-- |
-- Module      :  System.Directory.OsPath
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable
-- System-independent interface to directory manipulation.
-- @since

module System.Directory.OsPath
    -- $intro

    -- * Actions on directories
    , createDirectoryIfMissing
    , removeDirectory
    , removeDirectoryRecursive
    , removePathForcibly
    , renameDirectory
    , listDirectory
    , getDirectoryContents
    -- ** Current working directory
    , getCurrentDirectory
    , setCurrentDirectory
    , withCurrentDirectory

    -- * Pre-defined directories
    , getHomeDirectory
    , XdgDirectory(..)
    , getXdgDirectory
    , XdgDirectoryList(..)
    , getXdgDirectoryList
    , getAppUserDataDirectory
    , getUserDocumentsDirectory
    , getTemporaryDirectory

    -- * Actions on files
    , removeFile
    , renameFile
    , renamePath
    , copyFile
    , copyFileWithMetadata
    , getFileSize

    , canonicalizePath
    , makeAbsolute
    , makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory

    -- * Existence tests
    , doesPathExist
    , doesFileExist
    , doesDirectoryExist

    , findExecutable
    , findExecutables
    , findExecutablesInDirectories
    , findFile
    , findFiles
    , findFileWith
    , findFilesWith
    , exeExtension

    -- * Symbolic links
    , createFileLink
    , createDirectoryLink
    , removeDirectoryLink
    , pathIsSymbolicLink
    , getSymbolicLinkTarget

    -- * Permissions

    -- $permissions

    , Permissions
    , emptyPermissions
    , readable
    , writable
    , executable
    , searchable
    , setOwnerReadable
    , setOwnerWritable
    , setOwnerExecutable
    , setOwnerSearchable

    , getPermissions
    , setPermissions
    , copyPermissions

    -- * Timestamps

    , getAccessTime
    , getModificationTime
    , setAccessTime
    , setModificationTime

   ) where
import Prelude ()
import System.Directory.Internal
import System.Directory.Internal.Prelude
import System.OsPath
  ( (<.>)
  , (</>)
  , addTrailingPathSeparator
  , decodeFS
  , dropTrailingPathSeparator
  , encodeFS
  , hasTrailingPathSeparator
  , isAbsolute
  , joinPath
  , makeRelative
  , splitDirectories
  , splitSearchPath
  , takeDirectory
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)

{- $intro
A directory contains a series of entries, each of which is a named
reference to a file system object (file, directory etc.).  Some
entries may be hidden, inaccessible, or have some administrative
function (e.g. @.@ or @..@ under
<http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399 POSIX>), but in
this standard all such entries are considered to form part of the
directory contents. Entries in sub-directories are not, however,
considered to form part of the directory contents.

Each file system object is referenced by a /path/.  There is
normally at least one absolute path to each file system object.  In
some operating systems, it may also be possible to have paths which
are relative to the current directory.

Unless otherwise documented:

* 'IO' operations in this package may throw any 'IOError'.  No other types of
  exceptions shall be thrown.

* The list of possible 'IOErrorType's in the API documentation is not
  exhaustive.  The full list may vary by platform and/or evolve over time.


-- Permissions

{- $permissions

directory offers a limited (and quirky) interface for reading and setting file
and directory permissions; see 'getPermissions' and 'setPermissions' for a
discussion of their limitations.  Because permissions are very difficult to
implement portably across different platforms, users who wish to do more
sophisticated things with permissions are advised to use other,
platform-specific libraries instead.  For example, if you are only interested
in permissions on POSIX-like platforms,
<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unix/docs/System-Posix-Files.html unix>
offers much more flexibility.

 The 'Permissions' type is used to record whether certain operations are
 permissible on a file\/directory. 'getPermissions' and 'setPermissions'
 get and set these permissions, respectively. Permissions apply both to
 files and directories. For directories, the executable field will be
 'False', and for files the searchable field will be 'False'. Note that
 directories may be searchable without being readable, if permission has
 been given to use them as part of a path, but not to examine the
 directory contents.

Note that to change some, but not all permissions, a construct on the following lines must be used.

>  makeReadable f = do
>     p <- getPermissions f
>     setPermissions f (p {readable = True})


emptyPermissions :: Permissions
emptyPermissions :: Permissions
emptyPermissions = Permissions {
                       readable :: Bool
readable   = Bool
                       writable :: Bool
writable   = Bool
                       executable :: Bool
executable = Bool
                       searchable :: Bool
searchable = Bool

setOwnerReadable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerReadable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerReadable Bool
b Permissions
p = Permissions
p { readable = b }

setOwnerWritable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerWritable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerWritable Bool
b Permissions
p = Permissions
p { writable = b }

setOwnerExecutable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerExecutable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerExecutable Bool
b Permissions
p = Permissions
p { executable = b }

setOwnerSearchable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerSearchable :: Bool -> Permissions -> Permissions
setOwnerSearchable Bool
b Permissions
p = Permissions
p { searchable = b }

-- | Get the permissions of a file or directory.
-- On Windows, the 'writable' permission corresponds to the "read-only"
-- attribute.  The 'executable' permission is set if the file extension is of
-- an executable file type.  The 'readable' permission is always set.
-- On POSIX systems, this returns the result of @access@.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to access the
--   permissions, or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
getPermissions :: OsPath -> IO Permissions
getPermissions :: OsPath -> IO Permissions
getPermissions OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getPermissions") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO Permissions -> IO Permissions
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> IO Permissions
getAccessPermissions (OsPath -> OsPath
emptyToCurDir OsPath

-- | Set the permissions of a file or directory.
-- On Windows, this is only capable of changing the 'writable' permission,
-- which corresponds to the "read-only" attribute.  Changing the other
-- permissions has no effect.
-- On POSIX systems, this sets the /owner/ permissions.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to set the permissions,
--   or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
setPermissions :: OsPath -> Permissions -> IO ()
setPermissions :: OsPath -> Permissions -> IO ()
setPermissions OsPath
path Permissions
p =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"setPermissions") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> Permissions -> IO ()
setAccessPermissions (OsPath -> OsPath
emptyToCurDir OsPath
path) Permissions

-- | Copy the permissions of one file to another.  This reproduces the
-- permissions more accurately than using 'getPermissions' followed by
-- 'setPermissions'.
-- On Windows, this copies only the read-only attribute.
-- On POSIX systems, this is equivalent to @stat@ followed by @chmod@.
copyPermissions :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyPermissions :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyPermissions OsPath
src OsPath
dst =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"copyPermissions") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    m <- OsPath -> IO Metadata
getFileMetadata OsPath
    copyPermissionsFromMetadata m dst

copyPermissionsFromMetadata :: Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyPermissionsFromMetadata :: Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyPermissionsFromMetadata Metadata
m OsPath
dst = do
  -- instead of setFileMode, setFilePermissions is used here
  -- this is to retain backward compatibility in copyPermissions
  OsPath -> Mode -> IO ()
setFilePermissions OsPath
dst (Metadata -> Mode
modeFromMetadata Metadata

-- Implementation

{- |@'createDirectory' dir@ creates a new directory @dir@ which is
initially empty, or as near to empty as the operating system

The operation may fail with:

* 'isPermissionError'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'isAlreadyExistsError'
The operand refers to a directory that already exists.

* @HardwareFault@
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* @InvalidArgument@
The operand is not a valid directory name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
There is no path to the directory.

* 'System.IO.isFullError'
Insufficient resources (virtual memory, process file descriptors,
physical disk space, etc.) are available to perform the operation.

