.. _deriving-extra: Deriving instances of extra classes (``Data``, etc.) ---------------------------------------------------- Haskell 98 allows the programmer to add "``deriving( Eq, Ord )``" to a data type declaration, to generate a standard instance declaration for classes specified in the ``deriving`` clause. In Haskell 98, the only classes that may appear in the ``deriving`` clause are the standard classes ``Eq``, ``Ord``, ``Enum``, ``Ix``, ``Bounded``, ``Read``, and ``Show``. GHC extends this list with several more classes that may be automatically derived: - With :extension:`DeriveGeneric`, you can derive instances of the classes ``Generic`` and ``Generic1``, defined in ``GHC.Generics``. You can use these to define generic functions, as described in :ref:`generic-programming`. - With :extension:`DeriveFunctor`, you can derive instances of the class ``Functor``, defined in ``GHC.Base``. - With :extension:`DeriveDataTypeable`, you can derive instances of the class ``Data``, defined in ``Data.Data``. - With :extension:`DeriveFoldable`, you can derive instances of the class ``Foldable``, defined in ``Data.Foldable``. - With :extension:`DeriveTraversable`, you can derive instances of the class ``Traversable``, defined in ``Data.Traversable``. Since the ``Traversable`` instance dictates the instances of ``Functor`` and ``Foldable``, you'll probably want to derive them too, so :extension:`DeriveTraversable` implies :extension:`DeriveFunctor` and :extension:`DeriveFoldable`. - With :extension:`DeriveLift`, you can derive instances of the class ``Lift``, defined in the ``Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax`` module of the ``template-haskell`` package. You can also use a standalone deriving declaration instead (see :ref:`stand-alone-deriving`). In each case the appropriate class must be in scope before it can be mentioned in the ``deriving`` clause. .. _deriving-functor: Deriving ``Functor`` instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. extension:: DeriveFunctor :shortdesc: Enable deriving for the Functor class. Implied by :extension:`DeriveTraversable`. :implied by: :extension:`DeriveTraversable` :since: 7.10.1 :status: Included in :extension:`GHC2021` Allow automatic deriving of instances for the ``Functor`` typeclass. With :extension:`DeriveFunctor`, one can derive ``Functor`` instances for data types of kind ``Type -> Type``. For example, this declaration:: data Example a = Ex a Char (Example a) (Example Char) deriving Functor would generate the following instance: :: instance Functor Example where fmap f (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = Ex (f a1) a2 (fmap f a3) a4 The basic algorithm for :extension:`DeriveFunctor` walks the arguments of each constructor of a data type, applying a mapping function depending on the type of each argument. If a plain type variable is found that is syntactically equivalent to the last type parameter of the data type (``a`` in the above example), then we apply the function ``f`` directly to it. If a type is encountered that is not syntactically equivalent to the last type parameter *but does mention* the last type parameter somewhere in it, then a recursive call to ``fmap`` is made. If a type is found which doesn't mention the last type parameter at all, then it is left alone. The second of those cases, in which a type is unequal to the type parameter but does contain the type parameter, can be surprisingly tricky. For example, the following example compiles:: newtype Right a = Right (Either Int a) deriving Functor Modifying the code slightly, however, produces code which will not compile:: newtype Wrong a = Wrong (Either a Int) deriving Functor The difference involves the placement of the last type parameter, ``a``. In the ``Right`` case, ``a`` occurs within the type ``Either Int a``, and moreover, it appears as the last type argument of ``Either``. In the ``Wrong`` case, however, ``a`` is not the last type argument to ``Either``; rather, ``Int`` is. This distinction is important because of the way :extension:`DeriveFunctor` works. The derived ``Functor Right`` instance would be:: instance Functor Right where fmap f (Right a) = Right (fmap f a) Given a value of type ``Right a``, GHC must produce a value of type ``Right b``. Since the argument to the ``Right`` constructor has type ``Either Int a``, the code recursively calls ``fmap`` on it to produce a value of type ``Either Int b``, which is used in turn to construct a final value of type ``Right b``. The generated code for the ``Functor Wrong`` instance would look exactly the same, except with ``Wrong`` replacing every occurrence of ``Right``. The problem is now that ``fmap`` is being applied recursively to a value of type ``Either a Int``. This cannot possibly produce a value of type ``Either b Int``, as ``fmap`` can only change the last type parameter! This causes the generated code to be ill-typed. As a general rule, if a data type has a derived ``Functor`` instance and its last type parameter occurs on the right-hand side of the data declaration, then either it must (1) occur bare (e.g., ``newtype Id a = Id a``), or (2) occur as the last argument of a type constructor (as in ``Right`` above). There are two exceptions to this rule: #. Tuple types. When a non-unit tuple is used on the right-hand side of a data declaration, :extension:`DeriveFunctor` treats it as a product of distinct types. In other words, the following code:: newtype Triple a = Triple (a, Int, [a]) deriving Functor Would result in a generated ``Functor`` instance like so:: instance Functor Triple where fmap f (Triple a) = Triple (case a of (a1, a2, a3) -> (f a1, a2, fmap f a3)) That is, :extension:`DeriveFunctor` pattern-matches its way into tuples and maps over each type that constitutes the tuple. The generated code is reminiscent of what would be generated from ``data Triple a = Triple a Int [a]``, except with extra machinery to handle the tuple. #. Function types. The last type parameter can appear anywhere in a function type as long as it occurs in a *covariant* position. To illustrate what this means, consider the following three examples:: newtype CovFun1 a = CovFun1 (Int -> a) deriving Functor newtype CovFun2 a = CovFun2 ((a -> Int) -> a) deriving Functor newtype CovFun3 a = CovFun3 (((Int -> a) -> Int) -> a) deriving Functor All three of these examples would compile without issue. On the other hand:: newtype ContraFun1 a = ContraFun1 (a -> Int) deriving Functor newtype ContraFun2 a = ContraFun2 ((Int -> a) -> Int) deriving Functor newtype ContraFun3 a = ContraFun3 (((a -> Int) -> a) -> Int) deriving Functor While these examples look similar, none of them would successfully compile. This is because all occurrences of the last type parameter ``a`` occur in *contravariant* positions, not covariant ones. Intuitively, a covariant type is *produced*, and a contravariant type is *consumed*. Most types in Haskell are covariant, but the function type is special in that the lefthand side of a function arrow reverses variance. If a function type ``a -> b`` appears in a covariant position (e.g., ``CovFun1`` above), then ``a`` is in a contravariant position and ``b`` is in a covariant position. Similarly, if ``a -> b`` appears in a contravariant position (e.g., ``CovFun2`` above), then ``a`` is in ``a`` covariant position and ``b`` is in a contravariant position. To see why a data type with a contravariant occurrence of its last type parameter cannot have a derived ``Functor`` instance, let's suppose that a ``Functor ContraFun1`` instance exists. The implementation would look something like this:: instance Functor ContraFun1 where fmap f (ContraFun g) = ContraFun (\x -> _) We have ``f :: a -> b``, ``g :: a -> Int``, and ``x :: b``. Using these, we must somehow fill in the hole (denoted with an underscore) with a value of type ``Int``. What are our options? We could try applying ``g`` to ``x``. This won't work though, as ``g`` expects an argument of type ``a``, and ``x :: b``. Even worse, we can't turn ``x`` into something of type ``a``, since ``f`` also needs an argument of type ``a``! In short, there's no good way to make this work. On the other hand, a derived ``Functor`` instances for the ``CovFun``\ s are within the realm of possibility:: instance Functor CovFun1 where fmap f (CovFun1 g) = CovFun1 (\x -> f (g x)) instance Functor CovFun2 where fmap f (CovFun2 g) = CovFun2 (\h -> f (g (\x -> h (f x)))) instance Functor CovFun3 where fmap f (CovFun3 g) = CovFun3 (\h -> f (g (\k -> h (\x -> f (k x))))) There are some other scenarios in which a derived ``Functor`` instance will fail to compile: #. A data type has no type parameters (e.g., ``data Nothing = Nothing``). #. A data type's last type variable is used in a :extension:`DatatypeContexts` constraint (e.g., ``data Ord a => O a = O a``). #. A data type's last type variable is used in an :extension:`ExistentialQuantification` constraint, or is refined in a GADT. For example, :: data T a b where T4 :: Ord b => b -> T a b T5 :: b -> T b b T6 :: T a (b,b) deriving instance Functor (T a) would not compile successfully due to the way in which ``b`` is constrained. When the last type parameter has a phantom role (see :ref:`roles`), the derived ``Functor`` instance will not be produced using the usual algorithm. Instead, the entire value will be coerced. :: data Phantom a = Z | S (Phantom a) deriving Functor will produce the following instance: :: instance Functor Phantom where fmap _ = coerce When a type has no constructors, the derived ``Functor`` instance will simply force the (bottom) value of the argument using :extension:`EmptyCase`. :: data V a deriving Functor type role V nominal will produce :: instance Functor V where fmap _ z = case z of .. _deriving-foldable: Deriving ``Foldable`` instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. extension:: DeriveFoldable :shortdesc: Enable deriving for the Foldable class. Implied by :extension:`DeriveTraversable`. :implied by: :extension:`DeriveTraversable` :since: 7.10.1 :status: Included in :extension:`GHC2021` Allow automatic deriving of instances for the ``Foldable`` typeclass. With :extension:`DeriveFoldable`, one can derive ``Foldable`` instances for data types of kind ``Type -> Type``. For example, this declaration:: data Example a = Ex a Char (Example a) (Example Char) deriving Foldable would generate the following instance:: instance Foldable Example where foldr f z (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = f a1 (foldr f z a3) foldMap f (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = mappend (f a1) (foldMap f a3) The algorithm for :extension:`DeriveFoldable` is adapted from the :extension:`DeriveFunctor` algorithm, but it generates definitions for ``foldMap``, ``foldr``, and ``null`` instead of ``fmap``. In addition, :extension:`DeriveFoldable` filters out all constructor arguments on the RHS expression whose types do not mention the last type parameter, since those arguments do not need to be folded over. When the type parameter has a phantom role (see :ref:`roles`), :extension:`DeriveFoldable` derives a trivial instance. For example, this declaration: :: data Phantom a = Z | S (Phantom a) will generate the following instance. :: instance Foldable Phantom where foldMap _ _ = mempty Similarly, when the type has no constructors, :extension:`DeriveFoldable` will derive a trivial instance: :: data V a deriving Foldable type role V nominal will generate the following. :: instance Foldable V where foldMap _ _ = mempty Here are the differences between the generated code for ``Functor`` and ``Foldable``: #. When a bare type variable ``a`` is encountered, :extension:`DeriveFunctor` would generate ``f a`` for an ``fmap`` definition. :extension:`DeriveFoldable` would generate ``f a z`` for ``foldr``, ``f a`` for ``foldMap``, and ``False`` for ``null``. #. When a type that is not syntactically equivalent to ``a``, but which does contain ``a``, is encountered, :extension:`DeriveFunctor` recursively calls ``fmap`` on it. Similarly, :extension:`DeriveFoldable` would recursively call ``foldr`` and ``foldMap``. Depending on the context, ``null`` may recursively call ``null`` or ``all null``. For example, given :: data F a = F (P a) data G a = G (P (a, Int)) data H a = H (P (Q a)) ``Foldable`` deriving will produce :: null (F x) = null x null (G x) = null x null (H x) = all null x #. :extension:`DeriveFunctor` puts everything back together again at the end by invoking the constructor. :extension:`DeriveFoldable`, however, builds up a value of some type. For ``foldr``, this is accomplished by chaining applications of ``f`` and