{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
 -- Eq (DeBruijn CoreExpr) and Eq (DeBruijn CoreAlt)

module GHC.Core.Map.Expr (
   -- * Maps over Core expressions
   CoreMap, emptyCoreMap, extendCoreMap, lookupCoreMap, foldCoreMap,
   -- * 'TrieMap' class reexports
   TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM,
   lkDFreeVar, xtDFreeVar,
   lkDNamed, xtDNamed,
   (>.>), (|>), (|>>),
 ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Data.TrieMap
import GHC.Core.Map.Type
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Types.Tickish
import GHC.Types.Var

import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Outputable

import qualified Data.Map    as Map
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import Control.Monad( (>=>) )

This module implements TrieMaps over Core related data structures
like CoreExpr or Type. It is built on the Tries from the TrieMap

The code is very regular and boilerplate-like, but there is
some neat handling of *binders*.  In effect they are deBruijn
numbered on the fly.


-- Recall that
--   Control.Monad.(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> a -> Maybe c

-- The CoreMap makes heavy use of GenMap. However the CoreMap Types are not
-- known when defining GenMap so we can only specialize them here.

{-# SPECIALIZE lkG :: Key CoreMapX     -> CoreMapG a     -> Maybe a #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE xtG :: Key CoreMapX     -> XT a -> CoreMapG a -> CoreMapG a #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE mapG :: (a -> b) -> CoreMapG a     -> CoreMapG b #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE fdG :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoreMapG a     -> b -> b #-}

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

Note [Binders]
 * In general we check binders as late as possible because types are
   less likely to differ than expression structure.  That's why
      cm_lam :: CoreMapG (TypeMapG a)
   rather than
      cm_lam :: TypeMapG (CoreMapG a)

 * We don't need to look at the type of some binders, notably
     - the case binder in (Case _ b _ _)
     - the binders in an alternative
   because they are totally fixed by the context

Note [Empty case alternatives]
* For a key (Case e b ty (alt:alts))  we don't need to look the return type
  'ty', because every alternative has that type.

* For a key (Case e b ty []) we MUST look at the return type 'ty', because
  otherwise (Case (error () "urk") _ Int  []) would compare equal to
            (Case (error () "urk") _ Bool [])
  which is utterly wrong (#6097)

We could compare the return type regardless, but the wildly common case
is that it's unnecessary, so we have two fields (cm_case and cm_ecase)
for the two possibilities.  Only cm_ecase looks at the type.

See also Note [Empty case alternatives] in GHC.Core.

-- | @CoreMap a@ is a map from 'CoreExpr' to @a@.  If you are a client, this
-- is the type you want.
newtype CoreMap a = CoreMap (CoreMapG a)

instance TrieMap CoreMap where
    type Key CoreMap = CoreExpr
    emptyTM = CoreMap emptyTM
    lookupTM k (CoreMap m) = lookupTM (deBruijnize k) m
    alterTM k f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (alterTM (deBruijnize k) f m)
    foldTM k (CoreMap m) = foldTM k m
    mapTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (mapTM f m)
    filterTM f (CoreMap m) = CoreMap (filterTM f m)

-- | @CoreMapG a@ is a map from @DeBruijn CoreExpr@ to @a@.  The extended
-- key makes it suitable for recursive traversal, since it can track binders,
-- but it is strictly internal to this module.  If you are including a 'CoreMap'
-- inside another 'TrieMap', this is the type you want.
type CoreMapG = GenMap CoreMapX

-- | @CoreMapX a@ is the base map from @DeBruijn CoreExpr@ to @a@, but without
-- the 'GenMap' optimization.
data CoreMapX a
  = CM { cm_var   :: VarMap a
       , cm_lit   :: LiteralMap a
       , cm_co    :: CoercionMapG a
       , cm_type  :: TypeMapG a
       , cm_cast  :: CoreMapG (CoercionMapG a)
       , cm_tick  :: CoreMapG (TickishMap a)
       , cm_app   :: CoreMapG (CoreMapG a)
       , cm_lam   :: CoreMapG (BndrMap a)    -- Note [Binders]
       , cm_letn  :: CoreMapG (CoreMapG (BndrMap a))
       , cm_letr  :: ListMap CoreMapG (CoreMapG (ListMap BndrMap a))
       , cm_case  :: CoreMapG (ListMap AltMap a)
       , cm_ecase :: CoreMapG (TypeMapG a)    -- Note [Empty case alternatives]