* @InappropriateType@
The path refers to an existing non-directory object.


createDirectory :: OsPath -> IO ()
createDirectory :: OsPath -> IO ()
createDirectory = OsPath -> IO ()

-- | @'createDirectoryIfMissing' parents dir@ creates a new directory
-- @dir@ if it doesn\'t exist. If the first argument is 'True'
-- the function will also create all parent directories if they are missing.
createDirectoryIfMissing :: Bool     -- ^ Create its parents too?
                         -> OsPath -- ^ The path to the directory you want to make
                         -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing :: Bool -> OsPath -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissing Bool
create_parents OsPath
  | Bool
create_parents = [OsPath] -> IO ()
createDirs (OsPath -> [OsPath]
parents OsPath
  | Bool
otherwise      = [OsPath] -> IO ()
createDirs (Int -> [OsPath] -> [OsPath]
forall a. Int -> [a] -> [a]
take Int
1 (OsPath -> [OsPath]
parents OsPath
    parents :: OsPath -> [OsPath]
parents = [OsPath] -> [OsPath]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse ([OsPath] -> [OsPath])
-> (OsPath -> [OsPath]) -> OsPath -> [OsPath]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath) -> [OsPath] -> [OsPath]
forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
scanl1 OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
(</>) ([OsPath] -> [OsPath])
-> (OsPath -> [OsPath]) -> OsPath -> [OsPath]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OsPath -> [OsPath]
splitDirectories (OsPath -> [OsPath]) -> (OsPath -> OsPath) -> OsPath -> [OsPath]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OsPath -> OsPath

    createDirs :: [OsPath] -> IO ()
createDirs []         = () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
    createDirs (OsPath
dir:[])   = OsPath -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
createDir OsPath
dir IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a
    createDirs (OsPath
dirs) =
      OsPath -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
createDir OsPath
dir ((IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \IOError
_ -> do
        [OsPath] -> IO ()
createDirs [OsPath]
        OsPath -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
createDir OsPath
dir IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a

    createDir :: OsPath -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
createDir OsPath
dir IOError -> IO ()
notExistHandler = do
      r <- IO () -> IO (Either IOError ())
forall a. IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOError (OsPath -> IO ()
createDirectory OsPath
      case r of
        Right ()                   -> () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
        Left  IOError
          | IOError -> Bool
isDoesNotExistError  IOError
e -> IOError -> IO ()
notExistHandler IOError
          -- createDirectory (and indeed POSIX mkdir) does not distinguish
          -- between a dir already existing and a file already existing. So we
          -- check for it here. Unfortunately there is a slight race condition
          -- here, but we think it is benign. It could report an exception in
          -- the case that the dir did exist but another process deletes the
          -- directory and creates a file in its place before we can check
          -- that the directory did indeed exist.
          -- We also follow this path when we get a permissions error, as
          -- trying to create "." when in the root directory on Windows
          -- fails with
          --     CreateDirectory ".": permission denied (Access is denied.)
          -- This caused GHCi to crash when loading a module in the root
          -- directory.
          | IOError -> Bool
isAlreadyExistsError IOError
         Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| IOError -> Bool
isPermissionError    IOError
e -> do
              canIgnore <- OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsDirectory OsPath
                             IO Bool -> (IOError -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
forall a. IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
`catchIOError` \ IOError
_ ->
                               Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (IOError -> Bool
isAlreadyExistsError IOError
              unless canIgnore (ioError e)
          | Bool
otherwise              -> IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a
ioError IOError

{- | @'removeDirectory' dir@ removes an existing directory /dir/.  The
implementation may specify additional constraints which must be
satisfied before a directory can be removed (e.g. the directory has to
be empty, or may not be in use by other processes).  It is not legal
for an implementation to partially remove a directory unless the
entire directory is removed. A conformant implementation need not
support directory removal in all situations (e.g. removal of the root

The operation may fail with:

* @HardwareFault@
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* @InvalidArgument@
The operand is not a valid directory name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The directory does not exist.

* 'isPermissionError'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* @UnsatisfiedConstraints@
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* @UnsupportedOperation@
The implementation does not support removal in this situation.

* @InappropriateType@
The operand refers to an existing non-directory object.


removeDirectory :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeDirectory :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeDirectory = Bool -> OsPath -> IO ()
removePathInternal Bool

type Preremover = Maybe RawHandle -> OsPath -> Metadata -> IO ()

noPreremover :: Preremover
noPreremover :: Preremover
noPreremover Maybe RawHandle
_ OsPath
_ Metadata
_ = () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

forcePreremover :: Preremover
forcePreremover :: Preremover
forcePreremover Maybe RawHandle
dir OsPath
path Metadata
metadata = do
  Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (FileType -> Bool
fileTypeIsDirectory (Metadata -> FileType
fileTypeFromMetadata Metadata
        Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Bool -> Bool
not Bool
filesAlwaysRemovable) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    WhetherFollow -> Maybe RawHandle -> OsPath -> Mode -> IO ()
setModeAt WhetherFollow
NoFollow Maybe RawHandle
dir OsPath
path Mode
      IO () -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a. IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
`catchIOError` \ IOError
_ -> () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
    mode :: Mode
mode = Mode -> Mode
setForceRemoveMode (Metadata -> Mode
modeFromMetadata Metadata

  :: (IO () -> IO ())
  -> ([IO ()] -> IO ())
  -> Preremover
  -> Maybe RawHandle
  -> OsPath
  -> IO ()
removeRecursivelyAt :: (IO () -> IO ())
-> ([IO ()] -> IO ())
-> Preremover
-> Maybe RawHandle
-> OsPath
-> IO ()
removeRecursivelyAt IO () -> IO ()
catcher [IO ()] -> IO ()
sequencer Preremover
preremover Maybe RawHandle
dir OsPath
name = IO () -> IO ()
catcher (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  metadata <- WhetherFollow -> Maybe RawHandle -> OsPath -> IO Metadata
getMetadataAt WhetherFollow
NoFollow Maybe RawHandle
dir OsPath
  preremover dir name metadata
    fileType = Metadata -> FileType
fileTypeFromMetadata Metadata
    subremovals = do
      Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (FileType
fileType FileType -> FileType -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== FileType
Directory) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
        IO RawHandle
-> (RawHandle -> IO ()) -> (RawHandle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b c. IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket (WhetherFollow -> Maybe RawHandle -> OsPath -> IO RawHandle
openRaw WhetherFollow
NoFollow Maybe RawHandle
dir OsPath
name) RawHandle -> IO ()
closeRaw ((RawHandle -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> (RawHandle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ RawHandle
handle -> do
          -- dropSpecialDotDirs is extremely important! Otherwise it will
          -- recurse into the parent directory and wreak havoc.
          names <- [OsPath] -> [OsPath]
dropSpecialDotDirs ([OsPath] -> [OsPath]) -> IO [OsPath] -> IO [OsPath]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> RawHandle -> IO [OsPath]
readDirToEnd RawHandle
          sequencer (recurse (Just handle) <$> names)
  sequencer [subremovals, removePathAt fileType dir name]
  where recurse :: Maybe RawHandle -> OsPath -> IO ()
recurse = (IO () -> IO ())
-> ([IO ()] -> IO ())
-> Preremover
-> Maybe RawHandle
-> OsPath
-> IO ()
removeRecursivelyAt IO () -> IO ()
catcher [IO ()] -> IO ()
sequencer Preremover

-- | @'removeDirectoryRecursive' dir@ removes an existing directory /dir/
-- together with its contents and subdirectories. Within this directory,
-- symbolic links are removed without affecting their targets.
-- On Windows, the operation fails if /dir/ is a directory symbolic link.
-- This operation is reported to be flaky on Windows so retry logic may
-- be advisable. See: https://github.com/haskell/directory/pull/108
removeDirectoryRecursive :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryRecursive :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryRecursive OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"removeDirectoryRecursive") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    m <- OsPath -> IO Metadata
getSymbolicLinkMetadata OsPath
    case fileTypeFromMetadata m of
Directory ->
        (IO () -> IO ())
-> ([IO ()] -> IO ())
-> Preremover
-> Maybe RawHandle
-> OsPath
-> IO ()
removeRecursivelyAt IO () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> a
id [IO ()] -> IO ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable t, Applicative f) =>
t (f a) -> f ()
sequenceA_ Preremover
noPreremover Maybe RawHandle
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing OsPath
DirectoryLink ->
        IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a
ioError (IOError
err IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeSetErrorString` String
"is a directory symbolic link")
_ ->
        IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a
ioError (IOError
err IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeSetErrorString` String
"not a directory")
  where err :: IOError
err = IOErrorType -> String -> Maybe Handle -> Maybe String -> IOError
mkIOError IOErrorType
InappropriateType String
"" Maybe Handle
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe String
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath

-- | Removes a file or directory at /path/ together with its contents and
-- subdirectories. Symbolic links are removed without affecting their
-- targets. If the path does not exist, nothing happens.
-- Unlike other removal functions, this function will also attempt to delete
-- files marked as read-only or otherwise made unremovable due to permissions.
-- As a result, if the removal is incomplete, the permissions or attributes on
-- the remaining files may be altered.  If there are hard links in the
-- directory, then permissions on all related hard links may be altered.
-- If an entry within the directory vanishes while @removePathForcibly@ is
-- running, it is silently ignored.
-- If an exception occurs while removing an entry, @removePathForcibly@ will
-- still try to remove as many entries as it can before failing with an
-- exception.  The first exception that it encountered is re-thrown.
removePathForcibly :: OsPath -> IO ()
removePathForcibly :: OsPath -> IO ()
removePathForcibly OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"removePathForcibly") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    (IO () -> IO ())
-> ([IO ()] -> IO ())
-> Preremover
-> Maybe RawHandle
-> OsPath
-> IO ()
      IO () -> IO ()
      [IO ()] -> IO ()
      Maybe RawHandle
forall a. Maybe a


    ignoreDoesNotExistError :: IO () -> IO ()
    ignoreDoesNotExistError :: IO () -> IO ()
ignoreDoesNotExistError IO ()
action =
      () () -> IO (Either IOError ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. a -> IO b -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ (IOError -> Bool) -> IO () -> IO (Either IOError ())
forall a. (IOError -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOErrorType IOError -> Bool
isDoesNotExistError IO ()

{- |'removeFile' /file/ removes the directory entry for an existing file
/file/, where /file/ is not itself a directory. The
implementation may specify additional constraints which must be
satisfied before a file can be removed (e.g. the file may not be in
use by other processes).

