{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fprof-auto-top #-}
module Hoopl.Dataflow
( C, O, Block
, lastNode, entryLabel
, foldNodesBwdOO
, foldRewriteNodesBwdOO
, DataflowLattice(..), OldFact(..), NewFact(..), JoinedFact(..)
, TransferFun, RewriteFun
, Fact, FactBase
, getFact, mkFactBase
, analyzeCmmFwd, analyzeCmmBwd
, rewriteCmmBwd
, changedIf
, joinOutFacts
import GhcPrelude
import Cmm
import UniqSupply
import Data.Array
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Hoopl.Block
import Hoopl.Graph
import Hoopl.Collections
import Hoopl.Label
type family Fact x f :: *
type instance Fact C f = FactBase f
type instance Fact O f = f
newtype OldFact a = OldFact a
newtype NewFact a = NewFact a
data JoinedFact a
= Changed !a
| NotChanged !a
getJoined :: JoinedFact a -> a
getJoined (Changed a) = a
getJoined (NotChanged a) = a
changedIf :: Bool -> a -> JoinedFact a
changedIf True = Changed
changedIf False = NotChanged
type JoinFun a = OldFact a -> NewFact a -> JoinedFact a
data DataflowLattice a = DataflowLattice
{ fact_bot :: a
, fact_join :: JoinFun a
data Direction = Fwd | Bwd
type TransferFun f = CmmBlock -> FactBase f -> FactBase f
type RewriteFun f = CmmBlock -> FactBase f -> UniqSM (CmmBlock, FactBase f)
analyzeCmmBwd, analyzeCmmFwd
:: DataflowLattice f
-> TransferFun f
-> CmmGraph
-> FactBase f
-> FactBase f
analyzeCmmBwd = analyzeCmm Bwd
analyzeCmmFwd = analyzeCmm Fwd
:: Direction
-> DataflowLattice f
-> TransferFun f
-> CmmGraph
-> FactBase f
-> FactBase f
analyzeCmm dir lattice transfer cmmGraph initFact =
let entry = g_entry cmmGraph
hooplGraph = g_graph cmmGraph
blockMap =
case hooplGraph of
GMany NothingO bm NothingO -> bm
entries = if mapNull initFact then [entry] else mapKeys initFact
in fixpointAnalysis dir lattice transfer entries blockMap initFact
:: forall f.
-> DataflowLattice f
-> TransferFun f
-> [Label]
-> LabelMap CmmBlock
-> FactBase f
-> FactBase f
fixpointAnalysis direction lattice do_block entries blockmap = loop start
blocks = sortBlocks direction entries blockmap
num_blocks = length blocks
block_arr = {-# SCC "block_arr" #-} listArray (0, num_blocks - 1) blocks
start = {-# SCC "start" #-} [0 .. num_blocks - 1]
dep_blocks = {-# SCC "dep_blocks" #-} mkDepBlocks direction blocks
join = fact_join lattice
:: IntHeap
-> FactBase f
-> FactBase f
loop [] !fbase1 = fbase1
loop (index : todo1) !fbase1 =
let block = block_arr ! index
out_facts = {-# SCC "do_block" #-} do_block block fbase1
(todo2, fbase2) = {-# SCC "mapFoldWithKey" #-}
(updateFact join dep_blocks) (todo1, fbase1) out_facts
in loop todo2 fbase2
:: DataflowLattice f
-> RewriteFun f
-> CmmGraph
-> FactBase f
-> UniqSM (CmmGraph, FactBase f)
rewriteCmmBwd = rewriteCmm Bwd
:: Direction
-> DataflowLattice f
-> RewriteFun f
-> CmmGraph
-> FactBase f
-> UniqSM (CmmGraph, FactBase f)
rewriteCmm dir lattice rwFun cmmGraph initFact = do
let entry = g_entry cmmGraph
hooplGraph = g_graph cmmGraph
blockMap1 =
case hooplGraph of
GMany NothingO bm NothingO -> bm
entries = if mapNull initFact then [entry] else mapKeys initFact
(blockMap2, facts) <-
fixpointRewrite dir lattice rwFun entries blockMap1 initFact
return (cmmGraph {g_graph = GMany NothingO blockMap2 NothingO}, facts)
:: forall f.
