ghc-9.12: The GHC API
Safe HaskellNone



Dominator analysis and representation of results

data DominatorSet Source #

Dominator sets

Node X dominates node Y if and only if every path from the entry to Y includes X. Node Y technically dominates itself, but it is never included in the *representation* of its dominator set.

A dominator set is represented as a linked list in which each node points to its *immediate* dominator, which is its parent in the dominator tree. In many circumstances the immediate dominator will be the only dominator of interest.






Instances details
Outputable DominatorSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dominators

Eq DominatorSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dominators

data GraphWithDominators (node :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> Type) Source #

The result of dominator analysis. Also includes a reverse postorder numbering, which is needed for dominator analysis and for other (downstream) analyses.

Invariant: Dominators, graph, and RP numberings include only *reachable* blocks.

data RPNum Source #

Reverse postorder number of a node in a CFG


Instances details
Outputable RPNum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dominators


ppr :: RPNum -> SDoc Source #

Show RPNum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dominators


showsPrec :: Int -> RPNum -> ShowS #

show :: RPNum -> String #

showList :: [RPNum] -> ShowS #

Eq RPNum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dominators


(==) :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Bool #

(/=) :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Bool #

Ord RPNum Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Cmm.Dominators


compare :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Ordering #

(<) :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Bool #

(<=) :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Bool #

(>) :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Bool #

(>=) :: RPNum -> RPNum -> Bool #

max :: RPNum -> RPNum -> RPNum #

min :: RPNum -> RPNum -> RPNum #

graphWithDominators :: forall (node :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> Type). (NonLocal node, HasDebugCallStack) => GenCmmGraph node -> GraphWithDominators node Source #

Call this function with a CmmGraph to get back the results of a dominator analysis of that graph (as well as a reverse postorder numbering). The result also includes the subgraph of the original graph that contains only the reachable blocks.

Utility functions on graphs or graphs-with-dominators

graphMap :: forall (n :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> Type). GenCmmGraph n -> LabelMap (Block n C C) Source #

Utility functions

Call graphMap to get the mapping from Label to Block that is embedded in every CmmGraph.

gwdRPNumber :: forall (node :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> Type). HasDebugCallStack => GraphWithDominators node -> Label -> RPNum Source #

Use gwdRPNumber on the result of the dominator analysis to get a mapping from the Label of each reachable block to the reverse postorder number of that block.

gwdDominatorsOf :: forall (node :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> Type). HasDebugCallStack => GraphWithDominators node -> Label -> DominatorSet Source #

Use gwdDominatorsOf on the result of the dominator analysis to get a mapping from the Label of each reachable block to the dominator set (and the immediate dominator) of that block. The implementation is space-efficient: intersecting dominator sets share the representation of their intersection.

Utility functions on dominator sets

dominatorsMember :: Label -> DominatorSet -> Bool Source #

Use to tell if the given label is in the given dominator set. Which is to say, does the bloc with with given label _properly_ and _non-vacuously_ dominate the node whose dominator set this is?

Takes linear time in the height of the dominator tree, but uses space efficiently.

intersectDominators :: DominatorSet -> DominatorSet -> DominatorSet Source #

Intersect two dominator sets to produce a third dominator set. This function takes time linear in the size of the sets. As such it is inefficient and should be used only for things like visualizations or linters.