.. _release-9-4-6: Version 9.4.7 ============== The significant changes to the various parts of the compiler are listed in the following sections. The :ghc-flag:`LLVM backend <-fllvm>` of this release is to be used with LLVM 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14. Significant Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Issues fixed in this release include: Compiler -------- - Fix a number of scoping bugs in the specialiser, prevent simplifier panics (:ghc-ticket:`21391`, :ghc-ticket:`21689`, :ghc-ticket:`21828`, :ghc-ticket:`23762`). Build system and packaging -------------------------- - Allow building documentation with sphinx versions older than ``4.0`` along with older versions of ``python`` (:ghc-ticket:`23807`, :ghc-ticket:`23818`). - Also build vanilla (non-static) alpine bindists (:ghc-ticket:`23349`, :ghc-ticket:`23828`). - Make hadrian buildable with Cabal-3.8. Core libraries -------------- - Bump ``bytestring`` to (:ghc-ticket:`23789`), allowing GHC to be bootstrapped on systems having ``HAVE_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETCLOCK`` Included libraries ------------------ The package database provided with this distribution also contains a number of packages other than GHC itself. See the changelogs provided with these packages for further change information. .. ghc-package-list:: libraries/array/array.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/base/base.cabal: Core library libraries/binary/binary.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/bytestring/bytestring.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Cabal.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc-pkg`` utility libraries/Cabal/Cabal-syntax/Cabal-syntax.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc-pkg`` utility libraries/containers/containers/containers.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/deepseq/deepseq.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/directory/directory.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/exceptions/exceptions.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` and ``haskeline`` library libraries/filepath/filepath.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library compiler/ghc.cabal: The compiler itself libraries/ghci/ghci.cabal: The REPL interface libraries/ghc-boot/ghc-boot.cabal: Internal compiler library libraries/ghc-boot-th/ghc-boot-th.cabal: Internal compiler library libraries/ghc-compact/ghc-compact.cabal: Core library libraries/ghc-heap/ghc-heap.cabal: GHC heap-walking library libraries/ghc-prim/ghc-prim.cabal: Core library libraries/haskeline/haskeline.cabal: Dependency of ``ghci`` executable libraries/hpc/hpc.cabal: Dependency of ``hpc`` executable libraries/integer-gmp/integer-gmp.cabal: Core library libraries/libiserv/libiserv.cabal: Internal compiler library libraries/mtl/mtl.cabal: Dependency of ``Cabal`` library libraries/parsec/parsec.cabal: Dependency of ``Cabal`` library libraries/pretty/pretty.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/process/process.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/stm/stm.cabal: Dependency of ``haskeline`` library libraries/template-haskell/template-haskell.cabal: Core library libraries/terminfo/terminfo.cabal: Dependency of ``haskeline`` library libraries/text/text.cabal: Dependency of ``Cabal`` library libraries/time/time.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/transformers/transformers.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/unix/unix.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/Win32/Win32.cabal: Dependency of ``ghc`` library libraries/xhtml/xhtml.cabal: Dependency of ``haddock`` executable