-> DataflowLattice f
-> RewriteFun f
-> [Label]
-> LabelMap CmmBlock
-> FactBase f
-> UniqSM (LabelMap CmmBlock, FactBase f)
fixpointRewrite dir lattice do_block entries blockmap = loop start blockmap
blocks = sortBlocks dir entries blockmap
num_blocks = length blocks
block_arr = {-# SCC "block_arr_rewrite" #-}
listArray (0, num_blocks - 1) blocks
start = {-# SCC "start_rewrite" #-} [0 .. num_blocks - 1]
dep_blocks = {-# SCC "dep_blocks_rewrite" #-} mkDepBlocks dir blocks
join = fact_join lattice
:: IntHeap
-> LabelMap CmmBlock
-> FactBase f
-> UniqSM (LabelMap CmmBlock, FactBase f)
loop [] !blocks1 !fbase1 = return (blocks1, fbase1)
loop (index : todo1) !blocks1 !fbase1 = do
let block = block_arr ! index
(new_block, out_facts) <- {-# SCC "do_block_rewrite" #-}
do_block block fbase1
let blocks2 = mapInsert (entryLabel new_block) new_block blocks1
(todo2, fbase2) = {-# SCC "mapFoldWithKey_rewrite" #-}
(updateFact join dep_blocks) (todo1, fbase1) out_facts
loop todo2 blocks2 fbase2
:: NonLocal n
=> Direction -> [Label] -> LabelMap (Block n C C) -> [Block n C C]
sortBlocks direction entries blockmap =
case direction of
Fwd -> fwd
Bwd -> reverse fwd
fwd = postorder_dfs_from blockmap entries
mkDepBlocks :: Direction -> [CmmBlock] -> LabelMap IntSet
mkDepBlocks Fwd blocks = go blocks 0 mapEmpty
go [] !_ !dep_map = dep_map
go (b:bs) !n !dep_map =
go bs (n + 1) $ mapInsert (entryLabel b) (IntSet.singleton n) dep_map
mkDepBlocks Bwd blocks = go blocks 0 mapEmpty
go [] !_ !dep_map = dep_map
go (b:bs) !n !dep_map =
let insert m l = mapInsertWith IntSet.union l (IntSet.singleton n) m
in go bs (n + 1) $ foldl' insert dep_map (successors b)
:: JoinFun f
-> LabelMap IntSet
-> Label
-> f
-> (IntHeap, FactBase f)
-> (IntHeap, FactBase f)
updateFact fact_join dep_blocks lbl new_fact (todo, fbase)
= case lookupFact lbl fbase of
Nothing ->
let !z = mapInsert lbl new_fact fbase in (changed, z)
Just old_fact ->
case fact_join (OldFact old_fact) (NewFact new_fact) of
(NotChanged _) -> (todo, fbase)
(Changed f) -> let !z = mapInsert lbl f fbase in (changed, z)
changed = IntSet.foldr insertIntHeap todo $
mapFindWithDefault IntSet.empty lbl dep_blocks
getFact :: DataflowLattice f -> Label -> FactBase f -> f
getFact lat l fb = case lookupFact l fb of Just f -> f
Nothing -> fact_bot lat
joinOutFacts :: (NonLocal n) => DataflowLattice f -> n e C -> FactBase f -> f
joinOutFacts lattice nonLocal fact_base = foldl' join (fact_bot lattice) facts
join new old = getJoined $ fact_join lattice (OldFact old) (NewFact new)
facts =
[ fromJust fact
| s <- successors nonLocal
, let fact = lookupFact s fact_base
, isJust fact
mkFactBase :: DataflowLattice f -> [(Label, f)] -> FactBase f
mkFactBase lattice = foldl' add mapEmpty
join = fact_join lattice
add result (l, f1) =
let !newFact =
case mapLookup l result of
Nothing -> f1
Just f2 -> getJoined $ join (OldFact f1) (NewFact f2)
in mapInsert l newFact result
foldNodesBwdOO :: (CmmNode O O -> f -> f) -> Block CmmNode O O -> f -> f
foldNodesBwdOO funOO = go
go (BCat b1 b2) f = go b1 $! go b2 f
go (BSnoc h n) f = go h $! funOO n f
go (BCons n t) f = funOO n $! go t f
go (BMiddle n) f = funOO n f
go BNil f = f
{-# INLINABLE foldNodesBwdOO #-}
:: forall f.
(CmmNode O O -> f -> UniqSM (Block CmmNode O O, f))
-> Block CmmNode O O
-> f
-> UniqSM (Block CmmNode O O, f)
foldRewriteNodesBwdOO rewriteOO initBlock initFacts = go initBlock initFacts
go (BCons node1 block1) !fact1 = (rewriteOO node1 `comp` go block1) fact1
go (BSnoc block1 node1) !fact1 = (go block1 `comp` rewriteOO node1) fact1
go (BCat blockA1 blockB1) !fact1 = (go blockA1 `comp` go blockB1) fact1
go (BMiddle node) !fact1 = rewriteOO node fact1
go BNil !fact = return (BNil, fact)
comp rew1 rew2 = \f1 -> do
(b, f2) <- rew2 f1
(a, !f3) <- rew1 f2
let !c = joinBlocksOO a b
return (c, f3)
{-# INLINE comp #-}
{-# INLINABLE foldRewriteNodesBwdOO #-}
joinBlocksOO :: Block n O O -> Block n O O -> Block n O O
joinBlocksOO BNil b = b
joinBlocksOO b BNil = b
joinBlocksOO (BMiddle n) b = blockCons n b
joinBlocksOO b (BMiddle n) = blockSnoc b n
joinBlocksOO b1 b2 = BCat b1 b2
type IntHeap = [Int]
insertIntHeap :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
insertIntHeap x [] = [x]
insertIntHeap x (y:ys)
| x < y = x : y : ys
| x == y = x : ys
| otherwise = y : insertIntHeap x ys