Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell software

Safe HaskellNone



This is the information about an installed package that is communicated to the ghc-pkg program in order to register a package. ghc-pkg now consumes this package format (as of version 6.4). This is specific to GHC at the moment.

The .cabal file format is for describing a package that is not yet installed. It has a lot of flexibility, like conditionals and dependency ranges. As such, that format is not at all suitable for describing a package that has already been built and installed. By the time we get to that stage, we have resolved all conditionals and resolved dependency version constraints to exact versions of dependent packages. So, this module defines the InstalledPackageInfo data structure that contains all the info we keep about an installed package. There is a parser and pretty printer. The textual format is rather simpler than the .cabal format: there are no sections, for example.


data InstalledPackageInfo_ m




installedPackageId :: InstalledPackageId
sourcePackageId :: PackageId
packageKey :: PackageKey
license :: License
copyright :: String
maintainer :: String
author :: String
stability :: String
homepage :: String
pkgUrl :: String
synopsis :: String
description :: String
category :: String
exposed :: Bool
exposedModules :: [ExposedModule]
instantiatedWith :: [(m, OriginalModule)]
hiddenModules :: [m]
trusted :: Bool
importDirs :: [FilePath]
libraryDirs :: [FilePath]
dataDir :: FilePath
hsLibraries :: [String]
extraLibraries :: [String]
extraGHCiLibraries :: [String]
includeDirs :: [FilePath]
includes :: [String]
depends :: [InstalledPackageId]
ccOptions :: [String]
ldOptions :: [String]
frameworkDirs :: [FilePath]
frameworks :: [String]
haddockInterfaces :: [FilePath]
haddockHTMLs :: [FilePath]
pkgRoot :: Maybe FilePath

data ParseResult a


ParseFailed PError 
ParseOk [PWarning] a 


Monad ParseResult 
Functor ParseResult 
Applicative ParseResult 
Show a => Show (ParseResult a) 

data PError


AmbiguousParse String LineNo 
NoParse String LineNo 
TabsError LineNo 
FromString String (Maybe LineNo) 


Eq PError 
Show PError 

data PWarning


Eq PWarning 
Show PWarning