The operation may fail with:

* @HardwareFault@
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* @InvalidArgument@
The operand is not a valid file name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The file does not exist.

* 'isPermissionError'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* @UnsatisfiedConstraints@
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* @InappropriateType@
The operand refers to an existing directory.


removeFile :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeFile :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeFile = Bool -> OsPath -> IO ()
removePathInternal Bool

{- |@'renameDirectory' old new@ changes the name of an existing
directory from /old/ to /new/.  If the /new/ directory
already exists, it is atomically replaced by the /old/ directory.
If the /new/ directory is neither the /old/ directory nor an
alias of the /old/ directory, it is removed as if by
'removeDirectory'.  A conformant implementation need not support
renaming directories in all situations (e.g. renaming to an existing
directory, or across different physical devices), but the constraints
must be documented.

On Win32 platforms, @renameDirectory@ fails if the /new/ directory already

The operation may fail with:

* @HardwareFault@
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* @InvalidArgument@
Either operand is not a valid directory name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The original directory does not exist, or there is no path to the target.

* 'isPermissionError'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'System.IO.isFullError'
Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.

* @UnsatisfiedConstraints@
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* @UnsupportedOperation@
The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.

* @InappropriateType@
Either path refers to an existing non-directory object.


renameDirectory :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renameDirectory :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renameDirectory OsPath
opath OsPath
npath =
   (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"renameDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
     -- XXX this test isn't performed atomically with the following rename
     isDir <- OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsDirectory OsPath
     when (not isDir) . ioError $
       mkIOError InappropriateType "renameDirectory" Nothing Nothing
       `ioeSetErrorString` "not a directory"
       `ioeSetOsPath` opath
     renamePath opath npath

{- |@'renameFile' old new@ changes the name of an existing file system
object from /old/ to /new/.  If the /new/ object already exists, it is
replaced by the /old/ object.  Neither path may refer to an existing

A conformant implementation need not support renaming files in all situations
(e.g. renaming across different physical devices), but the constraints must be
documented. On Windows, this does not support renaming across different physical
devices; if you are looking to do so, consider using 'copyFileWithMetadata' and

On Windows, this calls @MoveFileEx@ with @MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING@ set,
which is not guaranteed to be atomic

On other platforms, this operation is atomic.

The operation may fail with:

* @HardwareFault@
A physical I\/O error has occurred.

* @InvalidArgument@
Either operand is not a valid file name.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target.

* 'isPermissionError'
The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.

* 'System.IO.isFullError'
Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.

* @UnsatisfiedConstraints@
Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.

* @UnsupportedOperation@
The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.

* @InappropriateType@
Either path refers to an existing directory.


renameFile :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renameFile :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renameFile OsPath
opath OsPath
npath =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"renameFile") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    -- XXX the tests are not performed atomically with the rename
    OsPath -> IO ()
checkNotDir OsPath
    OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renamePath OsPath
opath OsPath
      -- The underlying rename implementation can throw odd exceptions when the
      -- destination is a directory.  For example, Windows typically throws a
      -- permission error, while POSIX systems may throw a resource busy error
      -- if one of the paths refers to the current directory.  In these cases,
      -- we check if the destination is a directory and, if so, throw an
      -- InappropriateType error.
      IO () -> (IOError -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a. IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
`catchIOError` \ IOError
err -> do
        OsPath -> IO ()
checkNotDir OsPath
        IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a
ioError IOError
  where checkNotDir :: OsPath -> IO ()
checkNotDir OsPath
path = do
          m <- IO Metadata -> IO (Either IOError Metadata)
forall a. IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOError (OsPath -> IO Metadata
getSymbolicLinkMetadata OsPath
          case fileTypeIsDirectory . fileTypeFromMetadata <$> m of
            Right Bool
True ->
              IOError -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => IOError -> IO a
ioError (IOError -> IO ()) -> IOError -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
              IOErrorType -> String -> Maybe Handle -> Maybe String -> IOError
mkIOError IOErrorType
InappropriateType String
"" Maybe Handle
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe String
forall a. Maybe a
              IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeSetErrorString` String
"is a directory"
              IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath
            Either IOError Bool
_          -> () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

-- | Rename a file or directory.  If the destination path already exists, it
-- is replaced atomically.  The destination path must not point to an existing
-- directory.  A conformant implementation need not support renaming files in
-- all situations (e.g. renaming across different physical devices), but the
-- constraints must be documented.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * @HardwareFault@
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * @InvalidArgument@
-- Either operand is not a valid file name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
-- The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target.
-- * 'isPermissionError'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- * 'System.IO.isFullError'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * @UnsatisfiedConstraints@
-- Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-- @[EBUSY]@
-- * @UnsupportedOperation@
-- The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.
-- @[EXDEV]@
-- * @InappropriateType@
-- Either the destination path refers to an existing directory, or one of the
-- parent segments in the destination path is not a directory.
renamePath :: OsPath                  -- ^ Old path
           -> OsPath                  -- ^ New path
           -> IO ()
renamePath :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renamePath OsPath
opath OsPath
npath =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"renamePath") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
renamePathInternal OsPath
opath OsPath

-- | Copy a file with its permissions.  If the destination file already exists,
-- it is replaced atomically.  Neither path may refer to an existing
-- directory.  No exceptions are thrown if the permissions could not be
-- copied.
copyFile :: OsPath                    -- ^ Source filename
         -> OsPath                    -- ^ Destination filename
         -> IO ()
copyFile :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyFile OsPath
fromFPath OsPath
toFPath =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"copyFile") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
atomicCopyFileContents OsPath
fromFPath OsPath
      (IO () -> IO ()
ignoreIOExceptions (IO () -> IO ()) -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> OsPath -> IO ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyPermissions OsPath

-- | Copy all data from a file to a handle.
copyFileToHandle :: OsPath              -- ^ Source file
                 -> Handle              -- ^ Destination handle
                 -> IO ()
copyFileToHandle :: OsPath -> Handle -> IO ()
copyFileToHandle OsPath
fromFPath Handle
hTo =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"copyFileToHandle") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall r. OsPath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withBinaryFile OsPath
fromFPath IOMode
ReadMode ((Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ Handle
hFrom ->
      Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
copyHandleData Handle
hFrom Handle

-- | Copy the contents of a source file to a destination file, replacing the
-- destination file atomically via @withReplacementFile@, resetting the
-- attributes of the destination file to the defaults.
atomicCopyFileContents :: OsPath            -- ^ Source filename
                       -> OsPath            -- ^ Destination filename
                       -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -- ^ Post-action
                       -> IO ()
atomicCopyFileContents :: OsPath -> OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
atomicCopyFileContents OsPath
fromFPath OsPath
toFPath OsPath -> IO ()
postAction =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"atomicCopyFileContents") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a. OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withReplacementFile OsPath
toFPath OsPath -> IO ()
postAction ((Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ Handle
hTo -> do
      OsPath -> Handle -> IO ()
copyFileToHandle OsPath
fromFPath Handle

