Distribution.Setup | Portability | portable | Stability | alpha | Maintainer | Isaac Jones <ijones@syntaxpolice.org> |
Description |
Explanation: Data types and parser for the standard command-line
setup. Will also return commands it doesn't know about.
Synopsis |
module Distribution.Compiler | | | | data ConfigFlags = ConfigFlags {} | | emptyConfigFlags :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags | | configureArgs :: ConfigFlags -> [String] | | type CopyFlags = (CopyDest, Int) | | | | type InstallFlags = (InstallUserFlag, Int) | | type RegisterFlags = (Bool, Bool, Int) | | type SDistFlags = (Bool, Int) | | | | parseGlobalArgs :: ProgramConfiguration -> [String] -> IO (Action, [String]) | | defaultCompilerFlavor :: Maybe CompilerFlavor | | parseConfigureArgs :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (ConfigFlags, [a], [String]) | | parseBuildArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) | | parseCleanArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) | | parseHaddockArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) | | parseProgramaticaArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) | | parseTestArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) | | parseInstallArgs :: InstallFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (InstallFlags, [a], [String]) | | parseSDistArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (SDistFlags, [a], [String]) | | parseRegisterArgs :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (RegisterFlags, [a], [String]) | | parseUnregisterArgs :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (RegisterFlags, [a], [String]) | | parseCopyArgs :: CopyFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (CopyFlags, [a], [String]) | | reqPathArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a | | reqDirArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a |
Documentation |
module Distribution.Compiler |
data Action |
Constructors | ConfigCmd ConfigFlags | | BuildCmd | | CleanCmd | | CopyCmd CopyDest | | HaddockCmd | | ProgramaticaCmd | | InstallCmd InstallUserFlag | | SDistCmd | | TestCmd | | RegisterCmd Bool Bool | | UnregisterCmd Bool Bool | | HelpCmd | |
data ConfigFlags |
Flags to configure command
| Constructors | ConfigFlags | | configPrograms :: ProgramConfiguration | All programs that cabal may run
| configHcFlavor :: (Maybe CompilerFlavor) | | configHcPath :: (Maybe FilePath) | given compiler location
| configHcPkg :: (Maybe FilePath) | given hc-pkg location
| configHappy :: (Maybe FilePath) | Happy path
| configAlex :: (Maybe FilePath) | Alex path
| configHsc2hs :: (Maybe FilePath) | Hsc2hs path
| configC2hs :: (Maybe FilePath) | C2hs path
| configCpphs :: (Maybe FilePath) | Cpphs path
| configGreencard :: (Maybe FilePath) | GreenCard path
| configProfLib :: Bool | Enable profiling in the library
| configProfExe :: Bool | Enable profiling in the executables.
| configPrefix :: (Maybe FilePath) | installation prefix
| configBinDir :: (Maybe FilePath) | installation dir for binaries,
| configLibDir :: (Maybe FilePath) | installation dir for object code libraries,
| configLibSubDir :: (Maybe FilePath) | subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed
| configLibExecDir :: (Maybe FilePath) | installation dir for program executables,
| configDataDir :: (Maybe FilePath) | installation dir for read-only arch-independent data,
| configDataSubDir :: (Maybe FilePath) | subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed
| configVerbose :: Int | verbosity level
| configUser :: Bool | | configGHCiLib :: Bool | Enable compiling library for GHCi
emptyConfigFlags :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags |
configureArgs :: ConfigFlags -> [String] |
Arguments to pass to a configure script, e.g. generated by
type CopyFlags = (CopyDest, Int) |
Flags to copy: (destdir, copy-prefix (backwards compat), verbose)
data CopyDest |
Constructors | | Instances | |
type InstallFlags = (InstallUserFlag, Int) |
Flags to install: (user package, verbose)
type RegisterFlags = (Bool, Bool, Int) |
Flags to register and unregister: (user package, gen-script, verbose)
type SDistFlags = (Bool, Int) |
Flags to sdist: (snapshot, verbose)
data InstallUserFlag |
Constructors | InstallUserNone | no --user OR --global flag.
| InstallUserUser | | InstallUserGlobal | |
parseGlobalArgs :: ProgramConfiguration -> [String] -> IO (Action, [String]) |
defaultCompilerFlavor :: Maybe CompilerFlavor |
parseConfigureArgs :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (ConfigFlags, [a], [String]) |
parseBuildArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) |
parseCleanArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) |
parseHaddockArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) |
parseProgramaticaArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) |
parseTestArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Int, [a], [String]) |
parseInstallArgs :: InstallFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (InstallFlags, [a], [String]) |
parseSDistArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (SDistFlags, [a], [String]) |
parseRegisterArgs :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (RegisterFlags, [a], [String]) |
parseUnregisterArgs :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (RegisterFlags, [a], [String]) |
parseCopyArgs :: CopyFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (CopyFlags, [a], [String]) |
reqPathArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a |
reqDirArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a |
Produced by Haddock version 0.7 |