ghc-9.12: The GHC API
Safe HaskellNone




initInfoTableProv :: IPEStats -> [CmmInfoTable] -> InfoTableProvMap -> DUniqSupply -> FCode (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply) Source #

Emit info-table provenance declarations and track IPE stats.

Note that the stats passed to this function will (rather, should) only ever contain stats for skipped STACK info tables accumulated in generateCgIPEStub.

dynProfHdr :: Profile -> CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr] Source #

Profiling header words in a dynamic closure

profDynAlloc :: SMRep -> CmmExpr -> FCode () Source #

Record the allocation of a closure. The CmmExpr is the cost centre stack to which to attribute the allocation.

profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode () Source #

Record the allocation of a closure (size is given by a CmmExpr) The size must be in words, because the allocation counter in a CCS counts in words.

staticProfHdr :: Profile -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit] Source #

The profiling header words in a static closure

initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> FCode () Source #

Initialise the profiling field of an update frame

ldvEnterClosure :: ClosureInfo -> CmmReg -> FCode () Source #

Called when a closure is entered, marks the closure as having been "used". The closure is not an "inherently used" one. The closure is not IND because that is not considered for LDV profiling.

profHeaderCreate :: CmmExpr -> FCode () Source #

Initialise the profiling word of a new dynamic closure * When LDV profiling is enabled (era > 0) - Initialise to the LDV word * When eras profiling is enabled (user_era > 0) - Initialise to current user_era