-- Code generation for profiling
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006

module GHC.StgToCmm.Prof (
        initCostCentres, ccType, ccsType,
        mkCCostCentre, mkCCostCentreStack,

        -- infoTablePRov

        -- Cost-centre Profiling
        dynProfHdr, profDynAlloc, profAlloc, staticProfHdr, initUpdFrameProf,
        enterCostCentreThunk, enterCostCentreFun,

        saveCurrentCostCentre, restoreCurrentCostCentre,

        -- Lag/drag/void stuff
        ldvEnter, ldvEnterClosure, profHeaderCreate
  ) where

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Platform.Profile
import GHC.StgToCmm.Closure
import GHC.StgToCmm.Config
import GHC.StgToCmm.InfoTableProv
import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad
import GHC.StgToCmm.Lit
import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout

import GHC.Cmm.Graph
import GHC.Cmm
import GHC.Cmm.Utils
import GHC.Cmm.CLabel

import GHC.Types.Unique.DSM
import GHC.Types.CostCentre
import GHC.Types.IPE
import GHC.Types.ForeignStubs
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Unit.Module as Module
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Driver.CodeOutput ( ipInitCode )

import GHC.Utils.Encoding

import Control.Monad
import Data.Char       (ord)
import GHC.Utils.Monad (whenM)

-- Cost-centre-stack Profiling

-- Expression representing the current cost centre stack
ccsType :: Platform -> CmmType -- Type of a cost-centre stack
ccsType :: Platform -> CmmType
ccsType = Platform -> CmmType

ccType :: Platform -> CmmType -- Type of a cost centre
ccType :: Platform -> CmmType
ccType = Platform -> CmmType

storeCurCCS :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
storeCurCCS :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
storeCurCCS Platform
platform = CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
mkAssign (Platform -> CmmReg
cccsReg Platform

mkCCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentre CostCentre
cc = CLabel -> CmmLit
CmmLabel (CostCentre -> CLabel
mkCCLabel CostCentre

mkCCostCentreStack :: CostCentreStack -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentreStack :: CostCentreStack -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentreStack CostCentreStack
ccs = CLabel -> CmmLit
CmmLabel (CostCentreStack -> CLabel
mkCCSLabel CostCentreStack

costCentreFrom :: Platform
               -> CmmExpr        -- A closure pointer
               -> CmmExpr        -- The cost centre from that closure
costCentreFrom :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
costCentreFrom Platform
platform CmmExpr
cl = CmmExpr -> CmmType -> AlignmentSpec -> CmmExpr
CmmLoad (Platform -> CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmExpr
cmmOffsetB Platform
platform CmmExpr
cl (PlatformConstants -> Int
pc_OFFSET_StgHeader_ccs (Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform
platform))) (Platform -> CmmType
ccsType Platform
platform) AlignmentSpec

-- | The profiling header words in a static closure
staticProfHdr :: Profile -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
staticProfHdr :: Profile -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
staticProfHdr Profile
profile CostCentreStack
  | Profile -> Bool
profileIsProfiling Profile
profile = [CostCentreStack -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentreStack CostCentreStack
ccs, Platform -> CmmLit
staticProfHeaderInit Platform
  | Bool
otherwise                  = []
  where platform :: Platform
platform = Profile -> Platform
profilePlatform Profile

-- | Profiling header words in a dynamic closure
dynProfHdr :: Profile -> CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
dynProfHdr :: Profile -> CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
dynProfHdr Profile
profile CmmExpr
  | Profile -> Bool
profileIsProfiling Profile
profile = [CmmExpr
ccs, Platform -> CmmExpr
dynProfInit (Profile -> Platform
profilePlatform Profile
  | Bool
otherwise                  = []

-- | Initialise the profiling field of an update frame
initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
initUpdFrameProf CmmExpr
  = FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$        -- frame->header.prof.ccs = CCCS
    do platform <- FCode Platform
       emitStore (cmmOffset platform frame (pc_OFFSET_StgHeader_ccs (platformConstants platform))) (cccsExpr platform)
        -- frame->header.prof.hp.rs = NULL (or frame-header.prof.hp.ldvw = 0)
        -- is unnecessary because it is not used anyhow.