-- | A helper function useful for replacing files in an atomic manner.  The
-- function creates a temporary file in the directory of the destination file,
-- opens it, performs the main action with its handle, closes it, performs the
-- post-action with its path, and finally replaces the destination file with
-- the temporary file.  If an error occurs during any step of this process,
-- the temporary file is removed and the destination file remains untouched.
withReplacementFile :: OsPath            -- ^ Destination file
                    -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -- ^ Post-action
                    -> (Handle -> IO a)    -- ^ Main action
                    -> IO a
withReplacementFile :: forall a. OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withReplacementFile OsPath
path OsPath -> IO ()
postAction Handle -> IO a
action =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"withReplacementFile") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO a) -> IO a
forall b. ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b
mask (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO a) -> IO a)
-> ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO a) -> IO a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ forall a. IO a -> IO a
restore -> do
      -- TODO: AFPP doesn't support openBinaryTempFile yet,
      --       so we have to use this (sad) workaround
      --       (on unix, converts using filesystem encoding, on windows
      --       converts with UTF-16LE)
      d <- OsPath -> IO String
decodeFS (OsPath -> OsPath
takeDirectory OsPath
      (tmpFPath', hTmp) <- openBinaryTempFile d ".copyFile.tmp"
      tmpFPath <- encodeFS tmpFPath'
      (`onException` ignoreIOExceptions (removeFile tmpFPath)) $ do
        r <- (`onException` ignoreIOExceptions (hClose hTmp)) $ do
          restore (action hTmp)
        hClose hTmp
        restore (postAction tmpFPath)
        renameFile tmpFPath path
        pure r

-- | Copy a file with its associated metadata.  If the destination file
-- already exists, it is overwritten.  There is no guarantee of atomicity in
-- the replacement of the destination file.  Neither path may refer to an
-- existing directory.  If the source and/or destination are symbolic links,
-- the copy is performed on the targets of the links.
-- On Windows, it behaves like the Win32 function
-- <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363851.aspx CopyFile>,
-- which copies various kinds of metadata including file attributes and
-- security resource properties.
-- On Unix-like systems, permissions, access time, and modification time are
-- preserved.  If possible, the owner and group are also preserved.  Note that
-- the very act of copying can change the access time of the source file,
-- hence the access times of the two files may differ after the operation
-- completes.
copyFileWithMetadata :: OsPath        -- ^ Source file
                     -> OsPath        -- ^ Destination file
                     -> IO ()
copyFileWithMetadata :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyFileWithMetadata OsPath
src OsPath
dst =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"copyFileWithMetadata") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
    (Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ())
-> (Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()) -> OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyFileWithMetadataInternal Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()
                                 Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()

copyTimesFromMetadata :: Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyTimesFromMetadata :: Metadata -> OsPath -> IO ()
copyTimesFromMetadata Metadata
st OsPath
dst = do
  let atime :: UTCTime
atime = Metadata -> UTCTime
accessTimeFromMetadata Metadata
  let mtime :: UTCTime
mtime = Metadata -> UTCTime
modificationTimeFromMetadata Metadata
  OsPath -> (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) -> IO ()
setFileTimes OsPath
dst (UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just UTCTime
atime, UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just UTCTime

-- | Make a path absolute, normalize the path, and remove as many indirections
-- from it as possible.  Any trailing path separators are discarded via
-- 'dropTrailingPathSeparator'.  Additionally, on Windows the letter case of
-- the path is canonicalized.
-- __Note__: This function is a very big hammer.  If you only need an absolute
-- path, 'makeAbsolute' is sufficient for removing dependence on the current
-- working directory.
-- Indirections include the two special directories @.@ and @..@, as well as
-- any symbolic links (and junction points on Windows).  The input path need
-- not point to an existing file or directory.  Canonicalization is performed
-- on the longest prefix of the path that points to an existing file or
-- directory.  The remaining portion of the path that does not point to an
-- existing file or directory will still be normalized, but case
-- canonicalization and indirection removal are skipped as they are impossible
-- to do on a nonexistent path.
-- Most programs should not worry about the canonicity of a path.  In
-- particular, despite the name, the function does not truly guarantee
-- canonicity of the returned path due to the presence of hard links, mount
-- points, etc.
-- If the path points to an existing file or directory, then the output path
-- shall also point to the same file or directory, subject to the condition
-- that the relevant parts of the file system do not change while the function
-- is still running.  In other words, the function is definitively not atomic.
-- The results can be utterly wrong if the portions of the path change while
-- this function is running.
-- Since some indirections (symbolic links on all systems, @..@ on non-Windows
-- systems, and junction points on Windows) are dependent on the state of the
-- existing filesystem, the function can only make a conservative attempt by
-- removing such indirections from the longest prefix of the path that still
-- points to an existing file or directory.
-- Note that on Windows parent directories @..@ are always fully expanded
-- before the symbolic links, as consistent with the rest of the Windows API
-- (such as @GetFullPathName@).  In contrast, on POSIX systems parent
-- directories @..@ are expanded alongside symbolic links from left to right.
-- To put this more concretely: if @L@ is a symbolic link for @R/P@, then on
-- Windows @L\\..@ refers to @.@, whereas on other operating systems @L/..@
-- refers to @R@.
-- Similar to 'System.FilePath.normalise', passing an empty path is equivalent
-- to passing the current directory.
-- @canonicalizePath@ can resolve at least 64 indirections in a single path,
-- more than what is supported by most operating systems.  Therefore, it may
-- return the fully resolved path even though the operating system itself
-- would have long given up.
-- On Windows XP or earlier systems, junction expansion is not performed due
-- to their lack of @GetFinalPathNameByHandle@.
-- /Changes since The function has been altered to be more robust
-- and has the same exception behavior as 'makeAbsolute'.
-- /Changes since The function no longer preserves the trailing path
-- separator.  File symbolic links that appear in the middle of a path are
-- properly dereferenced.  Case canonicalization and symbolic link expansion
-- are now performed on Windows.
canonicalizePath :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
canonicalizePath :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
canonicalizePath = \ OsPath
path ->
  ((IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"canonicalizePath") (IOError -> IOError) -> (IOError -> IOError) -> IOError -> IOError
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   (IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath
path)) (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    -- simplify does more stuff, like upper-casing the drive letter
    OsPath -> OsPath
dropTrailingPathSeparator (OsPath -> OsPath) -> (OsPath -> OsPath) -> OsPath -> OsPath
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OsPath -> OsPath
simplify (OsPath -> OsPath) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
      ((OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
attemptRealpath OsPath -> IO OsPath
realPath (OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
=<< OsPath -> IO OsPath
prependCurrentDirectory OsPath

    -- allow up to 64 cycles before giving up
    attemptRealpath :: (OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
attemptRealpath OsPath -> IO OsPath
realpath =
      Int -> Maybe OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall {a}.
(Ord a, Num a) =>
a -> Maybe OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
attemptRealpathWith (Int
64 :: Int) Maybe OsPath
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing OsPath -> IO OsPath
      (OsPath -> IO OsPath)
-> (OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall (m :: * -> *) b c a.
Monad m =>
(b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
<=< OsPath -> IO OsPath

    -- n is a counter to make sure we don't run into an infinite loop; we
    -- don't try to do any cycle detection here because an adversary could DoS
    -- any arbitrarily clever algorithm
    attemptRealpathWith :: a -> Maybe OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO OsPath) -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
attemptRealpathWith a
n Maybe OsPath
mFallback OsPath -> IO OsPath
realpath OsPath
path =
      case Maybe OsPath
mFallback of
        -- too many indirections ... giving up.
        Just OsPath
fallback | a
n a -> a -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= a
0 -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure OsPath
        -- either mFallback == Nothing (first attempt)
        --     or n > 0 (still have some attempts left)
        Maybe OsPath
_ -> [(OsPath, OsPath)] -> IO OsPath
realpathPrefix ([(OsPath, OsPath)] -> [(OsPath, OsPath)]
forall a. [a] -> [a]
reverse ([OsPath] -> [OsPath] -> [(OsPath, OsPath)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [OsPath]
prefixes [OsPath]


        segments :: [OsPath]
segments = OsPath -> [OsPath]
splitDirectories OsPath
        prefixes :: [OsPath]
prefixes = (OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath) -> [OsPath] -> [OsPath]
forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
scanl1 OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
(</>) [OsPath]
        suffixes :: [OsPath]
suffixes = NonEmpty OsPath -> [OsPath]
forall a. NonEmpty a -> [a]
NE.tail ((OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath)
-> OsPath -> [OsPath] -> NonEmpty OsPath
forall (f :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable f =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> NonEmpty b
NE.scanr OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
(</>) OsPath
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty [OsPath]

