ghc-9.12: The GHC API
Safe HaskellNone



Our extended FCode monad.



data CmmParse a Source #

Does a computation in the FCode monad, with a current environment and a list of local declarations. Returns the resulting list of declarations.


Instances details
MonadGetUnique CmmParse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.StgToCmm.ExtCode

MonadUnique CmmParse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.StgToCmm.ExtCode

Applicative CmmParse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.StgToCmm.ExtCode


pure :: a -> CmmParse a #

(<*>) :: CmmParse (a -> b) -> CmmParse a -> CmmParse b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> CmmParse a -> CmmParse b -> CmmParse c #

(*>) :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse b -> CmmParse b #

(<*) :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse b -> CmmParse a #

Functor CmmParse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.StgToCmm.ExtCode


fmap :: (a -> b) -> CmmParse a -> CmmParse b #

(<$) :: a -> CmmParse b -> CmmParse a #

Monad CmmParse Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.StgToCmm.ExtCode


(>>=) :: CmmParse a -> (a -> CmmParse b) -> CmmParse b #

(>>) :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse b -> CmmParse b #

return :: a -> CmmParse a #

unEC :: CmmParse a -> String -> Env -> Decls -> FCode (Decls, a) Source #

data Named Source #

The environment contains variable definitions or blockids.


VarN CmmExpr

Holds CmmLit(CmmLabel ..) which gives the label type, eg, RtsLabel, ForeignLabel, CmmLabel etc.

FunN UnitId

A function name from this unit

LabelN BlockId

A blockid of some code or data.

type Env = UniqFM FastString Named Source #

An environment of named things.

loopDecls :: CmmParse a -> CmmParse a Source #

Takes the variable declarations and imports from the monad and makes an environment, which is looped back into the computation. In this way, we can have embedded declarations that scope over the whole procedure, and imports that scope over the entire module. Discards the local declaration contained within decl'

getEnv :: CmmParse Env Source #

Get the current environment from the monad.

withName :: String -> CmmParse a -> CmmParse a Source #

Set context name for a sub-parse

getName :: CmmParse String Source #

Get the current context name from the monad

newLocal Source #


:: CmmType

data type

-> FastString

name of variable

-> CmmParse LocalReg

register holding the value

Create a fresh local variable of a given type.

newLabel :: FastString -> CmmParse BlockId Source #

Allocate a fresh label.

newFunctionName Source #


:: FastString

name of the function

-> UnitId

package of the current module

-> ExtCode 

Add a local function to the environment.

newImport :: (FastString, CLabel) -> CmmParse () Source #

Add an imported foreign label to the list of local declarations. If this is done at the start of the module the declaration will scope over the whole module.

lookupLabel :: FastString -> CmmParse BlockId Source #

Lookup the BlockId bound to the label with this name. If one hasn't been bound yet, create a fresh one based on the Unique of the name.

lookupName :: FastString -> CmmParse CmmExpr Source #

Lookup the location of a named variable. Unknown names are treated as if they had been 'import'ed from the runtime system. This saves us a lot of bother in the RTS sources, at the expense of deferring some errors to link time.

code :: FCode a -> CmmParse a Source #

Lift an FCode computation into the CmmParse monad