OverlappingInstances | |
UndecidableInstances | |
IncoherentInstances | |
RecursiveDo | |
ParallelListComp | |
MultiParamTypeClasses | |
NoMonomorphismRestriction | |
FunctionalDependencies | |
Rank2Types | |
RankNTypes | |
PolymorphicComponents | |
ExistentialQuantification | |
ScopedTypeVariables | |
PatternSignatures | Deprecated, use ScopedTypeVariables instead.
ImplicitParams | |
FlexibleContexts | |
FlexibleInstances | |
EmptyDataDecls | |
CPP | |
KindSignatures | |
BangPatterns | |
TypeSynonymInstances | |
TemplateHaskell | |
ForeignFunctionInterface | |
Arrows | |
Generics | |
NoImplicitPrelude | |
NamedFieldPuns | |
PatternGuards | |
GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving | |
ExtensibleRecords | |
RestrictedTypeSynonyms | |
HereDocuments | |
MagicHash | |
TypeFamilies | |
StandaloneDeriving | |
UnicodeSyntax | |
UnliftedFFITypes | |
LiberalTypeSynonyms | |
TypeOperators | |
RecordWildCards | |
RecordPuns | |
DisambiguateRecordFields | |
OverloadedStrings | |
GADTs | |
NoMonoPatBinds | |
RelaxedPolyRec | |
ExtendedDefaultRules | |
UnboxedTuples | |
DeriveDataTypeable | |
ConstrainedClassMethods | |
PackageImports | Allow imports to be qualified by the package name that the module
is intended to be imported from, e.g.
import "network" Network.Socket
ImpredicativeTypes | |
NewQualifiedOperators | |
PostfixOperators | |
QuasiQuotes | |
TransformListComp | |
ViewPatterns | |
XmlSyntax | Allow concrete XML syntax to be used in expressions and patterns,
as per the Haskell Server Pages extension language:
http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HSP. The ideas behind it are
discussed in the paper Haskell Server Pages through Dynamic Loading
by Niklas Broberg, from Haskell Workshop '05.
RegularPatterns | Allow regular pattern matching over lists, as discussed in the
paper Regular Expression Patterns by Niklas Broberg, Andreas Farre
and Josef Svenningsson, from ICFP '04.
UnknownExtension String | |