--         Saving and restoring the current cost centre

{-        Note [Saving the current cost centre]
The current cost centre is like a global register.  Like other
global registers, it's a caller-saves one.  But consider
        case (f x) of (p,q) -> rhs
Since 'f' may set the cost centre, we must restore it
before resuming rhs.  So we want code like this:
        local_cc = CCC  -- save
        r = f( x )
        CCC = local_cc  -- restore
That is, we explicitly "save" the current cost centre in
a LocalReg, local_cc; and restore it after the call. The
C-- infrastructure will arrange to save local_cc across the

The same goes for join points;
        let j x = join-stuff
        in blah-blah
We want this kind of code:
        local_cc = CCC  -- save
        CCC = local_cc  -- restore

saveCurrentCostCentre :: FCode (Maybe LocalReg)
        -- Returns Nothing if profiling is off
saveCurrentCostCentre :: FCode (Maybe LocalReg)
  = do sccProfilingEnabled <- StgToCmmConfig -> Bool
stgToCmmSCCProfiling (StgToCmmConfig -> Bool) -> FCode StgToCmmConfig -> FCode Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> FCode StgToCmmConfig
       platform            <- getPlatform
       if not sccProfilingEnabled
           then return Nothing
           else do local_cc <- newTemp (ccType platform)
                   emitAssign (CmmLocal local_cc) (cccsExpr platform)
                   return (Just local_cc)

restoreCurrentCostCentre :: Platform -> Maybe LocalReg -> FCode ()
restoreCurrentCostCentre :: Platform -> Maybe LocalReg -> FCode ()
restoreCurrentCostCentre Platform
_ Maybe LocalReg
  = () -> FCode ()
forall a. a -> FCode a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
restoreCurrentCostCentre Platform
platform (Just LocalReg
  = CmmAGraph -> FCode ()
emit (Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
storeCurCCS Platform
platform (CmmReg -> CmmExpr
CmmReg (LocalReg -> CmmReg
CmmLocal LocalReg

-- Recording allocation in a cost centre

-- | Record the allocation of a closure.  The CmmExpr is the cost
-- centre stack to which to attribute the allocation.
profDynAlloc :: SMRep -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profDynAlloc :: SMRep -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profDynAlloc SMRep
rep CmmExpr
  = FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    do profile <- FCode Profile
       let platform = Profile -> Platform
profilePlatform Profile
       profAlloc (mkIntExpr platform (heapClosureSizeW profile rep)) ccs

-- | Record the allocation of a closure (size is given by a CmmExpr)
-- The size must be in words, because the allocation counter in a CCS counts
-- in words.
profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profAlloc CmmExpr
words CmmExpr
  = FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        do profile <- FCode Profile
           let platform = Profile -> Platform
profilePlatform Profile
           let alloc_rep = Platform -> CmmType
rEP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc Platform
           emit $ addToMemE alloc_rep
                       (cmmOffsetB platform ccs (pc_OFFSET_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc (platformConstants platform)))
                       (CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv (wordWidth platform) (typeWidth alloc_rep))
                           -- subtract the "profiling overhead", which is the
                           -- profiling header in a closure.
                           [CmmMachOp (mo_wordSub platform) [ words, mkIntExpr platform (profHdrSize profile)]]

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Setting the current cost centre on entry to a closure

enterCostCentreThunk :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
enterCostCentreThunk :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
enterCostCentreThunk CmmExpr
closure =
  FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      platform <- FCode Platform
      emit $ storeCurCCS platform (costCentreFrom platform closure)

enterCostCentreFun :: CostCentreStack -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
enterCostCentreFun :: CostCentreStack -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
enterCostCentreFun CostCentreStack
ccs CmmExpr
closure = FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    Bool -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (CostCentreStack -> Bool
isCurrentCCS CostCentreStack
ccs) (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    do platform <- FCode Platform
         (fsLit "enterFunCCS")
         [(baseExpr platform, AddrHint), (costCentreFrom platform closure, AddrHint)]
       -- otherwise we have a top-level function, nothing to do

ifProfiling :: FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling :: FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling = FCode Bool -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall (m :: * -> *). Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whenM (StgToCmmConfig -> Bool
stgToCmmSCCProfiling (StgToCmmConfig -> Bool) -> FCode StgToCmmConfig -> FCode Bool
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> FCode StgToCmmConfig