        -- try to call realpath on the largest possible prefix
        realpathPrefix :: [(OsPath, OsPath)] -> IO OsPath
realpathPrefix [(OsPath, OsPath)]
candidates =
          case [(OsPath, OsPath)]
candidates of
            [] -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure OsPath
prefix, OsPath
suffix) : [(OsPath, OsPath)]
rest -> do
              exist <- OsPath -> IO Bool
doesPathExist OsPath
              if not exist
                -- never call realpath on an inaccessible path
                -- (to avoid bugs in system realpath implementations)
                -- try a smaller prefix instead
                then realpathPrefix rest
                else do
                  mp <- tryIOError (realpath prefix)
                  case mp of
                    -- realpath failed: try a smaller prefix instead
                    Left IOError
_ -> [(OsPath, OsPath)] -> IO OsPath
realpathPrefix [(OsPath, OsPath)]
                    -- realpath succeeded: fine-tune the result
                    Right OsPath
p -> OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
realpathFurther (OsPath
p OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
</> OsPath
suffix) OsPath
p OsPath

        -- by now we have a reasonable fallback value that we can use if we
        -- run into too many indirections; the fallback value is the same
        -- result that we have been returning in versions prior to
        -- (this is essentially the fix to #64)
        realpathFurther :: OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
realpathFurther OsPath
fallback OsPath
p OsPath
suffix =
          case OsPath -> [OsPath]
splitDirectories OsPath
suffix of
            [] -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure OsPath
next : [OsPath]
restSuffix -> do
              -- see if the 'next' segment is a symlink
              mTarget <- IO OsPath -> IO (Either IOError OsPath)
forall a. IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
tryIOError (OsPath -> IO OsPath
getSymbolicLinkTarget (OsPath
p OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
</> OsPath
              case mTarget of
                Left IOError
_ -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure OsPath
                Right OsPath
target -> do
                  -- if so, dereference it and restart the whole cycle
                  let mFallback' :: Maybe OsPath
mFallback' = OsPath -> Maybe OsPath
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (OsPath -> Maybe OsPath -> OsPath
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe OsPath
fallback Maybe OsPath
                  path' <- OsPath -> IO OsPath
p OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
</> OsPath
target OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
</> [OsPath] -> OsPath
joinPath [OsPath]
                  attemptRealpathWith (n - 1) mFallback' realpath path'

-- | Convert a path into an absolute path.  If the given path is relative, the
-- current directory is prepended and then the combined result is normalized.
-- If the path is already absolute, the path is simply normalized.  The
-- function preserves the presence or absence of the trailing path separator
-- unless the path refers to the root directory @/@.
-- If the path is already absolute, the operation never fails.  Otherwise, the
-- operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'.
makeAbsolute :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
makeAbsolute :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
makeAbsolute OsPath
path =
  ((IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"makeAbsolute") (IOError -> IOError) -> (IOError -> IOError) -> IOError -> IOError
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   (IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath
path)) (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
matchTrailingSeparator OsPath
path (OsPath -> OsPath) -> (OsPath -> OsPath) -> OsPath -> OsPath
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OsPath -> OsPath
simplify (OsPath -> OsPath) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO OsPath
prependCurrentDirectory OsPath

-- | Add or remove the trailing path separator in the second path so as to
-- match its presence in the first path.
-- (internal API)
matchTrailingSeparator :: OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
matchTrailingSeparator :: OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
matchTrailingSeparator OsPath
  | OsPath -> Bool
hasTrailingPathSeparator OsPath
path = OsPath -> OsPath
  | Bool
otherwise                     = OsPath -> OsPath

-- | Construct a path relative to the current directory, similar to
-- 'makeRelative'.
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'.
makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory OsPath
x = do
  (OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
`makeRelative` OsPath
x) (OsPath -> OsPath) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> IO OsPath

-- | Given the name or path of an executable file, 'findExecutable' searches
-- for such a file in a list of system-defined locations, which generally
-- includes @PATH@ and possibly more.  The full path to the executable is
-- returned if found.  For example, @(findExecutable \"ghc\")@ would normally
-- give you the path to GHC.
-- The path returned by @'findExecutable' name@ corresponds to the program
-- that would be executed by
-- @<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/process/docs/System-Process.html#v:createProcess createProcess>@
-- when passed the same string (as a @RawCommand@, not a @ShellCommand@),
-- provided that @name@ is not a relative path with more than one segment.
-- On Windows, 'findExecutable' calls the Win32 function
-- @<https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365527.aspx SearchPath>@,
-- which may search other places before checking the directories in the @PATH@
-- environment variable.  Where it actually searches depends on registry
-- settings, but notably includes the directory containing the current
-- executable.
-- On non-Windows platforms, the behavior is equivalent to 'findFileWith'
-- using the search directories from the @PATH@ environment variable and
-- testing each file for executable permissions.  Details can be found in the
-- documentation of 'findFileWith'.
findExecutable :: OsString -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findExecutable :: OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findExecutable OsPath
binary =
  ListT IO OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Functor m => ListT m a -> m (Maybe a)
    (([OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath)
-> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesLazyInternal [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesInDirectoriesLazy OsPath

-- | Search for executable files in a list of system-defined locations, which
-- generally includes @PATH@ and possibly more.
-- On Windows, this /only returns the first occurrence/, if any.  Its behavior
-- is therefore equivalent to 'findExecutable'.
-- On non-Windows platforms, the behavior is equivalent to
-- 'findExecutablesInDirectories' using the search directories from the @PATH@
-- environment variable.  Details can be found in the documentation of
-- 'findExecutablesInDirectories'.
findExecutables :: OsString -> IO [OsPath]
findExecutables :: OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
findExecutables OsPath
binary =
  ListT IO OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => ListT m a -> m [a]
    (([OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath)
-> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesLazyInternal [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesInDirectoriesLazy OsPath

-- | Given a name or path, 'findExecutable' appends the 'exeExtension' to the
-- query and searches for executable files in the list of given search
-- directories and returns all occurrences.
-- The behavior is equivalent to 'findFileWith' using the given search
-- directories and testing each file for executable permissions.  Details can
-- be found in the documentation of 'findFileWith'.
-- Unlike other similarly named functions, 'findExecutablesInDirectories' does
-- not use @SearchPath@ from the Win32 API.  The behavior of this function on
-- Windows is therefore equivalent to those on non-Windows platforms.
findExecutablesInDirectories :: [OsPath] -> OsString -> IO [OsPath]
findExecutablesInDirectories :: [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
findExecutablesInDirectories [OsPath]
path OsPath
binary =
  ListT IO OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => ListT m a -> m [a]
listTToList ([OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesInDirectoriesLazy [OsPath]
path OsPath

findExecutablesInDirectoriesLazy :: [OsPath] -> OsString -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesInDirectoriesLazy :: [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findExecutablesInDirectoriesLazy [OsPath]
path OsPath
binary =
  (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findFilesWithLazy OsPath -> IO Bool
isExecutable [OsPath]
path (OsPath
binary OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
<.> OsPath

-- | Test whether a file has executable permissions.
isExecutable :: OsPath -> IO Bool
isExecutable :: OsPath -> IO Bool
isExecutable OsPath
file = Permissions -> Bool
executable (Permissions -> Bool) -> IO Permissions -> IO Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Permissions
getPermissions OsPath

-- | Search through the given list of directories for the given file.
-- The behavior is equivalent to 'findFileWith', returning only the first
-- occurrence.  Details can be found in the documentation of 'findFileWith'.
findFile :: [OsPath] -> OsString -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findFile :: [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findFile = (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findFileWith (\ OsPath
_ -> Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Bool

-- | Search through the given list of directories for the given file and
-- returns all paths where the given file exists.
-- The behavior is equivalent to 'findFilesWith'.  Details can be found in the
-- documentation of 'findFilesWith'.
findFiles :: [OsPath] -> OsString -> IO [OsPath]
findFiles :: [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
findFiles = (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
findFilesWith (\ OsPath
_ -> Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Bool

-- | Search through a given list of directories for a file that has the given
-- name and satisfies the given predicate and return the path of the first
-- occurrence.  The directories are checked in a left-to-right order.
-- This is essentially a more performant version of 'findFilesWith' that
-- always returns the first result, if any.  Details can be found in the
-- documentation of 'findFilesWith'.
findFileWith :: (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsString -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findFileWith :: (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
findFileWith OsPath -> IO Bool
f [OsPath]
ds OsPath
name = ListT IO OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Functor m => ListT m a -> m (Maybe a)
listTHead ((OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findFilesWithLazy OsPath -> IO Bool
f [OsPath]
ds OsPath

