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Introduction to GHC

This is a guide to using the Glasgow Haskell compilation (GHC) system. It is a batch compiler for the Haskell 1.4 language, with support for various Glasgow-only extensions.

Many people will use GHC very simply: compile some modules -- `ghc -c -O Foo.hs Bar.hs'; and link them -- `ghc -o wiggle -O Foo.o Bar.o'.

But if you need to do something more complicated, GHC can do that, too:

ghc -c -O -fno-foldr-build -dcore-lint -fvia-C -ddump-simpl Foo.lhs
Stay tuned -- all will be revealed!

In this document, we assume that GHC has been installed at your site as `ghc'. If you are unfamiliar with the conventions of UNIX compilers, the material in section See section Tutorial material about this compilation system may help.

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