Copyright | (c) Esa Ilari Vuokko 2006 |
License | BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Esa Ilari Vuokko <> |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A collection of FFI declarations for using Windows DebugApi.
type DebugEventId = (PID, TID) #
type ForeignAddress = Word32 #
type ThreadInfo = (THANDLE, ForeignAddress, ForeignAddress) #
type ImageInfo = (HANDLE, ForeignAddress, DWORD, DWORD, ForeignAddress) #
type ExceptionInfo = (Bool, Bool, ForeignAddress) #
data DebugEventInfo #
Show DebugEventInfo # | |
Defined in System.Win32.DebugApi |
type DebugEvent = (DebugEventId, DebugEventInfo) #
peekDebugEvent :: Ptr a -> IO DebugEvent #
waitForDebugEvent :: Maybe Int -> IO (Maybe DebugEvent) #
getDebugEvents :: Int -> IO [DebugEvent] #
continueDebugEvent :: DebugEventId -> Bool -> IO () #
debugActiveProcess :: PID -> IO () #
peekProcessMemory :: PHANDLE -> ForeignAddress -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO () #
readProcessMemory :: PHANDLE -> ForeignAddress -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a) #
pokeProcessMemory :: PHANDLE -> ForeignAddress -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO () #
withProcessMemory :: PHANDLE -> ForeignAddress -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b #
suspendThread :: THANDLE -> IO DWORD #
resumeThread :: THANDLE -> IO DWORD #
withSuspendedThread :: THANDLE -> IO a -> IO a #
getThreadContext :: THANDLE -> Ptr a -> IO () #
setThreadContext :: THANDLE -> Ptr a -> IO () #
useAllRegs :: Ptr a -> IO () #
outputDebugString :: String -> IO () #
c_SuspendThread :: THANDLE -> IO DWORD #
c_ResumeThread :: THANDLE -> IO DWORD #
c_DebugActiveProcess :: DWORD -> IO Bool #
c_OutputDebugString :: LPTSTR -> IO () #
isDebuggerPresent :: IO BOOL #
debugBreak :: IO () #