ghc-7.8.20140130: The GHC API

Safe HaskellNone




data HsLocalBindsLR idL idRSource

Bindings in a 'let' expression or a 'where' clause


(Data idL, Data idR) => Data (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR) 
(OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => Outputable (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR) 
Typeable (* -> * -> *) HsLocalBindsLR 

data HsValBindsLR idL idRSource

Value bindings (not implicit parameters)


ValBindsIn (LHsBindsLR idL idR) [LSig idR]

Before renaming RHS; idR is always RdrName Not dependency analysed Recursive by default

ValBindsOut [(RecFlag, LHsBinds idL)] [LSig Name]

After renaming RHS; idR can be Name or Id Dependency analysed, later bindings in the list may depend on earlier ones.


(Data idL, Data idR) => Data (HsValBindsLR idL idR) 
(OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => Outputable (HsValBindsLR idL idR) 
Typeable (* -> * -> *) HsValBindsLR 

type LHsBind id = LHsBindLR id idSource

type LHsBinds id = LHsBindsLR id idSource

type HsBind id = HsBindLR id idSource

type LHsBindsLR idL idR = Bag (Origin, LHsBindLR idL idR)Source

type LHsBindLR idL idR = Located (HsBindLR idL idR)Source

data HsBindLR idL idRSource



FunBind is used for both functions f x = e and variables f = x -> e

Reason 1: Special case for type inference: see tcMonoBinds.

Reason 2: Instance decls can only have FunBinds, which is convenient. If you change this, you'll need to change e.g. rnMethodBinds

But note that the form f :: a->a = ... parses as a pattern binding, just like (f :: a -> a) = ...


fun_id :: Located idL
fun_infix :: Bool

True => infix declaration

fun_matches :: MatchGroup idR (LHsExpr idR)

The payload

fun_co_fn :: HsWrapper

Coercion from the type of the MatchGroup to the type of the Id. Example: f :: Int -> forall a. a -> a f x y = y Then the MatchGroup will have type (Int -> a' -> a') (with a free type variable a'). The coercion will take a CoreExpr of this type and convert it to a CoreExpr of type Int -> forall a'. a' -> a' Notice that the coercion captures the free a'.

bind_fvs :: NameSet

See Note [Bind free vars]

See Note [Bind free vars]

After the renamer, this contains the locally-bound free variables of this defn. See Note [Bind free vars]

fun_tick :: Maybe (Tickish Id)

Tick to put on the rhs, if any


The pattern is never a simple variable; That case is done by FunBind


pat_lhs :: LPat idL
pat_rhs :: GRHSs idR (LHsExpr idR)
pat_rhs_ty :: PostTcType

Type of the GRHSs

bind_fvs :: NameSet

See Note [Bind free vars]

See Note [Bind free vars]

After the renamer, this contains the locally-bound free variables of this defn. See Note [Bind free vars]

pat_ticks :: (Maybe (Tickish Id), [Maybe (Tickish Id)])

Tick to put on the rhs, if any, and ticks to put on the bound variables.


Dictionary binding and suchlike. All VarBinds are introduced by the type checker


var_id :: idL
var_rhs :: LHsExpr idR

Located only for consistency

var_inline :: Bool

True = inline this binding regardless (used for implication constraints only)



abs_tvs :: [TyVar]
abs_ev_vars :: [EvVar]

Includes equality constraints

abs_exports :: [ABExport idL]

AbsBinds only gets used when idL = idR after renaming, but these need to be idL's for the collect... code in HsUtil to have the right type

abs_ev_binds :: TcEvBinds

Evidence bindings

abs_binds :: LHsBinds idL

Typechecked user bindings



patsyn_id :: Located idL

Name of the pattern synonym

bind_fvs :: NameSet

See Note [Bind free vars]

See Note [Bind free vars]

After the renamer, this contains the locally-bound free variables of this defn. See Note [Bind free vars]

patsyn_args :: HsPatSynDetails (Located idR)

Formal parameter names

patsyn_def :: LPat idR

Right-hand side

patsyn_dir :: HsPatSynDir idR



(Data idL, Data idR) => Data (HsBindLR idL idR) 
(OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => Outputable (HsBindLR idL idR) 
Typeable (* -> * -> *) HsBindLR 

data ABExport idSource




abe_poly :: id

Any INLINE pragmas is attached to this Id

abe_mono :: id
abe_wrap :: HsWrapper

See Note [AbsBinds wrappers] Shape: (forall abs_tvs. abs_ev_vars => abe_mono) ~ abe_poly

abe_prags :: TcSpecPrags



placeHolderNames :: NameSetSource

Used for the NameSet in FunBind and PatBind prior to the renamer

data HsIPBinds idSource


IPBinds [LIPBind id] TcEvBinds 


data IPBind idSource

Implicit parameter bindings.


IPBind (Either HsIPName id) (LHsExpr id) 


Data id => Data (IPBind id) 
OutputableBndr id => Outputable (IPBind id) 
Typeable (* -> *) IPBind 

type LSig name = Located (Sig name)Source

data Sig nameSource

Signatures and pragmas


TypeSig [Located name] (LHsType name)

An ordinary type signature f :: Num a => a -> a

PatSynSig (Located name) (HsPatSynDetails (LHsType name)) (LHsType name) (LHsContext name) (LHsContext name)

A pattern synonym type signature @pattern (Eq b) => P a b :: (Num a) => T a

GenericSig [Located name] (LHsType name)

A type signature for a default method inside a class

 default eq :: (Representable0 a, GEq (Rep0 a)) => a -> a -> Bool
IdSig Id

A type signature in generated code, notably the code generated for record selectors. We simply record the desired Id itself, replete with its name, type and IdDetails. Otherwise it's just like a type signature: there should be an accompanying binding

FixSig (FixitySig name)

An ordinary fixity declaration

     infixl *** 8
InlineSig (Located name) InlinePragma

An inline pragma

 {#- INLINE f #-}
SpecSig (Located name) (LHsType name) InlinePragma

A specialisation pragma

 {-# SPECIALISE f :: Int -> Int #-}
SpecInstSig (LHsType name)

A specialisation pragma for instance declarations only

 {-# SPECIALISE instance Eq [Int] #-}

(Class tys); should be a specialisation of the current instance declaration

MinimalSig (BooleanFormula (Located name))

A minimal complete definition pragma

 {-# MINIMAL a | (b, c | (d | e)) #-}


Data name => Data (Sig name) 
OutputableBndr name => Outputable (Sig name) 
Typeable (* -> *) Sig 

data FixitySig nameSource


FixitySig (Located name) Fixity 


Data name => Data (FixitySig name) 
OutputableBndr name => Outputable (FixitySig name) 
Typeable (* -> *) FixitySig 

data TcSpecPragsSource

TsSpecPrags conveys pragmas from the type checker to the desugarer



Super-specialised: a default method should be macro-expanded at every call site

SpecPrags [LTcSpecPrag] 

data TcSpecPragSource


SpecPrag Id HsWrapper InlinePragma

The Id to be specialised, an wrapper that specialises the polymorphic function, and inlining spec for the specialised function

data HsPatSynDirLR idL idRSource


(Data idL, Data idR) => Data (HsPatSynDirLR idL idR) 
Typeable (* -> * -> *) HsPatSynDirLR