instance Eq (DeBruijn CoreExpr) where
  D env1 e1 == D env2 e2 = go e1 e2 where
    go (Var v1) (Var v2)
      = case (lookupCME env1 v1, lookupCME env2 v2) of
                            (Just b1, Just b2) -> b1 == b2
                            (Nothing, Nothing) -> v1 == v2
                            _ -> False
    go (Lit lit1)    (Lit lit2)      = lit1 == lit2
    go (Type t1)    (Type t2)        = D env1 t1 == D env2 t2
    go (Coercion co1) (Coercion co2) = D env1 co1 == D env2 co2
    go (Cast e1 co1) (Cast e2 co2) = D env1 co1 == D env2 co2 && go e1 e2
    go (App f1 a1)   (App f2 a2)   = go f1 f2 && go a1 a2
    -- This seems a bit dodgy, see 'eqTickish'
    go (Tick n1 e1)  (Tick n2 e2)  = n1 == n2 && go e1 e2

    go (Lam b1 e1)  (Lam b2 e2)
      =  D env1 (varType b1) == D env2 (varType b2)
      && D env1 (varMultMaybe b1) == D env2 (varMultMaybe b2)
      && D (extendCME env1 b1) e1 == D (extendCME env2 b2) e2

    go (Let (NonRec v1 r1) e1) (Let (NonRec v2 r2) e2)
      =  go r1 r2
      && D (extendCME env1 v1) e1 == D (extendCME env2 v2) e2

    go (Let (Rec ps1) e1) (Let (Rec ps2) e2)
      = equalLength ps1 ps2
      && D env1' rs1 == D env2' rs2
      && D env1' e1  == D env2' e2
        (bs1,rs1) = unzip ps1
        (bs2,rs2) = unzip ps2
        env1' = extendCMEs env1 bs1
        env2' = extendCMEs env2 bs2

    go (Case e1 b1 t1 a1) (Case e2 b2 t2 a2)
      | null a1   -- See Note [Empty case alternatives]
      = null a2 && go e1 e2 && D env1 t1 == D env2 t2
      | otherwise
      =  go e1 e2 && D (extendCME env1 b1) a1 == D (extendCME env2 b2) a2

    go _ _ = False

emptyE :: CoreMapX a
emptyE = CM { cm_var = emptyTM, cm_lit = emptyTM
            , cm_co = emptyTM, cm_type = emptyTM
            , cm_cast = emptyTM, cm_app = emptyTM
            , cm_lam = emptyTM, cm_letn = emptyTM
            , cm_letr = emptyTM, cm_case = emptyTM
            , cm_ecase = emptyTM, cm_tick = emptyTM }

instance TrieMap CoreMapX where
   type Key CoreMapX = DeBruijn CoreExpr
   emptyTM  = emptyE
   lookupTM = lkE
   alterTM  = xtE
   foldTM   = fdE
   mapTM    = mapE
   filterTM = ftE

mapE :: (a->b) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX b
mapE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit
           , cm_co = cco, cm_type = ctype
           , cm_cast = ccast , cm_app = capp
           , cm_lam = clam, cm_letn = cletn
           , cm_letr = cletr, cm_case = ccase
           , cm_ecase = cecase, cm_tick = ctick })
  = CM { cm_var = mapTM f cvar, cm_lit = mapTM f clit
       , cm_co = mapTM f cco, cm_type = mapTM f ctype
       , cm_cast = mapTM (mapTM f) ccast, cm_app = mapTM (mapTM f) capp
       , cm_lam = mapTM (mapTM f) clam, cm_letn = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) cletn
       , cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (mapTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (mapTM f) ccase
       , cm_ecase = mapTM (mapTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (mapTM f) ctick }

ftE :: (a->Bool) -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX a
ftE f (CM { cm_var = cvar, cm_lit = clit
          , cm_co = cco, cm_type = ctype
          , cm_cast = ccast , cm_app = capp
          , cm_lam = clam, cm_letn = cletn
          , cm_letr = cletr, cm_case = ccase
          , cm_ecase = cecase, cm_tick = ctick })
  = CM { cm_var = filterTM f cvar, cm_lit = filterTM f clit
       , cm_co = filterTM f cco, cm_type = filterTM f ctype
       , cm_cast = mapTM (filterTM f) ccast, cm_app = mapTM (filterTM f) capp
       , cm_lam = mapTM (filterTM f) clam, cm_letn = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) cletn
       , cm_letr = mapTM (mapTM (filterTM f)) cletr, cm_case = mapTM (filterTM f) ccase
       , cm_ecase = mapTM (filterTM f) cecase, cm_tick = mapTM (filterTM f) ctick }

