ghc-7.0.2: The GHC API
GHC's functionality can be useful for more things than just compiling Haskell programs. Important use cases are programs that analyse (and perhaps transform) Haskell code. Others include loading Haskell code dynamically in a GHCi-like manner. For this reason, a lot of GHC's functionality is made available through this package.
- Alpha
- Annotations
- AsmCodeGen
- Bag
- BasicTypes
- BinIface
- Binary
- Bitmap
- BlockId
- BreakArray
- BufWrite
- BuildTyCl
- ByteCodeAsm
- ByteCodeFFI
- ByteCodeGen
- ByteCodeInstr
- ByteCodeItbls
- ByteCodeLink
- CLabel
- CgBindery
- CgCallConv
- CgCase
- CgClosure
- CgCon
- CgExpr
- CgExtCode
- CgForeignCall
- CgHeapery
- CgHpc
- CgInfoTbls
- CgLetNoEscape
- CgMonad
- CgParallel
- CgPrimOp
- CgProf
- CgStackery
- CgTailCall
- CgTicky
- CgUtils
- Check
- Class
- ClosureInfo
- CmdLineParser
- Cmm
- CmmBrokenBlock
- CmmBuildInfoTables
- CmmCPS
- CmmCPSGen
- CmmCallConv
- CmmCommonBlockElimZ
- CmmContFlowOpt
- CmmCvt
- CmmExpr
- CmmInfo
- CmmLex
- CmmLint
- CmmLive
- CmmLiveZ
- CmmOpt
- CmmParse
- CmmProcPoint
- CmmProcPointZ
- CmmSpillReload
- CmmStackLayout
- CmmTx
- CmmUtils
- CmmZipUtil
- CodeGen
- CodeOutput
- Coercion
- Config
- Constants
- Convert
- CoreArity
- CoreFVs
- CoreLint
- CoreMonad
- CorePrep
- CoreSubst
- CoreSyn
- CoreTidy
- CoreToStg
- CoreUnfold
- CoreUtils
- CostCentre
- Coverage
- Ctype
- DFMonad
- DataCon
- Dataflow
- Debugger
- Demand
- Desugar
- Digraph
- DmdAnal
- DriverMkDepend
- DriverPhases
- DriverPipeline
- DsArrows
- DsBinds
- DsCCall
- DsExpr
- DsForeign
- DsListComp
- DsMeta
- DsMonad
- DsUtils
- DynFlags
- Encoding
- ErrUtils
- Exception
- ExternalCore
- FamInst
- FamInstEnv
- FastBool
- FastFunctions
- FastMutInt
- FastString
- FastTypes
- Finder
- Fingerprint
- FiniteMap
- FloatIn
- FloatOut
- ForeignCall
- FunDeps
- Generics
- GraphBase
- GraphColor
- GraphOps
- GraphPpr
- HaddockUtils
- HeaderInfo
- HsBinds
- HsDecls
- HsDoc
- HsExpr
- HsImpExp
- HsLit
- HsPat
- HsSyn
- HsTypes
- HsUtils
- HscMain
- HscStats
- HscTypes
- IOEnv
- Id
- IdInfo
- IfaceEnv
- IfaceSyn
- IfaceType
- Inst
- InstEnv
- Instruction
- InteractiveEval
- Interval
- LexCore
- Lexer
- LibFFI
- LiberateCase
- Linker
- ListSetOps
- Literal
- Llvm
- LlvmCodeGen
- LlvmMangler
- LoadIface
- Match
- MatchCon
- MatchLit
- Maybes
- MkCore
- MkExternalCore
- MkId
- MkIface
- MkZipCfg
- MkZipCfgCmm
- Module
- MonadUtils
- NCGMonad
- Name
- NameEnv
- NameSet
- ObjLink
- OccName
- OccurAnal
- OptCoercion
- OptimizationFuel
- OrdList
- Outputable
- PackageConfig
- Packages
- Panic
- Parser
- ParserCore
- ParserCoreUtils
- Platform
- PprBase
- PprC
- PprCmm
- PprCmmZ
- PprCore
- PprExternalCore
- PprTyThing
- PrelInfo
- PrelNames
- PrelRules
- Pretty
- PrimOp
- RdrHsSyn
- RdrName
- Reg
- RegAlloc
- Graph
- Linear
- RegAlloc.Liveness
- RegClass
- RnBinds
- RnEnv
- RnExpr
- RnHsDoc
- RnHsSyn
- RnNames
- RnPat
- RnSource
- RnTypes
- RtClosureInspect
- Rules
- SCCfinal
- SMRep
- Serialized
- SetLevels
- SimplCore
- SimplEnv
- SimplMonad
- SimplStg
- SimplUtils
- Simplify
- Size
- SpecConstr
- Specialise
- SrcLoc
- StackColor
- StackPlacements
- State
- StaticFlagParser
- StaticFlags
- StgCmm
- StgCmmBind
- StgCmmClosure
- StgCmmCon
- StgCmmEnv
- StgCmmExpr
- StgCmmForeign
- StgCmmGran
- StgCmmHeap
- StgCmmHpc
- StgCmmLayout
- StgCmmMonad
- StgCmmPrim
- StgCmmProf
- StgCmmTicky
- StgCmmUtils
- StgLint
- StgStats
- StgSyn
- StringBuffer
- SysTools
- TargetReg
- TcAnnotations
- TcArrows
- TcBinds
- TcCanonical
- TcClassDcl
- TcDefaults
- TcDeriv
- TcEnv
- TcErrors
- TcExpr
- TcForeign
- TcGenDeriv
- TcHsSyn
- TcHsType
- TcIface
- TcInstDcls
- TcInteract
- TcMType
- TcMatches
- TcPat
- TcRnDriver
- TcRnMonad
- TcRnTypes
- TcRules
- TcSMonad
- TcSimplify
- TcSplice
- TcTyClsDecls
- TcTyDecls
- TcType
- TcUnify
- TidyPgm
- TyCon
- Type
- TysPrim
- TysWiredIn
- Unify
- UniqFM
- UniqSet
- UniqSupply
- Unique
- Util
- Var
- VarEnv
- VarSet
- Vectorise
- WorkWrap
- WwLib
- X86
- ZipCfg
- ZipCfgCmmRep
- ZipCfgExtras
- ZipDataflow