-- | @findFilesWith predicate dirs name@ searches through the list of
-- directories (@dirs@) for files that have the given @name@ and satisfy the
-- given @predicate@ and returns the paths of those files.  The directories
-- are checked in a left-to-right order and the paths are returned in the same
-- order.
-- If the @name@ is a relative path, then for every search directory @dir@,
-- the function checks whether @dir '</>' name@ exists and satisfies the
-- predicate.  If so, @dir '</>' name@ is returned as one of the results.  In
-- other words, the returned paths can be either relative or absolute
-- depending on the search directories were used.  If there are no search
-- directories, no results are ever returned.
-- If the @name@ is an absolute path, then the function will return a single
-- result if the file exists and satisfies the predicate and no results
-- otherwise.  This is irrespective of what search directories were given.
findFilesWith :: (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsString -> IO [OsPath]
findFilesWith :: (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
findFilesWith OsPath -> IO Bool
f [OsPath]
ds OsPath
name = ListT IO OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => ListT m a -> m [a]
listTToList ((OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findFilesWithLazy OsPath -> IO Bool
f [OsPath]
ds OsPath

  :: (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsString -> ListT IO OsPath
findFilesWithLazy :: (OsPath -> IO Bool) -> [OsPath] -> OsPath -> ListT IO OsPath
findFilesWithLazy OsPath -> IO Bool
f [OsPath]
dirs OsPath
  -- make sure absolute paths are handled properly irrespective of 'dirs'
  -- https://github.com/haskell/directory/issues/72
  | OsPath -> Bool
isAbsolute OsPath
path = IO (Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath)) -> ListT IO OsPath
forall (m :: * -> *) a. m (Maybe (a, ListT m a)) -> ListT m a
ListT ([OsPath] -> IO (Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath))
find [OsPath
forall a. Monoid a => a
  | Bool
otherwise       = IO (Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath)) -> ListT IO OsPath
forall (m :: * -> *) a. m (Maybe (a, ListT m a)) -> ListT m a
ListT ([OsPath] -> IO (Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath))
find [OsPath]


    find :: [OsPath] -> IO (Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath))
find []       = Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath)
-> IO (Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath))
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Maybe (OsPath, ListT IO OsPath)
forall a. Maybe a
    find (OsPath
d : [OsPath]
ds) = do
      let p :: OsPath
p = OsPath
d OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
</> OsPath
      found <- OsPath -> IO Bool
doesFileExist OsPath
p IO Bool -> IO Bool -> IO Bool
forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
`andM` OsPath -> IO Bool
f OsPath
      if found
        then pure (Just (p, ListT (find ds)))
        else find ds

-- | Filename extension for executable files (including the dot if any)
--   (usually @\"\"@ on POSIX systems and @\".exe\"@ on Windows or OS\/2).
exeExtension :: OsString
exeExtension :: OsPath
exeExtension = OsPath

-- | Similar to 'listDirectory', but always includes the special entries (@.@
-- and @..@).  (This applies to Windows as well.)
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'listDirectory'.
getDirectoryContents :: OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
getDirectoryContents :: OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
getDirectoryContents OsPath
path =
  ((IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath
path) (IOError -> IOError) -> (IOError -> IOError) -> IOError -> IOError
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getDirectoryContents")) (IOError -> IOError) -> IO [OsPath] -> IO [OsPath]
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
getDirectoryContentsInternal OsPath

-- | @'listDirectory' dir@ returns a list of /all/ entries in /dir/ without
-- the special entries (@.@ and @..@).
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * @HardwareFault@
--   A physical I\/O error has occurred.
--   @[EIO]@
-- * @InvalidArgument@
--   The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
--   The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError'
--   The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
--   @[EACCES]@
-- * 'System.IO.isFullError'
--   Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * @InappropriateType@
--   The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
--   @[ENOTDIR]@
listDirectory :: OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
listDirectory :: OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
listDirectory OsPath
path = [OsPath] -> [OsPath]
dropSpecialDotDirs ([OsPath] -> [OsPath]) -> IO [OsPath] -> IO [OsPath]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO [OsPath]
getDirectoryContents OsPath

-- | Obtain the current working directory as an absolute path.
-- In a multithreaded program, the current working directory is a global state
-- shared among all threads of the process.  Therefore, when performing
-- filesystem operations from multiple threads, it is highly recommended to
-- use absolute rather than relative paths (see: 'makeAbsolute').
-- Note that 'getCurrentDirectory' is not guaranteed to return the same path
-- received by 'setCurrentDirectory'. On POSIX systems, the path returned will
-- always be fully dereferenced (not contain any symbolic links). For more
-- information, refer to the documentation of
-- <https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/getcwd.html getcwd>.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * @HardwareFault@
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
-- There is no path referring to the working directory.
-- * 'isPermissionError'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- @[EACCES]@
-- * 'System.IO.isFullError'
-- Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-- * @UnsupportedOperation@
-- The operating system has no notion of current working directory.
getCurrentDirectory :: IO OsPath
getCurrentDirectory :: IO OsPath
getCurrentDirectory =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getCurrentDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    String -> (IOError -> Bool) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. String -> (IOError -> Bool) -> IO a -> IO a
"Current working directory no longer exists"
      IOError -> Bool
      IO OsPath

-- | Change the working directory to the given path.
-- In a multithreaded program, the current working directory is a global state
-- shared among all threads of the process.  Therefore, when performing
-- filesystem operations from multiple threads, it is highly recommended to
-- use absolute rather than relative paths (see: 'makeAbsolute').
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * @HardwareFault@
-- A physical I\/O error has occurred.
-- @[EIO]@
-- * @InvalidArgument@
-- The operand is not a valid directory name.
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError'
-- The directory does not exist.
-- * 'isPermissionError'
-- The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-- @[EACCES]@
-- * @UnsupportedOperation@
-- The operating system has no notion of current working directory, or the
-- working directory cannot be dynamically changed.
-- * @InappropriateType@
-- The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-- @[ENOTDIR]@
setCurrentDirectory :: OsPath -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory :: OsPath -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory = OsPath -> IO ()

-- | Run an 'IO' action with the given working directory and restore the
-- original working directory afterwards, even if the given action fails due
-- to an exception.
-- The operation may fail with the same exceptions as 'getCurrentDirectory'
-- and 'setCurrentDirectory'.
withCurrentDirectory :: OsPath    -- ^ Directory to execute in
                     -> IO a      -- ^ Action to be executed
                     -> IO a
withCurrentDirectory :: forall a. OsPath -> IO a -> IO a
withCurrentDirectory OsPath
dir IO a
action =
  IO OsPath -> (OsPath -> IO ()) -> (OsPath -> IO a) -> IO a
forall a b c. IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket IO OsPath
getCurrentDirectory OsPath -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory ((OsPath -> IO a) -> IO a) -> (OsPath -> IO a) -> IO a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \ OsPath
_ -> do
    OsPath -> IO ()
setCurrentDirectory OsPath
    IO a

-- | Obtain the size of a file in bytes.
getFileSize :: OsPath -> IO Integer
getFileSize :: OsPath -> IO Integer
getFileSize OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getFileSize") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO Integer -> IO Integer
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    Metadata -> Integer
fileSizeFromMetadata (Metadata -> Integer) -> IO Metadata -> IO Integer
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Metadata
getFileMetadata OsPath

-- | Test whether the given path points to an existing filesystem object.  If
-- the user lacks necessary permissions to search the parent directories, this
-- function may return false even if the file does actually exist.  This
-- operation traverses symbolic links, so it can return either True or False
-- for them.
doesPathExist :: OsPath -> IO Bool
doesPathExist :: OsPath -> IO Bool
doesPathExist OsPath
path = do
True Bool -> IO Metadata -> IO Bool
forall a b. a -> IO b -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ OsPath -> IO Metadata
getFileMetadata OsPath
    IO Bool -> (IOError -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
forall a. IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
`catchIOError` \ IOError
_ ->
      Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Bool

-- | The operation 'doesDirectoryExist' returns 'True' if the argument file
-- exists and is either a directory or a symbolic link to a directory, and
-- 'False' otherwise.  This operation traverses symbolic links, so it can
-- return either True or False for them.
doesDirectoryExist :: OsPath -> IO Bool
doesDirectoryExist :: OsPath -> IO Bool
doesDirectoryExist OsPath
path = do
  OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsDirectory OsPath
    IO Bool -> (IOError -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
forall a. IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
`catchIOError` \ IOError
_ ->
      Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Bool