--        Initialising Cost Centres & CCSs

initCostCentres :: CollectedCCs -> FCode ()
-- Emit the declarations
initCostCentres :: CollectedCCs -> FCode ()
initCostCentres ([CostCentre]
local_CCs, [CostCentreStack]
  = FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
      (CostCentre -> FCode ()) -> [CostCentre] -> FCode ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ CostCentre -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreDecl [CostCentre]
      (CostCentreStack -> FCode ()) -> [CostCentreStack] -> FCode ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ CostCentreStack -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreStackDecl [CostCentreStack]

emitCostCentreDecl :: CostCentre -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreDecl :: CostCentre -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreDecl CostCentre
cc = do
  { ctx      <- StgToCmmConfig -> SDocContext
stgToCmmContext (StgToCmmConfig -> SDocContext)
-> FCode StgToCmmConfig -> FCode SDocContext
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> FCode StgToCmmConfig
  ; platform <- getPlatform
  ; let is_caf | CostCentre -> Bool
isCafCC CostCentre
cc = Platform -> Int -> CmmLit
mkIntCLit Platform
platform (Char -> Int
ord Char
'c') -- 'c' == is a CAF
               | Bool
otherwise  = Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
                        -- NB. bytesFS: we want the UTF-8 bytes here (#5559)
  ; label <- newByteStringCLit (bytesFS $ costCentreUserNameFS cc)
  ; modl  <- newByteStringCLit (bytesFS $ moduleNameFS
                                        $ moduleName
                                        $ cc_mod cc)
  ; loc <- newByteStringCLit $ utf8EncodeByteString $
                   renderWithContext ctx (ppr $! costCentreSrcSpan cc)
  ; let
     lits = [ Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
platform,  -- StgInt ccID,
label,          -- char *label,
modl,           -- char *module,
loc,            -- char *srcloc,
zero64,         -- StgWord64 mem_alloc
              Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
platform,  -- StgWord time_ticks
is_caf,         -- StgInt is_caf
              Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
platform   -- struct _CostCentre *link
  ; emitDataLits (mkCCLabel cc) lits

emitCostCentreStackDecl :: CostCentreStack -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreStackDecl :: CostCentreStack -> FCode ()
emitCostCentreStackDecl CostCentreStack
  = case CostCentreStack -> Maybe CostCentre
maybeSingletonCCS CostCentreStack
ccs of
    Just CostCentre
cc ->
        do platform <- FCode Platform
           let mk_lits CostCentre
cc = Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
platform CmmLit -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
                            CostCentre -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentre CostCentre
cc CmmLit -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
                            Int -> CmmLit -> [CmmLit]
forall a. Int -> a -> [a]
replicate (Platform -> Int
sizeof_ccs_words Platform
platform Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
2) (Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
                -- Note: to avoid making any assumptions about how the
                -- C compiler (that compiles the RTS, in particular) does
                -- layouts of structs containing long-longs, simply
                -- pad out the struct with zero words until we hit the
                -- size of the overall struct (which we get via DerivedConstants.h)
           emitDataLits (mkCCSLabel ccs) (mk_lits cc)
    Maybe CostCentre
Nothing -> String -> SDoc -> FCode ()
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SDoc -> a
pprPanic String
"emitCostCentreStackDecl" (CostCentreStack -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr CostCentreStack

zero :: Platform -> CmmLit
zero :: Platform -> CmmLit
zero Platform
platform = Platform -> Int -> CmmLit
mkIntCLit Platform
platform Int
zero64 :: CmmLit
zero64 :: CmmLit
zero64 = Integer -> Width -> CmmLit
CmmInt Integer
0 Width

sizeof_ccs_words :: Platform -> Int
sizeof_ccs_words :: Platform -> Int
sizeof_ccs_words Platform
    -- round up to the next word.
  | Int
ms Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Int
0   = Int
  | Bool
otherwise = Int
ws Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
ms) = PlatformConstants -> Int
pc_SIZEOF_CostCentreStack (Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform
platform) Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a)
`divMod` Platform -> Int
platformWordSizeInBytes Platform

-- | Emit info-table provenance declarations and track IPE stats.
-- Note that the stats passed to this function will (rather, should) only ever
-- contain stats for skipped STACK info tables accumulated in
-- 'generateCgIPEStub'.
initInfoTableProv :: IPEStats -> [CmmInfoTable] -> InfoTableProvMap -> DUniqSupply -> FCode (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply)
initInfoTableProv :: IPEStats
-> [CmmInfoTable]
-> InfoTableProvMap
-> DUniqSupply
-> FCode (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply)
initInfoTableProv IPEStats
stats [CmmInfoTable]
infos InfoTableProvMap
itmap DUniqSupply
  = do
       cfg <- FCode StgToCmmConfig
       let (stats', ents) = convertInfoProvMap cfg this_mod itmap stats infos
           info_table    = StgToCmmConfig -> Bool
stgToCmmInfoTableMap StgToCmmConfig
           platform      = StgToCmmConfig -> Platform
stgToCmmPlatform     StgToCmmConfig
           this_mod      = StgToCmmConfig -> GenModule Unit
stgToCmmThisModule   StgToCmmConfig
       case ents of
         [] -> (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply)
-> FCode (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply)
forall a. a -> FCode a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub)
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing, DUniqSupply
_  -> do
           -- Emit IPE buffer
           dus' <- GenModule Unit -> [InfoProvEnt] -> DUniqSupply -> FCode DUniqSupply
emitIpeBufferListNode GenModule Unit
this_mod [InfoProvEnt]
ents DUniqSupply