lookupCoreMap :: CoreMap a -> CoreExpr -> Maybe a
lookupCoreMap cm e = lookupTM e cm

extendCoreMap :: CoreMap a -> CoreExpr -> a -> CoreMap a
extendCoreMap m e v = alterTM e (\_ -> Just v) m

foldCoreMap :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> CoreMap a -> b
foldCoreMap k z m = foldTM k m z

emptyCoreMap :: CoreMap a
emptyCoreMap = emptyTM

instance Outputable a => Outputable (CoreMap a) where
  ppr m = text "CoreMap elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m [])

fdE :: (a -> b -> b) -> CoreMapX a -> b -> b
fdE k m
  = foldTM k (cm_var m)
  . foldTM k (cm_lit m)
  . foldTM k (cm_co m)
  . foldTM k (cm_type m)
  . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_cast m)
  . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_tick m)
  . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_app m)
  . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_lam m)
  . foldTM (foldTM (foldTM k)) (cm_letn m)
  . foldTM (foldTM (foldTM k)) (cm_letr m)
  . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_case m)
  . foldTM (foldTM k) (cm_ecase m)

-- lkE: lookup in trie for expressions
lkE :: DeBruijn CoreExpr -> CoreMapX a -> Maybe a
lkE (D env expr) cm = go expr cm
    go (Var v)              = cm_var  >.> lkVar env v
    go (Lit l)              = cm_lit  >.> lookupTM l
    go (Type t)             = cm_type >.> lkG (D env t)
    go (Coercion c)         = cm_co   >.> lkG (D env c)
    go (Cast e c)           = cm_cast >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkG (D env c)
    go (Tick tickish e)     = cm_tick >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkTickish tickish
    go (App e1 e2)          = cm_app  >.> lkG (D env e2) >=> lkG (D env e1)
    go (Lam v e)            = cm_lam  >.> lkG (D (extendCME env v) e)
                              >=> lkBndr env v
    go (Let (NonRec b r) e) = cm_letn >.> lkG (D env r)
                              >=> lkG (D (extendCME env b) e) >=> lkBndr env b
    go (Let (Rec prs) e)    = let (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
                                  env1 = extendCMEs env bndrs
                              in cm_letr
                                 >.> lkList (lkG . D env1) rhss
                                 >=> lkG (D env1 e)
                                 >=> lkList (lkBndr env1) bndrs
    go (Case e b ty as)     -- See Note [Empty case alternatives]
               | null as    = cm_ecase >.> lkG (D env e) >=> lkG (D env ty)
               | otherwise  = cm_case >.> lkG (D env e)
                              >=> lkList (lkA (extendCME env b)) as

xtE :: DeBruijn CoreExpr -> XT a -> CoreMapX a -> CoreMapX a
xtE (D env (Var v))              f m = m { cm_var  = cm_var m
                                                 |> xtVar env v f }
xtE (D env (Type t))             f m = m { cm_type = cm_type m
                                                 |> xtG (D env t) f }
xtE (D env (Coercion c))         f m = m { cm_co   = cm_co m
                                                 |> xtG (D env c) f }
xtE (D _   (Lit l))              f m = m { cm_lit  = cm_lit m  |> alterTM l f }
xtE (D env (Cast e c))           f m = m { cm_cast = cm_cast m |> xtG (D env e)
                                                 |>> xtG (D env c) f }
xtE (D env (Tick t e))           f m = m { cm_tick = cm_tick m |> xtG (D env e)
                                                 |>> xtTickish t f }
xtE (D env (App e1 e2))          f m = m { cm_app = cm_app m |> xtG (D env e2)
                                                 |>> xtG (D env e1) f }
xtE (D env (Lam v e))            f m = m { cm_lam = cm_lam m
                                                 |> xtG (D (extendCME env v) e)
                                                 |>> xtBndr env v f }
xtE (D env (Let (NonRec b r) e)) f m = m { cm_letn = cm_letn m
                                                 |> xtG (D (extendCME env b) e)
                                                 |>> xtG (D env r)
                                                 |>> xtBndr env b f }
xtE (D env (Let (Rec prs) e))    f m = m { cm_letr =
                                              let (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
                                                  env1 = extendCMEs env bndrs
                                              in cm_letr m
                                                 |>  xtList (xtG . D env1) rhss
                                                 |>> xtG (D env1 e)
                                                 |>> xtList (xtBndr env1)
                                                            bndrs f }
xtE (D env (Case e b ty as))     f m
                     | null as   = m { cm_ecase = cm_ecase m |> xtG (D env e)
                                                 |>> xtG (D env ty) f }
                     | otherwise = m { cm_case = cm_case m |> xtG (D env e)
                                                 |>> let env1 = extendCME env b
                                                     in xtList (xtA env1) as f }

