The following terms are used carefully throughout this file:
- test interface
- The interface provided by this module.
- test agent
- A program used by package users to coordinates the running
of tests and the reporting of their results.
- test framework
- A package used by software authors to specify tests,
such as QuickCheck or HUnit.
Test frameworks are obligated to supply, at least, instances of the
TestOptions and ImpureTestable classes. It is preferred that test
frameworks implement PureTestable whenever possible, so that test agents
have an assurance that tests can be safely run in parallel.
Test agents that allow the user to specify options should avoid setting
options not listed by the options method. Test agents should use check
before running tests with non-default options. Test frameworks must
implement a check function that attempts to parse the given options safely.
The packages cabal-test-hunit, cabal-test-quickcheck1, and
cabal-test-quickcheck2 provide simple interfaces to these popular test
frameworks. An example from cabal-test-quickcheck2 is shown below. A
better implementation would eliminate the console output from QuickCheck's
built-in runner and provide an instance of PureTestable instead of
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, maybe)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable(..))
import qualified Distribution.TestSuite as Cabal
import System.Random (newStdGen, next, StdGen)
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
data QCTest = forall prop. QC.Testable prop => QCTest String prop
test :: QC.Testable prop => String -> prop -> Cabal.Test
test n p = Cabal.impure $ QCTest n p
instance Cabal.TestOptions QCTest where
name (QCTest n _) = n
options _ =
[ ("std-gen", typeOf (undefined :: String))
, ("max-success", typeOf (undefined :: Int))
, ("max-discard", typeOf (undefined :: Int))
, ("size", typeOf (undefined :: Int))
defaultOptions _ = do
rng <- newStdGen
return $ Cabal.Options $
[ ("std-gen", show rng)
, ("max-success", show $ QC.maxSuccess QC.stdArgs)
, ("max-discard", show $ QC.maxDiscard QC.stdArgs)
, ("size", show $ QC.maxSize QC.stdArgs)
check t (Cabal.Options opts) = catMaybes
[ maybeNothing "max-success" ([] :: [(Int, String)])
, maybeNothing "max-discard" ([] :: [(Int, String)])
, maybeNothing "size" ([] :: [(Int, String)])
-- There is no need to check the parsability of "std-gen"
-- because the Read instance for StdGen always succeeds.
maybeNothing n x =
maybe Nothing (\str ->
if reads str == x then Just n else Nothing)
$ lookup n opts
instance Cabal.ImpureTestable QCTest where
runM (QCTest _ prop) o =
catch go (return . Cabal.Error . show)
go = do
result <- QC.quickCheckWithResult args prop
return $ case result of
QC.Success {} -> Cabal.Pass
QC.GaveUp {}->
Cabal.Fail $ "gave up after "
++ show (QC.numTests result)
++ " tests"
QC.Failure {} -> Cabal.Fail $ QC.reason result
QC.NoExpectedFailure {} ->
Cabal.Fail "passed (expected failure)"
args = QC.Args
{ QC.replay = Just
( Cabal.lookupOption "std-gen" o
, Cabal.lookupOption "size" o
, QC.maxSuccess = Cabal.lookupOption "max-success" o
, QC.maxDiscard = Cabal.lookupOption "max-discard" o
, QC.maxSize = Cabal.lookupOption "size" o