           -- Create the C stub which initialises the IPE map
           return (Just (stats', ipInitCode info_table platform this_mod), dus')

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Set the current cost centre stack

emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> Bool -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> Bool -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitSetCCC CostCentre
cc Bool
tick Bool
push = FCode () -> FCode ()
ifProfiling (FCode () -> FCode ()) -> FCode () -> FCode ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  do platform <- FCode Platform
     tmp      <- newTemp (ccsType platform)
     pushCostCentre tmp (cccsExpr platform) cc
     when tick $ emit (bumpSccCount platform (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))
     when push $ emit (storeCurCCS platform (CmmReg (CmmLocal tmp)))

pushCostCentre :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CostCentre -> FCode ()
pushCostCentre :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr -> CostCentre -> FCode ()
pushCostCentre LocalReg
result CmmExpr
ccs CostCentre
  = LocalReg
-> ForeignHint
-> UnitId
-> FastString
-> [(CmmExpr, ForeignHint)]
-> Bool
-> FCode ()
emitRtsCallWithResult LocalReg
result ForeignHint
        (String -> FastString
fsLit String
"pushCostCentre") [(CmmExpr
                                (CmmLit -> CmmExpr
CmmLit (CostCentre -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentre CostCentre
cc), ForeignHint

bumpSccCount :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
bumpSccCount :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
bumpSccCount Platform
platform CmmExpr
  = CmmType -> CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmAGraph
addToMem (Platform -> CmmType
rEP_CostCentreStack_scc_count Platform
         (Platform -> CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmExpr
cmmOffsetB Platform
platform CmmExpr
ccs (PlatformConstants -> Int
pc_OFFSET_CostCentreStack_scc_count (Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform
platform))) Int

--                Profiling header stuff

-- Header initialisation for static objects happens to coicincide for the
-- three uses of the header
--  * LDV profiling = 0 (era = 0, LDV_STATE_CREATE)
--  * Eras profiling = 0 (user_era = 0, ignored by profiler)
--  * Retainer profiling = 0

staticProfHeaderInit :: Platform -> CmmLit
staticProfHeaderInit :: Platform -> CmmLit
staticProfHeaderInit Platform
plat = Platform -> CmmLit
zeroCLit Platform

-- Dynamic initialisation

dynErasInit :: Platform -> CmmExpr
dynErasInit :: Platform -> CmmExpr
dynErasInit Platform
platform = Platform -> CmmExpr
loadUserEra Platform

dynLdvInit :: Platform -> CmmExpr
dynLdvInit :: Platform -> CmmExpr
dynLdvInit Platform
platform =
  MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr
CmmMachOp (Platform -> MachOp
mo_wordOr Platform
platform) [
      MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr
CmmMachOp (Platform -> MachOp
mo_wordShl Platform
platform) [Platform -> CmmExpr
loadEra Platform
platform, Platform -> Int -> CmmExpr
mkIntExpr Platform
platform (PlatformConstants -> Int
pc_LDV_SHIFT (Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform
      CmmLit -> CmmExpr
CmmLit (Platform -> Integer -> CmmLit
mkWordCLit Platform
platform (PlatformConstants -> Integer
pc_ILDV_STATE_CREATE (Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform

-- | If LDV profiling the user_era = 0
-- , if eras profiling then (ldv)era = 0, so we can initialise correctly by OR the two expressions.
dynProfInit :: Platform -> CmmExpr
dynProfInit :: Platform -> CmmExpr
dynProfInit Platform
platform = MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr
CmmMachOp (Platform -> MachOp
mo_wordOr Platform
platform) [(Platform -> CmmExpr
dynLdvInit Platform
platform), Platform -> CmmExpr
dynErasInit Platform