-- TODO: this seems a bit dodgy, see 'eqTickish'
type TickishMap a = Map.Map CoreTickish a
lkTickish :: CoreTickish -> TickishMap a -> Maybe a
lkTickish = lookupTM

xtTickish :: CoreTickish -> XT a -> TickishMap a -> TickishMap a
xtTickish = alterTM

data AltMap a   -- A single alternative
  = AM { am_deflt :: CoreMapG a
       , am_data  :: DNameEnv (CoreMapG a)
       , am_lit   :: LiteralMap (CoreMapG a) }

instance TrieMap AltMap where
   type Key AltMap = CoreAlt
   emptyTM  = AM { am_deflt = emptyTM
                 , am_data = emptyDNameEnv
                 , am_lit  = emptyTM }
   lookupTM = lkA emptyCME
   alterTM  = xtA emptyCME
   foldTM   = fdA
   mapTM    = mapA
   filterTM = ftA

instance Eq (DeBruijn CoreAlt) where
  D env1 a1 == D env2 a2 = go a1 a2 where
    go (Alt DEFAULT _ rhs1) (Alt DEFAULT _ rhs2)
        = D env1 rhs1 == D env2 rhs2
    go (Alt (LitAlt lit1) _ rhs1) (Alt (LitAlt lit2) _ rhs2)
        = lit1 == lit2 && D env1 rhs1 == D env2 rhs2
    go (Alt (DataAlt dc1) bs1 rhs1) (Alt (DataAlt dc2) bs2 rhs2)
        = dc1 == dc2 &&
          D (extendCMEs env1 bs1) rhs1 == D (extendCMEs env2 bs2) rhs2
    go _ _ = False

mapA :: (a->b) -> AltMap a -> AltMap b
mapA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit })
  = AM { am_deflt = mapTM f adeflt
       , am_data = mapTM (mapTM f) adata
       , am_lit = mapTM (mapTM f) alit }

ftA :: (a->Bool) -> AltMap a -> AltMap a
ftA f (AM { am_deflt = adeflt, am_data = adata, am_lit = alit })
  = AM { am_deflt = filterTM f adeflt
       , am_data = mapTM (filterTM f) adata
       , am_lit = mapTM (filterTM f) alit }

lkA :: CmEnv -> CoreAlt -> AltMap a -> Maybe a
lkA env (Alt DEFAULT      _  rhs) = am_deflt >.> lkG (D env rhs)
lkA env (Alt (LitAlt lit) _  rhs) = am_lit >.> lookupTM lit >=> lkG (D env rhs)
lkA env (Alt (DataAlt dc) bs rhs) = am_data >.> lkDNamed dc
                                        >=> lkG (D (extendCMEs env bs) rhs)

xtA :: CmEnv -> CoreAlt -> XT a -> AltMap a -> AltMap a
xtA env (Alt DEFAULT _ rhs)      f m =
    m { am_deflt = am_deflt m |> xtG (D env rhs) f }
xtA env (Alt (LitAlt l) _ rhs)   f m =
    m { am_lit   = am_lit m   |> alterTM l |>> xtG (D env rhs) f }
xtA env (Alt (DataAlt d) bs rhs) f m =
    m { am_data  = am_data m  |> xtDNamed d
                             |>> xtG (D (extendCMEs env bs) rhs) f }

fdA :: (a -> b -> b) -> AltMap a -> b -> b
fdA k m = foldTM k (am_deflt m)
        . foldTM (foldTM k) (am_data m)
        . foldTM (foldTM k) (am_lit m)