| Haskell Hierarchical Libraries (template-haskell package) | Contents | Index |
Synopsis |
data Q a | | runQ :: Quasi m => Q a -> m a | | report :: Bool -> String -> Q () | | recover :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a | | reify :: Name -> Q Info | | currentModule :: Q String | | runIO :: IO a -> Q a | | data Name | | mkName :: String -> Name | | newName :: String -> Q Name | | nameBase :: Name -> String | | nameModule :: Name -> Maybe String | | tupleTypeName :: Int -> Name | | tupleDataName :: Int -> Name | | | | | | | | | | type Cxt = [Type] | | data Match = Match Pat Body [Dec] | | data Clause = Clause [Pat] Body [Dec] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | type FieldExp = (Name, Exp) | | type FieldPat = (Name, Pat) | | | | | | | | | | data FunDep = FunDep [Name] [Name] | | | | data Fixity = Fixity Int FixityDirection | | | | defaultFixity :: Fixity | | maxPrecedence :: Int | | type InfoQ = Q Info | | type ExpQ = Q Exp | | type DecQ = Q Dec | | type ConQ = Q Con | | type TypeQ = Q Type | | type CxtQ = Q Cxt | | type MatchQ = Q Match | | type ClauseQ = Q Clause | | type BodyQ = Q Body | | type GuardQ = Q Guard | | type StmtQ = Q Stmt | | type RangeQ = Q Range | | type StrictTypeQ = Q StrictType | | type VarStrictTypeQ = Q VarStrictType | | type PatQ = Q Pat | | type FieldPatQ = Q FieldPat | | intPrimL :: Integer -> Lit | | floatPrimL :: Rational -> Lit | | doublePrimL :: Rational -> Lit | | integerL :: Integer -> Lit | | charL :: Char -> Lit | | stringL :: String -> Lit | | rationalL :: Rational -> Lit | | litP :: Lit -> PatQ | | varP :: Name -> PatQ | | tupP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ | | conP :: Name -> [PatQ] -> PatQ | | infixP :: PatQ -> Name -> PatQ -> PatQ | | tildeP :: PatQ -> PatQ | | asP :: Name -> PatQ -> PatQ | | wildP :: PatQ | | recP :: Name -> [FieldPatQ] -> PatQ | | listP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ | | sigP :: PatQ -> TypeQ -> PatQ | | fieldPat :: Name -> PatQ -> FieldPatQ | | bindS :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> StmtQ | | letS :: [DecQ] -> StmtQ | | noBindS :: ExpQ -> StmtQ | | parS :: [[StmtQ]] -> StmtQ | | fromR :: ExpQ -> RangeQ | | fromThenR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ | | fromToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ | | fromThenToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ | | normalB :: ExpQ -> BodyQ | | guardedB :: [Q (Guard, Exp)] -> BodyQ | | normalG :: ExpQ -> GuardQ | | normalGE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Q (Guard, Exp) | | patG :: [StmtQ] -> GuardQ | | patGE :: [StmtQ] -> Q (Guard, Exp) | | match :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> MatchQ | | clause :: [PatQ] -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> ClauseQ | | dyn :: String -> Q Exp | | global :: Name -> ExpQ | | varE :: Name -> ExpQ | | conE :: Name -> ExpQ | | litE :: Lit -> ExpQ | | appE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | infixE :: Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ | | infixApp :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | sectionL :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | sectionR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | lamE :: [PatQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | lam1E :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | tupE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ | | condE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | letE :: [DecQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | caseE :: ExpQ -> [MatchQ] -> ExpQ | | doE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ | | compE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ | | arithSeqE :: RangeQ -> ExpQ | | appsE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ | | fromE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ | | fromThenE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | fromToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | fromThenToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ | | listE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ | | sigE :: ExpQ -> TypeQ -> ExpQ | | recConE :: Name -> [Q (Name, Exp)] -> ExpQ | | recUpdE :: ExpQ -> [Q (Name, Exp)] -> ExpQ | | stringE :: String -> ExpQ | | fieldExp :: Name -> ExpQ -> Q (Name, Exp) | | valD :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ | | funD :: Name -> [ClauseQ] -> DecQ | | tySynD :: Name -> [Name] -> TypeQ -> DecQ | | dataD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [Name] -> [ConQ] -> [Name] -> DecQ | | newtypeD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [Name] -> ConQ -> [Name] -> DecQ | | classD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [Name] -> [FunDep] -> [DecQ] -> DecQ | | instanceD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ | | sigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ | | forImpD :: Callconv -> Safety -> String -> Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ | | cxt :: [TypeQ] -> CxtQ | | normalC :: Name -> [StrictTypeQ] -> ConQ | | recC :: Name -> [VarStrictTypeQ] -> ConQ | | infixC :: Q (Strict, Type) -> Name -> Q (Strict, Type) -> ConQ | | forallT :: [Name] -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ | | varT :: Name -> TypeQ | | conT :: Name -> TypeQ | | appT :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ | | arrowT :: TypeQ | | listT :: TypeQ | | tupleT :: Int -> TypeQ | | isStrict :: Q Strict | | notStrict :: Q Strict | | strictType :: Q Strict -> TypeQ -> StrictTypeQ | | varStrictType :: Name -> StrictTypeQ -> VarStrictTypeQ | | cCall :: Callconv | | stdCall :: Callconv | | unsafe :: Safety | | safe :: Safety | | threadsafe :: Safety | | class Ppr a where | | | pprint :: Ppr a => a -> String | | pprExp :: Precedence -> Exp -> Doc | | pprLit :: Precedence -> Lit -> Doc | | pprPat :: Precedence -> Pat -> Doc | | pprParendType :: Type -> Doc |
Documentation |
data Q a |
Instances | |
runQ :: Quasi m => Q a -> m a |
report :: Bool -> String -> Q () |
recover :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a |
reify :: Name -> Q Info |
reify looks up information about the Name
currentModule :: Q String |
currentModule gives you the name of the module in which this
computation is spliced.
runIO :: IO a -> Q a |
The runIO function lest you run an I/O computation in the Q monad.
Take care: you are guaranteed the ordering of calls to runIO within
a single Q computation, but not about the order in which splices are run.
Note: for various murky reasons, stdout and stderr handles are not
necesarily flushed when the compiler finishes running, so you should
flush them yourself.
data Name |
Instances | |
mkName :: String -> Name |
newName :: String -> Q Name |
nameBase :: Name -> String |
nameModule :: Name -> Maybe String |
tupleTypeName :: Int -> Name |
tupleDataName :: Int -> Name |
data Dec |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Exp |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Con |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Type |
Constructors | | Instances | |
type Cxt = [Type] |
data Match |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Clause |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Body |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Guard |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Stmt |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Range |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Lit |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Pat |
Constructors | | Instances | |
type FieldExp = (Name, Exp) |
type FieldPat = (Name, Pat) |
data Strict |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Foreign |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Callconv |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Safety |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data FunDep |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Info |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data Fixity |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data FixityDirection |
Constructors | | Instances | |
defaultFixity :: Fixity |
maxPrecedence :: Int |
type InfoQ = Q Info |
type ExpQ = Q Exp |
type DecQ = Q Dec |
type ConQ = Q Con |
type TypeQ = Q Type |
type CxtQ = Q Cxt |
type MatchQ = Q Match |
type ClauseQ = Q Clause |
type BodyQ = Q Body |
type GuardQ = Q Guard |
type StmtQ = Q Stmt |
type RangeQ = Q Range |
type StrictTypeQ = Q StrictType |
type VarStrictTypeQ = Q VarStrictType |
type PatQ = Q Pat |
type FieldPatQ = Q FieldPat |
intPrimL :: Integer -> Lit |
floatPrimL :: Rational -> Lit |
doublePrimL :: Rational -> Lit |
