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Posix operations on files and directories

openDirStream :: FilePath -> IO DirStream
`openDirStream dir' calls `opendir' to obtain a directory stream for `dir'.
readDirStream :: DirStream -> IO String
`readDirStream dp' calls `readdir' to obtain the next directory entry (`struct dirent') for the open directory stream `dp', and returns the `d_name' member of that structure. The operation may fail with:
rewindDirStream :: DirStream -> IO ()
`rewindDirStream dp' calls `rewinddir' to reposition the directory stream `dp' at the beginning of the directory.
closeDirStream :: DirStream -> IO ()
`closeDirStream dp' calls `closedir' to close the directory stream `dp'.
getWorkingDirectory :: IO FilePath
`getWorkingDirectory' calls `getcwd' to obtain the name of the current working directory.
changeWorkingDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
`changeWorkingDirectory dir' calls `chdir' to change the current working directory to `dir'.
nullFileMode       :: FileMode       -- ---------
ownerReadMode      :: FileMode       -- r--------
ownerWriteMode     :: FileMode       -- -w-------
ownerExecuteMode   :: FileMode       -- --x------
groupReadMode      :: FileMode       -- --r-----
groupWriteMode     :: FileMode       -- ----w----
groupExecuteMode   :: FileMode       -- -----x---
otherReadMode      :: FileMode       -- ------r--
otherWriteMode     :: FileMode       -- -------w-
otherExecuteMode   :: FileMode       -- --------x
setUserIDMode      :: FileMode       -- --S------
setGroupIDMode     :: FileMode       -- -----S---
stdFileMode        :: FileMode       -- rw-rw-rw-
ownerModes         :: FileMode       -- rwx------
groupModes         :: FileMode       -- --rwx---
otherModes         :: FileMode       -- ------rwx
accessModes        :: FileMode       -- rwxrwxrwx

unionFileModes     :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
intersectFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode

stdInput  :: Fd
stdInput  = intToFd 0

stdOutput :: Fd
stdOutput = intToFd 1

stdError  :: Fd
stdError  = intToFd 2

data OpenFileFlags =
 OpenFileFlags {
    append    :: Bool,
    exclusive :: Bool,
    noctty    :: Bool,
    nonBlock  :: Bool,
    trunc     :: Bool

openFd :: FilePath
       -> OpenMode
       -> Maybe FileMode  -- Just x => O_CREAT, Nothing => must exist
       -> OpenFileFlags
       -> IO Fd
`openFd path acc mode (OpenFileFlags app excl noctty nonblock trunc)' calls `open' to obtain a `Fd' for the file `path' with access mode `acc'. If `mode' is `Just m', the `O_CREAT' flag is set and the file's permissions will be based on `m' if it does not already exist; otherwise, the `O_CREAT' flag is not set. The arguments `app', `excl', `noctty', `nonblock', and `trunc' control whether or not the flags `O_APPEND', `O_EXCL', `O_NOCTTY', `O_NONBLOCK', and `O_TRUNC' are set, respectively.
createFile :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO Fd
`createFile path mode' calls `creat' to obtain a `Fd' for file `path', which will be created with permissions based on `mode' if it does not already exist.
setFileCreationMask :: FileMode -> IO FileMode
`setFileCreationMask mode' calls `umask' to set the process's file creation mask to `mode'. The previous file creation mask is returned.
createLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
`createLink old new' calls `link' to create a new path, `new', linked to an existing file, `old'.
createDirectory :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
`createDirectory dir mode' calls `mkdir' to create a new directory, `dir', with permissions based on `mode'.
createNamedPipe :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
`createNamedPipe fifo mode' calls `mkfifo' to create a new named pipe, `fifo', with permissions based on `mode'.
removeLink :: FilePath -> IO ()
`removeLink path' calls `unlink' to remove the link named `path'.
removeDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
`removeDirectory dir' calls `rmdir' to remove the directory named `dir'.
rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
`rename old new' calls `rename' to rename a file or directory from `old' to `new'.
fileMode          :: FileStatus -> FileMode
fileID            :: FileStatus -> FileID
deviceID          :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
linkCount         :: FileStatus -> LinkCount
fileOwner         :: FileStatus -> UserID
fileGroup         :: FileStatus -> GroupID
fileSize          :: FileStatus -> FileOffset

accessTime        :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
modificationTime  :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
statusChangeTime  :: FileStatus -> EpochTime

isDirectory       :: FileStatus -> Bool
isCharacterDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
isBlockDevice     :: FileStatus -> Bool
isRegularFile     :: FileStatus -> Bool
isNamedPipe       :: FileStatus -> Bool

getFileStatus     :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
`getFileStatus path' calls `stat' to get the `FileStatus' information for the file `path'.
getFdStatus :: Fd -> IO FileStatus
`getFdStatus fd' calls `fstat' to get the `FileStatus' information for the file associated with `Fd' `fd'.
queryAccess :: FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool
`queryAccess path r w x' calls `access' to test the access permissions for file `path'. The three arguments, `r', `w', and `x' control whether or not `access' is called with `R_OK', `W_OK', and `X_OK' respectively.
queryFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
`queryFile path' calls `access' with `F_OK' to test for the existence for file `path'.
setFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
`setFileMode path mode' calls `chmod' to set the permission bits associated with file `path' to `mode'.
setOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
`setOwnerAndGroup path uid gid' calls `chown' to set the `UserID' and `GroupID' associated with file `path' to `uid' and `gid', respectively.
setFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> IO ()
`setFileTimes path atime mtime' calls `utime' to set the access and modification times associated with file `path' to `atime' and `mtime', respectively.
touchFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
`touchFile path' calls `utime' to set the access and modification times associated with file `path' to the current time.
getPathVar :: PathVar -> FilePath -> IO Limit
`getPathVar var path' calls `pathconf' to obtain the dynamic value of the requested configurable file limit or option associated with file or directory `path'. For defined file limits, `getPathVar' returns the associated value. For defined file options, the result of `getPathVar' is undefined, but not failure. The operation may fail with:
getFdVar :: PathVar -> Fd -> IO Limit
`getFdVar var fd' calls `fpathconf' to obtain the dynamic value of the requested configurable file limit or option associated with the file or directory attached to the open channel `fd'. For defined file limits, `getFdVar' returns the associated value. For defined file options, the result of `getFdVar' is undefined, but not failure. The operation may fail with:
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