terminfo- Haskell bindings to the terminfo library.
Portabilityportable (FFI)
Safe HaskellSafe



This module provides capabilities for moving the cursor on the terminal.


Terminal dimensions

Get the default size of the terminal. For resizeable terminals (e.g., xterm), these may not correspond to the actual dimensions.

Cursor flags

autoRightMargin :: Capability Bool Source #

This flag specifies that the cursor wraps automatically from the last column of one line to the first column of the next.

autoLeftMargin :: Capability Bool Source #

This flag specifies that a backspace at column 0 wraps the cursor to the last column of the previous line.

wraparoundGlitch :: Capability Bool Source #

This flag specifies that the terminal does not perform autoRightMargin-style wrapping when the character which would cause the wraparound is a control character. This is also known as the "newline glitch" or "magic wrap".

For example, in an 80-column terminal with this behavior, the following will print single-spaced instead of double-spaced:

replicateM_ 5 $ putStr $ replicate 80 'x' ++ "\n"


carriageReturn :: TermStr s => Capability s Source #

The cr capability, which moves the cursor to the first column of the current line.

newline :: TermStr s => Capability s Source #

The nel capability, which moves the cursor to the first column of the next line. It behaves like a carriage return followed by a line feed.

If nel is not defined, this may be built out of other capabilities.

Relative cursor movements

The following functions for cursor movement will combine the more primitive capabilities. For example, moveDown may use either cursorDown or cursorDown1 depending on the parameter and which of cud and cud1 are defined.

Primitive movement capabilities

These capabilities correspond directly to cub, cud, cub1, cud1, etc.

Absolute cursor movements

data Point Source #