-- | The operation 'doesFileExist' returns 'True' if the argument file exists
-- and is not a directory, and 'False' otherwise.  This operation traverses
-- symbolic links, so it can return either True or False for them.
doesFileExist :: OsPath -> IO Bool
doesFileExist :: OsPath -> IO Bool
doesFileExist OsPath
path = do
  (Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> IO Bool -> IO Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsDirectory OsPath
    IO Bool -> (IOError -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
forall a. IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a
`catchIOError` \ IOError
_ ->
      Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Bool

pathIsDirectory :: OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsDirectory :: OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsDirectory OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"pathIsDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    FileType -> Bool
fileTypeIsDirectory (FileType -> Bool) -> (Metadata -> FileType) -> Metadata -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Metadata -> FileType
fileTypeFromMetadata (Metadata -> Bool) -> IO Metadata -> IO Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Metadata
getFileMetadata OsPath

-- | Create a /file/ symbolic link.  The target path can be either absolute or
-- relative and need not refer to an existing file.  The order of arguments
-- follows the POSIX convention.
-- To remove an existing file symbolic link, use 'removeFile'.
-- Although the distinction between /file/ symbolic links and /directory/
-- symbolic links does not exist on POSIX systems, on Windows this is an
-- intrinsic property of every symbolic link and cannot be changed without
-- recreating the link.  A file symbolic link that actually points to a
-- directory will fail to dereference and vice versa.  Moreover, creating
-- symbolic links on Windows may require privileges unavailable to users
-- outside the Administrators group.  Portable programs that use symbolic
-- links should take both into consideration.
-- On Windows, the function is implemented using @CreateSymbolicLink@.  Since
-- if supported by the operating system.  On POSIX, the function uses @symlink@
-- and is therefore atomic.
-- Windows-specific errors: This operation may fail with 'permissionErrorType'
-- if the user lacks the privileges to create symbolic links.  It may also
-- fail with 'illegalOperationErrorType' if the file system does not support
-- symbolic links.
  :: OsPath                           -- ^ path to the target file
  -> OsPath                           -- ^ path of the link to be created
  -> IO ()
createFileLink :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
createFileLink OsPath
target OsPath
link =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"createFileLink") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    Bool -> OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
createSymbolicLink Bool
False OsPath
target OsPath

-- | Create a /directory/ symbolic link.  The target path can be either
-- absolute or relative and need not refer to an existing directory.  The
-- order of arguments follows the POSIX convention.
-- To remove an existing directory symbolic link, use 'removeDirectoryLink'.
-- Although the distinction between /file/ symbolic links and /directory/
-- symbolic links does not exist on POSIX systems, on Windows this is an
-- intrinsic property of every symbolic link and cannot be changed without
-- recreating the link.  A file symbolic link that actually points to a
-- directory will fail to dereference and vice versa.  Moreover, creating
-- symbolic links on Windows may require privileges unavailable to users
-- outside the Administrators group.  Portable programs that use symbolic
-- links should take both into consideration.
-- On Windows, the function is implemented using @CreateSymbolicLink@ with
-- supported by the operating system.   On POSIX, this is an alias for
-- 'createFileLink' and is therefore atomic.
-- Windows-specific errors: This operation may fail with 'permissionErrorType'
-- if the user lacks the privileges to create symbolic links.  It may also
-- fail with 'illegalOperationErrorType' if the file system does not support
-- symbolic links.
  :: OsPath                           -- ^ path to the target directory
  -> OsPath                           -- ^ path of the link to be created
  -> IO ()
createDirectoryLink :: OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
createDirectoryLink OsPath
target OsPath
link =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"createDirectoryLink") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    Bool -> OsPath -> OsPath -> IO ()
createSymbolicLink Bool
True OsPath
target OsPath

-- | Remove an existing /directory/ symbolic link.
-- On Windows, this is an alias for 'removeDirectory'.  On POSIX systems, this
-- is an alias for 'removeFile'.
-- See also: 'removeFile', which can remove an existing /file/ symbolic link.
removeDirectoryLink :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryLink :: OsPath -> IO ()
removeDirectoryLink OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"removeDirectoryLink") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    Bool -> OsPath -> IO ()
removePathInternal Bool
linkToDirectoryIsDirectory OsPath

-- | Check whether an existing @path@ is a symbolic link.  If @path@ is a
-- regular file or directory, 'False' is returned.  If @path@ does not exist
-- or is otherwise inaccessible, an exception is thrown (see below).
-- On Windows, this checks for @FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT@.  In addition to
-- symbolic links, the function also returns true on junction points.  On
-- POSIX systems, this checks for @S_IFLNK@.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the symbolic link does not exist; or
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read the symbolic
--   link.
pathIsSymbolicLink :: OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsSymbolicLink :: OsPath -> IO Bool
pathIsSymbolicLink OsPath
path =
  ((IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"pathIsSymbolicLink") (IOError -> IOError) -> (IOError -> IOError) -> IOError -> IOError
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   (IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath
path)) (IOError -> IOError) -> IO Bool -> IO Bool
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
     FileType -> Bool
fileTypeIsLink (FileType -> Bool) -> (Metadata -> FileType) -> Metadata -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Metadata -> FileType
fileTypeFromMetadata (Metadata -> Bool) -> IO Metadata -> IO Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Metadata
getSymbolicLinkMetadata OsPath

-- | Retrieve the target path of either a file or directory symbolic link.
-- The returned path may not be absolute, may not exist, and may not even be a
-- valid path.
-- On Windows systems, this calls @DeviceIoControl@ with
-- @FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT@.  In addition to symbolic links, the function
-- also works on junction points.  On POSIX systems, this calls @readlink@.
-- Windows-specific errors: This operation may fail with
-- 'illegalOperationErrorType' if the file system does not support symbolic
-- links.
getSymbolicLinkTarget :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
getSymbolicLinkTarget :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
getSymbolicLinkTarget OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getSymbolicLinkTarget") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> IO OsPath
readSymbolicLink OsPath

-- | Obtain the time at which the file or directory was last accessed.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read
--   the access time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Caveat for POSIX systems: This function returns a timestamp with sub-second
-- resolution only if this package is compiled against @unix- or later
-- and the underlying filesystem supports them.
getAccessTime :: OsPath -> IO UTCTime
getAccessTime :: OsPath -> IO UTCTime
getAccessTime OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getAccessTime") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO UTCTime -> IO UTCTime
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    Metadata -> UTCTime
accessTimeFromMetadata (Metadata -> UTCTime) -> IO Metadata -> IO UTCTime
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Metadata
getFileMetadata (OsPath -> OsPath
emptyToCurDir OsPath

-- | Obtain the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to read
--   the modification time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Caveat for POSIX systems: This function returns a timestamp with sub-second
-- resolution only if this package is compiled against @unix- or later
-- and the underlying filesystem supports them.
getModificationTime :: OsPath -> IO UTCTime
getModificationTime :: OsPath -> IO UTCTime
getModificationTime OsPath
path =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getModificationTime") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO UTCTime -> IO UTCTime
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    Metadata -> UTCTime
modificationTimeFromMetadata (Metadata -> UTCTime) -> IO Metadata -> IO UTCTime
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OsPath -> IO Metadata
getFileMetadata (OsPath -> OsPath
emptyToCurDir OsPath

-- | Change the time at which the file or directory was last accessed.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to alter the
--   access time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- Some caveats for POSIX systems:
-- * Not all systems support @utimensat@, in which case the function can only
--   emulate the behavior by reading the modification time and then setting
--   both the access and modification times together.  On systems where
--   @utimensat@ is supported, the access time is set atomically with
--   nanosecond precision.
-- * If compiled against a version of @unix@ prior to @, the function
--   would not be able to set timestamps with sub-second resolution.  In this
--   case, there would also be loss of precision in the modification time.
setAccessTime :: OsPath -> UTCTime -> IO ()
setAccessTime :: OsPath -> UTCTime -> IO ()
setAccessTime OsPath
path UTCTime
atime =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"setAccessTime") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) -> IO ()
setFileTimes OsPath
path (UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just UTCTime
atime, Maybe UTCTime
forall a. Maybe a