integerL :: Integer -> Lit |
charL :: Char -> Lit |
stringL :: String -> Lit |
rationalL :: Rational -> Lit |
litP :: Lit -> PatQ |
varP :: Name -> PatQ |
tupP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ |
conP :: Name -> [PatQ] -> PatQ |
infixP :: PatQ -> Name -> PatQ -> PatQ |
tildeP :: PatQ -> PatQ |
asP :: Name -> PatQ -> PatQ |
wildP :: PatQ |
recP :: Name -> [FieldPatQ] -> PatQ |
listP :: [PatQ] -> PatQ |
sigP :: PatQ -> TypeQ -> PatQ |
fieldPat :: Name -> PatQ -> FieldPatQ |
bindS :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> StmtQ |
letS :: [DecQ] -> StmtQ |
noBindS :: ExpQ -> StmtQ |
parS :: [[StmtQ]] -> StmtQ |
fromR :: ExpQ -> RangeQ |
fromThenR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ |
fromToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ |
fromThenToR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> RangeQ |
normalB :: ExpQ -> BodyQ |
guardedB :: [Q (Guard, Exp)] -> BodyQ |
normalG :: ExpQ -> GuardQ |
normalGE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Q (Guard, Exp) |
patG :: [StmtQ] -> GuardQ |
patGE :: [StmtQ] -> Q (Guard, Exp) |
match :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> MatchQ |
clause :: [PatQ] -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> ClauseQ |
dyn :: String -> Q Exp |
global :: Name -> ExpQ |
varE :: Name -> ExpQ |
conE :: Name -> ExpQ |
litE :: Lit -> ExpQ |
appE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
infixE :: Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ -> Maybe ExpQ -> ExpQ |
infixApp :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
sectionL :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
sectionR :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
lamE :: [PatQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
lam1E :: PatQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
tupE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ |
condE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
letE :: [DecQ] -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
caseE :: ExpQ -> [MatchQ] -> ExpQ |
doE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ |
compE :: [StmtQ] -> ExpQ |
arithSeqE :: RangeQ -> ExpQ |
appsE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ |
fromE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ |
fromThenE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
fromToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
fromThenToE :: ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ |
listE :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ |
sigE :: ExpQ -> TypeQ -> ExpQ |
recConE :: Name -> [Q (Name, Exp)] -> ExpQ |
recUpdE :: ExpQ -> [Q (Name, Exp)] -> ExpQ |
stringE :: String -> ExpQ |
fieldExp :: Name -> ExpQ -> Q (Name, Exp) |
valD :: PatQ -> BodyQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ |
funD :: Name -> [ClauseQ] -> DecQ |
tySynD :: Name -> [Name] -> TypeQ -> DecQ |
dataD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [Name] -> [ConQ] -> [Name] -> DecQ |
newtypeD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [Name] -> ConQ -> [Name] -> DecQ |
classD :: CxtQ -> Name -> [Name] -> [FunDep] -> [DecQ] -> DecQ |
instanceD :: CxtQ -> TypeQ -> [DecQ] -> DecQ |
sigD :: Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ |
forImpD :: Callconv -> Safety -> String -> Name -> TypeQ -> DecQ |
cxt :: [TypeQ] -> CxtQ |
normalC :: Name -> [StrictTypeQ] -> ConQ |
recC :: Name -> [VarStrictTypeQ] -> ConQ |
infixC :: Q (Strict, Type) -> Name -> Q (Strict, Type) -> ConQ |
forallT :: [Name] -> CxtQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ |
varT :: Name -> TypeQ |
conT :: Name -> TypeQ |
appT :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ |
arrowT :: TypeQ |
listT :: TypeQ |
tupleT :: Int -> TypeQ |
isStrict :: Q Strict |
notStrict :: Q Strict |
strictType :: Q Strict -> TypeQ -> StrictTypeQ |
varStrictType :: Name -> StrictTypeQ -> VarStrictTypeQ |
cCall :: Callconv |
stdCall :: Callconv |
unsafe :: Safety |
safe :: Safety |
threadsafe :: Safety |
class Ppr a where |
| Methods | ppr :: a -> Doc | | ppr_list :: [a] -> Doc |
| | Instances | |
pprint :: Ppr a => a -> String |
pprExp :: Precedence -> Exp -> Doc |
pprLit :: Precedence -> Lit -> Doc |
pprPat :: Precedence -> Pat -> Doc |
pprParendType :: Type -> Doc |
Produced by Haddock version 0.7 |