.. _monomorphism:

Switching off the Monomorphism Restriction

.. extension:: NoMonomorphismRestriction
    :shortdesc: Disable the monomorphism restriction.

    :default: on
    :since: 6.8.1

    Prevents the compiler from applying the monomorphism restriction to
    bindings lacking explicit type signatures.

Haskell's monomorphism restriction (see `Section
4.5.5 <https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/decls.html#sect4.5.5>`__ of
the Haskell Report) can be completely switched off by
:extension:`NoMonomorphismRestriction`. Since GHC 7.8.1, the monomorphism
restriction is switched off by default in GHCi's interactive options
(see :ref:`ghci-interactive-options`).