ghc- The GHC API
Safe HaskellNone




readHieFile :: NameCache -> FilePath -> IO (HieFileResult, NameCache) Source #

Read a HieFile from a FilePath. Can use an existing NameCache.

readHieFileWithVersion :: (HieHeader -> Bool) -> NameCache -> FilePath -> IO (Either HieHeader (HieFileResult, NameCache)) Source #

Read a HieFile from a FilePath. Can use an existing NameCache. Allows you to specify which versions of hieFile to attempt to read. Left case returns the failing header versions.

writeHieFile :: FilePath -> HieFile -> IO () Source #

Write a HieFile to the given FilePath, with a proper header and symbol tables for Names and FastStrings

data HieName Source #

Name's get converted into HieName's before being written into .hie files. See toHieName and fromHieName for logic on how to convert between these two types.


Instances details
Eq HieName # 
Instance details

Defined in HieBin


(==) :: HieName -> HieName -> Bool #

(/=) :: HieName -> HieName -> Bool #

Ord HieName # 
Instance details

Defined in HieBin

Outputable HieName # 
Instance details

Defined in HieBin

hieMagic :: [Word8] Source #

The header for HIE files - Capital ASCII letters HIE.