-- | Change the time at which the file or directory was last modified.
-- The operation may fail with:
-- * 'isPermissionError' if the user is not permitted to alter the
--   modification time; or
-- * 'isDoesNotExistError' if the file or directory does not exist.
-- * 'InvalidArgument' on FAT32 file system if the time is before
--   DOS Epoch (1 January 1980).
-- Some caveats for POSIX systems:
-- * Not all systems support @utimensat@, in which case the function can only
--   emulate the behavior by reading the access time and then setting both the
--   access and modification times together.  On systems where @utimensat@ is
--   supported, the modification time is set atomically with nanosecond
--   precision.
-- * If compiled against a version of @unix@ prior to @, the function
--   would not be able to set timestamps with sub-second resolution.  In this
--   case, there would also be loss of precision in the access time.
setModificationTime :: OsPath -> UTCTime -> IO ()
setModificationTime :: OsPath -> UTCTime -> IO ()
setModificationTime OsPath
path UTCTime
mtime =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"setModificationTime") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) -> IO ()
setFileTimes OsPath
path (Maybe UTCTime
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just UTCTime

setFileTimes :: OsPath -> (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) -> IO ()
setFileTimes :: OsPath -> (Maybe UTCTime, Maybe UTCTime) -> IO ()
setFileTimes OsPath
_ (Maybe UTCTime
Nothing, Maybe UTCTime
Nothing) = () -> IO ()
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
setFileTimes OsPath
path (Maybe UTCTime
atime, Maybe UTCTime
mtime) =
  ((IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"setFileTimes") (IOError -> IOError) -> (IOError -> IOError) -> IOError -> IOError
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   (IOError -> OsPath -> IOError
`ioeSetOsPath` OsPath
path)) (IOError -> IOError) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> (Maybe POSIXTime, Maybe POSIXTime) -> IO ()
setTimes (OsPath -> OsPath
emptyToCurDir OsPath
             (UTCTime -> POSIXTime
utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (UTCTime -> POSIXTime) -> Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe POSIXTime
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe UTCTime
atime, UTCTime -> POSIXTime
utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds (UTCTime -> POSIXTime) -> Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe POSIXTime
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe UTCTime

{- | Returns the current user's home directory.

The directory returned is expected to be writable by the current user,
but note that it isn't generally considered good practice to store
application-specific data here; use 'getXdgDirectory' or
'getAppUserDataDirectory' instead.

On Unix, 'getHomeDirectory' behaves as follows:

* Returns $HOME env variable if set (including to an empty string).
* Otherwise uses home directory returned by `getpwuid_r` using the UID of the current proccesses user. This basically reads the /etc/passwd file. An empty home directory field is considered valid.

On Windows, the system is queried for a suitable path; a typical path might be @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/@.

The operation may fail with:

* @UnsupportedOperation@
The operating system has no notion of home directory.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The home directory for the current user does not exist, or
cannot be found.
getHomeDirectory :: IO OsPath
getHomeDirectory :: IO OsPath
getHomeDirectory =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getHomeDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do

-- | Obtain the paths to special directories for storing user-specific
--   application data, configuration, and cache files, conforming to the
--   <http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html XDG Base Directory Specification>.
--   Compared with 'getAppUserDataDirectory', this function provides a more
--   fine-grained hierarchy as well as greater flexibility for the user.
--   On Windows, 'XdgData' and 'XdgConfig' usually map to the same directory
--   unless overridden.
--   Refer to the docs of 'XdgDirectory' for more details.
--   The second argument is usually the name of the application.  Since it
--   will be integrated into the path, it must consist of valid path
--   characters.  Note: if the second argument is an absolute path, it will
--   just return the second argument.
--   Note: The directory may not actually exist, in which case you would need
--   to create it with file mode @700@ (i.e. only accessible by the owner).
--   As of, the environment variable is ignored if set to a relative
--   path, per revised XDG Base Directory Specification.  See
--   <https://github.com/haskell/directory/issues/100 #100>.
getXdgDirectory :: XdgDirectory         -- ^ which special directory
                -> OsPath             -- ^ a relative path that is appended
                                        --   to the path; if empty, the base
                                        --   path is returned
                -> IO OsPath
getXdgDirectory :: XdgDirectory -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
getXdgDirectory XdgDirectory
xdgDir OsPath
suffix =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getXdgDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> OsPath
simplify (OsPath -> OsPath) -> (OsPath -> OsPath) -> OsPath -> OsPath
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (OsPath -> OsPath -> OsPath
</> OsPath
suffix) (OsPath -> OsPath) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> do
      env <- OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
lookupEnvOs (OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath))
-> (String -> OsPath) -> String -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> OsPath
os (String -> IO (Maybe OsPath)) -> String -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case XdgDirectory
xdgDir of
XdgData   -> String
XdgConfig -> String
XdgCache  -> String
XdgState  -> String
      case env of
        Just OsPath
path | OsPath -> Bool
isAbsolute OsPath
path -> OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure OsPath
        Maybe OsPath
_                           -> IO OsPath -> XdgDirectory -> IO OsPath
getXdgDirectoryFallback IO OsPath
getHomeDirectory XdgDirectory

-- | Similar to 'getXdgDirectory' but retrieves the entire list of XDG
-- directories.
-- On Windows, 'XdgDataDirs' and 'XdgConfigDirs' usually map to the same list
-- of directories unless overridden.
-- Refer to the docs of 'XdgDirectoryList' for more details.
getXdgDirectoryList :: XdgDirectoryList -- ^ which special directory list
                    -> IO [OsPath]
getXdgDirectoryList :: XdgDirectoryList -> IO [OsPath]
getXdgDirectoryList XdgDirectoryList
xdgDirs =
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getXdgDirectoryList") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO [OsPath] -> IO [OsPath]
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    env <- OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
lookupEnvOs (OsPath -> IO (Maybe OsPath))
-> (String -> OsPath) -> String -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> OsPath
os (String -> IO (Maybe OsPath)) -> String -> IO (Maybe OsPath)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case XdgDirectoryList
xdgDirs of
XdgDataDirs   -> String
XdgConfigDirs -> String
    case env of
      Maybe OsPath
Nothing    -> XdgDirectoryList -> IO [OsPath]
getXdgDirectoryListFallback XdgDirectoryList
      Just OsPath
paths -> [OsPath] -> IO [OsPath]
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (OsPath -> [OsPath]
splitSearchPath OsPath

-- | Obtain the path to a special directory for storing user-specific
--   application data (traditional Unix location).  Newer applications may
--   prefer the the XDG-conformant location provided by 'getXdgDirectory'
--   (<https://github.com/haskell/directory/issues/6#issuecomment-96521020 migration guide>).
--   The argument is usually the name of the application.  Since it will be
--   integrated into the path, it must consist of valid path characters.
--   * On Unix-like systems, the path is @~\/./\<app\>/@.
--   * On Windows, the path is @%APPDATA%\//\<app\>/@
--     (e.g. @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/AppData\/Roaming\//\<app\>/@)
--   Note: the directory may not actually exist, in which case you would need
--   to create it.  It is expected that the parent directory exists and is
--   writable.
--   The operation may fail with:
--   * @UnsupportedOperation@
--     The operating system has no notion of application-specific data
--     directory.
--   * 'isDoesNotExistError'
--     The home directory for the current user does not exist, or cannot be
--     found.
getAppUserDataDirectory :: OsPath     -- ^ a relative path that is appended
                                        --   to the path
                        -> IO OsPath
getAppUserDataDirectory :: OsPath -> IO OsPath
getAppUserDataDirectory OsPath
appName = do
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getAppUserDataDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do
    OsPath -> IO OsPath
getAppUserDataDirectoryInternal OsPath

{- | Returns the current user's document directory.

The directory returned is expected to be writable by the current user,
but note that it isn't generally considered good practice to store
application-specific data here; use 'getXdgDirectory' or
'getAppUserDataDirectory' instead.

On Unix, 'getUserDocumentsDirectory' returns the value of the @HOME@
environment variable.  On Windows, the system is queried for a
suitable path; a typical path might be @C:\/Users\//\<user\>/\/Documents@.

The operation may fail with:

* @UnsupportedOperation@
The operating system has no notion of document directory.

* 'isDoesNotExistError'
The document directory for the current user does not exist, or
cannot be found.
getUserDocumentsDirectory :: IO OsPath
getUserDocumentsDirectory :: IO OsPath
getUserDocumentsDirectory = do
  (IOError -> String -> IOError
`ioeAddLocation` String
"getUserDocumentsDirectory") (IOError -> IOError) -> IO OsPath -> IO OsPath
forall a. (IOError -> IOError) -> IO a -> IO a
`modifyIOError` do

{- | Returns the current directory for temporary files.

On Unix, 'getTemporaryDirectory' returns the value of the @TMPDIR@
environment variable or \"\/tmp\" if the variable isn\'t defined.
On Windows, the function checks for the existence of environment variables in
the following order and uses the first path found:

TMP environment variable.

TEMP environment variable.

USERPROFILE environment variable.

The Windows directory

The operation may fail with:

* @UnsupportedOperation@
The operating system has no notion of temporary directory.

The function doesn\'t verify whether the path exists.
getTemporaryDirectory :: IO OsPath
getTemporaryDirectory :: IO OsPath
getTemporaryDirectory = IO OsPath