recursive ``foldr`` calls on the state value ``z``. For ``foldMap``, this happens by combining all values with ``mappend``. For ``null``, the values are usually combined with ``&&``. However, if any of the values is known to be ``False``, all the rest will be dropped. For example, :: data SnocList a = Nil | Snoc (SnocList a) a will not produce :: null (Snoc xs _) = null xs && False (which would walk the whole list), but rather :: null (Snoc _ _) = False There are some other differences regarding what data types can have derived ``Foldable`` instances: #. Data types containing function types on the right-hand side cannot have derived ``Foldable`` instances. #. ``Foldable`` instances can be derived for data types in which the last type parameter is existentially constrained or refined in a GADT. For example, this data type:: data E a where E1 :: (a ~ Int) => a -> E a E2 :: Int -> E Int E3 :: (a ~ Int) => a -> E Int E4 :: (a ~ Int) => Int -> E a deriving instance Foldable E would have the following generated ``Foldable`` instance:: instance Foldable E where foldr f z (E1 e) = f e z foldr f z (E2 e) = z foldr f z (E3 e) = z foldr f z (E4 e) = z foldMap f (E1 e) = f e foldMap f (E2 e) = mempty foldMap f (E3 e) = mempty foldMap f (E4 e) = mempty Notice how every constructor of ``E`` utilizes some sort of existential quantification, but only the argument of ``E1`` is actually "folded over". This is because we make a deliberate choice to only fold over universally polymorphic types that are syntactically equivalent to the last type parameter. In particular: - We don't fold over the arguments of ``E1`` or ``E4`` because even though ``(a ~ Int)``, ``Int`` is not syntactically equivalent to ``a``. - We don't fold over the argument of ``E3`` because ``a`` is not universally polymorphic. The ``a`` in ``E3`` is (implicitly) existentially quantified, so it is not the same as the last type parameter of ``E``. .. _deriving-traversable: Deriving ``Traversable`` instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. extension:: DeriveTraversable :shortdesc: Enable deriving for the Traversable class. Implies :extension:`DeriveFunctor` and :extension:`DeriveFoldable`. :implies: :extension:`DeriveFoldable`, :extension:`DeriveFunctor` :implied by: :extension:`GHC2021` :since: 7.10.1 Allow automatic deriving of instances for the ``Traversable`` typeclass. With :extension:`DeriveTraversable`, one can derive ``Traversable`` instances for data types of kind ``Type -> Type``. For example, this declaration:: data Example a = Ex a Char (Example a) (Example Char) deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable) would generate the following ``Traversable`` instance:: instance Traversable Example where traverse f (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = fmap (\b1 b3 -> Ex b1 a2 b3 a4) (f a1) <*> traverse f a3 The algorithm for :extension:`DeriveTraversable` is adapted from the :extension:`DeriveFunctor` algorithm, but it generates a definition for ``traverse`` instead of ``fmap``. In addition, :extension:`DeriveTraversable` filters out all constructor arguments on the RHS expression whose types do not mention the last type parameter, since those arguments do not produce any effects in a traversal. When the type parameter has a phantom role (see :ref:`roles`), :extension:`DeriveTraversable` coerces its argument. For example, this declaration:: data Phantom a = Z | S (Phantom a) deriving Traversable will generate the following instance:: instance Traversable Phantom where traverse _ z = pure (coerce z) When the type has no constructors, :extension:`DeriveTraversable` will derive the laziest instance it can. :: data V a deriving Traversable type role V nominal will generate the following, using :extension:`EmptyCase`: :: instance Traversable V where traverse _ z = pure (case z of) Here are the differences between the generated code in each extension: #. When a bare type variable ``a`` is encountered, both :extension:`DeriveFunctor` and :extension:`DeriveTraversable` would generate ``f a`` for an ``fmap`` and ``traverse`` definition, respectively. #. When a type that is not syntactically equivalent to ``a``, but which does contain ``a``, is