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Posix Input and Output Primitives

createPipe :: IO (Fd, Fd)
`createPipe' calls `pipe' to create a pipe and returns a pair of `Fd's, the first for writing and the second for reading.
dup :: Fd -> IO Fd
`dup fd' calls `dup' to duplicate `Fd' `fd' to another `Fd'.
dupTo :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
`dupTo src dst' calls `dup2' to duplicate `Fd' `src' to `Fd' `dst'.
fdClose :: Fd -> IO ()
`fdClose fd' calls `close' to close `Fd' `fd'.
fdRead :: Fd -> ByteCount -> IO (String, ByteCount)
`fdRead fd nbytes' calls `read' to read at most `nbytes' bytes from `Fd' `fd', and returns the result as a string paired with the number of bytes actually read. The operation may fail with:
fdWrite :: Fd -> String -> IO ByteCount
`fdWrite fd s' calls `write' to write the string `s' to `Fd' `fd' as a contiguous sequence of bytes. It returns the number of bytes successfully written.
queryFdOption :: FdOption -> Fd -> IO Bool
`getFdOption opt fd' calls `fcntl' to determine whether or not the flag associated with `FdOption' `opt' is set for `Fd' `fd'.
setFdOption :: Fd -> FdOption -> Bool -> IO ()
`setFdOption fd opt val' calls `fcntl' to set the flag associated with `FdOption' `opt' on `Fd' `fd' to `val'.
getLock :: Fd -> FileLock -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, FileLock))
`getLock fd lock' calls `fcntl' to get the first `FileLock' for `Fd' `fd' which blocks the `FileLock' `lock'. If no such `FileLock' exists, `getLock' returns `Nothing'. Otherwise, it returns `Just (pid, block)', where `block' is the blocking `FileLock' and `pid' is the `ProcessID' of the process holding the blocking `FileLock'.
setLock :: Fd -> FileLock -> IO ()
`setLock fd lock' calls `fcntl' with `F_SETLK' to set or clear a lock segment for `Fd' `fd' as indicated by the `FileLock' `lock'. `setLock' does not block, but fails with `SystemError' if the request cannot be satisfied immediately.
waitToSetLock :: Fd -> FileLock -> IO ()
`waitToSetLock fd lock' calls `fcntl' with `F_SETLKW' to set or clear a lock segment for `Fd' `fd' as indicated by the `FileLock' `lock'. If the request cannot be satisfied immediately, `waitToSetLock' blocks until the request can be satisfied.
fdSeek :: Fd -> SeekMode -> FileOffset -> IO FileOffset
`fdSeek fd whence offset' calls `lseek' to position the `Fd' `fd' at the given `offset' from the starting location indicated by `whence'. It returns the resulting offset from the start of the file in bytes.
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