-- |  Initialise the profiling word of a new dynamic closure
-- * When LDV profiling is enabled (era > 0) - Initialise to the LDV word
-- * When eras profiling is enabled (user_era > 0) - Initialise to current user_era
profHeaderCreate :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profHeaderCreate :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
profHeaderCreate CmmExpr
closure = do
  platform <- FCode Platform
  let prof_header_wd = Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
profHeaderWord Platform
platform CmmExpr

  let check_ldv = CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph -> FCode CmmAGraph
mkCmmIfThenElse (MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr
CmmMachOp (Platform -> MachOp
mo_wordUGt Platform
platform) [Platform -> CmmExpr
loadEra Platform
platform, CmmLit -> CmmExpr
CmmLit (Platform -> CmmLit
zeroCLit Platform
  let check_eras = CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph -> FCode CmmAGraph
mkCmmIfThenElse (MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr
CmmMachOp (Platform -> MachOp
mo_wordUGt Platform
platform) [Platform -> CmmExpr
loadUserEra Platform
platform, CmmLit -> CmmExpr
CmmLit (Platform -> CmmLit
zeroCLit Platform
  -- Case 2: user_era > 0, eras profiling is enabled
  check_1 <- check_eras (mkStore prof_header_wd (dynErasInit platform)) mkNop
  -- Case 1: era > 0, LDV profiling is enabled
  check_2 <- check_ldv (mkStore prof_header_wd (dynLdvInit platform)) check_1
  emit check_2

-- | Called when a closure is entered, marks the closure as having
-- been "used".  The closure is not an "inherently used" one.  The
-- closure is not @IND@ because that is not considered for LDV profiling.
ldvEnterClosure :: ClosureInfo -> CmmReg -> FCode ()
ldvEnterClosure :: ClosureInfo -> CmmReg -> FCode ()
ldvEnterClosure ClosureInfo
closure_info CmmReg
node_reg = do
    platform <- FCode Platform
    let tag = Platform -> ClosureInfo -> Int
funTag Platform
platform ClosureInfo
    -- don't forget to subtract node's tag
    ldvEnter (cmmOffsetB platform (CmmReg node_reg) (-tag))

ldvEnter :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-- Argument is a closure pointer
ldvEnter :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
ldvEnter CmmExpr
cl_ptr = do
    platform <- FCode Platform
    let constants = Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform
        -- don't forget to subtract node's tag
        ldv_wd = Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
profHeaderWord Platform
platform CmmExpr
        new_ldv_wd = Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
cmmOrWord Platform
                        (Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
cmmAndWord Platform
platform (Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
cmmLoadBWord Platform
platform CmmExpr
                                             (CmmLit -> CmmExpr
CmmLit (Platform -> Integer -> CmmLit
mkWordCLit Platform
platform (PlatformConstants -> Integer
pc_ILDV_CREATE_MASK PlatformConstants
                        (Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
cmmOrWord Platform
platform (Platform -> CmmExpr
loadEra Platform
platform) (CmmLit -> CmmExpr
CmmLit (Platform -> Integer -> CmmLit
mkWordCLit Platform
platform (PlatformConstants -> Integer
pc_ILDV_STATE_USE PlatformConstants
    ifProfiling $ do
       -- if (era > 0) {
         --    LDVW((c)) = (LDVW((c)) & LDV_CREATE_MASK) |
         --                era | LDV_STATE_USE }
        emit =<< mkCmmIfThenElse (CmmMachOp (mo_wordUGt platform) [loadEra platform, CmmLit (zeroCLit platform)])
                     (mkStore ldv_wd new_ldv_wd)

loadEra :: Platform -> CmmExpr
loadEra :: Platform -> CmmExpr
loadEra Platform
platform = MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> CmmExpr
CmmMachOp (Width -> Width -> MachOp
MO_UU_Conv (Platform -> Width
cIntWidth Platform
platform) (Platform -> Width
wordWidth Platform
    [CmmExpr -> CmmType -> AlignmentSpec -> CmmExpr
CmmLoad (CLabel -> CmmExpr
mkLblExpr (FastString -> CLabel
mkRtsCmmDataLabel (String -> FastString
fsLit String
             (Platform -> CmmType
cInt Platform

loadUserEra :: Platform -> CmmExpr
loadUserEra :: Platform -> CmmExpr
loadUserEra Platform
platform = CmmExpr -> CmmType -> AlignmentSpec -> CmmExpr
CmmLoad (CLabel -> CmmExpr
mkLblExpr (FastString -> CLabel
mkRtsCmmDataLabel (String -> FastString
fsLit String
             (Platform -> CmmType
bWord Platform

-- | Takes the address of a closure, and returns
-- the address of the prof header word in the closure (this is used to store LDV info,
-- retainer profiling info and eras profiling info).
profHeaderWord :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
profHeaderWord :: Platform -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
profHeaderWord Platform
platform CmmExpr
    = Platform -> CmmExpr -> Int -> CmmExpr
cmmOffsetB Platform
platform CmmExpr
closure_ptr (PlatformConstants -> Int
pc_OFFSET_StgHeader_ldvw (Platform -> PlatformConstants
platformConstants Platform