" ++ show haskellChar)
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode before, input=" ++ show (summaryBuffer input))
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode before, output=" ++ show (summaryBuffer output))
withRawBuffer iraw $ \ piraw -> do
withRawBuffer oraw $ \ poraw -> do
with (piraw `plusPtr` (ir `shiftL` iscale)) $ \ p_inbuf -> do
with (poraw `plusPtr` (ow `shiftL` oscale)) $ \ p_outbuf -> do
with (fromIntegral ((iwir) `shiftL` iscale)) $ \ p_inleft -> do
with (fromIntegral ((osow) `shiftL` oscale)) $ \ p_outleft -> do
res <- hs_iconv iconv_t p_inbuf p_inleft p_outbuf p_outleft
new_inleft <- peek p_inleft
new_outleft <- peek p_outleft
new_inleft' = fromIntegral new_inleft `shiftR` iscale
new_outleft' = fromIntegral new_outleft `shiftR` oscale
| new_inleft == 0 = input { bufL = 0, bufR = 0 }
| otherwise = input { bufL = iw new_inleft' }
new_output = output{ bufR = os new_outleft' }
iconv_trace ("iconv res=" ++ show res)
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode after, input=" ++ show (summaryBuffer new_input))
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode after, output=" ++ show (summaryBuffer new_output))
if (res /= 1)
then do
return (InputUnderflow, new_input, new_output)
else do
errno <- getErrno
case errno of
e | e == e2BIG -> return (OutputUnderflow, new_input, new_output)
| e == eINVAL -> return (InputUnderflow, new_input, new_output)
| e == eILSEQ -> return (if new_outleft' == 0 then OutputUnderflow else InvalidSequence, new_input, new_output)
| otherwise -> do
iconv_trace ("iconv returned error: " ++ show (errnoToIOError "iconv" e Nothing Nothing))
throwErrno "iconvRecoder"
#endif /* !mingw32_HOST_OS */