encountered, :extension:`DeriveFunctor` recursively calls ``fmap`` on it. Similarly, :extension:`DeriveTraversable` would recursively call ``traverse``. #. :extension:`DeriveFunctor` puts everything back together again at the end by invoking the constructor. :extension:`DeriveTraversable` does something similar, but it works in an ``Applicative`` context by chaining everything together with ``(<*>)``. Unlike :extension:`DeriveFunctor`, :extension:`DeriveTraversable` cannot be used on data types containing a function type on the right-hand side. For a full specification of the algorithms used in :extension:`DeriveFunctor`, :extension:`DeriveFoldable`, and :extension:`DeriveTraversable`, see :ghc-wiki:`this wiki page <commentary/compiler/derive-functor>`. .. _deriving-data: Deriving ``Data`` instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. extension:: DeriveDataTypeable :shortdesc: Enable deriving for the ``Data`` class. :since: 6.8.1 :status: Included in :extension:`GHC2021` Enable automatic deriving of instances for the ``Data`` typeclass .. _deriving-typeable: Deriving ``Typeable`` instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The class ``Typeable`` is very special: - ``Typeable`` is kind-polymorphic (see :ref:`kind-polymorphism`). - GHC has a custom solver for discharging constraints that involve class ``Typeable``, and handwritten instances are forbidden. This ensures that the programmer cannot subvert the type system by writing bogus instances. - Derived instances of ``Typeable`` may be declared if the :extension:`DeriveDataTypeable` extension is enabled, but they are ignored, and they may be reported as an error in a later version of the compiler. - The rules for solving ``Typeable`` constraints are as follows: - A concrete type constructor applied to some types. :: instance (Typeable t1, .., Typeable t_n) => Typeable (T t1 .. t_n) This rule works for any concrete type constructor, including type constructors with polymorphic kinds. The only restriction is that if the type constructor has a polymorphic kind, then it has to be applied to all of its kinds parameters, and these kinds need to be concrete (i.e., they cannot mention kind variables). - A type variable applied to some types:: instance (Typeable f, Typeable t1, .., Typeable t_n) => Typeable (f t1 .. t_n) - A concrete type literal.:: instance Typeable 0 -- Type natural literals instance Typeable "Hello" -- Type-level symbols .. _deriving-lift: Deriving ``Lift`` instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. extension:: DeriveLift :shortdesc: Enable deriving for the Lift class :since: 8.0.1 :status: Included in :extension:`GHC2021` Enable automatic deriving of instances for the ``Lift`` typeclass for Template Haskell. The class ``Lift``, unlike other derivable classes, lives in ``template-haskell`` instead of ``base``. Having a data type be an instance of ``Lift`` permits its values to be promoted to Template Haskell expressions (of type ``ExpQ`` and ``Code Q a``), which can then be spliced into Haskell source code. Here is an example of how one can derive ``Lift``: :: {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} module Bar where import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax data Foo a = Foo a | a :^: a deriving Lift {- instance (Lift a) => Lift (Foo a) where lift (Foo a) = [| Foo a |] lift ((:^:) u v) = [| (:^:) u v |] liftTyped (Foo a) = [|| Foo a ||] liftTyped ((:^:) u v) = [|| (:^:) u v ||] -} ----- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Baz where import Bar import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift foo :: Foo String foo = $(lift $ Foo "foo") fooExp :: Lift a => Foo a -> Q Exp fooExp f = [| f |] Note that the ``Lift`` typeclass takes advantage of :ref:`runtime-rep` in order to support instances involving unboxed types. This means :extension:`DeriveLift` also works for these types: :: {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift, MagicHash #-} module Unboxed where import GHC.Exts import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax data IntHash = IntHash Int# deriving Lift {- instance Lift IntHash where lift (IntHash i) = [| IntHash i |] liftTyped (IntHash i) = [|| IntHash i ||] -}